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Eduardo, III C. Molabola Teresa A.

BSED 2A Technical Writing

Instruction: Write a 300-word description of mechanism. Choose an apparatus,

device, machine, or an application that you use in your field of specialization. Make
use of discourse markers and observe correct sentence structure and paragraph form.

A laptop computer is a personal computer that is portable and easy to carry

around and it comes with different colors, designs, display sizes, and weight , it
depends on what brand is the laptop. It is similar to a desktop computer because it
incorporates all of the same elements but they are designed to be more portable than
traditional desktop computers, with many of the same abilities. Laptops are able to be
folded flat for transportation and have a built-in keyboard and touchpad. Laptops are
designed for internet use, for business use, producing documents, graphic design,
doing a task, and for communicating with others. A laptop has different parts and
functions, the parts of a laptop include display screen, keyboard, mouse, monitor,
memory, hard disk, motherboard, and central processing unit. In the keyboard, this
is where we input information, in the mouse, this is what we used to point objects,
in the monitor, it displays the commands in the form of text, images, or graphics.
The memory serves as the storage of information while the hard disk stores digitally
encoded data. The motherboard is use to install or connect additional components
such as flash drive or any other types of components, and the central processing unit
executes commands implied by computer program instructions. The laptop operates
with the use of battery power, or can be plugged into an electrical outlet. Operating
a laptop can accomplish many different tasks because its main function is to respond
to commands that allow it to produce documents, retrieve information, or to
communicate. The commands are type into the keyboard, and are executed by the
computer processor, these signals are then transmitted on the computer monitor. In
addition, a person can operate a mouse, and command the laptop to do a certain

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