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Understanding Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship 11

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Understanding Entrepreneurship

Department of Education│R4A│Division of Calamba City

Office Address: DepEd Bldg., City Hall Compound, Brgy. Real, Calamba City

Landline: 049–554 9830 loc. 14

Email Address:

Dear Parents,

The Schools Division of Calamba City is one with every Filipino family in coping with the demands of
our modern times.
The current situation we are experiencing right now has caused immediate changes in our lives. Above
anything else, our priority is your child’s health and safety, but this does not prevent us from making education
happen. Even if your child will miss regular schooling this year, we want to assure you that no student will be
left behind, because learning is possible anytime, anywhere.
Thus, we present to you this Self Learning Module (SLM) to help your child meet the most essential
learning competencies in every subject and grade level, and will serve as your child’s major learning tool,
whether your child opts for online, modular or blended learning modality. The learning activities in this SLM are
arranged to lead your child to think critically, act skillfully, and reflect deeply on each lesson and practice into
real life skills. Most importantly, this SLM promotes self-paced learning as your child can always review the
least understood lessons as often as he/she pleases.
Since the students will be seeing their teachers less than before and will be staying with you at home
more often, then we wish to request one thing from you: please encourage your child not to stop learning.
Consider your child like our hero and fellow Calambeño Jose Rizal who, despite his studies overseas, would
always recall the most significant learning experience he had – his lessons with his parents.
Thank you very much in being one with us! Together, let us envision that, by the end of this school year,
we will see your child as one responsible young person with a heart and mind for humanity, for nature, for the
country, and for God.

Dear Learner,
Welcome to a brand-new year of learning! We hope you are doing fine, although we understand that
you already miss going to school and spending fun, learning moments with your teacher in front and your
classmates just right beside you. Unfortunately, we have to wait a bit further for the situation to go back to
normal mode. But one thing is for sure—the opportunity for your learning cannot wait any longer.
By this time, you have already chosen your learning modality. Is your access to internet strong enough
for online learning mode, or does your lack of resources make you prefer modular learning? Well, you do not
have to worry as to what your case may be, because even if you cannot come to school, SDO Calamba City is
bringing the school right in your homes.
This is our gift to you: The Learning Packets that will help you meet the knowledge and skills necessary
for every subject in your grade level. Your teachers have worked hard in designing these Learning Packets,
and we guarantee that through this, everyday will be a wonderful learning experience for you.
Please take time to read and do the activities in these Self Learning Module (SLM) as if you are
reporting in school. Set a regular study schedule for you as much as possible, but keep in mind that these SLM
will enable you to learn at your own pace. If you don’t understand a particular lesson, the SLM would not mind
you flipping back the pages over and over again for review. Also, remember to keep in touch with your
teachers. Send them a message through your online sessions or write them a note as you do your modular
With this, we wish you good luck in your studies, and we hope that you will remain happy and
enthusiastic in learning!

This module will provides you with an overview of entrepreneurship and of the language of
entrepreneurship. The challenges associated with defining entrepreneur and entrepreneurship are
explored, as is an overview of how entrepreneurship can be studied. This module, will enable
learners to understand the relevance of entrepreneurship in general, including the role and
contributions of entrepreneurship to the life of many people and how entrepreneurship change their
lives. Furthermore, this module will help you thorough understanding about the required skills to
become a successful entrepreneur.
The module focuses on:

● Discuss the relevance of the course

You are expected to:
1. define entrepreneur and entrepreneurship
2. describe the salient features of entrepreneurship
3. compare entrepreneurial venture from ordinary small business activity
4. appreciate the importance of entrepreneurship to different factors

Activity 1: Choose Me!

Guided Questions:
1. What can you say about the picture?
2. Between the two, who will you choose? Why?
3. Do you imagine yourself becoming an entrepreneur and managing your own business in the
future? If not, why?


What comes in your mind when you hear the words entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?
Pretest: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise write FALSE.
_______1. An entrepreneur perceives entrepreneurship as the mere opening and managing of a
small business
_______ 2. Knowing all the entrepreneurial concepts will assure a person of becoming a successful
_______ 3. Having a degree in entrepreneurship will assure a person that his/her business endeavor
will succeed.
_______ 4. Since there is now a degree program in higher education leading toward
entrepreneurship, the academe has already adopted a universal definition of the term
_______ 5. Entrepreneurship originates from the Greek word entreprendre which means to undertake
a business.
_______ 6. An entrepreneur can be a juridical person or those entities that have been created by the
operation of law.
_______ 7. The distinguishing mark that differentiates an entrepreneur from an owner of an ordinary
small business is the commitment of the entrepreneur to entrepreneurial concepts and principles.
_______ 8. In layman`s term an entrepreneur is a person who opens his/her own business, assumes
responsibility over its operation and management and assumes the risks of the business.
_______ 9. Most owners of ordinary small businesses open their businesses because of the
profitability aspect of the operations.
_______ 10. All businesspeople are entrepreneurs.
_______ 11. Entrepreneurial principles are fixed in a person`s character.
_______ 12. Creativity and innovation denote a status quo in appearance, procedure or practice.
_______ 13. The primary objective of any business endeavor is profit.
_______ 14. Increase in the level of wealth of the entrepreneur means improvement in his/her
economic status.
_______ 15. Values or additional features added to products or services are also valuable to the

Activity 2: Let`s think about Entrepreneurship

From the word search below, find the 10 magic words that is related to entrepreneurship.

1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________
6. __________________
7. __________________
8. __________________
9. __________________
10. _________________

Understanding the correct meaning of the term dispels the doubts and misconceptions with the
definition; promotes and enhances better comprehension of the entrepreneurial field; and helps build
a strong foundation about entrepreneurship.
(1) Entrepreneur refers to a person who strongly advocates and correctly practices the concepts and
principles of entrepreneurship in operating and managing the self-owned entrepreneurial venture.
The word “entrepreneur” has a French origin and was coined from the words entre which means
“between” and prendre which mean “to take”.
(2) Entrepreneurship is the art of observing correct practices in managing and operating a
self-owned, wealth-creating business enterprise by providing good and services that are valuable to
the customers.
(3) Small business refers to a business or enterprise that correctly adopts and practices the
principles of entrepreneurship. It is owned by one person with a limited work force of not more than
20 persons. The term also includes the small and medium enterprises (SME) that have been strongly
promoted by both government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in their desire to improve
the lives of the Filipino people through entrepreneurship.
(4) Ordinary small business pertains to a business enterprise managed and operated by an owner
who is not an advocate of and does not practice the concepts and principles of entrepreneurship.
(5) The mere opening of a business enterprise is not entrepreneurship and the person owning and
running its day-to-day operations is not an entrepreneur but rather a businessperson.
(6) From its operational definition, entrepreneurship consists of five salient features which provide
better understanding of the whole concept. They also act as the point of reference in determining
whether a business endeavor is operating within the realm of entrepreneurship.
(1) Entrepreneurship is an art Transforms feasible new ideas Only builds upon existing ideas
of correct practices into an entrepreneurial venture. to gain immediate earning from
his/her business.
Correct practices or ways of
carrying out entrepreneurial Has the freedom to manage
activities regardless of whether and operate his/her business
they are undertaken easily or according to what pleases
not. him/her or prefers business
activities which are done easily.
(2) Entrepreneurship is a Operating within the concept of Equate wealth with the term
wealth-creating venture wealth creation rather than profit.
profit generation.
(3) Entrepreneurship provides Defines value from the Sell goods or services for a
valuable goods and services perspective of the buyers and price.
not only from his/her own.
Must to ascertain first whether
the additional value that will be
placed on your product is
valuable to the target
(4) Entrepreneurship entails Being an owner and manager, Opens the doors of his/her
opening and managing the must clearly set the goals of business early in the morning,
self-owned enterprise his/her business and establish sits and waits for the business
a clear direction of his/her

entrepreneurial venture five or to move during the day and

ten years after. closes it at night.
(5) Entrepreneurship is a Business risk is inherent in an Does not understand the nature
risk-taking venture entrepreneurial venture, of business risk which in one
wherever the business goes, way or another may lead to the
there will always be business failure of his/her business.

(7) Entrepreneurship and the activities of ordinary small businesses differ in the following areas:
(1) Motive in opening a Starts a business venture Opens a business with the
business based on entrepreneurial primary goal of making it his/
concepts and principles and the her source of livelihood.
aspiration to become
(2) Perception of risk in the Takes and faces the business Believes that the business risk
business risk squarely. is a deterrent to the operation
of the business and must be
(3) Reactions to changes in the Reacts positively to the Remains passive and static to
environment changes in the environment. changes in the environment
where his/her business
(4) View on competition Presence of competition is a Views competition as an
sign of a healthy economic unhealthy element in the
environment. business environment and tries
to avoid it.
(5) Vision for development and Aligns the daily business Relies upon chance or luck in
growth activities toward the attainment maintaining the status quo of
of the plan. his/her business.
(6) Horizon of business Thinks globally but acts locally. Centered only on the local
operation environment.
(7) Sources of business funds Explores ways to generate the Tends to limit the funding of
much-needed funds from both his/her business enterprise to
internal and external resources. personal resource.

(8) The list of the possible effects and contributions of entrepreneurship seems limitless but we
simple group the major contributions of entrepreneurship to the Filipino people, the local community,
and the Philippine economy.
A. Importance to the Filipino People

1. It provides guidelines in their wealth-creating venture.

2. It helps improve their financial and social life.
3. It helps broaden their creativity.
4. It helps make their lives happy, fruitful, and successful.
B. Importance to the Local Community
1. It provides employment in the community.
2. It creates new demand in the market.
3. It makes substantial contribution to the raising and collection of taxes.
4. It facilitates the movement of the factors of production.
5. It creates new business opportunities.
6. It promotes a peaceful and loving community.
7. It increases constructive competition.
C. Importance to the Philippine economy
1. It encourages competitiveness and thereby challenges entrepreneurs to keep improving their
products and services.
2. It helps find an entrepreneurial niche in the world market.
3. It helps hasten the economic recovery process of the Philippines during financial turmoil or
4. It facilitates the smooth flow of money in the local market.
5. It assists the national government in its desire to have favorable economic ratings in the world

Activity 3: Comprehension Check!

1. Discuss the flow of entrepreneurial benefits from the individual Filipinos to the Philippine economy.
Create a flow chart if necessary. Use two examples of small businesses. ______________________
2. Discuss why entrepreneurship is an art and not a science. ________________________________
3. Differentiate wealth-creating venture from an income-generating venture. ____________________
4. Discuss why profit is not a good measure to determine the success of an entrepreneurial venture.

5. Differentiate how an entrepreneur and an ordinary businessperson handle business risk. ________

Activity 4: Create your own

During this pandemic situation, conduct a mini survey on the misconceptions on entrepreneurship.
Choose five friends, five teachers and five neighbors or relatives as respondents. Ask them how they
understand entrepreneurship. Create and portrait a short real-life scenario based from your results.


Activity 5: Act Like an Entrepreneur or a Businessperson

If you are going to operate a business someday, what business do you like to pursue and what daily
activities you must consider? Determine what entrepreneurial benefits to you as owner, to the local
community, and to the Philippine economy. Follow the format below.

Entrepreneuruial Benefits to the:

Daily Acivities
Owner Community Economy

Activity 6: Understanding the concept of entrepreneurship will help you answer the following:
1. Why learn entrepreneurial principles when it cannot provide you the assurance of becoming a
successful entrepreneur?

2. Why does many Filipino family resort to opening ordinary small business?
3. Why better become an entrepreneur than a businessperson?

4. Why salient features of entrepreneurship do not include as a source of livelihood or answer to the
financial problems of the owner?

5. What is the advantages to have a correct understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship to a

person who is interested in becoming successful entrepreneur?

Post Test: Read and analyze each question.

A. Write EN if entrepreneur and BP if businessperson.
_______ 1. A person who brings his unique idea to run a start-up company.
_______ 2. A person who uses traditional methods to run the business.
_______ 3. A person who starts a business on an old concept or idea.
_______ 4. A person who is a people focused. He gives more importance to its employees,
customers and the public.
_______ 5. A person who creates the market for his own business.

B. Write ENTREP if the statement is correct, otherwise write your reason briefly.

_______ 6. The entrepreneur seeks a wealth-creating venture rather than a profit-generating venture.
_______ 7. Everybody is a potential customer of a business venture.
_______ 8. Business venture under the direct supervision of the manager and not the owner fall
within the strict concept of entrepreneurship.
_______ 9. Entrepreneurship offers minimal contributions to job-creation problems of the community.

_______ 10. Entrepreneurs finds ways to avoid business risk.
_______ 11. Entrepreneurship develops the creativity of the entrepreneur.
_______ 12. Entrepreneurship creates new demand and new market.
_______ 13. Entrepreneurship discourage competition in all forms.
_______ 14. Entrepreneurial activities have a domino effect to the Filipino people, local community
and the Philippine economy.
_______ 15. From the perspective of the local community, entrepreneurship hasten the economic
recovery of the Philippines.

The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson
using the prompts below.

I understand that
I realize that

Aduana, N.L(2017), Entrepreneurship in Philippine Setting for SHS, C&E Publishing, Inc.
Batisan, R. S. (2016), Entrepreneurship, DIWA Learning Systems Inc.


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