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Department of Education, University of the People

EDUC 5440 - Assessment and Evaluation

Dr. Grant Gerald

Oct 16, 2022


Effective teachers are constantly reflecting on their practice. “Reflective teaching involves using

reflection techniques to convey, analyze, and deliver information, in the goal of generating

feedback. The reflection process is a part of a cycle that should be continuous if you strive to

achieve positive results.” (, 2022). It is very important that as

teachers we are continuously updating and upgrading our teaching practice in order to meet the

learning needs of the diverse students and prepare them to be successful in utilizing 21st century


Benefits of Reflective Teaching

Reflective practice is beneficial in many ways as outlined by


● Reflective teaching helps me to develop professionally. I am able to have a better

understanding of my strengths and weaknesses when I am able to reflect on my inner

thought processes.. It helps to facilitate professional growth. I begin by having a

reflective journal and documenting my thoughts after each session. When I record my

goals and the results, I am able to use the information to adjust my teaching practice,

modify my teaching strategies and improve the techniques I use when addressing the


● Being an organized teacher, I normally prepare and keep track of my lessons. After

teaching my lessons, I take a few minutes to assess my teaching. Since my feelings and

memories are fresh, I do this on the same day. I ensure that I document the positive

experiences, as well as the challenging ones. I also take time to identify the ways I can

improve the challenging areas.

I also use reflective teaching methods to search for innovations on how to improve my

teaching practice. For instance, if I notice that my students’ are not engaged in the

learning process, I use technology and hands-on learning to improve the delivery of

instruction so that I can capture their interest and keep them engaged and motivated to

learn . Sometimes the same methods are used to assess them. When I recognize that

there are weaknesses in my methods I engage in research and network with other

professionals so that I can keep up to date with new and innovative teaching strategies as

well as to broaden my professional network with people from around the globe.

● Teaching is very challenging. It can sometimes be difficult to plan lessons, teach classes

and then manage and assess students’ progress. It is important to know all my students as

well as to create a safe and secure learning environment. It is also important that all

students are able to keep up with the pace of learning and are developing in the right way.

When I reflect, I am able to ensure that all students are benefitting from the learning

experience. It is important that both the student and the teacher are motivated in order to

achieve success, therefore I always ensure that they are actively engaged in the learning

process.. For example, if students struggle to work on their own I normally alleviate this

problem by using peer tutoring and small groups. When I reflect I am able to identify

student preferences.

● I value the relationship that I have with my students.I have discovered that it is important

to cultivate positive relationships with my students so that I can facilitate their

understanding of the teaching methods. When I reflect, it helps me to think about each

student as an individual learner who has unique learning needs. When I employ different

reflective teaching strategies, I am able to analyze my students’ performance, behavior,

and needs,as well as to learn more about their personalities and traits. Students are more

likely to perform better if they feel safe and comfortable, and enjoy the lessons..It is also

easier to engage directly with them.

● Having a dull class can be a nightmare.. To avoid this, I implement some reflective

teaching strategies in order to troubleshoot and liven up my classroom. For example, I

ensure that classes begin with a hook and review what was taught in the previous class. I

also utilize games and provide opportunities for students to contribute their ideas, ask

questions, and contribute towards discussions. This not only helps them to recall

information but also makes them learn in a lively, fun, and engaging way. I also ensure

that I take time to review the material and assess their knowledge. When students are

allowed to actively ask questions, or give feedback on the information they are learning,

they are.more likely to perform better.

● It is very important that students learn how to solve problems and deal with challenges

effectively and efficiently. When I reflect, it helps to improve my problem-solving skills.

For example, I use previous teaching experience or a colleague’s to identify solutions for

students who are faced with learning difficulties.. This enables me to devise strategies

and map out personalized plans for students who are struggling. When I draw on my

knowledge and past experiences, I am more resourceful and confident when I am faced

with challenges. Reflective practice teaches me how to cope with problems that arise in

the classroom. It also enhances my creativity and problem-solving skills.

● It is also important to encourage a democratic environment within the classroom. This

will provide me with opportunities to interact more freely with my students, raise issues,

and deliver knowledge much easier. It is also easier for students to have open discussions

with me or between themselves. This means that I have to adopt and include the

principles of democracy within the classroom such as respecting human rights, equality,

freedom, while discussing intercultural differences and shared cultural values. This

assists in preparing students for the outside world and enables them to think critically and

interact with more respect for cultural differences both inside and outside the classroom


● When I use reflective learning techniques, students’ motivation is improved. It can

improve relations with students and empower them to take control of the situation by

encouraging them to adopt an analytical approach to learning. students will also be able

to better understand themselves, from their personalities, to their limits and behavior

patterns. When students are motivated they are more likely to perform better in class.

Those who are less motivated may require some assistance in order to take charge and

assume more responsibility for their learning. These strategies foster a productive

learning environment for the entire class.


In conclusion, teachers should ensure that they continuously engage in reflective practice in

order to meet their learning goals as well as to cater to the learning needs of all students so that

they can become successful in their practice. “Reflective teaching allows us to know what works

best for the interest of the students. Following this process will be helpful for both the teachers

and students as it will lead to effective teaching as well as learning experience.”

(Educationsummarry, 2022).


Educationsummary, (2022). What is the Importance of Reflective Teaching and the Role of
Reflection in Teaching What is the Importance of Reflective Teaching and the Role of Reflection
in Teaching - Education Summary, (2022). 12 Benefits of Reflective Teaching and Learning 12
Benefits of Reflective Teaching and Learning – Reflective Teaching Journal

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