Project Mexico Presentation

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Group 2

Team members:
José Pablo Soto Sánchez
Alejandro Ríos Zermeño
Santiago Mendoza Torres
Alvaro Fuentes Gómez
Rodrigo López Gómez
Diego Alonso Mojarro
Monetary Unit
The mexican peso is the national currency.
20.05$ pesos is a dollar (27/09/2022).
The mexican peso has its origin in the 17th
The code is MXN.
By Rodrigo López Gómez
The Afro-Mexican term is used to
identify Mexicans of sub-Saharan

Afro-americans African descent. They are also called

Afro-descendants. A 2015 survey
from Mexico's statistics institute
estimated the Afro-Mexican
population at 1.3 million.
In Mexico, the term mestizo (lit.
"mixed") is used to refer to an
identity of those of mixed European
Mestizos (mainly Spanish) and indigenous
Mexican descent. estimates of the
. number of mestizos in Mexico vary
from about 40 percent of the
population to nearly everyone.
White Mexicans (Spanish:
Mexicanos blancos) are Mexicans
who are considered or identify as

Whites white, typically due to their physical

appearance and/or self-identification
with their European ancestry. The
percentage of "light-skinned
Mexicans" there are in the country,
with it being 49% in 2017.
Indigenous peoples of Mexico are
those who are part of communities
that trace their roots back to
Amerindians populations and communities that
existed in what is now Mexico prior
. to the arrival of the Spanish. In
2012 the indigenous population was
approximately 15 million people
97 % of the mexican population is a believer.
Mexico is a secular country and has allowed freedom of religion since the mid-19th century

-82% of people are Catholic

-7.4% protestan and evangelical
-2.2% other evangelical
-0,06 Jewish
-0.09 other religions
-3% no religion
-2.7% not specificated
Important Holidays
Monday February 1 | For February 5 (Mexican Constitution Day).
Monday March 15 | For March 21 (Birth of Benito Juárez).
Saturday May 1 | Labor Day.
Thursday September 16 | Independence Day.
Monday November 15 | For November 20 (Revolution Day).

Saturday December 25 | Christmas

Important Holidays
Del 1 al 6 de enero | Vacaciones.
Jueves 7 y viernes 8 de enero | Junta Consejo Técnico Escolar.
Lunes 1 de febrero | Día festivo por el 5 de febrero (Día de la Constitución mexicana).
Viernes 19 de febrero | Junta Consejo Técnico Escolar.
Viernes 12 de marzo | Descarga administrativa escolar.
Lunes 15 de marzo | Día festivo por el 21 de marzo (Natalicio de Benito Juárez).
Lunes 12 de abril | Junta Consejo Técnico Escolar.
Miércoles 5 de mayo | Día festivo por la Batalla de Puebla.
Viernes 21 de mayo | Junta Consejo Técnico Escolar.
Viernes 25 de junio | Junta Consejo Técnico Escolar.
Lunes 28 de junio | Sescarga administrativa escolar.
Jueves 16 de septiembre | Día festivo por el Día de la Independencia.
Martes 2 de noviembre | Día festivo por el Día de Muertos.
Lunes 15 de noviembre | Día Festivo por el 20 de noviembre (Revolución Mexicana).
Literacy rate
The literacy rate measures the percentage of
people ages 15 and above who can read and
write. In 2020, Mexico's literacy rate was
around 95.25 percent.
Mexico has 69 national languages
-68 indigenous
Languages The Latin American countries with
the most native Spanish speakers are
A language is a structured
today Mexico almost 120 million of
communication system for which
there is a context of use and certain 130,262,220 people
formal combinatorial principles.

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