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First Day of School:

Day 1 All About Me!

Finish the sentences.

My name is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

My favorite subject is… (circle one)

Spelling Reading Math Writing Science

Draw your favorites.

Favorite animal… Favorite sport…

Favorite book… Favorite food…

My Growth
Day 2 Mindset

Color the circle that describes you.

Can Do Can’t Do Yet

1. I can write sentences in English.

2. I can ask a question in English.

3. I can read a story in English.

4. I can draw pictures to tell about what I learn.

Draw a picture of something you can’t do yet.

Day 3 Thinking Skills

Draw a picture to finish the story.

Day 4 Teambuilding

Circle the pictures that show teamwork.

Day 5 Makerspace

Circle the materials you will use in your design.

Draw what you will build.

Day 6 Multiple Intelligences

Color the circle to show which intelligence is being described.

Sarah learns the colors of the rainbow by writing a song about


Tom adds the cost of each t-shirt together. He finds the total
cost of all the t-shirts.

Lauren sees a poster about frogs. She remembers what she


Ben listens to his teacher give instructions. He knows what to

do at school.

Draw a picture of how you learn best.

Global Goals
Day 8 Use Your Superpowers!

Look at the following pictures. Read the words. Then, draw one thing you can do in your own
life to help solve this problem. The first one is done for you.

Problem What Can I Do?

Plastic bags hurt sea animals. Turtles I can always use the same bag.
think the bags look like food.

A lot of food around the

world is thrown away.

Sometimes people are not

kind to others.

Global Goals
Day 8 Use Your Superpowers!
Your teacher will help your class make a list of problems in your community, and in the world.
Which problems do you care about the most? Choose one problem in your community and
one problem in your world. Draw a picture of each. Then, draw a solution.

Problem in My Community What Can I Do?

Problem in the World What Can I Do?

Global Goals
Day 9 I Am a Superhero!

You are a superhero. You can use your superpowers to help your community and your world.
Add hair and other details to make the superhero look like you. Then color it in.

Next, write how you are going to use your superpowers to help the world in the speech bubble.

My superpower is...

And I will use it to...

Finally, cut out your superhero and the speech bubble. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

Day 10 Citizenship

Draw three ways to be a good digital citizen.

Three ways to be a
Good Digital Citizen

List safe sites.

Day 11 Pledge

First, listen to the poem. Then, follow your teacher’s instructions.

In This Class

In this class, rules help us learn, In this class, teams get things done,
So I’ll raise my hand and wait my turn! We are smarter together (and, it’s more fun!)
In this class, I will say I can’t do it YET, In this class, we really care,
Because I have a growth mindset! About each other and the world we share.
We know there are different ways to be smart, In this class, we will grow and get better,
Some are good at math, music, writing, or art. And we are ready for the best year ever!

Draw a picture of one way you will help your class learn this year.

Day 12 English Skills Introduction

Listen to the story. Then follow your teacher’s instructions.

Anna’s Problem
Anna did not like writing. It was too hard! She said to her teacher, “I can’t
write. It is too hard!” Her teacher said, “You can’t do it yet! But if you try
your best, you will get better.” So, Anna thought about ways she could
practice. She started writing every day. She asked a friend to help her. She
even wrote at home! At first, it was still hard. Anna thought, “I want to give
up. Writing is just too hard!” But, she kept trying. And do you know what?
Anna got better. At the end of the year, she was the best writer in her class.
Anna was proud of herself. She was proud of herself for writing. But most
of all, she was proud of herself because she never gave up.

Discuss the following questions with your class:

Have you ever felt like something is too hard? What was it?

Is there a time when you did not give up? How did you feel?

Circle the face that best shows how you feel about each English skill.

pronouncing English words

spelling English words

knowing the meaning of English words

listening to and understanding English conversations

speaking English

reading and understanding English stories

writing in English

Day 12 English Skills Introduction

Which English skill is the most difficult for you right now? (Circle one)

speaking reading spelling vocabulary writing listening pronunciation

What could you do this year to get better at this skill? Draw or write your answer below.


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