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English 1:
ESSAYPlaying sports since a child.

Student: Luna Orozco Diana Estefanía

Class: 5CV2
Date: Oct 21st 2022

Essay: Playing sports since a child.
Practicing sports is an important activity to everybody. However not everyone has the initiative to
start practicing a sport. So, if adults do not like to doing it, children will not like it either. This essay
will argue why it is important to exercise since we were young and know about which advantages
and disadvantages exist when we begin to spend a great amount of time practicing sports since
we were young children. Firstly, the paper will talk about benefits of physical activity in children
and how it influences in them. Secondly, the paper will identify the negative things that are part of
a kids when they take advantage of their free time doing sports. Finally, I will use my personal
opinion to try to raise awareness in readers and people in how they use their time to take care of
themselves playing sports and exercising.
In first place, the advantages about to practicing sports favors the physical and emotional
development of children. Furthermore, the WHO warns that 80% of children and adolescents in
the world do not exercise daily, which can put their health at risk. Therefore, by reducing sedentary
lifestyle and promoting the practice of sports, it is possible to promote development in childhood.
In addition, there are a lot of benefits playing sports, for example increase motor skills, it means
improve the coordination of muscle movements that occur in parts of the body, in the same way
to improve social skills. However, creating sports habits as a child helps you learn to follow rules
inside a social circle that will help you be healthier. Because it activates the immune system,
strengthens bones, increases self-esteem, reduces stress, among other aspects that they even
help prevent some diseases.
On the other hand, the disadvantages about practicing sports in childhood, in particular, affect
them by not finding relief from stress on the playing field; by feeling even more pressure because
they push themselves too hard to win. As an example, some children are unable to recognize
when they need to take a break, which can lead to dehydration. The American Academy of
Pediatrics publication “Organized Sports for Children and Preadolescents” suggests that young
children may experience frustration and failure if the demands placed on them in sports are higher
than their physical and cognitive development allows. Young children's self-esteem can also be
affected when measures include trophies and tournaments in the performance of sport.

Finally, in my opinion, it is very important to do any deport. No matter if you are young or
if you are an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to do it because you will be better in health
issues. So many could be prevented, such as obesity and overweight. However, it can
not be possible without the acquisition of healthy lifestyles habits, such as a more
balanced diet, hygiene habits and organization of tasks. Actually regarding the benefits
of physical activity in children who practice these disciplines. The teaching of values it is
an important factor for its continuity because fun, companionship and self-improvement
are very present. In short, there are multiple benefits of sport for children that can be
offered to the little ones with the aim of acquiring a host of social, physical and
psychological skills for their day to day life. Above all, exercise should be exercised, as long
as there is a balance, since everything in excess is bad.

Ayuda en Acción. (04 de 02 de 2020). The importance of playing sports in the development of children.
Obtenido de

Kaminsky, A. (11 de 20 de 2021). Advantages and disadvantages of sports for children. Obtenido de

Novasalud. (01 de 19 de 2019). Sports during childhood. Obtenido de

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