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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


St Martin De Porres St., Brookside Hills Subd., Brgy. Muntindilaw, Antipolo City

A C T I V I T Y S H E E T #___1__
Name:_________________________________________ Subject:____________________________
Date:________________ Section:_______________________________________
Week/Lesson:_______________________ Score:_______________

Learning Competency & Code:

Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in a material viewed. (EN8VC-IIIf-19)
MELC 11: Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

I. Directions: Read a story entitled ‘MAKATO AND THE COWRIE SHELL” (Thai Folktale) and answer the
questions. (8 points)

Makato and the Cowrie Shell

A young boy named Makato was an orphan, and did not have any way to support himself, so he
worked hard doing whatever jobs that he could to survive. He was a very hard worker, and people
noticed that. He would dream of going on an adventure to a bigger place were kind, and he was
encouraged to do that. One day, when had prepared enough, he set out. It took him months to get to the
bigger town, and when he arrived, he asked a woman for water. He told her that he had come such a
long way because he wanted to see the king, who he had heard was kind. She worked with the king’s
elephants and he started working for her After some time working, he did encounter the king, and during
the encounter he picked up a cowrie shell that was lying on the road and offered it to the king (Cowrie
shells were used for money, but just one was practically worthless). When Makato offered the shell to
the King, the King said he could keep it, and so Makato pondered what he could do to honor the king’s
gift. He saw some lettuce seeds at a stall in the market and thought that he could grew them. He asked
the woman about them, and she let him as many as would stick to his finger in return for his treasured
cowrie shell. He grew the lettuces, and next time he saw the king, He gave him one to him, telling him he
grew them from the shell the king had given him. The king was impressed, gave him a job in the castle,
and he eventually grew up and married the daughter of the king.

1. Do you like the story? Why? _____________________________________________________________
2. What situation in the story had you also experienced? ________________________________________
3.What does one get from reading story? ____________________________________________________
4. Is the video clip/story worth watching? Explain. _____________________________________________
In this lesson, we are expected to examine the author's bias and categorize it whether he/she is biased
for/towards or biased against someone or something. This will also help us recognize the relevance of the
author's biases or worth of ideas to our own stand based on the assumptions he presented in his/her work.

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Statements Agree Disagree Comment or Explanation

1. Children should be involved in

family decision making.
2. Minors need to work to help
with family needs.
3. People need to be vaccinated
to prevent various diseases.
4. Parents has the right to monitor
your phone calls and social media
5. Putting tracking devices on
students’ ID Cards
Directions: Let's find out which of the statements below you would side with. Be prepared to explain
your perspective on why it was chosen.

In this activity we found out your opinion on various topics in which you stated the side you are in favor
or not in favor of. It simply shows that we have biased for / toward or biased against someone or something.

Learning Task 1: Read the statements carefully. Identify whether the author/speaker is biased
for/toward or biased against someone or something. Put a check (/) mark on the statement indicating that the
author is in favor of the message being conveyed and cross (X) mark on the message or idea he / she is not in
_________ 1. The youth is the hope of our future. - Jose Rizal
_________ 2. With proper governance, life will improve for all. - Benigno Aquino III
_________ 3. A broken immigration system means broken families and broken lives. - Jose Antonio Vargas
_________ 4. I don't like this kind of life where every month you are faced with some kind of a coup. - Jejomar
_________ 5. I want every Filipino woman empowered with information regarding all options available to her
regarding family planning. - Lea Salonga

Learning Task 2: Analyze the editorial cartoon below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the editorial cartoon about? ______________________________________________________
2. What issue is shown in this editorial cartoon? _______________________________________________
3. State the stance of the cartoonist in creating it? _____________________________________________
4. Describe the biases depicted in the editorial cartoon by completing the sentence below.
A. Bias for/toward (in favor of) __________________________because ____________________________.
B. Bias against (not in favor of__________________________because ________________________.

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A significant part of evaluating an author’s ethos (convincing the audience that he/she is a credible
source and is worth listening to) is identifying that author’s bias (inclined to favor one side over another).

Bias is any opinion that influences a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. An author/speaker can be:
• biased against something (lean negatively against it); or
• have a bias for/toward something (lean favorably or positively toward it).
“Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect
women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays
men as oppressive and callous exploiters.”
― Camille Paglia
(The author/speaker has a bias for/towards gender equality. On the other hand, the author/speaker biased
against the thinking which describes men as oppressive and reckless exploiters.)

How to determine what an author’s bias is:

Learning Task 3: Examine the sets of statements or opinions below. Then, categorize the following whether
the speaker/author is biased for or against someone/something. Explain why.

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INSTRUCTIONS: Read the statements below. Then, point out the ideas that favor the author and those that

1. Nations will rise and fall, but equality remains the ideal. The universal aim is to achieve respect for the entire
human race, not for the dominant few. ― Carlos P. Romulo
A. Bias for/toward (in favor of) _______________________________________________________________
B. Bias against (not in favor of _______________________________________________________________
2. Love should have no alternatives; love should be the sole reason for loving; love should spring of itself. ―
Nick Joaquín
A. Bias for/toward (in favor of) _______________________________________________________________
B. Bias against (not in favor of) _______________________________________________________________
3. I want our people to be like a Molave tree, strong and resilient, standing on the hillsides, unafraid of the
rising tide, lighting and the storm, confident of its strength. ― Manuel L. Quezon
A. Bias for/toward (in favor of) _______________________________________________________________
B. Bias against (not in favor of) _______________________________________________________________

REFLECTION: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that __________________________________________________________________________

I realize that _____________________________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about __________________________________________________________________

PERFORMANCE TASK 1: Cut an article from a newspaper or magazine that contains author’s bias and paste
it in a separate sheet of paper. Read the article carefully. Then, identify the bias you have analyzed. Write a
five-sentence explanation to prove your point.
Note: If you have a way to connect to the Internet, you may search on it.

Student’s Signature: _________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name and Signature: ________________

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MELC 12: Analyze intention of words or expressions used in propaganda techniques
Enabling Competency: Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text.
Social Media is the fastest means to encourage people to use a product or wonder a fantastic place.
See the pictures below and differentiate how the two countries promote their place. Write 5 sentences on their
differences in your notebook.

In the illustrations given, the two countries used a technique to influence and encourage an audience or
attract tourists to visit their place by presenting beautiful things about their place and using catchy language in
order to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.
Guess the name of the product/ service based on the given tagline.

In this activity, we knew that advertisers use a propaganda technique by creating a tagline that will
catch our attention and will likely influence us to buy the product or use their service.
Learning Task 1: Match the advertisement in Column A with the advertisement which is almost the
same in Column B. Draw a line to connect them, then state their similarities.

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•Information that is used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
•Usually one-sided information intended to either to support or threaten a view
•Appeals to emotion rather than intellect

Basic Propaganda Techniques

1. Bandwagon
- persuading consumers by telling them that others are doing the same thing

2. Testimonial
- when a product is sold by using words from famous people or authority figures
- may also use some who aren’t famous but who claim to have used the product successfully to obtain
their goals.

3. Repetition
- when the product’s name is repeated at least four times in the ad

4. Emotional words
- words that will make a consumer feel strongly about someone or something are used

5. Name Calling
- the use of names that evoke fear or hatred in the viewer
- It links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol.
- The most obvious type of name calling involved ―bad names.
Ex. Racist, dictator, communist, etc.
Source: SDO Tayabas LE

Learning Task 2: Identify what propaganda strategy is used in the following advertisements.

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Learning Task 4: Study the poster below then, answer the questions given.
1. What does the picture depict? ______________________________________
2. Why do you think the frontliner is used in the picture?____________________

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3. What is the message of this picture? _________________________________
4. What propaganda strategy is used in this poster? ______________________
5. Do you think the purpose of this poster is achieved? Explain your answer.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the appropriate answer to the following questions. Write your answer on the space
_____1. Who usually use propaganda techniques?
a. Advertisers b. Media c. Politicians d. All of the above
_____2. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of propaganda technique?
a. convince b. inform c. persuade d. influence
_____3. Which propaganda strategy uses words like everyone, everybody, all or in some cases nobody?
a. Testimonial b. Bandwagon c. Repetition d. Name Calling
_____4. What propaganda strategy is used in this advertisement?

a. Testimonial b. Emotional Words c. Bandwagon d. Name Calling

5. Is the propaganda used in the above picture effective? Why or why not?


I understand that __________________________________________________________________________

I realize that _____________________________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about __________________________________________________________________

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PERFORMANCE TASK 2: Based on the propaganda strategies presented, create a poster that will convince
everyone to be cautious with Covid-19. It will be graded based on the poster below.

Student’s Signature: _________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name and Signature: ________________

Prepared by: Anna Joy C. Asilo- SDO Tayabas City/ Elaine C. Salayo & Michaella R. Rada- SDO Tayabas City

Telephone Number : (02) 8880 3453

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Checked by: Maria Madel C. Rubia-Head Teacher III

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