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Pictionary 10

Definition: someone who keeps or examines the records of money
received, paid, and owed by a company or person
Example: A firm of accountants

Definition: Is a person who acts for or represents another
Example: Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.

Definition: Is a person whose job is to design new buildings and make
certain that they are built correctly
Example: She is a highly recommended architect.

Definition: Someone who paints, draws, or makes sculptures
Example: The artist painted this picture using tiny brushstrokes.

Definition: A person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or
magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television
Example: The journalist asked the minister how he viewed recent events.
Definition: Is a person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares
for other people
Example: He phoned his stockbroker with instructions to sell portions of
his portfolio

Definition: Is a person whose job is to discover information about news
events and describe them for a newspaper or magazine or for radio or
Example: She bluffed the doorman into thinking that she was a reporter

Definition: The job or series of jobs that you do during your working life
Example: He's hoping for a career in the police force/as a police officer.

Definition: Someone who is paid to work for someone else
Example: The number of employees in the company has trebled over the
past decade

Definition: The process of gettingo wledge or skill from doing, seeing, or
feeling things
Example: I know from experience that Tony never keeps his promises
Definition: The quality of being honest
Example: I appreciate your honesty.

Definition: Time spent working after the usual time needed or expected in
a job
Example: They're doing/working overtime to get the job done on time.

Definition: the way in which two things are connected
Example: Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship

Definition: A detailed plan showing when events or activities will happen
Example: Here is the timetable of events for the day

Definition: It is a time or day by which something must be done
Example: There's no way I can meet that deadline

Definition: without money
Example: I can't afford to go on holiday this year. I'm flat broke.
Definition: Producing or using original and unusual ideas
Example: A creative person, artista, designer or programmer

Definition: Saying that someone or something is bad or wrong
Example: The report is highly critical of safety standards at the factory.

Definition: Is a person not willing to work or use any effort
Example: He's too lazy to walk to work.

Definition: If someone is moody, their moods change suddenly and they
become angry or unhappy easily
Example: He can be moody

Definition: showing dislike and no sympathy
Example: Cool she was very cool towards his new wife.

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