Written Assignment 7 - Reflecting On Teacher Practice

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Written Assignment 7: Reflection on teacher practice and professional learning



Department of Education, University of the People

EDUC 5440

Professor Grant Gerald

October 19, 2022


Reflection on teacher practice and professional learning communities

An enthusiasm for learning is one of the best attributes to have as a teacher. Having

enthusiasm for learning entails being reflective in teaching practices through inquiry and

research to develop and find new ways to generate further understanding of learners to

nurture their curiosity and sustain an environment that exudes a love of learning. This

assignment will examine the value of being reflective as a teacher as well as discuss the

benefits associated with using professional learning communities as a tool for teachers to be

reflective of their teaching practices (Harris, 2005).

Becoming a reflective practitioner

(Bovell, 2014) makes the notion that, ‘the classroom is the engine room of the school

and student improvement” (para. 13). A major part of being a teacher is to plan, analyze and

improve teaching techniques to develop a better understanding of not only the curriculum

with which we work but also the teachers themselves. Engaging in self-reflection can help

create opportunities for teachers to continually assess their practice and possibly alter


It can also be a powerful tool for gaining knowledge of learners’ cognitive

development. Actively seeking evidence from assessments whether formative or summative

in terms of their failures or successes is the first step in helping teachers reflect and adapt to

change. This may entail adapting how a teacher facilitates their lessons or delivers their


These reflective practices play a crucial role in understanding how learners think and

inform teachers what adjustments need to be made so that they can enhance their

relationships with their learners and make their lessons more interesting and engaging. If

teachers can become reflective practitioners, they move beyond just a knowledge base of the

curriculum or skills but rather gain the ability to modify skills and content to fit specific

contexts, i.e their learner needs (Di Pardo, n.d.; Larrivee, 2000).

Benefits of professional learning communities

One way teachers can enhance their abilities to become reflective practitioners is by

engaging in a professional learning community (PLC). Owen (2014) suggests that PLCs can

be defined as, “a small group of teachers who come together to help one another improve

student learning” (p. 58). The idea of a PLC is for teachers to share and reflect on their

practices and personal experiences so that they will be able to study and apply best practices


The use of PLC’s, it enables schools as a whole to directly improve teaching and

learning. Teachers can share learner progress across grade levels to enhance the reflection of

instructional practices and learner outcomes. Thus, promoting teachers to take ownership of

their learners’ educations. This commitment to learners is further enhanced by the

relationships teachers can build with their fellow teachers. They can be exposed to different

ways of teaching or ideas. Teachers for respective grades might identify similar problems,

and ultimately work as a team for the benefit of their learners.

Another benefit of PLCs is that teachers are able to contiousy adapt to new forms of

technology or teaching ideas. Teachers can arrange for collaboration with other schools in

different districts or even countries where they can be informed on new research or emerging

educational tools as well as gain insight into what other schools are doing. Ultimately,

professional learning communities provide opportunities for teachers to become reflective in

their practice and extend learning beyond the walls of their classrooms (Owen, 2014; Serviss,



In conclusion, if teachers are able to engage in professional learning communities

within their school environments. It enables teachers to examine information on students,

analayze current teaching practices and collaborate with others to evaluate ways in which

teachers can improve the quality of their teaching. Teacher may be exposed to and adopt new

innovative practices through the sharing of ideas within their teaching community. Thus,

becoming reflective practitioners, as they are better equipped to utilize information about

every learner who ultimately serve as the beneficiaries of these reflective practices.


Bovell, M. (2014). Using student assessment to improve teaching. Australian Council for

Educational Research. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from


Di Pardo, D. (n.d.). 12 Benefits of Reflective Teaching and Learning – Reflective Teaching

Journal. Reflective Teaching Journal. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from


Harris, S. (2005). Bravo teacher: Building relationships with actions that value others. Taylor

& Francis Group.



Larrivee, B. (2000). Transforming teaching practice: Becoming the critically reflective

teacher. Reflective Practice, 1(2), 293-30.


Owen, S. (2014). eacher professional learning communities: going beyond contrived

congeniality toward challenging debate and collegial learning and professional

growth. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 54(2), 54-77.


Serviss, J. (2021, May 13). ISTE – 4 Benefits of an Active Professional Learning Community.

ISTE. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from



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