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Brittany Petrosian Creative Writing

Unforgettable Sleepover

One night when it was cold out a group of friends had a sleepover, they were having a ton

of fun while one of the girls parents were away. Trish said “ while my parents are gone, I know

where their secret stash is.” Emily didn’t think that was such a good idea but Ashley and Emma

thought it was. They found the hidden stash and as they were pouring them into glasses the

phone rings, Emily starts getting nervous saying “ oh my god what if that’s your parents, then

your parents will tell my parents and then I won’t be able to go out anymore and” Trish says “

Emily shut up and stop overthinking, it says unknown caller ooouuu this should be a fun phone

call haha” She laughs.

Emma says “ Trish don’t be stupid I’m getting nervous now.” “Me too” says Ashley. As

soon as Trish answers the phone she makes a face and says “ oh my god I don’t know who that

was on the phone but they said that they could see us”. The girls then start to get scared, she

hung up the phone and starts laughing, “ that’s classic you guys are scaredy cats , you really

think I would be that calm if I got a phone call like that?” They were so mad because they got so

scared for no reason. Trish thought it was so funny that she couldn’t stop laughing. The three

girls dumped out their drinks in the sink and went upstairs to get their things together. Trish was

confused so she followed, “ why are you gathering your things?” said Trish. Ashley spoke for all

of them and said “what you did was absolutely wrong, we were actually all so terrified so we

aren’t gonna sit around feeling this way all night.” “ But I don’t wanna be home by myself, I

don’t feel safe” said Trish. “Well whose fault is that you wouldn’t like it if we did that to you
would you now?” says Emma. “ Yeah maybe next time you should think before you do

something” says Emily.

Trish started crying and ran out of the room.

“ Alright guys I think we might have been a little too harsh on her. I kind of feel bad

she’s really upset.” says Ashley. They all hear a big bang and then glass shatter coming from

downstairs. So they open the door to see if they can see anything. All of a sudden they see

someone run past the stairs, they were wearing all black. The three of them were trying to make

up scenarios of what or who that could have been. “Alright Trish that is enough with the games!”

says Emily. “ I don’t think that was Trish because she didn’t have black on and couldn’t have

changed because we are standing in her room,” says Ashley. So now they were very suspicious

on where Trish could have been because when Emily shouted out to her there was no response.

Nobody wanted to step foot outside of that room because they didn’t know who or what that was.

They decided to stay in the room because Trish had to walk in at sometime, but they kept the

door open so they could see if she passed by the stairs.

As they were waiting for Trish to appear they heard another loud bang come from

downstairs, so they looked out the door and right next to Trish’s room was the bathroom, they

all of a sudden saw the bathroom door open. There was Trish standing in the doorway looking

concerned, “ Emily thought that you were downstairs making those noises and knocking things

over” said Ashley. “That wasn’t me I’ve been in the bathroom the whole time thinking about

everything I thought it was you guys downstairs, because I thought you were mad at me.” said
Trish. As they were trying to figure out who was downstairs they heard a big bang once again, “

If this is a joke that you're playing on us say it already and we won’t be mad.” said Emma. “ I

swear this time it is not me because I'm just as scared as you guys I don’t know who it is” said

Trish. All of a sudden Ashley decided to look outside the door while everyone was talking and

she went into complete shock like she had seen a ghost, she wanted to say something to the girls

but what she wanted to say just wouldn’t come out of her mouth. “ What’s wrong Ashley you

look like you’ve seen a ghost” , the girls laughed. But Ashley wouldn’t even blink so finally

Trish was wondering what she was staring at and turned around and it was unbelievable what she

saw, it was a man dressed in all black standing at the end of the stairs just staring at them. As

soon as Trish saw that she pushed all the girls in her room including herself slammed the door

shut and locked it , started yelling at the girls to get anything they could that was heavy enough

to block the door.

The girls were terrified and didn’t know what to do. They all tried to call their parents

but nobody was answering their phones, and none of their other friends that they texted thought

they were all pulling a prank. Nobody wanted to help them because everyone thought it was all

fake, the girls started to get upset and Trish said “ We can’t sit here and cry about this we need to

figure this out ourselves we can do that if we work together”. So the girls started to brainstorm

ideas on how to get out of the room without the guy knowing. While the girls were talking the

guy was listening through the door, they didn’t think that he was standing there but he was. He

knew exactly what their plan was. The girls decided to go with them plan which was they were

going to jump out the window onto the roof , but a soon as Trish was going to open the window

Emma freaked out and said “ WAITTTTT , we can’t do this because I have a bad feeling that
he’s out there , I feel like he heard us talking about this. Can’t we hide in your closet or

something.” So the girls tried but then realized that they all couldn’t fit in that one closet, they

ended up not going in the closet so they had to come up with a better plan. “HURRY UP, HE'S

COMING!!!!!!!!!!” They all were so scared that they started to turn on each other, it was too

much for them to handle. “ We have to work together and stop arguing, in order to get things

done the right way and it’s not gonna be by fighting.” Trish said in a low voice.

“ Well we wouldn’t be in this position if we weren’t staying at your house, I’m not gonna

argue but just stating the facts,” said Ashley.

Trish ended up getting upset and starting to walk into the corner and said “ I’m sorry

guys, but you are my only friends and you guys understand me I know I can be a pain sometimes

but I really do have a good time with you guys.” Emma said “ seriously Ashley you had to bring

that up right now we are going through something we can talk about this at another point in time,

right now that isn’t even important. We need to focus and stick together. Now Trish just breathe

nobody hates you or anything we just wish this didn’t happen.” The girls started to hear noises

and the huddled together scared as ever.





At that point Trish put her hand over Emily’s mouth because they heard him right outside

the door and saw his feet, Trish whispers “ Nobody move or make a sound be quiet”. They had

the window open in the room so Emma thought of the right thing to do. She ended up taking a
notebook and decided to throw it out the window so he thought they were jumping out of the

window and he believed it at first and started to run down the stairs. They all started to cry

because they were so scared and emotionally drained but they knew that they had to keep going

and fighting because only they could get out of this situation. Emma laid on the floor by the door

so that she could see if he came back up the stairs, Ashley stayed by the window to see if he went

to go check outside and Trish was trying to calm down Emily before she lost it. “ I see him, he

believed us, he really thought it was us , we need to go like now. Should we go one by one?” “

Are you crazy?! We need to stick together. We can't separate have you seen horror movies

before?”said Trish.

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