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Lead Designer: Gary Simpson

Art Director: Gary Simpson

Design: Sean Burns, Andrew Brown, Andrés Alexander González, Garet Handy, Doruk Kaptan, Gary Simpson, Victor M.
Solish, Nathan Turley
Rules Development: Gary Simpson
Editing: Nathan Turley, Gary Simpson

Graphic Designer: Gary Simpson

Cover Illustrator: Gary Simpson
Interior Illustrators: Fukamihb, Gary Simpson, Matt Morrow, Mihailo147

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Man‐
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Slyths…………………………………………69 Brain Gem………………………………91
Using This Book………………………….4
Udadrow……………………………………70 Clockwork Dagger…………………..92
Conch of Courage……………………92
Ch. 1: Character Options…………….6 Ch. 3: Magical Miscellany………...72 Crook of the Sunken Council……92
Artificer……………………………………….6 Magical Phenomena…………………..72 Darkmantle Cloak…………………...92
Optional Class Features…………….6 Faerzress and the Underdark….72 Displacer Beast Armor……………92
Drowcrafter………………………….....7 Node Magic………………………….…72 Dress of Impression………………..93
Barbarian…………………………………….9 Portals……………………………………74 Dungeon Weed……………………….93
Optional Class Features…………….9 Spells…………………………………………78 Extending Oil………………………….93
Path of the Cavelord……………….10 Amorphous Form……………………78 Enchanted Mushrooms…………...93
Path of the Exiled……………………11 Blindsight………………………………78 Flail Snail Shell Shield……………..93
Bard…………………………………………..12 Burrow…………………………………..78 Gelatinous Cube Armor…………...94
Optional Class Features…………..12 Camouflage…………………………….78 Glowshroom…………………………..94
College of Echoes……………………12 Clarity of Mind………………………..79 Graviturgic Hammer……………….94
College of Fangs……………………..14 Death-Strikes………………………….79 Heated Armor………………………...94
Cleric…………………………………………15 Dehydrate………………………………79 Helm of the Hells…………………….94
Optional Class Features…………..15 Dominate Vermin……………………79 Illithid Earworm……………………..95
Balance Domain……………………...16 Driderform……………………………..79 Illithid Squidling……………………..95
Eilistraee Domain…………………...17 Excavate…………………………………80 Jar of Sealing…………………………..95
Lolth Domain………………………….19 Gate Seal………………………………...80 Jarlaxle’s Pearl Earring……………95
Portal Domain………………………..20 Impostor Mask……………………….80 Keycoin………………………………….95
Watery Death Domain…………….21 Insightful Deceiver………………….80 Emblem of Blibdoolpoolp………..95
Druid…………………………………………23 Life from Death………………………80 Mechanical Beholder………………96
Optional Class Features…………..23 Locate Node……………………………81 Mummified Monk Hand…………..96
Circle of the Dredge………………..24 Magical Backlash…………………….81 Myconid Spore………………………..96
Circle of the Moonlit Song……….25 Mark of the Outcast………………...81 Phase Spider Plate…………………..96
Fighter………………………………………26 Minor Telekinesis…………………...81 Pickpockets Bane……………………96
Optional Class Features………….26 Minor Telepathy……………………..82 Purple Worm Collar………………..97
Gladiator Slave……………………….27 Necrotic Glow…………………………82 Ring of Treasure Seeking………...97
Monk…………………………………………28 Node Door……………………………...82 Roper Shield…………………………..97
Optional Class Features………….28 Node Lock………………………………82 Roper Skin Cloak…………………….97
The Way of the Sea Mother……..28 Obsidian Stare………………………..83 Scoundrel Map………………………..97
Paladin………………………………………29 Oozing Wall……………………………83 Spider Mask……………………………98
Optional Class Features…………..29 Pickpocketeer………………………...83 Spidercurse Mask…………………...98
Oath of the Silverhair……………...30 Portal Barricade……………………..83 Staff of the Vast Mind……………..98
Oath of Tyranny……………………..31 Portal Redirection…………………..83 Stealth Rock……………………………98
Ranger……………………………………….33 Portal View…………………………….83 Stone of Flumph Summons……..98
Optional Class Features…………..33 Quickening……………………………..84 Manual to the Underdark………..98
Bounty Hunter………………………..33 Root Wall……………………………….84 Thieves Stakes………………………..99
Darksong Knight…………………….34 Rushing Waters………………………84 Tiara of Spiders………………………99
Rogue………………………………………...36 Sanctuary……………………………….84 Umber Hulk Armor…………………99
Optional Class Features…………..36 Sharpen Object……………………….84 Unyielding Torment………………..99
Infiltrator……………………………….36 Shatter Captivity…………………….85 Underdark Gem………………………99
Vengeance Taker…………………….37 Soul Bolt………………………………...85 Wand of the Basilisk……………..100
Sorcerer……………………………………..38 Spectral Dagger……………………..85 Whip of Fangs………………………100
Optional Class Features…………..38 Spiderform…………………………….86 Xorn Armor………………………….100
Deep Diviner…………………………..39 Spore Stream………………………….86
Lolth’s Blessed………………………..40 Stone Tell……………………………….86 Ch. 4: Dungeon Master’s Tools.101
Warlock……………………………………..41 Sudden Swarm……………………….86 Geology and Environments……….101
Optional Class Features…………..41 Thieving Servant…………………….86 Topography………………………….101
The Dark Maiden…………………….42 Thieving Step………………………….87 Rocks and Rock Formations…..104
Spider Queen………………………….43 Tidal Bolts……………………………...87 The Underdark Environment…….108
Wizard……………………………………….44 Water Barrier…………………………87 Light…………………………………….108
Optional Class Features…………..44 Water Whip……………………………87 Air……………………………………….108
School of Demesne………………….45 Magic Items……………………………….89 Climate………………………………...109
Backgrounds………………………………47 Aboleth Eye……………………………89 Ecology………………………………...110
Feats………………………………………….52 Accessory of Attunement………..89 Underdark Hazards………………111
Barbed Devil Dagger……………….89 Spelunking……………………………….113
Ch. 2: Lineages…………….……………59 Basilisk Armor………………………..89 Cramped Spaces……………………113
Aevendrow………………………………..59 Beholder Eyestalk…………………..89 Underdark Regions…………………..115
Deep Imaskari……………………………60 Black Pudding Arrow……………...90 The Upperdark……………………..115
Gloamings………………………………….62 Bloodsucker’s Blade………………..91 The Middledark…………………….116
Grimlocks…………………………………..63 Boots of the Bulette………………...91 The Lowerdark……………………..118
Kuo-Toa…………………………………….65 Bottled Night………………………….91 Underdark Encounters……………..121
Lorendrow…………………………………67 Bottled Wave………………………….91
Whatever options you choose to use, this book
Using This Book relies on the rules in the Player's Handbook, Mon-
ster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide, and it
can be paired with the options in Xanathar's Guide
Jarlaxle’s Bag of Everything offers a host of new
to Everything, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, and
options for Dungeons & Dragons, and our journey
other D&D books.
through those options is accompanied by the notes
of the rogue himself, Jarlaxle.
The dandy Jarlaxle, whose words easily work Ten Rules to Remember
past his ill reputation, has gathered a deep under-
standing of others during his, let’s say, illustrious 1. The DM Adjudicates the Rules
career as a mercenary leader. He was one of a The rules of D&D cover many of the twists and
small number of male udadrow who actually turns that come up in play, but the possibilities are
had significant power in a Lolth-worshiping city, so vast that the rules can't cover everything. When
although he increasingly spent little time in the city you encounter something that the rules don't cover
itself as he adventured abroad in the Underdark or if you're unsure how to interpret a rule, the DM
and the Lands Above. Charismatic and cunning, decides how to proceed, aiming for a course that
he opens his bag of tricks to others intrigued and brings the most enjoyment to your whole group.
like-minded as him. 2. Exceptions Supersede General Rules
Written for players and Dungeon Masters alike, General rules govern each part of the game. For
this book offers options to enhance characters example, the combat rules tell you that melee
and campaigns in any D&D world, whether you're weapon attacks use Strength and ranged weapon
adventuring in Forgotten Realms, another official attacks use Dexterity. That's a general rule, and a
D&D setting, or a world of your own creation. general rule is in effect as long as something in the
game doesn't explicitly say otherwise.
What You'll Find Within The game also includes elements - class fea-
tures, spells, magic items, monster abilities, and
Chapter 1 brims with new features and subclasses the like ­that sometimes contradict a general rule.
for the classes in the Player's Handbook, and it When an exception and a general rule disagree,
presents the general tone of an Underdark cam- the exception wins. For example, if a feature says
paign. The chapter also offers background and you can make melee weapon attacks using your
feats for groups that use them. Charisma, you can do so, even though that state-
Chapter 2 contains lineages of Underdark den- ment disagrees with the general rule.
izens, each with its own perks and history of 3. Advantage and Disadvantage
survival. Even if more than one factor gives you advantage
Chapter 3 glimmers with new magical options, or disadvantage on a roll, you have it only once,
including spells, magical items, node magic, an- and if you have advantage and disadvantage on the
cient portals, and magical phenomena - available same roll, they cancel each other.
for both player characters and monsters to use.
4. Reaction Timing
Chapter 4 holds various rules that a DM may in- Certain game features let you take a special action,
corporate into an Underdark campaign, includ- called a reaction, in response to an event. Making
ing rules on exploring, navigating, and surviving opportunity attacks and casting the shield spell are
treacherous sunless environments. The chapter two typical uses of reactions. If you're unsure when
ends with a collection of encounters ready to be a reaction occurs in relation to its trigger, here's the
deployed in any adventure that the DM would rule: the reaction happens after its trigger, un-
like to spice up with minimal prep work. less the description of the reaction explicitly says
otherwise. Once you take a reaction, you can't take
It's All Optional another one until the start of your next turn.

Everything in this book is optional. Each group, 5. Proficiency Bonus

guided by the DM, decides which of these options, If your proficiency bonus applies to a roll, you can
if any, to incorporate into a campaign. You can use add the bonus only once to the roll, even if multiple
some, all, or none of them. We encourage you to things in the game say your bonus applies. More­
choose the ones that fit best with your campaign's over, if more than one thing tells you to double or
story and with your group's style of play. halve your bonus; you double it only once or halve


it only once before applying it. Whether multiplied,
divided, or left at its normal value, the bonus can Tavern tales across Faerûn’s sunlit
be used only once per roll. lands whisper of the Underdark, a
lightless, subterranean realm that
6. Bonus Action Spells
If you want to cast a spell that has a casting time is home to fabled races and ancient,
of 1 bonus action, remember that you can't cast unspeakable evil. It is a domain of
any other spells before or after it on the same turn, primeval mysteries and unending war,
except for cantrips with a casting time of 1 action. a hidden world of cruel masters and
7. Concentration hopeless slaves, filled with monstrous
As soon as you start casting a spell or using a races that were old before humans
special ability that requires concentration, your were born. It is a dank, dismal place
concentration on another effect ends instantly. of fungus, rot, and slime. It is a land
8. Temporary Hit Points where a few lucky merchants have
Temporary hit points aren't cumulative. If you have found a lucrative trade, but where
temporary hit points and receive more of them, many more have been slain (or worse)
you don't add them together, unless a game feature
for their effrontery. So dire is the
says you can. Instead, you decide which temporary
hit points to keep. reputation of the Underdark and its
denizens that mothers caution their
9. Round Down children to behave, lest the dark elves
Whenever you divide or multiply a number in the
game, round down if you end up with a fraction, steal them away. read on and learn
even if the fraction is one-half or greater. where some of us called home.
I0. Have Fun
You don't need to know every rule to enjoy D&D, JARLAXLE
and each group has its own style - different ways it
likes to tell stories and to use the rules. Embrace
what your group enjoys most. In short, follow your

Character Options
When you make your D&D character, you have an
array of options in the Player's Handbook to create
the sort of adventurer you want. This chapter adds
to those options, making it possible to realize even
more character concepts. If you combine these op-
tions with those in Xanathar's Guide to Everything
and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the possibili-
ties for your characters become vast.
Here are the options featured in this chapter:
• Optional Class features for classes in the Play-
er's Handbook
• Subclasses for every class in the Player's Hand-
• Backgrounds and suggested characteristics to
help tailor your character’s backstory
• Feats for anyone who uses that optional rule


Trackless Boots
Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)

While wearing these boots, a creature has advan-

Artificer tage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and its steps
make no sound, regardless of the surface it is
The artificer class receives new features and sub- moving across.
classes in this section.
Death Weapon
Optional Class Features Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer
Item: A simple or martial weapon (requires attune-
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook ment)
when you reach certain levels in your class. This
section offers additional features that you can gain This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
as an artificer. rolls made with it, as well as an additional 1d6
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, necrotic damage.
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con- While wielding this weapon, as a reaction imme-
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a diately after being hit by an attack, the wielder can
feature in this section if you meet the level require- cast enervation on the attacker. Once used, the
ment noted in the feature’s description. These weapon’s spell can’t be used again until next dawn.
features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them. House Insignia
Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer
Additional Artificer Infusions Item: A necklace (requires attunement)
2nd-level artificer feature
While wearing this necklace, the creature can cast
The following infusions expand the artificer infu- the infused spell as a bonus action. The spell can
be of 3rd level or lower. Once used, the amulet
sions list in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
can’t be used again until the next dawn.
The description of each of the following infusions
details the type of object that can receive it, along
with whether the resulting magic item requires Piwafwi
attunement. Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer
Some infusions specify a minimum artificer Item: A cloak (requires attunement)
level. You can’t learn such an infusion until you are
at least that level. While wearing the cloak a creature can use an
Unless an infusion’s description says otherwise, action to pull up the hood. Wearing the cloak with
you can’t learn an infusion more than once. The the hood up grants the following benefits:
infusions are organized by character level. • Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see the
creature have disadvantage.
Excruciating Ring • The creature has advantage on Dexterity
Item: A ring (requires attunement) (Stealth) checks made to hide.
The cloak that has the hood pulled up also
The infused ring can send a jolt to those that would grants resistance to fire when you reach 10th level
touch you. The ring has 5 charges. When hit by a in this class.
melee attack or touched, the wearer can use its
reaction to expend 1 of the ring’s charges to send
a lance of pain to the target, dealing 2d6 psy-
Mask of the Matriarch
Prerequisite: 10th-level artificer
chic damage. The ring regains 1d4 +1 expended
Item: A mask (requires attunement)
charges daily at dawn.
A creature gains advantage to Charisma checks
while wearing this mask.
This mask has 3 charges. While wearing it,
the wearer can use a bonus action or reaction to


expend 1 of the mask’s charges and cast fear. The
mask regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Artificer Specialist
At 3rd level, an artificer gains the Artificer Special-
Additional Artificer Spells ist feature, which offers you the choice of a sub-
class. The following option is available to you when
3rd-level artificer feature making that choice: Drowcrafter.
The spells in the following list expand the artificer
spell list in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. The
list is organized by spell level, not character level. If
a spell can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears
after the spell's name. Each spell description is
We would still be hitting each other
later on in the book (chapter 3). with sticks in the dark if it wasn’t for
Cantrip (0 Level) 1st Level
Minor telekinesis Water whip JARLAXLE
Necrotic glow
Sharpen object 2nd Level Works of Drow craftsmanship and manufacture
Soul bolt Magical backlash are infamous throughout the Underdark. Terrible
Sudden swarm tales of evil Dark-Elf creations extends to the sur-
face world. Since their expulsion from the surface
Recognize Craftsmanship many ages ago drow artisanship has been instru-
mental in cementing their dominance over the
4th-level artificer feature
other races of the Underdark.
Drowcraft typically combines the use of adaman-
You can quickly and accurately deduce the prop-
tine or spider silk with the magical properties of
erties of magical items used by your opponents in
faerzress which is found frequently in Earth Nodes
combat. At the beginning of combat, you know how
deep in the world below. Drowcraft has similarities
many of your opponents’ visible items are magical.
with other elven forms of craft, sharing a similar
Once per turn, you may make a DC 20 Intelligence
lightness and grace in construction. Where the
check as a free action. If you succeed on this
craft of the elves of the surface and the Drow
check, you may choose one magic item that an
diverge is in the Drowcrafter’s use of fearsome
enemy is wielding. If the item is rare, uncommon,
dark energies, poison and chiefly with their race’s
or common in rarity, the DM describes to you what
obsession with causing as much pain as possible
the item is, as well as outlining its properties. The
to its enemies – all in the name of Lolth the Spider
DC for this check decreases by 1 for every round of
combat, as you grow more familiar with the items.
To ensure that a noble house remains dominant,
they take a great deal of pains to hide the skills and
Reverse Engineering knowledge from other houses within their own
6th-level artificer feature city. As such, a non-drow rarely come across these
fell objects until they are on the piercing end of a
You can replicate the effects created by other arti- poisoned adamantium short sword or shackled
ficers in their work. Whenever you come across an in magically restrictive chains. Some attentive
infused item that you did not create, you may make prisoners however, aided by a great deal of courage
an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC of 10 + and knowledge manage to learn these dark crafts
the level required to use the infusion that the item from their masters before escaping. Often, they use
is infused with. If you succeed on the check, you this knowledge as a means of getting revenge on
learn the infusion, if you are able, and it does not their cruel capturers.
count against the number of infusions you know.
This feature does not let you learn infusions with
level requirements you have not met, nor does it
increase the number of infusions you can use at a


time they take damage by making a Wisdom sav-
ing throw. Additionally, the creature has disad-
vantage on its saving throw against the effect. If a
creature succeeds on a saving throw the spell is
dispelled and the shackles are broken and must
be repaired before being used again. At the end
of a Long rest you can create a new Shackle of
Lolth if you have your smith’s tools with you.
• You can keep track of a captured creature, if they
escape; you have advantage on Wisdom (Surviv-
al) checks to follow them as the shackles magi-
cally provide the general location of the prisoner.

Cleaving Fetters
5th-level Drowcrafter feature

You can swing the adamantium chains from the

Shackles of Lolth feature as a melee weapon, serv-
ing to weaken your foes for capture.
As an action you may use your shackles to make
a melee attack within a range of 10 feet. On a hit
the weapon deals 2d8 damage plus your Intelli-
gence modifier. Creatures hit must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.
The evil chains are designed to drag their targets
to the floor before capturing them in the magical

Shackles of Lolth Harness Faerzress

3rd-level Drowcrafter feature 9th-level Drowcrafter feature

Your study of Drowcraft taught you to create one You have developed an ingenious method of
of the most fearsome symbols of Drow power: the
temporarily transporting faerzress to carry and
Shackles of Lolth.
These magical shackles are forged from ada- augment your crafts.
mantine, baked for a season in an earth node or When you are standing in a patch of faerz-
in a patch of faerzress and are then traditionally ress or near an earth node you may take an ac-
blessed by a priestess of Lolth. The drow use these tion to drain some of the radiation from these
evil manacles as tools to enslave their opponents sources and store them in one of your infused
both physically and magically: items. You can use the stored energy for creat-
• You can use the shackles as a spellcasting focus ing your Drowcraft equipment or use them to
for your artificer spells. assist you in combat. You can store one charge
• As a bonus action you may a grappled or in- of faerzress for each item that you are attuned
capacitated creature within 5 feet of you must to. You can use this feature a number of times
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum
save DC. If the creature fails their save, they of one), and you regain all expended uses when
become snared in the shackles and are under you finish a long rest.
the effect of a dominate spell corresponding to As a bonus action you may expend a charge
their creature type. Creatures dominated by the on your infused item to release the faerzress
Shackles of Lolth may attempt to break free each
for various effects depending on the type of
item it is stored within (effect lasts for 1 min-


Weapon. You gain advantage on your next
attack roll and your weapon deals an extra
3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier in
force damage.
Armor. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC for the Barbarian
duration of this feature. The barbarian class receives new features and
Other Item. You gain advantage on your next subclasses in this section.
ability check or saving throw.

Dark Artisan of the Spider Queen Optional Class Features

15th-level Drowcrafter feature You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
when you reach certain levels in your class. This
Your devotion to Drowcraft has gained you the section offers additional features that you can gain
favor of the Spider Queen herself. You have be- as a barbarian.
come the chosen conduit to Lolth through your Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
craftsmanship and magical equipment. When you you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
attune a magic item you created, choose one of the sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
following effects: feature in this section if you meet the level require-
Web Mastery. You ignore movement restrictions ment noted in the feature’s description. These
caused by webbing. features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them.
Poison Mastery. You are immune to poison dam-
age and poisoned condition.
Intensified Instigation
Alert. You cannot be surprised or targeted by a
sneak attack. 6th-level barbarian feature

Truesight. You gain truesight out to a range of 60 When you enter a rage on your turn, you may dou-
feet. ble the damage bonus from your Strength modifier
Summon Drider. You can magically summon for attacks made that turn.
a drider bound to you, which appears in an
unoccupied space of your choice that you can Cull the Weak
see within 30 feet of you. The drider is friend-
ly to you and your companions, obeying your 12th-level barbarian feature
commands telepathically. In combat, the drider
shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn You have learned to eliminate lesser foes with ease.
immediately after yours. Once you summon the When you attack a creature on your turn, you may
drider, you cannot do so again until you finish a do so with a penalty to hit equal to the creature’s
long rest. The drider remains for 1 minute, until Challenge Rating. If you hit, you automatically
it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you use this score a critical hit. You may not use this feature
feature to summon the drider again, until you against a creature with a CR of 12 or higher.
lose attunement to the item, or you die. Anything
the drider was wearing or carrying is left behind
when the drider vanishes.


thrill that comes from hunting such dangerous and
Primal Paths despicable foes, and though not many know they
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path exist, their efforts often serve to protect those who
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. live above from ever having to face the terrors that
The following options are available to you when they fight on a daily basis.
making that choice: Path of the Cavelord and Path
of the Exiled. Warrior in Darkness
3rd-level Cavelord feature
Path of the Cavelord You have superior darkvision, out to a range of 120
feet. In addition, you have advantage on all attacks
Even occasional greatness will destroy made in total darkness against a creature you can
see when your target does not have darkvision.
a man.
Cavern Crawler
JARLAXLE 6th-level Cavelord feature

You have always been drawn to the darker places Your familiarity with caverns and lairs grants you
of the world, making caverns, tunnels, and lairs bonuses when in these (and similar) locations. You
your home. Cavelords are barbarians who have have advantage of Intelligence (Nature), Wisdom
chosen to wander the deep places of the world, (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks in
facing the terrifying foes others only hear about in these types of locations.
legend and rumor. Many cavelords are masters of Additionally, when you enter combat in a cavern
the Underdark, constantly moving through these or similar location, you gain a bonus to your initia-
underground tunnels in search of the foul crea- tive roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.
tures that live there. These Barbarians revel in the
Stone-hardened Skin
10th-level Cavelord feature

You have gained a level of resistance to damage

from common occurrences in the Underdark such
as cave-ins and rockslides. When you are hit with
an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you may
use your reaction to gain immunity to bludgeoning
damage until the end of your next turn.

Boulder Thrower
14th-level Cavelord feature

Your mastery of the stones and debris of the

underground allows you to use anything you find
as a weapon. In combat, you may use stones or
boulders as improvised weapons, and they deal
extra damage on a hit. When you throw a stone
(one-handed) you can throw it up to 30 feet and
deal damage equal to 2d8 + your Strength modifier
on a hit. When you throw a boulder (two-handed)
you may throw it up to 20 feet and deal damage
equal to 3d12 + your Strength modifier on a hit.
The damage bonus for throwing stones also ap-
plies to stones created by the magic stone spell.


Path of the Exiled Psychic Resistance
6th-level Path of the Exiled feature

He who controls his path controls the You are resistant to the mind-inflicting stress
Underdark. many Underdark creatures can bestow upon
you. You gain resistance against psychic
damage and have advantage against Intelli-
JARLAXLE gence-based saving throws and effects.
In the darkest depths of the Underdark reside
fierce men and women who’ve savagely survived Taunting Attack
and claimed rule over the unrivaled dangers of 10th-level Path of the Exiled feature
this harsh underground caverns. Either there by
choice, accident, or by the unfortunate event of You can use your reaction to attack a creature
being captured by mind flayer or drow slavers, to that ends its turn within 5 feet of you. If the attack
this reclusive monster-slaying machines, it is kill or hits, the creature must succeed a Wisdom saving
be killed. throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier) or be taunted by you and
focus all of its attacks against you, regardless if it
Hard to Kill was planning to attack another creature. The effect
3rd-level Path of the Exiled feature
ends if you are incapacitated, or if the creature
ends its turn out of line of sight.
Time you have spent in the Underdark fighting all
If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you
matter of bizarre alien-like monsters has hardened
can’t use this feature on that creature again for 24
your mind and body to keep going. As a bonus
action, you can heal yourself up to 1d6 hit points +
your barbarian level.
You can use this feature a number of times equal Subterranea Slayer
to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one), 14th-level Path of the Exiled feature
and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest. You have hunted creatures of the Underdark
long enough to know their weaknesses and
Wild Senses how hard to hit them. As a bonus action, after
3rd-level Path of the Exiled feature you have hit a creature with a weapon you can
choose to deal an additional 3d6 or 10 dam-
You have experienced enough danger to sense your age (slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning, de-
prey before it strikes. Using no magic, but rather pending on your weapon damage type) against
pushing the limit of your physical abilities using aberrations, humanoids, monstrosities, and plants.
you honed sense of smell, sight, and hearing, you Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
can concentrate in your surroundings and detect rest before you can use it again.
any aberrations, humanoids, monstrosities, and
plants within 90 feet of you. You can feel their pres-
ence and determine their approximate position in
feet away from you.
Additionally, if you don’t already have darkvision,
you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. If you already have darkvision, you see up to
120 feet of you instead.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one),
and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
short or long rest.


Stylish Slip-Up
3rd-level bard feature

Whenever you fail an ability check in which you

Bard have expertise, you gain inspiration.
The bard class receives new features and subclass-
es in this section. Insult to Injury
7th-level bard feature
Optional Class Features
When a creature fails its saving throw against a
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook spell you cast, it also has disadvantage on its next
when you reach certain levels in your class. This ability check or attack roll.
section offers additional features that you can gain
as a bard.
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, Bard Colleges
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College fea-
feature in this section if you meet the level require- ture, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
ment noted in the feature’s description. These The following options are available to you when
features can be selected separately from another; making that choice: College of Echoes and College
you can use one, both, or none of them. of Fangs.

Additional Bard Spells College of Echoes

1st-level bard feature
The mystery of life isn’t a problem to
The spells in the following list expand the bard
puzzle out, but an echo to listen to.
spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or-
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after JARLAXLE
the spell's name. Each spell description is later on
in the book (chapter 3). Bards who join the College of Echoes study the
sonorous acoustic properties of the Underdark
Cantrip (0 Level) 2nd Level gaining an intimate understanding of the diverse
Minor Telepathy Impostor mask sounds and culture of its inhabitants. These bards
Shatter captivity Magical backlash develop a supernatural ability to project their per-
Thieving Servant formance at great volumes across vast distances
1st Level but are most famous for enchanting their audience
Insightful Deceiver 3rd Level by augmenting their performances with glorious
Pickpocketeer Portal View and mysterious echoes. Simply put, they are able
Thieving Step to make the endless impassive stone of the ‘World
Below’ sing.
Only the most dedicated artists come to the
Deadly Knowledge Underdark as the scarcity of friendly taverns and
2nd-level bard feature warm hearths deter all but the most devoted to
their craft. Many bards of this college are drawn
Instead of traveling the world to gain the broad to the Underdark through the legend of Kel Faldir.
range of knowledge, you studied a means of This mythical duergar auditorium is famous for the
death-dealing. You have advantage on saving magical amplified properties of its stage, its audi-
throws against poison, and you have resistance ence of dwarven ghosts, but mostly for its endless
against poison damage. supply of ancient duergar stout. Often these bards
begin by searching for this fantastical theatre and
wind up making legends of their own.
When bards who manage to survive long enough


in the Underdark finally return to civilization they
astound their audiences using the power of echo-
ing sound to miraculously accompany themselves.
Whether it is a soaring instrumental passage
which gracefully bounces from wall to wall, im-
mersive sound effects used to punctuate a story or
poem or a complex dance based on the sacrificial
ceremony of the Kuo-toa, bards of this college cre-
ate resonant and powerful art from the unrelenting
hostility of the Underdark.

Reverberating Inspiration
3rd-level College of Echoes feature

When you use your bonus action to expend a Bar-

dic Inspiration die, you may use a reaction to roll
a die of the same type as your Bardic Inspiration
die and add the result to the next ability check or
attack roll of you or an ally that you can see. This
extra die only lasts for 1 round before the echo
fades away.
You must take a short or long rest before using
this feature again.

Bewildering Ventriloquist
6th-level College of Echoes feature

As a bonus action you may magically throw your

voice to a location that you can see within 60 feet another unused spell slot of the same level as
of you. You can speak and cast spells from this the original spell in order to use this feature
location. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal and the slot is consumed as normal. The
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 round). sheer overwhelming force of your Self-Oscilla-
Any creature within a 30-foot radius of your Bewil- tion feature requires you to make a Constitu-
dering Ventriloquism must succeed on a Charisma tion saving throw or be knocked prone. Crea-
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a tures within 30 feet of you must also succeed
failed save the creatures is disorientated suffering
on a Constitution saving throw equal to your
disadvantage on ability checks or attack rolls, crea-
tures effected this way can repeat the saving throw
spell save DC or be deafened for rounds equal
on each of their turns to remove the effect which to half your bard level rounded down.
otherwise remains until the voice dissipates. Crea- Once you use the self-oscillation feature you
tures immune to deafness automatically succeed must complete a long rest before you can use
on this saving throw. it again.
Once you use the Bewildering Ventriloquist fea-
ture you must take a long rest before you can use it

14th-level College of Echoes feature

When you cast a spell that requires an attack

roll or requires a hostile creature to make a
saving throw, you may use a bonus action to
expend a Bardic Inspiration die in order to
cast that spell a second time. You must have


College of Fangs take an extra 2d6 poison damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The effect of the poison lasts until you hit a crea-
ture with a weapon twice. If a creature consumes
Everyone has the right to live and die by
the poison, it takes 2d6 poison damage assuming
the sword. But death by poison? That’s it failed its saving throw. Note that the Venomous
reserved for nobles. Solution feature does not make you immune to the
You can use this feature a number of times per
JARLAXLE day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of
1 poison), and you regain all expended uses when
The College of Fangs train spectacular minstrels
you finish a short or long rest.
and entertainers, but above all, cunning noble
household advisors. Often praised as elite soldiers,
they strike in the most opportune moments, deceiv- Minstrel Luck
ing and slaying their enemies with their cunning 14th-level College of Fangs feature
silver tongue, social skills, and music. They would
rather enchant, poison, blackmail, or assassinate You have learnt to avoid spell-like abilities, hazards
than fight a fair fight. and many other unfortunate momentarily situa-
tions you might find yourself in. As a bonus action,
until the start of your next turn, you have advantage
Bonus Proficiencies on ability checks and saving throws.
3rd-level College of Fangs feature
You can use this feature a number of times per
day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of
You gain proficiency with Thieves’ tools, poisoner’s
one), and you regain all expended uses when you
kit and one instrument of your choice.
finish a long rest.

Killing Melodies
3rd-level College of Fangs feature

You learn how through the power of music and

words to lethally wound your enemies. As a bonus
action, you can expend one of your uses of Bardic
Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and
subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s
hit points. The creature must be within line of
sight, and it must be within 60 feet of you.
Additionally, you can choose to spend another
use of Bardic Inspiration to deal extra damage.
The creature has disadvantage on its next attack

Venomous Solution
6th-level College of Fangs feature

You can create a powerful venomous poison to

coat ammunition, weapons, or simply pour on
an enemy’s wine glass. As an action, you can
magically create a potent serpent’s poison that
pours out of your palm. During your action,
you can coat a total of two ammunition arrows
or bolts, a weapon, or pour the substance into
a cup, vial, or container. Creatures subject to
this venom must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw equal to your spell save DC or


Additional Cleric Spells
1st-level cleric feature

The spells in the following list expand the cleric

Cleric spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or-
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
The cleric class receives new features and sub- can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after
classes in this section. the spell's name. Each spell description is later on
in the book (chapter 3).
Optional Class Features Cantrip (0 Level) 3rd Level
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook Water barrier Clarity of mind
when you reach certain levels in your class. This Death-strikes
section offers additional features that you can gain 1st Level Dominate vermin
as a cleric. Sanctuary Life from death
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, Stone tell Portal view
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con- Water whip Rushing waters
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a Spiderform
feature in this section if you meet the level require- 2nd Level
ment noted in the feature’s description. These Locate node 4th Level
features can be selected separately from another; Mark of the outcast Driderform
you can use one, both, or none of them. Obsidian stare
5th Level
Portal barricade
Tidal bolts

6th Level
Portal redirection

Master of Vermin
2nd-level cleric feature (replaces Channel Divinity:
Turn Undead and Destroy Undead features)

Instead of channeling divine energy to turn or

destroy undead, you can channel that energy into
commanding vermin of the same CR.

Empathic Healing
3rd-level cleric feature

When you cast a spell that restores hit points to

a friendly creature, you regain hit points equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).


Cantrip Versatility Balance Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
4th-level cleric feature
1st command, sanctuary*
Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants 3rd clarity of mind*, hold person
the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can
5th glyph of warding, hypnotic pattern
replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s
Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the 7th charm monster, private sanctum
cleric spell list. 9th antilife shell, modify memory

Bolster Resolve Bonus Proficiency

1st-level Balance Domain feature
7th-level cleric feature
You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and
You may touch another creature as an action,
may double your proficiency bonus when you
ending any effect causing them to be frightened or
attempt to persuade a creature to forego a violent
course of action.

Divine Domains Persuasive Renewal

1st-level Balance Domain feature
At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain fea-
ture, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
You may use Wisdom, instead of Charisma as
following options are available to you when making
the ability score associated with Persuasion and
that choice: Eilistraee Domain and Lolth Domain.
Deception checks.
Additionally, for every successful Charisma (Per-
Balance Domain suasion) or Charisma (Deception) check you make,
you gain one balance point. You may spend balance
points to restore spell slots. For every two balance
There is a delicate time for beginnings points expended, you may restore one level’s worth
and endings, but there is always time for of spell slots. Your total number of balance points
balance, do not doubt. is not reset after a long rest, but cannot exceed 10

JARLAXLE Channel Divinity: Wisdom's Ward

2nd-level Balance Domain feature
Underdark clerics of the balance domain are
committed to neutrality and order in all that they You may use your channel divinity as a reaction
pursue. Many slyths follow this path for those when hit by an attack to summon a magical ward
reasons, but adherents of all races can be found that grants you a bonus to your AC equal to your
walking this path. These clerics prefer diplomacy Wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn,
to combat, and are well versed in the art of calming possibly causing the attack to miss you. When a
individuals and helping parties that are at odds creature hits you with a melee attack while you are
come to a peaceful, or at least a non-violent, reso- affected by this ward, it must make a Strength sav-
lution. ing throw against your spell save DC or be pushed
back 10 feet and take force damage equal to your
Domain Spells Wisdom modifier.
1st-level Balance Domain feature
Balancing Aura
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in 6th-level Balance Domain feature
the Balance Domain Spells table. See the Divine
Domain class feature in the Player’s Handbook for You learn to subtly influence the minds of those
how domain spells work. around you, encouraging them to make rational
decisions. Whenever a creature within 15 feet of
you makes a Wisdom saving throw you may grant
it a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus.


Rethink Your Life Eilistraee Domain
8th-level Balance Domain feature

You recognize that a balanced mind sometimes She moved so gracefully, I thought
requires forceful restoration. When you hit a crea- there was two of her. Turns out, it was
ture with a melee attack, you may expend a use of
this ability to force that creature to make a Wis-
her and her sword.
dom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
is charmed by you, and uses its turn to engage in JARLAXLE
self-reflection. While outside of combat, you have
advantage on persuasion checks made against a The most elite clerics of Eilistraee are granted the
creature that is charmed in this way. No more than title of Sword Dancer. These devoted individuals
one creature can be charmed this way at a time, serve The Dark Maiden as warriors, infiltrators,
and this charmed affect ends if the creature takes and diplomats, taking their name from their agile,
damage. dance-like movements in battle. They often lead
You may use this ability a number of times equal expeditions into Lolth-controlled portions of The
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum once) and Underdark, seeking to free the Drow there of her
regain all expended uses after a long rest. dangerous and divisive dogma.
As a Sword Dancer, you are no stranger to the
Balanced Harm blade, knowing that while mercy and kindness are
17th-level Balance Domain feature important aspects of the Dark Maiden’s teachings,
violence must nonetheless be met with equal force.
Your powerful connection to balance allows you to Sword Dancers prefer to strike from the shad-
change the flow of combat, balancing the output of ows, using subtlety and spells to disable their foes
damage dealt to a single target. When a creature without killing them outright.
that you can see takes damage, you may use your
reaction to choose a number of creatures that you Domain Spells
can see equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1st-level Eilistraee Domain feature
of 2 creatures), one of which must be the creature
taking damage. The damage that would have been You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in
taken by that creature is divided evenly among all the Eilistraee Domain Spells table. See the Divine
of the selected creatures. Domain class feature in the Player’s Handbook for
You may use this ability a number of times equal how domain spells work.
to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all expended
uses after a long rest. Eilistraee Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spell
1st magic missile, stone tell*
3rd pass without trace, spider climb
5th hypnotic pattern, thunder step
7th dimension door, resilient sphere
9th circle of power, commune

Bonus Proficiencies
1st-level Eilistraee Domain feature

You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. You also

gain proficiency in Finesse or Versatile weapons
(your choice).


Dance of Darkness
1st-level Eilistraee Domain feature

As a bonus action, you can begin a magic dance

that lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitat-
ed. While dancing, you gain the following benefits.
• You add your Charisma modifier to your AC.
• Your walking speed increases by 15 feet.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one), and
you regain all expended uses when you finish a
short or long rest.

Channel Divinity: Shelter of

2nd-level Eilistraee Domain feature

You can use your Channel Divinity to avoid detec-

tion. As an action, you may invoke divine power.
For the next 10 minutes, you or a willing creature
you touch has advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth)
and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, and makes no
perceptible noises when it moves, regardless of
what it is wearing.
You may end this effect using an action. When
this effect ends, if the affected creature is in an
area of dim light or darkness, it regains hit points Our Lady's Retribution
equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. 8th-level Eilistraee Domain feature

Dancing Sword Your strikes are empowered to smite those who

6th-level Eilistraee Domain feature seek to do you or your allies harm.
Whenever you deal damage to a creature, you
As an action, you can any sword that you are profi- may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage
cient with and turn it into a dancing sword. When dealt. If that creature has dealt damage to you or
you do so, the sword begins to hover, flies up to 30 an allied creature within your line of sight since
feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within your last turn, you may deal an additional 1d6
5 feet of it. The sword uses your Attack roll and points of radiant damage.
ability score modifier to Damage Rolls.
While the sword hovers, you can use a bonus Dancer's Disappearance
action to cause it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot 17th-level Eilistraee Domain feature
within 30 feet of you. As part of the same bonus
action, you can cause the sword to attack one crea- You manifest a spark of divine power in defense of
ture within 5 feet of it. the Realms Below. Whenever you are in an area of
After the hovering sword attacks for the fourth dim light or darkness, you may use a bonus action
time, it flies up to 30 feet and tries to return to to gain truesight with a range of 120 feet and
your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls to the become invisible until you attack, cast a spell, or
ground at your feet. If the sword has no unobstruct- enter an area of bright light.
ed path to you, it moves as close to you as it can
and then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover
if you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away
from it.


Lolt Domain

Fear is the spider’s weapon. Fear is the

true-poison that keeps others mindful
of the spider.


The Spider Queen Lolth blesses noble women

strong in her faith to dominate above all hierarchy
and rule over the vast Drow kingdoms of the Un-
derdark. Her goal? That her followers assert their
dominance over the dark elves’ souls. Priestesses
of Lolth prevent the spreading of different faiths or
ideas. Those loyal to the goddesses’ web are grant-
ed powerful divine powers, to bend the will of their
enemies and destroy everything that threatens her
absolute power. Though priests of Lolth are usually
women due to the matriarchal nature of Drow soci-
eties. Male dark elves in disguise have been known
to try and deceive others in the past, seeking the
unrivaled power of their goddess for their own.

Domain Spells
1st-level Lolth Domain feature

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed

Bend Will
1st-level Lolth Domain feature
in the Lolth Domain Spells table. See the Divine
Domain class feature in the Player’s Handbook for You know how to bend your opponent’s will. As an
how domain spells work. action, you can target a creature within 30 feet of
you and say a command word of your choice. The
Lolth Domain Spells creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw
Cleric Level Spell equal to your spell save DC or do anything you say.
1st magic missile, bane The order can’t be longer than 10 words but can in-
3rd web, crown of madness clude the creature harming itself or an ally. As soon
as the creature takes damage or harms an ally, the
5th conjure animals (2 giant spiders), effect ends. Creatures that succeed resisting your
fireball Bend Will feature become immune to it for the
7th freedom of movement, divination next 24 hours.
9th cloud kill, mass cure wounds You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one), and
you regain all expended uses when you finish a
BonusCantrip short or long rest.
1st-level Lolth Domain feature

You know the resistance cantrip if you don’t

already know it.


Channe Divinit Divin Punishin Tes o Lolth
17th-level Lolth Domain feature
2nd-level Lolth Domain feature
You may cast driderform* without expending a
spell slot or material components. The effects can
You can use your Channel Divinity to destroy your
only be reversed by a wish spell or divine favor.
enemies or heal your allies.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
As an action, you present your holy symbol and
to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one), and
evoke negative or positive energy. Using positive
you regain all expended uses when you finish a
energy, you restore a total number of hit points
long rest.
equal to 1d10 + your cleric level. Using negative
energy, you deal 1d10 + your cleric level of necrotic
damage. Choose any number of creatures within Portal Domain
30 feet of you, divide the damage or hit points
among them. You can’t use the healing feature on
an undead or construct. The Underark is full of doors and you
When you reach 4th level, the necrotic damage or may be the key, I wonder?
healing dice increases to 2d10. The necrotic dam-
age or healing dice increases again by one when
you reach 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level. JARLAXLE

Clerics of the Portal domain are drawn to the mul-

Lolth's Favor titude of portals and pathways strewn across the
6th-level Lolth Domain feature Underdark. They see themselves as defenders of
their reality, and focus on keeping extraplanar en-
You climb deeper into the pits in order to be closer tities in their own realms, or returning them there
to the Spider Queen. Your fervor gains you the when they stray. Though these clerics can create
following. the portals they are named after, they are far more
• You can speak and read Abyssal if you don’t often found closing them, and forever locking away
already. the horrors that waits on the other side.
• You gain a whip of fangs*
• You know the spiderform* spell if you don’t Domain Spells
already know it. 1st-level Portal Domain feature

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed

in the Portal Domain Spells table. See the Divine
Demo Servitude Domain class feature in the Player’s Handbook for
8th-level Lolth Domain feature
how domain spells work.
You can summon demon once per day. You choose
Portal Domain Spells
what to summon and attempt a magic summoning:
Cleric Level Spells
Shadow Demon. You have a 70 percent chance of
success in summoning a shadow demon. 1st chaos bolt, protection from evil and
Vrock. You have a 50 percent chance of success in
3rd misty step, portal view*
summoning a vrock.
5th dispel magic, thunder step
Yochlol. You have a 30 percent chance of success
in summoning a yochlol. 7th dimension door, portal barricade*
If the attempt fails, you take 1d10 psychic damage. 9th banishing smite, far step
Otherwise, the summoned demon appears in an
unoccupied space within 60 feet of you, acts as an
ally, and can’t summon other demons. It remains
for 10 minutes, until you dismiss it as an action, or
until it or you die.


Bonus Proficiency Portal Recalibration
1st-level Portal Domain feature 8th-level Portal Domain feature

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain You become familiar enough with portal magic
proficiency with the Arcana skill if you did not that you can slightly alter the spells surrounding
already have it, and have advantage on Intelligence existing portals that you find. As an action, you may
(Arcana) checks made in relation to extraplanar make an Arcana check with a DC determined by
phenomena. the DM, attempting to alter an existing portal. On
a successful check, you may expend a spell slot of
Portal Hopper a level determined by the DM to alter the portal in
1st-level Portal Domain feature one of the following ways:
• You permanently close the portal, destroying it
You learn to create small portals to escape danger on both ends.
and access distant locations. You may cast misty • You change the destination to which the portal
step once without expending a spell slot. opens from your side. You must have been to a
You regain use of this ability after a short or long location to which you change the destination.
You impose a restriction on the portal, specifying
one type of creature or object that cannot use it.
Channel Divinity: Banish the
• You make the portal invisible, hiding it from
Unnatural those who are unaware of its presence.
2nd-level Portal Domain feature
You may be able to make additional changes at the
discretion of your DM. If you alter a portal that you
You may use your channel divinity to cast banish-
created in this way, you must expend a spell slot
ment without expending a spell slot or material
of one level lower than the slot which you used to
components. Creatures that are not native to your
summon the portal to do so.
plane of existence have disadvantage on their sav-
Note to DMs: As a general rule, closing portals is
ing throw made against this spell.
far easier than altering them, thus the DC and spell
levels used to do so should reflect this.
Sense the Unnatural
6th-level Portal Domain feature
Shift to Safety
17th-level Portal Domain feature
You are innately aware of the presence of crea-
tures or objects that do not belong on your plane
When you or a friendly creature you can see within
of existence. You may use an action to open your
30 feet of you becomes the target of an attack, you
senses to the extraplanar. If there are any objects
may use your reaction to teleport that creature to
or creatures within one mile that do not originate
another location that you can see within 30 feet of
from your plane of existence, you learn the identity
you, causing the attack to miss.
and direction of the nearest such object or being.
You may use this ability a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all uses after
a long rest.


Watery Death Domain Protection of the Depths
1st-level Watery Death Domain feature

Water births life, extends life, but it When you are hit by an attack while you are in or
breathes death. near a body of water such as a river, lake, or ocean,
you may use your reaction to half the damage you
take from the attack, imposing a frail but disrup-
JARLAXLE tive watery barrier which lessens the force of the
The watery death domain, while not necessarily ex- You may use this ability a number of times equal
clusive, is almost entirely composed of Kuo-Toa in to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all expended
the Underdark. Though this domain can fall under uses after a long rest.
the jurisdiction of gods other than Blibdoolploop
and Umberleee, few gods wish to fraternize with Channel Divinity: Engulf
a deity that was literally created by mortal hands, 2nd-level Watery Death Domain feature
and as such, clerics of this domain are relatively
rare on the surface. Despite this, those who do You may use you channel divinity to summon a
follow the path set out by this domain are fearsome sphere of water, trapping a creature inside. As an
foes who harness divine power to distract, disable, action, you present your holy symbol and target
and drown their foes, surrounding them with one creature with this watery sphere. It must make
watery illusions before finishing them off in their a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save
confused and disoriented state. DC, and is restrained inside the sphere on a failed
save. While restrained, the creature is drowning. It
Domain Spells may make a Strength check at the end of each of
1st-level Watery Death Domain feature its turns, ending this effect on a success.

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed Watery Double
in the Watery Death Domain Spells table. See the 6th-level Watery Death Domain feature
Divine Domain class feature in the Player’s Hand-
book for how domain spells work. You learn to shape the flow of water to create
convincing illusions that mimic your movement.
Watery Death Domain Spells Whenever you cast a spell, of first level or higher,
Cleric Level Spells you gain a water illusion, which lasts for 10 min-
1st create or destroy water, entangle utes, and is shaped like you, but transparent upon
closer inspection. A creature may use its action
3rd mirror image, misty step to attempt to differentiate you from your illusion,
5th life from death*, wall of water making a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
7th control water, rushing waters* save DC. It learns which is the fake on a successful
save, and cannot be fooled by one of these illusions
9th dehydrate*, maelstrom
for the next 24 hours. Outside of combat, you may
control the illusion’s movements as long as you can
Strong Swimmer see it and it remains within 120 feet of you, and
1st-level Watery Death Domain feature you may speak through the illusion as if you were
in its place.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Additionally, being in or under water no longer
imposes any disadvantages on you.


Self-Sacrificing Illusions
8th-level Watery Death Domain feature

You learn to control your illusory forms more

exactly. In combat, your illusions stay within 5 feet Druid
of you if able, forming a protective barrier. When
an opponent makes an attack against you, you gain The druid class receives new features and sub-
a bonus to your AC equal to the number of water classes in this section.
illusions currently active. If the attack misses you
as a result of this boosted AC, one of your illusions
is destroyed.
Optional Class Features
You may use a bonus action on each of your You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
turns to have one of your illusions make a melee when you reach certain levels in your class. This
“slam” attack against a creature within 5 feet of section offers additional features that you can gain
it. On a hit, it deals damage equal to 1d6 + your as a druid.
Wisdom modifier. Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
Sea Speaker sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
17th-level Watery Death Domain feature feature in this section if you meet the level require-
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
You become a master of water, able to effortlessly features can be selected separately from another;
control the flow of a battle to your whims. You you can use one, both, or none of them.
learn to speak Aquan, if you do not already know
how, and gain the following benefits: Additional Druid Spells
• On your first turn in a combat, you immediately 1st-level druid feature
gain two water illusions.
• The area in a 15-foot circle around you becomes The spells in the following list expand the druid
slick, and counts as difficult terrain for your spell list in the Player’s Handbook. The list is or-
opponents. ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after
• When a creature makes a melee attack against
the spell’s name. Each spell description is later on
you and misses, it falls prone, and you may use
in the book (chapter 3).
your reaction to make one melee attack against
that creature.
1st Level 3rd Level
• You may use your reaction when hit by an attack
Camouflage Amorphous form
that deals non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, or
Oozing wall Dominate vermin
slashing damage to become temporarily liquid
Spore stream Node door
in form, gaining resistance to damage from that
Stone tell Rushing waters
2nd Level 5th Level
Blindsight Tidal bolts
Locate node
Mark of the outcast
Root wall

Speech of the Wild

3rd-level druid feature

While in Wild Shape, you are always under the

effects of speak with animals spell.


Cantrip Versatility
4th-level druid feature

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants

the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can
replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s
Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the
druid spell list.

Aura of Growth
7th-level druid feature

You exude an aura of pure nature, causing trees

and flowers within 5 feet of you to bloom sponta-
neously as if by the effects of the druidcraft cantrip.
You may choose to deactivate this aura as a bonus
action. Affected plants return to their previous
state when they are no longer in your aura’s radius.
Fruit that blooms while under this effect is particu-
larly delicious.

Druid Circles
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature
which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
following options are available to you when making
that choice: Circle of the Dredge and Circle of the
Moonlit Song.
Corrosive Touch
2nd-level Circle of the Dredge feature
Circle of the Dredge
As a bonus action, you can magically alter your
body with bizarre forces of nature to corrode any-
All wisdom comes from doorways and thing that touches it for the duration of your next
gutters. turn. Every time a non-magical object touches your
body even if this touch is over your armor or cloth-
ing, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity sav-
JARLAXLE ing throw equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier or
start corroding the anything that touches it. If the
There are certain individuals that find amusing the object is armor or a weapon it gains a permanent
corrupting nature of oozes and slime-like crea- cumulative -1 penalty to the AC or weapon damage.
tures. In their bizarre corrupting nature, that is of- Nonmagical ammunition made out of metal that
ten claimed to be originally drawn from apocryphal hits you is destroyed after dealing damage. If the
ancient tomes. Defenders of this misunderstood object is anything else besides a weapon or armor,
branch of nature learn to destroy their enemies it takes 1d4 + your druid level acid damage.
with this corrosion living acids after living for sev- You can use this feature a number of times equal
eral years in the numerous slimy abandoned cities to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one), and
and caves of the Underdark. you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest.


Acid Resistance Circle of the Moonlit Song
2nd-level Circle of the Dredge feature

The time you have spent around oozes, slimes and Ritual dances are best done at night as
other dangerous substances have made you resis- to hide all the blushing.
tant to their effects. At 2nd level you gain resistance
to acid damage.
Apocryphal Shape
6th-level Circle of the Dredge feature Druids of the Circle of the Moonlit Song are
devoted servants of the Dark Maiden, the goddess
The bond with your oozes enhances your body, Eilistraee. Though most of the druids of this order
breaking it down into moist, soft, and slippery are drow, the circle is open to all, and is widely
shapes. As an action you can alter your shape to known for its peculiar ceremonies and rites under
turn into a wide variety of ooze-like creatures. You the light of the full moon.
can spend one Wild Shape use to transform into Druids of this circle are encouraged to allow
a black pudding, gelatinous cube, gray ooze, or an their emotions to be manifested, contrary to the
ochre jelly. culture many Lolth-ruled drow are familiar with,
and their rituals are a means by which to express
these emotions.
Ooze Master Like other Druidic circles, this circle emphasizes
10th-level Circle of the Dredge feature
a love and reverence for nature. However, unlike
many other circles, those of the Circle of the Moon-
You can summon the slime spirit bound to your
lit Song focus primarily on their own personal
soul. As an action you can summon up to 8 gray
nature, and on allowing themselves to grow just as
oozes or 2 ochre jelly that follow your every
one would nurture a plant. Those in these con-
command within 60 feet of you on an unoccupied
claves are often extremely tight knit and protective
space that you can see. The oozes initiative order
of one another.
is equal to yours. Once you use this feature, you
must wait until all summoned oozes of the same
type are destroyed before summoning more oozes Strength in Unity
again. The oozes disappear after 1 minutes if they 2nd-level Circle of the Moonlit Song feature
haven’t been slain.
You can use this feature a number of times equal Your deep wellspring of self-awareness and sense
to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one), and of camaraderie with those around you allows you
you regain all expended uses when you finish a to overcome fears and temptations that would
long rest. break others. You are immune to being frightened
or charmed while within 10 feet of a friendly crea-
Acid Immunity
14th-level Circle of the Dredge feature
Support the Circle
You are slowly becoming something great and 2nd-level Circle of the Moonlit Song feature
repulsive. You become immune to acid damage.
You may cast the cure wounds spell once per long
rest without expending a spell slot. In addition,
whenever you cast a spell or cantrip that targets ex-
actly one other friendly creature, you may change
the casting time from one action to one bonus


Moon Maiden's Song
6th-level Circle of the Moonlit Song feature

Whenever you take a short rest, you may spend

any number of hit dice to heal creatures other
than yourself. In addition, these creatures gain the
maximum amount of healing possible from these The fighter class receives new features and sub-
hit dice. classes in this section.

Defend the Hearth Optional Class Features

10th-level Circle of the Moonlit Song feature
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
You have learned to quickly construct makeshift when you reach certain levels in your class. This
wards to protect your allies. Whenever a creature section offers additional features that you can gain
you can see takes damage, you may use your reac- as a fighter.
tion to expend a spell slot to decrease the damage Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
taken by an amount equal to 6 times the level of you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
the spell slot expended. sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
feature in this section if you meet the level require-
Reactionary Transformation ment noted in the feature’s description. These
14th-level Circle of the Moonlit Song feature features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them.
Taking damage activates your body’s natural de-
fenses, drawing on your druidic power for defense. Combat Training
When you are dealt damage, you may use a reac-
3rd-level fighter feature
tion to choose one of the following effects, which
remains active for 1 minute:
Your martial training helps you get the drop on
Thorny Defense. Your body sprouts thorny spines. your opponents. You may use your Strength
A creature takes 2d6 piercing damage whenever instead of Dexterity to determine your bonus to
it hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet initiative rolls.
of you.
Sedative Spores. Spores erupt outwards from you, Follow-Up Attack
covering a 15 foot sphere centered on you. When
6th-level fighter feature
the spores erupt, they put 8d8 hit points worth of
creatures to sleep (as with the sleep spell). You
You create openings for deadlier follow-up strikes
are immune to the spores, and can choose up to
when you hit a creature with an attack. When you
two other creatures to be unaffected.
hit a creature for the second time in a turn, you
Oaken Skin. Your skin hardens to resist damage. gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll. At higher lev-
You gain resistance to nonmagical piercing, blud- els, this bonus also applies to your third and fourth
geoning, and slashing damage. hits against a creature in a turn.

You may use this feature a number of times equal

to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You regain Martial Archetypes
all expended uses after a short or long rest. At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
The following option is available to you when mak-
ing that choice: Gladiator Slave.


Gladiato Slave

As an honest response, we pay for the

violence of our ancestors.


Slaves of many different races and backgrounds

populate the many cities of the Underdark, tasked
with laborious jobs, little to no food and even less
respect. Some of these unfortunate creatures
are chosen to be gladiators for the noble houses’
amusement. Fighting in large savage coliseums,
they are expected to show no mercy and destroy ev-
erything that stands in their path if they ever hope
to be released. These surviving brutes specialize in
raw unarmored face-to-face combat, fighting men
and ravenous monsters, only the most versatile
endure the violent games of the Underdark.

Strenuou Laborer
3rd-level Gladiator Slave feature

You gain proficiency with a tool of your choice.

Killin Blow Additiona Fightin Style

3rd-level Gladiator Slave feature 10th-level Gladiator Slave feature
You learn how to strike your enemies with dev-
You can choose a second option from the
astating destructive power. When you score a
critical hit with a weapon, your weapon damage
Fighting Style class feature.
dice increases by one. The creature must succeed
a Constitution saving throw or die instantly if its Aggressiv Nature
challenge rating is lower than your level and has 15th-level Gladiator Slave feature
less than half its hit points. If the creature fails, but
has more than half its hit points, the creature gains When you drop a creature to 0 hit points with
a level of exhaustion. a melee attack on your turn, as a bonus action
Saving Throws. The saving throw DC is calcu- you may move up to half your speed and im-
lated as follows: mediately attack another creature once.
Killing Blow DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Coliseu Champion
18th-level Gladiator Slave feature
Superio Unarmore Defense
7th-level Gladiator Slave feature You have mastered the art of wielding, shoot-
ing, and throwing weapons. Once per turn, as
While wearing no armor, your armor class is equal a bonus action you can make an extra attack
to 10 + half your fighter level (rounded down) +
with any melee or ranged weapon you are
your Dexterity modifier.


The Way of the Sea Mother

Nothing wins more loyalty than water

Monk to the thirsty.
The monk class receives new features and sub-
classes in this section. JARLAXLE

Monks of the Way of the Sea Mother are kuo-toan

Optional Class Features warriors dedicated to the defense of their homes
from outside threats. These powerful monks are
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook most at home when fighting in or near a source of
when you reach certain levels in your class. This water.
section offers additional features that you can gain Though they don’t often leave the guardianship
as a monk. of their own homes and cities, some monks of this
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, order do become adventurers, seeking to better
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con- understand the world so that they may return and
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a teach future generations to better adapt to poten-
feature in this section if you meet the level require- tial threats from the world above the waves.
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them. Restriction: Kuo-Toa only
Only Kuo-Toa may become monks of the Way of the
Sea Mother.
Reactive Movement
3rd-level monk feature Aquatic Adaptation
3rd-level Way of the Sea Mother feature
If you do not use all your available movement on
your turn, you may use your reaction to move up to Your natural athleticism in the water grants you
your remaining available movement. certain benefits. When you are swimming or stand-
ing in water that is 1 foot deep or deeper, you have
Weakening Strikes a bonus to your attack rolls equal to your proficien-
cy bonus.
6th-level monk feature
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Athletics
while in the water, and may double your proficiency
When you hit an enemy with an unarmed strike, it
bonus for Strength (Athletics) checks while swim-
has a -1 penalty to the next damage roll it makes.

Monastic Traditions Flow through the Battlefield

6th-level Way of the Sea Mother feature
At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. Your martial form flows like the waves of the sea,
The following option is available to you when mak- with fluid movements that baffle your foes. As an
ing that choice: Way of the Sea Mother. action, you may spend two Ki points and move up
to your movement speed, making one unarmed
strike against each hostile creature that you pass
during this movement. Creatures may not make
attacks of opportunity against you while you are
using this feature.


The paladin class receives new features and sub-
classes in this section.

Optional Class Features

You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
when you reach certain levels in your class. This
section offers additional features that you can gain
as a paladin.
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
feature in this section if you meet the level require-
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them.

Additional Paladin Spells

Slippery Strike 2nd-level paladin feature
11th-level Way of the Sea Mother feature
The spells in the following list expand the paladin
When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or-
you may spend a Ki point to slick the ground be- ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
neath its feet, forcing it to make a Dexterity saving can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after
throw. On a failed save, the creature slips and the spell's name. Each spell description is later on
falls prone, taking an additional 1d6 bludgeoning in the book (chapter 3).
1st Level 3rd Level
Slick and Stick Sanctuary Clarity of mind
17th-level Way of the Sea Mother feature Death-strikes
2nd Level
Your mastery of both the slick and sticky elements Mark of the outcast
of your undersea home translates into your martial Obsidian stare
arts. You secrete a slick substance that quickly be-
comes sticky upon exposure to air. When you use
your Flow through the Battlefield feature, you may
Aura of Skill
make a Slippery Strike against each creature you 3rd-level paladin feature
attack without expending a Ki point.
Additionally, when a creature fails its saving Allied creatures within 15 feet of you gain a +1
throw against your Slippery Strike, you may spend bonus to all Skill checks.
an additional Ki point to cause the slick substance
that caused them to slip to become sticky, rooting Reactionary Healer
them to the ground and inflicting them with the
restrained condition. A creature may attempt to 7th-level paladin feature
break free of this substance by taking an action to
make a Strength saving throw against your ki save When an ally you can see within your movement
DC. speed drops to 0 hit points, you may use your


reaction to move to that ally and expend all remain-
ing hit points from your Lay on Hands feature to
heal that ally. You must use all remaining hit points
from your healing pool when you take this reaction.

Sacred Oaths
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath fea-
ture, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
following options are available to you when making
that choice: Oath of the Silverhair and Oath of

Oath of the Silverhair

Mercy and redemption are two sides of

the same blade.


Paladins who take upon themselves the Oath of

the Silverhair are staunch followers of Eilistraee
who are exceptionally dedicated to her ideals of
mercy and redemption. They are most often found
defending or rescuing those who wish to shake
off the chains of wicked gods such as Lolth and
Vhaeraun. Oath Spells
Like most followers of Eilistraee, these paladins 3rd-level Oath of the Silverhair feature
prefer to use non-lethal means whenever possible,
and are dedicated to the idea that all people are You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in
capable of redeeming themselves. the Oath of the Silverhair Spells table. See the Sa-
cred Oath class feature for how oath spells work.
Tenets of Eilistraee Oath of the Silverhair Spells
Mercy. Violence only begets more violence.
Only by refusing to slay our enemies will we ever Paladin Level Spell
see a day in which we can all be united. 3rd ensnaring strike, sanctuary
Protection. Those who have left their old lives 5th detect thoughts, warding bond
are often followed by the evils of their past, it is my
9th hypnotic pattern, spirit guardians
duty to see that these evils are repelled.
Redemption. No foe is so far gone that they 13th fire shield, faithful hound
cannot be saved. Indeed, most are simply misguid- 17th antilife shell, wall of force
ed or unaware that they have a choice.
Channel Divinity
3rd-level Oath of the Silverhair feature

You gain the following two Channel Divinity op-

tions. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how
Channel Divinity works.
Words of the Maiden. You make friends easi-
ly, and can often convince others to join your cause.
You may use your channel divinity to cast the
charm person spell. This iteration of the spell can


even charm creatures that are normally immune to enter.
to the effects, such as elves and other fey. The • Allied creatures that are reduced to 0 hit points
targeted creature has disadvantage on their save while within 10 feet of you are instead reduced
if neither you, nor your allies have harmed it or its to 1 hit point. (This may only occur once per
allies in any way. creature, per use of this feature.)
Guardian Mother. You know what it is to keep
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
others out of harm’s way. As a reaction, you may
until you finish a long rest.
use your channel divinity to force a creature that
you can see that is attempting to attack one of your
allies to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed Oat o Tyranny
save, the creature must attack you instead. If it
cannot do so, it spends its movement to approach
you and ends its turn. You might find the line between purpose
and tyranny among us to be too sharp
Aura of Eilistraee and quick.
7th-level Oath of the Silverhair feature

Blessings of Eilistraee rest on you and your JARLAXLE

companions. Whenever you or a friendly creature
within 10 feet of you takes damage, that damage The Oath of Tyranny binds paladins dedicated to
is reduced by an amount equal to your proficiency the authoritarian rule of a single god or goddess.
bonus. Often called dark knights, iron fist henchmen, and
fanatics, they swear to spread and impose the soli-
Non-Lethal Technique tary teachings of their way. They believe those who
15th-level Oath of the Silverhair feature defy the divine word of their patron god or goddess
deserve no mercy. The two main principles they
believe in are strength and loyalty.
You have mastered non-lethal combat. When-
ever you reduce a creature to 15 hit points or
less, you may choose to knock that creature Tenet o Tyrann
The tenets of the Oath of Tyranny are to preserve
unconscious. (Make that your DM is aware of
power and terminate the weak. In practice, to
this feature, so that they can inform you when defy and punish those individuals that worship
it can be used) rival gods. This oath emphasizes the principles of
Additionally, when you score a critical hit absolute rule, with grey shades of morality. It does
against any creature that has less than ½ of not matter what’s good or evil to them, as long as
its total hit points remaining, it must make a they are achieving the goal of spreading the word
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 16 or of their deity.
half of the damage you deal to it (whichever Strength. Strong deities choose the strongest
is higher), being knocked unconscious on a people to spread their word.
failed save. Power. With sacrifice comes power.
Loyalty. Loyalty to your god and institution, fail
Shaded Salvation and you’ll face certain death.
20th-level Oath of the Silverhair feature No Mercy for the Weak. There is no place in
this world for those that can’t defend their faith.
You can intimately harness the power of Eilistraee. Retribution. Seek retribution upon any one
As an action, you magically become an avatar of that dares defy the word of your god.
the Dark Maiden, gaining the following benefits for
1 minute:
• You become invisible along with any equipment
you are wearing or carrying.
• As an action, you may create a portal to any
location that you know well and have spent at
least a week in. The portal will only allow those
you indicate through, blocking all other attempts


Oat Spells Aur o Convincing
3rd-level Oath of Tyranny feature 7th-level Oath of Tyranny feature
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in
the Oath of Tyranny Spells table. See the Sacred You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you
Oath class feature for how oath spells work. have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and
Charisma (Intimidation) checks, even creatures
Oath of Tyranny Spells behind cover.
Paladin Level Spell At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to
30 feet.
3rd wrathful smite, shield
5th branding smite, zone of truth
Frightfu Presence
9th counterspell, dispel magic 15th-level Oath of Tyranny feature
13th stoneskin, staggering smite
17th flame strike, geas Your presence strikes fear into your ene-
mies. As an action, up to three creatures you
Channe Divinity see within 30 feet of you are subject to your
3rd-level Oath of Tyranny feature Frightful Presence. Creatures must succeed
a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell
You gain the following two Channel Divinity op- save DC or become frightened for 1 minute or
tions. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how until the creature takes any damage. You have
Channel Divinity works. advantage on attack rolls against creatures
Smiting Battle Cry. As a bonus action, you you have frightened.
scream a powerful battle cry using your Channel
Divinity that damages or momentarily startles an Ambassado o Tyranny
enemy. Choose one creature you can see within 60 20th-level Oath of Tyranny feature
feet of you. The creature must make a Wisdom sav-
ing throw equal to you spell save DC. The creature As an action your body and anything you are
must be able to hear you. Additionally, humanoids wearing emanate a bright purplish black aura that
have disadvantage on its saving throw against the shines from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light
effect. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 + that shines 30 feet beyond that, gaining the follow-
half your paladin level (minimum of 1) psychic ing benefits for 1 minute:
damage and has disadvantage on attack rolls until
• You create a 30-foot radius of dark magical
it takes any damage. On a successful save, the crea-
divine aura. The first time an enemy creature
ture only takes damage.
starts its turn there during battle, it must roll and
When you reach 4th level, the damage increases
succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to your
to 2d6. The damage dice increases again by one
spell save DC or become stunned for their next
when you reach 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level.
turn. In addition, you have advantage on saving
Life Stealing Strikes. As an action you imbue
throws against spells cast by any hostile creature
one weapon you are holding with life stealing
for the duration of the effect.
necrotic magic using your Channel Divinity. For 1
minute, you add half your paladins’ level (minimum • All of your weapons become magical and deal an
one) to attack rolls and damage with that weapon. additional 1d8 necrotic or radiant (your choice)
Each time you damage a hostile creature with this damage for the duration of this effect.
weapon, the creature must roll a Constitution sav- Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
ing throw equal to you spell save DC. On a failed until you finish a long rest.
save you add the extra damage dealt as temporary
hit points. The weapon also emits purplish black
dim light in a 10-foot radius. If the weapon is not
already magical, it becomes magical for the dura-
You can end this effect on your turn as part of
any other action. If you are no longer holding or
carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious,
this effect ends.


Constant Watchfulness
6th-level ranger feature

You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet (if you

Ranger don’t already have it) or extend your darkvision
another 30 feet.
The ranger class receives new features and sub- Additionally, you have blindsight to a range of 10
classes in this section. feet.

Optional Class Features Ranger Archetypes

You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype
when you reach certain levels in your class. This feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
section offers additional features that you can gain The following options are available to you when
as a ranger. making that choice: Bounty Hunter and Darksong
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, Knight.
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
feature in this section if you meet the level require- Bounty Hunter
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them. Nothing about people is simple – until
they run.
Additional Ranger Spells
2nd-level ranger feature JARLAXLE

The spells in the following list expand the ranger Elite rangers that take up the bounty hunting
spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or- profession are self-employed mercenaries that are
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell constantly looking for work. Usually hunting for
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after outlaws and criminals, though sometimes whoever
the spell's name. Each spell description is later on has a high price on their head, whether it’s a noble
in the book (chapter 3). lord or a monstrous creature. They populate the
numerous cities of the Underdark, hanging around
Cantrip (0 Level) 2nd Level taverns, pubs, and solitary alley ways. Deadly and
cunning, when a bounty hunter takes a job, it’s
Spectral dagger Blindsight
almost certain they will get it done.
1st Level Root wall
Sanctuary 3rd Level
Spore stream Clarity of mind
Stone tell

Ranger's Skill
3rd-level ranger feature, and again at 10th-level

You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice

from the ranger skill list.


Bounty Hunter Magic
3rd-level Bounty Hunter feature

You learn an additional spell when you reach

certain levels in the class, as shown in the
Bounty Hunter spells table. The spell counts
as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count
against the number of ranger spells you know.

Bounty Hunter Spells

Ranger Level Spell

3rd disguise self
5th blindness/deafness
9th haste
13th stoneskin
17th hold monster

Contract Finding
3rd-level Bounty Hunter feature

You know where to find places to employ yourself

and find new targets to hunt. Whenever you enter a
settlement, you can spend 1 hour finding a variable
number of humanoid or monster slaying contracts
under DM discretion. Payment offered for the con-
tract varies on your level. Quick End
15th-level Bounty Hunter feature
Tracking Prowess Your superior combat training gives you an extra
7th-level Bounty Hunter feature
edge in battle against your foes. When you hit a
You know how to track all matter of diverse crea- favored enemy with a weapon attack, the creature
tures. After you have chosen a contract to hunt a takes an extra 3d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slash-
creature, you can recall information of that specific ing damage (based on your weapon).
creature type. As you are tracking the creature, it You can deal this extra damage only once per
temporarily counts as one of your favored enemies encounter.
(if it isn’t already one) for the duration of the con-
tract. You cannot use this feature on more than one Darksong Knight
creature on a given time. You must finish tracking
a creature before you can use this feature again to
track another creature type. There is a hidden dance between the
Once you have used this feature, you must wait hunter and the hunted.
24 hours before you can use it again.

Additional Favored Enemy JARLAXLE

11th-level Bounty Hunter feature
Darksong Knights are strict followers of Eilistraee
You have spent enough time tracking and hunting who serve as a bulwark between the good people
a specific creature type. Memorizing its behavioral of this realm and evil incursions by those loyal to
patterns and learning its language. You choose one Lolth. They have a particular hatred for yochlols.
additional favored enemy, as well as an associated Unlike many other adherents of Eilistraee,
language. Darksong Knights are not above using excessive


violence to accomplish their designs. Though they Pinpoint Weakness
respect Eilistraee’s teachings of mercy and com- 7th-level Darksong Knight feature
passion, the foes they fight are twisted creatures
that will not and cannot be changed. It is a mercy You have learned how to quickly scan your ene-
to eliminate these perverted life forms so that all mies for strengths and weaknesses. You may use
that is good in the world can thrive. a bonus action to observe a creature. When you
do, your DM can inform you of one resistance (if
Darksong Magic any) and one vulnerability (if any) of the observed
3rd-level Darksong Knight feature creature.
In addition, once per turn when you hit a crea-
You learn an additional spell when you reach ture with an attack, you may change that attack’s
certain levels in the class, as shown in the damage type to any other damage type besides
Darksong Knight Spells table. The spell force or psychic damage.
counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t
count against the number of ranger spells you Bane of Evil
know. 11th-level Darksong Knight feature

Darksong Knight Spells You are exceptionally well versed in fighting the
forces of evil. When you hit an evil-aligned crea-
Ranger Level Spell ture with an attack, you may force that creature to
make a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell
3rd shield of faith
save DC. On a failed save, the affected creature is
5th moonbeam frightened of you until the end of your next turn
9th crusader’s mantle and cannot take reactions. Additionally, demons,
13th banishment devils, and aberrations have disadvantage on this
saving throw against the effect.
17th banishing smite You may use this feature a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all ex-
Vigilant Watcher pended uses after a short or long rest.
3rd-level Darksong Knight feature
Maiden's Fury
You are a master of the hunt, always on the lookout 15th-level Darksong Knight feature
for incursions from the evils of this plane and oth-
ers. You gain proficiency in the Arcana and Percep- As a purveyor of the Dark Maiden’s will, you have
tion skills. If you already have proficiency in either learned to channel her power to defeat even the
of these skills, you may treat that skill as if you had dangerous of foes. When you hit a creature with
expertise. (You may double your proficiency bonus an attack, you may use this feature to immediately
when using that skill) deal an additional 10d8 radiant damage to the
target. This damage is unaffected by resistances or
Swift Responder immunities.
3rd-level Darksong Knight feature Once you use this feature, you cannot use it
again until you have finished a long rest.
You have mastered the art of striking first and
striking hard. You may add your Wisdom modifier
to your initiative rolls.
In addition, when you hit a creature that has not
yet acted in combat, you deal an additional 2d8
damage of the weapon’s damage type to that oppo-
(This extra damage increases as you gain levels
to 3d8 at 6th level, 4d8 at 9th level, 5d8 at 12th level,
and 6d8 at 15th level)



I have seen a friend become a spy, then

Rogue an assassin. History will call you an
The rogue class receives new features and sub-
classes in this section.
Optional Class Features Regarded as the pinnacle of many Underdark
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook societies, when it comes to serve noble houses,
when you reach certain levels in your class. This criminal gang organizations and business wars,
section offers additional features that you can gain infiltrators are the key to victory. Skilled spies and
as a rogue. assassins that hide in the shadows, they remain
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, hidden until necessary action is needed. While they
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con- usually gather intelligence for themselves or their
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a masters from a safe distance, they are to never be
feature in this section if you meet the level require- underestimated if encountered.
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
features can be selected separately from another; Infiltration Skills
you can use one, both, or none of them. 3rd-level Infiltrator feature

Exceptional Acrobat Your enhanced spy abilities allow you to

3rd-level rogue feature
sneak, move and steal with phenomenal skill.
On top of your normal ability modifier bonus,
You may triple your long and high jump distances, you add half your ability modifier (rounded
and you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) down) to ability checks related to Dexterity
checks. (Acrobatics), Dexterity (Stealth), and Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand).
Expert's Speed
7th-level rogue feature Opportunist Attack
3rd-level Infiltrator feature
You may use a bonus action, instead of an action to
make any Skill check in which you have expertise. You know how strike injured enemies quickly.
Once per turn, you can use your reaction to
make a melee weapon attack against a crea-
Roguish Archetypes ture that has been injured by another charac-
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype ter.
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
The following options are available to you when Defensive Reflexes
making that choice: Infiltrator and Vengeance 9th-level Infiltrator feature
You have honed your reflexes to evade being
hit by the enemy. Whenever your Uncanny
Dodge feature is triggered, you can choose to
take no damage instead.
You can use this feature only once per encounter.


Combat Ready Vengeance takers, as their name implies, often
13th-level Infiltrator feature seek to mete out justice for wrongs that require
vengeance. They are easily prevailed upon to aid
those seeking retribution for injustices, and often
You react before anything can surprise you. At
seek revenge for those who are not strong enough
the end of an enemy’s (or group of enemies) to do it themselves. They use powerful divination
surprise round, before combat starts, you can magic to hint down quarries, and never stop until
take a turn before initiative is rolled. their quest for justice is fulfilled.

Infiltrating Assassin Restriction: Humans Only

17th-level Infiltrator feature Only humans can become Vengeance Takers.
The force of will, versatility, and flexible morality
You have become adept at infiltrating enemy inherent in the art of being a vengeance taker are
grounds and assassinating those who stand hallmarks of humanity.
in your way. You always have advantage on
weapon attack rolls against creatures that Expert Tracker
cannot see you and the first creature you hit 3rd-level Vengeance Taker feature
in combat. If you have already hit a creature
before combat starts with advantage, then you You gain proficiency in Nature and Survival checks
cannot use this feature for the duration of that if you didn’t already have it.
Additionally, you learn the detect evil and good
spell, and may cast it at will.

The Vengeance Taker Arcane Hunter

9th-level Vengeance Taker feature
Know yourself. Then, know who lives in You are even more capable of tracking down your
your shadow. foes. You learn the locate creature and scrying
spells, and may cast each once per long rest.
Timely Vengeance
Though rogues are often thought of as shifty trick- 13th-level Vengeance Taker feature
sters, vengeance takers are another breed entirely.
These rogues are strict believers in the law who Your thirst for vengeance extends to the battlefield.
often take it upon themselves to punish those who Whenever a friendly creature you can see within
have broken it and have escaped justice. This often 30 feet takes damage from an attack, you may use
puts them at odds with local authorities, as they your reaction to attack against the creature that
find themselves regularly breaking the law in order dealt damage.
to enforce it.
Chosen Quarry
17th-level Vengeance Taker feature

You are a master of taking down chosen targets

one by one. In combat, you may use a bonus action
to mark a creature as your quarry. You have advan-
tage on all attack rolls made against the marked
creature as long as you can see it, and disadvan-
tage on all attacks made against other creatures.
Additionally, when you score a critical hit against
a marked creature, you may roll three times the
damage dice instead of two.


Additional Sorcerer Spells
1st-level sorcerer feature

The spells in the following list expand the sorcerer

Sorcerer spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or-
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
The sorcerer class receives new features and sub-
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after
classes in this section.
the spell's name. Each spell description is later on
in the book (chapter 3).
Optional Class Features Cantrip (0 Level) 3rd Level
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
Minor telekinesis Amorphous form
when you reach certain levels in your class. This
Minor telepathy Life from death
section offers additional features that you can gain
Necrotic glow Node door
as a sorcerer.
Sharpen object Spiderform
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
Shatter captivity Thieving step
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
Soul bolt
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
Spectral dagger 4th Level
feature in this section if you meet the level require-
Sudden swarm Driderform
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
Water barrier
features can be selected separately from another;
6th Level
you can use one, both, or none of them.
1st Level Dehydrate
Insightful deceiver
Pickpocketeer 8th Level
2nd Level
Impostor mask
Thieving servant

Soothing Sorcery
3rd-level sorcerer feature

When you use metamagic to restore spell slots,

you regain hit points equal to twice the number of
metamagic points spent.

Persuade Reality
7th-level sorcerer feature

Your natural charisma can bend even the forces of

nature to your will. You may use Charisma instead
of Wisdom as your skill check modifier for Wisdom
(Animal Handling), Wisdom (Nature), and Wisdom
(Survival) checks.


Sorcerous Origins Earth Node
6th-level Deep Diviner feature
At 1st level, a Sorcerer gains a Sorcerous Origin
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. You learn to harness the energy of earth nodes –
The following options are available to you when small outcroppings of magical stone buried just
making that choice: Deep Diviner and Lolth’s beneath the surface that only those deeply attuned
Blessed to the earth can sense. As a bonus action, you may
summon an earth node, which appears at a point
Deep Diviner you can see within 30 feet of you. You and crea-
tures friendly to you gain the following bonuses
when you are within 10 feet of any number of earth
This is an inheritance. One doesn’t waste nodes:
an inheritance. • You have a +1 bonus to AC
• You have advantage on Constitution saving
• Your melee weapon attacks have +1 to their
Deep Diviners have an intimate connection with attack and damage rolls
the land around them, particularly with the stones A node is medium in size, has an AC of 20, and
that make up the earth upon which they tread. has hit points equal to 10 + two times your sorcer-
These sorcerers harness the power of earth and er level. You may have up to four nodes active at a
stone to fuel their spells, and can channel powerful time. When a node is destroyed, it shatters out-
energy from earth nodes that follow them through ward, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to your
the battlefield. proficiency bonus to each creature within 10 feet
Deep diviners are often found living solitary lives of you.
apart from the rest of the world. These reclusive
mages are content to remain hidden away with Elemental Transformation
nothing but earth and stone as their companions, 14th-level Deep Diviner Feature
but can be roused to action if their lands are threat-
ened. Though they do not often become adventur- Your connection to the earth allows you to channel
ers, those that do are staunch and reliable allies its power through your body. You learn the poly-
who remain firm and unshakable in their resolve morph spell if you didn’t already know it, and may
and values. use this spell once per long rest without expending
a spell slot to transform into an earth elemental.
Earth's Defense You may also transform yourself into an earth ele-
1st-level Deep Diviner feature mental when you use a spell slot to cast polymorph
at 5th level or higher.
You can channel the strength of the earth through
your body, bolstering your defenses. When you are Improved Nodes
hit with a melee attack while not wearing armor, 18th-level Deep Diviner feature
you may use your reaction to cover your body in
rock-hard carapace, increasing your AC to 14 Your mastery of your earth nodes increases. You
+ your Dexterity modifier until the beginning of now gain an earth node whenever you cast a spell
your next turn, and possibly causing the triggering of 4th level or higher and may use a bonus action
attack to miss. to move two nodes up to 30 feet in any direction.
You may also use a bonus action to have a node fire
Stone-Slinger off stony projectiles, targeting one creature within
1st-level Deep Diviner Feature 10 feet. Make a spell attack against the creature.
On a hit, it takes damage equal to 1d6 + your spell-
You learn the magic stone cantrip if you did not casting ability modifier.
already know it. Additionally, when you deal Additionally, your nodes now impose the follow-
bludgeoning damage with a spell or cantrip, you ing penalties on hostile creatures in addition to
may add your spellcasting ability modifier to the their bonuses to your allies:
damage dealt. • When a hostile creature comes within 10 feet


of the node for the first time in a turn, or starts down, and across vertical surfaces and upside
their turn there, they take magical bludgeoning down along ceilings, while leaving hands free.
damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You must maintain concentration while using this
• The space within 10 feet of the node counts as feature.
difficult terrain for enemies.
• Enemies within 10 feet of the node have disad-
Spider Fangs
6th-level Lolth’s Blessed feature
vantage on saving throws to maintain concentra-
tion on spells.
You can draw upon your mystical powers to
grow magically infused spider fangs to bite
Lolth's Blessed and poison creatures. As a bonus action you
can spend 3 sorcery points and use your
action to bite another creature rolling a melee
She who can destroy a thing has real
attack. You are proficient with the bite melee
control of it. attack. If the attack hits, the creature takes
2d4 piercing damage. Additionally, it must
JARLAXLE succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal
to your spell save DC or take an extra 4d6 poi-
Bloodlines blessed with the power of the Spider son damage. The duration of the fangs lasts 1
Queen use their powerful magical gift to strive minute and requires no concentration.
in Underdark societies as fearsome devote spell-
casters chosen by the goddess herself. This raw
supernatural privilege makes this caster Lolth’s
True Seeing
living image in the material plane. Climbing walls,
14th-level Lolth’s Blessed Magic feature
awakening multiple eyes, and moving as fast as a
spider is just to name a few of the bizarre, yet mag- You have awakened within you a spider’s
nificent things these individuals can do. all-seeing vision. As an action, your eyes turn
completely white. Two eyes appear on your
Lolth's Blessed Magic forehead for 1 minute. You have advantage on
1st-level Lolth’s Blessed Domain feature Dexterity saving throws and Wisdom (Percep-
tion) checks that rely on sight. Additionally,
You learn additional spells when you reach certain when a creature you can see attacks you, until
levels in this class, as shown on the Lolth’s Blessed the start of your next turn all attacks made by
Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell that creature against you have disadvantage.
for you, but it doesn’t count against the number
of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be Lolth's Blessing
replaced when you gain a level in this class. 18th-level Lolth’s Blessed feature
Lolth’s Blessed Spells You can move as quickly as a spider as well as in-
fuse your spells with their paralyzing toxic venom.
Sorcerer Level Spell At the start of your turn, you can choose to immedi-
1st shield of faith, charm person ately spend 6 sorcery points to draw on this power.
3rd silence, web For the next minute walking and climbing speeds
for you are doubled and when you roll damage for
5th animate dead, hypnotic pattern
a spell, you deal an extra 2d6 poison damage. The
7th banishment, polymorph spell deals its original damage type on top of the
9th circle of power, awaken poison. The creature must succeed on a Constitu-
tion saving throw equal to your spell save DC or
Arachnid Climbing become paralyzed. At the end of the creatures turn
1st-level Lolth’s Blessed feature it can try to repeat its saving throw to end the ef-
fect. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw
Lolth has granted your bloodline with remarkable is immune to being paralyzed for 24 hours. Addi-
spider-like abilities. You have a climbing speed tionally, you can spend 2 additional sorcery points
equal to your walking speed. You can move up, to increase this damage by 1d6.


Cantrip (0 Level) 3rd Level
Minor telekinesis Amorphous form
Minor telepathy Life from death
Necrotic glow Node door
Warlock Sharpen object Portal view
Shatter captivity Spiderform
The warlock class receives new features and sub-
Soul bolt Thieving step
classes in this section.
Spectral dagger
Sudden swarm 4th Level
Optional Class Features Water barrier Driderform

You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook 1st Level 5th Level
when you reach certain levels in your class. This Insightful deceiver Portal barricade
section offers additional features that you can gain Oozing wall
as a warlock. Pickpocketeer 6th Level
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, Sanctuary Dehydrate
you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con- Gate Seal
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a 2nd Level Portal redirection
feature in this section if you meet the level require- Blindsight
ment noted in the feature’s description. These Burrow 8th Level
features can be selected separately from another; Impostor mask Excavate
you can use one, both, or none of them. Locate node
Magical backlash
Additional Warlock Spells Node lock
Thieving servant
1st-level warlock feature

The spells in the following list expand the warlock

spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or-
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell Pact Negotiation
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after 3rd-level warlock feature
the spell's name. Each spell description is later on
in the book (chapter 3). The knowledge gained from your pact has made
you wiser in dealings with extraplanar entities.
Choose one creature type from among Celestials,
Demons, Devils, Elementals, and Fey. You have
advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charis-
ma (Persuasion) checks made against that type of

Additional Invocation
7th-level warlock feature

At the end of each long rest, you may choose to

expend one of your pact magic spell slots. If you
do so, you gain 1 additional invocation for that day,
which cannot be an invocation for which there is
a level requirement. If there are any additional
requirements, you must meet those requirements
to take the invocation.


Eilistraee has a particular fondness for the arts,
and it is in this vein that her warlocks typically
flourish. Masters of illusion and performance, they
are exceptional purveyors of her message of hope
and goodwill, often serving as diplomats or, at the
very least, performers whose works are designed
to counter the unfavorable opinions that many
races have towards the Drow.

Expanded Spell List

1st-level Dark Maiden feature

The Dark Maiden lets you choose from an ex-

panded list of spells when you learn a warlock
spell. The following spells are added to the
warlock spell list for you.

Dark Maiden Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spell

1st dissonant whispers, guiding bolt
2nd calm emotions, moonbeam
3rd counterspell, phantom steed
4th phantasmal killer, confusion
5th mislead, seeming

Otherworldly Patrons Muse of the Maiden

1st-level Dark Maiden feature
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly
Patron feature, which offers you the choice of a
You gain proficiency in the performance skill and
subclass. The following options are available to you
with one musical instrument of your choice. You
when making that choice: the Dark Maiden and the
may also use this instrument as a spellcasting
Spider Queen.
At 10th level, once per long rest, when you use
The Dark Maiden this instrument to perform, you may weave magic
through your song to enthrall your listeners. The
song has the effects of the mass suggestion spell.
What senses do we lack that the poet
can revel in? What muse is all around Poet's Charm
us? 1st-level Dark Maiden feature

Whenever you make a Charisma (Deception), Cha-

JARLAXLE risma (Performance) or Charisma (Persuasion)
check, you may roll a 1d4 and add the result to
You have made a pact with Eilistraee - the Dark your check.
Maiden - the protective goddess of the emancipat- This die increases as you gain levels to a 1d6 at
ed. Though the power you receive is similar to that 6th level, a 1d8 at 10th level, and a 1d10 at 14th level.
of other warlocks, the aims and personality of your
patron are less inscrutable. You are aware that the
Dark Maiden is deeply committed to freeing her
people from Lolth’s corruption, and helping them
to be redeemed in the eyes of other races, particu-
larly their elven brothers and sisters.


Myriad Musician command, and you are no more than a vessel for
6th-level Dark Maiden feature others to see the power or her nature.

Once per short rest, when you are damaged by an Expanded Spell List
attack, you may use your reaction to immediately 1st-level Spider Pact feature
cast mirror image on yourself without expending a
spell slot. The Spider Pact lets you choose from an ex-
panded list of spells when you learn a warlock
Disabling Dirge spell. The following spells are added to the
10th-level Dark Maiden feature warlock spell list for you.

You learn to enthrall enemy creatures to keep Spider Pact Expanded Spells
them at bay for some time. As an action, you play
an entrancing melody and attempt to charm one Spell Level Spell
creature within 60 feet. The creature must make 1st inflict wounds, alarm
a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell save
2nd invisibility, levitate
DC. On a successful save, nothing happens. On a
failed save, the creature is charmed, and is stunned 3rd protection from energy, wind walk
while charmed in this manner. The creature can 4th Evard’s black tentacles, stone shape
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its
5th wall of force, mislead
turns, ending the effect on a successful save. When
this effect ends, the target creature takes psychic
damage equal to 10 times the number of rounds Spider Venom Pact
for which it was charmed. 1st-level Spider Pact feature
You may use this action any number of times
until it is successful. Once a creature has failed it’s You harvest and embrace the toxic nature from
throw against this effect, you cannot use it again your arachnid pact. You know the poison spray
until you have taken a short or long rest. cantrip if you don’t already know it.

Refrain of Retribution Lolth's Whispers

14th-level Dark Maiden feature 6th-level Spider Pact feature

You have learned to channel the harmful energy of The dread voice of the Spider Queen fills your
an aggressor back upon them. As an action, you thoughts demanding blood sacrifices. As a bonus
may use this feature to enchant up to two crea- action, every time you hit with a weapon or spell at-
tures (which can include yourself) with a mystical tack you deal 1d10 bonus psychic damage. You can
ward, which grants each creature 20 temporary hit give up this bonus and bestow it on an ally you can
points. While a creature has these hit points, if it is see that is within 30 feet of you. The ally's bonus
hit with an attack, the attacker takes psychic dam- lasts for 1 round.
age equal to the amount of damage they dealt. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
The Spider Queen Iron Resistance
10th-level Spider Pact feature
Truth always suffers from too many
The unbreakable magical will of Lolth runs
truth-sayers. through your body. You have advantage against
spell saving throws and are immune to being
JARLAXLE charmed.

Those not blessed with Lolth’s power by birth or

faith, are bind with her by luck. You have made a
pact with the Spider Queen in exchange for power.
She seeks to avert all who dare defy her divine


Horrifying Illusion
14th-level Spider Pact feature

You can strike fear into numerous creature’s minds

through horrifying illusions with taking the form
of Lolth controlling numerous spiders, driders,
and giant spiders. As an action, choose up to three The wizard class receives new features and sub-
creatures within 60 feet of you. These creatures classes in this section.
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
warlock spell DC. On a failed save a creature is
frightened for 1 minute or until your concentration Optional Class Features
is broken (as if you were concentrating on a spell). You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
Additionally, creatures take 3d10 psychic damage when you reach certain levels in your class. This
from the spider horrors they see. The effect ends section offers additional features that you can gain
early if the creatures take any damage. as a wizard.
You must finish a short or long rest before you Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
can use this feature again. you don’t gain the features here automatically. Con-
sulting with your DM, you decide whether to gain a
feature in this section if you meet the level require-
ment noted in the feature’s description. These
features can be selected separately from another;
you can use one, both, or none of them.


Additional Wizard Spells Arcane Traditions
1st-level wizard feature At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
The spells in the following list expand the wizard The following option is available to you when mak-
spell list in the Player's Handbook. The list is or- ing that choice: School of Demesne
ganized by spell level, not character level. If a spell
can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag appears after
the spell's name. Each spell description is later on School of Demesne
in the book (chapter 3).

Cantrip (0 Level) 3rd Level Magic surrenders itself.

Minor telekinesis Amorphous form
Minor telepathy Life from death JARLAXLE
Necrotic glow Node door
Sharpen object Portal view Wizards who choose this Arcane Tradition harness
Shatter captivity Rushing waters the mysterious magical energy which suffuses the
Soul bolt Spiderform Underdark named Faerzress by the Drow. The
Spectral dagger Thieving step word faerzress is composed of faer (magic) and
Sudden swarm Z’ress (to hold dominance or to remain in force),
Water barrier 4th Level which together mean magic that remained.
Driderform Little is known of this unusual arcane magic -
1st Level even by the very wizards who strive to master its
Insightful deceiver 5th Level power. Some legends state that it is an ancient
Oozing wall Portal barricade form of elven magic dating to when the Drow were
Pickpocketeer Tidal bolts first exiled from the surface world. Others claim it
Quickening dates even earlier and is a leftover byproduct of the
Stone tell 6th Level magic used in the very creation of the Underdark.
Water whip Dehydrate With strange origins, faerzress operates in a mark-
Gate Seal edly different fashion to other magic of the weave.
2nd Level Portal redirection It radiates out of the earth creating dim oases of
Blindsight light in the subterranean caverns also serving as
Burrow 8th Level a source of nutrients for the diverse fauna of the
Impostor mask Excavate Underdark.
Locate node Wizards come into contact with this ancient
Magical backlash form of magic in a variety of ways. The udadrow
Node lock survey where faerzress is most abundant to build
Thieving servant their cities since harnessing this magic is a fun-
damental aspect of udadrow spellcasting. Sur-
face-dwelling wizards may discover this ancient
form of magic in a dusty tome and decided to
Eye for Detail venture below to investigate further. Other wizards
naively traveling through the Underdark find that
3rd-level wizard feature after a night's rest near a patch of faerzress they
become inextricably obsessed with mastering this
You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) powerful and possessive energy. This effect is often
checks. accompanied by a strange glow from the eyes and
quiet, ominous muttering.
Experimental Spellcasting Time spent studying faerzress grants a wizard
6th-level wizard feature great insight into the inner workings of the weave.
As members of the School of Demesne come into
Whenever you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, increasingly closer contact with this ancient funda-
fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you may alter mental force, this knowledge comes with a price.
the spell’s chemistry, dealing another type of dam- In Blingdenstone there is a well-known saying:
age from among those listed above instead. “Wherever faerzress lurks, chaos and madness
follow close behind.”


Radiate Faerzress book returns to you, reconstituted from un-
stable magical radiation. If you would copy a
2nd-level School of Demesne feature spell from a spell scroll to your spell book the
magical energy of faerzress causes the scroll
On your turn you may use a bonus action to to be suspended and not be destroyed during
radiate a patch of faerzress in a radius of 5 feet this process. The spell scroll is still destroyed
per wizard level. The radiation appears out when the spell is cast from it as normal.
of the ground in a location beneath you and
emanates dim light. This remains in this area Spell Dampening
for a number of hours equal to your wizard 10th-level School of Demesne feature
level. Whilst standing in this area your magi-
cal prowess and defense is bolstered with the You harness the arcane effects of faerzress as
following benefits: protection with the following benefits:
You have advantage on spell attack rolls and You are immune to Divination spells.
ability saving throws. You have advantage on saving throws against
You gain +1 to your AC. Conjuration and Enchantment spells.
You can use this feature a number of times When you are a target of a spell, if the spell
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum doesn’t allow a saving throw, the caster must
of one), and you regain all expended uses when succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
you finish a long rest. throw. If they fail then the spell also fails and
they suffer 1d10 force damage.
Attenuated Casting
2nd-level School of Demesne feature Master of Wild Dominance
14th-level School of Demesne feature
The subtle arcane signatures that typically ema-
nate from magic are consumed in the mysterious Your devoted study and experimentation with
faerzress and as such you and your magic become faerzress culminates in your ability to influence
impossible to detect even by the most powerful and control its effects on your magic and the magic
spellcasters in the following ways: of others. As a bonus action or reaction, you can
• You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks immediately target a creature to re-roll on the Wild
made within 60 feet of faerzress as the magical Magic Surge table in the Player’s Handbook.
energy helps to shield your physical presence. You may use the Master of Madness feature a
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifi-
• When spells or abilities such as detect magic are
er (a minimum of one), and you regain all expend-
cast on magic objects or magical effects cast by
ed uses when you finish a short or long rest.
you, they only reveal to the caster the presence
of faerzress, all other information about the spell
including which school it is from is shielded by
the faerzress.

Ancient Knowledge
6th-level School of Demesne feature

When you take a short or a long rest in an

area of faerzress, strange voices speaking long-
dead languages whisper in your ear and you
find an ineffable force moves your quill. Spells
you attempt to copy into your spell book whilst
you are within an area of faerzress take half the
time and half the required gold. If your spell
book is lost or destroyed you may spend a long
rest in an area of faerzress if you do, your spell


Backgrounds d6 Ideal
New backgrounds are presented here in alphabeti- 1 Craftsmanship. I will show the world what a
cal order for groups that use them. master can accomplish. (Any)
2 Creativity. My life and work are expressions of
Web-Weaver my emotions. (Chaotic)
You are a part of a tradition that goes back for gen- 3 Beauty. I want my efforts to inspire those who
erations in areas with large concentrations of spi- benefit from them. (Good)
ders. Whether you are from an infested wood, live 4 Knowledge. I will unlock all the secrets held by
near an abandoned spider-infested castle, or call the creatures of this world. (Any)
the Underdark your home, you have been a weaver 5 Exploitation. When I learn about the poisons
of the silken strands for many years. Your crafts- and properties of these silks, I’ll be able to
manship is excellent, and you have learned to use recreate their effects to the detriment of my
your skills to make exceptionally durable creations. enemies. (Evil)
Your profession comes with no small amount of
danger with regards to harvesting the necessary 6 Functionality. I don’t really care about the ac-
materials, and as such, you are no stranger to the colades; I just want to create functional goods
wilds. that get the job done. (Neutral)

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival d6 Bond

Tool Proficiencies: Weaver’s Tools
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a set of 1 My rival bested me in a contest of craft. I will
weaver’s tools, five fine spider-silk bags, and a not rest until I can prove myself the superior
pouch containing 15 gp. artist.
2 I can’t help but improve upon the lackluster
Feature: Weaver's Craft quality of items that are poorly made.
Your reputation both as a craftsman and a fighter 3 I can get lost studying the intricacies of anoth-
precedes you. People are generally curious about er’s work for hours on end.
you and your unusual occupation. You can secure 4 I stole trade secrets from a rival who has vowed
free lodging for yourself and your companions revenge.
provided you spend time regaling the other guests
5 An experiment gone wrong cost my mentor
with stories of your exploits.
their life.

Web-Weaver Characteristics 6 I wagered my life’s work on a game of chance

and lost. Now I must find a way to earn it back.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am more at home in the wilds than in “civi-
lized” lands. d6 Flaw
2 I prefer not to speak unless absolutely neces- 1 I am constantly pointing out the inadequacies in
sary. other people’s work or actions.
3 I will eat almost anything, often to the surprise 2 I find it nearly impossible to forgive an insult.
and horror of those around me. 3 No matter how useful an item or tool may be, I
4 I am keenly aware of tiny details and tend to will not use it if it is ugly.
make mention of them constantly. 4 I am easily duped by those promising knowl-
5 I have no regard for personal space. edge or secrets.
6 I can’t stand braggarts. One’s work and actions 5 I never turn down a chance to humiliate an
should speak for themselves. inferior person.
7 I can’t help but explore every nook and cranny I 6 If it’s not my plan, it’s not a good plan.
find in the wild.
8 I name every spider I take silk from, even if I
never see it.


Bounty Hunter 6 Pain. I would hurt people just for fun. If the
powers that be will pay me to do it, all the
You have spent most of your life chasing down
better. (Evil)
those who are running from the powers of the
world. Whether you were hunting slaves in the Un-
derdark, searching for escaped criminals, or taking d6 Bond
out poachers, you hunt people the way others hunt
1 I have a family member who I allowed to escape
animals. Others may see you as cold-hearted or
from justice.
even sadistic, but in truth, you are simply very, very
good at what you do. 2 I killed a man, only to find out later that he was
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Intimidation 3 I went too far on one job and won the ire of my
Tool Proficiencies: Land Vehicles employer by killing a target he needed alive.
Equipment: A set of dark common clothes, a com- 4 I am easily distracted by alluring targets.
pass, two incomplete bounties, a souvenir from
your latest hunt, and a pouch containing 15 gp. 5 I have a strong sense of fair play and will never
attack an unarmed opponent.
Feature: Sense for Trouble 6 I have been hunting one target for years, but
People tend to give you a wide berth, but you have they somehow keep evading me.
a sense for those who are particularly disturbed by
your presence. If you spend an evening in a town d6 Flaw
or city, you know about one person (if there is one) 1 I don’t believe that people can change
who is especially frightened of your occupation.
2 I’m too nice for this job – I can be easily con-
vinced that my employer, and not my target, is
Bounty Hunter Characteristics in the wrong.
d8 Personality Trait 3 I jump into battle quickly and without prepara-
1 I always have a backup plan. tion the moment I see an opponent.
2 I only speak when spoken to. 4 Every man has a price, and mine is one-gold
3 There is nothing I enjoy more than a tankard of piece more than my next best offer.
ale at the end of a long day. 5 I often allow my emotions to overcome reason.
4 I enjoy pain in both myself and others. 6 I’m terrified of a particular race and freeze in
5 Deep down, I really want friends. battle against them.
6 I am exceptionally stubborn.
7 I like animals better than people.
8 I love trying new cuisines from the places I visit.

d6 Ideal
1 Order. Those who break the law must face its
punishment, as is just. (Lawful)
2 Mercy. I hope that somehow, my work can save
people from themselves. (Good)
3 Punishment. The people I hunt will be made to
pay dearly for their crimes. (Evil)
4 Money. This is a job like any other, just happens
to be a bit more lucrative. (Any)
5 Revenge. Someone from among those I hunt
has wronged me, I will have my revenge. (Any)


Heretic d6 Ideal
You spent many years in a convent or other reli- 1 Truth. I want to make sure people understand
gious order, but after discovering a terrible truth or the true nature of things. (Good)
experiencing a brutal betrayal, you have abandoned 2 Retribution. My Order should pay for lying to
their views and renounced their ways. You may me and the rest of their followers. (Evil)
have found another religious conviction, or perhaps 3 Reconciliation. I want to help people and
you’ve even abandoned worship altogether. What- organizations make changes and forgive one
ever the case, you’ve been branded a heretic and a another. (Good)
disturber of their order. Those of that religious per-
suasion are particularly hostile towards you, and 4 Recognition. My heresies have received the at-
their adherents have made it their personal goal tention of some of the great minds of my time.
to ruin your reputation wherever you go. Some I want to publish more and be recognized as a
believe them, others simply see you as a curiosity, masterful thinker. (Any)
and a few others might seek you out as someone to 5 Freedom. People should be free to believe and
whom they can express their own doubts. act how they want, without being told what to
do. (Chaotic)
Skill Proficiencies: Religion, Investigation 6 Faith. I have found a new faith and trust my
Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instru- new deity wholeheartedly. (Lawful)
Languages: One of your choice d6 Bond
Equipment: A satchel containing five religious 1 Members of my order specialized in a particular
scrolls, a set of common clothes, a list of grievanc- weapon – I will never touch a weapon of that
es you received from a disgruntled acolyte, and a type again.
pouch containing 10 gp.
2 I broke into a forbidden archive of my order and
stole a sacred text. They are still looking for it,
Feature: Partners in Exile and for me.
Though naysayers like yourself are few and far
3 My first publication against my order is a
between, there are always one or two everywhere
forgery. My whole reputation could be ruined if
you go. You know how to seek out these fellow
anyone finds out.
exiles, and they will do all that they can, in some
cases even risking their own lives, to help you in 4 Though I speak strongly against my former
your pursuits. order, we parted over philosophical differenc-
es, not a difference in faith. I still worship their
deity in secret.
Heretic Characteristics
5 I haven’t actually read the sacred texts I spend
d8 Personality Trait most of my time criticizing.
1 I tend to assume everyone hates me. 6 My former mentor gave me most of my radical
2 I speak carefully, ensuring that I am understood. ideas. He was cast out at the same time as me
3 I have an annoyingly optimistic approach to and I still go to him for advice.
even the worst of situations.
4 I can spend hours studying a single line of reli- d6 Flaw
gious text. 1 I resort to personal attacks when my logic fails
5 I share my findings and ideas with anyone who to convince my opponents they are wrong.
will listen. 2 I am always hostile towards followers of a spe-
6 I tend to get louder and louder the longer I cific deity, regardless of their actions towards
argue with someone. me.
7 I love learning about new cultures, religions, 3 I cannot fathom the idea that I could be wrong.
and ideas. 4 After giving up my life of self-denial, I have no
8 I quote religious texts and gurus regularly. self-control when seeking carnal pleasures.
5 I never forget a slight, no matter how small.
6 I expect people to follow their religions exactly
and perfectly.


Slave d6 Ideal
You spent a sizeable portion of your life as a slave 1 Freedom. All people should be free to do and
or servant, living as nothing but a piece of proper- be what they want. (Chaotic)
ty. Whether you were freed after years of faithful 2 Safety. I want to make the world a place where
service, escaped, or were set free by outside forces, everyone feels safe. (Good)
you’ve finally found yourself the master of your own 3 Retribution. My captors, my masters, and their
fate. families will suffer for what I had to endure.
With your new freedom come a host of new oppor- (Evil)
tunities, but plenty of new fears to go along with
them. You are unfamiliar with the way the world 4 Adventure. The world and everything it has
works and often make mistakes, but even so, even to offer are mine for the taking if I’m brave
the worst day of freedom is better than what you enough! (Chaotic)
left behind. You face each day with a gratitude and 5 Solitude. I want to live alone, far away from the
optimism that those who haven’t experienced your people who made my life a living hell. (Neutral)
hardships simply can’t understand. 6 Redress. Slavery is just one of many foul (and
illegal) practices, and those who pursue any of
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Sleight of Hand them must be brought to justice. (Lawful)
Tool Proficiencies: Any two tools
Equipment: Two tools of your choice, a set of
common clothes, a small bauble taken from your d6 Bond
former master’s home, and a pouch containing 5 1 I never learned how to read.
2 I killed my former master, and his family are still
seeking revenge.
Feature: Out of Sight, out of 3 I sacrificed the lives of other slaves to secure
Mind my escape. I’ll never forgive myself.
During your time as a slave, you learned to remain 4 I can’t sit idly by and let the strong prey on the
beneath the perception of your overseers. Being weak.
noticed meant being punished. Even though you
have gained your freedom, you are still very good 5 I will never trust a Drow (or another race, de-
at avoiding attention. When someone who has met pending on your slavers)
but does not know you well tries to recall informa- 6 I have a horrible brand, marking me as prop-
tion about you, they only recall vague details, and erty. Despite my being set free, many people
can’t recall anything particularly concrete. mistake me for a slave because of it.

Slave Characteristics d6 Flaw

d8 Personality Trait 1 I’m so used to taking orders that I’ll still usually
1 I always speak quietly, and only when spoken do what people tell me to do, forgetting I can
to. refuse.

2 I always keep my eyes down, never looking at 2 I will refuse almost every order or request that I
those to whom I speak. receive, simply because I can.

3 I love good food, and I will always avail myself 3 I treat those below me in station the same way I
of the opportunity to sample something new. used to be treated.

4 I can’t stand bullies. 4 My hatred for my slavers transcends all reason-

able thought.
5 I eat quickly and messily, and I always store
anything I can’t eat away for later. 5 I never stand up for myself.

6 I often wait to be told what to do. 6 I always think someone is out to get me.

7 I never raise my voice in an argument or discus-

8 I am loud and rambunctious, availing myself of
every opportunity I missed during my servitude.


Miner d6 Ideal
You have spent countless hours in caverns and tun- 1 Camaraderie. My friends are the most import-
nels, excavating and searching for rare minerals, ant thing in the world to me. (Any)
ores, and gems. You not only know how to identify 2 Safety. Everything I do, I do to keep others safe.
the most valuable of substances, but you are also 3 Wealth. I will find the motherload one day, and
familiar with surviving cave-ins and other potential when I do, I’ll be able to buy anything I want!
catastrophes. (Any)
Your work is simple but rewarding. You’re con-
fident in your abilities and your experience sets 4 Recognition. I have big ideas, and someday
those around you at ease. Perhaps you always they’ll help me revolutionize the industry and
wanted this life, perhaps it’s something you learned gain the recognition I deserve. (Any)
to love, or maybe you’re just waiting for the chance 5 Power. Wealth is the path to power, and I’ll be
to do something, anything, else. able to do whatever I want when I find that
elusive motherload. (Evil)
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival 6 Tradition. My family has mined this mountain
Tool Proficiencies: Artisan’s tools (stonecutting) for generations, and I’m not going to be the one
Equipment: A set of common clothes, artisan’s who breaks that chain. (Any)
tools (stonecutting), a small gem worth 10 gp, a
pickaxe, and a pouch containing 10 gp.
d6 Bond
Feature: Stonecutter's Eye 1 I found the motherload, but it was blocked off
Your eye for value is useful not only in the mines, by a cave-in, and I’ve spent years searching to
but also in your interactions with others. Whenever find it again.
you interact with others, you know which visible 2 I barely escaped a cave-in with my life, but my
possession that they carry has the most value. Roll best friend wasn’t so lucky.
or choose one on each of the following tables.
3 My forefathers were all miners, and they expect
me to live and die as one too.
Miner Characteristics 4 I can’t bring myself to enter a particular tunnel
d8 Personality Trait where we lost a group of miners a few years
1 I can instantly set others at ease with a calm back.
smile and a few simple words. 5 I have a rivalry with another miner to see who
2 I like a good working song almost as much as I can consistently find the best valuables.
like a good drinking song. 6 I can’t actually mine very well – I met a friendly
3 I whistle when I’m nervous. creature that I trained to do it for me.
4 I am extremely superstitious.
5 I have a pet rock… and I’d kill someone if any- d6 Flaw
thing happened to it. 1 I smuggle liquor into the caves and spend my
6 I hate being alone. mining days drunk.
7 Unexpected loud noises frighten me. 2 I have no concept of personal hygiene.
8 I always have another mining story to tell. 3 I pretend the blasting has damaged my hearing
so I can eavesdrop on other people’s conversa-
4 I don’t know how to talk about anything that
isn’t mineral.
5 I spend money as fast as I make it.
6 I’ll go without food or sleep for days when I find
a new vein.


Feats Caustic Adaptation
The denizens of the Underdark have developed a Prerequisite: Kuo-toa
variety of specialized combat techniques, secrets Long have your ancestors hunted and been hunt-
of magical lore, and rare talents not found in other ed in the depths. Natural selection has given your
lands. Characters from all over the upper-world blood an unpalatable, acidic quality. You gain the
frequently descend into the bowels of the earth in following benefits:
search of this hidden knowledge, eager to discover • When a creature hits you with a melee attack, it
secret feats that will give them an edge over their must make a Constitution saving throw with a
foes in both the Lands Above and the Realms DC equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a
Below. failed save, the foul odor of your blood distracts
New feats are presented here in alphabetical it, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls made
order for groups that use them. against you until the end of its next turn.
• When you are reduced to 0 hit points by a melee
Axeshield attack, your blood splatters across the attacking
creature, which must make a Dexterity saving
You know how to defend yourself with a battleaxe.
throw with a DC equal to 10 + your proficiency
You gain the following benefits:
bonus, taking 5d4 acid damage on a failed save,
• Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maxi- or half as much on a successful save.
mum of 20.
• When wielding a battleaxe with two hands, you Cautious Attack
gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
When you take your time in combat, you quickly as-
sess the flow of battle to respond rapidly to threats.
Blend into Shadows You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maxi-
You can draw from nearby magical shadow to mum of 20.
cloak yourself in darkness. You gain the following
• You may use a bonus action to assess a creature,
making an investigation check to read its move-
• When you are within 10 feet of a magical source ments. On a success, you have advantage on your
of darkness, you may use your bonus action to next attack or spell roll that targets that creature.
become invisible until you attack or cast a spell.
• If you control the magical darkness, immediately Chosen Foe
after becoming invisible, you may have the dark-
ness take your form, and may move it up to 30 At the expense of attention to other distractions,
feet in any direction. you focus on a single opponent to give you a decid-
ed advantage while fighting against them. You gain
the following benefits:
Bowslinger • While in combat, you may use a bonus action
You can ready ranged weapons surprisingly quick- to mark one foe as your chosen foe. You have
ly. You gain the following benefits: advantage on all attacks (including spell attacks)
• If you use one-handed ranged weapons, such as made against this creature, and on saving throws
hand crossbows, you may draw or stow both as a made to avoid effects that originate from it.
bonus action, rather than an action. • While you focus on your chosen foe, other crea-
• When you use your action to make a ranged at- tures have advantage on attacks made against
tack on your turn, you may make one additional you.
ranged attack as a bonus action. • When your chosen foe dies, you may use your
reaction to move your mark to another creature.


Coercive Spell Deafening Spell
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
Living foes damaged by your spells become more You can modify a spell so it deafens targets. You
pliable and vulnerable to your commands. You gain gain the following benefits:
the following benefits: • Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage,
• Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma you may subtract any number of damage dice
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. from the spell’s damage. If you do so, the spell
• When a creature that can see you takes damage lets out a deafening blast of sound. Each crea-
from a spell you cast, it takes a -1 penalty to sav- ture within a sphere (radius is 10 times the num-
ing throws it makes against spells you cast that ber of damage dice removed) around the spell’s
would charm or frighten it for the next minute. focal point must make a Constitution saving
This penalty is cumulative to a maximum of -3. throw against your spell save DC or be deafened
until the end of your next turn.
• You may choose a number of creatures up to
Constant Guardian your spellcasting ability modifier when you cast a
By paying careful attention to nearby allies and deafening spell to automatically succeed on their
reducing the accuracy of your attacks, you help save.
protect your companions. You gain the following
• When you take the Attack action on your turn,
Deceptive Illumination
you may take a penalty of up to 5 to your attack Prerequisite: Dancing lights as a spell-like ability
rolls during the turn. If you do so, you may grant Your innate power to create mobile light is far
one creature within 5 feet of you a bonus to its more precise than others’. You gain the following
AC equal to the penalty you took until the start benefits:
of your next turn. (This bonus ends if your ally • When you cast the dancing lights cantrip, you
moves to a space that is more than 5 feet from can create a very convincing illusion, up to medi-
you. um in size, with the spheres. Any creature that
• If the affected creature is hit by an attack, you can see your spheres must succeed on a Wisdom
may interpose yourself between the attacker and saving throw vs. your spell save DC or believe
your ally, taking the damage in their stead. that the lights are exactly what you intend them
to look like. This illusion holds even under close
inspection, but is not corporeal, and still glows
Dazzling Fire with a soft light that marks it as magical.
Prerequisite: Faerie fire as a spell-like ability • You may use a bonus action to speak through the
The illumination you can bestow on others im- lights, and may make it appear as if the illusion
pedes their ability to fight. You gain the following is the creature speaking.
• Creatures you target with the faerie fire spell
have disadvantage on their saving throw against
Dutiful Guardian
the spell. You put yourself into harm’s way to protect your
allies. You gain the following benefits:
• Any creature affected by your faerie fire has
its movement speed halved, and cannot make • Increase your Constitution score by 1 to a maxi-
attacks of opportunity. mum of 20.
• When a creature you can see within 15 feet is
targeted by an attack, or a spell that requires an
attack roll, you may use your reaction to leap in
front of your ally and intercept the attack. The
attacker has a +5 bonus to hit against you with
this attack.
• When you are hit by an attack that you protected
an ally from, you may reduce the damage you
take by an amount equal to double your profi-
ciency bonus.


Elfhunter Hand Crossbow Focus
Prerequisite: Elf (drow) Your hand crossbow attacks gain accuracy and
Because of your cultural hatred for elves, you have speed. You gain the following benefits:
had specific training in how best to fight them. You • You ignore the loading property for hand cross-
gain the following benefits: bows with which you are proficient.
• Your weapon attacks deal additional damage to • You gain a +2 bonus to hit with attacks made
elves and fey equal to half of your proficiency with hand crossbows.
bonus (rounded down to a minimum of 1).
• Whenever a creature that you can see within
• When an elf or fey hits you with an attack, you 30 feet of you casts a spell, you may use your
may use your reaction to make an attack against reaction to make a hand crossbow attack against
or cast a cantrip targeting that creature. that creature.

Enhanced Adhesive Highborn Drow

Prerequisite: Kuo-toa Prerequisite: Elf (drow)
The natural adhesive you secrete becomes stickier. You have learned how to tap into the advanced
You gain the following benefits: magical abilities available to you through your
• When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you drow noble heritage. You gain the following bene-
may attempt to douse it in your adhesive. It must fits:
make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal • Choose a 1st level spell from the wizard or war-
to 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, lock spell list. You may cast this spell once per
that creature has disadvantage on dexterity sav- long rest without expending a spell slot. Charis-
ing throws for the next minute. A creature that ma is your spellcasting ability modifier for this
succeeds on this save is immune to this effect for spell.
the next 24 hours.
• Whenever you cast a spell of first level or higher,
• You have advantage on checks made to grapple you may use a bonus action to become invisible
another creature. until you move, speak, or take damage.

Extra Wild Shape Imperious Command

Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape You strike deep and abiding terror in your foes. You
You can use wild shape more frequently than you gain the following benefits:
normally could. You gain the following benefits:
• At the start of combat, opponents who can see
• You gain one additional wild shape. you have a penalty to their initiative equal to your
• While you in wild shape, you may use a bonus ac- proficiency bonus.
tion each turn to regain hit points equal to your • When you feint, you may attempt to startle an
proficiency bonus. opponent. You may use a bonus action to feint to-
wards a foe within 5 feet of you. When you do so,
Gift of the Spider Queen the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw
with a DC equal to 8+your intimidation bonus.
Prerequisite: Elf (drow)
On a failed save, you have advantage on attacks
You can combine your spell-like abilities in new
made against that creature until the beginning of
and potent ways. You gain the following benefits:
your next turn.
• When you cast a spell as a bonus action, you can
use your action to cast another spell.
• As an action, you may cast two spells or cantrips
that you know at the same time. If you cast two
spells this way, you must expend spell slots equal
to the spells’ combined levels plus one. Once you
have taken this action, you cannot cast spells or
cantrips until the end of your next turn.


Improved Levitation Lolth's Meat
Prerequisite: Ability to use levitate as a spell-like Prerequisite: Elf (drow)
ability Like all drow cultured in cities that are ruled by
You have learned to use only part of your levitate Lolth’s priestesses, you know that you exist only to
spell-like ability at a time, allowing multiple uses provide your goddess with food and pleasure. This
with shorter durations. You gain the following knowledge lends you a certain bloodthirsty readi-
benefits: ness. You gain the following benefits:
• When you use your levitation spell/ability, you • You have advantage on initiative rolls.
may levitate any number of objects up to its • When you hit a creature that has not yet acted
weight capacity, rather than only a single object. in combat with a spell or attack that requires an
• If you use levitate to lift any number of objects attack roll, you deal extra damage equal to your
with a total weight of less than 200 pounds, you proficiency bonus.
may use a level 1 spell slot to cast the spell.
• You have advantage on checks to maintain con- Node Defense
centration on your levitation spell/ability.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You can use the magical power of an earth node to
Instinctive Darkness defend yourself from harm. You gain the following
Prerequisite: Darkness as a spell-like ability benefits:
After extensive training, you can negate light in- • Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher,
stinctively. You gain the following benefits: you may use a bonus action to summon a rocky
• Whenever you are quickly brought into bright shield until the start of your next turn. While
light, or are targeted by a spell that creates light, this shield is active, you gain a bonus to your AC
such as dawn, or sunburst, you may use your equal to half of the spell’s level (rounded down to
reaction to cast darkness without expending a a minimum of 1).
spell slot. • While protected by a node created by a spell
• If you use the reaction above in response to a of 4th level or higher, you have resistance to all
spell that requires a saving throw, you have ad- non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
vantage on the saving throw and take no damage damage.
if you succeed.
Node Sensitive
Knight of Lolth You can perceive an earth node just by passing
You have mastered techniques of waging war when near it. You gain the following benefits:
mounted on a monstrous spider (or similar ver- • You automatically note the presence and
min). You gain the following benefits: strength of any earth node within 30 feet.
• While mounted, you deal extra damage with your
melee attacks equal to your proficiency bonus.
• When your mount is hit with a melee attack, you
may use your reaction to make one melee attack
against the creature that hit it.
• When a creature leaves your space without dis-
engaging, both you and your mount may make an
attack of opportunity against it.


Node Spellcasting Poison Spell
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You have discovered the secret of node magic. You You can mystically transfer a poison to the target of
gain the following benefits: your spells. You gain the following benefits:
• You learn the node door and node lock spells, • When you cast a spell of first level or higher
each of which you can cast once without ex- that targets one creature, you may subtract one
pending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast damage die from the spell’s total damage. If you
these two spells in this way when you finish a do so, the creature must make a Constitution
long rest. save against your spell save DC. On a failed save,
that creature is poisoned until the end of your
next turn.
Node Store
• You have advantage on attack rolls against poi-
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
soned creatures.
You can store a prepared spell in an earth node.
You gain the following benefits:
• When you come across a naturally occurring Radiant Flicker
earth node, you may use your action to store any You cloak yourself or another with a nimbus of
one spell that you have prepared in the node. You flickering, bewildering light. You gain the following
may set a non-specific condition, or time period, benefits:
upon which that spell will trigger. For example, • You may use a bonus action to cause bright,
the conditions “This spell will trigger when flashing lights to surround you or a willing
someone within 30 feet says the word, ‘dragon’.” creature you can see within 30 feet. (Only one
Or “This spell will trigger in 30 seconds.” are creature may be affected by this light at a time)
acceptable, but the condition, “This spell will
trigger only when Rishalek Hammerfist’s first- • While a creature is surrounded by this light, it
born passes within 50 feet.” is too specific. If the has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks,
spell has an area of effect, it is centered on the and attack rolls made against this creature have
node. If the spell targets a creature, it targets the disadvantage.
creature that satisfied the condition.
• You may absorb the spell from any un-triggered Reactive Resistance
node to restore spell slots up to the level of the Through extensive practice and meditation, you
stored spell. can increase your spell resistance quickly. You gain
the following benefits:
Paralyzing Fists • When you take magical damage, you may use
your reaction to give yourself resistance to that
You can make multiple unarmed attacks to para-
damage type until the end of your next turn.
lyze an opponent in a single round. You gain the
following benefits: • When you use this ability, your next spell or abili-
• You gain 2 Ki points, (in addition to any other Ki ty that deals the same type of damage deals extra
points you may have) which can be used to fuel damage equal to your level.
this ability.
• When you make an unarmed strike, you may use Sadistic Reward
a bonus action to make an additional unarmed Your mind and body are fortified by harming oth-
strike. ers. You gain the following benefits:
• Once per turn, when you hit an enemy with an • Whenever you deal damage to another creature,
unarmed strike, you may attempt to paralyze it. you gain a +1 bonus to your choice of attack
It must make a Constitution saving throw with rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, or AC until
a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your the end of your next turn.
Wisdom modifier. On a failed save the target is
• This bonus is cumulative, but you cannot have
stunned until the end of its next turn.
greater than a +3 bonus to any one trait.
• A creature gets a -1 penalty to its saving throw
made against this ability for every unarmed
strike that has hit it this turn.


Spiderfriend Magic Strong Mind
Your spells cannot harm your vermin allies. You You are unusually difficult to affect with psionic
gain the following benefits: powers and mind attacks. You gain the following
• When you cast a spell with an Area of Effect, you benefits:
may choose any number of spiders, rats, snakes, • You have advantage on saving throws made to
bats, or other vermin. Each of these creatures avoid being charmed or frightened.
takes no damage from a spell in that area of • You have resistance to psychic damage.
• While under the effects of a spell or ability that
• When you cast a ranged spell, you may cast it controls or alters your mind, at the end of each
at up to double its normal range if any friendly of your turns, the creature from which that effect
vermin creature is within 30 feet of your targeted originates takes psychic damage equal to your
range. intelligence modifier.

Staggering Critical Surprising Riposte

Your critical hits leave your opponents reeling. You Through deft maneuvering, you unravel your oppo-
gain the following benefits: nent’s defenses. You gain the following benefits:
• When wielding a heavy weapon or wielding a • When a creature misses you with a melee attack,
weapon with two hands, you score a critical hit you may use your reaction to move behind that
on a 19-20. creature and make one melee attack against it
• When you score a critical hit, you knock your with advantage.
opponent prone if it is no more than one size • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC when wielding a
larger than you. finesse weapon with one hand and not wielding
• When you score a critical hit against a prone a second weapon or shield.
creature, that creature is stunned until the end of
its next turn.
You can fight more naturally in the cramped and
Stone Soul close quarters of caves and tunnels than usual. You
You were born with a dwarflike, innate sense about gain the following benefits:
rock, stone, and construction. You gain the follow- • You may occupy the same space as another crea-
ing benefits: ture. If that creature is larger than you, they have
• You have advantage on Intelligence (Investiga- disadvantage on attack rolls made against you
tion) checks made to find inconsistencies or while you are in their space.
clues in stone or stony surfaces. • When you are hit with a melee attack while in
• If you spend at least 1 minute analyzing a struc- cramped quarters, you may use your reaction to
ture, you can find crucial load-bearing points in attempt to use your foe’s momentum to entrap
the structure, informing you of the best way to them in the terrain. They must make a Dexterity
demolish it. check with a DC equal to 10 + your Strength
• When in a cave or cavern, you can read the or Dexterity modifier (your choice). On a failed
strata. You always know which direction will take save, that creature is restrained. On its turn, the
you to the entrance of a cavern. creature can use a bonus action to attempt to
extricate itself with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics)


Tunnelrunner Wisdom Breeds Caution
You can move naturally in the cramped quarters of Not getting into a dangerous situation is generally
caves and tunnels. You gain the following benefits: the wisest course, but if danger is unavoidable,
• Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maxi- you’re prepared. You rely more on caution and fore-
mum of 20. thought than you do on physical prowess. You gain
the following benefits:
• While squeezing through a tight space, you may
move at your normal speed, and no longer have • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maxi-
disadvantage on attack rolls or Dexterity saving mum of 20.
throws. • You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your
• You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Intelligence modifier.
checks made while in tight spaces. • You have a number of small magical trinkets
designed to help you overcome spellcasters and
their tricks. You have a +1 to all saving throws
Umbral Spell against magical effects.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You add darkness to a spell you cast. You gain the
following benefits:
• When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you
may use a spell slot of 1 level higher to add a
darkness effect to the spell (you gain none of
the other usual benefits for casting it at a higher
level if you do so.)
• When you cast a spell in this manner, a sphere of
darkness with a radius of 10 feet appears in a lo-
cation you can see within 30 feet. This darkness
is magical, and cannot be dispersed by non-mag-
ical light. Any form of magical light instantly
disperses this darkness.

Unspeakable Vow
You willingly give yourself to the service of an evil
deity or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to
serve your unspeakable ends. You gain the follow-
ing benefits:
• You have advantage on Deception, Intimidation,
and Persuasion checks.

Versatile Combatant
You have learned to combine attacks with the
favored weapons of the drow – the short sword and
the hand crossbow. You gain the following benefits:
• You gain a +1 bonus to AC when dual wielding a
short sword and hand crossbow.
• Being within 5 feet of an enemy doesn’t impose
disadvantage on your hand crossbow attacks.
• When you hit an enemy with a hand crossbow,
you may use a bonus action to make a shorts-
word attack against an enemy in range.


Lineages Aevendrow Origins
You can roll on or choose an option from the
Aevendrow Origins table to determine an origin for
This section details Underdark lineages for groups an Aevendrow character.
that use them. It features a number of denizens na-
tive to the Underdark, including reclusive drow, the Aevendrow Origins
stealthy gloamings, the deep imaskari, the fierce
d8 Origin
grimlocks, the inexplicable kuo-toas, and the bi-
zarre slyths. These lineages are suitable for use as 1 You have never set foot outside of your
both player characters and nonplayer characters. northern home until now.
2 You seek to regain a powerful magical artifact
that was stolen from your people.
Aevendrow 3 You have been sent into the world at the
behest of Eilistraee, but you do not yet know
Cold and aloof as the stars themselves.
4 Your people’s magic is failing, and your cities
are beginning to freeze.
JARLAXLE 5 The stars have given you tidings of a coming
calamity which you are intent on preventing.
Aevendrow, also known as “Starlight Elves” are an
6 You have been sent as a diplomat to a hostile
exceptionally rare group of drow who, like the lo-
foe who believes all Drow are the same.
rendrow, refused to follow in Lolth’s path. They are
typically found in the frigid north in large ice-built 7 You are an orphan and have never been
cities, if they are found at all. blessed with a Starsong. It is your lifelong
dream to find someone willing to give one to
Isolated Cities
8 You have trained your entire life to take over
Aevendrow are masterful mages, capable of inter- for your clan’s archmage when they die, and
acting on a deep level with their native icy home. they disappeared over a month ago.
Their cities are typically located under thick sheets
of ice, built within natural walls that not only serve
to keep intruders out, but that also disguise their Aevendrow Starsongs
settlements, ensuring that they remain almost The aevendrow’s powerful magics, along with their
wholly undetected by those who do not know what fascination with the cosmic anomalies demonstrat-
to look for. ed in the frigid north have, over time, culminated
The icy caverns crafted to host aevendrow cities in a ritual naming of their children using magical
are bolstered by their magic, and retain their solid melodies known as “starsongs”. Each starsong is
state of matter in spite of the warmth found in the meant to channel the parents’ hopes and dreams
cities themselves. Those few travelers who are wel- for their child, and to serve as a blessing to them
comed into an aevendrow citadel often bring back throughout their life. Roll on or choose an option
shards of “Starlit Ice”, which is warm to the touch from the Aevendrow Starsong table below to
and never melts, as a testament to their journey. determine what song your character was blessed
by. Your character gains an additional proficiency
based on their starsong, as listed in the table.
Reconciled Worshippers
Despite the hardships faced by the aevendrow
when their race lost Corellon’s favor, and they elect-
ed to abandon the worship of Lolth, the aevendrow
remained devoted followers of Corellon, seeking
reconciliation for years, until they finally received it
due in no small part to the intervention of Eil-
istraee. They now worship her as their primary
goddess, as well as Corellon himself.

Aevendrow Starsongs them one of the great powers of the world. Since
that time, much has transpired. After the revolt of
d10 Starsong
their slaves and the bloodbath that followed, the
1 The Song of the Hidden (Stealth) few deep imaskari that survived the massacre fled
2 The Song of the Muse (Performance) underground, their once great empire reduced to
3 The Song of the Worker (One tool or vehicle) ruin. Now, after thousands of years living beneath
the surface, and bolstered by the alien magics of
4 The Song of the Hero (Athletics) their powerful spellcasters, deep imaskari are a
5 The Song of the Lover (Persuasion) completely separate race, no longer human, but
6 The Song of the Mage (Arcana) something far more magical, and to most other
races, far more sinister.
7 The Song of the Scholar (Investigation)
8 The Song of the Mediator (Insight)
Masters of Magic
9 The Song of the Ambassador (one additional
language) Even before the fall of their empire, imaskari were
known for their powerful magics, and that lust for
10 The Song of the Priestess (Religion) arcane power has not dulled since their retreat to
the recesses of the earth. To them, magic is a path
Aevendrow Traits to power, a means by which to reclaim all that was
Your Aevendrow character has the following racial taken from them those many years ago.
Size. Aevendrow are shorter than humans, typi- Secretive but Diplomatic
cally 5 feet, and are svelte. Your size is Medium.
Deep Imaskari have learned to be exceptionally
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
skilled in diplomacy and negotiation. They are
Darkvision. You have darkvision out to a range
shrewd diplomats and have impeccable manners,
of 60 feet.
doing everything that they can to assuage the fears
Starsong Blessing. You gain an additional pro- or prejudices other races may have towards them
ficiency based on your Starsong. Additionally, once because of their history. Typically, these manner-
per long rest, you may choose to automatically isms are simply a tactic by which to get what they
succeed on one skill check that uses the proficien- want, but even so, their skill and charisma can’t be
cy you gain from your Starsong. denied.
Aevendrow Spellcasting. You know the danc-
ing lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you
can cast the chromatic orb spell once using this Lost Superiority
trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish Though their once great empire fell millennia ago,
a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast most deep imaskari still cling to the idea that they
the mirror image spell once using this trait and are a superior race, meant to rule over those who
regain the ability to do so when you finish a long are lesser. Though many blame the drow slavers
rest. for the many missing persons who become slaves
in the Realms Below, the deep imaskari are equally
culpable, keeping slaves of many different racial
Deep Imaskari and cultural backgrounds. They rarely enslave
drow, and if they do so, they ensure that the drow
slavers that they trade with are unaware of that
Do not make the error of considering fact, hoping to maintain good trade relations, par-
the imaskari defeated. Once you get a ticularly where the slave market is concerned.
Deep Imaskari slaves are treated far better than
taste of superiority, it takes eons for it
most drow slaves are, a cultural habit instilled in
to turn to guilt. the deep imaskari by their fear of having slaves
rebel against them again. They try to ensure that
JARLAXLE their slaves, though in bondage, are well cared for,
fed, cleaned, and given necessary care when ill or
Long ago, the human empire of the Imaskari injured.
thrived on the backs of their slaves. Their power-
ful wizards and contact with other planes making

Deep Imaskari Origins Deep Imaskari Quirks
d8 Quirk
You can roll on or choose an option from the Deep
Imaskari Origins table to determine an origin for a 1 You can’t resist magical items or artifacts. If
Deep Imaskari character. you can get it, you will.
2 You have an insatiable curiosity about other
Deep Imaskari Origins races and cultures.
d8 Origin 3 You are simply better than everyone else.
1 You’ve been training since your childhood as 4 You are exceptionally paranoid.
an infiltrator, intent on taking down govern-
5 You feel drawn to powerful people, and seek
ments from the inside.
to ally yourself with them whenever possible.
2 You are a shrewd negotiator. Too shrewd
6 You cannot accept when you are wrong.
in one case, it seems. A local merchant has
recently been lodging complaints, and the 7 You quickly adapt to the mannerisms and
town’s guardsmen now treat your business niceties of any culture in which you find
with suspicion. yourself.
3 You have been promised an exceptionally 8 You check even the most mundane of items
powerful magical heirloom from your family for magical properties.
on the condition that you complete a gruel-
ing rite of passage on the surface. Deep Imaskari Names
4 You have fallen in love with a slave, and are Deep Imaskari typically use rather common
trying to find a way to free them so that you human names, though some drow constructions
can elope. have become more present in their nomenclature
over the years. Children are typically named after a
5 A powerful noble has taken a liking to you,
great mage, in hopes that they can one day rise to
and while you despise him treating you as if
that namesake and perform acts of similar caliber.
he is your superior, you know his favor could
As such, many deep imaskari are the fifth or sixth
be useful in the future.
to bear their name through their family’s genera-
6 You studied at a prestigious Imaskari Univer- tions.
sity, and are believed to be the greatest mage Male Names: Gareth, Toricc, Revlar, Errick,
since the old Imaskari masters. Benson, Warren, Leynith, Ulik
7 You were raised on the surface, away from Female Names: Gwenneth, Helena, Triss, Phyl-
other deep imaskari, and have not been la, Lystra, Nairi, Rachelle, Lisari
taught about any of your people’s history. Family Names: Halvford, Odioun, Vestiri, Tarker,
8 You keep having visions of the old Imaskari Dracon, Stell, Smithy, Arca
Empire, and believe it is your duty to restore
it to its former glory. Deep Imaskari Traits
Your Deep Imaskari character has the following
Deep Imaskari Personality racial traits.
You can use the Deep Imaskari Quirks table to Size. Deep Imaskari are slightly shorter than
determine a personality quirk for a Deep Imaskari humans, and are typically gaunt. Your size is Medi-
character or to inspire a unique mannerism. um.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Cavern Dweller. You have darkvision out to a
range of 60 feet.
Seeker of Magic. You have proficiency in the
arcana skill. Additionally, once per long rest, you
may cast identify without expending spell slots or
Silver Tongue. You have proficiency in decep-
tion and persuasion.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language of your choice.

seems best to them at any given moment.
Disturbers of the Peace
Wanderlust lurks in the heart of every Gloamings have an uncanny ability to quickly
gloaming. Remember that when you ask understand the status quo in any group, city, or
conversation that they are in, and their chaotic
for a promise or a plan. nature makes them absolutely intent on breaking
these cultural norms. They love change, particular-
JARLAXLE ly seeing it in other people or places, and will often
do all in their power to make such changes occur,
With luminous skin that can change colors and whether for good or ill.
patterns at will, fur-covered wings, a cat-like eyes,
gloamings are uncommon beings even in their Gloaming Origins
supposedly native Underdark. This plane-touched You can roll on or choose an option from the
race is mysterious to even the most experienced Gloaming Origins table to determine an origin for
of adventurers, and many who come across them a Gloaming character.
mistake them for some sort of Tiefling. Little is
known about their origin, merely that they are Gloaming Origins
somehow descended from some combination of
creatures native to both Toril and the Plane of d8 Origin
Shadow. Despite their rarity, adventuring gloam- 1 You stole an exceptionally valuable trinket
ings are almost as common as other adventurers, and are now being pursued by mercenaries
since their boundless curiosity and wanderlust hired by the nobleman it belonged to.
drives almost all members of this race to embrace 2 You have discovered a delicacy of the surface
a life of adventure. that is as delicious as it is rare, and are intent
on finding a chef who will share the secret of
Curious Wanderers its creation with you.
Gloamings have very few settlements of their own, 3 You meet with your brothers and sisters once
preferring to set out on their own and experience each year to share stories. However, the last
what the world has to offer. They are born to adven- time you were supposed to meet, you were
ture, and will often wander about for days seeking the only one there.
someone or something interesting to interact with. 4 You spent some time in a surface prison for
The rarity of gloamings is, in no small part, a various misdemeanors, and now have a per-
result of this wanderlust. Though gloamings can be manent dislike for law enforcement.
quite prolific in their reproduction, less than a third 5 You have never been to the surface before,
will ever find a partner, and even if they do, the and are planning on travelling there with a
odds that it will be another gloaming are exception- large group of young gloamings.
ally small.
6 You recently learned that you fathered a
child, and that the child in question has been
Friendly but Flighty kidnapped.
Gloamings are exceptionally friendly creatures, 7 Your closest friend was killed under mysteri-
ready to converse with anyone or anything that ous circumstances, and you’ve made it your
they find interesting in the least. They make friends quest to find and punish his murderers.
quickly, and will defend allies they have known for
8 You have been named a local hero, which
only a few days with their lives.
is very inconvenient because with all of the
Despite this friendly nature, gloamings are easily
ceremonies, autographs, etc., you haven’t
bored, just as they are easily entertained. When a
found a way to leave town and continue your
creature or location becomes boring, they leave,
seeking better company and environs. Because of
this, gloamings have a reputation of unreliability. Gloaming Personality
Though a gloaming might remember making a You can use the Gloaming Quirks table to deter-
promise, they put little stock in contracts of any mine a personality quirk for a Gloaming character
kind, written or vocal. They prefer to do whatever or to inspire a unique mannerism.

Gloaming Quirks creature that you know. That creature is your
d8 Quirk best friend. You may use an action to give your
1 You cannot stand to sit still for long. You have
best friend advantage on any ability check or
to be doing something, anything. saving throw once per short or long rest.
Shining Skin. You have bright, glowing patterns
2 You cannot abide the presence of drow, rippling across your skin that can change color,
immediately fleeing or attacking when you size, and shape as you see fit.
see one.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
3 You gossip incessantly, and often untruthfully, Common and Undercommon.
loving the drama of seeing your friends at
odds with one another.
4 You have a new best friend at least once Grimlocks
every day.
5 You mimic every person you speak to, fasci-
nated by their unusual patterns. Survival is understanding consequences.
6 You make promises as easily as you blink, and
break them just as easily. JARLAXLE
7 You always speak your mind.
Viewing these foul-looking, gray-skinned beasts
8 You change your skin tone to match your
with eyeless sockets, many races consider grim-
locks to be no more than mindless monsters, fit for
nothing but extermination. These creatures were
Gloaming Names once humans, until generations of living in the
Gloamings take their names from exciting events caverns of the Underdark under the control of their
or people in their lives. While gloaming parents illithid masters slowly transformed their minds and
give their child a name at birth, both they and the bodies, leaving them forever twisted. Though some
child grow bored of that name quickly. A gloaming grimlocks still serve the illithids, many have also
will typically choose a new name once or twice broken away, forming their own colonies and vying
each year, and the name can be anything from the for survival therein.
word for a specific accomplishment they achieved,
to the name of their new favorite food or person.
Gloaming Names: Goblin-Basher, Kiwi, Ed,
Sight of the Sightless
Mordenkainen, Dead-Drow, Bookcase, Paintbrush, Over the generations during which the grimlocks
Beholder have lived in the caverns of the Realms Below, they
have developed a host of senses that allow them
to stalk their Underdark prey with exceptional
Gloaming Traits efficiency. Though their eye sockets now sit empty,
Your Gloaming character has the following racial these creatures have an incredible sense of hear-
traits. ing and smell, and use echolocation to find and
Size. Gloamings are typically a little smaller capture their prey with ruthless efficiency.
than humans, though the tallest can reach just over
6 feet. Your size is medium. Disdain for Magic
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have darkvision out to a range Grimlocks view magic in all its forms as an evil to
of 60 feet. be feared and avoided at all costs. They shun any
member of their society who exhibits sorcerous
Fur-Covered Wings. You have a flying speed
tendencies, and consider magic of any kind to be
equal to your walking speed. In addition, your
the greatest threat to their survival.
wings can serve as warm clothing. You automat-
ically succeed on Constitution saving throws to
avoid levels of exhaustion in cold environments. Ruled by Fear
Devoted for a Day. You are completely Grimlocks are motivated almost purely in their
devoted to your best friend, though who that endeavors by a deep and desperate desire for sur-
is might change from moment-to-moment. At vival. Their fear drives them to commit atrocious
the end of a short rest, you may choose one acts, but some have been known to overcome these

natural inclinations when provided with safety and Grimlock Quirks
security. d8 Quirk
1 You are terrified of every new person you
Grimlock Origins meet.
You can roll on or choose an option from the 2 You sleep restlessly, waking at the smallest
Grimlock Origins table to determine an origin for a disturbance.
Grimlock character.
3 You have a taste for flesh.
Grimlock Origins 4 The only moral compass you have points to
d8 Origin whatever will help you survive the longest.

1 You have recently made friends with a prison- 5 You attempt to destroy every magical item or
er the others intend to eat soon, and you’re trinket you come across.
not sure what to do about it. 6 You don’t feel safe if you can’t touch at least
2 Your superb senses of hearing and smell out- one wall at all times.
strip even that of other grimlocks, and you 7 You can be easily calmed by one particular
have been tasked with keeping the colony sound or smell.
safe and sounding an alarm in case of danger. 8 You don’t trust anything you can’t see.
3 You have lived for years as a drow slave, but
were lost in an accident and presumed dead. Grimlock Names
4 The colony you belong to has recently lost its Grimlock names are typically reminiscent of hu-
crops to a Drow raid. Your elders are discuss- man names, but often incorporate strange sounds
ing returning to the old ways, raiding surface only replicable by other grimlocks, such as soft
settlements for flesh to feast on. clicks and deep-throated trills. Their names sound
5 You are the only magic user in your entire harsh with emphasis on stronger sounds such as
clan, but must keep it a secret for fear of t’s and k’s.
execution. Male Grimlock Names: Gr’rlck, Lot’ril, Benti’rr,
Vrrick, Otis, Rikke, Borr’ik, Jagarrt
6 You were raised by surface dwellers as a pet, Female Grimlock Names: Her’rta, Illik, Pry’tte,
but they died in a terrible accident, and you Bute’e, Clarr’a, Bethh, Riika, Oryy’ka
are now on your own.
7 You have come to trust one surface dweller
completely, and travel with them for safety,
Grimlock Traits
but are still suspicious of all others. Your Grimlock character has the following racial
8 You suffered a grievous wound and were
thought dead by your clan, who abandoned Size. Grimlocks are slightly larger and taller
you while you were unconscious. Now that than humans. Your size is Medium.
you’ve woken up, they are long gone and you Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
must find them once again, but it’s been days Blind Sense. You have blindsight out to a range
since they were here. of 60 feet or to a range of 10 feet while you are
deafened. You are blinded past this range. You are
completely blind if you are deafened and unable to
Grimlock Personality smell.
You can use the Grimlock Quirks table to deter-
Bite. You can use your sharpened fangs as a
mine a personality quirk for a Grimlock character
natural weapon to make a melee attack. If you hit
or to inspire a unique mannerism.
with this attack, you deal piercing damage equal to
1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Tough Skin. You have naturally thick skin.
While you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal
to 13+your dexterity modifier.
Keen Senses. You have advantage on any Per-
ception checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin.
When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 +

your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural
armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear
Strict Theocracies
would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's ben- Despite being freed from the oppressive rule of
efits apply as normal while you use your natural the illithids, kuo-toa had become accustomed to a
armor. strict rule of law, and their rulers have become ty-
Languages. You can speak, read, and write rants in every sense that their predecessors were.
Common and Undercommon. Kuo-Toa archpriests rule colonies with a heavy
hand, training their successors, kuo-toa whips, to
be just as tyrannical and uncompromising.
Kuo-Toa With the powers granted to them by their
constructed gods, archpriests and whips are less
affected by the insanity that is their race’s curse.
No more terrible of a disaster could Their strength of will allows them to easily oppress
the minds of the lesser kuo-toa.
befall a people than to be infected with
the madness of religion.
Natural Rivalry
Kuo-Toa has a natural rivalry with drow that pre-
JARLAXLE dates even their enslavement by the mind flayers.
Most kuo-toa will flee at the sight of a drow, as
Kuo-Toa are depraved race of fish-like human- their race has been historically weaker, but an
oids, native to the Underdark, that suffer from archpriest or whip will attempt to kill any drow it
a race-wide curse of insanity. Any semblance of encounters.
mental stability that the race had has long since
disappeared after centuries of enslavement to the
illithids. Though most of their race has been freed
from that enslavement, their minds have never
recovered, but their desire for vengeance and vio-
lence remains.
Kuo-Toa can secrete substances that can be
either sticky or slippery. They coat their weapons
and shields with this substance, using it to great
effect in battle. They prefer not to wear armor as
it interferes with their bodies’ natural secretions,
but will typically wear small pieces of jewelry and
gemstones they collect from the ocean floor.

Rather than worship existing deities as a means to
gain protection from their foes, kuo-toa create their
own gods, worshipping inanimate objects that they
create or find, such as statues and shrines. The
mind-altering effects of their long enslavement to
the illithids somehow granted the race the ability
to manifest their insanity into the real world. If
enough Kuo-Toa worship a being, their collective
energy will cause it to gain a great number of the
powers that they attribute to it.
The most widely worshipped god to kuo-toa is
Blibdoolpoolp, the Sea Mother, a massive female
human with a crayfish’s head and claws. The god
was likely once a statue, which was changed and
empowered by the collective belief of kuo-toa.

Kuo-Toa Origins Kuo-Toa Quirks
d8 Quirk
You can roll on or choose an option from the Kuo-
Toa Origins table to determine an origin for a Kuo- 1 You hate wearing clothing, and avoid every
Toa character. piece of it that you can.
2 You constantly mutter to yourself in a lan-
Kuo-Toa Origins guage not even you can understand.
d8 Origin 3 You don’t know how to refuse a direct com-
1 You have found a magical artifact and want to mand.
keep it hidden from other kuo-toa. 4 You attack or flee whenever you come across
2 You have always been a little saner than kuo- a Drow.
toa around you, a trait that the local whips 5 You see things that aren’t really there when-
are not particularly fond of. ever someone says a specific word or phrase.
3 You have been banished from your tribe and 6 Your sweat becomes sticky whenever you’re
left to fend for yourself in the Underdark. stressed.
4 You have lived almost your whole life as a 7 You constantly find the tall tales you tell
slave to the drow, but have recently been around the campfire coming true…
freed in a stroke of luck.
8 You burst out with random words or phrases,
5 You keep hearing voices in your head, but then forget what you said.
these ones seem clearer and more meaning-
ful than the normal ones…
Kuo-Toa Names
6 You’ve been trained as a whip, but secretly Kuo-Toa names sound foreign, and often silly to
have no belief in deity. those who live on the surface. To other humanoids,
7 Your search for meaning has led you to an the language and names of kuo-toa simply sound
ancient shipwreck where a powerful being like garbled words spoken underwater, which are,
claiming to be a god contacted you, asking to some extent, exactly what they are.
for assistance. Male Kuo-Toa Names. Boolip, Plobble, Gorb,
8 Your entire family was accused of heresy, and Voolp, Klub, Globoo, Fdool, Ebut
is now being hunted by the Archpriest and Female Kuo-Toa Names. Boola, Plibe, Goora,
their whips. Veerb, Kuuli, Gleebee, Fdoora, Soorba

Kuo-Toa Personality Kuo-Toa Traits

You can use the Kuo-Toa Quirks table to determine Your Kuo-Toa character has the following racial
a personality quirk for a Kuo-Toa character or to traits.
inspire a unique mannerism. Size. Kuo-Toa are quite short, averaging at just
under 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have darkvision out to a range
of 60 feet.
Amphibious. You have a swimming speed
equal to your walking speed and you can breathe
both air and water.
Broken Mind. Your mind has been broken,
making it far different than most and far more
difficult to control. You have advantage on saving
throws against spells and abilities that would
charm you. Additionally, if a creature uses a spell
or ability to peer into your mind, it takes 1d6
psychic damage every round until it abandons your
Slimy Secretions. You secrete a liquid that
can be either slippery or sticky. You have advan-

tage on ability checks and saving throws made to Even after these many years, the lorendrow have
escape a grapple, and on checks made to grapple yet to forgive Corellon for abandoning them follow-
an opponent. ing Lolth’s descent to evil. They typically consider
Languages. You can speak, read, and write deities to be powerful beings, worthy of respect,
Common and Undercommon. but not of worship.

Lorendrow Lorendrow Origins

You can roll on or choose an option from the Lo-
rendrow Origins table to determine an origin for a
Oh, how exotic is that smile. Lorendrow character.

Lorendrow Origins
JARLAXLE d8 Origin
1 You have never left the jungle and fear the
Lorendrow are one of the small subgroups of for-
outside world.
mer drow who rejected Lolth’s path of evil, refusing
to follow her into the depths of the Underdark. 2 You must leave your home in search of medi-
cine that your people cannot produce.
Strict Isolationists 3 Your familiar has a deep connection with an
extremely specific place, far beyond your
Though the lorendrow did not follow their homeland. You have promised you will find a
udadrow brethren into the Realms Below, they way to take them there.
did similarly retreat into exile from the rest of the
4 Your jungle has been infested with vermin
fleeing some unknown terror beyond your
Lorendrow make their homes in dense jungles,
borders. You are sent to investigate the dis-
with settlements that have, for years, escaped the
notice of all but a few who venture beneath the
canopy. Though the initial group that separated 5 The goddess Eilistraee has been speaking to
themselves from the udadrow was relatively small, you since you were a child, but your people
their numbers have grown greatly, in large part do not approve of your worship.
due to their harmony one with another and lack of 6 You keep hearing voices coming from deep in
outside influences. the jungle. They seem to be calling you, beck-
Their sense of isolation has been reinforced oning with promises of power and riches.
again and again as lorendrow travelers have faced
7 Udadrow raiders have been attacking your
discrimination in the outside world, courtesy of the
countrymen for months, and they are close
actions of their udadrow cousins. Most people find
to seizing your capital city, intent on enslav-
it difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between
ing you and everyone you love.
lorendrow and udadrow, and as such, lorendrow
are often treated with suspicion and hatred. 8 The jungle is suffering from some sort of
disease. You must find a cure before your
home dies.
Lovers of the Natural World
At the beginning of the lorendrow’s society, they Lorendrow Familiars
found themselves shunned by Corellon, abandoned Most lorendrow have a strong enough connection
by Lolth, and left alone in the world. Finding them- to the natural world that each has, at some point,
selves so exceptionally alone, the lorendrow lost attracted the attention of an animal or fey spirit,
faith in deity, and instead turned to nature itself, which becomes a familiar to them. A lorendrow
reveling in the untainted and constant beauty and may have a different familiar depending on where
ferocity of the world around them. they originate. Roll on or choose an option from
As lorendrow society has progressed, their the lorendrow familiar table to determine what
respect for and oneness with nature has only familiar is bonded to your character.
increased. Many druidic circles have arisen in
lorendrow culture, along with a number of Ranger
orders who are dedicated to protecting the wilds
that they call home.

Lorendrow Familiars Underdark, serving as guardians of the ecosystems
found beneath the surface, and often providing
d10 Familiar
services to the many races that inhabit this realm.
1 Frog
2 Cat Protectors of the Natural
3 Dog
4 Raven
Slyths, whether by divine design or simple racial
5 Parrot
heritage, are staunch defenders of the natural or-
6 Rat der of the Underdark, doing all they can to ensure
7 Monkey that the ecosystems present are tended to, and that
those who would disrupt these natural processes
8 Ferret
are stopped. Though slyths are almost always
9 Moth non-violent in their dealings with other creatures,
10 Lizard one of the few ways to anger them is by destroying
or defacing the natural wonders of the Underdark.
Lorendrow Traits Though slyths protect the natural order, they
Your Lorendrow character has the following racial are not opposed to the use of natural materials.
traits. They allow others to seek gemstones, fungi, and
Size. Lorendrow are shorter than humans, typi- other naturally occurring boons, seeing the use of
cally 5 feet, and are sinewy. Your size is Medium. these materials as part of the ecosystem’s natural
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. process. They are easily provoked, however, by the
Darkvision. You have darkvision out to a range wanton destruction of such riches, eliminating this
of 60 feet. wonder and beauty without using it in a productive
Familiar. You may cast the find familiar spell and respectful manner.
once without expending a spell slot, and regain the
ability to do so after a long rest.
Jungle Tracker. You gain proficiency in nature
Diplomats and Arbiters
and survival. Additionally, you gain a climbing Slyths are exceptionally adept at deescalating
speed equal to your walking speed. problems, and often serve as arbiters when oppos-
ing forces are at odds with one another. Almost all
races, even those often considered evil, typically
Slyths welcome the presence of a slyth, as their wisdom
and equitable nature allows commerce and civiliza-
tion to thrive. In peaceful areas, slyths sometimes
They won’t tell about the wonders of offer to assist the residents with farming and forag-
ing efforts, as well as with raising livestock.
the Underdark – they will kidnap you to
experience them.
Mysterious Origins
Slyths are not born naturally, but somehow still
JARLAXLE manage to reproduce. Some believe that when a
slyth dies, its essence infuses the earth beneath
Slyths are rare and mysterious creatures of the them, which eventually coalesces to form a new
Realms Below whose origins are still not agreed slyth. Whatever the case may be, slyth make no
upon. These shapechangers can often resemble mention of parentage, and seem to simply come
humanoids, and almost always choose a feminine into being, maturing to adulthood within the first
form when doing so, but seem to have a natural week of their life, and being born with an innate
form of something more akin to an ooze or slime ability to speak and comprehend at least two lan-
of some sort. Though theories abound as to how guages.
these creatures came about, none have been
proven. Some believe them to be the result of
humanoid-djinn pairings, while others claim that
slyths are the creations of a deity such as Shar
or Chauntea. Whatever the case, these wise and
reserved shifters exert a powerful influence in the

Slyth Origins Slyth Quirks
d8 Quirk
You can roll on or choose an option from the Slyth
Origins table to determine an origin for a Slyth 1 You hate to see any natural resource go to
character. waste.
2 You never take sides in an argument.
Slyth Origins
3 You stop to marvel at the smallest and most
d8 Origin insignificant plants, rocks, or animals.
1 You were just “born”, and you remember 4 You feel a deep and intense pain at seeing
there was something important you needed another creature in pain.
to take care of, but you can’t quite recall
5 The harvest is your favorite event of the year.
what it was.
6 You have never been angry, and cannot un-
2 You have been a diplomat for as long as you
derstand the emotion in others.
can remember, and just found out that most
diplomats actually get paid for their services. 7 You stop at every sign of unrest, seeking to fix
the problems you see.
3 You have guarded a rare gemstone, artifact,
or plant for years, and somehow it was stolen 8 You thank your food before eating it.
from right under your nose.
4 Another shapeshifter claiming to be you Slyth Names
has been causing trouble and ruining your Slyth names can originate from a number of
reputation. sources. Most slyths choose their own names after
choosing a purpose or mission for their life, but
5 You have started noticing other slyths are go-
some will change their names after accomplishing
ing missing under mysterious circumstances
a difficult task or experiencing great loss. Slyth
and have decided to investigate.
names also have no differentiation for males or
6 You actually picked a side in a recent conflict, females; just as the slyth seem not to differ in this
and are now somewhat of an outcast among sense. Slyth first names are typically onomatopoe-
other slyths. ic, making sounds similar to the ones heard while
7 You recently discovered a plot against a pow- travelling through the caverns of the Underdark.
erful noble. It’s none of your concern, but Their last names often have reference to a favorite
you feel it is only fair that he should be made plant, animal, or mineral.
aware, at least. Slyth names. Dryp, Tong, Plopp, Grrik, Kkrt,
8 You have served a single noble family for Pah, Craysh, Scree
years as an arbiter, but a few days ago, you Slyth Last Names. Musher, Lakesong, Gloworb,
awoke in the mansion as the only remaining Brightshroom, Rockbud, Stonespeaker, Veincatch-
person there. er, Batscreecher

Slyth Personality Slyth Traits

You can use the Slyth Quirks table to determine a Your Slyth character has the following racial traits.
personality quirk for a Slyth character or to inspire Size. Slyths are about the same size as humans
a unique mannerism. in their natural form. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a range
of 60 feet.
Shapechanger. You may use your action to
transform into another creature. You choose your
physical appearance and characteristics while in
this form, including your height, weight, sex, hair
color, eye color, and any other distinguishing char-
acteristics, though these changes do not change
your in-game stats, and you cannot change your

Arbiter. You gain proficiency in persuasion and long-standing and intensely trained devotion to
insight. these tenets to be a particularly strong motivator
Ooze Form. While you are not in a shifted over the course of their lives.
form, you may squeeze through any space that is Whether your character holds staunchly firm in
no smaller than a foot across. defense of their tenet, or strives, with marginal suc-
Languages. You can speak, read, and write cess, to overcome its longstanding influence, it will
Common, Undercommon, and Sylvan. always be a part of their life. Roll on or choose an
option from the Lolthian Tenet table to determine
what tenet your character is most devoted to.
Lolthian Tenets
d10 Tenet
There is no undying love. There is no 1 Strength
polite weakness. There is only Lolth, my 2 Pride
friend, so tread lightly. 3 Cruelty
4 Apathy

Udadrow are, by far, the most common form of 6 Beauty

drow, and are often simply called drow, as no differ- 7 Skill
entiation is necessary where they are concerned. 8 Pain
These are the Lolth-worshipping denizens of the
9 Intelligence
Underdark that serve as villains in many an elven
storybook, coming to the surface only to steal away 10 Vengeance
precious loved ones for their own evil designs, Death to the Weak
building their kingdom on the backs of slaves taken Showing any form of weakness in udadrow society
from above. is often a death-sentence. The race’s focus on
strength and prowess lends itself to the idea that
Lovers of Lolth weakness is a trait to be culled, eliminated as early
To the udadrow, Lolth’s authority is absolute and and as quickly as possible. To udadrow, weakness-
unchallenged. She is the central unifying deity es that should be snuffed out include tendencies
that defines the lives and actions of udadrow far such as compassion, self-sacrifice, strong relation-
and wide, the founder and matron of their entire ships, and other such faults that lead their posses-
civilization. sors to shy away from what needs to be done.
Udadrow follow Lolth’s tenets to every extreme For a good or neutral aligned Udadrow surviv-
possible, and are consistently becoming more cor- ing in this culture means suppressing their own
rupted by her influence. Their primary goals often emotional attachments and putting on a mask of
align with her rhetoric: The extermination of elves emotionless devotion to Lolth. Even if these rare
and domination over all other races in the Realms udadrow manage to break away from their homes
Below. To accomplish these tasks, their society later in life, their ability to express emotion and to
is built around constant struggle, said by Lolth to act as their conscience directs is severely hindered
make them more capable and resilient in the face from a lifetime of hiding these feelings away.
of hardship.
Udadrow Origins
Tenets of Lolth You can roll on or choose an option from the
Udadrow are brought up in an intensely zealous Udadrow Origins table to determine an origin for
society, fully devoted to the Spider Queen and her an Udadrow character.
At a young age, each udadrow chooses one
of Lolth’s ten Tenets, devoting themselves to a
life in service to this ideal. Even those udadrow
who eventually leave their own society find their

Udadrow Origins ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When
you reach 5th level, you can cast the moonbeam
d8 Origin
spell once using this trait and regain the ability to
1 You have always been the runt of your family, do so when you finish a long rest.
and have only managed to survive through Trained Superiority. You gain proficiency with
your cunning. You’ll show them that you are rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.
strong enough to make it on your own.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage
2 You have been tasked to accompany a raiding on attack rolls and perception checks that rely on
party travelling to the surface for slaves and sight when you, the target of your attack, or what-
supplies. ever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
3 You are a prodigy among your people, and
everyone expects you to be the one who
eliminates an old enemy for good.
4 You have hidden your attachments and emo-
tions away for years, but an old rival finally
caught you in a bout of empathy. Now you
face judgment and possible execution.
5 The tenets of Lolth are your life. You do noth-
ing but that which the Spider Queen wills.
6 You have outgrown the need for friends,
family, and even gods. You have abandoned
your home and people, setting out to make a
name for yourself without them dragging you
7 You have been secretly freeing slaves for
years, running a resistance to the udadrow
empire from the inside.
8 You were born and raised on the surface, and
have no connections to your people aside
from sharing in the discrimination they face
on the surface.

Udadrow Traits
Your Udadrow character has the following racial
Size. Udadrow are shorter than humans, typi-
cally 5 feet, and are lithe. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You have darkvision out
to a range of 120 feet.
Lolth-trained Magic. You know the infestation
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
the spider climb spell once using this trait and
regain the ability to do so when you finish a long
rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the
darkness spell once using this trait and regain the
ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
If you were raised on the surface or follow a de-
ity that is not Lolth, you do not have Lolth-trained
magic. However, your ancestry still manifests in
the following ways. You know the dancing lights
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
faerie fire spell once using this trait and regain the

responsible for the creation of the Underdark itself.
Magical Miscellany This radiation often interferes with newer forms
of magic, distorting or empowering spells from a
newer age. These effects are typically unknown to
Magic is everywhere in D&D, especially in the surface-dwellers, and are one of the great dangers
Underdark. Many creatures in the sunless realms of the Realms Below. The udadrow often build
exist solely because of the influence of magic and their cities in areas surrounded by faerzress, al-
magical radiation. This chapter is all about two lowing them to hide their presence from divination
things- spells and magic items. magic, and assisting them in their efforts to create
The chapter first presents the magical phenome- powerful magical items with additional effects
na pervading the Realms Below along with sug- from the faerzress itself.
gestions on using this material in your Underdark
The unstable nature of the faerzress causes
game. After that is a section of new spells for play-
all areas radiated with to be illuminated with dim
er characters and monsters to use. Those spells
light, as well as disrupting and distorting magic
are followed by a selection of new magic items,
with some unpredictable results:
including oddities and wonderments unique to the
Underdark. Casting Spells. Whenever a creature casts a
The DM decides how the options in this chap- spell within 5 feet of an area of faerzress, roll
ter appear in a campaign and may choose to use a d20. If they roll a 1, their magic is distorted
some, all, or none of them, so make sure to let your by the unpredictable radiation creating a Wild
DM know which options you’d most like to use in Magic effect. Roll on the Wild Magic table in
play. the Players Handbook to see the results.
Whenever a character attempts to cast a spell in
the Underdark, the DM may allow them to make
Magical Phenomena a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check, successfully
becoming aware of the dangers of doing so on a
successful roll. If a spell is cast in an area suffused
Underdark magic is a mix of fortune and with faerzress, additional effects may occur, and
misfortune – and its greatest peril is the are detailed below.
face that it takes. Teleportation. Spells that involve teleportation
do not work reliably over distances greater than
1 mile when either the origin or the destination is
JARLAXLE within an area affected by faerzress. A character
that casts a teleportation spell or uses an ability
Though the surface world is full of mysteries and or item that has a teleportation effect that moves
power to spare, the sheer amount of both origi- a creature or creatures more than one mile while
nating in the Underdark far surpasses anything in an area of faerzress must make a DC 20 Intel-
that most “top-dwellers” ever experience. After all, ligence (Arcana) check. On a successful save, the
these deep caverns are home to terrifying crea- spell or ability functions normally. On a failed save,
tures and clans such as the udadrow clerics of each creature targeted by the spell or ability must
Lolth, the mind flayers, and lesser known but just roll on the Teleportation table listed under the
as sinister aboleths and deep imaskari. Of course, teleport spell in the Player’s Handbook, using the
there are some creatures, such as the slyths, that Viewed once familiarity level.
seem at least marginally amicable. Couple that
with the promises of power, particularly that which
emanates from the nodes of earth deep in the
Node Magic
Underdark, and you have a frightening landscape Node magic is a powerful class of spellcasting
with tempting possibilities that has lured many an that draws power from naturally occurring pools
adventurer to their doom. of magical energy that collect deep beneath the
earth’s surface. It is a form of magic that requires
intense concentration and magical prowess to
Faerzress and the Underdark unlock, but offers exceptional boons to the cast-
The depths of the Underdark are often suffused er’s power. Those who can use this form of magic
with powerful magical radiation, called faerzress seek to find earth nodes, collection points where
by the udadrow. Faerzress is a remnant of ancient this power gathers. These nodes can increase the
and powerful magics, particularly the spellcraft power of spells and other magical effects in their


area, and while those that know they have found Node Usage DCs
an earth node guard the discovery jealously, many Node Use DC
nodes remain undiscovered or unnoticed by the
creatures that live near them. Enhanced 10 + the spell’s level + two times the
Spellcasting node’s class value
Detecting Earth Nodes Preparing 10 + the spell’s level
The boundaries of an earth node are not visible Node Spells
to the naked eye, but they can be detected. Any Casting Node 10 + the spell’s level
creature that comes within 30 feet of the outer- Spells
most layer of an earth node may make a DC 15 Item Cache 10 + the number of items already
Intelligence (Arcana) check, revealing the source (storage or stored in the node + 2 times the
and direction of a concentration of nodal power on retrieval) item’s rarity level beyond common
a successful check. Nodes can exist in any place, (uncommon is +2, rare is +4, etc.)
and are not limited in their reach or location by
solid stone, minerals, open space, or any other Terraforming 20 - 1 per node class value
form of terrain. Some nodes are in open passage-
ways, while others are entrenched in solid stone. Earth Node Powers
In some cases, the power of these nodes extends Earth nodes may be used by spellcasters as they
far enough upwards that it reaches the surface. attempt to augment their powers. Those who are
more familiar with earth nodes may have some ad-
Earth Node Class and Size vantages when using these nodes, as determined
An earth node’s strength is typically defined on a by the DM.
class scale from 1 to 5, with class five earth nodes Enhanced Spellcasting. When a spellcaster
being the most powerful. The more powerful an casts a spell of 1st level or higher while within the
earth node, the less common it is. About half of area of a node, they may make an Intelligence
the nodes in existence are class 1 nodes, about (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s
a fourth are class 2, and almost all that remain level + two times the node’s level. On a successful
fall into classes 3 and 4. Finding a class 5 node is check, they may add the node’s class value, from 1
so rare that such a discovery often heralds great to 5, to the level of the spell they cast. For instance,
changes for the discoverers, and often a bitter a level 3 fireball spell that is successfully used
struggle to maintain control as various factions within the area of a class 2 node would function
fight over the powerful node. Entire cities or as if cast using a 5th level spell slot. A spellcaster
cultures are often built around powerful nodes. A may also choose to use less nodal power than is
node with a high class rating is actually a series available to make the check easier. For instance, a
of nodal shells with strength increasing by 1 class caster near a class 4 node can choose to treat the
for each layer further in, with the innermost shell node, and the check to use its power, as if it were a
having the highest node rating. For instance, a class 2 node.
class 3 node is actually a class 1 node, surrounding Granted Spells. Earth nodes not only have
a class 2 node, which surrounds a class 3 node at vast stores of magical energy, but also resonate
the center. Often, the size of a node is an indication with particular types of magic. Over time, certain
of its class, though this isn’t always the case. spells are stored in nodes, and can be accessed by
capable spellcasters. When a spellcaster within
Node use DC: This value is the base DC for checks
the node’s area is preparing spells for the day, they
made to harness the node’s power.
may choose from an expanded list, attempting to
prepare node spells in addition to those they al-
ready have access to. The character must make an
Intelligence (Arcana) check against the node’s use
DC, and can prepare a spell from the node if they
succeed. They must make this check separately
for each spell they attempt to prepare this way, and
may not attempt to prepare the same spell twice
within 24 hours.
A character that does not prepare spells, such as
a sorcerer, cannot use this ability, but can attempt
to cast those spells while within the node’s area,


using the node’s spells as if they were their own. A Node-Induced Terraforming
character attempting to use a node spell this way Those with the ability to use node magic some-
must make an Arcana check against the node’s use times use it not only for spellcasting, but for more
DC, and can use the spell if they succeed. If a node mundane but convenient aspects, such as cus-
spell is cast this way, it still consumes the appropri- tomizing the landscape around them. When using
ate spell slot. The following table details common a node to change an area’s topography, the time
node spells, but other spells may be added to any taken to accomplish such a task is not decreased,
node’s repertoire at the DM’s discretion. as the node allows excavation and other forms of
work to be done magically, but does not speed up
Node Spells the process. When the project is completed, or at
Node Class Spells the end of each week spent working on the project,
1 node lock*, shield the spellcaster in control of the node must make a
node use check. Each failed check permanently de-
2 hold person, stone tell*
creases the node’s class by one, and a failed check
3 glyph of warding, node door* using a class 1 node destroys it.
4 stone shape, stoneskin
5 excavate*, wall of stone Psionic Characters and Earth
Though the spells listed in the table above do not
Though nodes are magical phenomena, those with
exceed level 5, powerful nodes, such as those of
psionic capabilities have found their own ways
class 4 and 5, can sometimes contain access to
of interacting with them. A character with psion-
more powerful spells, at the discretion of the DM.
ic abilities may interact with nodes in the same
Cache. Spellcasters can also use nodes to store manner as a spellcaster would. If you are using a
items away, hiding them away in pockets of space variant which substitutes spellcasting ability modi-
created by the node’s power. A node can store a fiers for Intelligence (Arcana) checks to use nodes,
number of items equal to its class number, and no psionic characters may use the modifier applicable
single item stored in this way may be larger than to their psionic abilities instead of an Intelligence
10 cubic feet times the earth node’s class. When (Arcana) check.
attempting to store an object, a spellcaster must
succeed on a node use check to do so successfully,
and may not attempt to store the same item again Portals
for 24 hours after a failed save. While stored in a Portals are an exceptionally common means of
node, the items cease to exist for the purpose of travel through, out of, and into the Underdark.
divination magics that would locate them, and take Many caravans of experienced Underdark citizens
up no physical space. Living creatures or items use portals as a means to avoid treacherous areas,
with mental ability scores cannot be stored in a or to bypass obstacles that would make carrying
node. When a character attempts to use an earth their wares impossible. That said, portals are not
node for this purpose, they learn if the node is by any means always safe. Many portals lead to
already storing any items, as well as how many are strange and dangerous planes of existence before
stored, but does not learn the identity of any item connecting to others that lead to its travelers’
that they do not own. A character who has stored intended destination, the reason for these detours
an item in a node can retrieve the same item from known only to the long-passed creators of the
any other node, including, but not limited to the portals. Major portals are often marked, but less-
one that they first stored the item in. To do so, they er-known portals are no unusual occurrence, and
must make a successful node use check. A spell- are often adorned with nothing but cryptic graffiti
caster may not attempt to retrieve more than one that provides small clues about the portal’s destina-
item over the course of 24 hours. A spellcaster may tion and the inhabitants on the other side.
also attempt to retrieve an item they did not store,
but can only retrieve such an item from the original Qualities of Portals
node in which that item was stored. If they make a Hundreds of archmages, high priests, secret cir-
successful node use check to retrieve an item they cles, monstrous races, and dark cabals have had a
do not own, an item stored in the node (selected hand in creating the multitude of hidden doorways
randomly from all stored items) appears next to riddling Faerûn. Magic of this sort is unusually
the retriever. durable, and often survives for centuries – or mil-


lennia - after its creators have vanished into history creatures or magic items and spells from scrolls.
or lost any use for their handiwork. Accordingly the Linkage. Portals often come in pairs or net-
workings of portals are often mysterious and un- works. A single portal is a one-way trip. There must
predictable. Each one is built for a reason, but all be a matching portal at the destination to return.
too often these reasons are lost when the creator Some portals are attuned to several potential desti-
passes into history or obscurity. nations each equipped with a matching portal, but
Portals share some common features and quali- most are simply two-way doors between one point
ties. and another far distant.
Accessibility. The many cultures and races of Operations. Creatures who touch or pass
the Underdark have learned to use portals to fulfill through the area of the portal are instantly teleport-
their needs. The few light-loving inhabitants of the ed to the locale the portal’s builder has specified.
Underdark craft or live near portals that open to (The teleportation effect is similar to teleport with-
sunny climes on the surface, allowing the sunlight out error spell cast by a 17th-level caster, except
itself to filter through the portal, while protecting that interplanar travel is possible.) It is not possible
the inhabitants from the heat that often accompa- to poke one’s head through a portal to see what’s
nies it. Arid areas often have access to a portal to on the other side. A portal can only transport
the elemental plane of water, serving as an oasis in creatures that can fit through the portal’s physical
the underground desert. Whatever the case, por- dimensions.
tals very rarely go unnoticed for long, so a portal If a solid object blocks the destination, the portal
typically means civilization is somewhere nearby. does not function. Creatures, however, do not block
Detection. An archway or frame of some kind portals. If a creature already occupies the area
usually marks a portal’s location so it can be found where a portal leads, the use is instead transport-
when needed and so that creatures don’t blunder ed to a suitable location as close as possible to
into it accidentally. A detect magic spell can reveal the original destination. A suitable location has a
a portal’s magical aura. If the portal is currently surface strong enough to supports the user and
functioning (ready to transport creatures), it has enough space to hold the user.
a strong aura. If the portal is not currently able to Unattended objects cannot pass through a por-
transport creatures (usually because it has a limit- tal. For example, a character can carry a number
ed number of uses, and they are currently exhaust- of arrows through a portals but he cannot fire an
ed), it has a weak aura. Strong or weak, a portal arrow through a portal. An unattended object that
radiates transmutation magic. hits a portal simply bounces off.
Fixture. Once created a portal cannot be Unless the builder has preset some limit, any
moved. number of creatures can pass through a portal
Keys. Portal builders often restrict access to each round. A creature using a portal can take
their creations by setting conditions for their use. along up to 800 pounds of gear. In this case, gear
Special conditions for triggering a portal can be is anything a creature carries or touches. If two or
based on possession of a portal key, the crea- more creatures touch the same pieces of equip-
ture’s name, identity, or alignment, but otherwise ment, it counts against both creatures’ weight
must be based on observable actions or qualities. limits.
Intangibles such as level, subclass, Hit Dice, or hit Sealings. A portal cannot be destroyed by
points don’t qualify. physical means or by spell effects that destroy ob-
A keyed portal remains active for 1 round. Any jects (such as a disintegrate spell). A successfully
creature that touches the activated portal in the targeted dispel magic spell (DC 20) causes a portal
same round also can use the portal, even if such to become non-functional for 1d4 founds. The spell
creatures don’t have a key themselves. gate seal locks a portal and prevents its operation.
Many portal keys are rare and unusual objects Seepage. While newly created portals function
that the creature using the portal must carry. Some exceptionally well, centuries of decay and neglect
portals are keyed to work only at a particular time, can lead to portal seepage, the process by which
such as sunrise, sunset, the full moon, or midnight. a portal slowly loses some of its magical energy
Spells can serve as portal keys, as can the channel- and begins to malfunction. Seepage is typically
ing of divine energy. When the portal is the target noticeable as features of the two sides of the portal
of the specified spell or within the spell’s area or start to appear at the other end. A portal based
toughed by its effect, the spell is absorbed and the in a jungle that leads to a dwarven citadel may be
portal is activated. Any form of the spell works to situated on solid, carved stone, while on the other
activate the portal, including spell-like effects of side, ferns adorn the ground inside the fortress.


Other effects may occur at the DM’s discretion, in- Transparent. Transparent portals are very dif-
cluding the possibility of mishaps occurring when ficult to find, and are exceptional for covert trans-
such portals are used, such as those detailed in the portation. These portals are only transparent in
Player’s Handbook under the teleport spell. one direction, so while creatures on one side of the
Shape. Portals are two-dimensional areas, portal can see what is happening at the other side,
usually a circle with a radius of up to 15 feet, bus creatures on the other side find the portal indistin-
sometimes square, rectangular, or another shape. guishable from a normal doorway. These portals
are exceptionally difficult and expensive to create.
Unusual Portals
Things are never certain in the many lands of Portal Malfunction Effects
Faerûnand the Realms Below, and portals are not d20 Effect
always entirely reliable. Portal-makers have creat- 1 The portal does not function, but draws
ed through design or mischance portals with many magical power from the user in an attempt
insidious and dangerous characteristics. to power itself. The user is affected by a
Creature-Only. These portals transport only dispel magic spell cast at 17th level.
the creatures that use them, not the creatures’
2 The portal does not function, but draws
clothing and equipment. Such portals are often
magical power from the user’s items in an
used defensively to render would-be intruders
attempt to power itself. A random number
vulnerable after they use the portals. A rare and
of items (1d10) are struck by a dispel magic
more difficult variation of this type of portal trans-
spell cast at 17th level. Successful dispelling
ports creatures to one area and their equipment to
suppresses very rare or lesser magic items
for 1d4 rounds. Additionally, charged or
Impassable. Impassable portals allow those on limited-use magic items lose 1d4 charges.
either side to see the landscape at the other end of
the portal, but do not allow for passage through the 3-4 The portal does not function. The user must
portal itself. succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
pushed 15 feet from the portal.
Malfunctioning. The other types of unusual
portals are generally created through careful effort 5-6 The portal does not function. Instead, a
by their makers. Malfunctioning portals on the wave of forceful energy pulses from the por-
other hand, are almost always unintended. tal in a 30-foot radius. Each creature within
Over the centuries, prodigious forces have swept the radius must make a Strength saving
through Toril, profoundly affecting magic. Because throw. A creature takes 3d10 force damage
of decades (or centuries or millennia) of magical and is knocked prone on a failed save. A
wear and tear or rampaging wild magic or the per- creature that succeeds on its saving throw
vading faerzress to which they have been exposed, takes half the damage and isn’t knocked
many ancient dweomers have gone slowly awry. prone.
Portals are no exception. 7-8 The portal functions but the user takes
A malfunctioning portal is usually at least a 3d10 force damage and it sends them to the
century old, but many are far older. Using one can wrong destination. To determine where the
have many different results. Roll once on the Portal user ends up, use the table in the teleport
Malfunction table each time a malfunctioning spell description as a mishap.
portal is activated. If such a portal functions con- 9-10 Nothing happens. The portal does not
tinuously, the effect lasts 1d10 rounds and anyone function.
using the portal during that time is subject to the
effect. 11-20 The portal functions normally.
Nonliving-Only. As the name implies, only
non-living matter can pass through these types of
portals. These portals are particularly useful for
mercantile ventures.
Random. These portals can only be activated
at random times. They may or may not require a
key for activation when they are working. A fairly
common random pattern is a portal that works
until 1d6 + 6 creatures use it, and then shuts down
for 1d6 days. Other patterns are possible.


Level Spell School Class
0 Minor Telekinesis Transmutation Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Minor Telepathy Evocation Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Necrotic Glow Evocation Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Sharpen Object Transmutation Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Shatter Captivity Transmutation Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Soul Bolt Evocation Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Spectral Dagger Conjuration Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Sudden Swarm Necromancy Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Water Barrier Abjuration Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1st Camouflage Transmutation Druid, Ranger
1st Insightful Deceiver Divination Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1st Oozing Wall Conjuration Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard
1st Pickpocketeer Abjuration Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1st Quickening Transmutation Ranger, Wizard
1st Sanctuary Abjuration Cleric, Paladin, Ranger, Warlock
1st Spore Stream Evocation Druid, Ranger
1st Stone Tell Divination Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Wizard
1st Water Whip Evocation Artificer, Cleric, Wizard
2nd Blindsight Transmutation Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Burrow Transmutation Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Impostor Mask Transmutation Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Locate Node Divination Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Magical Backlash Abjuration Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Mark of the Outcast Necromancy Cleric, Druid, Paladin
2nd Node Lock Abjuration Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
2nd Obsidian Stare Abjuration Cleric, Paladin
2nd Root Wall Conjuration Druid, Ranger
2nd Thieving Servant Conjuration Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Amorphous Form Transmutation Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Clarity of Mind Abjuration Cleric, Ranger, Paladin
3rd Death-Strikes Evocation Cleric, Paladin
3rd Dominate Vermin Transmutation Cleric, Druid, Paladin
3rd Life from Death Necromancy Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Node Door Conjuration Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Portal View Divination Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Rushing Waters Evocation Cleric, Druid, Wizard
3rd Spiderform Transmutation Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
3rd Thieving Step Conjuration Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
4th Driderform Transmutation Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
5th Portal Barricade Transmutation Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
5th Tidal Bolts Evocation Cleric, Druid, Wizard
6th Dehydrate Necromancy Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
6th Gate Seal Abjuration Warlock, Wizard
6th Portal Redirection Transmutation Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
8th Excavate Transmutation Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


Spells Blindsight
2nd-level transmutation
This section contains new spells that the DM may
add to a campaign, making them available to play- Casting Time: 1 action
er character and monster spellcasters alike. The Range: Touch
Spells table lists the new spells, ordering them by Components: V, S
level. The table also notes the school of magic of a Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
spell, whether it requires concentration, whether it
bears the ritual tag, and which classes have access You grant a willing creature you touch blindsight
to it. up to 30 feet. The spell ends if the creature opens
If you’d like to use any of these spells, talk to your its eyes.
DM, who may allow some, all, or none of them.
Spell Descriptions 2nd-level transmutation
The spells are presented in alphabetical order.
Casting Time: 1 action
Amorphous Form Range: Touch
3rd-level transmutation Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch You grant a willing creature you touch a burrow
Components: S, M (a bit of ash and snot) speed of 30 feet through earth and loose rock, half
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour that through solid stone.

You transform a willing creature you touch, along Camouflage

with everything it’s wearing and carrying, into gray 1nd-level transmutation
ooze for the duration. The spell ends if the creature
drops to 0 hit points. An incorporeal creature isn’t Casting Time: 1 action
affected. Range: Touch
While in this form, the target’s movement is a Components: V, S
speed of 10 feet, whether it is moving or climbing. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
The target can move through a space as narrow as
1 inch wide. The target has resistance to acid, cold, Your skin and attire change color, warping tint and
and fire damage. The target is also immune to the hue to match your surroundings. You gain advan-
blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, fright- tage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
ened, and prone conditions.
The target can’t talk or manipulate objects with-
out difficulty.
Any non-magical metal item, including armor
and weapons that hits the target corrodes. After
dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent
and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its
penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed.
Non-magical ammunition made of metal that
hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing damage.
Because of the target’s corrosive nature, it can eat
through 2-inch-thick, non-magical metal in 1 round.
While in the form of gray ooze and remaining
motionless, the target is indistinguishable from an
oily pool or wet rock. The target can’t attack or cast


Clarity of Mind Dominate Vermin
3rd-level abjuration 3rd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

For the duration, you or one willing creature you You invest your psyche into a single vermin crea-
can see within range has resistance to psychic ture of CR 2 or lower, granting it your intelligence.
damage, as well as advantage on Enchantment and It obeys your mental commands and is friendly to
Illusion spell saving throws. you and your companions. The vermin acts on your
initiative, after you act. If you don’t issue any com-
Death-Strikes mands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures,
3rd-level evocation but otherwise takes no actions.
If the vermin is slain, your mind is forced out of
Casting Time: 1 action the creature violently. The experience deals 1d4
Range: Self points of psychic damage to you.
Components: V, S At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the CR
increases by 1 for each slot level above 3rd.
You imbue your next attacks with necrotic ener-
gy. As such, whenever you take the Attack action Driderform
against a creature you add 3d10 necrotic damage 4th-level transmutation
in addition to the damage dealt by your weapon
attack. This can be for both melee and ranged Casting Time: 1 action
attacks. Range: 60 feet
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using Components: V, S, M (an obsidian spider worth
a spell slot of 4th level, the damage increases by 500 gp that has been exposed to faerzress)
2d10. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Dehydrate This spell transforms a humanoid that you can

6 -level necromancy
th see within range into a drider, a horrid hybrid of a
humanoid and a giant spider. An unwilling human-
Casting Time: 1 action oid must make a Wisdom saving throw against
Range: Touch your spell save to avoid the effect. Additionally, a
Components: V, S follower of Lolth has disadvantage on its saving
Duration: Instantaneous throw. The spell has no effect on a shapechanger
or a humanoid with 0 hit points.
You reach out and touch a creature, draining the The transformation lasts for the duration, or
water out of their body. The creature must make until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the target’s game statistics, including mental ability
creature takes 10d10 necrotic damage. On a suc- scores, are replaced by the statistics of the giant
cessful save the creature takes half as much dam- spider. It retains its alignment and personality.
age. All the damage done to the target is turned The target assumes the hit points of its new
into Hit Points for the caster. driderform. When it reverts to its normal form, the
creature returns to the number of hit points it had
before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of
dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries
over to its normal form. As long as the excess dam-
age doesn’t reduce the humanoid’s normal form to
0 hit points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.
The humanoid is limited in the actions it can
perform by the nature of its driderform, and it can


speak, cast spells, and take any other action that Impostor Mask
requires hands or speech. 2nd-level transmutation
The target’s gear remains and continues to
function as long as it fits a drider’s body shape. Casting Time: 1 action
Retained items include anything worn on the upper Range: Self
body. Otherwise, the gear is subsumed into the Components: V, S
new form and ceases to function for the duration of Duration: 1 hour
the spell.
You channel arcane sculpting forces to make your
Excavate face look like one which you have seen before, as
8th-level transmutation detailed as you remember it, until the spell ends or
until you use your action to dismiss it.
Casting Time: 1 action Your face can seem thinner or fatter or in
Range: 60 feet between. However, you can’t change your face to
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of excavated dirt) adopt a different body type, so you must adopt a
Duration: Instantaneous face that has the same basic measures as yours.
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up
You create a passage through wooden, plaster, or to up close physical inspection. To discern that you
stone walls, but not through metal or other harder under a magical mask, a creature can use its action
materials. If the wall’s thickness is more than 1 to inspect your appearance and must succeed on
foot per caster level, then a single excavate spell an Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Percep-
simply makes a niche or short tunnel with the tion) check against your spell save DC.
stated dimensions.
Several excavate spells can be used in suc- Insightful Deceiver
cession to breach very thick walls by forming a 1st-level divination
continuing passage. Unlike the passwall spell,
excavate is an instantaneous effect that does not Casting Time: 1 bonus action
end and cannot be dispelled; any passage it creates Range: Self
is permanent. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Gate Seal
6th-level abjuration Through years of living in the Underdark you have
mastered the cunning art of reading people with
Casting Time: 1 action magic. For the duration of the spell, double your
Range: 60 feet proficiency bonus each time you roll a Wisdom
Components: V, S, M (a silver bar worth 50 gp.) (Insight) or Charisma (Deception) check.
Duration: Permanent

You permanently seal a magical gate or portal, pre-

Life from Death
3rd-level necromancy
venting any activation of the magical gate or portal,
though the seal may be negated by a successful dis- Casting Time: 1 action
pel magic cast upon the spell. A knock spell does Range: 10 feet
not function on the gate seal spell, but a chime of Components: V, S
opening dispels it. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You afflict a target you see in range with a horrible,

desiccating curse. That creature must succeed on
a Wisdom saving throw. It takes 3d6 necrotic dam-
age on a failed save, or half as much on a success-
ful one. On a failed save, the target also withers for
the spell’s duration. At the end of each of its turns,
the target repeats the saving throw. It takes 2d6 ne-
crotic damage on a failed save, and the spell ends
on a successful one.


Oozes, plants and aquatic creatures are more Mark of the Outcast
susceptible to this spell than other targets and 2nd-level necromancy
have disadvantage on their saving throws. Undead,
constructs, creatures that do not need water or Casting Time: 1 action
blood to survive are unaffected by this spell. Range: Touch
If damage from this spell kills a Medium or Components: V, S
smaller humanoid target, it becomes an undead Duration: Permanent
servant on the round after its demise, raising it as
a zombie creature. For the duration, the zombie fol- You touch a creature, and that creature must
lows your command as if under the animate dead succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
spell. cursed with an indelible mark on the target’s face
At Higher Levels. This spell’s duration increases or upper body. The mark is visible to normal vision,
when you reach certain levels: 5th level (10 min- darkvision, and truesight. The target of the mark
utes), 11th level (1 hour), and 17th level (1 day). has disadvantage on Charisma checks and saving
Locate Node The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be
2nd-level divination removed with a remove curse or wish spell.

Casting Time: 1 action Minor Telekinesis

Range: 1 mile Transmutation cantrip
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet
You sense the direction of any earth node within Components: V, S
range, which is doubled if you have visited the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
specific node before. The spell is blocked by even
a thin sheet of lead, and it cannot detect nodes You gain the ability to move or manipulate an
protected by a node lock spell. object by thought. When you cast the spell, and
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using as your action each round for the duration, you
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the range increas- can exert your will on one object that you can see
es by 1 mile for each slot level above 2nd. within range, causing the appropriate effect below.
You can affect the same object round after round,
Magical Backlash or choose a new one at any time. If you switch
2nd-level abjuration objects, the prior object is no longer affected by the
Casting Time: 1 action However, you can try only to move an object that
Range: 60 feet weighs up to 100 pounds. If the object isn't being
Components: V, S worn or carried, you can move it up to 20 feet in
Duration: Instantaneous any direction, but not beyond the range of this
spell. If the object is worn or carried by a creature,
With a word and a gesture, the target flares with you must make an ability check with your spellcast-
crackling, violet-colored energy. Magical backlash ing ability contested by that creature's Strength
causes any spells affecting the target to resonate check. If you succeed, you pull the object away
painfully. For each spell currently in effect on the from that creature and can move it up to 20 feet in
target (not counting magical backlash itself), mag- any direction but not beyond the range of this spell.
ical backlash deals 2 force points of damage per You can exert fine control on objects with your tele-
level of that spell. kinetic grip, such as manipulating a simple tool,
For example, a creature targeted by magical opening a door or a container, stowing or retrieving
backlash that is under the effects of aid, blur, and an item from an open container, or pouring the
mage armor spells would take 4 points of damage contents from a vial.
for aid, 4 for blur, and 2 more for mage armor for a
total of 10 force damage.


Minor Telepathy Node Door
Evocation cantrip 3rd-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20 feet Range: Varies
Components: V, S, M (a twisting wire or copper Components: V
chord) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous
You instantly transfer yourself from your current
You forge a telepathic link with a willing creature earth node to any other earth node you have visit-
of your choice within range, psychically linking ed. You always arrive exactly at the spot desired—
each other for a maximum exchange of 20 words whether by simply visualizing the area or by de-
on each other’s behalf. Creatures with Intelligence scribing your destination (for example, “the earth
scores of 4 or less aren't affected by this. The node that serves the kuo-toa as a secret temple to
target can communicate telepathically through the Blibdoolpoolp”). After using this spell, you can’t
bond whether or not they have a common language take any other actions until your next turn.
with you. If you arrive in an earth node that is already par-
tially occupied by a newly added object, you arrive
Necrotic Glow in the closest clear space in that node. If the earth
Evocation cantrip node is completely filled or has been destroyed by
any means, you bounce to the next closest earth
Casting Time: 1 action node (determined randomly or by the DM). Each
Range: Touch such “bounce” deals you and any who accompany
Components: V, S, M (phosphorescent moss) you 1d10 force damage.
Duration: 1 minute
Node Lock
You cast a dark aura on a weapon or piece of equip- 2nd-level abjuration
ment of your choosing that you’re carrying around.
The object must not be larger than 10 feet in any Casting Time: 1 action
dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds Range: 60 feet
dim light in a 20-foot radius. The luminous aura is Components: V
of purple tint. Duration: Permanent
If you decide to take the Attack action, your at-
tack now deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. A node lock spell cast upon an earth node magical-
At Higher Levels. This spell’s necrotic damage ly “locks” it against others who might wish to use
increases by 1d4 when you reach certain levels: its power. You can affect an earth node whose class
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level is equal to your Intelligence modifier or less (min-
(4d4). imum of 1). For any caster except you, the node
lock adds +15 to each DC associated with the use
of the node. A successful dispel magic spell breaks
the node lock.


Obsidian Stare Portal Barricade
2nd-level abjuration 5th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 hour

For the duration of the spell your proficiency with For the duration, a portal you can see within range
Intimidation is further solidified by granting your- is closed, preventing it from functioning. Magic
self an additional +10 to your Charisma (Intimida- such as knock spells, chimes of opening, and sim-
tion) rolls. ilar effects cannot end or suppress a portal barri-
cade, though a dispel magic spell can negate it.
Oozing Wall
1st-level conjuration Portal Redirection
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Components: V, S, M (a two-sided mirror worth
500 gp)
You raised your hands toward a solid vertical sur- Duration: 6 hours
face and utter an incantation. The wall is covered
in a 20-foot square of ooze. The ooze has tendrils You change the destination of the portal on which
that all creatures within 5 feet of the surface must this spell is cast for the duration of the spell. You
make a Strength saving throw against the spell may choose any existing portal through which you
save DC of the caster. On a successful save the have traveled as the new, temporary destination.
creature is not grappled by the wall. On a failed This spell does not change any of the portal’s spe-
save the creature is grappled. While grappled, cial properties (such as one-way or creature-only).
the creature will take 1d4 + 1 acid damage at the
beginning of each of its turns. Portal View
At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage in- 3rd-level divination
creases by 1d4 when you reach certain levels: 5th
level (2d4 + 2), 11th level (3d4+3), and 17th level Casting Time: 10 minutes
(4d4+5). Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Pickpocketeer Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
1st-level abjuration
For the duration, a portal you can see within range
Casting Time: 1 action is transparent from your side only. The spell does
Range: Self not reveal any special properties of the portal; it
Components: V, S only allows creatures on your side to view the por-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute tal’s destination.

You grant yourself a boost for specialized thievery.

Any ability check made using a Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) check will have advantage for the dura-
tion of the spell or until you dismiss it otherwise.


Quickening Sanctuary
1st-level transmutation 1st-level abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of dirt) Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror)
Duration: 1 round Duration: Instantaneous

Your speed increases by 20 feet for the remainder You ward a creature within range against attack.
of the present round and you are granted 1 ad- Until the spell ends, any creature that targets the
ditional bonus action to make an off-hand melee warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell
attack against a creature. must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature must choose a new target
Root Wall or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t pro-
2nd-level conjuration tect the warded creature from area effects, such as
the explosion of a fireball.
Casting Time: 1 action If the warded creature makes an attack or casts
Range: 30 feet a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell
Components: V, S ends.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour At Higher Levels. This number of creatures that
you can ward with this spell increases by 2 when
The caster can summon a network of climbable you reach certain levels: 5th level (3), 11th level (5),
roots that are 15-feet wide and 60-feet long. The and 17th level (7).
roots can either extend downward or extend up-
ward. The roots have the tensile strength of rope. Sharpen Object
A wall or other surface does not need to be present Transmutation cantrip
for the roots to rise upward but there needs to be
something for the roots to anchor themselves to at Casting Time: 1 action
the top. Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Rushing Waters Duration: Instantaneous
3rd-level evocation
You channel primal magic to cause a small solid
Casting Time: 1 action object to sharpen one of its ends or sides to the
Range: Self (30-foot cone) point of becoming a melee weapon capable of
Components: V, S dealing piercing damage. If so, make a melee spell
Duration: Instantaneous attack against one creature within 5 feet of you.
On a hit, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage.
A large wave comes rushing from your position to- After you make the attack, the object is no longer
wards a target within range. Each of the creatures sharpened.
within the 30-foot cone must make a Dexterity sav- At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increas-
ing throw or take 5d6 bludgeoning damage and be es by 1d6 when you reach certain levels: 5th level
knocked prone. On a successful save, the creature (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
takes half damage and is not knocked prone.
The wave also drenches anything in its area,
extinguishing any non-magical fire as large as a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.


Shatter Captivity Spectral Dagger
Transmutation cantrip Conjuration cantrip

Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 minute

You channel ancient savage magic that helps you A spectral, floating dagger appears at a point you
break free from physical bonds enacted with such choose within range. The spectral dagger lasts
materials as ropes, knots, and wires or any object until you attack with it, for the duration of the spell,
not made of silver, metal, or adamantine that’s or until you dismiss it as an action.
holding you down against your will. The dagger also vanishes if it is ever more than 30
By casting this spell you make a million tiny mag- feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
ical spikes sprout temporarily all over your body, You can use your action to control the dagger. You
dealing 1d4 piercing damage to the target object. can move the dagger up to 30 feet each time you
Any creature that comes into contact with you in use it.
the meantime is dealt the same amount of damage. If you take the attack action, you can make the
You may choose instead to make a melee spell attack with the spectral dagger. This magic dagger
attack against one creature within 5 feet of you. On is a simple melee weapon with the finesse and
a hit, the target takes an additional 1d4 piercing thrown properties. It has a normal range of 30 feet
damage. After you make the attack, all the spikes with no long-range, and on a hit, it deals 1d6 force
from your body disappear. damage. The blade vanishes immediately after it
At Higher Levels. This spell’s additional damage hits or misses the target.
increases by 1d4 when you reach certain levels: At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increas-
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level es by 1d6 when you reach certain levels: 5th level
(4d4). (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Soul Bolt
Evocation cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A crushing blow made of forceful energy streaks

towards a creature within range. Make a ranged
spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target
takes 1d10 force damage.
At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increas-
es by 1d10 when you reach certain levels: 5th level
(2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).


Spiderform Stone Tell
3rd-level transmutation 1st-level divination

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a spider egg) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: 10 minutes

This spell transforms a creature that you can see You gain the ability to speak with stones, which
within range into a giant spider. An unwilling crea- relate to you who or what has touched them as
ture must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid well as revealing what is covered or concealed
the effect. The spell has no effect on a shapechang- behind or under them. The stones relate complete
er or a creature with 0 hit points. descriptions if asked. A stone’s perspective, percep-
The transformation lasts for the duration, or tion, and knowledge may prevent the stone from
until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The providing the details you are looking for. You can
target’s game statistics, including mental ability speak with natural or worked stone.
scores, are replaced by the statistics of the giant
spider. It retains its alignment and personality. Sudden Swarm
The target assumes the hit points of its new Necromancy cantrip
spiderform. When it reverts to its normal form, the
creature returns to the number of hit points it had Casting Time: 1 action
before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of Range: Touch
dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries Components: V, S
over to its normal form. As long as the excess dam- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
age doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0
hit points, it isn’t knocked unconscious. You touch a creature. If the creature dies before
The creature is limited in the actions it can the spell ends, a swarm of spiders bursts from its
perform by the nature of its spiderform, and it can’t corpse. As a bonus action, you can control the
speak, cast spells, or take any other action that swarm until the spell ends or it is destroyed. The
requires hands or speech. swarm acts on your initiative, after you act, even in
The target’s gear melds into the spiderform. The the turn it emerges.
creature can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise
benefit from any of its equipment.
Thieving Servant
2nd-level conjuration
Spore Stream
1st-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a bit of fleece)
Range: Self (15-foot cone) Duration: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (a mushroom)
Duration: Instantaneous This spell creates an invisible, mindless, humanoid
projection that performs Sleight of Hand checks at
You cast a deadly stream of choking spores in front your command until you dismiss it or until the spell
of you. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make ends. This thieving servant manifests itself into
a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 existence in an unoccupied space on the ground
poison damage on a failed save or half as much within range. It can’t attack, and if it’s attacked it
damage on a successful one. Creatures that failed vanishes and the spell ends.
the save are also considered poisoned for one Physical interaction with the image reveals it to
minute. be a projection because things can pass through
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell it. A creature that uses its action to examine the
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage thieving servant can determine that it is a magical
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. projection with a successful Intelligence (Investi-
gation) or Wisdom (Perception) check against your
spell save DC.


Once on each of your turns as a bonus action, Water Barrier
you can mentally command the thieving servant Abjuration cantrip
to move up to 15 feet and interact with an object
or creature by way of a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) Casting Time: 1 Reaction
check using your skill proficiency in that area. Range: Self
The thieving servant can carry up to 15 pounds Components: S, M (a sponge)
using one or both of its magical hands. Duration: Instantaneous
If you command the thieving servant to perform
a task that would move it more than 15 feet away You produce a small shield of water covering your
from you, the spell ends. body. A 5-foot wall of water swirls in front of you
reducing 1d4 damage taken from one source.
Thieving Step At Higher Levels. This spell’s protection increas-
3rd-level conjuration es by 1d4 when you reach certain levels: 5th level
(2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Water Whip
Components: V 1st-level evocation
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space Range: 30 feet
that you can see. Doing so allows you a bonus Dex- Components: V, S
terity (Sleight of Hand) check, provided you have a Duration: Instantaneous
bonus action available to you during your turn.
Afterwards, you may use your reaction, if avail- You bend the elements around you into a 30-foot-
able, to step back to wherever you started teleport- long whip made of undulating water. The target
ing from, all within the duration of the spell. must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save the creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Tidal Bolts On a successful save, the creature takes half as
5th-level evocation much damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Casting Time: 1 action using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage
Range: 150 feet increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Components: V, S, M (vial of spring water)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You manipulate the water around you into a large

bolt of pure water. Make a ranged spell attack
against the target. If the attack hits, the creature
takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage. The target must
also make a Strength saving throw or be pushed
back up to 15 feet. As an action on each of your
turns until the spell ends, you can hurl another bolt
of water at the target.


Magic Items (Uncommon-Rare) Magic Items (Very Rare-Legendary)
Rarity Item Attunement Rarity Item Attunement
Uncommon Accessory of Attunement Yes Very Rare Aboleth Eye Yes
Uncommon Boots of the Bulette Yes Very Rare Beholder Eyestalk Yes
Uncommon Bottled Night Yes Very Rare Gelatinous Cube Armor Yes
Uncommon Bottled Wave Yes Very Rare Graviturgic Hammer Yes
Uncommon Conch of Courage Yes Very Rare Emblem of Blibdoolpoolp Yes
Uncommon Dress of Impression Yes Very Rare Spidercurse Mask Yes
Uncommon Dungeon Weed Yes Very Rare Manual to the Underdark Yes
Uncommon Glowshroom Yes Very Rare Umber Hulk Armor Yes
Uncommon Jar of Sealing Yes Very Rare Xorn Armor Yes
Uncommon Jarlaxle’s Pearl Earring Yes Legendary Brain Gem Yes
Uncommon Keycoin Yes Legendary Mechanical Beholder Yes
Uncommon Myconid Spore Yes Legendary Mummified Monk Hand No
Uncommon Pickpockets Bane Yes Legendary Purple Worm Collar Yes
Uncommon Ring of Treasure Seeking Yes
Uncommon Roper Skin Cloak Yes
Uncommon Stealth Rock Yes
Uncommon Stone of Flumph Summons Yes
Rare Barbed Devil Dagger Yes
Rare Basilisk Armor Yes
Rare Bloodsucker’s Blade Yes
Rare Clockwork Dagger No
Crook of the Sunken
Rare Yes
Rare Darkmantle Cloak Yes
Rare Displacer Beast Armor Yes
Rare Extending Oil No
Rare Enchanted Mushroom No
Rare Flail Snail Shell Shield Yes
Rare Heated Armor Yes
Rare Helm of the Hells Yes
Rare Illithid Earworm No
Rare Illithid Squidling No
Rare Phase Spider Plate Yes
Rare Roper Shield Yes
Rare Scoundrel Map Yes
Rare Spider Mask Yes
Rare Staff of the Vast Mind Yes
Rare Thieves Stakes No
Rare Tiara of Spiders Yes
Rare Underdark Gem No
Umberlee’s Unyielding
Rare No
Rare Wand of the Basilisk Yes
Rare Whip of Fangs Yes


barbed devil the spikes belonged to. You can use
Magic Items the dagger in the following ways while holding it:
This section presents magic items that can be • You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
introduced into any campaign, but with a particular made with this magic weapon.
highlight to Underdark adventures. Here you’ll find • As an action, you can cause the spikes to shoot
items of all rarities and forms. from the blade as a reaction. If you do, make a
The Magic Items table lists all the magic items ranged attack roll with the dagger against all
in this chapter and notes the rarity of each one. creatures in a 15 feet radius. Once you use this
The table also indicates whether an item requires feature, you must reassemble the spikes to re-
attunement. All the items use the magic item rules pair the dagger with a DC 15 Dexterity (Tinker’s
in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Tools) check. If this check is failed 3 times, the
dagger is broken completely.
Magic Item Descriptions
The following magic items are presented in alpha- Basilisk Armor
betical order. Armor (medium), rare (requires attunement)

Aboleth Eye The pale scaly armor is crafted from the hide of a
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Basilisk. The wearer gets advantage against paral-
ysis and petrification. If the wearer is petrified by
The glassy, red eye of the feared aboleth is rough- a basilisk the effect can be reversed with a lesser
ly the size of a fist and has a squid-like pupil and restoration spell or greater magic.
holds sinister intent even though its body is long
since dead. Beholder Eyestalk
While attuned to the Aboleth Eye you are con- Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
sidered to be under the effects of the non-detection
spell and gain resistance to psychic damage. The eyestalk of a beholder that has been liberated
Your body does become somewhat aberrant from the rest of its aberrant body, the eye still feels
upon attuning to the eye, perhaps manifesting in as though it follows you across the room. Not every
ways such as a thin layer of slime covering your eyestalk can be harvested as the nature of combat
body, vestigial gills, or a third eye appearing on makes them worthy targets in battle. Determine
your body that moves with a mind of its own. the eyestalk’s ray by rolling on the table or choose
Breaking attunement to the eye does not reverse one at the DM’s discretion.
this effect; only a remove curse or greater magic
can return your body to normal.

Accessory of Attunement
Wondrous item, uncommon

This accessory can be in the form of any jewelry

such as a ring, necklace, earring or bracelet. You
gain one extra attunement slot.

Barbed Devil Dagger

Weapon (dagger), rare, (requires attunement)

This unique dagger is crafted using the spikes har-

vested from the body of a barbed devil. The spikes
are said to be unbreakable, and blacksmiths have
been combining several of them together to craft
this weapon.
The barbed devil dagger is black, thin and shiny,
thus it is preferred by several assassins. The wield-
er of this weapon is haunted by nightmares of the


Beholder Eye Rays 8 Petrification Ray. The targeted creature must
d10 Eye Ray make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a
1 Charm Ray. The targeted creature must suc- failed save, the creature begins to turn to
ceed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be stone and is restrained. It must repeat the
charmed by you for 1 hour, or until you harm saving throw at the end of its next turn. On
the creature. a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the
creature is petrified until freed by the greater
2 Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature must restoration spell or other magic.
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can 9 Disintegration Ray. If the target is a creature,
repeat the saving throw at the end of each it must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a throw or take 45 (10d8) force damage. If this
success. damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points,
its body becomes a pile of fine gray dust.
3 Fear Ray. The targeted creature must succeed If the target is a Large or smaller nonmagi-
on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be fright- cal object or creation of magical force, it is
ened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the disintegrated without a saving throw. If the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, target is a Huge or larger object or creation of
ending the effect on itself on a success. magical force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot
4 Slowing Ray. The targeted creature must suc- cube of it.
ceed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On 10 Death Ray. The targeted creature must suc-
a failed save, the target's speed is halved for ceed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or
1 minute. In addition, the creature can't take take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. The target
reactions, and it can take either an action dies if the ray reduces it to 0 hit points.
or a bonus action on its turn, not both. The
creature can repeat the saving throw at the As an action, you can perform a DC 16 Intelligence
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on (Arcana) check to attempt to use the eyestalk’s
itself on a success. power against a target you can see within 120 feet
5 Enervation Ray. The targeted creature must of you.
make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, tak- Once the ability check has been made, pass or
ing 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, fail, the eyestalk cannot be used again until the
or half as much damage on a successful one. following dawn.
6 Telekinetic Ray. If the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving Black Pudding Arrow
throw or you move it up to 30 feet in any Weapon (arrow), rare
direction. It is restrained by the ray's teleki-
netic grip until the start of your next turn or This arrow is identical to the appearance of a
until you are incapacitated. If the target is normal in every way with the exception of its head.
an object weighing 300 pounds or less that The tip is a four-sided glass chamber that has
isn't being worn or carried, it is moved up to glyphs etched into each face. Within the chamber
30 feet in any direction. You can also exert are the remains of a deceased black pudding.
fine control on objects with this ray, such as Although the creature is dead many of its acidic
manipulating a simple tool or opening a door enzymes are still functional which makes a potent
or a container. acid.
7 Sleep Ray. The targeted creature must suc- When the arrow is fired and successfully hits its
ceed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or fall target the glass chamber is broken and the con-
asleep and remain unconscious for 1 minute. tents are released. The target creature will take
The target awakens if it takes damage or an- 1d8 acid damage. If any nonmagical armor made
other creature takes an action to wake it. This of metal or wood hit by the pudding arrow is not
ray has no effect on constructs and undead. cleaned, it corrodes. The pudding can eat through
2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or metal in 1 hour.


Bloodsucker's Blade Bottled Night
Weapon (dagger), rare, (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon

Fashioned out of a strange blackened metal, this This small crystalline flask holds a shadowy cloud
piercing blade has a vampire’s fang worked into the harnessed from the depths of the Underdark.
tip of the weapon, still holding remnants of potent Once per day, a creature holding the flask can
necromantic energy. You can use the dagger in the use an action to uncork it. Doing this allows them
following ways while holding it: to immediately cast the darkness spell. This prop-
• You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls erty recharges at dawn.
made with this magic weapon. If the flask is shattered, a cloud of black smoke
akin to the cloudkill spell appears in its’ location
• As an action, you can activate the remnants of
under the control of the creature that smashed the
un-life in the fang, causing the tip of the dagger
bottle, dealing necrotic damage instead of poison
to glow slightly. The fang remains active for 1
minute or until an attack using this weapon hits
a creature. That creature must succeed on a
DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 Bottled Wave
necrotic damage, the dagger healing you for the Wondrous item, uncommon
amount of necrotic damage dealt. If the creature
is slain by this attack, you may choose to imbue This small glass bottle holds oceanic remnants
the creature with the vampiric power stored in from the Elemental Plane of Water.
the fang, causing the creature to rise as a vam- Once per day, a creature holding the bottle can use
pire spawn under your control after 1 minute. If an action to uncork the bottle. Doing this allows
this happens, the dagger shatters into countless them to immediately cast the tidal wave spell. This
shards of metal and is destroyed. The dagger property recharges at dawn.
can’t be used this way again until the next dawn. If the bottle is shattered, a watery sphere ap-
pears at its location under the control of the crea-
ture that smashed the bottle.
Boots of the Bulette
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Brain Gem
Wondrous item, legendary
These boots are crafted from thick, durable leather
and fastened with heavy buckles. However, they
A small pink gem, which looks identical to a hu-
feel light when worn, and move easily with your
manoid brain, it even glistens with a wet sheen in
feet over long journeys. The back stitching of the
direct light. No creature crafts a brain gem, they
boot’s heel and ankle is interwoven with the tendon
are said to simply appear through portals that lead
of a bulette.
to the Far Realm itself.
The Boots of the Bulette gives the following ben-
A creature may spend 1 hour conducting a ritual
efits to its wearer, including a deadly leap attack
to place any number of memories into the gem.
that augments your attacks.
The creature may choose wither this fully removes
Deadly Leap. As a bonus action, you may the memory from their minds or if it is a duplicate
speak the command word and leap up to 20 feet
placed into the gem. The creature may also place
to an unoccupied space that you can see. This leap
a password on memories to close access to certain
does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
After leaping, until the end of your current turn,
Another creature may conduct the same ritual
any melee attack that you make against a creature
to either place some of their own memories in the
in a space adjacent to the one in which you landed
gem or to view any number of memories held with-
deals an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon’s type.
in the item. A creature may choose whose memo-
Once this special action is used, it can’t be used
ries they view or allow the gem to randomly bring
again until you complete a short rest.
them information. For each hour a creature spends
watching memories that are not their own in one
session they must make a Wisdom saving throw
or take on one of the original memory maker’s per-
sonality traits. The DC is equal to 11 + the number
of hours viewing.


There is no known limit to the amount of mem- (2 charges), spirit guardians (3 charges), control
ories that may be held within a brain gem, and no water (4 charges), or scrying (5 charges).
upper limit is believed to exist. The staff regains 1d6+4 expended charges at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On
Clockwork Dagger a 1, the staff quickly dissolves into a slimy, green
Weapon (dagger), rare substance and is destroyed.

A small dagger filled to the brim with clockwork Darkmantle Cloak

and whirring gears, it is of deep gnome design Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement druid or
and is slightly heavier than a standard dagger. The ranger)
dagger can be used in the following ways while
holding it: The cloak is crafted from a darkmantle, a large
• The clockwork dagger is a magical dagger that octopus-like creature that clings to cavern ceilings,
has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. waiting to unfurl and drop on its prey. While wear-
ing the cloak you may use an action to pull up the
• When the dagger is thrown, only the blade leaves
hood. You can use the cloak in the following ways
the hilt of the weapon and flies toward the target.
while the hood is up:
Immediately after the attack hits or misses, a
rope attached to the blade draws it back to rejoin • If you remain motionless you look identical to a
with the hilt. This effect can be used to emulate normal stalagmite or stalactite.
the abilities of the grappling hook item. • As an action, you can emanate an aura of dark-
ness similar to the darkness spell. The aura is
a 15-foot radius centered on yourself and lasts
Conch of Courage for 1 minute or until you end the effect yourself
Wondrous item, uncommon
(no action required). You may see through this
magical darkness and the darkness extinguishes
To the untrained eye this looks like any normal
non-magical and magical light sources created
conch but after closer inspection you can see small
by spells of 2nd level or below. Once the aura of
runes carved around the inside of the shell.
darkness has been used it cannot be used until
While holding it, you can use an action to expend
the following dawn.
1 charge to cast aid on up to four creatures of your
choice within range. Whenever a target makes an
attack roll before the spell ends, the target can roll Displacer Beast Armor
at advantage. The item has 3 charges. It regains Armor (light or hide) rare (requires attunement)
1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
The jet-black hide armor is made from the hide of
Crook of the Sunken Council the deadly displacer beast. As an action, you can
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a cleric or mimic the displacer beast’s ability to visually shift,
paladin) causing attack rolls against the wearer to have
disadvantage. The effect lasts for up to 1 hour and
The endless droves of kuo-toa lurking in the depth is restored at dawn.
of the ocean are ruled over by debased Archpriests
wielding powerful divine magic granted by dark
gods. Every archpriest has a uniquely crafted staff
granting abilities and acting as a focus for their
While you are attuned to this staff, your skin is
covered by a thin film of a strange, slimy substance
granting you advantage on ability checks and
saving throws to escape a grapple. You can see
invisible creatures and creatures on the Ethereal
plane within 30 feet of you while you hold this staff.
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you
can use an action to expend 1 or more charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using your
spell save DC: sanctuary (1 charge), hold person


Dress of Impression Enchanted Mushroom
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item (consumable), rarity varies

This set of clothing looks like a fine set of nobility Many of the fungi found in the Underdark have
outfit made out of silk. However once it is worn, latent magical properties that can be tapped into
it changes looks in accordance with the wishes of by consuming the mushroom. An enchanted
its owner. It can change from beggar rags to a fine mushroom can have the effect and rarity of any one
armor. potion with a rarity of rare or lower.
An Intelligence (Investigation) check of DC 15
reveals that the clothing is not authentic. It also Enchanted Mushroom Effects
does not provide any armor despite projecting the d20 Effect
look of one.
1 The mushroom was poisonous, the potion’s
effect fail, and the creature that consumed
Dungeon Weed the mushroom must make a DC 12 Constitu-
Wondrous item (consumable), uncommon tion saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
2-19 Potion’s effect happens regularly
Slightly bioluminescent moss that ungulates
blue-green light when disturbed, it has a heavily 20 Potion’s effect take effect regularly but last
herbal smell to it. It is quite popular with the grey twice as long.
A creature may make a DC 13 Intelligence (Na- Flail Snail Shell Shield
ture) or Intelligence (Medicine) check to identify Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
dungeon weed and ascertain its benefits. The moss
can be used in the following ways: The shell of a flail snail is sought by many for its
• When smoked, the herb has milder effects, giv- antimagic properties. Some claim that a carefully
ing the user a relaxed demeanor and grants a +1 removed shell could even serve as a Spellguard
to Wisdom (Insight) checks for 1d4 hours. shield. The colorful and unique look of the shell
also makes it desirable among nobles as decora-
• If steeped into a tea the effects of the moss may
take full effect. A creature that drinks a full cup
The flail snail shell shield can be crafted by
of the tea must make a DC 13 Constitution sav-
a blacksmith using only the shell and a simple
ing throw, taking 1d4 poison damage and becom-
shield. The process consists of binding the shell to
ing poisoned for 1 hour on a failure or gaining
the shield and strengthening the shell physically.
the positive effects and taking no damage or sta-
You can use the shield in the following ways while
tus effects on a success. You gain truesight out to
holding it:
10 feet and have advantage on (Wisdom) Insight
checks for 1d4 hours. The intoxicating effects of • You gain +2 AC.
the drug remain, often leaving the creature in an • You have advantage on saving throws against
enhanced loopy and relaxed state. spells and other magical effects and spell attacks
have disadvantage against you. Each time you
Extending Oil use this trait, the shield loses 1 charge and it has
Wondrous item, rare 10 charges in total.

This oil is extracted from several monsters that

have tentacles and is imbued with magical proper-
ties. It is stored in a small glass vial and is sealed
shut with a cork.
This vial of oil has enough in it to cover a melee
weapon 10 times. You may cover melee weapons
with this oil during the course of a short rest. If
you do, the weapon gains the reach property. If it
already has the reach property, its reach increases
by 5 feet.


Gelatinous Cube Armor Heated Armor
Armor (heavy), very rare (requires attunement) Armor (light or medium), rare, (requires attune-
This armor is made from sculpted chunks of a ge-
latinous cube, ooze that scours dungeon passages, Through arcane methods or tinkering, a light or
leaving a perfectly clean path in its wake. Due to medium armor can be modified to produce heat
the pieces of the Gelatinous Cube Armor still being and keep the wearer warm. The inside of this ar-
biologically active the armor has the following mor is usually covered in some sort of soft wool to
traits while worn: make it comfortable. This armor is sought by those
• Your max hit point total is reduced by 1 Hit Dice. who venture to the north or climb high mountains
to combat the fierce cold.
• A creature that touches you or hits it with a
The heat property of this armor can come from
melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 1d10
several sources. Among these are, the soul or
acid damage. Each time you use this trait, the ar-
essence of an azer, a red dragon wyrmling or any
mor loses 1 charge and it has 10 charges in total.
monster that is known to produce heat. The armor
has the following traits while worn:
Glowshroom • You gain 1 AC to your base armor.
Wondrous item, uncommon
• You gain resistance to cold and fire damage.
When a creature touches or hits you with a
Glowshrooms are innocuous, dark blue mush-
melee attack, you can inflict 2d10 fire damage to
rooms that grow in the darkest reaches of the
that creature as a reaction.
Underdark. When a glowshroom colony is threat-
ened, all the fungi start emitting a blinding white
light that oftentimes blinds the assailants, thereby Helm of the Hells
protecting themselves from harm. You can use the Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
glowshroom in the following ways while holding it:
• As a bonus action, you can activate or deactivate This helmet has a rounded top and long cheek
the glowshroom to shine bright light in a 30-foot and nose guards. Protruding from the forehead is
radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. a pair of mighty demonic horns cut from the head
of a goristro. The horns are rings with bands of
• As an action, you can cause the glowshroom to
metal and there is a red-brown fur plume that runs
emit bright light akin to the daylight spell in a
along the top of the helmet from front to back. The
90-foot cone in front of the glowshroom for 10
helmet itself is cast from dull steel.
minutes. This property recharges at dawn.
The Helm of the Hells gives the following bene-
fits to its wearer, including a goring attack that is
Graviturgic Hammer done with the helm.
Weapon (maul), very rare (requires attunement) • Gore. Melee weapon attack: Strength modifier
+ proficiency to hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit:
Crafted by the grey dwarves of the Underdark, this (2d8 + Strength modifier) piercing damage.
gunmetal black hammer is made from magnetic
metals and coated in Dwarven runes and sigils of • Charge. If you move at least 10 feet straight
power. You can use the hammer in the following towards a target and then hit it with a gore at-
ways while holding it: tack, it must make a Strength saving throw or be
• The graviturgic hammer is a magical maul with knocked prone. The DC for this saving throw is
a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. your passive Strength (Athletics) score.

• As a reaction, you can increase the falling • Your weapon attacks gain the siege property,
damage a creature takes by 3d10 as long as the dealing double damage to objects and structures.
creature is in sight.
• As an action, you can cast the reverse gravity
spell requiring no components. Once you have
cast this spell you cannot cast it or the reaction
effect again until the following dawn.


Illithid Earworm Jarlaxle's Pearl Earring
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, uncommon

The earworm is an inch long purple aberration Jarlaxle’s Pearl Earring is a small white sphere
that looks like a small tentacle with a row of teeth with a flat side on it. The pearl is approximately
at its front. the size of marble. If the user places the flat face of
If the earworm is placed into a willing creature’s the pearl to a solid surface and says the command
ear it burrows in and begins its symbiotic rela- word, the pearl will magically affix itself to that
tionship. While the earworm is in place you can surface.
understand and speak any spoken language as Jarlaxle’s Pearl Earring will relay all audible nois-
long as you give the earworm 2 die from your Hit es back to a small ornate box that the pearl can be
Die pool. If you fail to do so the earworm will cease stored in when not in use. The pearl can transmit
to function and leave your body, dealing 2d6 poison sound back to its box for up to a mile and can hear
damage on its way out. as well as the listener could if they were in the
Effects and spells that cure disease also drive out room themselves. A pearl’s transmission is stopped
the worm without dealing damage. when it is removed from its affixed surface. The
command word is not necessary to disable the
Illithid Squidling transmission. The pearl or the box becomes magi-
Wondrous Item, rare cally inert if either is destroyed.

Held in a thick glass jar with deep speech mark- Keycoin

ings sealing the container closed, a dark purple Wondrous item, uncommon
squid sits inert in the jar. The shape of its body is
oddly similar to a humanoid head. You can use an action to press a hidden button on
While holding the squidling you may speak, read, the side of this coin, extending a small skeleton key
and write Deep Speech. out of the other side. This skeleton key can be used
Additionally, the squidling becomes active in the as a set of Thieves’ Tools, giving you advantage on
jar (swimming around, placing tentacles on the Thieves’ Tools checks made using this item.
glass, etc…) when a creature with the aberration
creature type is within 120 feet of it. Emblem of Blibdoolpoolp
Wondrous item (holy symbol), very rare (requires
Jar of Sealing attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon
A brutally-made copper emblem in the shape of the
This container was originally created by an instruc- goddess of the kuo-toa, it is said to have her power
tor of transmutation at a magical college. Many of of madness poured into its essence.
his spells required difficult to find and rare ingredi- The emblem has 3 charges that replenish at
ents. His younger students would often sneak into dawn, you may use expend one of these charges
his office in order to steal the components so they when you cast an spell from the Illusion School
could either trade it for ale at the tavern or keep to pull one inanimate object in the illusion into
for their own component pouches. He attempted to existence. The object remains for 1 minute or until
hide it, ward it, and banish it but all efforts were in you dismiss it and is mundane in nature, for ex-
vain until he created this hard to open jar ample you could create a bridge with major image
The jar has one cubic foot of carrying capacity and conjure a real bridge or minor illusion of a
and the outside is solid adamantine covered in non-magical sword.
mythic runes. In order to twist open the jar, the
opener must pass a DC 17 Strength check and
each successive attempt to open the jar causes the
DC to increase by 1. The DC resets to 17 at the
next dawn.


Mechanical Beholder Myconid Spore
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Wondrous item (consumable), uncommon

The pinnacle of deep gnome artificing and tinker- A dimly luminous, yellow fungi spore left behind
ing, the mechanical beholder is a guard unlike by myconids colonies. Myconids, also known as
any other construct. Its clockwork gears click and fungus ones, and fungus folk are known for their
turn with sinister intent and the massive ruby eye peacefulness and appreciation of quiet, making
gleams with a beholder’s malice. their homes in the darker corners of the world.
The mechanical beholder has a similar stat block The Myconid Spore can be collected in the areas
as a typical beholder with the following changes; near the colonies or given freely or in a trade with
the creature type is Construct, the mechanical a myconid.
beholder does not have legendary or lair actions, The spore may be thrown at a creature within
the range for the anti-magic cone and eye rays are 10 feet of you, that creature must make a DC 15
reduced by half, and the damage dealt by the eye Constitution saving throw or become effected by
rays is halved. The mechanical beholder has a the suggestion spell (no requiring concentration).
rudimentary, rude personality and may speak Deep
Speech, Common, Undercommon, and Gnomish. Phase Spider Plate
The mechanical beholder can be healed by the Armor (plate), rare (requires attunement)
mending cantrip for 2d8 + spell casting modifier or
by 2d10 with a successful DC 20 Tinkerer’s tools The Phase Spider Plate is made a phase spider,
check. a monstrous arachnid that dwells in the Ethereal
The attuned creature may instruct the beholder plane that make quick forays into the natural world
on what it does (no action required) and if the con- to snatch an unlucky creatures to feed upon. The
struct is left at an area as a guard attunement does armor has the following traits while worn:
not break due to the rule of 7 day inactivity unless
• As a bonus action, you can cast phase on your-
the attuned wishes to break the connection, leaves
the plane, or dies.
• As an action, you can cast spider climb on your-
Mummified Monk Hand
Wondrous item, legendary
Pickpockets Bane
This item is the mummified hand of a nameless Wondrous item, uncommon
monk that is believed to be able to kill people with
a single punch. Referred to by many as “the merchants best
You may use this item as an action to use the friend’ the Pickpockets Bane is a relatively in-
17th level monk skill Quivering Palm. After you nocuous-looking wallet or coin purse. With the
use this ability, the hand crumbles into dust and is utterance of a key phrase while the container is
destroyed. closed, the contents of the coinpurse is moved to
an inaccessible pocket dimension and the space
is replaced with a small swarm of insects or
pests of the owner's choice. The size of the swarm
cannot exceed the size of the container and once
they escape or are killed more do not populate the
bag unless the owner closes the bag and opens
it again without saying the key phrase. When the
key phrase is uttered a second time, the items are
pulled from the pocket dimension and are accessi-
ble without the swarm.
If the wallet is destroyed the only way to retrieve
its contents from the pocket dimension is to utter
the key phrase over whatever remains, the objects
spill out and the pocket dimension is no longer


Purple Worm Collar Roper Shield
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This collar is made for purple worms, massive Made from the rock-like carapace of a defeated
burrowing monsters that terrorize the creatures roper, the shield still bears the haunting eye of the
of the Underdark as it chews through solid rock in beast and a few of its tendrils as well. You can use
pursuit of prey. The Purple Worm Collar is a large, the shield in the following ways while holding it:
segmented, iron collar covered in udadrow runes • You gain +1 AC.
used to “tame” purple worms so that they may be
• As an action, you can use the tendrils of the
used for construction, protection, or be used as
shield to ensnare a foe. Make a melee attack
war beasts.
against a creature within 30 feet, on a hit they
The purple worm collar is the size of a standard
are grappled (escape DC 15) and you may pull
dog collar until its command word is spoken, caus-
them up to 25 feet towards you.
ing it to greatly expand in size.
While the collar is in its full size you may use an
action to attempt to place it around a purple worm. Roper Skin Cloak
You may attempt to throw the collar with a range Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
of 20 feet or manually place it on the worm. Either
way, make an attack roll against the worm with the Living in caverns throughout the Underdark, vora-
collar counted as an improvised weapon. cious ropers feast on whatever they can catch and
If it hits, the collar lands around the worm’s neck seize. Since the roper has the appearance of a sta-
and the process begins. The collar takes 1 hour lagmite or stalactite, the Roper Skin Cloak has a
to “tame” the worm, during which time the worm shifting, gray-brown color that changes as different
writhes and is hostile. After the hour passes, the light hits it. Designed for roper-like ambushes, it
worm becomes docile and follows the orders of the has a deep hood and is lined with many pockets.
creature attuned to the collar. While wearing this cloak you gain the following.
• You gain a +1 to AC.
Ring of Treasure Seeking • In a stony environment (with the hood up) you
Wondrous item, uncommon have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
made to hide and any Wisdom (Perception)
This ring is made from rough iron but has a thou- check made to see you has disadvantage.
sand tiny jewels set into it, or at least they look
like jewels. They are, in fact, clumps of gem dust
that formed in the nasal passage of a xorn’s nasal Scoundrel Map
passage. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
As an action, whilst wearing this ring, you can
extend a treasure sense out from yourself. For 1 This ordinary-looking map is imbued with a pow-
hour you know the direction and distance to any erful enchantment that makes it constantly depict
precious metal or stone, such as coins or gems, a detailed, beautifully drawn overhead map of the
within 1000 feet. You know the rough quantity and surrounding area, centered on the map’s owner. If
quality of the items but not their exact worth. nobody is attuned to the map, it looks like a blank
piece of paper. The map does work underground
but does not depict any details such as traps, other
life forms or magically hidden rooms and corri-


Spider Mask Stone of Flumph Summons
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon

This udadrow-made item is a velvet face mask A small, smooth grey stone with the silhouette of
with four spider-like, jointed wire “legs” protruding a flumph waving on its face, often given as a peace
from each side of it. It entirely conceals the face offering to friendly travelers. The jellyfish-like
when worn, and bestows two distinct powers to its flumphs drift through the Underdark, sharing great
wearer. insight and advanced knowledge on to good-heart-
• You are unaffected by spider webs, web spells, ed creatures.
and similar web-like effects. A creature holding the stone may use an action
to summon a flumph in an unoccupied space
• You gain resistance to poison.
within 10 feet. The flumph is friendly and will offer
simple advice via telepathy about the Underdark
Spidercurse Mask for those who summon them. They remain until
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) their advice is given or they take any damage.
Should the people who summoned it harm a
Nearly identical to a Spider Mask, the Spider- flumph summoned by this stone, the stone with
curse Mask is a gift given to shadowy operatives cease to function as no flumphs will answer the
that out-lived their usefulness. It conceals the face summons.
when worn, and cannot be removed after 1 minute
without the use of a spell such as remove curse. Manual to the Underdark
For the next 24 hours, the wearer suffers from Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by
a painful and slow version of the spiderform spell a wizard)
except that the spiderform is permanent short of
a wish spell or divine favor from Lolth, the Spider A thick, black leather bound tome filled with parch-
Queen. ment of indeterminate age. The title of the book
engraved into its face alongside the outline of a
Staff of the Vast Mind hooded mage smiling.
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a wizard) While making Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelli-
gence (History) checks that relate to the Underdark
Every so often, the mind flayers find a mind that you may flip through the pages of the book to gain
has more utility than just sustenance. That mind is advantage on the roll and learn information from
preserved by powerful psionic on the top of a staff; its contents.
rumors say the mind is still somewhat conscious. The information you learn from the book is accu-
While attuned to the Staff of the Vast Mind, your rate but often cryptic, offering results like “Shadow
Intelligence score becomes 18 unless it is already Elves of the deep beneath, souls given in reverence
higher. Additionally you gain advantage on Wisdom to the weaver of deathly silk.” referencing the con-
and Intelligence saving throws, as the second brain nection of the Udadrow elves and their racial deity;
bolsters your own mental fortitude. Lolth.
Once per dawn you may tap into the memories The book may be used three times before it must
of this brain and gain advantage on one Arcana, recharge, gaining all spent uses upon the following
History, or Religion check. dawn. Attempting to use the book while it has no
charges remaining results in a failed check and
Stealth Rock responses like, “Try back later, I’m feeling sleepy”.
Wondrous item, uncommon

A small, pocket-sized rock with Gnomish runes

placed upon it. It is often given to less stealthy, but
friendly, visitors to the deep gnome settlements of
the Underdark.
You may use your action while wielding the rock
to manifest an illusion of a large stone in your
place. If you are in a place of nature such as a cave
or forest, you gain advantage on stealth checks
while remaining still.


Thieves Stakes Umber Hulk Armor
Wondrous item, rare Armor (medium or heavy), very rare (requires
These small triangular-shaped silver stakes have
a small button on the top which causes the stake This armor is made from the heavy hide of an um-
to turn invisible. When the device is activated near ber hulk, an abominable horror that burrows into
an identified trap or trigger, the creature and all caves, dungeons, and Underdark settlements in
its allies are made acutely aware of the device and search of humanoid prey. The Umber Hulk Armor
the exact location and nature of the trap or trigger. may be any set of heavy or medium armor with the
The creature and all of its allies have the option of distinction that the chest plate is made with the
avoiding a trap if possible or advantage on all sav- famous golden eyes of the monster on display. The
ing throws against the trap if avoiding it is not pos- armor is made from the beast’s carapace and has a
sible. The effect is negated if the device is removed sickly yellow coloring. You can use the armor in the
from the trap, deactivated, or is destroyed. following ways wearing it:
• You gain +1 AC to your base armor.
Tiara of Spiders • As an action, you can expend 1 charge cast the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) confusion spell (requiring no material compo-
nents) with a spell save DC of 15.
A white tiara crafted from the web of giant spi-
The armor has 3 charges, and all spent charges
ders and decorated with gems carved to look like
are replenished at the following dawn.
spiders crawling through the headpiece. Rare
and sinister, this crown is often worn by udadrow
matrons or their sinister drider kin. Umberlee's Unyielding Torment
While attuned to the tiara you may speak to spi- Scroll, rare (warlocks and clerics)
ders but you cannot understand them.
You may also use your action to summon spiders Casting Time: 1 action
to your aid, Roll a d4 to determine what spiders Range: 50 feet
arrive to your aid. Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Spider Reinforcements
A stream of sea-rocks emanates from you in a
d4 Spider
line 60-feet long and 5-feet wide in a direction you
1 2d4 swarms of insects (spiders) choose. Each creature in the line must succeed
2 1d4 + 1 giant wolf spiders on a Dexterity saving throw or be covered in rocks
3 1d4 giant spiders that will weigh down the creatures for the duration
of the spell, or until you lose concentration, or the
4 1 phase spider creature’s hit points are reduced to 0. A creature
encased in the stones takes 2d6 bludgeoning dam-
These spiders appear within 30 feet of you within age at the start of its turn.
and are friendly to you and your companions. They
act on your initiative but take their turn directly
after yours. You may give them directions on your
Underdark Gem
Wondrous item, rare
turn (no action required), otherwise the spiders
try their best to defend you. These spiders remain
An obsidian gem the size of a grapefruit crafted
until reduced to 0 hit points, you dismiss them, the
by the matriarchs of powerful udadrow societies
ability is used again, or you die.
to give to trusted scouts who leave to the surface
You may summon spiders to your aid twice
world to follow their dark leader’s whim.
before the tiara needs to recharge, regaining all
While this gem is on your person you are im-
expended uses of the ability the following dawn.
mune to the effects of sunlight sensitivity.
Additionally, while you stand on solid ground you
may destroy the gem by smashing it on the ground
to open a tunnel that leads to the udadrow society
of the gem’s creation. The tunnel disappears 24
hours after creation.


Wand of the Basilisk • The whip of fangs is a magical whip that has a
Wand, rare (requires attunement) +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
• When the whip successfully hits it deals 1d6 +
This wand is made with the eye of a basilisk, a 2 piercing damage plus 1d6 poison damage per
reptilian horror whose deadly gaze transforms head (up to 8d6).
victims into porous stone. The petrifying property
of the eye is suppressed and is only usable with the Xorn Armor
command word. Armor (medium or heavy), very rare (requires
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you attunement)
can use an action and expend 2 charges to speak
its command word. This armor is made from the thick scaly hide of
For 1 minute, any creature that sees you that a xorn, a bizarre creature native to the Elemental
you can also see must make a DC 12 Constitution Plane of Earth that sniffs out gemstones and pre-
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins cious metals, then tunnels through earth and rock
to turn into stone and is restrained. The creature to consume these treasures. In recent ages, Xorn
must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next Armor is relatively rare as xorn seek to avoid the
turn. On a success the effect ends. On a failure, escalating dangers of the Underdark. You can use
the creature is petrified until freed by the greater the armor in the following ways wearing it:
restoration spell or other magical effects.
• You can determine the exact location of precious
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges
metals, and stones within 60 feet. The detection
daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge,
can penetrate walls and floors.
roll a d20. On a 1, the basilisk eye on the wand
fades and it’s destroyed. • You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
in rocky terrain.
Whip of Fangs
Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement from
cleric or paladin)

The Whip of Fangs, also known as a scourge of

fangs, is a snake-headed whip used by followers of
Lolth. It is believed that doing something against
the Spider Queen’s will – like attacking a matron
with it – made the snake docile or worse, attack
the wielder. Losing Lolth’s favor or betraying
her faith can also turn the whip aggressive. If a
good-natured creature tries to use the whip, it too
becomes a victim of the snakes.
The number of living snakes on the whip indi-
cates the rank of the member that brandishes it.

Church of Lolth Rank

Snakes Church of Lolth’s Ranks
2 Priest/Priestess/Paladin
3 High Priestess
4 Mistress of Arach-Tinilith
5 Matron Mother
8 Avatar of Lolth

The whip can be used in the following ways while

holding it:
• You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)


Dungeon Master's Topography
The surface world is marked by mighty mountains,

Tools high plateaus, and vast plains. The Underdark

possesses none of these features, but it does have
physical features all its own. Unlike the surface
The Dungeon Master employs many tools when world, the Underdark is uniquely three-dimen-
preparing and running a D&D campaign. As a DM, sional. Knowing the direction of true north is not
your tools include your imagination, your ability to enough to navigate the Realms Below; a traveler
discern what entertains your players, your story- must also know the depth underground of her
telling acumen, your sense of humor, your ability destination. It is possible to find the correct coor-
to listen well, your facility with the game’s rules, dinates but still be several miles too deep or too
and more. This chapter adds to your toolbox with shallow.
guidance, optional rules, and pre-made encounters Many of the Underdark’s features can be ex-
for a variety of situations. plained as nothing more than the results of purely
The tools herein build on the material in the physical forces, albeit sometimes on a grand scale.
Dungeon Master’s Guide and the Monster Manual. Other features would be unlikely or even impos-
You may use some, all, or none of these tools, and sible in worlds where magic, elementals, planar
feel free to customize how they work. Your group’s interstices, and divine caprice did not help to shape
enjoyment is paramount, so make these rules your the deep places.
own, aiming to match your group’s tastes.
Vast, empty voids of awesome scope, Faerûn’s
Geology and abysses are rare features that can form insuper-
able barriers to travel. An abyss is simply a great
Environments open space, sometimes many dozens of miles in
breadth and virtually bottomless. Some Underdark
abysses are scores of miles deep. The difference
Exploring the Underdark shields us between an abyss and a vault is difficult to define,
from the terrors of what the Un- but as a general rule, a vast space approachable
from its higher reaches is an abyss, while the same
derdark makes us into. space approachable from the floor might be better
described as a vault. Abysses tend to be larger and
JARLAXLE deeper than areas that are considered vaults, but
this is not always the case.
A cave is a natural opening in rock that is large Like the starkest mountains of the Lands Above,
enough for creatures to enter. The Underdark, abysses are often completely impassable to any-
simply put, consists of a linked network of several thing without wings. Underdark civilizations near
titanic cave systems. Large portions of it do fit the such features sometimes carve out harrowing
definition of “a natural opening in rock,” but the ledge-paths to circle the tremendous void of the
Underdark also encompasses areas of deep water neighboring abyss, or endless stairs to descend its
that hide coral caves, hollowed-out sections of ice walls.
in which creatures live, and places where fungus,
bone, or even pure force form “caves.” Caves
Underdark terrain is dynamic and changeable. Perhaps the most common topographical feature
A map drawn a few decades ago may show tun- of the Underdark, a cave system consists of a
nels that have long since collapsed, or lakes that series of caverns and passages that may stretch
are now dry. Terrain can change gradually over for miles. Caves can be formed by several differ-
the course of decades, centuries, and millennia, ent methods, but the most common is the action
or swiftly as a result of an earthquake or volcanic of flowing water. Cave systems often twist, turn,
eruption. climb, and drop in a maddening fashion, forming
three-dimensional mazes that dishearten even the
most determined mapmakers.
Caves vary widely in terms of their habitability.
Living caves that include streams or rivers are


full of life (by Underdark standards) and can often Lakes
support surprisingly large populations, especially Water is common in the Upperdark, since run-
of improbably large and ferocious monsters. Other off from the surface frequently drains into cave
caves may be barren wastelands, without food or systems belowground. In many areas, the water
water. table is close enough to the surface that only the
most shallow cave systems can form. However, due
Dungeons to the unusual factors involved in the creation of
Over the course of a hundred or more centuries, Faerûn’s Underdark, a water table 20 feet below-
Faerûn’s deep caverns and vaults have been ground does not necessarily mean that air-filled
expanded tremendously by the delving of various caves don’t exist at greater depths. Planar connec-
Underdark races. Thus, the term dungeon when tions, particularly to the Planes of Earth and Water,
applied to the Underdark means a structure make very unlikely hydrology possible.
excavated from the surrounding rock by intelligent Typically, a body of fresh water is called a lake.
creatures. For example, a great duergar city delved Underdark lakes range in size from small pools
into the wall of a vault might be considered a large to inland seas hundreds of miles in extent. Large
dungeon, with halls and passageways extending for lakes typically occupy either tremendous vaults or
miles from its entranceways. Dungeon complexes connected networks of partially submerged caves.
often serve to link two natural features (such as The Lake of Shadows and the Giant’s Chalice are
two or more vaults close to each other) with a sys- examples the former type, and the Darklake is an
tem of artificial caves that vastly extends the scope example of the latter. If a lake has both an inlet and
of a natural cave system. an outlet, its water is usually drinkable, but lakes
Dungeons come in two varieties—abandoned that are not refreshed from time to time may stag-
and occupied. Since they are not sources of food nate.
or water in and of themselves, empty dungeons do Most lakes are found in the Upperdark or Mid-
not necessarily attract Underdark settlers. How- dledark. Bodies of water that collect in the Low-
ever, dungeons are often supremely well suited for erdark simply can’t drain to any lower elevations,
defense, and a dungeon that happens to be near so they tend to be seas (brackish water) instead.
a rich area such as a living cave is almost certain However, planar connections to the Elemental
to be occupied by something, even if the original Plane of Water mean that at least a few of the bod-
builders are long gone. ies of water in the Lowerdark hold fresh water.
Large lakes can form the best and most acces-
Gorges sible highways of the Underdark. In many places,
Just as on the surface, water can carve deep can- however, the cavern ceiling descends to meet the
yons and gorges in the Underdark. An Underdark water, making the lake impassable to all but aquat-
gorge is nothing more than a cave that runs verti- ic creatures.
cally instead of horizontally. Gorges often feature
streams (and therefore life and food), although the Rifts
difficulty of the terrain makes a gorge less desir- Unlike gorges, rifts are not formed by erosion.
able as a residence than a living cave with less Rather, they are the scars of tremendous upheav-
extreme topography. als deep in the earth. Rifts are places where vast
Since gorges can run for many miles, they often blocks of stone rose, sunk, or slid past one anoth-
serve as the highways of the Underdark. Travel er in long-ago cataclysms, leaving tremendous
along the floor of a gorge can be very difficult, but chasms. Rifts may be dozens or even hundreds of
many Underdark races take steps to improve these miles in length, and sometimes miles deep, but
natural roads for the use of their own merchants they are rarely very wide—most are less than a
and hunters. Gorges also offer good opportunities bowshot across.
to change depth and perhaps access another level Rifts sometimes break apart pre-existing fea-
quickly, through a little climbing. tures such as cave systems, presenting formidable
obstacles to creatures traveling through caves.
In order to continue when faced with a rift, the
traveler must climb or descend to the appropriate
level on the far side. Like gorges, rifts often serve
as vertical highways in the Underdark, offering
travelers the opportunity to change depth with little


Rivers Tunnels
Underdark rivers tend to be swift, violent, and A tunnel is simply a passage that connects one
tortuous in their windings. It is a rare river indeed place with another. Most are cut by creatures,
that flows level and smooth for more than a few though some are the results of natural movements
miles at a time before disappearing into a deep of the earth and other forces. Underdark races of-
gorge or sinkhole in a fuming waterfall. Rivers are ten cut very ambitious tunnels to link multiple cave
the great builders of the Underdark, the natural systems. Though such dreary passageways may be
force that sculpts great caverns and brings life-giv- dozens of miles in length, most are only 10 or 20
ing energy and food to sustain the Underdark ecol- feet across. Other tunnels are the work of burrow-
ogy. Most rivers are surrounded by a halo of living ing monsters such as delvers, purple worms, and
caves, which can be valuable real estate indeed. umber hulks. These “natural” tunnels may be twist-
ing, turning mazes of intersecting passages.
Seas Tunnels are some of the Underdark’s most useful
Perhaps the most wondrous of the Underdark’s roads, but they severely restrict a traveler’s options.
features are the vast, shadowed seas of the deep If you don’t like where a tunnel leads, you really
earth. Seas are saltwater bodies, not fresh, and have no choice but to go back the way you came.
most of them are found in the Lowerdark, though Tunnels also offer few hiding places for those who
Underdark seas also occur at higher spots beneath cannot blend in with stone, so often the only way
Faerûn’s surface oceans. While air-filled cave sys- to get away from a predator is to run—and hope
tems may extend for dozens or even hundreds of you’re faster.
miles beneath the oceans above, or form air-locked
siphons of extraordinary size, these features are Vaults
exceptional. Most caves beneath large bodies of The higher reaches of the Underdark consist of
saltwater are simply subterranean extensions of immense networks of relatively small caves, but as
surface oceans. a traveler descends, the numbers of caves decreas-
Seas tend to form in the largest of vaults, occupy- es while the size of the individual caves increases.
ing caverns large enough to be miniature worlds A large cave near the surface may consist of a
in their own right. Like the lakes, seas offer some few dozen linked chambers, each perhaps a few
of the best roads in the Underdark, and many are hundred feet long and a few dozen feet wide. But
heavily traveled. deeper down are openings in the earth that dwarf
any surface dweller’s conception of a cave.
Shafts A typical vault may be 2 to 4 miles across and as
Sometimes natural processes form deep pits much as 1 mile high. Some, however, sprawl for
or wells in the earth. The shaft of such a struc- 50 miles or more and reach heights of 5 or 6 miles
ture may be carved out by water flowing straight from the floor. Larger vaults often feature immense
downward in a subterranean waterfall, or created columns—huge piers of natural rock that help to
by volcanic activity. Unlike a gorge or a rift, a shaft buttress the soaring ceiling. Some were formed by
tends to be a relatively small feature (usually less unthinkably massive pieces of the world grinding
than a bowshot in diameter), but it may plummet past each other in the very dawn of time, others
for miles straight down. by the influence of the Underdark’s native magic,
Because of their relatively small cross-sections, and still others by the confluence of planar charac-
shafts often serve to channel air movement be- teristics in buried planar connections. However it
tween disparate portions of the Underdark. In was formed, a vault is a world in miniature, with its
places where the conditions are extreme (for exam- own streams, lakes, hills, and plateaus all con-
ple, a shaft near a superheated magma chamber), tained in a single vast cavern.
the air movement can also be extreme. Screaming Vaults are almost always highly desirable
winds might roar up or down a shaft in a scouring territories, since they usually offer enough space
blast that would put a hurricane to shame. Some- and resources to support huge forests of fungus,
times, cave systems “breathe” in conjunction with moss, and other strange growths. By Underdark
changes in the surface world above, resulting in standards, most vaults teem with life, so it comes
tremendous rushes of wind in and out through as no surprise that they support the most powerful
shafts every day. and numerous of Underdark settlements. Some
stories even tell of illuminated vaults, places where
sun-bright crystals in the ceilings blaze with the
intensity of true daylight and support green plants
and surface-like fauna in abundance.


Volcanoes logically speaking.
It is not universally true in Faerûn that descending Many of the classic cave features, such as stalag-
40 or 50 miles straight down in any spot brings mites and stalactites, are found in caves formed
a traveler to magma. Volcanic activity is extreme- from sedimentary rock. Such features are called
ly variable in the Underdark. Isolated pools of solution-based, or dripstone, formations because
magma seep up almost to the surface in all sorts they form from the slow motion and evaporation of
of places without any other volcanic activity, and water that contains dissolved minerals.
in other places deep tunnels and vaults support A solution-based rock formation is considered
humanoid settlements at depths where magma “living” if it is still in the process of forming. With
should be all that’s present. Again, planar anom- enough patience and time, the growth patterns of
alies, deific intervention, and the powerful magic such formations can be shaped, although it may
of the earth itself are likely to blame. Whatever take dozens of years for such alterations to be-
the cause of these surprising conditions, racing come evident. Some Underdark races, such as the
rivers of molten rock, caverns full of brimstone udadrow and the svirfneblin, occasionally stone
and sulfurous reek, and scalding geysers and hot shape deposits into particular forms.
springs can be found at almost any depth in the Stalactite. Mineral-laden water drips down-
Underdark. Underdark volcanoes aren’t really ward, creating a build-up of rock on the ceiling of a
mountains—they are usually tremendous fissures cavern.
or magma chambers that can vomit deadly rivers of Stalagmite. When mineral-heavy water drips
lava into nearby caverns with little or no warning. down to the floor, the bits of rock and mineral start
to pile up, creating a slowly growing protrusion on
the floor.
Rocks and Rock Formations Column. When a stalactite and a stalagmite
All the topographical features of the Underdark meet and join, they’re no longer referred to by their
share one thing in common: they’re surrounded by previous names. The resulting formation called a
rock. Rock in its various forms is every bit as rele- column.
vant to the denizens of the Underdark as weather Cave Pearl. Sometimes mineral-rich water
is to surface folk. Understanding the significance drips too vigorously to form a coherent stalagmite.
of different sorts of rock often means the difference Where this occurs, a piece of gravel or bone might
between life and death for those who live in the become coated with mineral deposits and polished
Realms Below. to a round and smooth shape by the flowing water.
Rocks are divided into four categories: sedimen- Such an object is called a cave pearl. A well-shaped
tary, igneous, metamorphic, and magimorphic. pearl with good color and texture is worth between
These labels describe how the rock was formed. 5 gp and 50 gp. Cost: 25 gp (average).
These categories of rock vary widely in their armor Curtains, Draperies, and Blankets. These
class (AC), as shown below. terms refer to dripstone in the form of rippled,
wavy, or folded sheets. Curtains and draperies are
Rock Armor Class thinner, often translucent, and resonant. Blankets
AC Rock Type are thicker, so they tend to muffle sound a bit. Of-
16 Soft Sedimentary (sandstone, shale) ten these features have stripes of different colors.
17 Hard Sedimentary (limestone) Flowstone. A layer of deposited material that
follows the shape of the underlying walls or floor is
18 Igneous (basalt, rhyolite) called flowstone. A flowstone formation often has
19 Metamorphic (gneiss, granite, marble) draperies at its lower end.
16-19 Magimorphic (varies as it is derived from Soda Straws. These thin flutes, each the width
previous rock types) of a drop of water, are how stalactites begin.
Shield. Water flowing through a cave wall or
Sedimentary Features ceiling sometimes builds up sediment on both
Sedimentary rock formed from softer clays and
sides of its entry point, creating two parallel plates
deposits of organic matter long ago. These mate-
on either side of a thin, sheet-like crack.
rials were compacted into discrete layers in the
Popcorn. This knobby, crystalline growth forms
same sort of process that turns snow into glacial
in a wide variety of cave conditions and is some-
ice. Sedimentary rock is soft and easily weathered,
times called cave coral.
which means that flowing water can gouge vast
cave systems from it in a relatively short time, geo- Boxwork. Boxwork forms when softer rock


wears away, leaving a harder crystalline network of ice.
thin blades poking out from a ceiling, floor, or wall. Stalactites. Stalactites formed by lava happen
Crystal Flowers. These crystalline formations, in two main ways. Tubular lava stalactites are usu-
also called cave flowers, are valued by several ally formed by volcanic gases. Gas flows through
Underdark races for their aesthetic beauty and lava in which different minerals are solidifying at
their commercial value. Crystal flowers are usually quicker or slower rates, forming long tubes. The
made of halite (simple table salt), gypsum, or some downward drips from such formations may form
other minerals. The petals are fibrous or prismatic stalagmites. The second type of lava stalactite is
crystals that resemble growing seedlings. Halite called a shark-tooth stalactite. This formation oc-
flowers often grace the table settings of wealthy curs when flowing lava coats existing protrusions,
udadrow on special occasions. Even illithids resulting in a broad shape that narrows to a point.
occasionally carry salt in crystal flower form to Stalagmites. Drip stalagmites form from
add earthy spice to their brain meals. Cost: 25 gp; material that pours off of or out of tubular lava
Weight 1 lb. stalactites. These puddles of lava may mound up in
Spar. This term refers to crystal growths in stalagmites.
which the crystal faces and structure are visible Spiderstone. Udadrow architects use this term
to unaided sight. Many-faceted crystals that form to refer to obsidian, which they value for its glossy
underwater are called pool spars. black appearance. Spiderstone is frequently used
in udadrow buildings that feature spider motifs.
Igneous Features and Rocks Geodes. Often found in deserts or volcanic re-
Igneous features are formed or influenced by gions, these hollow rocks are lined with crystals. In
fire—usually magma chambers and flows, although the Underdark, some geodes are immense, grow-
openings into the Elemental Plane of Fire are not ing to the size of caves. One legend tells of a wizard
uncommon in many parts of the Underdark. entombed in a 40-foot geode filled with amethyst
Magma and Lava. While molten rock is crystals.
underground, it is called magma. If it erupts to the
surface from a volcano, it is called lava. Metamorphic Rocks
Hot Springs. Water heated by volcanic forc- Metamorphic rocks occur where intense heat and
es often bubbles up through the ground in hot pressure act to harden rock and alter its consisten-
springs. Some of these springs make it to the sur- cy. Marble is a good example of a sedimentary rock
face; others can be found in caverns underground. (limestone) that volcanic activity has transformed
Often, the water is so laden with sulfur and other into a much harder stone. Metamorphic rock
minerals that it is undrinkable. formations are similar to those of the pre-metamor-
Geyser. A geyser consists of a deep fissure or phic rock, though often compressed. Caves formed
well in which water can accumulate and be heated from metamorphic rock more often take the form
to high temperatures and a thin shaft that leads of faults, fissures, or similar discontinuities caused
from this pool of superheated water to the surface. by the movement of adjacent slabs of stone.
Periodically, a fountain-like jet of hot water and Many metallic ore deposits form in metamorphic
steam erupts, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius settings. Some valuable minerals, such as garnet
geyser. Each creature in the geyser’s area must and tourmaline, also form only in such environ-
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 ments. Hence mining-oriented cultures, such as
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much dam- that of the dwarves, tend to settle in areas that
age on a successful one. The intervals of eruption feature metamorphic rocks.
can be regular or irregular. Since metamorphic stone is often dense, hard,
Lava Tubes. These tubes form after lava has and beautiful, some varieties are highly regarded
flowed from a volcano. The surface of the lava as building materials. Many huge quarries can be
cools and solidifies while the interior is still liquid. found in the depths of the Underdark.
This uneven cooling creates a crust that resembles
a tube. Lava tubes can branch and fork, following
the passage of the lava. Because the cooling can
happen over several intervals, it’s also possible to
have a tube within a tube.
Pumice. Rock that has been made liquid and
frothy hardens into light, porous stone called pum-


Magimorphic (Magic-Formed use photogenerative rock in their demesnes to
stall light-bearing adventurers until the undead
Rocks) can ready their defenses. Photogenerative rock
Magimorphic rocks are stones or rock formations can also be used to seal a doorway and divert
that have been warped and changed by magic. The light-bearers into more trap-ridden or better-de-
Underdark of Faerûn includes several very differ- fended areas.
ent manifestations of magimorphic rocks. Photostatic Rock. Events that happen in the
Clear Black Rock. In its natural state, this presence of this rock imprint upon it for a short
rock is found only in the Lowerdark, where it is cut time. One cubic foot of photostatic rock picks up
in slave-worked quarries and prepared for export impressions in a 10-foot radius and automatically
to the Middledark and Upperdark. Clear black rock relays them to anyone who touches it later. The
is not common, but it is certainly available to those effect is similar to that of a stone tell spell, except
willing to pay premium prices. To regular and that the photostatic property reveals only what
low-light vision, this rock looks black, shiny, and happened within its radius in the past hour. Every
perfectly opaque, but to darkvision, it is perfectly additional cubic foot of photostatic rock provides
clear. Creatures without darkvision often mistake it 1 more hour of memory and expands the radius of
for obsidian, but udadrow, mind flayers, and other sensitivity by 10 feet. A photostatic rock records
creatures gifted with darkvision find it a challeng- only what it witnesses (treat its perspective like a
ing yet worthwhile stone to incorporate into their burst), so it cannot record what goes on beyond a
strongholds and encampments. closed door.
Crumblestone. This rock breaks very easily Quickstone. Quickstone is the Underdark’s
and is the bane of miners and travelers anywhere. answer to quicksand. Like many Realms Below
Crumblestone exists in a precarious equilibrium features, it’s much more terrible than its sur-
with the other rocks or strata surrounding it. A face-world equivalent. Quickstone looks like solid
Small or larger climbing or flying creature that stone and blends into the surrounding rocks, but it
begins to put its weight onto crumblestone must functions like quicksand as given in the Dungeon
make a DC 15 Dexterity check or fall when the Master’s Guide. The spell transmute rock perma-
rock beneath it turns to powder. For flying crea- nently solidifies quickstone, but a success on a
tures, this situation rarely poses a problem, but Strength check enables a creature trapped within
for climbers, an encounter with crumblestone is it to escape.
often deadly. If enough crumblestone gives way in a Rock Gourds. These rocks have been warped
cavern, a cave-in becomes likely. by long-term proximity to a portal leading to the
Crysstone. Beautiful, intricate, and very deli- Elemental Plane of Water. Rock gourds are rare,
cate, crysstone is a rock that resembles spun glass. naturally occurring stones, not created magic
It is very hard but not at all durable (AC 13, 2 hit items, though they register as faint conjuration
points per inch of thickness). Crysstone shatters magic under examination with a detect magic
easily, and sonic damage automatically bypass- spell. Shaking a rock gourd causes water to dribble
es its hardness. Because it is so susceptible to out. The ability of these stones to produce up
sonic damage, the threat posed by monsters with to a gallon of water per day apiece makes them
wide-area sonic attacks increases in areas where highly-valued commodities in the Middledark and
crysstone is prevalent. Lowerdark regions, where water is scarce. Cost:
Darkstone. Darkstone seems to drink in light. 500 gp. Weight 10 lb.
In tunnels cut through this material, light sources Sickstone. Sickstone glows with a nauseating,
dim, shedding a glow only half as strong as usual. not-quite-green, not-quite-silver light that provides
Thus, a bullseye lantern illuminates a cone only 30- illumination to a radius of 40 feet. Each creature in
feet long and 10-feet wide, while a torch lights only the range of this illumination must make a DC 12
a 10-foot radius. A daylight spell in a darkstone Constitution saving throw each round, taking 1d6
area radiates daylight in only a 30-foot radius. poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
Photogenerative Rock. These rocks grow damage on a successful one. Anyone in physical
quickly when exposed to light. In each round of contact with sickstone has disadvantage on this
exposure, a photogenerative rock doubles in size saving throw, and becomes poisoned. The damage
until it’s sixteen times as large as it was when caused by sickstone results from a magical poi-
unlit (4 rounds). Eliminating the light halts its son, so creatures immune to poison damage are
growth, and each hour of darkness reverses the immune to the effects of sickstone.
effect of 1 round of light. Some Underdark undead


Slickstone. This rock is very smooth to the Other Cave Features
touch. Although it is natural stone, it functions at Some caves are formed and shaped by eroding
all times as if it had a grease spell cast upon it. An winds and freely flowing water, such as streams or
actual grease spell cast upon slickstone has no ocean currents. The following features are com-
additional effect. mon in such environments.
Wind. Strong or constant winds gradually
Non-Rock Tunnels shape caves and caverns. Wind effects may be
Only a newcomer to the Underdark would be present in caves that are close to the surface world,
naïve enough to think that Toril’s deep caverns are portals to the Elemental Plane of Air, or the hot
formed exclusively of rock. A variety of other mate- gases emitted by volcanic activity. Wind-shaped
rials can form the same sorts of features. caves and caverns are sometimes referred to as
Coral. This “living rock” can be found in many Aeolian caves.
saltwater-filled caves. Large clumps of coral often Air Pockets. Subterranean waterways often
have tunnel-like spaces winding through them, have air above them, but the amounts vary. A lake
and aquatic creatures such as tritons sometimes might be housed in a vast cavern, but a swiftly mov-
use this substance as an architectural medium, ing river might have only one or two places where
building complex structures by forcing it to grow in a swimmer might catch a gulp of air. Even more
particular patterns. dangerous are pockets of gases other than air.
Ice Cave. This term refers to a cave where River Canyons. Regional uplifting of tectonic
either seasonal or permanent ice can be found. plates causes rivers to cut deep canyons. Some-
Since there’s little drinkable water in the Un- times these gorges provide surface-world entry
derdark, caves containing ice often attract settlers points to the Underdark. Subterranean rivers also
or predators. create canyons. Such canyons might or might
Glacial Cave. A glacial cave is one formed not have rivers at their bottoms now, since under-
entirely of ice. Such a cave provides more potential ground rivers often dry up or change course.
water than an ice cave, but also more potential Swirlhole. A swirlhole is a generally circular
danger. Fire and other heat sources (even body hole in the rock of a streambed, eroded by water
heat) might be enough to weaken or fracture the eddies and rubbed smooth by pebbles.
ice and start an avalanche. Halocline. The area where fresh water (such
Bones. Some areas of the Underdark have a as that from a river) and salty ocean water meet is
surfeit of bones and remains of the dead. Skeletons cloudy and called a halocline. Such a region often
range in size from tiny mice to huge behemoths. marks territorial boundaries between aquatic rac-
Moving through a section piled with skeletons es.
means creeping or breaking through tunnels made Sea Caves. Seas and oceans are powerful
of bones. forces that can wear the hardest of rocks down
Force. Permanent walls of force are costly to into fine sand. Tides and water flow continuously
create. Nevertheless, many of them exist in the redistribute this material.
Underdark. Some block off the territory of one Tufa Caves. Springs, rivers, and the sea can
race from another, others act as bridges across deposit a porous limestone called tufa. Finding this
deep chasms, and still others serve no discernable rock indicates that water is (or at least was) nearby.
Fungi. Many caverns in the Underdark are
full of fungus, much of it innocuous. Rather than
expend the resources to hack away all of these
fungi, denizens often just create routes between
or through large patches of it. Tunnels cut out of
mushroom-like material are not unusual sights in
the Realms Below.


locales possess sources of natural illumination.
The Underdark Luminescent Growths. Rare forms of lichen,
fungi, and moss are bioluminescent. In sufficient
Environment quantities, these growths can illuminate large cav-
erns. Most bioluminescent growths are quite dim,
so a cavern illuminated by glowing moss or fungi is
The Underdark, as written, with its own typically as dark as starlight, although some partic-
manners, in the dark. ularly bright regions might be equal to moonlight.
Molten Rock. Areas with exposed pools or
streams of magma are illuminated by the dim,
JARLAXLE ruddy glow of the molten rock. The glare of molten
rock is typically equal to moonlight.
Walking through wild caves without end is differ-
Radiant Crystal. Some rare rocks of the
ent than stalking monsters in a dungeon near the
Underdark are naturally radiant, ranging in
surface. Travelers venturing into the Underdark
brightness from starlight to full daylight, although
enter a world in which nothing can be taken for
daylight equivalence is quite rare. The great vault
granted. Vast portions of the Realms Below are
of Deep Imaskar is roofed with radiant crystal that
wastelands devoid of food, water, and even light.
is as bright as weak surface daylight.
Reflective Stone. While not naturally lumi-
Light nescent, caverns made partially of reflective stone
Except for any lanterns that characters bring can be much more easily illuminated by small light
into the caves, the Underdark is absolutely dark. sources than normal. Reflective stone quadru-
Coupled with the tomblike silence of most passag- ples the radius of illumination of any light source
es, absolute darkness can unnerve even the most brought inside.
experienced caver. Thus, extra lights and oil (or Wizard Fire. The rarest and most wondrous of
magical means of illumination) are important for natural illuminations in the Realms Below, wizard
any cave trip. fire consists of dancing sheets of dim light, like the
northern lights of the surface world. Though it is
Artificial Illumination only as bright as starlight, wizard fire is weird and
Halflings, humans, and other surface dwellers beautiful.
without darkvision must absolutely carry some
form of light with them in order to navigate the Air
Underdark. While torches or lanterns are feasible In general, the Underdark is surprisingly well
for relatively short trips, a journey of more than a ventilated. Vast subterranean spaces and the rare
few days might require dozens of torches and oil planar connection to the Elemental Plane of Air
flasks, making nonmagical light impractical for provide plenty of good air for living creatures. How-
long expeditions. ever, this is not universally true.
The best and most efficient means of providing
light in the Underdark is to use minor alchemical
or magical items, such as sunrods or continual Poor Air
flame torches. A sunrod is small, light, and long Sealed chambers, isolated caves, and water-isolat-
lasting, capable of providing illumination in a 30- ed caverns have finite supplies of good air. Crea-
foot radius for 6 hours. A party of explorers could tures that don’t breathe need not concern them-
easily carry several dozen sunrods, which would selves with air quality, but other travelers do.
provide enough light for many days of travel. At 2 Any enclosed space that is reasonably airtight
gp apiece, an investment of 100 gp or so is well can quickly become stale or depleted. In general,
worth the money. a medium creature depletes about 1,000 cubic
The continual flame torch is potentially cheaper, feet of air (a 10-foot cube) every 6 hours. A Small
since the material component costs only 50 gp and creature requires one-half as much air, and a large
the item lasts forever if not destroyed. However, creature four times as much. Air becomes stale
such a torch only illuminates a 20-foot radius. when it is halfway to depletion.
Stale Air. Regions that are poorly ventilated are
not immediately deadly, but the stale air can quick-
Natural Illumination ly wear out even the hardiest travelers. A creature
While most of the Underdark is exactly that, some
in stale air must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution


saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one Explosive Gas. Some naturally occurring gas-
level of exhaustion. Creatures that do not require es can explode in the presence of open flames. If a
breathing automatically succeed on this saving burning torch or lit lantern is brought into a pocket
throw. Creatures cannot recover from their exhaus- of explosive gas, the vapor explodes, dealing 3d6
tion until they reach an area of good air. fire damage to creatures within 10 feet of it. A
Depleted Air: Depleted areas can prove deadly successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw halves
in a matter of minutes. A creature can hold its the damage. An alert spelunker might notice the
breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its danger before causing an explosion, since the open
Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). flame often behaves strangely (burning in a differ-
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, ent color or exceptionally brightly) right before the
it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its explosion. Allow the creature carrying the light a
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the DC 15 passive Perception check to observe the
start of its next turn, it drops to 0 Hit Points and is danger before the explosion actually occurs. If an
dying, and it can’t regain Hit Points or be stabilized open flame remains in the hazardous area thereaf-
until it can breathe again. ter, there is a 50% chance of an explosion in each
subsequent round.
Gases and Fumes
Some areas of the Underdark are plagued by air Climate
that is not just stale, but actively toxic. Often this
The temperature underground varies depending
situation results from geothermal activity in the vi-
on the depth and the presence of geothermal
cinity of volcanoes. Sometimes the escaping gases
features, but the vast majority of the Underdark
emerge with an audible hiss or a putrid smell, but
has a moderate temperature throughout the year.
not always.
It tends to be on the clammy and chilly side, but
Gases tend to concentrate in areas that are
typical adventuring garb is sufficient to keep char-
isolated in some way from the nearby passages.
acters warm and dry.
For example, a passage that dips down sharply and
Frigid Water. Water is almost always dan-
then climbs up again forms a natural, low-lying
gerously cold in the Underdark, since it is never
pocket where deadly fumes can accumulate. An
warmed by sunlight. A creature can be immersed
air-filled passage sealed by water siphons at either
in frigid water for a number of minutes equal to its
end could also concentrate deadly gases.
Constitution score before suffering any ill effects.
Irritating Fumes. These gases cause cough-
Each additional minute spent in frigid water re-
ing, stinging of the eyes, dizziness, and similar
quires the creature to succeed on a DC 10 Consti-
difficulties. A creature exposed to irritating fumes
tution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold
throw once per minute or become poisoned. Crea-
damage automatically succeed on the saving throw
tures immune to poison damage or do not require
as do creatures that are naturally adapted to living
breathing are immune to the effect of the irritating
in ice-cold water.
fumes. Recovery from the poisoned condition is
Once a creature is submerged into water, it takes
not possible until the character leaves the affected
2d4 hours to dry off or it changes its clothes.
Geothermal Heat. Caverns heated by geo-
Poison Gas. These gases are deadly. Anyone
thermal activity can be quite warm; in fact, hot or
who ventures into an area of poison gas must suc-
severe temperatures are common near volcanoes.
ceed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw once
Any chamber with exposed magma is severely hot,
per minute or take 1d4 poison damage.
and possibly the effects of extreme heat as given in
Some poisonous gases also have the charac-
the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
teristics of irritating fumes, so their presence is
obvious. Others, however, offer no telltale burning
of the throat or stinging in the eyes to warn crea- Ecology
tures of the danger. Any creature exposed to poison Besides its many predatory races and monsters,
gas is entitled to a DC 15 passive Perception check
to detect the threat before breathing enough to
force a saving throw. With a successful check, the
creature can retreat before risking any damage. A
creature with keen smell or similar trait that relies
on smell has advantage on this check.


the Underdark is also home to a variety of natural producing spores, which happens after ten years of
animals that live out their lives normally below the growth.
ground. These animals include (but are not limited Bluecap. The grain of the Underdark, bluecap
to) bats, crickets (and cricket droppings and eggs), fungus is inedible to humanoids, but its spores
eyeless cavefish and crayfish, springfish, salaman- can be ground to make a nutritious, if bland, flour.
ders, rats, flies and gnats, and spiders. Additionally, Bread made from bluecap flour is usually known
it is not unusual for creatures in the Upperdark to as sporebread. Bluecap seems to do well with or
encounter the occasional raccoon, frog, stray dog, without faerzress, and most Underdark humanoids
or even lost dwarf, elf, or other representative of cultivate it.
a surface race who has accidentally fallen down a Cave Moss. Found only in faerzress-rich re-
deep shaft or well. gions, cave moss is inedible to humanoids, but it
is a favorite grazing food of some giant vermin, as
Plants and Fungi well as rothé.
Plants of one kind or another are the beginning of Darkreeds. These plants can be found in the
any food chain. By organizing inorganic minerals marshy regions of the Underdark. They hold no
and capturing the energy of sunlight, plants create nutritional value so are often grazed upon by rothé.
food that animals of all kinds depend on. Since Though some humanoids use the plant in many
plants in the Realms Below do not have access dishes as a garnish and new texture in the foods.
to sunlight, they must make food by other means. Fire Lichen. Pale orange-white in color, fire
Thus, most take very different forms than the lichen thrives on warmth, so it grows in regions
green plants of the surface world. of geothermal heat or near connections to the
Most of the Underdark’s plant life consists of a Elemental Plane of Fire. Fire lichen can be ground
tremendous variety of fungi. Fungus normally re- and fermented into a hot, spicy paste, which is of-
quires some amount of detritus or decaying materi- ten spread on sporebread to give it flavor. Duergar
al to thrive. So where does the fungus find its food? ferment fire lichen into a fiercely hot liquor.
The answer is simple: magic. The natural magical Luurden. Luurden, or bloodfruit, is a rare tree
radiation of the Underdark and its various planar that grows only in areas of strong faerzress. The
connections support many weird fungal growths, barren branches of this pale, gnarled tree seem
as well as lichens, mosses, and other simple plants, more dead than alive, but once every 3 to 4 years,
whose existence would otherwise be impossible. it produces a small amount of bitter red fruit that is
In effect, faerzress is the sunlight of the Realms used to make rare Underdark wines and elixirs.
Below, forming the basis of the subterranean Ripplebark. A shelf-like fungus that resembles
food chain. Underdark regions particularly rich in nothing so much as a mass of rotting flesh, rip-
faerzress or planar energies have been known to plebark is surprisingly edible without any special
support fantastic forests of pale, gnarled trees or preparation, although it tastes much better if
crystalline plants. These growths are completely cooked properly. Ripplebark grows naturally in
adapted to their lightless, hostile environment. living caves.
Surprisingly, however, green plants are not
Sussur. Rare and magical, the so-called “dee-
entirely absent from the Underdark. Some caverns
proot” tree is found only in the largest of caverns.
illuminated by particularly bright radiant crystals
It can grow to a height of 60 feet, and its branches
can actually support green plants. Caves with this
are long and gnarled, with banyan-like aerial roots.
sort of dazzling illumination might be filled with
Few leaves grow on the sussur; it exists almost
grass, moss, ferns, creepers, or even small trees.
entirely on faerzress and is often found in caverns
Any such place is a treasure beyond price in the
where wizard fire is prevalent. a sussur tree can
Underdark, and it is certain to be guarded by dead-
drink in magic from its environs, so most sussurs
ly spells, monstrous guardians, or both.
are surrounded by antimagic fields that extend for
Barrelstalk. Stout as a hogshead of ale, the hundreds of feet.
barrelstalk is a large, cask-shaped fungus that
Waterorb. This bulbous fungus is aquatic. It
grows up to 8 feet in height and 5 feet in diame-
grows in boulder-like patches underwater wherev-
ter. Its outer layers are tough and woody, but its
er the water deposits detritus.
inner flesh is edible, and its center is filled with a
Zurkhwood. This giant mushroom can reach a
reservoir of water (usually from 20 to 50 gallons)
height of 30 to 40 feet. Its large spores are edible
that can be tapped and drained. The inner flesh
with proper preparation, but zurkhwood is im-
turns black and poisonous when barrelstalk begins


portant primarily because its stalks are hard and that grows in the Realms Below, rothé are highly
woody. Zurkhwood is one of the very few sources valued by most Underdark races and often kept in
of timber (or anything like it) in the Underdark, and large corral-caverns.
many items that would be crafted from wood in the Vermin. Perhaps the most common of all
surface world are fashioned from zurkhwood in the Underdark creatures are vermin. The versions
Realms Below. native to the Realms Below range from mundane
creatures the size of a mite to gargantuan spiders
Animal Life and centipedes. Many, such as giant beetles and
The Realms Below supports a surprising variety of cave crickets, are fungivores, but varieties of deadly
animals. A few herbivores exist there, but most are hunting vermin such as spiders and scorpions also
predatory in the extreme. infest the depths. The Underdark races keep some
Many mundane hunting animals, including of the edible ones (mostly beetles or crickets) as
bears, lions, bats, rats, and monsters of all sorts, livestock of a sort, but few vermin are palatable,
can be found in cozy underground lairs near the and the giant sort are simply too dangerous to
surface. In deeper places, animals must shift keep.
from the surface world ecology to the Underdark
ecology. Many surface creatures are ill suited for Underdark Hazards
such shifts and therefore cannot be found more
Explorers routinely encounter common dungeon
than a few hundred feet from a cave mouth, except
hazards such as yellow mold or green slime in
for places where a surface ecology is somehow
the Underdark. In addition, the Realms Below are
maintained in the Underdark.
home to a variety of unique perils and diseases that
Bats. Better adapted to a life in darkness than
have laid low more than one heroic adventurer.
most other animals, bats are extremely common
in the Upperdark and Middledark. Only the lowest,
most inhospitable reaches are free of these crea- Underdark Slimes, Molds, Fungi,
tures, and even then, monstrous varieties such as and Lichen
dire bats and deep bats flourish. Near the surface, No place in Toril, or perhaps even the multiverse,
these creatures are simply surface-world bats boasts a greater variety and quantity of fungi than
that lair in Underdark caverns. Titanic roosts the Underdark. Much of it is innocuous, and some
that house many thousands of such creatures can is even cultivated for food (see Plants and Fungi,
be found in some spots. Lower down, most Un- above), but some of it is exceedingly dangerous.
derdark bats are fungivores or insectivores. Fool’s Water. This slime looks like a small
Fish. Many of the rivers, lakes, and seas of the spring of water, but a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature)
Underdark are filled with cave fish. For the most check can reveal its true nature upon sight. Any
part, such fish are small, pale, relatively inoffensive creature that touches fool’s water takes 1d6 acid
creatures. Most are blind, though some that reside damage. Thereafter, the substance clings to the
in illuminated caverns may retain their eyes. In the victim like slime, dealing the same amount of acid
larger bodies of water, subterranean versions of damage each round for the next 2d6 rounds. On
dangerous fish such as sharks may be found. Cave the first round of contact, it can be scraped off
fish need something to eat, of course, so isolated easily, but after that it must be frozen, burned, or
lakes don’t support cave fish populations unless cut away. (All these processes apply damage to the
they’re large enough to support plant life that can victim as well.) Against wood or metal, fool’s water
survive in absolute darkness. deals 1d6 acid damage but has no continuing
Lizards. The Underdark is home to a variety of effect.
lizards, ranging from the poisonous spitting crawl- Fool’s water is extremely reactive with regular
er to the wild varieties of pack lizards and riding water. Trying to wash the slime off with water
lizards. Some are fungivores; others are danger- causes an explosion that deals 3d6 acid damage to
ous hunters that can easily make a meal out of a every creature within 10 feet.
human. Domesticated giant lizards are commonly Extreme cold or heat, sunlight, or a cure disease
used as beasts of burden and mounts in udadrow spell destroys a patch of fool’s water.
and duergar settlements. Cave Creeper. Cave creeper is a gray-and-white
Rothé. These grazing, muskox-like creatures fungus that flourishes near water. It is especially
are well adapted for life in the depths. Subsisting common in the Lowerdark where it grows close
on fungi, moss, lichen, and almost anything else to most of the water sources. Cave creeper contin-


ually emits spores that cause cave terrors. Every reaches the maximum, it dies unless it is restored
creature within 20 feet of it must make a DC 12 by magic such as lesser restoration or heal. A
Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effect of a con- creature that dies to this disease has a 50 percent
fusion spell. Another DC 12 Wisdom saving throw chance of reanimating as a zombie within 1d6 days
is required 1 minute later— even by those who of expiring. The zombie creature has no recall but
succeeded on the first save—to avoid taking 2d4 does have an undying desire to return to the origin
psychic damage. Sunlight or acid instantly destroys of its lungrot.
cave creeper. Scaleflake. This disease most often strikes
Fire Fungus. This fungal growth sheds natural aquatic or reptilian creatures, but anyone swim-
warmth, raising the temperature within 30 feet of ming, wading, or submerged in tainted water can
it by 10 degrees. However, any open flame brought contract it.
within 10 feet of fire fungus causes it to explode, When a humanoid creature comes in contact
dealing fire damage (3d6 for a small patch, 7d6 for with the disease, the creature must succeed on a
a large patch) to each creature in a 30-foot radius. DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become infect-
Such an explosion kills the fire fungus, and it can ed.
also be killed by cold damage—5 cold damage is It takes 1d4 days for scaleflake’s symptoms to
sufficient to kill a 5-foot-square (small) patch and manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms in-
20 cold damage is needed to kill a 10-foot square clude swelling, oozing, smelly pustules coating the
(large) patch. surface of the afflicted creature’s body. An infected
Some Underdark races use fire fungus for creature has disadvantage with Charisma checks
warmth instead of fires, since kindling and fire- due to skin-shedding. Additionally, any non-moving
wood are scarce in the Realms Below. Grimlocks water source within 5 feet of the infected creature
and gloamings especially favor it. becomes tainted with the disease.
Wisp Lichen. This white lichen clings to the At the end of each long rest, an infected creature
ceilings of high caverns and poses a threat primar- must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On
ily to flying creatures. A creature that touches the a successful save, the creature recovers from the
lichen’s sticky strands must succeed on a DC 12 disease. Once recovered, the creature is immune
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 to scaleflake for 1d4 months.
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at Softpox. When a creature comes in contact
the end of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a with softpox, it must make a DC 20 Constitution
success. While the creature is paralyzed, the lichen saving throw. On a success, the creature is immune
slowly digests its prey dealing 1d4 acid damage at to softpox. Otherwise, the creature is infected.
the end the creature’s turn. Within 24 hours, the disease makes the skin soft,
Earth-bound predators usually lurk near patches swollen, and tender. This effect reduces the victim’s
of wisp lichen, waiting for the crash or thud that in- natural armor by 1 point per day. Once the crea-
dicates a tasty morsel of paralyzed prey has fallen ture’s armor class reaches 10 (whether by reduc-
to earth. tion or because the creature had no natural armor
bonus in the first place), the disease deals 1d10
Diseases necrotic damage each day. There are no additional
The Underdark environment also poses a consid- saving throws, only magical healing can save the
erable threat in terms of disease. All the diseases creature.
described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide exist in
the Realms Below, but a few diseases are unique to
this realm.
Lungrot. This disease most often strikes
air-breathing creatures that have been sealed
inside ancient ruins.
A creature that inhales air permeated with
lungrot must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
throw or become infected. Within 1d4 hours after
infection the creature’s breathing becomes labored
and it suffers the first level of exhaustion. At the
end of each long rest after the shortness of breath
appears, the penalty worsens by another level
of exhaustion. When the creature’s exhaustion


Long Jump. When a creature attempts a long
Spelunking jump, it covers a number of feet up to its Strength
score if it moves at least 10 feet on foot immedi-
ately before the jump. When the creature makes a
Ways change. standing long jump, it can leap only half that dis-
tance. Either way, each foot it clears on the jump
costs a foot of movement.
JARLAXLE This rule assumes that the height of the jump
doesn’t matter, such as a jump across a stream
When traveling in cramped natural tunnels and
or chasm. At the DM’s option, the creature must
through narrow, low corridors that vary widely in
succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check
diameter, it is difficult to move as quickly or fight as
to clear a low obstacle (no taller than a quarter of
efficiently as normal.
the jump’s distance), such as a hedge or low wall.
Otherwise, the creature hits it.
Cramped Spaces When the creature lands in difficult terrain, it
Many natural caves are extremely difficult to nav- must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
igate. Narrow fissures, corkscrew passages, and check to land on its feet. Otherwise, it lands prone.
low ceilings are common obstacles in the lime- High Jump. When it attempts a high jump,
stone caves of the Underdark. Any creature fighting a creature can leap into the air a number of feet
in a cramped space loses its Dexterity modifier (if equal to 3 + its Strength modifier if it moves at
any) to Armor Class. Beyond that, the following ad- least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump.
justments apply, depending upon which weapons When it makes a standing high jump, it can jump
and movement used in combat. only half that distance. Either way, each foot it
clears on the jump costs a foot of movement. In
some circumstances, the DM might allow a crea-
Weapons in Cramped Spaces ture to make a Strength (Athletics) check to jump
Some weapons are more suitable for limited space
higher than it normally can.
than others. Piercing weapons that jab rather than
A creature can extend its arms half its height
slice or bash handle normally, but attacks with
above its body during the jump. Thus, it can reach
melee weapons that deal slashing or bludgeoning
above a distance equal to the height of the jump
damage are made with disadvantage.
plus 1½ times its height.
Also, attacks with ranged weapons are made
with disadvantage while in cramped spaces. Cross-
bows are the only ranged weapons usable in all Terrain in Cramped Spaces
underground environments. Sometimes simply moving through wild caves
and unworked tunnels is a challenge. To account
for this, cramped spaces are considered difficult
Movement in Cramped Spaces terrain to all non-native creatures traveling through
Movement through the dangerous caves and
the Underdark.
tunnels of the Underdark often involves more than
simply walking. Creatures might have to climb,
crawl, swim, or jump to get where they need to go. Getting Lost
Climbing, Swimming, and Crawling. While It’s not possible to get lost in a miles-long tunnel
climbing or swimming, each foot of movement that has no branches, but sailing across a subterra-
costs 1 extra foot (2 extra feet in difficult terrain), nean sea, or clambering through a twisting, turning
unless a creature has a climbing or swimming mazelike cave offers plenty of opportunities for
speed. At the DM’s option, climbing a slippery ver- becoming lost.
tical surface or one with few handholds requires The Realms Below combines both poor visibil-
a successful Strength (Athletics) check. Similarly, ity and treacherous terrain, so any time would-be
gaining any distance in rough water might require explorers venture away from clearly marked trails,
a successful Strength (Athletics) check. they may become lost. When such a possibility
exists, the party chooses one member that must
succeed on a Wisdom (Survival) check once per
hour or becomes lost. Characters that are native
to the Underdark or possess a reliable map have
advantage on this check.


Orientation DCs Map None 15
Area Type DC Signs Mundane 20
Directions Illusory Magic 25
Lake or Sea 10
None Regional Magic 30
Gorge or Rift 10
Compare the Wisdom (Survival) skill result to the
Cave or Vault 15 table below and apply all results.

Abyss 20 Navigation Results

Success By Result
Maze cave 25 0+ Known Location
0-4 Random Encounter (neutral)
Compare the Wisdom (Survival) skill result to the 10+ Random Treasure
table below and apply all results.
Failure By Result
Orientation Results
1-4 1d6 hour lost
Success By Result
5-9 2d6 hours lost
0+ Known Location
10-14 1 day lost
0-4 Random Encounter (party has sur-
prise) 15-19 Random Encounter
10+ Random Treasure 20+ Crisis (deadly threat in the area)

Failure By Result Foraging

1-4 1 hour lost Characters can gather food and water as the party
5-9 1d6 hours lost travels at a normal or slow pace. A foraging charac-
10-14 Random Encounter (hostile) ter makes a Wisdom (Survival) check with the DC
determined by the abundance of food and water in
15-19 Random Encounter (party is ambushed)
the region.
20+ Crisis (gear is lost, map is fake, danger-
ous threat in the area) Foraging DCs
Area Type DC
Lake or Sea None
When your party declares that they are traveling
12 hours or more to a location, set a Navigation
Gorge or Rift 10
DC based on the guidance the party has and the
concealment of the location, whichever is higher.
Cave or Vault 15
The party chooses one member that must make a
Wisdom (Survival) skill check against the Naviga-
Abyss or Maze cave 20
tion DC. Apply modifiers for travel pace listed in
the Player’s Handbook. Then check the Navigation If multiple characters forage, each character
Results table and follow all directions that apply. makes a separate check. A foraging character finds
If any party member would automatically succeed nothing on a failed check. On a successful check,
after applying modifiers, the party does not make a roll 1d6 + Wisdom modifier to determine how
skill check. much food (in pounds) the character finds, then
repeat the roll for drinkable water (in gallons).
Navigation DCs
Guidance Concealment DC
Native or Guide None None
Trail None 10


available in the Upperdark than on the surface,
Underdark Regions but they are common enough. Luminescent flora
and faerzress provide occasional light, though not
consistently enough to allow a creature without
People always want it mapped, to make darkvision to travel without an independent light
sense. Here, in the Underdark, it is al- source. Vents from the surface keep air fresh and
ways one step beyond. moving in the passages, so air quality is rarely an
issue. Enormous underground lakes spread across
hundreds of miles in some regions, and water
JARLAXLE trickles down from the surface in many others.
Many water sources are guarded or fouled, but
While many surface dwellers regard the Un- quite a few are both clean and open for anyone to
derdark as all the same (one big cave, infested with use. Many different types of wild fungi are edible,
hungry monsters), the wise adventurer prepares and the Underdark equivalent of small game (rats,
by studying what surface dwellers know about dire rats, lizards, and giant vermin) can easily be
the Realms Below before venturing underground. found in the tunnels. Domesticated animals, such
Knowing what sorts of creatures and dangers lurk as deep rothé, can also be found near most major
at what depths might mean the difference between population centers.
life and death.
The Underdark is divided into three general Denizens of the Upperdark
levels: The Upperdark, the Middledark, and the Most Upperdark inhabitants traffic with the surface
Lowerdark. world in some way, either trading with or raiding
their upstairs neighbors for things they can’t get in
The Upperdark their native habitat. They also trade with (and raid)
each other. No Underdark community is ever really
The Upperdark extends from the surface to a
friendly with another, but Upperdark settlements
depth of about 3 miles. Varied races inhabit this re-
often observe wary truces with their neighbors.
gion, including chitines, udadrow, dwarves, giants,
all manner of goblinoids, orcs, svirfneblin, and Chitines. Though they are sometimes consid-
wererats. Scouts from deeper races often venture ered too small, weak, or fearful to matter, chitines
into the Upperdark in order to trade with (or prey are quite capable of killing those who underesti-
on) the races native to this area. mate them. They are far more clever and malicious
The Upperdark’s main import from the surface than they seem to be—clever enough to avoid fights
is slaves. Slavers from evil-aligned cities in the they’re not sure they can win, at the very least.
Upperdark make frequent forays into the light to Chitine nests can be found in web-filled caverns
capture new slaves for use as either labor or food. throughout the Upperdark, but the largest concen-
They also trade for textiles, grains, fruit, and weap- tration of these spiderfolk is the realm of Yathchol
ons. Their exports include raw ore, refined metals, in the northern Underdark.
gems, and native Underdark plants. Dwarves. For thousands of years, the great
Travel in the Upperdark is relatively easy. Multi- dwarven realms of the surface world have expand-
ple paths to a single point usually exist, thanks to ed downward instead of outward. Neither gold
millennia of natural processes, volcanic activity, dwarves nor shield dwarves harbor any fear of the
burrowing creatures, and various races cutting Underdark, and their cities are often buried in the
trails through the rock. In most places the sur- upper reaches of the Realms Below. The kingdom
rounding earth is composed of rock, but near the of Iltkazar is the strongest shield dwarf realm
surface, tunnels can be hewn out of tightly packed remaining in the Underdark, and the gold dwarves
dirt, allowing creatures with burrow speeds that there retain extensive Underdark holdings in the
can’t cut through rock to blaze their own trails in a vicinity of the Great Rift. Unlike the duergar, who
pinch. prefer the deeper portions of the Underdark, gold
and shield dwarves keep fields and livestock on
the surface and trade extensively with surface folk.
Surviving In the Upperdark These dwarves are gifted engineers and industri-
Survival checks made to hunt, forage, and avoid
ous workers, and they have built many roads and
natural hazards in the Upperdark use the same
bridges in the Underdark.
DCs as normal surface conditions. Basic ame-
nities such as light, air, food, and water are less


Goblins. Bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins for their homes, and they can work wonders with
often establish outposts and settlements in the their chosen medium. Few in number, stone giants
Upperdark, from which they can easily raid nearby leave other folk alone and expect the same courte-
surface lands. Goblinoids may in fact be the most sy from anyone passing through their lands. The
numerous of the Underdark’s races, but they have most powerful stone giant realm is the kingdom of
raised no great cities and delved no great caverns. Cairnheim, beneath the Giant’s Run Mountains.
Most goblinoid tribes exist in a state of barbaric Troglodytes. Perhaps no other race is as
squalor. Goblins in particular are commonly found universally detested as the troglodytes. These
as slaves in the cities of crueler and more sophisti- bloodthirsty savages descend on the realms of
cated races, such as the udadrow and the duergar. other Underdark folk like a plague of locusts and
Quaggoths. These so-called deepbears fre- immediately set about raiding, pillaging, and killing
quently band together to raid and forage through- anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. They
out the Underdark. They once had a kingdom, occasionally serve as slaves to more powerful
Ursadunthar, deep beneath the Spine of the World, races, but only in those places where more trac-
but it fell to the duergar of Gracklstugh in –1350 table (and less vile) slaves aren’t widely available.
DR. Most quaggoth bands now survive by roaming Troglodytes were once much more widespread in
the deeps as nomadic hunter-gatherers and supple- the Underdark than they are now, but they have
menting their diets with anything (or anyone) that been rooted out and exterminated in many places.
falls into their bloody claws. Like goblins, quag- Most troglodytes now live in the southern portions
goths are frequently encountered as slaves in the of the Underdark, particularly beneath the Mhair
cities of more civilized Underdark denizens, such and Black Jungles.
as udadrow.
Minotaurs. Hulking and fierce minotaurs The Middledark
dwell in the Upperdark, usually favoring the most
The Middledark lies between 3 and 10 miles
confusing and complex cave systems for their lairs.
beneath the surface of Faerûn. Larger cities of
Minotaurs generally live by raiding and plunder,
udadrow and duergar are in the Middledark. Other
although more than a few sell their services to
inhabitants include lone aboleths, cloakers, derro,
other folk who offer gold and food in exchange for
grimlocks, and kuo-toas. A few mind flayer out-
a chance to fight. Minotaurs are kept as slaves by
posts are scattered throughout this level as well.
Upperdark dwellers such as udadrow and mind
Settled communities in the Middledark common-
flayers, but such slaves are not numerous. The vast
ly send trade caravans and raiding parties to the
delve known as the Labyrinth was once a minotaur
surface, or at least up to Upperdark trading centers
empire of sorts. While no signs of the former mino-
such as Menzoberranzan and Ooltul. Visitors from
taur civilization remain, thousands of the creatures
the surface are rare and tend to be viewed as po-
still infest the area.
tential slaves or food. Caravan travel brings mostly
Orcs. Like goblins, orcs often settle in the
luxuries; staples must be grown locally.
upper caverns of the Underdark. Caverns close to
Travel in the Middledark can be difficult. In many
the surface offer shelter from the hated sun and
cases, it’s simply not possible to go from one place
easy defensibility with a minimum of work, and
to another because no caves or tunnels lead in the
most orcs are only too happy to take advantage
right direction. To overcome this drawback, many
of that combination. Orcs are often enslaved by
of the races that dwell at this depth are prolific
deeper-dwelling races, so they can be found almost
portal builders and tunnelers.
anywhere in the Underdark.
Svirfneblin. The deep gnomes live in hidden
caves and secretive strongholds throughout all Surviving In the Middledark
three layers of the Underdark, but most of them The Middledark is, at its best, worse than the
dwell in the Upperdark and Middledark. Deep harshest surface deserts. The DC for any Wisdom
gnomes avoid trouble by simply staying well clear (Survival) check made in the Middledark automati-
of it, and few strangers ever blunder across svirf- cally increases by 5, even for natives. Wild resourc-
neblin towns. The svirfneblin city of Blingdenstone es are hard to find, and most of those that do exist
fell recently to a demon-spawned udadrow assault. have already been placed under guard by someone
Stone Giants. Powerful and ponderous in
Glowing fungi and lichens are less common at
action and thought, stone giants are strong enough
this depth than they are in the Upperdark. They
to keep all but the most magically powerful of foes
can be easily cultivated, but most concentrations
at bay. These creatures delve enormous quarries


of them appear in cities, not in the wild. Air tends of Dunspeirrin and Gracklstugh are good examples
to be stale, but breathable, though poisonous of duergar realms.
fumes choke out normal air in a few areas. In many Fomorians. The most hideous and wicked of
places, water is scarce, and any large supply is well giantkind, the terrible fomorians dwell throughout
guarded. Creatures living at this depth get most or the Underdark, but mostly in the middle section.
all of their water from the fluids in other creatures They are thankfully scarce, and no one knows of
they eat. Food is the most plentiful of the necessi- any true fomorian cities of holdings in the Realms
ties at this depth, but even that becomes an issue Below. However, a few dozen fomorians gathered
at the lower end of the depth range. in a keep or clanhold represent a formidable threat
to their neighbors.
Denizens of the Middledark Grells. Monstrous and alien, grells are usu-
No alliance is permanent in the Middledark. Some ally thought of as solitary predators, but in the
communities maintain wary trading partnerships Underdark they have been known to gather in
with others, but it is understood that if one party nests or hives numbering dozens of individuals. In
ever grows stronger than the other, the terms of settlements of this size, grells divide themselves
the partnership will change—perhaps drastically. into distinct castes, including a philosopher caste
Even in the most open of Middledark cities, new- whose members boast potent abilities as psions or
comers can expect to be challenged (physically or sorcerers. Grells make poor neighbors, since they
otherwise) unless they make a pointed display of regard all other creatures only as potential prey.
power upon entry. Grimlocks. Well suited for a life in the lightless
Udadrow. Most udadrow cities occupy large depths, grimlocks gather in large, savage tribes
vaults or caverns in the Middledark. At these that are fully capable of overwhelming the cities
depths, faerzress is common and powerful, and the and strongholds of more sophisticated races.
dark elves have developed many potent spells and Grimlocks are tireless hunters and raiders, and
defenses that harness the Underdark’s magical they often range dozens of miles from their lairs in
radiation for their own purposes. The Middledark search of food and plunder. Like the goblins and
also offers the defense of distance—a udadrow out- orcs of the higher levels, grimlocks are frequently
post near the surface is vulnerable to the attacks of enslaved by other races (particularly mind flayers)
adventurers and surface elves, but moving a large and can be found almost anywhere. The grimlocks
army into the Middledark can’t be done with ease. long ago laid claim to the cavern complex called
Taken as a whole, udadrow probably have the Fingerhome. Within it, the village of Reeshov is a
most significant presence in the Middledark. Their good example of a community of free grimlocks, as
cities and strongholds are numerous, wealthy, and is the Cavern of Cloven Heads, which is home to
well situated for defense, and the udadrow them- the twisted descendants of the Golden Eagle and
selves are cruel and strong. Only the endless feud- Red Pony Uthgardt tribes.
ing of the great Houses constrains udadrow power. Hook Horrors. These vile abominations
Menzoberranzan is the most famous of udadrow plague many of the Middledark’s lonely and desert-
cities. ed passages, waylaying any travelers who come
Duergar. The Middledark is also home to the along. Hook horrors seem barely sentient, but they
largest and most powerful gray dwarf realms. The have been known to gather in large and dangerous
duergar have no particular use for faerzress and bands to stake out a good source of water or a
do not worry about ages-old vendettas against the cavern of edible fungus as their own.
surface world; they came down to the Middledark Kuo-Toas. Kuo-toas are found throughout the
because the lower one descends into the earth, seas of the Middledark. This once great race has
the more rare and wondrous the minerals that one dwindled over time, and many of kuo-toan cities lie
can find. If the Lowerdark were not so completely in ruins. The worship of the Sea Mother is all-im-
inhospitable, the gray dwarves would pursue their portant in kuo-toan society, and kuo-toa clerics and
veins of ore and gemstones all the way to the roots monks wield virtually unchallenged power over the
of the world, but lower reaches of the Middledark rest of the race. Kuo-toas get along reasonably well
represent the deepest depth at which large cities with most other Underdark races (except abo-
can be easily sustained. Duergar cities are less leths), and they travel widely as traders, pilgrims,
numerous than those of the udadrow, but any given and guides.
gray dwarf city is likely to be a strong, wealthy, and The strongest kuo-toan city remaining in Faerûn’s
martially inclined realm quite powerful enough to Underdark is Sloopdilmonpolop, which lies in Old
deter the attacks of its hostile neighbors. The cities Shanatar. Kuo-toas generally keep to the saltwater


seas of the Underdark, leaving the freshwater lakes
to the aboleths.
The Lowerdark
Maurs. Like the stone giants or fomorians, No place on Toril is as strange and dangerous as
maurs are not common, but where they walk, less- the Lowerdark. This level of the Underdark ex-
er folk get out of the way. Descendants of storm tends from 10 miles below the surface to unfath-
giants that were imprisoned deep in the earth long omable depths and features a degree of strange-
ago for some forgotten crime, maurs are unusual ness that would drive some surface dwellers
among Middledark races in that they are not mali- insane. Few upper-worlders ever descend to the
cious, predatory slaveholders. Some maurs are as Lowerdark, and few of the Lowerdark’s denizens
wicked as any fomorian, of course, but for the most want anything to do with the surface world. Some
part, these ruined giants want nothing more than of the creatures in the Lowerdark—intelligent or
to be left alone by their neighbors. otherwise—aren’t even aware of a surface world;
Mind Flayers. After the udadrow, the mind others have heard of it but consider it a mythical
flayers are probably the most powerful, notorious, place.
and sinister of the Underdark’s peoples. Illithid cit- Interspecies and intraspecies strife is the rule
ies tend to be quite small by the standards of other in the Underdark. Resources are minimal, and
races—few of them number more than 500 mind weakness invites extermination. Most of the Low-
flayers. However, since illithids are uniquely well erdark’s denizens are chaotic, evil, or both. Even
suited to hold great numbers of slaves and thralls, the vermin and animals encountered in this area
mind flayer cities may have ten times as many are rarely ordinary—many have been transfigured
slaves as illithids. Unlike the slaves of the udadrow by crossbreeding or magical interference. Nothing
or duergar, illithid thralls are compelled to abso- here is normal or simple.
lute loyalty and zeal in the service of their horrid Travel in the Lowerdark is arduous at best. The
masters. The mind flayers can field entire armies term Lower Underdark actually refers to many
of thralls whenever they wish and hurl them into places, since the great domains of Faerûn’s Un-
battle without concern for their loyalty or fighting derdark possess fewer and fewer interconnections
spirit. The mind flayers prefer the lower reaches the deeper one delves. Only about a third of the
of the Middledark, but they also have numerous lowest sections of the Underdark actually connect
communities in the Lowerdark. The mighty city of to each other. The rest of the Lowerdark consists
Oryndoll is the most famous of their realms. of isolated pockets of space reachable only from
the Middledark, by water, or by transportation mag-
Orogs. Stronger, smarter, and more advanced
than their surface kin, the deep orcs are well
Typically only one route exists to any given point,
suited for the fierce competition of the Underdark.
and that is what must be used unless the traveler
Orog cities are not numerous, but they can be
plans to dig one. Though time consuming and
found throughout the northerly reaches of the
cumbersome, many adventurers find it expedient
Underdark, from the Spine of the World all the
to do just that, so they keep the necessary magic
way to the Icerim Mountains. Orogs favor volcanic
items and spells handy to make their own tunnels
regions, so they tend to found their cities in torrid
as needed. Fortunately, faerzress is rare at this
caverns too hostile for creatures without fire resis-
depth, so teleportation can be used to travel the
tance to endure.
Lowerdark with a reasonable hope of success,
Umber Hulks. Although umber hulks are sen-
assuming that the traveler has a good sense of the
tient, they are nomadic hunters that build no cities
and manufacture no tools. Their claws and man-
dibles are more than sufficient for their purposes.
Among the most common of the Underdark’s Surviving In the Lowerdark
monsters, umber hulks fearlessly attack almost The Lowerdark is a strange realm warped by
anything they meet, relying on their confusing gaze severe environmental and magical forces. The
to scatter or paralyze most of their foes. problems that pervade the rest of the Underdark
intensify here. Resources are scarce, and control of
them is continually contested. Air does filter down
this far, but it is frequently stale and occasionally
toxic because of geothermal fumes. Water is virtu-
ally nonexistent, and the little that is present is well
guarded. Food cannot be found in the wild, unless
the hunter has no aversion to cannibalism. (Many


creatures at this depth survive by this means.) trophy demonstrating his competence and ability
The Wisdom (Survival) check DCs for most tasks to contribute to the community.
increase by 10. Aboleths. These horrible aberrations lurk in
Exacerbating these problems still further are the deepest, blackest waters of the Underdark, sur-
numerous areas of wild magic and dead magic. rounded by legions of thralls. Gifted with extraor-
Though faerzress is rare here, the Weave in the dinary intelligence and powerful magical abilities,
Lowerdark is a snarled, tangled mess. Yet another the aboleths are the unquestioned masters of most
magic-complicating feature is a high degree of Lowerdark lakes and seas. While some aboleth
portal seepage (see Magical Phenomena). cities are quite large, small outposts (or “brood-
The darkness at this depth is so deep that it holds”) of a dozen or so outposts are much more
seems to actively dislike light. Natural light sources common.
fail with unnerving frequency, and magical light Avolakias. Thankfully few in number,
sources draw attackers like flies to rotten fruit. In the avolokias are master necromancers and
some places, the shadows cast in areas of light shapechangers. In its true form, an avolakia is a
are unnatural— too large or too small for the light 10-foot monstrosity combining insectile, octopoid,
source, or cast in contradictory angles. Even be- and wormlike features. Devoted to the elevation
ings with darkvision see a flickering of dark around of deities of decay and undeath (including Ghaun-
the edges of their vision, as if the darkness were adaur and Velsharoon, among others), an avolokia
trying to smother out any sight at all. nest is surrounded by a shambling army of undead
under the monsters’ control. Avolakias occasionally
Denizens of the Lowerdark ally with aboleths or mind flayers, but they regard
Why would any creature with intelligence or humanoids of any sort as nothing more than fodder
common sense live in such a terrible environment? for creating more undead.
Some races have lived here for generation upon Beholders. The Lowerdark is home to numer-
generation, and the Lowerdark is simply their ous beholder hives. Each of these bizarre cities can
home. Other creatures settle here to take advan- house hundreds of eye tyrants and thousands of
tage of the Lowerdark’s unique magical proper- slaves. Like mind flayers, beholders can magically
ties, rare ores, or shelter from the hated sun. Still compel loyalty from their thralls, and they believe
others view a sojourn in the Lowerdark as a tempo- that their natural role in the scheme of things is
rary solution, since the dead magic areas and tyranny over lesser beings. Some beholder hives
hostile territory may be a wanted criminal’s most experiment with breeding strange servitor behold-
expedient means of avoiding capture. ers to fill specific roles, but all eye tyrants believe
Of course, not everyone is in the Lowerdark that the beholder form is perfect, and that any
by choice. Some unfortunates are here because deviation from it is monstrous. This attitude means
they neglected to research the destinations of the that beholder hives make implacable enemies
portals through which they ventured. Others have when they decide to go to war.
been exiled here from communities in the Middle- The city of Xonox, beneath the Lake of Steam, is
dark, the Upperdark, or even the surface world. an excellent example of a beholder realm.
Some udadrow matrons get rid of potentially Cloakers. Often encountered as small bands in
problematic subordinates by sending them on ex- higher portions of the Underdark, cloakers gath-
ploratory or expansionistic raiding parties into the er into great convocations in a few places in the
Lowerdark. A triumphant scout returning from the Middle and Lower Underdark. These strange and
mission into the depths might find her unexpected sinister creatures seem universally hostile to all
survival fatally inconvenient to the matron who other beings, and their teeming cities are no place
dispatched her. for travelers to visit.
Several Middledark races make frequent for- Deepspawn. These horrible creatures give
ays into the Lowerdark. Some do so because of birth to monstrosities of all sorts, surrounding
expansionistic desires, others because they need themselves with armies of their spawned minions.
the resources, and a scant few because they have Deepspawn are found in all portions of the Un-
something to prove. Grimlocks and orogs often derdark, but the largest, most wicked, and most
set a coming-of-age trial for their young warriors fecund of the species seem to hail from the Low-
to mark the passage between adolescence and erdark.
adulthood. In a typical version of such a trial,
the youth is sent into the Lowerdark, sometimes
armed only with a dagger, and told to return with a


Derro. Murderous and cruel, the derro are gather into communities known as clusters. Like
found at all depths of the Underdark. At the upper beholders and mind flayers, they often dominate
levels, they tend to live in small bands within the hundreds of useful thralls and set these unfortu-
cities of other races, such as the duergar, fomori- nate slaves to whatever tasks the psurlons deem
ans, or kuo-toas. The true cities and strongholds of needful at the time.
the derro are buried deep in the Lowerdark. From Tomb Tappers. Also known as thaalud, tomb
time to time, the derro muster their strength to tappers are huge constructs forged as weapons
fight great wars against all other creatures in the of war long ago. Intelligent and free-willed, these
Underdark, swarming up from their hidden realms creatures hunger for magic and pursue magic
to plunder any realm unfortunate enough to lie in items (and those who carry them) tirelessly.
their path. Undead. Because undead creatures need no
Desmodus. The desmodus are perhaps the water, food, or air to survive, many of them find the
only denizens of the Lowerdark that are actually Lowerdark almost hospitable. Liches are particu-
good in alignment. The desmodus do not gather larly common here, since they have no need to prey
in great cities or strongholds; instead they live in on the living and find that the Underdark offers
small families and clans scattered throughout the blessed solitude for their sinister studies. Some of
Lowerdark. Even with their generally benevolent the mightiest liches eventually found small realms
outlook, however, the desmodus do not take kindly or kingdoms here. Such a kingdom could consist
to strangers raiding their food stores or water sup- of hundreds or even thousands of mindless undead
plies. laborers and soldiers, led by creatures such as
Destrachans. These eyeless terrors roam the mummies, vampires, and wraiths.
Lowerdark in hungry packs. Destrachans are the
perfect Underdark predators. With their phenom-
enal sense of hearing and their sonic attacks, they
are more than capable of stalking and slaying even
well-armed parties of udadrow or surface adventur-
Elementals. Elemental creatures and crea-
tures with elemental heritage (such as genasi) gen-
erally do well in the Lowerdark. In particular, earth
elementals and dust, earth, and salt mephitis find
the deep underground to be an ideal environment.
Fire elementals, thoqqua, azer, salamanders and
fire, magma, and steam mephitis love Lowerdark
regions with active volcanoes. Water elementals
and water mephitis occupy some of the sunless
lakes and seas, while ooze mephits lurk at their
fringes. Air elementals and air mephits are scarcer
than the other varieties, but some can be found
near portals to the Elemental Plane of Air.
Extraplanar Creatures. Portals in the Low-
erdark open into almost every plane of existence.
Often these portals are not marked or maintained,
but just because the Faerûn side of the portal has
fallen out of use does not mean that these door-
ways go unremarked at their destinations. Lone
fiends such as bebiliths or hellcats often find the
hunting better on the Material Plane than in their
home realms, and some wind up staying.
Others outsiders sometimes use these portals
to raid Toril. Demons, devils, and other types of
outsiders use Lowerdark portals of varying ages to
facilitate their travels.
Psurlons. Wormlike monsters with powerful
psionic abilities, psurlons in the deep Underdark


Underdark Encounters Belgos's Cabin
Thirty Underdark encounters are presented here Embedded in the wall of the cavern to the right
for groups that use them and are suggested for is a wooden door engraved with a large, green
parties of characters level 1-5.
rune. There doesn’t appear to be any sort of
A Friend in Need knob or handle on the door, but there is a clear
set of footprints leading up to it.
A soft, blue glow emanates from the clearing
ahead. It appears to be coming from the tenta- The rune on the door can be identified as the
cles of several small, stalk-eyed saucers floating symbol of abjuration magic with a successful DC
above an injured friend. One of these creatures 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check and opens the door
when touched. An enterprising drow mage named
notices you and glides over curiously while its Belgos makes his home in this magical private
tentacles turn from blue to green. sanctum, styled like a log cabin on the inside. He’s
smoking a pipe by the fireplace when the players
This cloister of 2d6 flumphs grieves over their enter.
friend who was gored by a minotaur. They are not Belgos considers the pursuit of knowledge to be
aggressive but defend themselves if necessary. The paramount, preferring to not waste time fighting
curious flumph telepathically asks the party for everything and everyone that stumbles upon his
help. cabin, but does so if significantly disrespected.
The injured flumph dies in 10 minutes unless Currently, he is studying aberrations, monstrosities
saved with a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check or and the undead, and rewards the party for mon-
5 points of healing. If saved, it recovers and rises strous remains or where to find them. The reward
off the ground. The grateful flumph undulates a is a choice of a ring of evasion or a ring of feather
spectrum of color and accompanies the party on falling. A player can relay directions to where they
their travels. Flumphs are susceptible to the evil last encountered such creatures with a successful
thoughts of others, turning red when such thoughts DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) check.
are detected within 60 feet.
Chattering Nook
Back from the Hunt
You stumble upon a freshly deserted campfire
You hear deep voices arguing in Giant under a in an alcove off the path. It looks like whoever it
rocky ledge ahead. was left in a hurry, as there are still embers in the
fire and several barrels of supplies. You can hear
1d2 + 1 ogres stand around the corpse of a giant strange pattering sounds in the area, as if there’s
lizard. They took the wrong way home and are now a downpour of rain.
faced with the task of getting themselves and their
feast over the ledge.
The ogres fight to the death if approached unless 2d4+2 giant centipedes make their home in the
the party offers to help them, in which case the nook are what made the previous inhabitants of
ogres cautiously comply. If helped, the ogres offer the camp flee in horror without any of their sup-
some words of “wisdom” before going on their way plies.
– a gift of food is the surest way to an ogre’s heart. There are three barrels in the camp: one with
half-eaten rations, one with clean water, and one
with a small amount of grease. The barrel with
rations contains two of the giant centipedes who
get the attention of their allies above if disturbed.


Corrupted Ancestry Exhausted Mine
A tall limestone monolith with a carved female The sides of this cavern are dotted with entranc-
face rises all the way to the ceiling of the cave. es to old mineshafts, the largest of which stands
At its base, deformed, eye-less humanoids dance before you. Floating over piles of corpses inside
while swinging around spiked clubs made of the heavily mined shaft is what looks like several
bone. huge eyeballs with stalks branching out from
them in every direction. They all stare blankly at
2d6 grimlocks worship this monolith devoted to you standing at the mine’s entrance.
Shar, the Dark Lady. Grimlocks are believed to be
the descendants of the first surface-dwellers to live
The eyes that look like beholders are actually 2d6
in the Underdark, and as such bear a resemblance
gas spores. The mine has been tapped and aban-
to various surface races. They’re in a good mood,
doned; the only signs of previous civilized use are
reluctant to attack unless provoked.
rusted rail tracks and scattered pickaxes.
Players choosing to pray at the monolith can
Players wishing to pass through the gas spores
make a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check and on
crowding the narrow mineshaft must succeed on
a pass, gain advantage on saves against enchant-
a DC 11 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or bump into
ment, illusion and necromancy spells for 3 days.
one and be hit by its Touch action.

Deification Eyes in the Dark

A group of fish-men stand chanting in a circle
A patchy cloud of black smoke fills the grotto
around a bound drow prisoner atop a large, flat
ahead. From the smoke, you can make out a large
boulder. The one leading the chant wears a black
green eye casting its gaze upon you. The longer
silk robe and holds a two-pronged staff.
you look into it, the brighter it appears.

2d6 kuo-toa led by a kuo-toa whip are performing

This grotto is lightly obscured as a result of the
a ritual sacrifice to their goddess, Blibdoolpoolp,
patchy smoke cloud, imposing disadvantage on
represented by a black pearl worth 500gp hanging
Perception (Wisdom) Checks that rely on sight.
around the whip’s neck.
1d2 nothics stalk the party from the darkness,
The black pearl has become sentient as a result
using their weird insight to discover the party’s
of the kuo-toas’ worship and has Wisdom, Intelli-
weaknesses before attacking.
gence and Charisma scores of 7 along with tele-
pathic ability. It has a particular disdain for illithids
and udadrow for their aggressions against kuo-toa.


Face-Huggers Guano-Filled Cave
You carefully follow a winding path down the side The ground of the cavern ahead is covered in a
of a cavern. A sea of stalactites loom overhead layer of guano several inches thick. Several giant
and headless bodies lie under feet, but nothing bats hang sleeping from the high ceilings.
can be seen over the ledge but darkness.
The guano blankets scraps from fallen adventurers
1d6+1 darkmantles are camouflaged as stalac- on the floor, making it difficult terrain. Characters
tites, waiting for prey to wander into the range of can sneak through undetected with a successful
their blindsight. If a darkmantle fails its pounce on DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check. On a fail, glass
a target, it flies back up for another try. breaks underfoot through the guano, waking 2d4
giant bats.
Fungal Forest
Hunting Party
A humid smell – both sweet and rotten - fills
You climb over a rock-fall on the path when you
your lungs as you approach the cave. Dozens of
spot a group of udadrow camped around a fire
species of fungi, some several stories tall, have
nearby. One of them pulls giant bats and beetles
overgrown in this cavern and turned it into a
out of a linen sack and skewers them with a spit
thick forest.While the cavern is mostly grey, some
to be roasted over the fire.
brightly colored fungi can be found along the
This camp of 2d4 udadrow – who are resting after
a successful hunting trip - blocks the path ahead.
2d6 violet fungi are mixed in with 1d4 bright red They’ve grown tired of hunting the same dumb
mushrooms along the walls. The red mushrooms creatures and long for some more interesting
can be made into potions of healing using an herb- game.
alism kit. A DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check can The sacks around the camp are packed with
be made to identify either of the species of fungi. 50 feet of hempen rope, 15 feet of iron chains, 2
scrolls of lesser restoration.


Lights in the Tunnel Lizard Den
The cavern narrows into a long, straight tunnel. The surrounding area is alive with colorful fungi
At the end, bright orange lights dance back and and the sounds of buzzing insects. Standing
forth as if a torch-bearing mob is approaching. under the cap of a giant 12-foot-tall mushroom,
you can hear slurping and hissing sounds coming
The lights are from the glands of 2d6 giant fire from above.
beetles who are seeking new shelter in the party’s
direction. These glands continue to shed light for
2d4 giant lizards lounge atop the giant mushroom,
1d6 days after a beetle’s death.
feasting on the multitude of insects here.

Little Escapees Minotaur Bridge Sentry

You walk across a wide, polished, stone bridge
You hear deep, strained breathing from up
leading to a gatehouse guarded by drow. Be-
ahead. A hulking, black-furred minotaur is tight-
yond the gate you see glimpses of a city in this
ening the rope supports of a rickety wooden
enormous cavern. As you draw near, the gate-
bridge spanning the 15-foot-wide chasm behind
house shakes from an explosive blast in the walls
it. Three gold rings rise-up two sharp, curved
extending from it. Several grey-skinned gnomes
horns on its bull head, on its back, a tarnished
in tattered rags stumble out from the hole and
sprint past. A hail of arrows falls all around you
as the drow guardsmen attempt to stop the deep
Upon discovering the party, the minotaur runs to
gnome slaves’ escape. the other side of the bridge, cuts the supporting
ropes (two ropes; AC 11, HP 5), and then runs
Have the gnomes and players make a DC 12 to alert his fellow raiders. The splintered boards
Dexterity saving throw and take 1d10 piercing of the bridge break if more than one Medium or
damage from the hail of arrows, or half as much on larger creature attempts to cross at once. If anyone
a success. crosses to the other side before the minotaur es-
2d4 deep gnomes attempt to escape from their capes, it fights to the death.
servitude in the drow city beyond the wall. The 2d4 Anyone on the bridge when the ropes are cut or
udadrow guards turn the players away unless they the bridge breaks must make a DC 13 Dexterity
bring at least one slave back alive. If chased down, saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage
the gnomes fight to the death. from the 20 foot fall, half as much on a pass. A
creature can attempt a long jump to cross the


Oily Platform Rotting River
The path you’ve been travelling cuts short at a A wide, murky river cuts through the path ahead.
cliff overlooking a lava lake. A stone platform Dead fish line the edge of the water and fill the
engraved with glowing runes floats slowly and cavern with their rotting smell. A long tongue
aimlessly over the lake. You can just make out a pierces through the surface of the water and
continuation of the path through the heat haze wraps around one of the dead fish. Then, a pale
on a ledge nearly 100ft across the 40ft wide figure with decaying skin tight against its face
divide. Shallow pools of oil slosh on the surface emerges, devouring the fish and smiling at you
of the platform as it comes to a brief halt before with sharp teeth.
1d2 ghasts hunt for scraps of food along this 10ft
This 20-foot square platform was created by a deep and 20-foot wide river. Players entering the
powerful wizard whose magic has remained in the river must make a DC 10 Constitution saving
runic etchings. Characters can step onto the plat- throw as if affected by a ghast’s Stench feature.
form without a check if they don’t hesitate.
The oily pools on the platform are 1d3 gray Screeching Shaft
oozes, whose weight distribution on the platform
allows them to move. The platform moves up to 20 The cave ends abruptly in an alcove ahead. You
feet in the direction that most of its load is on. If spot a wooden ladder extending up into a tall,
the platform hits the side of the cavern, anyone on
vertical shaft. The ground and ladder are covered
it must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or
be knocked prone. in dubious droppings.

Putrid Mineshaft 1d2 swarms of bats rest at the top of the shaft.
Players climbing the ladder must succeed on a
A rusted mine cart sits idly on a track outside of a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or slip on the gua-
narrow tunnel that slopes deeper down under- no-slicked ladder, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage
from the fall, and alerting the bats.
ground. A foul stench wafts up from down the
dark, dusty mineshaft.

This 10-foot wide abandoned silver mineshaft is

the new home of 2d6 troglodytes, who wait just
around the bend at the bottom of the slope.
The mine cart can be pushed on the warped
tracks with a DC 13 Strength check and can hold
3 small, or 2 medium, or 1 large creature(s). When
pushed, the cart crashes through up to two crea-
tures on the tracks, knocking them prone, before
coming to a halt 10 feet behind the rest of the pack.


Skittering Shadows Stalactite Cavern
You stumble upon the ruins of a two-story watch- The ceiling of this silent cavernous passage is cov-
tower blocking your path. The spectral form of ered in hundreds of cracked stalactites. As you
a spider blinks in and out of sight as it crawls pass through, one of them falls at your feet with
around the collapsing, web-wrapped tower. an unusually wet sound. You look down at the
rocky spike, and to your dismay, find it looking
The tower and its surrounding area is covered in right back with a large red eye set above three
thick webs, making it difficult terrain. 1d2 phase sharp pincers.
spiders lurk through the ruins in search of prey. A
+1 steel buckler can be found under the rubble of
the tower with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Per- The stalactite creature is a piercer, with1d6 more
ception) check. piercers wait on the ceiling in a 20-foot radius for
unsuspecting prey to pass beneath them. Each
piercer targets a different character, ending its turn
Slave Shipment within the radius. More than one piercer cannot
fall in the same space, so characters’ remaining
A wagon full of duergar travels by the side of a
stationary prevents more from dropping directly
lava stream at the bottom of the slope ahead. onto the party
A heavy wrought-iron cage on the back of the
wagon holds human slaves. The captives groan in Stirge Feeding-Ground
agony from the heat of the nearby lava.
Pale, drained bodies of various underground
creatures are scattered across the rocky floor of
1d4+1 duergar slavers transport 1d4 human com-
moners to an auction in Gracklstugh. The slavers the cavern before you. Deformed, bat-like crea-
are extremely cruel and would rather see their tures extend long proboscises into the flesh of
merchandise burn in a lava pool than be freed. the corpses, siphoning any remaining blood. They
Each duergar holds a key for the cage. A spare
turn their narrow heads and beady eyes to you
set of mithral chainmail lies in the bed of the wag-
on. Anyone touching the lava stream takes 6d10 before letting out deafening screeches.
fire damage. Also, any non-magical items or gear
that touches the lava is destroyed. The party is attacked by 2d4 + 2 stirges. One of
the scattered bodies wears a full explorer’s pack. A
DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a
potion of healing in a hidden pouch of the pack.


The Eternal Battlefield Toadpool
The floor of this cavern is littered with hundreds A large, glowing pond illuminates the cavern
of skeletons of drow, duergar, deep gnomes and ahead with a neon yellow tinge. Small bubbles
quaggoths. Rusted weapons protrude from the occasionally rise to the surface and make a pop-
ground like a field of tall grass. The eerie silence ping sound that echoes through the silent cavern.
is periodically broken by the faint sound of It seems the only way forward is to swim over
swords clashing around you, but it must just be 100 feet to the other side of the pond.
your imagination.
1d4 giant toads swim under the surface of the
This is the site of an ancient battleground, still pond. The bioluminescent water can be bottled
haunted by these warriors of old. The cavern is and used as a light source with twice the range of
difficult terrain as a result of the piles of bones and a torch.
old weaponry. 1d2 ghosts feverishly search for a
living body to possess since they’ve been denied a Underbears
proper afterlife.
Up ahead under a high cliff you see what looks
The Restless like hunch-backed humanoid bears with white fur
in a scuffle. One of them, wearing leather straps
You’re awoken from your slumber by the nearby
around its limbs, picks up another and slams it
sounds of airy groans. Dark elves with torn skin
against the cliff-side until it stops moving.
and protruding ribs hobble up the path towards
your camp.
1d3 quaggoths are resolving a quarrel within
their tribe, the leader being the leather-strapped
2d4 udadrow zombies attack the party during a quaggoth. They are completely fearless, charging
rest. In total, they carry 45gp worth of coins minted without hesitation if they encounter adventurers.
with the symbol of House Baenre, the first house of The cliff-side houses a vein of pure silver, some
Menzoberranzan. of which was chipped from the relentless smashing
One of the zombies also carries two vials of acid. earlier. Players with sufficient tools can mine out
As an action, one can splash the contents of this one pound of silver ore worth 5gp every half hour.
vial onto a creature within 5 feet or throw the vial
up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either
case, one must make a ranged attack against a
creature or object, treating the acid as an impro-
vised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid


Walking on Eggshells Writhing Pit
The cavern floor is covered in nearly a foot of
A 15-foot-wide chasm spanning a dark, rocky
rocky rubble. After traversing this terrain for a
pit lies ahead. The end of a long wooden plank
few minutes, you step on a rock that makes a
protrudes from the pit.
distinct cracking and squishing sound.You look
down in horror at the crushed, stone-like eggs at
1d3 gricks are coiled up together and camouflaged
your feet as guttural roars reverberate through at the bottom of the hole, waiting for unsuspecting
the cavern. prey. If the plank is touched or if a player falls in,
the gricks float up and attack.
Players walking the plank, using rope, or those
1d4 hook horrors make their lair here and spring
with at least 15 Strength can clear the gap without
to the defense of their egg clutches. The rubble and
trouble. Otherwise, players wishing to jump across
eggs make this area difficult terrain.
must make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check or
fall into the pit, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage.


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