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February will be a more active, productive month than you experienced in January. Venus

was retrograde all month, having started to retrograde on December 19 and finally going

direct on January 29. This alone is good news—Venus rules beauty, fun, and love—and all

these areas were languishing, but Venus will begin to ramp up her energy to her former

strength now. This is fortunate, for Venus is regulating her speed in time for Valentine’s Day.

Your outlook for love will be spectacular, and I will give you those details a little later in

your report. Last month, your progress may have slowed for another reason. Your ruling

planet Mercury went retrograde on January 14, not to go direct until February 3. You will feel

a surge of energy once Mercury is regulated, almost instantly, and the pace will pick up

noticeably. No more delays or calls to the IT people to fix your department’s computer or

other equipment that breaks down. Mercury retrograded in your work-a-day assignment

sector, the place where most of the delays likely took place. All that is over once you get to

February 3. You can now sign contracts and start life again. The new moon of February 1 in

Aquarius, 12 degrees, could bring an important, weighty assignment that may lead you down

a new path. Aquarius is a futuristic sign, so the project may involve the digital world, science,

medicine, gaming, or automotive—all things innovative. A new moon sets up a trend that is

not just for a day, but one that extends for weeks and months ahead, and the universe will

hand you the white envelope to tell you what’s in store. If you work for a company, you

won’t have to change jobs to get this new project. If you are self-employed, the assignment

could come in the form of a new client. Uranus will be at hard angle to the Sun and new

moon, so you might have an unexpected obstacle that you will have to untangle. Your ninth

house is involved, so the problem may have to do with a foreign relationship or overseas job.

For example, you may have a shipment that gets stuck in customs, and you will need to find a

way to have it released. Or instead, a supply chain problem may cause havoc behind the
scenes, and you might have to scramble to find a solution to satisfy a throng of customers.

Some sort of unanticipated problem is likely to come up, but it’s hard to guess what it could

be—Uranus always brings something you wouldn’t have imagined possible. In addition to

Uranus’ hard angle to the Sun and new moon, Saturn is conjunct to both as well, and that is a

weighty influence. This suggests there will be lots to learn, and an older, experienced, high-

level person will be looking over your shoulder continually to teach you the ropes in a new

area. You’ve hosted Saturn in this, your sixth house assignment sector, for a

little over a year so far, and you have one year to go. (After that, you won’t

host Saturn in this part of your chart for 28 years, not until 2050.) What is

entirely different now is that Saturn is conjunct February’s new moon and the Sun, which will

add attention to Saturn’s presence. Saturn is the natural ruler of your fifth house (Capricorn),

so you may be asked to work on a highly creative project and to make a large

contribution to its style. You will need to add structure to the overall process (due to

Capricorn’s influence) and integrate new elements into the project (that’s the new moon

in Aquarius speaking). It’s good to tackle hard assignments—that’s how you make a

name for yourself, dear Virgo. That’s the best way to be able to stand apart from the crowd.

Thursday, February 24, . . . should be a romantic day for you, perhaps one woven in golden

threads that you will remember for a very long time. For you, dear Virgo, the whole month of

February seems to be filled with multiple Valentine ’ s Days, a month when whether you ’re

married or single, you can feel embraced in the warmth of genuine love. ” You and I have

been talking about work assignments because your sixth house is so lit up. The sixth house

also rules the steps you take to keep yourself healthy, and this is usually a favorite interest

of yours. As a Virgo, you tend to be careful about what you eat and getting plenty of

exercise. If any sign knows how to tenderly care for their body, it’s you. You teach the rest of

the signs how it’s done. Now, however, with Saturn pressing on you in your sixth house of
work and health during the coming year, and especially this month, you need to be careful

not to overdo it. Virgo works hard and accomplishes more in a week than almost any sign

can do in a month. Sometimes your sense of time drops away, and you have no idea how long

you’ve been working. That’s when you go into overdrive. Compounding things, when Saturn

is traveling through the sixth house, as you have, it is hard to hire full-time or part-time

workers to help carry some of the load, and if you find the people you want, their salary and

benefits demands may not fit into the company’s budget. That could mean you will be

called on to do double the work. The situation won’t improve until Saturn leaves to go

to Pisces next year on March 7, 2023. To deal with this, if you do need to hire people part-

time or full time, ask everyone you know to recommend the right person. Save résumés that

are sent to you and keep a file that you can peruse when you need to hire. Of course,

many online job sites can help too, and it starts with listing what you need as well as what

you are willing to provide the candidate. New York State, for example, has a new law going

into effect this month that requires employers to include the salary range in their job posts.

(It’s an effort to end salary inequality, although this rule, so new, it is being challenged by

some groups because the pay is contingent on experience, skill, education, attitude, ability to

fit into the team, and more.) When you’re finished reading your report, look at this article that

Neil Patel wrote for Inc. magazine: “When, How, and How Often to Take a Break,” with the

subheading: “Taking breaks will help you increase productivity and avoid burnout. This is

how you do it.” Although experts vary, most agree, you should take regular breaks. Neil Patel

writes about a study done on this topic: “DeskTime tracked their 40,000 users, and found that

a 17-minute break every 52 minutes was the sweet spot for productivity.” This conclusion, at

the core, is based on the natural ultradian rhythms in the human body. It’s interesting.

(Ultradian rhythms are cycles of less than 24 hours.) Now let’s move on to the full moon in

Leo, 28 degrees, to appear on February 16, which will also emphasize your health and
well-being. The place in your chart that will be lit up is your solar twelfth house, an area of

enormous creativity, for it will send stimulation to your subconscious where a great deal

of creativity lies. The caveat is that you must work by yourself, alone in solitude without

distractions, if you are to achieve the most impressive results. The peacefulness of

working alone may appeal to you. This is also the primary part of the chart that rules

psychology, so now would be the perfect time to consult a licensed therapist to gain a

different perspective on anything that may be weighing on your mind. Now let’s talk about

Valentine’s Day, February 14. Some readers may think this is only a greeting card holiday,

but, dear Virgo, keep an open mind—this day, this year has the potential to be quite

wonderful. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is currently in your seventh house of

marriage and serious partnerships, and this is the first time Jupiter has visited this part of your

chart in over a decade. This part of the chart (seventh house) is not associated with the start of

new love but rather with the commitment of serious love through marriage. This energy can

be used in business too, if you decide to join forces with someone who has the expertise you

need to get ahead. The seventh house usually requires a written covenant to seal the promises

made. Here is why I am so excited about this year’s day for lovers. Valentine’s Day falls on

February 14, close to February 17, when benefic Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus

will be in sextile (able to set off an exciting opportunity). These are slow-moving planets, so

you will feel the exciting fireworks they can create as early as February 14. This is a rare

aspect and a major feature of 2022, known to bring breakthroughs and reasons for hope

and optimism. It will happen only once this year, on February 17, and then not again until

July 21, 2026. Jupiter’s position in your marriage house makes this the very best time for

Virgo to wed. If you are already married, your spouse will do well this year, and the

prosperity and feeling of financial security will give both of you options for things you

can do that were out of the question before. (Soon, from mid-May onward, your fortunes
will rise, too.) The fact that Jupiter and Uranus will be in sync suggests you may give—or

receive—a surprise proposal for marriage. As an aside, you may be able to use the interplay

between Jupiter and Uranus differently, to join forces with a colleague or expert to help

you in business. You may work with a new accountant, lawyer, agent, or business partner, or

you might hire the ideal wedding planner or live-in nanny—these are examples to get you

thinking. On this day, you may find the perfect person for you, quite unexpectedly. This

would happen on February 17, but you could feel and use this energy from February 14 to

February 18. Going back to romance, there are more reasons why I feel you will enjoy this

year’s Valentine’s Day and likely experience fun and/or love all month. You now have Mars

traveling in your fifth house of true love for the first time in two years, and remarkably, Mars

will be traveling there with his sweetheart Venus, both in Capricorn, a sign that blends

perfectly with your Virgo Sun. Just having Mars in your fifth house this month would have

been reason enough for celebration, for Mars will stimulate your chances for romance. With

Mars and his lover Venus traveling together, well, that brings things to an entirely new

heavenly level. These two lovebird planets will meet in conjunction on the full moon of

February 16 but will be within mathematical significance (onehalf a degree apart) on

Valentine’s Day. Cupid and his little fleet of angels will be on a mission to help you find love

—or to enjoy the love you’ve already found. Mars and Venus adore being together, but that

only happens for a brief moment, once a year if we are lucky—often, this doesn’t happen for

two years. Mars will give you the courage to put yourself “out there.” With your extra

heaping of self-confidence from Mars, your attractiveness will automatically increase.

Meanwhile, Venus in Capricorn will heighten your charm, and when you have the help of

both Venus and Mars, you become a double threat. Ha, ha, a note to my foreign readers—

being a double threat means you would be unstoppable—well ahead of the competition. Dear

Virgo, you have everything you need to find love, and if you have already found your one
truelove, you will see it deepen, diving to the bottom of the sea of love. Furthermore, if you

are single, having Jupiter in your marriage house through the first half of May (and then

again in November until December 20, 2022) can be good news, too. Jupiter will help you

find substantial types, the kind of person you could imagine being married to someday. Of

course, if you are committed and married or in an established relationship, this is your year to

enjoy that to the fullest. If you are single, your best chances to meet someone new would be

while you are working on that big project that seems to be on the way to you in early

February. (The meeting could happen over Zoom, so don’t discount that.) Being involved

with work is likely to be your best way to meet, but you might also meet someone at the gym

(if you go there—many people are still wary of going to the gym during the pandemic). I also

feel you might meet when you are playing sports. Those are just ideas I gleaned from your

chart, but there are other possibilities based on your chart, too. If we weren’t having a

pandemic, raging with continual variants, I would recommend traveling to a resort to meet a

romantic interest. If you do travel, check infection rates in your part of the country and at

your destination. I was thinking about how enchanting travel would be for you on February 8,

for you have a gorgeous aspect, Mars trine Uranus, triggering spontaneous travel and a touch

of luxury when you get there. Alternatively, with Uranus in your ninth house, you might meet

someone who was born in another country and now lives in your country, possibly in your

very own neighborhood. Cupid might strike that way. Finally, you have one more red-letter

day, Thursday, February 24, when Venus and Neptune will be in sync, linking your house of

true love and commitment. This should be a romantic day for you, perhaps one woven in

golden threads that you will remember for a very long time. For you, dear Virgo, the whole

month of February seems to be filled with multiple Valentine’s Days, a month when whether

you’re married or single, you can feel embraced in the warmth of genuine love. One parting

word—I get many letters from readers about having a child. This would be your best month
to try for conception or to see a fertility specialist. This is showing up very clearly in your

chart. If having a child is not on your wish list, then use this lovely energy to nurture your

creativity, also covered by your glowing fifth house.


You are in the mood for fun and love, so indulge in the social scene, dear Virgo. Mars is

zooming through Capricorn in your house of true love, and he’s brought his lover Venus with

him. These two lovebirds always long to be together, but due to their different orbit lengths,

they usually find themselves at opposite ends of the universe. Most of the time, all they can

do is gaze at one another across a star-studded sky, with Venus blowing kisses to her

sweetheart Mars. February is rare and different— they both will support you with all they

have to give. This means if you are single, you have the ideal month to circulate. Your chart

is singing the songs of the values of a more balanced, richly emotional life and supportive of

your greatest dreams, so push back from your desk and see what the world has to offer—

apparently, a lot! Your best place to meet someone new is at a small social event or the

office, and this person could be someone who works in finance and considered to be on

your level. If you are attached, you and your significant other can find new ways to go out

and have fun—so take full advantage and cook up plans together. You have Jupiter, the giver

of gifts and luck, in your commitment/marriage sector, and both surprise-a-minute Uranus

and active Mars will be in talks with Jupiter, the planet of happiness and good fortune. A

marriage proposal may come up suddenly. If you are in love, there appears to be no reason to

wait. If you are already wed, you’ll likely hear surprise news from your spouse—it’s all good.

February would be a wonderful time to become betrothed, or if you are already wed, to

celebrate the love you already have with an exciting trip or dinner out in a special occasion

restaurant. This also will be the right month to buy new things to wear and to find ways to

polish your appearance. You have such a supportive Venus now, and that matters when it
comes to creating good looks. Ask your hairstylist for advice, or visit your dermatologist or

makeup advisor. If you go to beauty experts you trust, you can easily elevate your look, and

you’ll likely love the results. Venus is no longer retrograde as she had been in January, and

Mercury, your ruler, goes direct on February 3, so you are close to having an open road with

blue skies ahead. Valentine’s Day is February 14, close enough to fall under the spell of the

glorious full moon in fun, luxury-loving Leo on February 16. This almost ensures you will

have a happy “day for lovers.” Venus and Mars will be drawing unusually close to each other

at the time of the full moon, heightening emotions. The full moon is close enough on

Valentine’s Day to provide pretty fireworks for you in the night sky. Meanwhile, against this

romantic backdrop, your workplace will become busier and more interesting when a new

assignment lands on your desk. You will be asked to delve into a new and innovative area

and to contribute your taste and style to it, too. The new moon in Aquarius on February 1 will

require a focused approach. This particular assignment will have the power to give you

valuable experience in new technology, medicine, science, or another field known for

forward-thinking research. The ancient astrologers wisely placed work projects in the same

sector as health, so make it a point to take small breaks throughout the day. Fortunately, as a

Virgo you are naturally keyed to eating nutritiously, getting enough sleep, and exercising. If

you have not had your annual physical exam, make your appointment early in the month. A

new technical device or new medicine might help you solve a chronic problem that you’d

love to banish. Investigate your health options this month, perhaps by getting a second

opinion. After two weeks of lots of joyous, jazzed social activity, you may want to retreat to

enjoy rest and privacy, prompted by the full moon, February 16, still strong in the five days to

follow. Plan to see the one you love on Saturday, February 24, when Venus and Neptune

send sparkly rays to each other, spinning an evening of glamour and magic for just the two of
you. Attached Virgos have the edge on this date, so be sure to make reservations. It’s time for

a night out

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