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Way With Words Offline Assessment Audio Mixed Accents

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SP Speaker

SP1 And the other thing is, some of our investors has an issue with pace. So
investment pace is...

SP2 They have an issue with what?

SP1 Investment pace. Now what that is, is the number... The timeline for when you’re
allow to do deals, because depending on who the investors are, some of them
want to spend the money very quickly, and others want you to be prudent.

So, we’ve done two deals, so our next... We probably have one more deal to do
this year at the most. And the first two deals, one is American, and it’s a
company called Chrono.
We’re co invested with 5AM Ventures and Canaan and some other parties. It’s
really a nicotine... Advanced nicotine delivery. Back to your Egelhoff days, it’s
very much specialty pharma.

And it’s stuff from our Élan days we understand that holds to the Chrono biology
well. It’s almost into the quasi consumer, but it’s still on the prescription-based

SP2 Right.

SP1 But getting close to that. In our portfolio assembly we were told to do something
that was in the IT... Health IT sort of space.

So, the second deal we’ve done is one which is an Irish company, and it went
IPO. It was led by Soffinova Ventures, and I think you’ve been talking to them
about Adenium when we spoke previously.

SP2 Yes.

SP1 We’ve done two deals recently with Soffinova Ventures, and that’s Inecol [?] and
it’s again specialty pharma, collagen-based pain, slow-release technology for
use in surgery and riding the wave of the need to replace narcotic analgesics.

SP2 Okay.

SP1 So, there’s sort of two deals done, and if we’re going to do another deal this
year, it is time to do a RE stage one because we’d have the timeline to do some
investing, okay?

SP2 Okay.

SP1 All is back on the table, we have two or three different deals again back in the
mix, so my job here is to try get an update on Adenium to see if we’re still... If it’s
still one of the ones that we would consider for this year. And if so...

SP2 Right.

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SP1 On what basis and where are you. So, I had...

SP2 Right.

SP1 I had a look at your package, and you’ve made quite a few changes to the
complete presentation, so I’d like to hear where you have been in the last while,
and where the interest has been.

SP2 I think complete your overall first. We have [unclear] full class in maybe May. We
have complete organisation in the sense that we now have a full team that just...

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