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Answer 01

The concept and applications of Decision support systems (DSS)

help companies to make better business decisions in order to attain
the organizational objectives in an efficient way. Ample evidence
indicated that building empowerment is important for having access
to information and resources, thinking critically, being effective, create
effecting change and building confidence.
A Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive computer-based
system that help decision-makers use data and models to solve
structured, unstructured or semi-structured problems
Decision support systems can help the evolution in Kingdom
Saudi Arabia evolution & aid human cognitive deficiencies by
integrating various sources of information, providing intelligent access
to relevant knowledge, and aiding the process of structuring
decisions, they can also support choice from among well-defined
alternatives. Thus, decision support systems will adopt to any
changes or demand from the market due to any improvement in the
world of technology and the ongoing evolving economy; to respond
efficiently and quickly to decision makers and facilitate the decision
process, it enhances organization empowerment, either in person or
group’s ability to make decisions.
For Example, It Will Approve Organization Empowerment
Empowerment can be separated into two categories which are
interrelated: Personal empowerment, Group empowerment.
Generally, Decision Support systems is expected to improve
decision-making activities, and Organization empowerment to reach
their objectives efficiently.
Personal Empowerment: Personal empowerment states that true
empowerment cannot come from merely feeling empowered but must
involve real world evidence of our ability to have an impact on our
relationships and social surroundings, it requires increasing our
actual influence within our social sphere.
Group Empowerment: Build strength, increase and develop the
strength through collective cooperation, partnership and work
together. This breed of DSS is often called group decision support
systems (GDSS). They are a special type of hybrid DSS that
emphasizes the use of communications and decision models
intended to facilitate the solution of problems by decision makers
working together as a group

Answer 02
Modeling languages: AMPL/GAMS
GAMS and AMPL are general purpose modelling languages and can
he used to describe any type of nonlinear function, including some
niche stuff like floor, ceil, max, etc (AMPL). I don't have experience
with OPL so I can't comment on that. The purpose of these
languages is twofold:
1. They provide a solver interface for your math. Solvers typically
require input in a matrix or computational graph format, and for
some (e.g. IPOPT) users need to also provide derivatives as
callbacks. AMPL/GAMS take care of that for us.
2. They enable the modeller to describe the problem using set
notation which is a very powerful way to describe complicated

CASE Tools
Though it is possible to achieve benefits if CASE tools are isolated, a
great number of benefits can be obtained from the CASE
environment. Following are the advantages of CASE tool :
 The process system has an effective and longer operational
 The produced system fulfills the user's requirements more
 The documentation of the produced system is tremendous.
 Requirement of the support in the produced system is very low.
 More flexible systems are produced.

ProModel focuses on issues such as:
 Resource Utilization
 System Capacity
 Process Improvement
 Throughput and Bottleneck Analysis
 Supply Chain and Logistics
 Customer Service Levels

Simulation with ARENA

 Arena is a very good simulation software for beginners.
 Perfect for both students learning Monte Carlo discrete-event
simulation or for those in industry practicing the technique on
behalf of their business.
 For a little while I had access to the full version during a
workshop I participated in the Rockwell representative
company in Brazil and I was amazed by the possibilities it
 It helps you to detect problems and bottlenecks in the
processes. The report of simulation is very useful with good
insight to help you with decision making.
I think the OLAP is more Effective, because of The ability to see data
with multiple dimensions this ability will helps companies see how
different factors might affect other data, and using the various
operations can provide more detailed or higher-level views into this
Benefits of using OLAP
OLAP is a great tool for businesses to increase their knowledge of
business processes, sales, marketing and engagement. Having more
data helps a business make more informed decisions. Here are some
benefits of using OLAP:
 Greater insights: The more sample data a company can
analyze, the more it can typically predict future results. With
OLAP operations, rather than simply viewing static data,
businesses can view current data and "what if" analyses.
 Reliable data: OLAP is the technology that many business
intelligence programs use, and it automatically calculates its
figures and trends, rather than a person calculating these
figures manually. Aside from potential data entry errors, OLAP
is a reliable technology.
 Ad hoc reporting: OLAP technology allows businesses to
access data views whenever they need them. The various
operations provide users with an opportunity to gather different
analyses for different views into their operations.
 Multidimensional data: Unlike flat or two-dimensional data,
such as sales over time, the multiple dimensions in an OLAP
cube show how more aspects of a business affect each
other. Sales trends may vary between locations and over time,
so understanding these different aspects helps a company plan
 Quick access: Rather than compiling data from many sources,
programs that use OLAP provide this information quickly.

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