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Esteban, Dariel L.

Asan, Breech Kirby C.

Cadaro, Arjay Brent P.

Binay-an, Rogel Jr. M.

Bangsoy, Danica S.

Submitted to
Baguio City National High School

For the fulfillment of the requirements

Dialyn A. Gorio
Subject teacher


The aim of this study is to examine the degree of difficulty of students in completing their
school-related tasks and to help students identify the problems and find a solution to them.
Background of study

Today, many senior high school (SHS) students struggle to complete their school-

related tasks as several factors interfere with their ability to complete their work. The researchers

found that one of the main reasons students struggle to get their work done is time management.

Good time management can help students complete their assignments within the allotted time

and help them build discipline. Another reason is that time management is difficult due to their

planning fallacy, this is something that occurs when people underestimate how long it will take

to finish a task, even if they have done the task before. Consistency in school can also assist

students in developing motivation so that they can confidently complete their task. Another

factor is the teacher's teaching techniques. The teacher also needs to work with students as

friends, make the place of learning more comfortable, organize their lesson plans, and influence

students with different teaching methods. The teaching objectives must be adapted to the needs

and interests of the learners.

In contrast, teaching strategies should be used carefully to enhance learning and make the

subject matter useful. Concerning teaching techniques, students must also learn self-discipline.

Self-discipline is an invaluable skill to learn and develop throughout life. What we meant by that

is they should know how to manage/supervise their time by limiting playing games and other

unnecessary things that can distract them. There will always be subjects that students do not

appreciate and periods of distraction. Developing self-discipline is a must to succeed in times of

low motivation. Internet access can also be considered a factor influencing student difficulty.

Students with slow internet connections or limited access are more likely to fall behind

academically, while students with solid and fast connections come out ahead in their studies. As

such, there are many factors that affect a student's learning and academic performance.

Bridgette, L. and Rutte, M.(2017) said that despite all widespread attention to

managing time, relatively little research had been conducted on the processes involved in using

one's time effectively (for example) by using "prime time" to carry out essential tasks) Moreover,

completing time management. It discussed the principles mentioned by authors like

McCay(2017). It concluded that, for instance, setting life goals and keeping time logs were

essential techniques for effectively managing one's time. Although this article helped understand

the ideas behind the notion of time management, it was not a review of empirical time

management studies. No reviews of empirical research on time management have been

published. Therefore, the first aim of the present study is to review past research.

Furthermore, Anghelache (2018) explained that the efforts of educators and

psychologists to understand the mechanisms that trigger school performance are increasing. This

concern is fully justified nowadays when the youth's tendency to evade the rules to acquire
success by any means, with minimum effort, is noticeable. For this reason alone, reflecting upon

the significance of education and study for students is more critical. How students understand to

use the time they spend at school and engage themselves in task accomplishment may influence

their academic performance. Generally speaking, mentality can be discussed in correlation with

attitude. At the attitudinal level, they find cognitive processes but also affective and conative

ones. It prepossesses action and motivates based on information concerning the situation, the

event, the object, or the person in question, which will be agreed upon or disagreed upon (the

affective aspect). The characteristic that sets the attitude apart from the other expressions of the

personality depends on the latter's bipolarity because it can be used to act in favor of or against a

scenario. An attitudinal continuum is established between the two extremes, individuals choosing

Mentioning that educators and psychologists are working harder than ever to

understand the factors that affect student performance, Lantz (2017) said there are many reasons

for students exhibiting off-task behavior. These reasons were poor social interaction abilities, no

clear concept of acceptable behavior, and a lack of consistent discipline.

 In addition to discipline, Kassem (2019) defined teaching techniques as teacher's

activities in the class to involve students in the subject matter and requires that students

participate in learning activities, share equally with other learners, and react to the learning

experience. The teacher also needs to work with students as friends, make the learning place

more comfortable, organize their lesson plans, and influence students using different teaching

methods. The teaching goals must be adapted to the needs and interests of learners. In contrast,
teaching strategies should be carefully used to improve learning and make the subject matter

useful. According to several studies, these strategies are significantly related to students' learning

achievement. Learning aids are devices or mechanisms designed to make learning more

effective, efficient, and satisfying while simplifying and organizing complex content and

connecting new ideas to old ones (Yelon, 2019). Moreover, they are built to focus the learners'

attention on what is being taught, ease learning, product recall, foster transfer, and speed

instruction, following the definition of teaching methods as a teacher in class.

Kahn(2020) also stated that educators over the last decade had shown tremendous

interest and investment in developing new curricula and reforming existing curricula to promote

the development of thinking skills. Henson (2018) argued that the teacher's primary purpose is to

help students learn and to give real help. He suggested three roles for teachers in planning a unit.

The first is to "identify some of the important ideas or concepts that will be developed in the unit

and to explain the importance of this material to the students." The second role is "to allow

students to include areas within the unit that they think should be studied." Lastly, teachers need

to help select activities necessary to develop an understanding of the unit.

........ Furthermore to these studies, according to a (2017), the phrase 'school improvement'

is generally used in two senses. The first is common sense, which relates to general efforts to

make schools better places for pupils and students to learn. In the second sense, school

improvement is considered a distinct approach to educational change that enhances student

outcomes and the school's capacity for managing change. .

In their definition, Lander and Ekholm (2018) described the process and expected

outcomes of school improvement. They consider 'school improvement as a process of deliberate

change in structures, rules, norms, conceptions, habits, and working patterns, which immediately,

or over a more extended period, helps students to improve their learning and development

according to the requirements of school society. .

In conclusion, a student's academic performance is affected by a variety of factors. These

factors contribute to students' struggles with written works, assignments and extracurricular

activities. As a result, students are very likely to receive low or even failing grades. A well-

known factor that affects students is their management of time. Good time management helps

students complete their given tasks on time and in an organized manner. Students who do not

practice time management tend to struggle to organize their schoolwork due to their planning

fallacy, this is something that occurs when people underestimate how long it will take to finish a

task, even if they have done the task before. So by researching our way of finding a solution, we

found self-discipline. what we meant by that is that they should know how to manage/supervise

their time by limiting playing games and other unnecessary things that can distract them. This

factor is one main reason why students struggle to do their schoolwork. Self-discipline is an

invaluable skill to learn and develop throughout life, and It helps students build character and

motivation. Another factor is the internet connection. Having an internet connection in these

times is more of a necessity in terms of learning. Students with no connection are bound to

encounter hardships compared to students with fast and stable connections; thus, internet

connection can affect students' ability to complete tasks. The final factor is teaching techniques;

one source of students' difficulties is that they cannot relate to or comprehend their teacher's

teaching. Consiquently, it affects their ability to learn and improve, making it difficult for
Significance of the study

This study aims to define how time management, discipline, and other factors affect the
level of difficulty of students and help them overcome these problems.

Teachers may also benefit from this study because students pass their outputs on time,
thus building their student-teacher relationship.

Statement of the problem

The researchers aim to find the level of difficulties of the Baguio City National High

School Senior High students(BCNHS-SHS) in accomplishing their school-related tasks.

Specifically the answer to the following questions will be sought.

1.What is the level of difficulty of the BCNHS SHS students in accomplishing school-related

tasks according to the following variables?



2.What are the factors that affect the level of difficulty in accomplishing school-related tasks as

perceived by the respondents?

a.Internet connection

b.Number of subjects

c.Time management


e.Teaching techniques
Conceptual and theoretical framework

            This study is anchored on the following theories and concepts on doing school tasks.

Newton's models of schooling and Theories of Discipline 

According to Newton(1980), Growth occurs through the natural unfolding of students'

unique abilities rather than pumping external knowledge and skills into the student. "What the

student discovers for him/herself is what is important" Newton(1980). Central to the educational

process is learning to be a person and developing a deep sense of self; this personal self-

realization becomes the core of all further learning. 

           Also, Newton (1980) believed that in such a model, the teacher's role is to be helpful and

supportive rather than intrusive and directive. The teacher stands back and encourages, provides

resources, interprets, and clarifies. The school is structured around physical, intellectual, and

affective openness, aimed at releasing and encouraging the student's powerful, deeply personal,

but often untapped, desire to know and become.

           Charles (1989) also claims that maintaining discipline generally rewards good behavior

and punishes terrible behavior. Skinner believes that consequences (in other words, what

happens to the individual after performing an act) shape an individual's behavior. He focused his

approach on reinforcement and reward. Reinforcers are like rewards; if used systematically, they

influence an individual's behavior in the desired direction.

Pickle Jar Theory

Concerning discipline, the Pickle Jar Theory is a simple and effective time management

theory. Anyone can use it to create an effective time management schedule. The theory revolves
around the idea of a pickle jar. Imagine it has three large rocks placed into it. People think that

no other rocks could fit into the jar. Little pebbles are then added into the jar, and they slip in

between the large rocks. Now people might think that the jar is full. However, sand is taken and

sprinkled into the jar. People find that it, too, can fit amongst the large rocks and pebbles. Lastly,

water is added to the jar until it is full. Once more, people find that they can fit more things in.

Wright(2002) This theory tells us that our life is similar to the pickle jar. We have big

priorities, symbolized by the three big rocks. Next, we have hobbies which are the pebbles. Then

we also have tasks and things we must do, like the sand. Finally, there are the distractions that

crowd into people's schedules, like water. Thus, for example, high school teachers and students

were expected to prioritize their classroom activities so that each activity was completed in its

own time. Hobbies or other distractions are not allowed to interfere with their curriculum and

study schedule, which improves academic performance.

Aside from the pickle jar theory, researchers found that students that use the Internet

complete their schoolwork more quickly. They are less likely to get stymied by the material they

do not understand. Their papers and projects are more likely to draw upon up-to-date sources and

state-of-the-art knowledge; they are better at juggling school assignments and extracurricular

activities when using the Internet. In essence, they told us that the Internet helps them navigate

their way through school and spend more time learning in depth about what is most important to

them personally. Virtually all use the Internet to research to help them write papers or complete

class work or homework assignments. Most students also correspond with online classmates

about school projects, upcoming tests, and quizzes. Most share tips about favourite Web sites

and pass along information about homework shortcuts and sites that are especially rich in content

that fit their assignments. They also frequent Web sites pointed out to them by teachers, some of
which had even been set up expressly for a particular school or class. They communicate with

online teachers or tutors. They participate in online study groups. They even take online classes

and develop Web sites or online educational experiences for use by others.



a.Grade in senior high

∙Survey questionaires and DOING THEIR SCHOOL
statistical.treatment RELATED TASKS
∙Analysis and interpretation
A.Internet access of data
a1.No internet connection
a2.weak connection(1-10mbps)
a3.good connection(10-20mbps)

B.No. Of subjects
b1. 3 subjects
b2. 6 subjects
b3. 8-10 subjects
C.Time management

E.Teaching techniques
a.Newton's models of schooling
and Theories of Discipline 
b. Pickle Jar Theory

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