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Name ____NICOLE S.

DURAN_____________________ Date ______October 25, 2022____

Activity Sheet on the Essay “Kids”; Poems: How to Introduce Poetry to Elementary
School Children”

Techniques How to use in an online class

1. Sharing and discussing kids poems Teacher is able to share and discuss using
technology by presenting the poem and read
aloud the poem to the child and discuss the
meaning of the poem being presented
2. Mini lesson on Features of poetry Teacher uses technology to present the lesson
on features of the poetry by presenting a slides,
picture and videos as examples and support the
lesson being tackled.
3. Sharing and celebrating Teacher have alloted time to share and
celebrate the success in making and
understanding about the poem. Teacher allow
students to sahre their made poem and
celebrate virtually. Tacher can even post the
works of the children in the Google classroom as
APPROPRIATENESS OF The objectives are I think it would be better to have more
THE MATERIAL TO THE suitable for their age creative presenting the poem to have the
LEVEL OF THE PUPILS and the materials are attention and interest to the poem .
appropriate to their
age that child would
get the attention of
the realias to have an
interst listening in the
EFFECTIVENESS AND Teacher did not use When planning a lesson you should
APPROPRIATENESS OF the materials in always consider/use and apply what you
THE presenting the new write in the plan. Make more interesting
STRATEGY/ACTIVITIES topic. Like showing and creative in presenting the poem
USED BY THE TEACHER  the glasses the
a.) The Preparation, cassette tape
motivation and presentation

EFFECTIVENESS AND For me, it is all good As teacher, just be creative presenting the
APPROPRIATENESS OF for the grade 6 it is poem that would suit to the ages of grade
THE effective and 6 . After or before the child answer the
STRATEGY/ACTIVITIES appropriate.It has no questions of the teacher . teacher should
USED BY THE TEACHER  opportunity toask the ask children if there are clarification and
b.) The Unlocking of child about the poem teacher will discuss the history/meaning
Difficulties, reading, and teacher did not of the poem.
discussion, generalization present what really
and application of the poem the poem is about

EFFECTIVENESS AND on the evaluation, the Make a question that makes their critical
APPROPRIATENESS OF first question is so thinking apply and according to their age.
THE easy for them that
USED BY THE TEACHER  answer also
a. Evaluation and
Follow up activities
(5 points)

In planning lesson plan you should consider the needs and interest of the students and the
age appropriate and make more creative and interesting . Make sure what you put into the
lesson plan you should folllow it to have a meaningful learning.

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