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Muscle retraining in the ICU patients


One of the most common causes of an ICU From the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
admission is a severe episode of acute respira- Rehabilitation Center of Pavia
tory failure due either to an exacerbation of IRCCS, S. Maugeri Foundation, Pavia
chronic pulmonary disease or its ex-novo
development after a surgical procedure, trau-
ma or medical complications. These patients
usually report, at admission to the ICU, a sed- ment of each patient should be individual-
entary life before the acute episode, because
the evolution of the disease is characterized ized. A recent official European definition
by a progressive decline not only in respirato- of Rehabilitation was given by the Europe-
ry function (e.g. FEV1), but also in the func- an Respiratory Society Task Force Position
tional status, due to the effects of lack of exer- Paper 1 “Pulmonary rehabilitation is a pro-
cise, drug administration, malnutrition and, cess which systematically uses scientifically
later on, gas exchange abnormalities. Togeth- based diagnostic management and evalua-
er with specific vital organ support, such as
mechanical ventilation, patients admitted to tion options to achieve the optimal daily
an ICU may require other complex and inte- functioning and health-related quality of life
grated interventions in order to maintain the of individual patients suffering from impair-
spared function and to prevent further dam- ment and disability due to chronic respira-
age. These interventions include nutritional tory disease, as measured by clinically
and psychological support, counselling, nurs- and/or physiologically relevant outcome
ing, prevention (e.g. to preserve skin integ-
rity) and in particular a complete physiothe- measures”. The American Thoracic Society 2
rapic program, that may range from simple adopted the following definition “a multi-
help to maintain a correct posture to com- disciplinary program of care for patients
plete recovery of walking autonomy. with chronic respiratory impairment that is
Key words: Intensive care units - Muscle, skele- individually tailored and designed to opti-
tal - Critical care - Physical therapy - Exercise. mize physical and social performance and
autonomy”. These “broad” definitions,
while giving a panoramic view of what
T here is general agreement that the term
“rehabilitation” is reserved to a multidis-
ciplinary intervention and that the manage-
should be achieved do not enter into the
specific details of how. Thus pulmonary
rehabilitation may vary, according to differ-
ent environments, from simple passive
Address reprint requests to: S. Nava - Respiratory Intensi- mobilization of a patient to more complex
ve Care Unit, Rehabilitation Center of Pavia, S. Maugeri interventions, such as weaning from
Foundation - Via Ferrata, 8 - 27100 Pavia.
E-mail: mechanical ventilation. One thing that is



Skeletal muscles Cardiovascular functions Respiratory functions

and blood composition
Decrease in muscle bulk
Decrease of cardiac Decrease in functional
Transformation of type output, stroke volume capacity
II fibers and increase of heart rate Decreased lung compliance
Decrease of number and during exercise Retained secretions
density mitochondria Risk of thrombosis Atelectasis


Central nervous system Body composition

Bone demineralization
Decrease in standing and
walking balance Protein wastage
Decrease in total body
Decrease in tests of water and sodium
intelectual function Loss of body weight and
increase in % body fat

Fig. 1.

clear, however, from these official state- high costs spent taking care of the patient
ments is that the common idea that there is futile.3 As illustrated in Figure 1, the physio-
no hope for improvement in patients with logical changes caused by inactivity involve
chronic diseases, especially if recovering skeletal muscle, cardiovascular and respira-
from an episode of acute respiratory failure, tory functions, body and blood composi-
is no longer acceptable, either clinically or tion, and central nervous and endocrine
scientifically. systems. During a period of inactivity mus-
The general aims of an ICU respiratory cle mass declines and the potential efficien-
rehabilitation program is to apply cy of a muscle to perform aerobic exercise
advanced, cost-effectiveness therapeutic declines. Skeletal muscles are composed of
modalities to spare and eventually to two major types of fiber. Type I fibers are
improve the remaining function, decrease mainly involved in aerobic activity, while
the patient’s dependency (i.e. on the venti- type II fibers have a lower capacity for this
lator), and prevent the need of new hospi- activity. Deconditioning causes a distinct
talization, — in brief, to improve the pa- transformation of subtypes of type II fibers:
tient’s measured quality of life. type IIa fibers convert to type IIb fibers,4
The earlier the rehabilitation program of the former having a higher aerobic capac-
a ventilated patient is started, the greater its ity. Moreover, during immobility, the num-
effect is, since later consequences, such as ber and density of mitochondria decrease.
the limited mobility, or even worse, total The cardiovascular response to exercise is
dependency on a ventilator, may make the also dramatically altered after a period of



bed rest, since there is a decrease in cardiac curarization during the first few days of
output and stroke volume during maximal ventilation may also lead to generalized
exercise and an increase in heart rate dur- myopathy. 14 Training is nevertheless an
ing submaximal exercise.5-9 Indeed of par- important aspect in these patients, since
ticular importance in bed-ridden patients, one of the rehabilitative end points in ICU
the ability of the system to adjust to chang- is defined as a return of a muscle strength
ing posture, such as moving from the that allows basic daily life-activities (e.g.
supine to the sitting position, is impaired.10, washing, combing hair, cooking) and the
11 In postoperative patients, if early rehabili- ability to walk 20-50 meters independently.
tation (i.e. the application of positive end- The patients may undergo sessions aimed
expiratory pressure) is not started, the at passively and actively training the lower
decrease in functional residual capacity and and upper extremities, such as lifting light
lung compliance may lead to atelectasis, weights or pushing against a resistance.
retained secretions and in some cases to Any patient able to walk at one point in
pneumonia, which if occurring in ventilated time can start directly with progressive
patients may dramatically increase the walking retraining, aided by a rolling plat-
probability of death. form walker or by the therapist, if needed.
Immobility also leads to clinically signifi- When a patient cannot be weaned from the
cant bone demineralization, together with ventilator, a portable resistor can be used to
protein wastage 12 and a decrease in total decrease the work of breathing during
body water and sodium. There is generally walking. As soon as possible, it is useful to
a loss of body weight and an increase in the monitor patient’s outcome using dyspnea
percentage of body fat. Deterioration of scales (VAS, Borg scale, etc.) and exercise
central nervous system function results in a tolerance tests (6 minute walked distance).
decreased capacity to maintain the standing Patients, who successfully regain complete
position and to walk; the performance of autonomy and, therefore, are discharged
tests of intellectual function may also be from the ICU to a medical ward should not
impaired, and disorientation may occur.13 be “abandoned” but should be included in
The first goals of rehabilitation in these training programs with cyclette, treadmill,
patients are therefore targeted to all the and ergometry for the upper extremities.
procedures aimed at obtaining early mobil- The usefulness of gradual retraining has
ization. Maintenance of correct posture and recently been assessed in COPD patients
passive mobilization of legs and arms are recovering from an acute episode of hyper-
the preliminary steps, followed by active capnic respiratory failure,15 most of whome
sitting up in bed and thereafter sitting in a were admitted to the Respiratory Intensive
chair. It is also clear that physical therapy Care Unit while still ventilated.
per se may not be enough to obtain satis- Two aspects of training are basic: thresh-
factory outcomes of our ICU patients, so old and specificity. If the training threshold
comprehensive interventions are mandato- is too low, there will not be changes in the
ry in these first steps of treatment. Correc- muscle; if it is too high, there will be fiber
tion of electrolyte disturbances, nutritional damage and muscle degenerative changes.
and psychological support and a balanced Specificity of training means that training
use of cardiovascular drugs may also help produces an increase in VO2max only in the
to improve the clinical picture. specific muscles in use.
Skeletal muscle strength and endurance As for the other skeletal muscles, also the
performances are impaired not only as a ventilatory pump may be profoundly
consequence of bed rest but also because altered by the effects of bed-rest and of the
of a direct effect of hypercapnia, hypoxia, disease itself and any comorbid conditions.
malnutrition, treatment with corticosteroids Indeed the “abuse” of controlled mechani-
or other agents, and hemodynamic instabil- cal ventilation in the ICU may lead to the
ity. The possible need for heavy sedation of development of selective diaphragmatic



atrophy after only 48 hours, as shown in a ified since, if it is true that during the train-
laboratory study performed on rats.16 The ing exercises, the pressure generated per
weakness of the respiratory muscle and in breath should be at least 30% of the maxi-
particular an imbalance between the load mal generated in order to achieve signifi-
the respiratory system has to face and its cant improvement, it should also be kept in
capacity is, together with the cardiovascular mind that high resistances may induce
impairment, the major determinant of structural changes in the diaphragm. It has
weaning failure in ventilated patients. The been shown in animal trained for 4 days (2
rationale of respiratory muscle training in hr/day) that this protocol induces dia-
the ICU is nevertheless controversial. phragm membrane damage, sarcomere dis-
Patients affected by COPD for example are ruption and damage predominantly to type
not likely to benefit much from this specific I fibers.20 Muscle training does not, howev-
treatment. Chronic airflow obstruction is er, necessarily mean performing loading
always present, at least in the end-stage of breathing, since in ICU patients, potentia-
the disease, leading to acute respiratory fail- tion of the expiratory muscles may be non-
ure by pulmonary hyperinflation.17 It has specifically obtained with cough exercises,
been shown that the impaired inotropic which reinforcing the abdominal muscles,
effect of the diaphragm in these patients is may also improve clearance of the airways.
due to the altered geometric shape of the Despite COPD patients being by far the
diaphragm dome rather than to muscle most likely to experience weaning prob-
atrophy. As a matter of fact, Similowski et lems, inspiratory muscle training may also
al.18 demonstrated how the diaphragm of have a rationale in other kinds of patholo-
patients with COPD was as good as that of gies. 21 An interesting potential role of
normal subjects in generating pressure in inspiratory muscle training may be its use in
response to bilateral phrenic nerve stimula- preventing steroid-induced myopathy. In
tion, at the same lung volumes. Their con- fact, Weiner et al.22 showed, in a random-
clusions were quite strongly against the use ized-controlled trial, that the inotropic and
of inspiratory muscle training since they endurance capacity of inspiratory muscles
stated that “the absence of central inhibition were spared from the damage due to 2
and the absence of evidence of chronic weeks’ administration of this drug only in
fatigue cast doubts on the need to treat the group of patients undergoing specific
such patients with interventions intended to training.
improve the contractility of the diaphragm”.
More recently Levine et al.19 added support Riassunto
to this statement when they showed, after
having obtained diaphragmatic biopsy Riabilitazione motoria nel paziente in Terapia
specimens from 6 patients with severe Intensiva
COPD, that the disease increases the slow- L’Insufficienza Respiratoria Acuta (IRA), sia essa
twitch characteristics of the muscle fibers as secondaria ad una riacutizzazione di una patologia
an adaptive mechanism which increases respiratoria cronica o ad interventi chirurgici, traumi
resistance to fatigue. Does this mean that o complicazioni di patologie sistemiche, è una delle
respiratory muscle training in the ICU cause più comuni di ricovero in Terapia Intensiva.
Questi pazienti molto spesso hanno alle loro
should be definitively abandoned? We do spalle una vita molto sedentaria dovuta all’evoluzio-
not think so. We must say that the above ne della patologia e caratterizzata non solo da un
mentioned studies were performed in progressivo declino della funzionalità respiratoria
patients with severe, but probably (althou- (es.FEV1), ma anche da un decadimento dello stato
gh this was not clearly stated in either funzionale generale, dovuto alla mancanza di eserci-
paper) normocapnic COPD, likely to have a zio fisico, alla somministrazione di farmaci (es. ste-
roidi), ad uno stato di malnutrizione e, successiva-
different histological picture from critically mente, a variazioni nello scambio dei gas.
ill patients. The load, frequency and inten- Oltre al supporto degli organi vitali (es. ventila-
sity of training should be scientifically spec- zione meccanica) il paziente in TI richiede altri



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