Lesson 2 The Characteristics, Processes, Ethics of Research

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Accuracy- It must give correct or accurate data,
which the footnotes, notes, and bibliographical Step 2: Identify a specific problem
entries should honestly and appropriately Find out what is the specific problem
documented or acknowledged. related to your specific topic.
Objectiveness- It must deal with facts, not with
mere opinions arising from assumptions, Step 3: Write down specific research questions
generalizations, predictions, or conclusions. Written in third person. About 3 to 5
Timeliness- It must work on a topic that is questions. Help to address the whole
fresh, new, and interesting to the present problem you to plan to explore.
Step 4: Conduct the literature review
Relevance- Its topic must be instrumental in
improving society or in solving problems Read what other people have written
affecting the lives of people in a community. about your topic.
Clarity- It must succeed in expressing its
Step 5: Plan your research study.
central point or discoveries by using simple,
direct, concise, and correct language. Develop a complete plan of how you will
collect and analyze your data. Explain the
Systematic- It must take place in an organized
different steps that you will take and the
or orderly manner.
resources you will need to collect and
Empirical- It must be based on direct analyze your data.
experience or observation by the researcher.
Logical- It is based on valid procedures and Step 6: Implement your data.
principles. Get to go through all the steps that you
Analytical- It utilizes proven analytical planned to collect your data.
procedures in gathering the data, whether
Step 7: Analyze your data.
historical, descriptive, and experimental and
case study. Present the data that you found.
Replicability- The research design and Step 8: Interpret your data.
procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable researcher to arrive at valid and Try to address the research problem and
conclusive results. the research questions.
RESEARCH PROCESS Step 9: Draw the conclusion.
Step 1: Identify a research topic Synthesize the major lessons that you
learned and the solutions to the problem.
You must choose a topic that you are
Make recommendations of what people
interested in it must be related to you,
should start doing as a result of your
your school, your family, your community,
research study.
your organization, or your country.
Make sure that it is well organized, written in good
Step 10: Check the quality of your research.
English, and that it shows all characteristics of

 Ethics- moral principles that govern a
person's behavior or the conducting of an
 All research must be ethical.

1) Informed Consent 6) Carefulness

 To protect the rights of the participants in  Avoid careless errors and negligence;
your study. carefully and critically examine your own
 Inform your participants about the work and the work of your peers.
criteria set for choosing them as  Keep good records of research activities
informants and the schedule of one-on- such as data collection, research design,
one interview at the convenient time and correspondence with agencies or
they are available. journals.
 Participation to the study will be 7) Respect for Intellectual Property
completely voluntary.  Honor patents, copyrights, and other
2) Honesty forms of intellectual property.
 Strive for honesty in all scientific  Do not use unpublished data, methods,
communications. or results without permission.
 Honestly report data, results, methods  Give proper acknowledgement or credit
and procedures, and publication status. for all contributions to research.
 Do not fabricate, falsify, or misinterpret  Never plagiarize.
data. 8) Confidentiality
 Do not deceive colleagues, granting  Protect confidential communications such
agencies, or the public. as papers or grants submitted for
3) Objectivity publication, personnel records, trade or
 Strive to avoid bias in experimental military secrets, and patient records.
design, data analysis, data interpretation, 9) Responsible Publication
peer review, personnel decisions, grant  Publish in order to advance research and
writing, expert testimony, and other scholarship, not to advance just your own
aspects of research where objectivity is career.
expected or required.  Avoid wasteful and duplicative
 Disclose personal or financial interests publication.
that may affect research. 10) Legality
4) Integrity  Know and obey relevant laws and
 Keep your promises and agreements; act institutional and government policies.
with sincerity; strive for consistency of
thought and action.
5) Openness
 Share data, results, ideas, tools, and
resources. Be open to criticism and new


1) Human Rights 6) Privacy
 They are moral principles or norms that  It is someone’s right to keep his personal
describe certain standards of human matters and relationships secret.
behaviour and are regularly protected as  It is the ability of an individual to seclude
natural and legal rights. him from disturbance of any research
 They constitute a set of rights and duties activity.
necessary for the protection of human
dignity, inherent to all human beings. ETHICAL STANDARDS IN RESEARCH WRITING
2) Intellectual Property  Research Misconduct includes
 It protects creations of the mind, which fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.
have both a moral and a commercial  It doesn’t include honest error of
value. differences of opinion.
3) Copyright Infringement  It can erode trust between researchers
 The use or production of copyright- and funding agencies, which make it
protected material without permission of more difficult for colleagues at the same
the copyright holder. institution to receive grants.
 The rights accorded to the copyright
holder, such as the exclusive use of a
work for a set period of time, are
 Plagiarism refers to the act of using
breached by a third party.
another person’s ideas, works, processes,
Examples: and results without giving due credit.
 It should not be tolerated as the
a) Downloading movies and music
unauthorized use of original works, a
without proper payment for use.
violation of intellectual property rights.
b) Recording movies in a theatre.
c) Using others’ photographs for a blog Three different acts are considered
without permission. plagiarism:
d) Copying software code without giving 1. Failure to cite quotations and borrowed
proper credit. ideas,
e) Creating videos with unlicensed music 2. Failure to enclose borrowed language
clips. in quotation marks, and
4) Voluntary Participation 3. Failure to put summaries and
 People must not be coerced into paraphrases in your own words.
participating in research process.
 Prospective research participants must be
informed about the procedures and risks
involved in research and must give their
consent to participate.
5) Anonymity
 It is the protection of people’s identity
through not disclosing their name or not
exposing their identity.

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