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Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Personal Pronouns. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is Kate? Kate is my friend. ____ is a teacher.

a) Her
b) He
c) She
d) His

2. Who is this man? This is Henry. _____ is my boss.

a) His
b) Her
c) He
d) She

3. Do you know Tom? Yes, I know _____.

a) she
b) he
c) her
d) him

4. I don't see them. Do _____ see them?

a) you
b) I
c) they
d) me

5. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with _____?

a) we
b) them
c) us
d) you

6. I love this book! Did you read _____?

a) it
b) he
c) they
d) she

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
7. Where are Tom and Kate living? _____ live next to my house.
a) She
b) They
c) He
d) We

8. Where's the cat? _____ is in the garden.

a) It
b) Its
c) She
d) He

9. It's Mary's birthday today. I called _____ this morning.

a) she
b) him
c) her
d) it

10. Amy and John are my new friends. I really like _____.
a) they
b) them
c) him
d) her

Exercise 2. Personal Pronouns. Write the sentences in the correct order.

1. apples / him / gives / she / to / the

2. with / they / us / television / watch

3. ? / know / you / do / him

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
4. knows / you / he

5. want / me / she / see / to / doesn't

Exercise 3. Possessives Pronouns. Choose the correct answer.

1. This car is ____ car. This car is his.

a) he
b) her
c) his
d) hers

2. This house is our house. This house is ____.

a) our
b) ours
c) we
d) its

3. This hat is my hat. This hat is ____.

a) I
b) me
c) mine
d) its

4. This is your bike. This bike is ____.

a) you
b) your
c) yous
d) yours

5. This is ____ dog. This dog is hers.

a) her

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
b) his
c) hers
d) she

6. These are ____ children. These children are theirs.

a) theirs
b) them
c) they
d) their

Exercise 4. Possessive Pronouns. Write the sentences in the correct order.

1. cat / this / my / is


2. are / papers / yours / these


3. our / house / is / this


4. his / this / is / jacket


5. her / them / phone / I / number / gave


Exercise 5. Demonstrative Pronouns. Choose the correct answer.

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

1. ____ is my car here.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those

2. ____ are my children over there in the park.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those

3. ____ is my car over there.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those

4. ____ are my children here.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those

5. ____ bike over there is mine.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those

6. Do you know ____ boys over there?

a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those

7. Can I use ____ pencil here?

a) this

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
b) that
c) these
d) those

8. I love ____ biscuits here.

a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those

Exercise 6. Demonstrative Pronouns. Complete with the correct option.

1. __________ dogs over there are John's.

2. [On the telephone] Hello, __________ is Katie. [On the telephone] Hello, __________ is


3. I like _____ cookies here on this plate. I like__________ cookies here on this plate.

4. Don't do __________! It's very noisy! Don't do__________! It's very noisy!

5. Can I see __________ trousers over there? Can I see __________ trousers over there?

Exercise 7. Reflexive Pronouns. Choose the correct answer.

1. They can help ____.

a) theyselves
b) theyself
c) themselves
d) themself

2. You (singular) can do it ____.

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
a) yourself
b) youself
c) youselve
d) yourselve

3. You (plural) can do it ____.

a) youself
b) yourselves
c) youselves
d) yourself

4. He cleaned the kitchen ____.

a) heself
b) hiself
c) himself
d) hisself

5. I did my homework all by ____.

a) meself
b) mineself
c) self
d) myself

6. We made the cake all by ____.

a) usself
b) ourself
c) ourselves
d) usselves

7. Did she paint the rooms ____.

a) sheself
b) self
c) herselves
d) herself

Inglés Básico LEX-110

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
8. That dog just bit ____.

a) itself
b) itselves
c) heself
d) sheself

Exercise 8. Reflexive Pronouns. Complete with the correct option.

1. Kim kissed Tom. Tom kissed Kim. They kissed__________.

2. He did his homework ___________. He did his homework__________.

3. We can make dinner __________. We can make dinner__________.

4. The dog just hurt __________on that rock. The dog just hurt _________ on that rock.

5. She taught __________ to play the piano. She taught __________ to play the piano.

Inglés Básico LEX-110

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