300 Recipients: Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting PHP - Id (3) MEMBER-1

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update of the campaign: Tuesday 15-02-2022 03:57

[1]Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting

300 Recipients

Subject Reply to
Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting info.phpid@gmail.com
Included Lists
Tuesday 15-02-2022 03:59

35 0 0
Estimated opened Clicked Unsubscribed

11.99% 0% 0%

Trackable open rate 11.99% Click Rate 0%

Trackable opens 35 Unique Clicks 0

Total Opens 39 Total Clicks 0

Average Time to Open N/A

Number of Complaints 0 Last Clicked N/A

Last Opened 15-02-2022 04:50

Untrackable contacts 1

Click-to-Open Rate 0% Total Conversions 0

Average Time to Click N/A

Sending Status

293 Deliver ed 1 Soft Bounced 6 Har d Bounced 0 Pr ocessing

97.67% 0.33% 2% 0%

Hard Bounce Details

undefined 1
Soft Bounce Details
undefined 16.67%

Other reasons 100%
The contact has already 5
soft bounced at least 5 83.33%

Last update of the campaign: Tuesday 15-02-2022 03:57

[1]Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting

Results by List
Trackable open Total trackable
List Delivered Soft Bounced Hard Bounced Processing Click Rate Total Clicks Unsubscribed Complained Deferred
rate opens

[3] MEMBER-1 : 100% 97. 67% 0. 33% 2% 0% 11. 99% 13. 36% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

300 contacts 293 1 6 0 35 39 0 0 0 0 0


Sending Completed [The campaign [1] Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting has been sent.] Feb 15 03:59

Scheduled [The campaign [1] Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting has been scheduled for 15-02-2022 03:58.] Feb 15 03:58

Draft [The campaign [1] Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting has been modified.] Feb 15 03:49

Draft [The campaign [1] Informasi Pemindahan Server Hosting has been modified.] Feb 15 03:48

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