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Houserules for my game:

Starting race is human, gain the free feat, ability score bonus, and the bonus
skillpoints for being human (And *NOT* alternate racial traits), if you are playing
a human post-magical-return You will also get your choice of another bonus feat or
a single alternate racial trait for human in addition to recieving the extra skill
point after that. (Note: Some alternate racial traits may be modified somewhat as
they replace things like your initial ability scores. Will handle on a case-by-case
basis)Upon changing species, remove the +2 to a single stat that humans get, but do
not remove your bonus feat or the extra skill points.

20 Ability Score points. Alternately, 4d6 drop lowest but if you opt to roll stats
you *MUST* keep the stat array rolled and rolls must have me to witness.

At campaign start, no magic items allowed, however if you reserve gold and ask me
for one it will "Find its way" to you later.

Races must be 15 RP or less, Races without a race-point total will be considered on

a case-by-case basis

2 traits, up to 2 drawbacks.

Firearms are default avilibility (Emerging guns) outside of the following areas:
New York City, New Orleans, Detroit, San Francisco. In these areas the availibility
is Commonplace. Players still require the Gunsmithing feat in addition to
proficiency in the firearm to make them feasable weapons outside these areas as
ammunition will be difficult/expensive to obtain without it. *VERY* Rarely "Old
World firearms" are known to exist, they are in the possession of kings and
legendary warriors. Even in non-functional states they are considered (like all
Old-World artefacts) to be priceless artefacts. Functional old-world weaponry is
off limits to player-characters at creation and will be homebrewed entirely.

Languages: Languages are different in post-apocalyptic america. When taking a

language, you also take a sub-language assuming there are sub-languages avalible
for your language group. All the languages in the group are mutially intelligable
but it will be obvious to whoever you're speaking which one you know. You can
alternately, when you would otherwise gain a language, take all sub-languages in a
group you already own to hide this. Languages and their sub-languages are the
following with notes on major places to expect them to be spoken:

Rocky (Around the rocky mountains)

*Coloradan (Colorado)
*Mountaineer (Rocky mountain areas north of Colorado)
*Utahn (Utah and mormon lands)

Laskan (Alaska/British columbia/Yukon)

*Alask (Alaska proper)
*Haida (Alaskan islands)
*Yookoner (Yukon)
*Shushop (British columbia)

Portlander (Pacific northwest)

*Ore-gonner (Northern Oregon)
*Canuk (Washington state)
*Cascadian (Southern Oregon)

Californian (California)
*Valleyan (Inland californian)
*Bayfolk (Coastal california)
*Calotian (Native tinged californian accent)
*Socal (southern californian)
*Battleborn (Death-valley/Sierra Nevada)
*Californio (Baja california)

*Paiute (Idaho)
*Nez Perce (Montana)
*Blackfoot (Northern montana/southern saskatuan)
*Cree (Northen Saskatuan)
*Prarielander (Varient of Cree with english elements)
*Sioux (North dakota/parts of oklaholma)

*Navajo (Northern arizona)
*Hopi (Northern arizona)
*Apache (Northern arizona/Parts of oklaholma)
*Comanche (Oklaholma)
*Cherokee (Oklaholma)
*Tuskegee (Oklaholma)

*Texan (Northern/central Texas)
*Arixian (Southern arizona)
*Tejano (Southern texas/northern mexico)
*Neomejicano (New-mexico)

*Northlander (Minnesota)
*Yooper (Michigan upper penninsula)
*Dellsman (Wisconsin)
*Laocostrine (Michigan main penninsula)

*Metis (west Ontario)
*Saulteaux (central Ontario)
*Ontarois (east ontario, french influence)
*Ontarian (near toronto)
*Algonquin (north of toronto)
*Maritimer (The maritimes/nova scotia)

*Quebecois (Quebec)
*Creole (Louisiana)
*Cajun (Also Louisiana)
*French (Common second-language outside Quebec)


*Chicagolander (Chicago)
*Illinapolis (The rest of indianapolis and central indiana)
*Michiana (Northern indiana)
*Kentuckiana (Southern indiana)
*Hioan (Ohio)

*Riverlander (Missouri)
*Bluegrass (Kentucky)
*Appalachian (Appalachian mountains)

*Yiddish (Jewish communities throughout north america)
*Deitch (Northern pennsylvania)
*Hudsonian (Upstate new york)
*Plautdeitch (Small community in british columbia)

*Yankee (most of New England)
*Bastonian (massachusets)
*Gotham (NYC, New Jearsy)

*Delawarian (Delaware, DC, east maryland)
*Beltway (Maryland panhandle/northern virginia)
*Rushmore (Mt Rushmore)
*Dominion (Virginia, North Carolina)

*Southron (South Carolina)
*Gulfard (The gulf-coast and northern florida)
*Tuskegean (African-american communities in the deep south)
*Tenesi (Tennesee)
*Miami (South-florida, some carib influence, some yiddish)
*Dixie (The deep south)
*Gitmo (Americanist community in Guantanimo, Cuba)

*Cuban (Cuba)
*Bahammian (Bahamas)
*Puerto (Puerto-rico)
*Jamaican (Jamaica)
*Hispaniolan (Haitai/Dominica)
*Bred-ren (Islands controlled by the Bretheren of Pirates)

*Norteno (eastern mexico)
*Sonorense (western mexico)
*Raramuri (central mexico)
*Chilango (Southern mexico)
*Yecateco (Yucatan penninsula)

Central American
*Chapin (El Salvador/Guatemala/western nicoragua)
*Miskito (Eastern nicoragua/Costa-rica)
*Panamanian (Panama)

South american
*Costeno (Coastline of northern South America)
*Illerno (Columbia)
*Bollivarance (Venuzuala)
*Guyanan (Guyana/Suraname/French Guyana)

*Amazones (Inland Brazil)
*Portuguese (Coastal Brazil)
Most Paizo material is allowed without approval with the exception of the
Anything from the Iron Gods adventure path, the Pathfinder Technology Guide, or
other "science fiction" material.
Any race with the Construct type.

3rd party content will be considered on a case-by-case basis and there is *NO*
Guarentee I will approve, just will consider very carefully.

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