Innayah Namira Anjani - 475136

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Mid Term Examination

Name : Innayah Narnia Anjani

HIM : 21 / 475136 / PA / 20534
Course : Geochemistry
Day / Date : Monday / 10 Oct 2022

2 . There are 3 types of plate boundaries

1. Divergent
↳ Occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other
example : East Pacific Rise and Mid Atlantic -
↳ an area on Earth where two or more
lithospheric plates collide .

example : Pacific Ring of Fire

3. Transform plate
↳ Occurs when two
plates sliding past each other

example : The San Andreas Fault

b. The reason why convergent boundaries between continental and oceanic plates result in the formation of volcanoes but

not between two continental plates is because the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust :

this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser .

When two continental plates converge , they collide and end up

producing mountains not volcanoes .

2 .
1 . Diorite
↳ Diorite Is a coarse
grained igneous rocks This . rock is intrusive rocks and has a
grain sites of 1mm to

10 MM

↳ Diorite might contain plagioclase feldspar Biotite . ,

and Amphibole
2. Obsidian

↳ Obsedian Is an extrusive igneous rocks that cool so fast that crystals cannot form It has
. no
and are classified as glassy
↳ Obsidian contains minerals such as Potassium feldspar .
Quartz , plagioclase feldspar Biotite . ,
and Amphibole
3. Gabbro
↳ Gabbro has a coarse texture and grain sites of 1 mm to 10 mm

↳ Gabbro contains pyroxene and olivine

b. The Characteristic Of Intrusive Igneous rocks is that they usually have a coarse to very coarse texture ,
while the

extrusive rocks have fine texture with grain sites less than 1-
usually mm .

This different characteristic can be happen because extrusive rocks cool much more
rapidly than Intrusive rocks .

The rapid cooling time does not allow time for large crystals to form .
therefore extrusive rocks have smaller
crystals than

Intrusive rocks .
2 .
Physical weathering
↳ Takes place when rock is split or broken into smaller pieces of the same material without
changing its composition
example :
Breaking of a rock cliff into boulders and pebbles

chemical weathering
↳ Takes place when the rock 's minerals are changed into different substance

example : Formation of clay minerals from feldspar

b. In chemical weathering . Plant and animals secrete substance that react with rock . In physical weathering plant ,

and role by loosening and breaking apart

play a rocks

④ Minerals can be classified into 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 type .

1 : 1 Is layers composed of one tetrahedral sheet bound to one

octahedral Street .
this is stable at low pH and the most weathered of the silicate days While .
the 2 : 1 Is two silica

tetrahedral sheets linked to one aluminum octahedral Street ,

this is unstable under low pH and the most swelling of all days

The that has swelling ability the 2 1 Silicate I montmotillonite ) This because its structure
one maximum is :
clays .

Is built of two sheets of silicon tetrahedra and one sheet of aluminum octahedra ,
linked by shared oxygen atoms

⑤ The 4 forms of CO2 in water are related

by these chemical reactions :

1. (Oz CO2 lags kit

(Oz lagi Ht

2. t Hzo HCO} lags t K' a ,

3. HCO } lag)

CO }
laqt t Ht Kaz
" "
Caco} Ca lags 1- (03 Laal
4 .
(s )

The water is
open to gas exchange with the atmosphere and we assume there are no other reactions affecting Ca
1- It

or E CO2 (aq ) TICO} ]
= " I = Ksp / [ (032-7

Kaz = [ H'-11032-1 / [ HCO t }


ICO} 2-
I Kaz [ HCO} -1 / I. Htt

Ica" 1 =
Ksp I. Htt / Kaz . IHCO -1 }

* this equation means that Ica

caait will

I. HCO } I -

= Kai Icozcaait / IHH depend on the amount of CO2 present in the

[ Cant =
Ksp . I. Htt IHH / Kaz .
K'a I Cozcaq, ]
, atmosphere and the pH of the water


KH I Cozcaql ] / Pcoz Ksp [ Htt

[ [act , aq , ]
= .

f. CO2 lag) ] KH Pcoz =

KH Kai Kai Pcoz
. .

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