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This will be a glorious month with so much opportunity heading your way. All the planets are
on the western side of your chart, so the people near you will lead and provide all the
motivation and momentum you need to grasp a goal. It all starts with the new moon in Pisces,
12 degrees, on March 2, lighting your seventh house of commitment. It may be that you’re
thinking about bringing a partner into your business, or you might need to hire an agent,
manager, accountant, a lawyer with a certain specialty, a wedding planner, career coach or
job broker, or event consultant. All are examples of individuals you might align with now.
The seventh house is contractual, one where you make a serious promise to a partner,
and the partner makes a promise to you. If you need to sign a contract this month, go
right ahead—if possible, sign on March 4 or 5. If you are not interested in joining forces
with or hiring a person for your business, you may be getting mighty serious about someone
you are dating. The stars are twinkling brightly in a velvet sky overhead with planets
amazingly friendly. In a month this special, anything is possible. If you are already
married, your husband or wife will have superb news to share, and that news will
benefit you both.

The reason I’m excited about this new moon is that it will arrive tightly aligned with good-
fortune Jupiter in your house of serious partnership and marriage. That’s not all—Uranus, the
planet of surprise, is playing a big role in this new moon’s energies, so whatever comes up
will be a surprise to you. Uranus is divinely angled to this new moon, so all indications are
that it will bring unexpected, possibly thrilling news. Keep in mind that a new moon is
influential for six months, but strongest in the two weeks that follow its appearance.
You should see some sort of partnership development in March, for this is one of the very
best new moons of the year. Wait—there’s so much more! The Luckiest Day of the Year is
March 5, with an area of influence of plus or minus one day, March 4 and March 6. The fact
that it falls after the new moon of March 2 is significant because the new moon will boost this
magical day even more. On this outstanding day, expansive, benefic Jupiter will meet with
the mighty Sun in your seventh house of committed relationships. If this is your wedding day,
you chose a magnificent day to promise your love forever. Jupiter will not meet with the Sun
again in Pisces, your seventh house of marriage, for 12 more years. On the very next day,
Sunday, March 6, Venus and Mars will conjoin. These two are called the cosmic lovers in
astrology, for when they meet, they set off powerful sparks of love. See what comes up that
Sunday—something special could certainly happen. If you are invited to a party, by all
means, accept. There is another way this could work out, for Venus and Mars are meeting in
your sixth house of work projects and health, so someone at work or the gym may notice you
—little cherubs trained by Cupid will be out and about ready to zing their arrows to your
heart. You may meet someone while at the gym or playing sports. Or you could meet
someone working in IT (Venus and Mars will meet in Aquarius, which rules all things newly
invented—the digital world). Aquarius is a humanistic sign, so there’s always the possibility
you would meet while working on a political campaign, a rally, or a charity benefit. Although
the stars You currently have the very best marriage aspects of any sign of the zodiac. This
golden forecast will be in place until May 10 and then return from October’ s end until
December 20, thanks to the visit of Jupiter in Pisces. December will be your better end-of-
year month. ” are favoring those who are attached, you can now find “marriage material”—
someone who wants the same things you do and would want to build a life together. Your
most romantic month was last month, but the first week of March will be very special, too.
Venus and Mars will still be orbiting as if skating a beautiful duet. They are in Capricorn, a
lovely place for you, and circling in your fifth house of true love. If you are married or
attached, you will be focused quite a bit on your partner in the first half of the month—that
will change at the full moon in Virgo, 28 degrees, on March 18. Indeed, as a Virgo, you
always put others first, so this full moon will coax you to voice your own opinions and
desires, and others will listen. (All full moons are powerful until they fully wane—it takes
five days.) There is another dazzling lunation—Pluto will support the Sun and full moon,
opening the door to renewal and rejuvenation. Uranus will be friendly to Mercury, so take a
vacation this month or start to plan one that you will take later. Like everything else that
happens this month, the news will come from a partner or middleman, such as an agent or
executive recruiter. Mars is about to bring lots of activity to your work life, and if you have
projects going on at home, you’ll be making lists there, too. Things are going well, though—
no worries in this merry month of March. When it comes to career advancement, you have
two spectacular days to watch. The first one will arrive on March 17, when Mercury, your
ruler and governor of your solar tenth house of fame and honors, will line up with Uranus, the
planet of surprise, bringing the likelihood of a new project out of the blue. The energy of the
full moon the next day will enlarge this aspect and heighten emotions, for this full moon is in
Virgo. The Mercury-Uranus combination will color the full moon most beautifully. The
second day for exceptional career progress will occur when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck,
will meet with Mercury. It appears a professional middleman—lawyer, agent, publicist, head
of human resources, job broker, or even a job website, as some examples—will be the most
likely trigger of the good news on March 20. Choose this perfect day for an interview or
presentation. Virgo is known to be talented at communication. More good news will

arrive as a result of the new moon in Aries that will fall at the very end of the
month, March 31 (or April 1, depending on your time zone). This new moon will open
the door for more money that seems to come as a commission, royalty, bonus,
advertising sponsorship, generous divorce or court settlement, inheritance, infusion of
venture capital, bank loan, tax rebate or tax refund, or other means that will allow a large sum
to come to you. You work so hard, dear Virgo—someone has noticed, and it’s reward time
for you. Next month, I will fill you in on this new moon, which will be influential for months,
but strongest in April.


Your partner will provide all the motivation you need to be excited about the
coming months, and possibly years, ahead. You currently have the very best marriage
aspects of any sign of the zodiac. This golden forecast will be in place until May 10 and then
return from October’s end until December 20, thanks to the visit of Jupiter in Pisces.
December will be your better end of-year month—from late October until November 23,
Jupiter will be retrograde, so November 23 to December 20 will be your best period. If you
are single and serious about the person you are dating, you may now get engaged and start
planning your wedding. If you are already wed, you will begin to see your partner do
exceedingly well at work and prosper financially. You will soon notice that your partner is
filled with a renewed sense of optimism that you may not have seen in recent months. If you
have felt in limbo lately, not able to move forward on any of the dreams you had discussed
with your significant other, the new moon of March 2 may bring you a reason to go back to
that goal and work on it together. The new moon of March 2 will begin this powerful trend
that will continue in the days, weeks, and months to follow. This is one of the best and
happiest new moons of 2022. This lovely trend need not be directed toward marriage and
romance. You may use this energy to create a winning business association. For example,
you may be ready to sign a new agent, publicist, accountant, lawyer, business partner,
wedding planner, wardrobe stylist, career coach, lawyer, or another expert whose expertise
will help you achieve your goals more easily. If this is the way this month works out for you
—that is, to join forces with a person in a business sense—the indications are that you will be
pleased with this person’s performance. The union of the two of you is likely to turn out to be
very profitable. While the new moon of March 2 will focus you outward toward one or more
partners, at the full moon of March 18 in Virgo, your attention will go inward, for you to
think about, and possibly state, your own needs. Something of enormous importance to you
will come to a culmination at this time. Watch to see what it is—it will crystalize what you
value most at this point in your life. This full moon of March 18 will bring you a reason for
hope for a happier future. This is true even if the pandemic and its variants keep raging and
mess up your best-laid plans. You will have so many exciting things to look forward to
enjoying that you will not let anything, not even a pandemic, get you down. Listen to the
scientists and medical authorities, do what they recommend, and move forward with your
excellent future. On this full moon, March 18, Uranus will send a friendly signal to your ruler
Mercury, bringing the possibility of a trip, possibly arranged spontaneously. Give the full
moon a plus five days to deliver its message. Or the news may involve a media assignment,
fortunate information about your attendance in college or graduate school, or a legal matter.
Your everyday work life will be busy, but you may not mind because you seem to enjoy the
work so much. If you are selfemployed, clients or customers will pour in, and business will
be brisk. If you work for others, you will quickly prove that you are indispensable—your
hard work will pay off, and a promotion may be offered to you at the end of May. Working
hard may have another unintended bonus—if single and not dating, you may become
interested and smitten with an attractive person working in IT or the digital department. With
Venus and Mars having a rare meeting in Aquarius—your work- a-day sector—Cupid may
fly over you at work and aim his arrow of love. Be open to possibilities, for when Venus and
Mars are finally together, their job is to set off sparks of first love. This could be interesting
and the start of something new

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