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Pictionary 15


Definition: It is a land where people on vacation can camp

Example: The campsite is in a beautiful location next to the beach.

Definition: Is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a
shop, bank, restaurant, etc.
Example: She works as a cashier in the restaurant

Definition: The act of collecting or producing money for a particular
purpose, especially for a charity
Example: The dinner is a fundraising event for the museum.

Definition: The quality of being honest
Example: He should be praised for his honesty.

Definition: It is a place where criminals are kept to punish them for their
crimes, or where people accused of crimes are kept while waiting for their
Example: They spent ten years in jail for fraud.
Definition: Someone who owns something
Example: We still haven't found the dog's owner

Definition: It is an unpleasant situation from which it is difficult to get out
Example: She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her
financial predicament.

Definition: It is a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs
to be dealt with or solved
Example: Our main problem is lack of cash.

Definition: something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work
Example: There's a reward for whoever finishes first

Definition: Strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, or
likely to severely punish someone if they do not obey
Example: My parents were very strict with me when I was young.

Definition: is when something is worth a lot of money
Example: These antiques are extremely valuable.
Definition: Telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal,
cheat, or lie
Example: She's completely honest.

Definition: To ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you
do not expect to be refused
Example: I demanded an explanation

Definition: The act of giving something to someone and them giving you
something else
Example: They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.

Definition: To intentionally not listen or give attention to
Example: She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.

Definition: To say that something is wrong or not satisfactory
Example: Lots of people have complained about the noise

Definition: To get or receive something from someone with the intention
of giving it back after a period of time
Example: I had to borrow a pen from the invigilator to do the exam.
Definition: To say that something is not true
Example: He will not confirm or deny the allegations.

Definition: To admit that you have done something wrong or something
that you feel guilty or bad about
Example: He has confessed to the murder.

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