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Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they
had no children. So they prayed to monster called Buto Ijo to give them children. So they prayed to a monstar called BUTO
IJO to give them children. Bbuto ijo was so Ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. “When
their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of humanbeing . The farmers
agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was
very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Butaijo came to their house. Timun
Eman was Frightened so she run away to hide. The farmers then told Butaijo that timun emas was still a child. They asked
him to postponed. Buta ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year buto ijo came again and again. But again
and again their parents said that timun emas was still a child.

When third times buto ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave timun emas several
Bamboo, needles, seed of cucumber, dressing and salt. “Timun take these things”

“What are these things?” said timun mas

“These are your weapons “ Buto ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you!
spread this to the ground..... Now goooo!’ said farmer

Timun emas was scared, so she run as quickly as she could. When buta ijo arrived she was far from home. He was
very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he run to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his
prey ran.

Timun Emas was just a girls while buta ijo was a monstar. So he could easyly catch her up. When he was just
several steps behind timun emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In Second they turned into many vines of cucumber.
The exhausted buto ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them . when buta ijo busy eating cucumber timun emas could
run away.But soon buta ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun mas threw her
bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees.

Buta ijo found it hard pass it took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile timun emas could
run further. Buto ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again, timun mas threw her dressing. This time it
turned into lake. Buta ijo was busy to save himself so timun mas ran away. But buta ijo could overcome it an continued
chasing her.

Finnally when timun mas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where buta ijo stood turned into ocean. Buto
ijo was drowned and died instantly.

Timun mas thankful to god and come back to her home.


Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and blue eyes. She was named Snow white. Her
mother died when she was a baby and her father married again. This queen was very pretty but she was also very cruel. The
wicked stepmother wanted to be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and she would often ask her magic mirror.

“Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the most beautiful of them all?” and the magic mirror would say” you are, Your
Majesty” But one day, the mirror replied, Snow White is the fairest of them all! “ the wicked queen was very angry and
jealous of Snow White.

She order her huntsman to take snow white to the forest and kill her. “ I want you to bring back her heart,” She
ordered. But when the huntsman reached the forest with snow white, he took pity on her and set her free. He killed a deer
and took its heart to the wicked queen and told her that he had killed snow white. Snow white wandered in the forest all
night crying.
When it was daylight, She came to a tiny cottage and went inside. There was nobody there, but she found seven
plates on the table and seven tiny beds in the bedroom. She cooked a wonderful meal and cleaned the house and tired.
Finnaly slept on one of the tiny beds.

At night, the seven dwarfts who lived in the cottage come home and found snow white sleeping. When she woke
up and told them her story. The seven dwarfts asked her to stay with with them. When the dwarfts were away, Snow white
would make delicious meals for them. The dwarfs loved her and cared for her.

Every morning, when they left the house, they instructed her never to open the door to strangers. Meanwhiles, in the palace,
the wicked queen asked, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the most beautiful of them?” The mirror replied White is the
most beautiful of them all. She lives with the seven dwarfs in the woods!

The wicked stepmother was furious. She was actualy awitch knew how to make magic potions. She now made a
poisionous potion and dipped a shiny red apples into it. Then she disguised herself as an old pleasant woman and went to the
wood with the apples. She knocked on the cottage door and said.

“preety litlle! Let me in! Look what I have for you!” white said” I am sorry old lady, I cannot let you in!. The seven dwarfs
have told me not to talked to strangers! But then snow white saw the shiny red apples, and open the door. The wicked
wittch offered her the apple and when she took a bite poor snow white fell into a deep sleep.

The wicked stepmother went back to palace and asked the mirror. “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the most
beautiful of them?” The mirror replied White is the most beautiful of them all. The morror replied”You are, Your majesty!”
And she was very happy.

When the seven dwarfs came home to find Snow White lying on the floor. They were very upset. They cried all
night and then built a glass coffin for snow white. They kept the coffin in front of the cottage. One day Prince charming was
going pass the cottage, and he saw snow white lying in the coffin. He said to the dwarfs, MY! MY! She is so beautiful! I
would like to kiss her! And he did. Immediatelly, Snow white opened her eyes. She was alive again!

and sevent dwarfs were very happy. Prince charming merried snow white and took he to his palaced and lived
The prince
happily ever after.


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. The people lived peacefully.

However, However soon their happy lives were distrubed by Pengging kingdom. The king is Bandung
Bondowoso, He wanted to occupy Prambanan. He was a mean King. The war between Prambanan and Pengging could not
be avoided.

Prambanan lost the war and led by a new king, Bandung Bondowoso. Pengging could win the war because
Bandung Bondowoso had a supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans but also genies. Those creatures always
obeyed Bandung Bondowoso. They always did whatever Bandung Bondowoso asked them to do.

The king Prambanan had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso fell in love
with her and wanted to marry her. ”If you want to marry me, you have to build a thousand of temples in just one night,” said
Loro Jonggrang. She hated Bandung Bondowoso because he made the people of prambanan suffered.

“What? Imposibble! You just give me an excuse for not marrying me!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he didin’t give up.
He asked the genies to help him. Then all those genies worked hard to build a thousand temples. Meanwhile Loro Jonggrang
heard from the lady-inwaiting that the buildin 1000 temples was almost finished. She was so scared; She did not want to
marry Bandung Bondowoso.

Then she had a great idea. She asked all the ladies-inwaiting to help her.

“Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Come on! Hurry up!” said Loro Jonggrang asked them to prepare a lot of
straw and mortars in the middle of the night. “Listen, All those genies are building the temples, right? We have to stop them
by burning the straw and make some noise by poinding the mortar. The genies will think that sun is going to rise and they
will run away. Genies are afraid of sunlight.

It worked! All those genies thought that sun rose. They did not know the light was from the fire that burning the
straw. And the noise from poinding the mortar was like the start of a new day.

Bandung Bondowoso was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang just tricked him “ you can not fool me, Loro
Jonggrang. I already have 999( nine hundred ninty nine) temples.I just need one more temple. Now I will make you the one-
thousandth tempe!” said Bandung Bondowoso with his supernatural power.

Bandung Bondowoso made Loro Jonggrang a temple. Until now the temple is still standing in Prambanan area,
Central Java. And the temple is named Loro Jonggrang temple.

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