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Q-1 State the kind of the underlined noun.

1. We saw a shoal of fish in the tank.
2. My brother plays the piano very well.
3. Ganga is a holy river.
4. She has got a plastic box.
5. Knowledge is power.

Q-2 Change the Gender Of the underlined noun and rewrite the following sentences

1. My sister is a very talented actor

2. Girls can sit in the women’s lounge

Q3- Fill in the blanks with suitable collective noun:

1. ______ of bees came out from the hive.

2. He had a golden _______ of cards.

Q4- Read the following sentences and put the correct personal pronouns.

1. The family sells pancakes. ______have been in this profession for ages.( we /they)
2. This is Froddo, my dog.______is a Husky.( she /it)
3. Would you like to share the seat with _____?( he /me)

Q5- Underline the relative pronouns in the given sentences.

1. I know a person who has never come out of his room.
2. Can you show me the road which leads to the bus stand?
3. The song, which was sung by Lata Mangeshkar, is still my favourite song.

Q6- Choose the correct reflexive pronouns

( herself - himself - myself- itself )
1. I wrote this poem ________
2. He cut_______
3. The lion can defend_________
4. My mother often talks to ________

Q-7 Fill in the blanks with suitable demonstrative pronouns / demonstrative adjectives.
1.Can you see ______ houses on that hill?
2.What is _____ . The material feels strange.
3.All ______ people here are waiting for the manager.
Q7- Underline the adjectives and mention the degree (Positive-P,
Comparative-C,Superlative- S)
1. Vishal is the cleverest of the 3 brothers.
2. The workers were taken to the restaurant near the gas station.
3. Honesty is the best policy.

Q8- Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of adjectives.

1. In order to become _____________ than others, some people start criminal activities.
2. My new car is the ________________of all the cars I owned. (pretty)
3. Everyone struggles to have a _____________ life (happy)
4. My brother is ______________________ than me. (lucky)

Q9- Fill in the blanks with adjectives as indicated in the bracket.

1. He is an _______ man .( Adjective of quality)
2. He has _______ money to buy the house( Adjective of quantity)
3. _______ girls are absent today.( adjective of number)
4. ______ boys are not performing well these days.( demonstrative adjective)
5. He wants _____ toys back.( possessive adjective)

Q10- Use ‘an’ or ‘a’ or ‘the’ as and when required.Put a cross where no article is needed.
1. I bought ___ horse, ___ ox, and ___ buffalo.
2. If you see him, give him ____ message.
3. The guide knows ____ way.
4. Copper is ____ useful metal.
5. He is not ____ honourable man.
6. Aladdin had ____ wonderful lamp
7. I like playing ______ chess.

Q-11 In the following passage, there is an error in the use of articles. Write the incorrect
word and later write the correct word .
1. I bought an car yesterday.
2. As the human, you should help him.
3. Why are you laughing on a children.
4. He is the gentleman of complete integrity.
5. It was such an wonderful idea.


Q-1 Write a short paragraph on ‘Healthy habits’

Write a paragraph on “My class is the best”
Q- 2 Write a letter to your younger sister Suggesting her ways how she can improve in her
Write an application to the Principal of your school for changing your subject from French
to Sanskrit .

Q-3 Make sentences on the following

i)Deadline ii)Civilization

Q-5 Make 6 sentences on the given picture

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