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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University – College of Education Training Department

J.P. Laurel Avenue, General Santos City

Use of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) Peels as

an Alternative Material for Loose-Fill Packaging

Submitted to the Faculty of

Mindanao State University
College of Education Training Department

Ian John C. Arobo

Malik Nor H. Bubonga
Shan Andrie T. Bisnar

July 2021
Mindanao State University
College of Education Training Department
JP Laurel St., General Santos City


The Research entitled “Use of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) Peels as an Alternative Material for

Loose-Fill Packaging” prepared and submitted by IAN JOHN C. AROBO, MALIK NOR H.

BUBONGA, and SHAN ANDRIE T. BISNAR in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject, Research 10, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.

June 17, 2021 Mrs. Ammabel O. Alza , MA

Date Research Adviser
Approval in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject Research 10 by the Oral

Examination Committee.

Engr. Renante C. Magoncia, MS, MIP Aida F. Docena, MS, MSP

Member Member
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Research 10.

_ July 1, 2021__
Date of Submission

Junior High School Department



The production of commercial packing peanuts has been a widespread industry

since a lot of people use packing peanuts to prevent damages on products. This study

focused on the creation and comparison of the commercially sold Polystyrene Packaging

against the Pomelo (Citrus Maxima) Packaging. The pomelo was boiled to soften and mixed

with pure glycerin and additional mixtures and then left to dry. The experimentation had four

tests: flammability, cushion tests 1 & 2, and water solubility. Independent t-test was used to

compare the means. To conclude, we found out that S2 surpassed S1 in terms of flammability

(t = 3.64065). S1 surpassed S2 in terms of cushion test 1 (t = -7.44983). There was no

significant difference in the means of the two samples in terms of cushion test 2. To further

improve the study, we recommend conducting the research at a proper facility with proper

equipment and possibly use pomelo with glycerin to create biodegradable materials.


First and foremost, we would like to give our praises and thanks to our God Almighty

for the blessings He has given and showered us which guided us to proceed further through our

research which helped us complete it successfully.

We want to give our deepest thanks to our research supervisor, Mrs. Ammabel Oclarit

Alza, MA, for giving us tips and examples and for providing guidance throughout the research.

Also, we would also like to thank Kenneth Ian B. Galagaran and our other schoolmates for

giving us tips on what to do on specific chapters of the research.

We are extremely grateful for our parents for buying the materials for our research and

for the sacrifices and support they gave amidst this pandemic throughout the school year. Thank

you for being with us for sending your supports and prayers to be able to complete this research.

Thank you for all the efforts you have given.

Table of Contents

Approval Sheet ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix

List of Graphs x


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Statement of the Problem 3

1.2 Hypothesis 4

1.3 Significance of the Study 4

1.4 Scope and Limitations 5

1.5Definition of Terms 6


2. Review of Related Literature 7

2.1 Pomelo 7

2.2 Anatomy of Citrus Fruits 7

2.3 Starch Based Packing Peanuts 9

2.4 Polystyrene Peanuts 9

2.5 Starch 10

2.6 Wheat 11

2.7 Food Waste 12

2.8 Water Activity 13

2.9 Organic Oil 14

2.10 Sulfur 15

2.11 Biodegradable Loose-Fill Packaging 15

2.12 Polystyrene Foam 16

2.13 Biodegradability 17

2.14 Package Cushioning 18


3. Methodology 19

3.1 Research Design 19

3.2 Location of the Study 19

3.3 Equipment and Materials 19

3.4 Samples 19

3.5 Production of Pomelo Packing Peanuts 20

3.6 Flowchart 21

3.7 Tests 21

3.8 Statistical Analysis 22


4. Analysis and Presentation of Data 23

4.1 Introduction 23

4.2 Statistical Analysis 30


5. Summary, Conclusions, & Recommendations 32

5.1 Summary of Findings 32

5.2 Conclusions 33

5.3 Recommendations 34




Rind Preparation 39


Mixture Preparation 40


Creation of the Product 42


Testing of the Product 44

List of Figures

Page Number

Figure 1.0 Pomelo 7

Figure 1.1 Research Design 19

Figure 1.2 Flowchart 21

List of Tables

Page Number

Table 1.1 Water Solubility Test Results 25

Table 1.4 Cushion Test 2 Results 28

Table 1.6 T-test for the Flammability Test 30

Table 1.7 T-test for the Cushion Test 1 30

Table 1.8 Mean of the samples in Cushion Test 2 31

Table 1.9 Mean of the samples in Water Solubility Test 31

List of Graphs

Page Number

Graph 1.0 Flammability Test Results 24

Graph 1.2 Water Solubility Test Results 26

Graph 1.3 Cushion Test 1 Results 27

Graph 1.5 Cushion Test 2 Results 29

Chapter 1


The pomelo or pummelo (citrus maxima) is the largest citrus fruit from the Rutacae

family and the principal ancestor of the grapefruit. It is recognized by its thick rind with dense,

spongy pith beneath. Pomelo rinds are usually high in moisture content (75-80%) and water

activity (0.90-0.98). People usually discard peels because of its bitter taste. Because of this, we

came up with an idea to make pomelo peels useful instead of being trash as well as dealing

with excessive use of plastic. By making pomelo rind as an alternative to loose-fill packaging,

we can minimize the use of plastic. When buying appliances, plastic is used to cover the

appliances to prevent it from being getting damaged. Most people discard the plastic by burning

or throwing it anywhere which is harmful to the environment. Since pomelo rind is dense and

thick, it can be used as a substitute to plastic loose-fill packaging and it is eco-friendly so you

can throw it anywhere and it won’t take much time to decompose.

The Pomelo has thick, rigid, and firm peel. Pomelo peel possesses excellent damping

behaviour preventing its fruit pulp from damage when the fruit is dropping from its tree with a

typical height of 3-5 meters. The thick skin of the ripe fruit should be dull and pale green to

yellow in colour. Vitamin C is present in pomelo peel which stimulates collagen production,

and thus maintains and improves skin elasticity, and lessens hyperpigmentation or darkening

of the skin. (Wikipedia 2019)

Eating dried pomelo peels provide health benefits including preventing urinary tract

infection, strengthening gums, effective in treating diarrhea, helps fight off free radicals,

produces collagen that ensures firm, bright and younger skin, helps treat cough and cold, helps

slow down aging process and helps keep the body energized. The peel can be used by decoction
or extracting the essence of pomelo peels by boiling. It is used for treating chorea, epilepsy, as

well as convulsive coughing. The boiled pomelo peel also cures frost bites and gas pains.

Pomelo peels also works effectively as sedative in nervous affection, vomiting, griping

of abdomen, eye troubles and headache, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying,

soothing and toning. Despite all the above there are some precautions that must be observed.

Pomelo is rich in potassium and Vitamin C which is harmful for the patients with kidney and

liver problems. The hypotension patients should avoid it because pomelos reduce the blood

pressure considerably. Limit the intake of pomelos because excessive consumption could result

to various health problems. People allergic to citrus fruits should avoid it. Consult the health

practitioner for using it to treat health problems. If consumed excessively it results constipation

and formation of kidney stones. Pomelo peels were usually thrown to bins as wastes after the

pomelo fruits are peeled and eaten. We aim to use pomelo peel to maximize the use of it by

making pomelo peel as an alternative loose-fill packaging. Which results to less use of plastic

to make plastic loose-fill packaging to protect newly bought appliances. (Susin Lim, 2020)

The reason why we see so much trash lying around is because too much material is

being thrown away – either food or wasted objects. People buy packaged furniture and that

leaves just the box be either reused or thrown as garbage.

After it has been thrown, the contents of the trash are thrown into sea or any body of

water near a wasteland and there isn’t just one person buying a single object or more, there are

millions per day. Millions of tons of garbage will probably fall into water or buried in land and

the cycle just repeats, but the plastic stays forever.

One helping solution for earth to stop accumulating waste is to make use of the wastes

we throw away. On average, about 2, 175 tons of food scraps end up in the trash everyday just

in Manila. 1/3 of the food produced globally never reaches our tables. If we put our mind into

this, what could end up in the trash could be useful just like our research the pomelo peel.

(Future of Food, 2014)

It is unknown how long it will take for polystyrene, an ingredient of packing peanuts,

to biodegrade. Some experts estimate its decomposition to take around 500 years or more.

Styrofoam is one of the most environmentally unfriendly and unforgiving types of waste that

is being made today. We know that plastics are made in order to replace and reduce the use of

wood on other materials but it is being made too much. Animals roaming in the wild run around

and eat what they can find, and there are just not a little but so many groups of them. It could

be a choke hazard to them.

Styrofoam is a light-weight material, about 95% air with good insulation properties.

Because of the amount of air in its structure, Styrofoam is considered to be not being able to

sink and float in water, and capable of maintaining its form. If it is burned in a normal fire, it

releases pollutants such as carbon black and carbon monoxide which is a very harmful poison

to everybody. (Vijayalaxmi Kinhal, n.d.)

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to make use of pomelo rind as an alternative loose-fill packaging in

order to replace and compete with the current commercial plastic loose-fill packaging. It aimed

to avoid plastics and their byproducts in littering our cities, oceans, and waterways. This study

was focused on answering these questions:

1) What is the maximum weight capacity it can hold while providing cushion?

2) Is the loose-fill packaging soluble enough to be thrown into the water without


3) Is there any difference in the flammability of the pomelo packing peanut from the

commercial packing peanut?

4) How effective will the pomelo packing peanut be compared to the commercial

packing peanut if they are placed to cushion an egg from a fall from a certain



There are no significant differences between the pomelo packing peanut and the

commercial packing peanut in terms of:

a) Cushion

b) Water Solubility

c) Flammability

Significance of the Study

This study wass conducted to benefit the following:

Students. This can serve as a reference and guide for the students conducting similar

fruit studies.

Professors. This study will help them reference and add idea to their lessons and

tests. It will be easier for them to tackle and bring up related topics about this research,

especially in Botany.

Farmers & Market. This study will help them have more information about the

fruits and vegetation they sell.

Businesses. This will help companies that make commercial packaging have an idea

of another packaging that is biodegradable. They may produce more of this since it would be

easier to make than plastics.

Buyers. The product will provide safety and assurance of the item to the client.

Future Researchers. This research will be useful especially for researchers who plan

to make any related topics like Botanists or any Food Researchers.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was only limited to the peeling of the pomelo rinds as an alternative loose

fill packaging and not any other fruit peels. The limitations were working by hand and without

any machinery used.

The appropriate time to find ripe pomelos is between April to June, which is the

pomelo’s season where they mostly bloom and have low price. It would take another big

amount of time to conserve the bought pomelos to ensure they work best for our project. It also

would just take a short amount of time to peel the pomelos but a long time for conducting the

experiment (about 3 weeks of making).

The tools needed for this project were source of flame/heat (oven, microwave, stove).

The other materials included were pure glycerin and baking powder. Other sources would be

the sun for drying.

Procedures involve performing the correct method in order for the laboratory

apparatuses to work according to their use and common techniques like grinding, transferring,

measuring, etc.

Definition of Terms

Rind - Rinds occur naturally, growing to cover and protect a fruit or a plant. You can

also call the thick, waxy covering on a wheel of cheese a rind, or the inedible skin on a sausage

or another food. The Old English root rinde originally meant "bark or crust," and later also

"peel of a fruit or vegetable."

Moisture Content - The quantity of water contained in a material, such as soil (called

soil moisture), rock, ceramics, crops, or wood. Water content is used in a wide range of

scientific and technical areas, and is expressed as a ratio, which can range from 0 (completely

dry) to the value of the materials' porosity at saturation. It can be given on a volumetric or

mass (gravimetric) basis.

Water Activity - The partial vapor pressure of water in a substance divided by the

standard state partial vapor pressure of water. In the field of food science, the standard state is

most often defined as the partial vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature.

Eco-friendly - Literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment. This

term most commonly refers to products that contribute to green living or practices that help

conserve resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly products also prevent contributions to

air, water and land pollution.

Loose-fill packaging - Loose fill materials are used to fill empty spaces in packages

that contain lightweight, non-fragile items.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter introduces and provides the review of related literature convenient and

associated with this study in order to find a solution to the problems and issues that will soon

rise up in the study. This chapter also discusses the different variables which are related and

used in the study. It introduces the framework for the study that consists of the major focus of

the research described in the thesis.


Figure 1.0 Pomelo fruit

Pomelo (Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis) is a large citrus fruit. It is considered as the

most substantial fruit of the Rutacea family and the progenitor of grapefruit. Pomelo has milder,

sweeter taste and thicker rind than grapefruit.

The origin of the word “pomelo” was taken from the Dutch word pompelmoes, which

is rendered pampelmuse in German, and pamplemousse in French. Its scientific name, Citrus

maxima, means "biggest citrus". In English, the word "pomelo" (also written as pumelo,

pummelo, pomello) became the accepted name.

The C. maxima tree, which is very sensitive to cold temperature, has a rounded crown

and grows up to 16 to 50 ft tall. The tree has oblong to elliptic leaves that measures10.5 to 20
cm (4 to 8 in) long, with winged petioles (leaf stems). The fruits, which differ from round to

pear-shaped and ripen to red, yellow, and orange and weighing up to 9 kg (20 lbs).

The flesh of the fruit, which varies from yellow, pink, to red. It is often juicy, and

divided into 11 to 18 segments. Like other citrus fruits, pomelos are high in vitamin C. Pomelos

are generally eaten fresh.

Pomelos have long been popular in Asia, especially China, Indonesia, and Thailand,

Japan, Fiji, but are increasingly found in specialty markets in the United States as well. The

juice of pomelo is also used in various types of beverages (both alcoholic and non), and the

peel may be candied. Traditional medicinal uses of the fruit include treatment of coughs, fevers,

and gastrointestinal disorders.

The fragrant flowers are collected and processed into perfume in Vietnam, and the

wood, which is hefty and hard-grained, is used for making tool handles. (Bailey et al. 1976,

Morton 1987, van Wyk 2005.)

Anatomy of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruit arises through the growth and development of an ovary and consists of 8–

16 carpels clustered around and joined to the fl oral axis, which forms the core of the fruit. The

carpels form locules, or segments, in which seeds and juice sacs (vesicles) grow. The pericarp

(rind or peel) is divided into exocarp, or fl avedo, and mesocarp, or albedo. The fl avedo

consists of the outermost tissue layers, which have cuticle-covered epidermis and parenchyma

cells. The fl avedo is the outer, colored part and the albedo is the inner, colorless (white) or

sometimes tinted part (as in red grapefruit or blood oranges). The fl avedo consists of the

epicarp proper, the hypodermis, the outer mesocarp, and oil glands. Above the epicarp is a

multilayered protective skin or cuticle that is quite complex in origin, structure, and

development. The cuticle consists of an inner layer of cutin, which is a heterogeneous polymer

of fatty acids and cellulose, and an outer layer consisting of cutin (Baker et al., 1975).

All surfaces eventually crack and are uplifted to form large, fl at, irregular plates. This

outer surface can be rubbed gently to give shining polish. By restricting water loss through

evaporation, the cuticle plays an essential role in maintaining high water content within tissue

that is necessary for normal metabolism. One estimate claims that cuticle reduces the rate of

evaporation from living plant cells from about 3.6 to 0.14 mg/cm2 /Pa/h.

Water loss varies with the type of fruit or commodity, its anatomy, and surrounding

conditions. This coeffi cient of transpiration (the rate of water loss) is 42 for apple and 7400

for lettuce (Wills et al., 1998). Numerous stomata are scattered over the surface of the

epidermal cell layer over the parenchymatous tissues between the oil glands (Turrell and Klotz,


The rind of most citrus fruits is generally inedible, largely because of the oil. However,

the rind of kumquats is sweet and can be eaten along with the pulp. Albedo consists of inner

mesocarp, which consists of parenchymatous cells with large air spaces (Scott and Baker,

1947). This is an extremely effective cushioning material against pressure and impact to fruits.

The albedo is 1–2 mm thick in limes and tangerines, 2–5 mm thick in sweet oranges, and up to

20 mm thick in pummelos. Albedo is attached to fl avedo on the outer side and connected with

segment membrane from the inner side. The exocarp, or fl avedo, and white spongy mesocarp,

or albedo, are blended together. The endocarp is the inner side of the pericarp and a portion of

the locular membrane. When the peel/rind is stripped, the entire exocarp and all but the inner

portion of the mesocarp are removed. The segments surrounding the central axis form the

edible pulp of a mature citrus fruit. Each segment is surrounded by a continuous endocarp


Starch Based Packing Peanuts

In the early 1990s, starch-based packing peanuts were developed as a more

environment-friendly alternative. The starch in the peanuts comes from crop-based sources

rather than petroleum-based polystyrene, and is non-toxic. One of the first brands of

biodegradable peanuts, Biofoam, is made from the grain sorghum; other brands are made from

corn starch. Biodegradable foam peanuts have no electrostatic charge, another benefit over

polystyrene. Being biodegradable and nontoxic, they are also safe for humans and pets if

ingested accidentally. However, they are not produced in food-safe conditions, and are not

recommended for eating. Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is

removed from starch-based packing peanuts. This removes edible components, such as sugars,

that would otherwise attract rodents and bugs. Their main drawbacks compared with

polystyrene are lower resilience, higher weight (6.5 to 13 g per litre/0.4 to 0.8 lb per cubic

foot), dust creation, potential attraction of rodents, and higher price. Starch-based peanuts are

soluble in water, and polystyrene peanuts are soluble in acetone, but not vice versa. Starch

based products can be disposed with down the sink, dissolving on contact with the water.

Polystyrene Peanuts

Foam peanuts, also known as foam popcorn, packing peanuts or packing noodles, are a

common loose-fill packaging and cushioning material used to prevent damage to fragile objects

during shipping. They are shaped to interlock when compressed and free flow when not

compressed. They are roughly the size and shape of an unshelled peanut and commonly made

of expanded polystyrene foam. 50–75 millimetres (2-3 in) of peanuts are typically used for

cushioning and void filling packaging applications. The original patent was filed for by Robert

E. Holden in 1962 and was granted in 1965.

Polystyrene-based packing peanuts were developed and patented by Tektronix Inc. They were

made commercially available circa 1965 by Dow Chemical. Originally made from 100% virgin

polystyrene resin, peanuts made from 100% recycled polystyrene have been commercially

available since the mid-90s. The color and shape sometimes indicate what it is made of and

who made it. Often green is 70% or possibly more recycled polystyrene, white is 70% or more

virgin resin and pink means an antistatic agent has been applied; although there are some

variations. The most common shapes are similar to a "S", "figure 8" or "W". Foam peanuts are

very light (usually around 3 grams per litre/0.17 to 0.2 lb per cu ft) and easy to use.

Polystyrene peanuts may be used and reused many times with little or no loss in protection for

the product shipped. They may be reused and recycled at many packing and shipping stores.

Because of their build-up, polystyrene peanuts may also be used for various methods of home

insulation, although it is not recommended because they are not flame retardant.


Starch or amylum is a polymeric carbohydrate which consists of numerous glucose units

joined together by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is manufactured by most green plants

as energy storage. It is the most common carbohydrate in human diets and is accommodated in

large amounts in staple foods like rice, maize (corn), potatoes, cassava and wheat.

In industry, starch is transformed into sugars, for example by malting, fermenting to make

ethanol in the manufacture of beer, biofuel and whisky. It is processed to put together many of

the sugars used in processed foods. When mixing most starches in warm water, it produces

pastes such as wheatpaste, which can be used as stiffening, thickening or gluing agent.

The word "starch" came from its Germanic root with the meaning, " stiff, strong,

strengthen, stiffen". Modern German Stärke (strength) is associated and referring for centuries

main application, the use in textile: sizing yarn for weaving and starching linen. The Greek

term for starch, "amylon" (ἄμυλον), which means "not milled", is also associated.

Starch grains from sorghum were gathered on grind stones cave

in Ngalue, Mozambique dating up to 100,000 years ago. Pure drawn out wheat starch paste

was used in Ancient Egypt to glue into papyrus. The Romans utilized it in cosmetic creams, to

powder the hair and to make sauces thicker. The Persians and Indians used starch to make

dishes alike to gothumai wheat halva.

Most green plants stockpile energy as starch, which is filled up into semicrystalline

granules. The left over glucose is altered into starch which is more complex than glucose (by

plants). Young plants live on this stored energy in their roots, seeds, and fruits until it can

discover suitable soil in which to sprout. Starch is a carbohydrate that contains a great amount

of glucose units, combined through glycosidic links. (M.K. Marichelvam, M. Jawaid, M. Asim



Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is a grass widely grown for its seed, a cereal grain which is a

worldwide staple food. Wheat is grown more on land areas than any other food crop. The

planted wheat in 2014 was estimated to be 220.4 million hectares. The world trade in wheat is

greater compared to all other crops combined.

In 2017,the production of wheat was 772 million tonnes from all over the world, with a

forecast of 2019 produced wheat at 766 million tonnes, making the wheat the second most-

produced cereal after corn or maize. Since 1960, production of wheat and other grain crops all

over the world has tripled and is expected to develop further through the middle of the 21st

century. Global demand for wheat is increasing due to the unique viscoelastic and adhesive

properties of gluten proteins, which is needed for the production of processed foods.

Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates. Wheat is the leading source of vegetable

protein in human food worldwide. When the grain is consumed as a whole, it becomes a source

of multiple nutrients and dietary fiber.

If consumed too much, gluten activates an immune response that harms the lining of the

small intestine to people with coeliac disease. This can interfere with the absorption of nutrients

from food, cause a host of symptoms, and lead to other problems like osteoporosis, infertility,

nerve damage, and seizures. A related illness called gluten sensitivity or non-celiac gluten

sensitivity can generate symptoms alike to celiac disease but excluding the intestinal damage.

Wheat gluten is used largely as an animal feed, but is a very useful raw material. Not only

is it widely available and relatively inexpensive, bioplastics made from gluten boasts

mechanical and functional properties alike to those of plastics manufactured from

petrochemicals. Plant proteins from wheat show an advantage for use as films and plastics

because of their plentiful resources, low cost, good biodegradability and satisfactory properties

like rheological properties, water sensitivity, sound absorption and thermal behavior. (N. Patni,

P. Yadava, A. Agarwal, V. Maroo 2014).

Food Waste

An estimated 43 billion pounds of food were wasted in US retail stores in 2010. 33 This

is particularly disconcerting given that in 2016, 12.3 percent of American households were

food insecure. Most of the loss in retail operations is in perishables, including baked goods,

produce, meat, seafood and prepared meals. The USDA estimates that supermarkets lose $15

billion annually in unsold fruit and vegetables alone. Unfortunately, wasteful practices

in the retail industry are often viewed as good business strategies. Some of the main drivers for

food loss at retail stores include: overstocked product displays, expectation of cosmetic

perfection of fruits, vegetables and other foods, oversized packages, the availability of prepared

food until closing, expired “sell by” dates, damaged goods, outdated seasonal items, over

purchasing of unpopular foods and under staffing.

Currently, only 10 percent of edible wasted food is recovered each year, in the US. 38

Barriers to recovering food are liability concerns, distribution and storage logistics and funds

needed for gleaning, collecting, packaging and distribution. The Good Samaritan Food

Donation Act, signed into law in 1996, provides legal liability protection for food donors and

recipients and tax benefits for participating businesses. However, awareness about this law and

trust in the protections it offers remains low.

Water Activity

Water activity is the limited vapor pressure of water in a substance divided by the standard

state partial vapor pressure of water. The standard state is most often defined as the partial

vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature in the field of Food Science. Using this

specific definition, pure distilled water has a water activity of precisely one. As temperature

rises, water activity normally increases, except in some products with sugar or crystalline salt.

Water activity is connected to water content in a non-linear relationship also called as a

moisture sorption isotherm curve. The isotherms are substance- and temperature-specific.

Which can be utilized to help predict the product stability over time in various storage


Food designers use water activity to prepare shelf-stable food. If a product is stored below

a specific water activity, then mold growth is inhibited, which results in a longer shelf life.

Water activity can also aid to limit moisture migration within a food product made with various

ingredients. Food formulators make use of water activity to predict how much moisture

migration influences their product.

Water activity is used in various cases as a critical control point for Hazard Analysis and

Critical Control Points (HACCP) programs. The samples of the food product are taken from

the production area from time to time and tested to make sure water activity values are within

a specified range for food quality and safety. Measurements can be prepared in as little as five

minutes, and are made frequent in most major food production facilities.

Organic Oil

Organic oils are produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other

organisms through natural metabolic processes. Lipid is the scientific term for the fatty acids,

steroids and similar chemicals often found in the oils produced by living things, while oil refers

to an overall mixture of chemicals. Organic oils may also contain chemicals other than lipids,

including proteins, waxes (class of compounds with oil-like properties that are solid at common

temperatures) and alkaloids.

Lipids can be classified by the way that they are made by an organism, their chemical structure

and their limited solubility in water compared to oils. They have a high carbon and hydrogen

content and are considerably lacking in oxygen compared to other organic compounds and

minerals; they tend to be relatively nonpolar molecules, but may include both polar and

nonpolar regions as in the case of phospholipids and steroids.


Sulfur is an abundant chemical element and can be found as a mineral deposit almost

everywhere across the world. It is a waste product from the filtering of crude oil and gas in the

petrochemicals industry, which gives rise to huge stockpiles of sulfur outside refineries.

In the past few years, there’s an increasing number of sulfur due to the increase in the

refining of crude oil. Scientists have become interested in using it as an alternative to oil from

which to manufacture plastics to promote environmental friendly plastics. Sulfur also has the

added advantage of leading to more easily recyclable polymers.

Being extremely available in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times and is

mentioned to in the Torah (Genesis). English translations of the Bible frequently referred to

burning sulfur as "brimstone", giving rise to the term "fire-and-brimstone". In accordance to

the Ebers Papyrus, a sulfur ointment was used in ancient Egypt to nurse people with granular


Sulfur is obtained from the Latin word sulpur, which was Hellenized to sulphur in the

mistaken belief that the Latin word came from Greek. This spelling was later changed as

representing an /f/ sound and developed in the spelling sulfur, which appears in Latin toward

the end of the Classical period.

Biodegradable Loose-Fill Packaging

Biodegradable Loose-Fill Packaging is also called packing peanuts. It is made from

natural, nontoxic sources of cornstarch or wheat. Even though they are nontoxic or safe if

accidently eaten, the nutritional value has been removed from the starch in these items. They

are not made food-safe conditions nor they are recommended for eating.

Loose fill packaging peanuts are often thought of as a useless product and a nuisance.

They make a mess once packages are opened and clinging to clothes long after. Packing peanuts

are an example of both a renewable and nonrenewable resource depending on how they’re

made. Biodegradable packing peanuts can be made from different agricultural products, such

as corn or wheat, and are renewable, biodegradable and safe if accidentally ingested. (Beth

Maynes and Hannah Pagel, 2017)

Despite not being as omnipresent in consumer products, packing peanuts are still

commonly used in industrial places, and by some consumer electronics and lifestyle

manufacturers. One of the major reasons for environmental concerns. Packing peanuts are also

very versatile, and can easily be used for packages of every size without other changes to the

packing materials. Despite their utility, foam packing peanuts have become a thorn in the side

of consumers and environmentalists around the world, helping to initiate a decline in their


Biodegradable packing peanuts are made from natural and organic derived starches like wheat

and cornstarch. Entirely plant-based, biodegradable packing peanuts will dissolve in water,

making it impossible for them to end up polluting oceans, lakes, rivers, canals, or waterways.

Unlike foam packing peanuts, which can take centuries to decompose, biodegradable packing

peanuts can be dissolved in just a few minutes when exposed to moisture and heat. (Pela, 2020)

Polystyrene Foam

It is a plastic polymer better known as Styrofoam. Polystyrene foam is non-

biodegradable, and like other wastes, it can take hundreds of years to begin to degrade in a

landfill environment. Though some polystyrene peanuts can be recycled and reused, many are

never properly disposed of or simply littered or dumped. When consumed, polystyrene packing

peanuts can wreak havoc on the digestive systems of animals especially humans, often creating

significant health problems.

Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production being

several million tons per year. Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be colored with

colorants. It is a poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively low melting point.

Dow Chemical Company invented a process to make their trademarked and popular

polystyrene foam product “styrofoam” in 1941. The material is somewhat controversial

amongst environmental groups because it is slow to biodegrade and is increasingly present as

outdoor waste and trash (particularly in the form of foam floating in waterways and the ocean).

(Rogers, 2015)

The foam form of polystyrene is used often as a packing material. Polystyrene is

sometimes (not always) a homopolymer meaning that it is composed only of the monomer

styrene in combination with itself. Its average melting point ranges from 210 – 249 °C.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer had established styrene as a possible

human carcinogen in 2002. A carcinogen is any substance or radiation that promotes

carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. (Kinhal, 2015)


“Biodegradable” refers to the natural ability of things to get disintegrated/decomposed

by the action of micro-organisms such as bacteria or fungi biological (with or without oxygen)

while getting assimilated into the natural environment. In recent years, the recycling of

packaging materials has increased but the recycling rates for most plastic packaging remain

low (Hopewell et al. 2009).

Biodegradable plastics often comprise polymer blends that contain partly biogenic

(renewable) carbon derived from biomass and partly petrochemical carbon. We can determine

if a plastic is biodegradable or not if the plastic can be disintegrated by any biological process.

(Narayan 2006)

In this test, the researchers will determine if the product would be biodegradable or not.

Package Cushioning

Package cushioning is used to protect items during shipment. Vibration and impact

shock during shipment and loading/unloading are controlled by cushioning to reduce the

chance of product damage.

Cushioning is usually inside a shipping container such as a corrugated box. It is

designed to absorb shock by crushing and deforming, and to dampen vibration, rather than

transmitting the shock and vibration to the protected item. Depending on the specific situation,

package cushioning is often between 50 and 75 millimeters (two to three inches) thick.

Internal packaging materials are also used for functions other than cushioning, such as

to immobilize the products in the box and lock them in place, or to fill a void.

In this test, the researches will test how effective the peanut packagings will be in

cushioning heavy objects.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The study used a quasi-experimental research design to establish the production of a

biodegradable loose-fill packaging using cornstarch and pomelo peels. There were two

samples: Sample1 consists of Plastic/Polystyrene packing peanuts, Sample 2 consists of

cornstarch and Pomelo Peels.

Figure 1.1 Research Design

Location of the Study

The study “Using Pomelo Skin as an Alternative to make Loose-Fill Packaging” was

conducted at General Santos City. The durability, cushioning and efficiency tests were

conducted to test it effectiveness.

Equipment and Materials

Oven/Microwave, plastic containers


- Polystyrene/Plastic packing peanuts

- Pomelo Peel packing peanuts

Production of Pomelo Packing Peanuts

The researchers gathered samples of Pomelo peels along with 60mL of pure glycerin

bought from a drug store. The glycerin was very scarce.

The pomelo peel was rinsed under running water to make it clean, and boiled for 10

minutes. The white part of the peels were cut, sliced into small pieces, and then mashed. In one

container, 1/3 tablespoon of glycerin and 50 grams of the peel were combined and then mixed

properly with a spoon. The mixture was then added with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1/4

tablespoon of baking powder and stirred again.

Once the mixture is done with stirring, it is put in a stove/oven/microwave and heated

for 1 minute. After the 1 minute is done it was left to cool off outside for 24-48 hours in order

to solidify.

Preparation of the peels

Adding of the glycerin

Repeat until

Adding additional mixtures

Heating and drying of the sample

Testing and Analysis of the product

Figure 1.2 Flowchart


Water Solubility

The sample was placed into a body of water to see if it will dissolve or not by stirring

the samples carefully until it dissolves. The Water Solubility was ranked from 1-4 depending

on the state of water after stirring the sample.


The ability to provide cushion of the product was be tested by two tests: (1) putting

weights on a group of the products ranging from light to the heaviest it can contain until the

product was straight flat. The maximum amount of weight it can take was recorded. (2) Placing

of the packing peanuts inside a box with an egg inside of a plastic ziplock or cellophane in

order to prevent spilling in case it breaks. The test will be done by dropping the box from

certain height ranges until the egg will break. The maximum height that the packing peanuts

will be able to provide cushion will be recorded.


Each sample will be directly be in contact with 3 fires from 3 candles simultaneously

until it burns or melts. The time from when the sample began contact with fire until it burns

will be recorded.

Rank of Water Solubility

Description of the clarity of water

1 – clear water, the product dissolved completely

2 – cloudy water, the product still dissolved

3 – cloudy, the product dissolved partially

4 – the product did not dissolve

Statistical Analysis

To obtain and compare the efficiency of each sample, the researchers used a t-test to

analyze the values the experiments have given. The test was used to determine if there is a

significant difference between the means of the samples S1 and S2.

Chapter 4

Analysis and Presentation of Data


This chapter discusses the results and the answer to the questions:

1) What is the maximum weight capacity it can hold while providing cushion?

2) Is the loose-fill packaging soluble enough to be thrown into the water without


3) Is there any difference in the flammability of the pomelo packing peanut from the

commercial packing peanut?

4) How effective will the pomelo packing peanut be compared to the commercial

packing peanut if they are placed to cushion an egg from a fall from a certain height?

The purpose of this study is to determine if the loose-fill packaging made from the peels

of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) will be of any chance comparable to the commercial

polystyrene packaging.

This study was made to produce packaging peanuts made from the peels of pomelo.

Also, this study has resulted in some significant differences where the samples went

three testing methods;

a) Cushion Test

b) Water Solubility Test

c) Flammability Test
Our null hypothesis in which will be used to reject or prove will be:

There are no significant differences between the pomelo packing peanut and the

commercial packing peanut in terms of:

d) Cushion

e) Water Solubility

f) Flammability

Graph 1.0 Flammabilty Test Results

Flammability (in secs)








D1 D2 D3

Pomelo Packing Peanut Commercial Packing Peanut

From the graph shown above, it can be seen that all 3 samples of the Pomelo Packing

Peanut catch fire much later than all of the 3 samples of the Commercial Packing Peanut. Two

separate tests were run, 1 each for the Pomelo Packing Peanut and the Commercial Packing


Three samples were tested at the same time simultaneously under 3 different candles.

The three candles were lit and we let it set for 45 seconds. After 45 seconds came the three

samples which were put directly on top of the candle and timed with a smartphone’s stopwatch.

Table 1.1 Water Solubility Test Results

State of the water after mixing the samples in

Pomelo Packing Peanut After 2 minutes of stirring, the sample
Sample 1 completely dissolve in the water. The water
was a yellowish in color.
Pomelo Packing Peanut After 2 minutes of stirring, the sample
Sample 2 completely dissolve in the water. The water
was a yellowish in color.
Pomelo Packing Peanut After 2 minutes of stirring, the sample
Sample 3 completely dissolve in the water. The water
was a yellowish in color.
Commercial Packing Peanut The sample cannot dissolve. Even after
Sample 1 breaking it down and stirring it, little portions
of the sample still float on the water.
Commercial Packing Peanut The sample cannot dissolve. Even after
Sample 2 breaking it down and stirring it, little portions
of the sample still float on the water.
Commercial Packing Peanut The sample cannot dissolve. Even after
Sample 3 breaking it down and stirring it, little portions
of the sample still float on the water.

Graph 1.2 Water Solubility Test Results






Pomelo Packing Peanut Commercial Packing Peanut

In the shown table, the samples were ranked from 1-4 depending on the the clarity or

the state of the water after stirring the samples. The table shows that the Pomelo Packing Peanut

ranked 2, meaning the sample has made the water cloudy. Meanwhile, the Commercial Packing

Peanut ranked 3.5 which means that it was not able to dissolve but still left particles of it

floating on the water’s surface.

All 3 samples of the Pomelo Packing Peanut were able to dissolve in the water after

stirring the samples in the water, while the 3 samples of the Pomelo Packing Peanut would not

be able to dissolve unless you manually tear it apart – and then stir. Two separate tests were

run, 1 each for the Pomelo Packing Peanut and the Commercial Packing Peanut. The results

state that the Pomelo Packing Peanuts can be dissolved while the Commercial Packing Peanut


Three large pitchers were prepared and filled with tap water for about 3/5 of the pitcher. Each

sample was then put into each pitcher respectively, and stirred carefully until the samples mix

in to the water.

Graph 1.3 Cushion Test 1 Results

Maximum Weight Threshold (in grams)

Commercial Packing Peanut Sample 3

Commercial Packing Peanut Sample 2

Commercial Packing Peanut Sample 1

Pomelo Packing Peanut Sample 3

Pomelo Packing Peanut Sample 2

Pomelo Packing Peanut Sample 1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Maximum Weight Threshold (in grams)

From the graph shown above, it can be seen that the 3 samples of the Commercial

Packing Peanut can significantly sustain much heavier weight than all of the 3 samples of the

Pomelo Packing Peanut. Almost all 3 samples of the Commercial Packing Peanut were able to

hold itself until it fell flat to an object of 700 grams, while the Pomelo Packing Peanut was only

able to hold for about 600 grams which is due to it being softer than the Commercial Packing


The test was done by putting each sample under an object that weighed a certain amount

until the sample becomes flattened. Each sample was placed under a water bottle indicating 1

Liter which is equivalent to 1000 mL. The water bottle was filled little by little with a smaller

water bottle that indicates 0.2 L which is equal to 200 mL and a smaller bottle of the used Pure

Glycerin container which says 30 mL. We used the unit conversion which is 1 mL = 1 gram.

We used the indications on water bottles for this due to the lack of accurate measuring


Table 1.4 Cushion Test 2 Results

Pomelo Packing Peanut Commercial Packing Peanut

Height State of the egg after dropping State of the egg after dropping
50 cm Completely fine Completely fine
100 cm Completely fine Completely fine
150 cm Completely fine Completely fine
200 cm Completely fine Completely fine
250 cm Completely fine Completely fine
300 cm Visible cracks start to form Visible cracks start to form
350 cm Egg breaks Egg breaks

From the table shown, the both only kept the egg safe for up to 350 cm. Both the Pomelo

Packing Peanut and Commercial Packing Peanut were able to provide similar results in being

able to cushion a fragile material inside a box. The egg inside was observed after every attempt

and was completely fine for the first 5 attempts and yielded different results in the end.

In this test, we put an egg inside a ziplocked plastic in order to prevent it from making

a mess in case it breaks. The egg was then placed inside a box along with the 3 samples of each

of the respective packing peanuts. The test was done 3 times for each type of packing peanut.

Graph 1.5 Cushion Test 2 Results

Maximum Height Threshold (in cm)

Commercial Packing Peanut Test 3

Commercial Packing Peanut Test 2

Commercial Packing Peanut Test 1

Pomelo Packing Peanut Test 3

Pomelo Packing Peanut Test 2

Pomelo Packing Peanut Test 1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Maximum Height Threshold (in cm)

As stated from the previous table, both the Commercial Packing Peanut and Pomelo

Packing Peanut were only able to keep the egg from breaking from falling from a height of 350

cm above the ground.

The test was done by marking lines on the wall measured with a measuring tape that

indicated centimeters from 0 cm to 150 cm. The box was then set to let go without any extra

force above the indicated line.

Statistical Analysis

Table 1.6 T-test for the Flammability Test

Groups Count Mean Variance Standard t value df crit
Error of value
Pomelo Packing 3 27.89 33.39387
Peanut 3.8885 3.64065 4 2.132
Commercial 3 13.73333 11.96758
Packing Peanut
According to the table above, the two samples (S2 and S1) resulted in a t value which is 3.64065

According to the table above, the two samples (S1 and S2) resulted in a t value which is

3.64065 much greater than the crit value which is 2.132 at 4 degrees of freedom and at 0.05

significance. The Pomelo Packing Peanut produced greater values than the Commercial

Packing Peanut, in which the Pomelo Packing Peanut caught fire much later.

Table 1.7 T-test for the Cushion Test 1

Groups Count Mean Variance Standard t value df crit
Error of value
Pomelo Packing 3 605 50
Peanut 24.83277 - 4 2.132
Commercial 3 790 1800
Packing Peanut

Based on the table, the two samples produced a t value of -7.44983 which is much less

than the crit value which is 2.132 at 4 degrees of freedom and 0.05 significance, which means

that we fail to reject our null hypothesis and the Pomelo Packing Peanut was not able to keep

up with the Commercial Packing Peanut in terms of Cushion.

Table 1.8 Mean of the samples in Cushion Test 2

Groups Count Sum Mean Variance
Pomelo Packing Peanut 3 1050 350 0

Commercial Packing 3 1050 350 0


Both the Pomelo Packing Peanut and the Commercial Packing Peanut all yielded

equivalent results when it comes to the cushioning an egg inside a box from a fall, in which

case produces 0 variance.

Table 1.9 Mean of the samples in Water Solubility Test

Groups Count Sum Mean Variance
Pomelo Packing Peanut 3 6 2 0

Commercial Packing 3 12 4 0

Each sample has produced differing results, but same results in their duplicates. This

also produces 0 variance for both samples.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, & Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary and conclusions obtained from the results of the

study which is to test the use of pomelo peels as an alternative for loose-fill packaging. The

peels of pomelo were used to turn it into a packaging product rather than a waste product. The

Pomelo Packing Peanut (S2) and the Commercial Packing Peanut (S1) have yielded results from

the independent t-test. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations we have obtained

based on the results will be presented here in this chapter.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problems

stated in Chapter 1.

1. What is the maximum weight capacity it can hold while providing cushion?

The maximum weight the Pomelo Packing Peanut can sustain at most is approximately

615g. The Pomelo Packing Peanut has a mean of 605 while the Commercial Packing Peanut

has a mean of 790.

The data reveals that the t value is less than the crit value which means that there is not

enough evidence that exists to suggest that there is a significant difference between the Pomelo

Packing Peanut and the Commercial Packing Peanut.

2. Is the loose-fill packaging soluble enough to be thrown into the water without problem?

The results stated from the table suggest that the Pomelo Packing Peanuts can dissolve

into a body of water, if assisted by stirring. The Pomelo Packing Peanut samples were ranked

2 which means it dissolved into the water but turning the water it had been stirred in to become

a cloudy yellow mixture.

3. Is there any difference in the flammability of the pomelo packing peanut from the

commercial packing peanut?

The pomelo packing peanut caught fire a lot later than the commercial packing peanut.

The data obtained from the analysis state that there is a significant difference between the

flammability of the two products, for the t-value which is 3.64065 greater than the crit value

which is 2.132 at 4 degrees of freedom.

4. How effective will the pomelo packing peanut be compared to the commercial packing

peanut if they are placed to cushion an egg from a fall from a certain height?

The results from the experiment show that the Pomelo Packing Peanuts and

Commercial Packing Peanuts yielded same results which is 350cm above the ground. The data

results also state that both of the samples have the same variance which is 0. There is not

enough evidence to prove that the pomelo packing peanut will be more effective than the

commercial packing peanut.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. There is a significant difference between the Pomelo Packing Peanut and the

Commercial Packing Peanut in terms of flammability, in which case the pomelo caught fire

faster. We failed to reject the null hypothesis in terms of the a) Cushion Test 1 and b) Cushion

Test 2, and c) Water Solubility.

2. The Pomelo Packing Peanut was able to keep up and dissolve, while the Commercial

Packing Peanut did not. All pomelo peanut samples were much more water soluble than

commercial peanut samples. The cushion test, on the other hand, reveals that both samples

have very similar shock resistance, which is very good.


The study revealed the use of Pomelo Peels as an alternative for loose-fill packaging

and factors of the study that need further analysis, or better handling of the experiment. Thus,

the following recommendations are presented:

1. The main problem we encountered while doing the study was maintaining the right

temperature using a toaster. So we suggest you to perform the heating process with an

oven and microwave. It is easy to manage the temperature needed by the peanut without

it fluctuating.

2. Use a blender to slice the pomelo peel instead of just using knife and mortar and

pestle to make sure that the pomelo peel is as thin as possible to get the best possible

outcome of the product.

3. Utilize other materials that would make the packing peanut more sturdy, which in our case

was soft.

4. After attempting to break down the commercial packaging peanut, make sure to

discard it so that it does not harm the water sources near your home.

5. Proper measuring materials to be used in testing a product.

6. Proper testing methods that would properly show differing results.

7. Proper laboratory materials to be used for testing and experimenting.

8. Use a microwave instead of an oven when heating the mixture.


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Rind Preparation

Plate 1: Cutting of the white part of the Pomelo Peel

Plate 2: Boiling of the cut rind


Preparation of the mixture

Plate 3: Mixing of the pure glycerin with the peel

Plate 4: Adding additional mixtures

Plate 5: Mixture


Creation of the product

Plate 6: Heating the sample in a toaster

Plate 7: Product after retrieving from oven

Plate 8: Drying of the sample for days


Testing of the Pomelo Product

Plate 9: Drop Test

Plate 9: Weight Test

Plate 10: Water Solubility

Plate 11: Flammability


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