PP 413 Activity No. 2

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Republic of the Philippines


UNIVERSITY Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
College of Engineering and Architecture

PP 413
Activity No. 2 – Pre-Design Services

Problem: A client commissioned your firm for the pre-design services of a 6-Storey Mixed
Used Commercial Building. The said project shall accommodate at least 30 stalls on the
ground and second floor, and open plan office areas on the succeeding floors.

Directions: On a piece of paper write your answers and computations for the following

1. What Pre-Design Services are need for the project? Define the purpose and scope
of each Pre-design Services your firm is proposing to the client. (Use Bullet Format)

2. Using Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses, propose the professional fee per hour
for the Pre-Design Services for the project. Consider the following:

a. Two Architects will be working on the Pre-design Service, one of them has
no expertise in the project and the other one has average experience. b.
One consultant will be needed for the Pre-Design Services, the consultant is
said to have special training and has the highest expertise in the field. c. Two
Technical staff will also be working on the project, both of them are newly
hired in the firm.
Senior Architect Rate 500 per hour

Junior Architect Rate 200 per hour

Consultant Rate 1000 per hour

3. The owner required the Senior Architect to attend a trip located 200km away from
the main office.

a. What method of compensation will be used for the services?

b. What would be the compensation Per diem to the Senior Architect,
considering his daily regular rate?
c. What other expenses will be charged to the Client?
PP 413 A.Y. 2022-2023 | AR. SF ESTRELLA
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture

PP 413
Activity No. 2 – Pre-Design Services

Problem: A client commissioned your firm for the pre-design services for a Hospital
Building. The said project shall accommodate at least 150 patients and 10 specialist
doctors of different fields.

Directions: On a piece of paper write your answers and computations for the following

1. What Pre-Design Services are need for the project? Define the purpose and scope
of each Pre-design Services your firm is proposing to the client. (Use Bullet Format)

2. Using Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses, propose the professional fee per hour
for the Pre-Design Services for the project. Consider the following:

a. An Architect will be working on the Pre-design Service, the architect is said

to have special training and has the highest expertise in the field.
b. One consultant will be needed for the Pre-Design Services.
c. Three Technical staff will also be working on the project, one of them is a
newly hired in the firm, and the other two are regular staff.
Senior Architect Rate 500 per hour

Junior Architect Rate 200 per hour

Consultant Rate 1000 per hour

3. The owner required the Senior Architect to attend a trip located 120km away from
the main office.

a. What method of compensation will be used for the services?

b. What would be the compensation Per diem to the Senior Architect,
considering his daily regular rate?
c. What other expenses will be charged to the Client?
PP 413 A.Y. 2022-2023 | AR. SF ESTRELLA
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture

PP 413
Activity No. 2 – Pre-Design Services

Problem: A client commissioned your firm for the pre-design services for a Multi-storey
Hotel. The said project shall accommodate at least 300 rooms, a lap pool, commercial
spaces, and restaurants.

Directions: On a piece of paper write your answers and computations for the following

1. What Pre-Design Services are need for the project? Define the purpose and scope
of each Pre-design Services your firm is proposing to the client. (Use Bullet Format)

2. Using Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses, propose the professional fee per hour
for the Pre-Design Services for the project. Consider the following:

a. Two Architects will be working on the Pre-design Service, one of them has
no expertise in the project and the other one has special training and has
the highest expertise in Hospitality Design.
b. One consultant will be needed for the Pre-Design Services, the consultant
is said to have special training and has the highest expertise in the field. c.
Two Technical staff will also be working on the project, both of them are
newly hired in the firm.
Senior Architect Rate 600 per hour

Junior Architect Rate 200 per hour

Consultant Rate 1000 per hour

3. The owner required the Senior Architect to attend a trip located 120km away from
the main office.

a. What method of compensation will be used for the services?

b. What would be the compensation Per diem to the Senior Architect,
considering his daily regular rate?
c. What other expenses will be charged to the Client?

PP 413 A.Y. 2022-2023 | AR. SF ESTRELLA

Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture

PP 413
Activity No. 2 – Pre-Design Services

To the Student: Please fill out the necessary information and submit to your Instructor.
Group Members Campo, Joanne Kaysha C.
Quizon, Catherine P.

Butiu, John Kelvin P.

Paras, John Mike P.

Sunga, Joshua Aldrich N.

Bangit, Angelica T.

Name of Firm : ATELIER

Year & Section : BSAR4-B Date : 10/10/2022

1. What Pre-Design Services are need for the project? Define the purpose and scope
of each Pre-design Services your firm is proposing to the client.

 Consultation

When a Client calls upon the Architect to give oral or written advice and direction, to
attend conferences, to make evaluations and appraisals regarding a contemplated
project and similar activities, the Architect renders valuable inputs whether or not the
Client pursues the project.

 Pre-Feasibility

Studies These preliminary studies involve the procurement, analysis and use of secondary
information gathered for the project to aid the Client in early decision-making. They
represent the Architect’s initial assessment of a project’s soundness, allowing the Client
to promptly explore available/ readily identifiable directions / options. Researched /
processed / validated secondary data are generally used for such studies e.g.
electronic, print, etc.
 Feasibility Studies

Detailed analysis of the project based on pre-feasibility studies will determine the viability
of a proposed development. The studies will set the project against present and future
trends to forecast how it will perform over time. This requires primary data gathering and
 Site Selection and Analysis

This entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to the Client in site evaluation as
well as analysis to determine the most appropriate site/s for a proposed project or
building program
 Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies

The detailed analysis of the site involves the identification of a site’s development
potentials through the proper utilization of land. The analysis covers the context of the
site as well as that of its surrounding environment and the development controls that
apply to the site and its environs.

 Architectural Research

Architectural research entails the conduct of primary and secondary researches and
assembled facts used as basis for conclusion.

 Architectural Programming

This analytical problem-seeking process will lead to the statement and identification of
both horizontal and vertical requirements in offering a solution. It incorporates a space
program with characterizations of the envisioned spaces such as ambiance, cost range,

 Space Planning

The Architect determines the adequate size and appropriate configuration and
assemblage for a proposed project in consideration of the use, allocation and interface
of spaces for given activities. Space planning is done mainly through primary data
gathering such as interviews, consultations, interfaces, focus group discussions (FGDs),
space planning surveys, space audits, etc. and subsequent analyses i.e. spatial layouts
with stacking concepts, particularly for multi-storey structures.

 Space Management

Studies An analysis of the space requirements of the project based on organizational

structure and functional set-up pinpoints linkages and interaction of spaces. The
formulation of the space program will serve as the basis for the development of the
architectural plan / design.

 Value Management
This technique is applied in the cost management process to minimize the negative
effect of simplified operations associated with many cost-reduction programs. The goal
of value management is to achieve an unimpaired program at minimum cost. Thus, a
plan, design or system that has been successfully value-managed will still satisfy the
same performance criteria as the costlier alternatives.

 Design Brief Preparation

Under design brief preparation, the Architect states the project terms of reference (ToR)
including the concept, objectives and other necessary requirements to bid out
architectural services (whether public or private)

 Promotional Services

Projects may require promotional activities in order to develop and generate financial
support and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public. In such
cases, the Architect can act as the agent of the Owner by producing and coordinating
the additional activities necessary to complete the services. In all such activities, the
Architect must maintain his professional status as the representative of the Owner.

2.a. Senior Architecture 500+200 Direct cost = AN+CN+TN

AN = 500 = 700 = 700+1000+200
Junior Architecture Direct cost = 1900
fee= Direct Cost x M

2.b. Constant Rate -

CN=1000 =2850 PER HOUR

2.c. TECHNICAL STAFF =1900 x2.5

T=100(ASSUME) =4750 PER HOUR

3.a. The method of compensation will be used is per diem, honorarium plus reimbursable
3.b. Senior Architecture = 500
Daily Regular Working Time = 8 hours
Multiplier = 2.5
Compensation Per Diem = 500 x 8 x 2.5
= 10 000 Compensation per diem for the Senior Architect
3.c. On average, the 200 km journey takes 3.7 hours, thinking about a roundtrip will
require the architect to travel for 7.4 hours. If this is the case, the client may be charged
expenditures like transportation costs such as petrol prices, transportation charges and

PP 413 A.Y. 2022-2023 | AR. SF ESTRELLA

PP 413 A.Y. 2022-2023 | AR. SF ESTRELLA

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