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NOLOGY SITY OF ENGINEERING & 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016 ME 2209/ME 3109 (old) neering Mechanics Il) Time: 3 Hours. Full Marks: 210 N.B.i)__ Answer any THREE questions ftom each section in separate seripts. i) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing CTION=A Ug) A Two automobiles A and B are traveling in the same direction in adjacent highway lanes. 7 we ‘Automobile 8 is stopped when it is passed by A, which travels at a constant speed of x 37kmfhr. Afler3:5 seconds automobiles B starts and accelerates ata constant rate of 1.75 avsee?, Determine (i)when and where B will overtake A? (i) the speed of B at that time, (Gi) the relative velocity of B with respect 0A. w/ (A payer hows bal with minal velocity of 1.6 mse from a point A located Sm above the floor. Knowing that h=3.Sm, determine the angle a for which the ball will strike the wall at point B. Check whether the ball hits the ceiling or not, 2(@) The rotation of rod OA about 0 is defined by the relation $G4t — 3¢2) where 0 is ‘expressed in radians and rin seconds. Collar B slides along the rod in such a way thet its distance from O isr = 1.25t? ~ 0.95¢°, where ris expressed in meters and fin seconds. When t=1.5 second, determine ~ (i) the velocity of the collar, (i) the acceleration of the collar, (ii) the acceleration of the colar relative tothe tod. A satelite describes an elliptic orbit about a planet as shown in figure, Denoting by 7» and ri the distances corresponding to the perigee and apogee of the orbit respectively, show that the curvature of the orbit at each of those two points can be expressed as 4), where the symbols have their usual meanings. Page 1 of 4 7 18 " 18 34a) 3b) (a) 40) S(a) ‘Two blocks A and B, of mass 12kg and 1Skg, respectively, hang from a cable which 17 passes over a pulley of negligible mass. The blocks are released from rest in the positions shown and block B is observed to strike the ground with a velocity of 1.6 nvsec Determine - (i) the energy dissipated die to axle friction in the pulley; (i) the force exerted by the cable on each of the two blocks during the motion, ‘An S-kg phunger is released fiom rest inthe position shown and is stoped by two nested 18 springs, the constant ofthe outer spring is ki=3kN/m and the constant ofthe inner spring is ko=10 kNim. If the plunger is released fom a height h=600 mm, determine the ‘maximum deflection of the outer spring. we ake « Vv seus What is coefficient of restitution? Deduce the expression for relative velocity after 17 impact in tens of relative velocity before impact and the coefficient of restitution. Sphere “A* of mass ‘m’ hits squarely with the velocity ve sphere B of identical mass 18 which is hanging from an inextensible cord BC. Knowing that 035° and that the coefficient of restitution between the two sphere is e = 0.80, determine the velocity of each sphere immediately after impact, my wy SECTION=B by inextensible cords as shown. Load A has constant 17 acceleration of 2.5 misec? and an initial velocity of 3.75 mi/sec, both directed upward. Determine ~{i) the number of revolutions executed by the pulley in 4 seconds (ii) the velocity and position of load B after 4 seconds, and (ii) the acceleration of point C on the rim of the pulley at 0. A pulley and two loads are conné 125m x “075m Page 2 of 4 ‘ i ng that B moves to the left with 18 ‘Two 500 mm rods are pin-connected at D as shown. Knowing that | L Sees ‘locity of 360 mv, determine a the instant shown (i) the angular velocity of each rod, (i) the velocity of E, 200 mm 500 mm, 200 mm 4 150 mm, 6(a)__The 9 kg cartiage is supported as shown by two disks of mass 5 kg and radius 160mm each, 17 Knowing that the disks roll without sliding, determine the acceleration of the carriage when a force of 35 N is applied on it, 35N¢— 9Kg 0) Knowing that the rods rotate 18 ‘with the constant angular velocity c,=4 rad/see clockwise and o=5 rad/sec anti-clockwise, determine the velocity af pin ? forthe position shown, I 250 mm | RG ND Ta) Each ofthe bars AB and BC is of length L=45 em and weight 16N. A horizontal force Pof 18 magnitude 20N is applied at C. Determine the angular acceleration of each bar. SN A + a eZ Lov . B te ¢ P oe Page 3 of 4 >) A uniform beam of length L and weight W is supported as shown in figure. If the cable 17 suddenly breaks, determine (i) the acceleration of end B, (ii) the reaction at the pin suppor. 8(@) The ends of a 12 kg rod AB are constrained to move along the slots shown. A spring of 17 constant 120 N/m is attached to end A in such a way that its tension is zero when 0-0. If the rod is released from rest when 0=75°, determine the angular velocity of the rod and the velocity of end A when. — RAY A 2 kg sphere, moving horizontally to the right with an initial velocity of § m/sec, strikes 18 the lower end ofan 8 kg rigid rod AB. The rod is suspended from ahinge at A and ts initially at rest. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution between the rod and the sphere is 0.80, determine the angular velocity of the rod and the velocity of the sphere immediately after impact ANY Af 0.6m Pa G 12m vs @ B wey Page 4 of 4 a Explain the terms: (i) Drag coefficient, (iii) Lit coefficient and (ji) Flow separation. What are the factors the drag and lift coefficient primarily depend on? Distinguish between form drag and surface drag. Also sketch roughly flow patterns for steady flow past a circular cylinder for very small, moderate and very high Reynolds number. Prove that for very small Reynolds number, the pressure drag is Reynolds number. ey. _fe the inverse of the pe pe ce = For a variable flow cross-sectional area, prove that q (Ma? -1)~ Also explain variation of velocity with change in area for the subsonic and supersonic velocities. For the Rayleigh flow show that maximum entropy will occur at sonic condition. Describe the effects of back pressure on the exit velocity, the mass flow rate and the pressure distribution along a converging: ig nozzle with necessary figures. ‘Air in an automobile tire is maintained at a pressure of 220 kPa (gage) in an environment where the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa, The’ air in the tire is at the ambient temperature of 25°C. A 4 mm diameteF leak develops in the tire as a result of an accident. Approximating the flow as isentropic, determine the initial mass flow rate of air through the leak [ Use, R=0.287 kPam'/kg.K, K=1.4 and pf/Po=0.5283]. Page 2 of 2 18 07 7 18 15 ERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016 C ME 2221 - Yomputer Programming) ‘Time: 3 Hours. , . Full Marks: 210 ) Answer any THREE questions from cach section in separate seripts. . ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks, i) Assume reasonable data if any missing, CTION - A. + 1G) What is meant by computer programming and programming language? Briefly 11 describe the features and applications of C programming. » 1(b) ‘What is an operator and an operand? Describe several different types of operators that 12 are included in C with examples. *1©__ Explain the following terms with detail examples: 12 (i), Variable (ii) Expression (iii) Statement (iv) Identifier + 2(@) Differentiate with example: (i) For loop and while loop. (Gi) While loop and do-while loop. 08, =2(b) Write a program in C using “do-while’ to read 100 numbers and calculate the average 12 of the numbers which are greater than 35. = 2c) Find the sum of the series: 1s daira uptonterms using C program. © + 3(a) Write a function to calculate the factorial of a nu the factorial of m numbers. ber aid use this function to calculate 15, +3(b) Write a C program that will print 10 numbers in ascending order. 1s \3(e) Write down the purposes of scanf and printf in C language. 05 4(a) in what way does an array differ from an ordinary variable? What condition must be 06 satisfied by all elements of any given array? 4(b) Write aC program using 2D array to compute and print the following information from 18 the data table, which shows the value of sales of three items by four sales persons. (i) Total value of sales by each person, (ii) Total value of each item sold, (iii) Grand total of sal [enon Person 2 Person 3. 4(6)__ From a list of 1000 names, five character cach, find how many ate ‘KARIM’ using 11 program. Page 1 of 2 IVLSOLOHd HSIN 5) + 5(b) Ste) + 6(a) 5b) 60) + 7a) 70) He) 8(2) 8(b) 8c) SECTION <1 Define user-defined function and write the declaration syntax. . Write a C program to reverse « string Write a C function to check whether a number is prime, Now display the prime numbers between 2 and $0 by calling it within a loop in the main() funetion. What is recursion? What advantages is there to use recut n? State the strategy of | Fecursion, Create a function to compute the area of a-vircle snd use the function to find the area of 20 circles with radii given using C program, ‘Use recursive call to evaluate the sine of x define by the series- eos oe sin) =/@) =x-F +5 H+ Input the value of x and mutnber of terms built-in sine funetion. your program. Compare the results with the Differentiate betw structure and union, Write a C program to store information of m numbers of acount holders in a bank using structure. Write a C prograin to read marks of students and store it ina tle, What is a structure? How does a structure differ from an array? Describe the syntax for defining the composition of a struéture. How can structure variables be declared? What are the primary advantages of us file? Write a C program using structure to caleulate the total macks of 10 students from the corresponding marks of attendance, class tests, and final exam marks. Print a table to show the name, roll mumber and total marks obtained by each of 10 students. Page 2 0f2 08 12 06 4 1s c=) a o x uv = So = Q “” = QB =| on N.B.i)_ Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. ME-@ KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2016 ME 2211 (Mechanics of Solid) ‘Time: 3 Hours, Full Marks: 210 ii) Figures in the right margin indicate fll marks. iii) Assume reasonable dat: ‘any missing, / 1) Explain the followings: (@_ Normal stress Gi) Shear Stress Gii)Bearing stress (iv)Poisson’s ratio (¥) Elastic and plastic deformation SECTION 1s 1(b) A solid conical bar of circular cross-section tapers uniformly from a diameter S cm at 20 its smaller end to 10cm at the larger end. The length of the bar is 30cm. Determine the elongation due to an axial force of 45KN at each end. Assume E=100 GPa, t 7: 45kN Fy 10cm ee -2(a) With necessary assumption, derive torsion formula for solid and hollow circular shafts. 15 2(b) A brone bar 3m long with a cross-sectional area of 320mm? is placed between two 20 rigid walls as shown in figure. Ata temperature of -20°C, the gap A=2.Smm, Find the temperature at which the compressive stress in the bar will be 35 MPa Use 18.010 m/(m.°C) and E=80GPa : L=3m K Z Hah 3(a) A torque T is applied as shown in figure to a solid shaft with built in ends, Prove that 1s 2 the resisting torques at the walls are 7; = 7 and T2 = 7 Gi tT h = 3(b) A timber beam 150 mm wide by 200 mm deep is to be reinforced at the top and bottom — 20 by aluminum plates 6 min thick. Determine the width of the aluminum plates if the ‘beam is to resist a moment of 16 kN.m. Assume n= 5 and take the allowable stresses as 8 MN/m? and 70 MNimin the wood and aluminum respectively. Page 1 of 3 AVISOLOHd HOIND A{a)__A W200x100 section is used as a column 9m long with built-in ends. (i) Using AISC specifications, compute the safe load that can be applied if the effective length is three~ quarters the given length. (ii) What is the safe load if the column is also braced at its midpoint? Use 6,5=380 MPa, 4(b) Two plates are joined by four rivets 25 mm in diameter, as shown‘in figure. Find the allowable load P if the working stresses are 1=80 MPa and o=90 MPa and oy=120 MPa. t | 130mm! @ io @] 150mm | +P 2 4 aca 12-10 mm SECTION—-B 5(a) Write shear and moment equations for the beam shown. Also draw shear and moment 18 diagram specifying values at all change of load position and at all points of zero shear Neglect the mass of the beam. SOkN 50 kN «———4m 20 kN/m yin] 7 1 TUT es Litiiti 4 5(6) Draw moment and load diagram corresponding to the given shear diagram. Specify value 17 atall change of load positions and at all point of zero shear. 10 vent = seer s@ YY 2m Ui, 10 Zu; + 6() Show thet the distribution of shearing stress in a rectangular section is parabolic and the 10 ‘maximum shearing stress can be expressed as Max.t = 2% , where the symbols have their usual meanings. | 6(b) The distributed load as shown ia figure is supporscd by a wide-flange section of the given 25 dimensions, Determine the mizximum value of wo that will not exceed a flexural stress of 10 MPa and a shearing stress of 1.0 MPa b wo Nim CF 25 mn eo 2500) 1 | 250mm 2m— |__— 4m 25mm Ri Re = 250 mm Page 2 of 3 LWLSOLOHd HINO + Tay Hb) 80a) 8th) For the beam shown, compute the moment of arca of the M diagram between the reaction 17 about both the left and the right reaction M=SO0N.m let ‘ L- Tm A simply supported beam Determine the deflection equation and the may carries the triangularly 200N/im B distributed load as shown in figure. 18 ide of the maximum deflection. wo u 2 y 12 Determine the moment over the supports in the continuous beam shown in figure. "7 800 Nim GOON 800N 400 N/mm NI For the state of stress | ete ‘Span2=3m_ Re Alm [im 4— Span3=4in —> 4s - Re | 2m wn, determine the principal stresses and the maximum in-plane 18 shearing stress. Shown all results on complete sketches of differential elements 30MPa Page 3 of 3 LAVISOLOHd HIIND NB. ~ == 5 pepartenent of Mechanieal Enginec B. Se, Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Tern Exami ‘Math 2205 (Mathematies 1V) a Time: 3 Hours, . Il Marks: 210 i) Answer any THREE questions from each section irate scripts, ii) Figures in the right margin indicate fll marks, ii) Assume reasonable data if any missing slay IO) 10) 2a) 200) “ 20) Ha) + Xb) 4a) ib) TH State. set of sufficient conditions to expand a function in Fourier series. Show that for an even function Fourier series has only cosine terms. ‘Represent the function f{x) as a Fourier series, where f(x + 21t) = f(x) and Mj —eSx<0 f@) M; O

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