2-2 Question

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KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. Department of Mechanical Engineering. 1B. Se. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2017 ME 2209 (Engineering Mechanies 11) Time: 3 Hours. Full Marks: 210 N.B.i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts, i) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing SECTIOT U A motorist is travelling at 75 km/hr when he observes that a traffic signal light 325 m 17 0 ahead of him tums red. The traffic light is timed to stay red for 25 seconds. If the +0 tnotorist wishes 10 pass the light without stopping just as it tums green again, determit (i) the required uniform deceleration of the car, (ii) the speed of the car as it passes the light Red light 18) A volleyball player serves the ball with an initial velocity vp of the magnitude 13.40 18 m/s at an angle of 20° with the horizontal. Determine (i) if the ball will clear the top of ‘the net, (ii) how far from the net the ball will land? apn decele risee? due to air resistance of the nose-cone of a small 17 experimental rocket is known to be 0.00065v", where v is expressed in nvsec. If the nose-cone is projected vertically up from the ground with an initial velocity of 160 rm/see, determine the maximum height that it would reach, ‘The rotation of rod OA about O is defined by the relationd =< a(4-3), where @is 4g 2 expressed in radians and 1 in seconds. Collar B slides along the rod in such a way that 0.951", where r is expressed in meters and 1 in the acceleration its distance from O is r=1.3! seconds. When / =1.75 see, determine (i) the velocity of the collar, ( of the collar, (ii) the acceleration of the collar relative to the rod, Page | of 4 3(@) When a particle moves under central foree, determine the expression of a conic iM section in the polar coordinates r and 0 and hence show that if e <1, Le. (Msc) the conic section is an ellipse, 3(b) A bag is gently pushed off from the top of a wall at A and swing in a vertical plane at the end of a rope of length L. (i) For any position B of the bag, determine the tangential component ofits acceleration and obtain its velocity v by integration, (i) determine the value of 0 for which the rope will break, knowing that it ean withstand a maximum tension equal to 2. 6 times the weight of the bag. a (a) The initial velocity of the block in the position A is 30 mvs, determine the time it takes for the block to reach B with zero velocity. Assume fl, 0.30. Var 0 4(b) Show that energy is conserved in case of perfectly elastic impact. 4(@) Ball B is hanging from an inextensible cord BC. An identical ball A is released from rest when itis just touching the cord and acquires a velocity vp before striking ball B. ‘Assuming e = 0.9 and no friction, determine the velocity of each ball immediately after impact. Page 2 of 4 09 SA drum of radius 90 mm is mounted on a cylinder of dius 120 mm. A cord is wound sound the dram and is pulled in suel « way that point D has a velocity of 95 mm/sec and acceleration of 450 mnv/see*, both directed to the lefl. Assuming that the eylinder rolls without slipping, determine the acceleration of (i) point A, (i) point Band (ii) point C. selociy of pint A, using the following method: (Sine rule (ii) Instantaneous centre of rotation, 35 kg cabinet is mounted on casters which allow it to move freely on the floor. Ifa 150 N force is applied as shown, determine (i) the acceleration of the cabinet, (i range of values of h for which the cabinet will not trip. 1308, —] ) A pulley weighing 12 N and having a radius of gyration of 0.6 m is connected to two cylinders as shown, Assume no axle friction, determine the angular acceleration of the pulley and the acceleration of each cylinder. v ry 10N) a 5N > Page 3 of 4 4 A sphere of weight 17 and radius r rolls without slipping inside a curved surface of — 17 J radius R. Knowing that the sphere is released from rest in the position shown, derive ‘an expression (i) forthe linear velocity of the sphere as it passes through B, (i) for the ‘magnitude of the vertical reaction at that instant, 7b) _A 3 kg slender rod rotates in a vertical plane about a pivot at B. A spring of constant — 18 k=300 Nim and of unstretched length 120 mm is attached to the rod as shown. Knowing that in the position shown the rod has an angular velocity of 4 rad/see clockwise, determine the angular velocity of the rod after it has rotated through (i) 90°, Gi 180°. 360 mm 8(a)_ What is meant by gyroscopic couple? Discuss the effect of gyroscopic couple on an 17 aeroplane and naval ship during pitching, § Each of the bar AB and BC is of length L=1.2 m and weight w=2.5 N. Determine the 18, angular velocity of each bar immediately after the impulse Q8/-0.3 N.s is applied at c. Qat Page 4 of 4 KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering. B. Se. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2017 ME 2221 / ME 1221 (old) (Computer Programming) Time: 3 Hours. Full Marks: 210 N.B.i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii), Assume reasonable data if any missing, SECTION=A ‘What is meant by computer and computer programming? llustate th structure of a € program and explain the different sections of the program. 14) Determine the purpose of each of the following statements in a C program. Identify all input and output statements, all assignment statements, and any ot features. Maing) i float gross, tax, net: printf ("Gross sal: scanf ("$£", & gross): tax=0.14¢gross; net=gross-tax printf (“Taxes witnheid: ¢.2f\n", tax}; printf ("Net sal 8.28", net): “y3 Vie) Define Machine language and high-level language, How compilation differ from erpretation? 21g) _Explain why and how escape sequences are used in C programs. + 2b) Define identifiers and keywords. Write 5 keywords with their respective purposes. Xp) What is expression, operator and operand? What is the relationship between ‘operators and operand? 740 30,8 002, R= 0078 Devop aC pogam fer we oie ae of Po calculate the shearing stress. 6) Explain pretest and post-test loop with flow charts or examples. ® ‘Write a C program to evaluate the value of the series: Loti od 1, tect assume any value of Nyt 3"a 0 uv White a top in a C prograny that will generate every third integer, beginning with i = 2 and continuing to 100. Calculate the sum of those integers that are evenly divisible by 5 . Page 1 of 2 08 06 07 07 1s 08 10 7 4)What are the poses of bre anc goto statement? How to break differ with + 10 exit () futon? Explain 4(0) Write a C program using 2D array to compute and print the information from the data | table, which shows that sales of three items by four sales persons. i) Total value of sales by each person. y, Gi) Grand total sates. - 4(¢f What is meant by string? Write 5 string library functions with their respective 10 i parposes. What header file is required for the Functions. SECTION -B S(a) What is the purpose of control string in a scan£ function? What type of 15 information does it convey? Describe the composition of control string. Include ‘minimum field width, precision, use of flag in your discussion. 5(U) Write aC program to convert lowercase string to uppercase. 10 AC program contains following variable declarations 10 Ging 4 123; Fleat x=12.0, y= -3.3: ‘Show the output resulting from each os the following print statement (),") printé (":27. $7.08 810.3e:\n", 4, HY (i) peinet (7:87.06 147.0 87g 8H7g:\0", xx, YsYIE Gil) peired (*:84d 847.08 4410.1e:\n" i, xsyds Gay Whst is meant by passing arguments hy value and passing arguments by reference? 08 pore OF" Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ef passing erguments by value, ir Describe the four methods to read a line of text consisting of blanks. 10 . Write a C program to find prime numbers between any two intervals using user 10 qeate ear ee function, + (4) Cescribe, (Describe she rctire in C program. Differeniatebermeen suture and uni) in C program. Differentiate between structure and union) o” Ome! 7{a) What are meant by local variable and global variable with respect.6°C program? 05 ae Explain the advantages of using global variable with example. : 3(b)) Avie a program using user defined function and structure to calculate the Ta 13 Gre average of vce lye ater fnishing a mach, Display she payer's nae, to 210) (Wine a proyian To FICE an Taformation database of bank customer using suc 12 owe tore the customer's name, account number and ty 1 balanee in the databace, ish benween malloc and calloe funetion os 7 3 ae : pects ID 55 How isa variable address detcnnined? What is pointer and what kind of information 10 Qi ae is represented by it? Write down the applications of pointer. 2. <\ <2 (/8(b) Write a program to calculate the rea and perimeter of a circle by passing argument 13 pe as reference to a user defined finetion. Use pointer concept in your program. for GB Write « program to ops a file nained “info.dec” and store the information (Name, 12 me Roll no., CGPA) of 129 students af your class, ®D Page 2 of 2 OND lia) Show that the eificieney of a five jot striking acrinally as series of flat plates mounted on the periphery ofa wheel never exceed 50%. aN) Uid) A jet of water moving at 20 avs iimpings on o symmetrical curved vane shaped to QT AN deliect the jet through 120° Ifthe vane is moving at $ mvs find the angie at the jet so 1 there is no shock at inlc:. Also, det ity at exit in id the werk doae, % laminar and surbulent flows, on the basis of 9) Deduce the ‘pression to determine the head lost in pipes due to friction, 4c What is a compound pipe? How would yoo determine the equivalent size of a Lf compound pipe 3S What is fully developed flow? For a fully developed flow in a pipe deduce the expressions of wai! shear stress, shear stress and vclocity distribution in the flow. 3b) A.0.3 m diameter pipe 2340 m long is connected with a reservoir whose surféce is Tam sbove the discherging end of the pipe. if for the ast 170m, a second pipe of the same diemeter be laid beside the fist and connect to it, what would be the increase in the discharge? f= 0.02, a Discuss lifi and drag, with their general mathematiest expressions. 3 Show that the velocity distribution is linear for negiigible pressure gradient in the flow | direction for a isminar flow tetwcen two para!le! fat plates, one of which is mo and the oth iS est. G two parallel ples sept Qtr apart have laminas Jor of cit between them maximum velocity of 1.5 ms, Calclate the discksige por meter width, the shear sess at the plates, the diference in pressure between two points 20m spar 1°2.453Nsim?. : — a7 18 W 10 2 Define the terms: displacement thickness, momentum thickness and energy thickness. 7, Discuss the phenomenon of separation in a diverging flow. ‘Air lows over a iat plate =0.8 m long ata velocity of 5.9 ns, deter (@) The boundary layer thickness at the end ofthe plate, (ip Drag fore perunit eng ofthe pat. | gon 7Q)- For one-dimensional isentropic compressible flow, show that velocity of sound is directly proportional to the square root of absolute temperature ofthe fluid, JY The maximum mess flow rate for a fluid flow through # converging nozzle occurs at "the speed of sound for a given erea and the stagnation properties of the fluid. Justify it SO When and how a supersonic velocity is obtained in a converging-diverging duct? 8(b) Explain the. terms: normal shock wave, oblique shock wave, choked Rayleigh flow and choked Fanno flow. : : 86). Air at 1 MPa and 600° C enters # converging nozzle with a velocity of 150 ms Determine the mass {iow rate through the nozzle for a nozzle.throat area of 50 when the back pressure is 0.4 MPa. [Take cp=I.005 Ki/kg.K, K-14 205283} Pe Page 2 of 2 18 KIIILN4 JNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanica! Engineering B. Se Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Exwmination, 2017 Math 2205 (Mathematics [V) Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 210 NB) Answer any THREE questions from euch section in ssparae scripts {i) Figures in the gins ind S i) Asqume reason ste fuel any Na) Define Fourier sine series, ty ocaet Expand /(x)=44 2 ina Fourier series of sine terms only. xp operel ( Expand in Fourier series the function /(s) = xsinx in the interval ~ 7 ly Write Bessel’s differential equation of zero order. Establish, relation between J,,(x) and.J.,(x) when nis an integer, ie Show that cos(xcos¢2) = 4olx)-2[cos2—a/,(x)-cas dy J, (x)+-- +] . vy Also express °S in terms of Bessel functions. : “B Prove that J, (2) = les +546] sie @® Define Laplace transform. Find the Laplnce transform of the periodie function given 12 below. ria fint O" cosx? dx = PY, Sve essen Ye 2y 4 syne sine, 20 v0)=0 y(o)=1 using Laplace transform. : 3 (Mechanics of Solid) S Time: 3 tours. ‘ ov NU. Answer any TH ions from each section in separate scripts. Figures in the right margin indicate full matks. iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing. Full Marks: 210 SECTION=A NG) An alumineny rod is rigidly attached between a steel rod and a bronze rod as shown. 18, Axial loads arc applicd at the positions indicated, Find maximum valve of P that will _ a stress in steal of 140 MPa, in aluminum of 90 MPa o in bronze of 100 " Veto od a tm ge MT The rigid bars AB and CD shown are supported by pins ot A and C and the two rods. 17. Determine the maximum force P which can be applied as shown if its vertical movement is limited to S mam. Neglect the weight of all members. - = Steck L-2m A=300 mm? E200 Gra A rigid horizontal bar of negligible mass is connected to two rods as shown in figure. If 18 the system is initially stress-frec, calculate the temperature change that will cause a tensile stress of 90 MPa in the brass rod. Assume that both rods are subjected to the is change in temperature. g°2 Brass L=2m A=1200 mm? E=100GPa_ 2 18.7 prv(m.C)._; Copper L=3m ode soit ‘A=1500 mm? fit, ee * »-. E=120GPa %. x VEG, 016.8 pmim."C) Page Lof4 i i d issible value of upon by two torques as shown in figure. Determine the maximum permissi T subject tothe following conditions: tu 83 MPa, tw ¢ $5 MP, and the angle of rotation of the free end is limited to 6°, For steel, G=83 GPa and for aluminium Ge 28 GPa, sees : 2(b)) A compound shafi consisting of a steel segment and on aluminum segment As acted 7 N f 10 mm wire, having a mean diameter of 1 50mm, Compute the maximum shearing st ‘Attia bar, hinged atone nd, is supported by two identical springs as shown i 1 Each spring contists of 20 tums of 10 son mean diameter of iso, tess in the springs, Neglect the mass of the rigid ber, 10k % *3(b) An experimental beam is composed of the three materials as shown. The materials are 17. firmly fastened together. so that there is no relative movement between them: Determine the safe resisting movement if a, € 120 MPa, a, $80 MPa, a, < 10 MPa and E, = 200 GPa, E, = 70 GPa, E.= 10 GPa. “a i ificat i ife axial lo W360%122 + Using AISC columa specification, deiermine the ssfe axial loeds on a oe wit sad as acoluni under the following condone: ()Kinged ends and a length ) built-in ends and sn unsupported length of 10 m. Mb) pate is an ‘boon: ached ty the finme of» snachine by two side fillet welds #3 Determine the sic of the welds to sett veil load of 49 5 Uae on all 3 faring suess uf 145 143 thzoagh dhe throsts uf the welds. = lol an ZZ - SECTION =B Sa) ‘Wie the shear and moment equions fr he bem ss sown Also sath he ts “ ingrams. moment di akin ——— Tis ili tet ; lt —|+— 20 —l bent femme to the given shear diagram. Specify vi 9 ated wh prime of very sheet . $i 7 \ | ! \ -204N -204N 6{e) Find the reaction R and the moment atthe wall for tbe propped beam as shown. 7 ON . : Gb) What safe value of W can be applied to the beam Joaded as shows, if 6 $ 60 MPa and B 0¢ $100 MPa? Fann Uga™30 0 10° min® 0 mm deep, andm long loaded 28 shown in 17 Joped at horizontal layers 30 mm spar from i) compute the maximum bending Suess 1a), | A simply suppérted beam 120 mn wide IE figure. (i) compute the shearing stress devel top to bottom for s section 1 m from the left. (i developed in the beam. SOkNim — GO KN in 4 eta 7 : (b) Find the value of E1bat the mid: position between the supports of the following beam. 1S fim 1208] v _ fe oi2 we Parka tas R, 6m im oF i For the continuow: 2 Ye reading courte auen as shown in figure, determine the values of the moments snd 17 SOkN HAS Er soe pen BORN | «4 2m [im] 2m Ilm/om 3m | x R R /® Ifa point is subjected to the state of stress shown, determine the principal stresses and the 18 maximum shearing stress. Shown all results on complete sketches of different elements. ' : y : ere , ; sOMPa ; SOMPa SO MPa =

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