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(AC-S04) Week 8

Lexs Joshua Samán Vegas Johan Alexander Ocupa Perez


Lexs: Hello
Johan: Hi
Lexs: You look familiar
Johan Yes?
Lexs: Are you Johan Ocupa?
Johan: Yes, I am and you are...
Lexs: I'm Lexs Saman, your friend from university.
Johan: Oh, Lexs, nice to see you again
Lexs: Nice to see you too, Johan, after many years.
Johan: Yes, after 10 years that I see you
Lexs: How are you Johan?
Johan: Very well and you?
Lexs: Very well, everything is quiet
Johan: That's good
Lexs: What has been happening with you all this time?
Johan: Well, after finishing my degree in Systems Engineering, I specialized in
computer security
Lexs: Good for you.
Johan: And what has become of you?
Lexs: I specialized in video games
Johan: Oh look, good for you
Lexs: Yes, thank you
Johan: Are you working on something?
Lexs: Yes, I'm working as a video game developer at Play Station, and you?
Johan: I work as an information security analyst at BCP
Lexs: How long have you been working there?
Johan: I have been there for 5 years, and you?
Lexs: Next week I will have been with the company for 6 years.
Johan: That's great!
Lexs: What does the family say, are you still with the same girl at the university?
Johan: Yes, with Lana Rhoades, I married her and now we have 3 children
Lexs: Congratulations, what are their names?
Johan: Their names are Messi, Cristiano and Ronaldinho
Lexs: Hahahaha you are really a big soccer fan
Johan: Hahaha yeah, my wife almost killed me
Lexs: How old are they?
Johan: They are 4, 6 and 9 years old
Lexs: I'm happy for you, they’re grown
Johan: Thank you, and are you still with the girl from accounting?
Lexs: Kendall Jenner? No, we finished a year after finishing university
Johan: Oh, sorry, are you single now?
Lexs: No, I'm not single, I'm also married
Johan: Congratulations, what's her name?
Lexs: Her name is Emma Watson and I’m dad’s of two beautiful children’s.
Johan: What are your children names?
Lexs: Their names are Goku and Naruto
Johan: How old are they?
Lexs: They are 5 and 3 years old
Johan: Oh good, they can be friends with my children's. Emma is also a systems
Lexs: No she’s not, she’s an actress
Johan: Oh how nice
Lexs: Thank you.
Johan: I'm leaving because I'm late for work
Lexs: Okay, can you give me your phone number?
Johan: Yes, my phone number is 987654321
Lexs: I'll text you on whatsapp to go out for drinks
Johan: Okay, I'll be waiting. See you later my friend, good to see you
Lexs: You too, take care of yourself

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