Infrastructure Work

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Occupational Safety, Health and

MG- 001
Environment Management System

Safety and environment instructions during networking work

First: Excavation work for networks

• The following factors on the site must be taken into account in order for the
excavation process to be carried out safely:
• Traffic, soil, weather
• Proximity to any buildings and the condition of these buildings
• Water on the surface of the earth and groundwater
• Underground utilities and suspended utilities such as power cables
• Before starting any excavation, the locations of the rest of the utilities (electricity, water
sewage, telephone cable, etc.) must be located so that they are avoided during excavation
• No worker shall operate or use any of the drilling equipment unless he is qualified and
trained to work on it and knows all the risks arising from it
• It is necessary to ensure that all employees are available and wear the PPE
• It is necessary to ensure the availability of all site security tools (night work
lanterndirectional boards - traffic funnel - warning tape, etc.)
• If the work area crosses the path of a traffic road, you must, before starting work
conduct a traffic study to divert the traffic lane in a way that does not conflict with the
safety and security of the work area
• Before starting the excavation work, it is necessary to ascertain the nature of the soil
( sandy - clay - rocky)
• Use the appropriate equipment for the nature of the soil
• If the excavation is at a depth of more than 6 feet , the following must be followed :
• The necessity of placing wooden supports on the sides of the excavation, or that the
excavation is tilted to a degree not exceeding 30 degrees
• The need to raise the waste excavation first hand
• The excavation residues should be at least 1 meter away from the sides of the
• The need for the supervisors not to stand directly on the sides of the excavation
• Vehicles and equipment of the company must always be in the direction of the wind and
the front of the vehicles in the direction of exit
• If the excavation is adjacent to a road that heavy transport vehicles pass through or next
to railways, it is preferable that the excavation be supported by wooden supports so as
not to cause a collapse of the soil as a result of the vibrations resulting from the conduct
of various means of transportation
• If the excavation is close to a slope or a secondary road curve, it must be equipped with
guiding signs and lighting lanterns for night work (flashers) to warn cars that they have a
work area in front of them
• Drilling shall be stopped if any facility is exposed to permanent or temporary dan ger
• In the case of night work, do not forget to wear a phosphorescent jacket to protect you
from the danger of cars hitting you if you cross the street
• During backfilling, make sure that the pits are free of equipment and personnel

From Page number 1 issue number

3 1 2022/10 Release Date
Occupational Safety, Health and
MG- 001
Environment Management System

Safety and environment instructions during networking work

• Make sure that the soil is good and free of stones and serrated objects, and the necessity
of placing warning tapes (gas hazard)
• is forbidden to move any cable inside the pits, and in case of necessity, the competent
department must be contacted to send a representative to supervise the work

Second: Working on the roads or in the open places

1. Putting warning signs and signs on the sides of the pits to protect workers as well as
pedestrians and cars
2. All appropriate traffic signs must be placed for work
3. In the case of digging at night, phosphorous cones must be used, as well as appropriate
warning lighting lanterns, and phosphorous jackets must be worn to avoid dangers
4. If the excavation intersects with the road and obstructs the passage of cars, then the
crossings for cars must be placed in the event that cars pass over the holes
5. Establishing pedestrian crossings, especially in front of schools and hospitals, in case
excavations obstruct pedestrian routes
6. Barriers should be erected around open excavation areas and signage should be placed
7. Warning signs must be visible and placed next to the roads interspersed with potholes to
avoid traffic

Third: The use and handling of polyethylene pipes

A) Handling coiled pipes
1- Coils must be placed on pallets so that they are easy to carry with fork lifts
2- Fabric winches or afork-lift should be used when coils are difficult to manually carry
3- The complete coils must be secured from the outside and from the middle using strap and
the individual layers of coils must be secured and the straps kept until the pipes are
needed when actual use the straps that secure, the outer ends of the coils must be
removed first and warn against the movement of the free end of the pipe
4- The straps are not removed from the coils except to release the pipe to be cut only
provided that the rest of the straps remain as they are. The cap (cover) at the end of the
pipe must be placed after cutting a sufficient length of the coiled pipe to protect it
5- It is possible to ask for help when removing straps from coiled pipes of large size, and
care must be taken so as not to damage the pipe while removing the straps

B) Handling straight pipes (in one package)

1- Non-metallic strips (ropes) must be used when loading with cranes
2- Some bending in the middle is allowed during pipe loading and unloading and for this
reason loading joints should be located as far away from each other as possible
3- It is possible to use thefork lift to handle the 6 meter long pipe bundles while lifting the
pipes and placing them in place due to a degree of flexibility in the nature of the
polyethylene pipes
4- Pipe bundles of more than 6m in length should be handled (loaded or unloaded) by winch
with appropriate tie ropes (individual pipes are handled in the same way)/ Unloading of
the load on site can be made easier by using sliding poles and dangling ropes

From Page number 1 issue number

3 2 2022/10 Release Date
Occupational Safety, Health and
MG- 001
Environment Management System

Safety and environment instructions during networking work

C) Handling materials for pipes

1- Hooks should not be used to load pipe materials, as they are placed in polyethylene boxes
or bags
2- Extreme care must be taken during handling ofbutt fusion materials to ensure that the
weight of the materials is not placed on the welded joints

Fourth: Line sweeps

The inert gas used in the scavenging operations must have the following properties
• to be non-flammable
• That does not help the ignition
• Its oxygen content should be less than 2%
• The proportion of flammable substances in it shall be less than 50% of the minimum LEL
of the gas to be purged
• Among the most common media in this direction are carbon dioxide and nitrogen, or
mixtures of them
: When performing sweep operations
• efficiency and adequacy of the inert gas supply source is ensured
• The scavenging gases shall be free of moisture or any other components that may
contaminate or affect the material to be replaced by the inert gas
• Ventilate the output of the drained vessels to a safe point and away from any source of
• After completing the scanning process according to the method of work that was
prepared in advance, and reaching Satisfactory end point The atmosphere surrounding
,the scavenging area must be tested to ensure that there are no gases, condensates
residues, smuggling or any other conditions that may lead to the formation of unsafe
conditions after leaving the place, taking care not to the presence of any materials that
may lead to the occurrence of chemical reactions May result in flammable or self- igniting
ignition sources
• ignition sources must be removed and stopped from the area near the sweeping
operations, and it may be possible to control the known conventional ignition mean s of
open flames and breakdown that may occur to electrical circuits and, hot surfaces and
welding methods, etc.
• It must be ensured that the lines to be cleared are connected to the ground in order to
avoid the formation of any static charges that may be the source of ignition

Approval Review Preparation

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3 3 2022/10 Release Date

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