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Name: Manneh Lloyd L.


Reflection on “Christ the Heart of the Advent Message”

Christianity, as defined by the Seventh-day Adventist, is not an intellectual

systematically arranged set of doctrines, but rather “Christianity is a real experience with

Christ”. This stands in direct contrast to what other denomination accusation of the

Church as being “religious extortionist” on their literatures, media programs, and other

public services; and charging the church of trying to subtly draw people to gradually

accept Adventist doctrines.

Adventist believes that doctrines have their own place in Christianity but has

nothing to do with salvation. We believe that salvation is by God’s grace alone, through

faith in Jesus Christ who is alive and is now presently mediating in behalf of His people.

We believe that justification is received through “His free and blessed grace” alone.

Just like Moses lifting up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, so Christ alone

must be lifted up in Adventist’s media programs, literatures, and public services. We are

to always be faithful to only present the truth as it is in Jesus, making plain the

requirements if the law and the gospel…[telling] of His power to save all who come to


Because we all believe that all truths are ripples of the one Truth that is in Jesus

Christ. Failure to uplift Christ in any teaching, function, and activity of the church will

make them powerless and unfit to be used as a means to draw souls to the kingdom of

God. Might as well, get rid of those activities that may be a source of personal or

corporate pride.

NOTE: This is just a sample reflection for your weekly requirement. Hope this helps.

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