English 9 Periodicaltest-Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Leyte
Mayorga, Leyte

First Periodical Test in ENGLISH 9

S.Y. 2022-2023

NAME: ________________________________________________GRADE & SECTION:


Multiple Choices
Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the best option that each statement suggests. Encircle the correct answer
from the given choices.
1. This verb form is used to express a degree of certainty about an outcome or the possibility of something.
A. modals B. prohibition C. obligation D. permission
2. This is a type of modal which is used to express consent or approval. Examples of this modal are can and could.
A. prohibition B. modals C. permission D. obligation
3. This type of modal is used to express responsibility or commitment. Examples of this modal are must and have to.
A. obligation B. permission C. modals D. prohibition
4. This is a type of modal which indicates that something should not be done or that someone must not do something.
A. permission B. obligation C. Prohibition D. modals
5. What modal verb is used to show that there is no obligation. You can do something if you want but it is not an obligation.
A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. could
6. You have to show your ID before you can enter the place. What does the underlined phrase expresses?
A. Permission B. obligation C. ability D. prohibition
7. I must hand in all requirements before Friday. What does the underlined phrase expresses?
A. Ability B. obligation C. prohibition D. permission
8. You can sit here. The seat is free. What does the underlined phrase expresses?
A. Prohibition B. ability C. permission D. obligation
9. Passengers must not play or talk on this part of the train. What does the underlined phrase expresses?
A. Obligation B. permission C. prohibition D. ability
10. You __________come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re here.
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. have to D. can
11. You _________ use your phone in class.
A. mustn’t B. can C. must D. could
12. I ___________ work late today than stay on for a few hours over a weekend.
A. Must B. have to C. could D. can
13. My phone is dead. __________ I borrow yours?
A. Have to B. can C. must D. don’t have to
14. This area is restricted to staff only, customers _____ come in here.
A. don’t have to B. cant C. must D. could
15. If I drink soda at night, I don’t sleep well. What is the tense of the underlined verbs?
A. Simple Present B. Simple Past C. Perfect Tense D. Future Tense
16. The use of HAS, HAVE and HAD as introductory words in verb phrases is always followed by what form of the verb?
A. Present form B. Past participle form C. Past form D. Future form
17. Which of the following verb phrases is CORRECT in its form?
A. Has had B. Has putted C. Has sitted D. Has get
18. A conditional sentence is composed of ___.
A. A complete thought C. One main clause and if-clause
B. If-clause and result D. Main clause and a complete thought
19. What conditional uses both simple present tense in the if clause and main clause?
A. Zero conditional C. First conditional
B. Second conditional D. Third conditional
20. What verb tenses are used in the “if clause” and “main clause” of a first conditional?
A. Simple present and simple past C. Simple present and simple future

Mayorga District, Mayorga, Leyte

(+63) 0912-622-8257
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Leyte
Mayorga, Leyte

B. Both simple present D. Both simple future

21. What makes a conditional sentence?

A. When there is cause and effect C. When there is effect and result
B. When there is condition and result D. When there is condition and effect
22. If I drink coffee at night, I don’t sleep better. The underlined statement is the _______.
A. Main clause C. Subordinate clause or the if-clause
B. Main idea D. Result statement
23. It is a premise upon which the fulfilment is agreed upon?
A. Argument C. Condition
B. Result D. Argument
24. Which conditional uses the perfect tenses of the verb?
A. Zero conditional C. Second conditional
B. First conditional D. Third conditional
25. Which talks about things that were possible in the past, but that didn’t happen or can no longer happen now?
A. Zero conditional C. Second conditional
B. First conditional D. Third conditional
26. Which conditional expresses real condition and inevitable result?
A. Zero conditional C. First conditional
B. Second conditional D. Third conditional
27. Which conditional suggests for an imaginary image or situation?
Example: If I won in a lottery, I would travel the world.
A. First conditional C. Second conditional
B. Third conditional D. Zero conditional
28. Which sentence is talking about ability in the past?
A. John can read a book in one day.
B. Bob's brother is able to visit him during the vacation.
C. The teacher could see all of the students.
D. Ana might call me in school.
29. Which of the following does NOT state general truth?
A. If you heat the butter, it melts.
B. If you add five and six, you get eleven.
C. If someone prays for you, your wish will come true.
D. If you stand under the rain, you get wet.
30. Which of the following shows a possibility or a likely thing to happen in the future?
A. If you put your wet clothes under the heat of the sun, it easily dries up.
B. When you turn-off the Wi-Fi, the application stops its update.
C. When you eat more calories in your diet, you gain more pounds.
D. If you study the pointers of the lesson, you will pass the test.
31. Which of the following does NOT express in the first conditional?
A. If you heat water in 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
B. If you add one and two, you get three.
C. If someone prays for you, your wish will come true.
D. If you stand under the rain, you get wet.
32. Which of the following is NOT expressed in the third conditional?
A. Harold would have been on time for the audition if he had left his pad at seven.
B. If he had solved the Math problems, he wouldn’t have missed the points.
C. If someone prays for you, your wish will come true.
D. Sheila might have finished the Kdrama if she had paid her Netflix on time.
33. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about second conditional?
A. It expresses regret.

Mayorga District, Mayorga, Leyte

(+63) 0912-622-8257
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Leyte
Mayorga, Leyte

B. 1-40% to happen, but most probably it won’t.

C. It uses simple past tense in the if-clause and would plus base form of the verb in the main clause.
D. It talks about things in the future that are probably not going to be true and maybe imagining some dream for
34. Examine this sentence: If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam. Which of the following statements is
CORRECT based from the given sentence?
A. The if clause is in the present tense and the main clause is perfect tense.
B. It is a conditional sentence that explains a general truth.
C. It is a conditional sentence that talks about a simple future.
D. It is a condition of unrealistic event in the past.
35. If I don’t drink coffee in the afternoon, I feel sleepy. Identify the type of conditional used in the sentence.
A. First Conditional C. Third Conditional
B. Zero Conditional D. Second Conditional
36. If you had run a bit faster, you would have won. Identify the type of conditional used in the sentence.
A. First Conditional C. Third Conditional
B. Zero Conditional D. Second Conditional
37. If people are not careful, Covid infection will increase. Identify the type of conditional used in the sentence
A. First Conditional C. Third Conditional
B. Zero Conditional D. Second Conditional
38. What speech style is characterized by a complete absence of social interactions?
A. Casual C. Frozen
B. Formal D. Intimate
39. Which of the following situations does NOT use the frozen speech style?
A. Parties C. Rituals
B. Church rites D. Formal ceremonies
40. In which of the following situations is the consultative communicative style often used?
A. business meeting C. casual friendly chat
B. dining out with the family D. attending baptismal ceremony
41. Which of the following terms of address is NOT USED when speaking in the consultative
communicative style?
A. Babe C. Mr.
B. Ma’am D. Sir
42. Who among the following will likely make use of the consultative communicative style?
A. close friends C. a teacher and a student
B. a husband and his wife D. a mother and her daughter
43. In which of the following situations would the casual communicative style be used?
A. during a business meeting
B. while chatting with a classmate
C. while conversing with husband or wife
D. while speaking with a person in authority
44. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the intimate communicative style?
A. It is used in informal situations.
B. It is used in private conversations.
C. Participants use titles to address the person spoken to.
D. The participants need to have a very close relationship.
45. Veena is chatting with her friends while waiting for their class to start. They were talking about what they did over the
weekend and how they studied for their upcoming exams. Which of the following would most likely NOT be used in their
A. standard grammar
B. slang and contractions

Mayorga District, Mayorga, Leyte

(+63) 0912-622-8257
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Leyte
Mayorga, Leyte

C. loose sentence structure

D. rapid pronunciation of words

46. Ms. Mosquera and her husband are attending a business meeting together. Which of the following should they NOT do?
A. Avoid the use of jargons and slang.
B. Use more formal words when speaking with others.
C. Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
D. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each other.
47. How do listeners participate in the consultative communicative style?
A. by giving feedback
B. by asking a lot of questions
C. by leading the conversation
D. by taking charge of the situations
48. Glenda is doing a survey about the effects of earthquake in her community. Which of the
Following communication situations would require her to use the consultative style?
A. Asking her friends for their opinions
B. Researching on information to include in her study
C. Interviewing the evacuees regarding their experiences
D. Telling her best friend regarding what her study is about
49. Which of the following may be used when the speaker is using the formal communicative style?
A. “Hey, dude! I have here some…”
B. “Hello to you all. Let’s all welcome…”
C. “Bros and sisses, I’m happy to introduce to you…”
D. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you…
50. In which of the following situations will a speaker use the formal speech style?
A. When consulting with a doctor
B. When speaking with a close friend
C. When speaking with a chance acquaintance
D. When delivering a speech during a graduation ceremony

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance,

learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, 
love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
― Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer

Good Luck and God Bless!

Mayorga District, Mayorga, Leyte

(+63) 0912-622-8257

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