THC 4 Colico BSHM 4-1

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Mary’s College of Catbalogan

Catbalogan City, Samar
(Macro Perspective in Tourism and Hospitality)

Name: COLICO, Maryann A. Course/Year: BS- HM 4-1 Score: _________

Instructor: Mrs. Charnym Canunua Toleran Rate: _________

Analyze each item carefully and give your best shot. (corresponding points is provided for each item)

1. What impact does Republic Act 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Program” have for the
Tourism and Hospitality Industry? (10pts)

The Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, provides
the necessary policy framework, institutional mechanisms and mandate to the local government unites (LGUs) to
achieve 25% waste reduction through establishing an integrated solid waste management plans based on 3Rs
(reduce, reuse and recycling).

2. How is Tourism and the Hospitality Industry connected? You MAY include samples of business which are
connected to both industries? (10pts)

The hospitality industry is an industry that offers services that usually cost extra income to enjoy and include
things like hotels, restaurants, transportation, and leisure activities. Tourism is the act of traveling to a destination
for pleasure purposes.

3. “Tourism, being a complex industry is a combination of phenomena and relationships.” What does this mean?

Tourism may be described variously because of its “close” relationships with other social sciences, including economics,
politics, sociology, cultural anthropology, psychology and even law and statistics. As per Wahab (1971) tourism is a
“system” that relates to the sociosphere and is a complex combination of interrelated industries and trades. Although it
would be very difficult to describe tourism under one definition due to its many facets, a clear concept and a precise
definition of the terms related to the phenomenon of tourism is required before we proceed with the analysis of
determinants and motivations of tourism in the world economy.

4. Briefly discuss the Tourism Tripod. Make sure to mention the three legs of the Tourism Industry. (10pts)

The Three Leg-Stool – In some of the earlier iterations, was and in some cases is still depicted as three leg-stool,
ie., with the environment, the economy, and society as the legs. Sustainability, Economy, Social – Equity,

5. If you are to visit a beach resort, what products and services do you expect to avail of? (5pts)

6. How does a tourist spot in a certain destination area affect the place economically? (10pts)
 Contributes to income and standard of living w Improves local economy
 Increases employment opportunities
 Improves investment, development, and infrastructure spending
 Increases tax revenues w Improves public utilities infrastructure
 Improves transport infrastructure
 Increases opportunities for shopping w Economic impact (direct, indirect, induced spending) is
widespread in the community w Creates new business opportunities

7. How do you understand the concept of the “Tourism Multiplier”? (10pts)

Multiplier effects refer to an economic concept that was conceived and developed throughout the eary period
of the 20th century. Multiplier effects are
often cited to capture secondary effects of tourism spending and show the wide range of sectors in a community
that may benefit from tourism.
The multiplier measures that impacts of extra expenditure introducd into an economy. It is therefore concerned
with tha marginal rather than average changes.
- Spending on goods and services by tourist visiting the area.
- Investment by external sources;
- Government (domestic or foreign) spending (e.g. domestic governmentt spending on infrastructure in a region
or foreign government.
- Exports of goods stimulated by tourism.

8. Looking at the San Juanico Bridge Lighting Project, do you think it can boost the tourism image of Region VIII?
Explain how. (10pts)


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