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 A User-Oriented Design Approach for the New Gattaran Public Market with Communal

Park Jann Marc G. Mandac | Bachelor of Science in Architecture | 2019-2020 | Ecole Des Beaux
Evaluative Questionnaire on the Proposal of a New Gattaran Public Market with Communal
ParkAge:( ) 0-15( ) 16-30( ) 31-45( ) 46-60( ) 61-75( ) 76-
90( ) Vendor ( ) Employee ( ) Buyer ( ) Others (Please Specify): _________________Dear
Prospective Participant,We, the researchers, are conducting this study about the Gattaran Public
Market for ourArchitectural Thesis Writing Course, First Semester, School Year, 2019-2020.
This questionnaireis designed to gather information about your insights and attitudes concerning
the existing publicmarket and its features. The survey may take 3-5 minutes to answer. The
results of this surveywill be used to help the researchers to offer more effective planning
techniques and designingstrategies for the proposal of a new public market. If you would rather
not answer a question, youmay leave it blank, the results of this research will be most useful if
you answer all the questions.The results will be reported for the group of respondents as a whole.
By returning thisquestionnaire, you are giving your consent to participate. Thank you and God
bless!Sincerely,The ResearchersInstructions: Place a check beside the answer of your choice. For
questions asking for an opinion,you may write your answer on the blank provided.

1. How often do you go to the public market?

( ) Everyday ( ) 1-3 times a week ( ) 4-6 times a week

2. Which time would you typically go to the public market?

( ) 7:00 AM– 12:00 NN
 ( ) 12:01 PM – 6:00 PM
 ( ) 6:00 PM– 9:00 PM

3. What is your assessment on the market?

( ) Excellent ( ) Average ( ) Needs Improvement

4. Which of these issues do you see in the existing market?

( ) Orderliness( ) Cleanliness( ) Spaciousness( ) Odor( ) Others: ____________________

5. Which types of products and services are sold in the market?

( ) Perishable Goods( ) Non-perishable Goods( ) Bread and Confectionery( ) Electronics,

Accessories, School and Office Supplies( ) Glassware and Chinaware( ) Others:
6. Which of the following facilities or features would you like to be on the market?

( ) Equal vendor space during market days

( ) Permanent vendor space
( ) Kitchen
( ) Refrigerator/Freezer storage
( ) Sufficient restrooms
( ) Space for rest and relaxation within/beside the market

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