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Major Curriculum Components Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the indicators/behavior

of the teacher along the key points. Write your observation and
description in yournotebook.)
A. Planning 1. Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan for the day. What major parts so
you see? Request a copy for your use. Answer the following
a. What are the lesson objectives/learning outcomes?
* To identify the proper ways in taking care of each part of the body
b. What are included in the subject matter?
* Healthy Foods / Unhealthy foods
c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to implement the
* Student- centered approach
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will this be
*By precise execution of the lesson plan, finding truthful and
trustworthy references on the internet, and by her confidence.
B. Implementing Now its time to observe how the teacher implementedthe prepared
lesson plan. Observe closely the procedure.
a.How did the teacher begin the lesson?
* She goes over the daily routines with the students. The teacher
first requested one of the students to lead the prayer, Telling the
date and weather, checking of the attendance.
b. What procedure or steps where followed?
* The Developmental activities follow the Preliminary activities
(review,song related to the topic, questions,incentive, and greetings)
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
*The teacher started with a motivation activity for students as a
warm up for their background knowledge.
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Where the learners on task?/Or were they participating in the
class activity?
*They're both focused on their workand participating in class
f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?
* YES. In a very timely matter.

a. Evaluating/Assessing Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations
to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
* Indeed
b.How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
*by asking the children(recitation)and the worksheets/activities
c.What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence?
* Results of the activities /worksheets

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