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1 Combine the sentences to write single sentences containing defining or non-defining relative

1. My boss speaks Mandarin Chinese. He’s British but grew up in Beijing.
2. She’s the new girl. I really want to meet her.
3. This is a great website. You can download music here.
4. The young entrepreneur started a computer business. I met him on a train.
2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

ask someone out engineer give up initiative look up nurse

1. Lilian’s mum is a(n) ________________ − she builds and repairs machines.

2. I’m going to ________________ this word in the dictionary because I don’t know what it

3. It takes courage to ________________ because you don’t want to be embarrassed if they say

4. I can’t tell you what to do all the time. In this job, you need to show lots of

5. Kelly’s dad is a ________________ . He works in a hospital in Liverpool.

6. Max wants to ________________ sugar because he says it’s bad for his teeth.

3 Rewrite the sentences so they have a similar meaning. Use the words in brackets.
1. Is the job part-time? (may / ask)
2. What qualifications would I need? (could / tell)
3. What is the next stage in the interview process? (like / know)
4. What time do I need to arrive? (be / wondering)
5. What about getting here? (another / ask)
6. Do I have to work at the weekend? (interested / know)
4. Match the quotes with the words below.

cartoon magic show musical painter parking meter piano recital tree trunk

1. The dog always runs after the cat, but she never catches him. It’s very funny.

2. The musician played four pieces of classical music, and we sat quietly and listened.

3. We can leave our car here for two hours if we buy a ticket from that machine.

4. The songs were great, and the story was really good, too.

5. You can’t climb up that. You’ll fall before you reach the first branches.

6. The man put a bird into a box, but when he opened the box again it wasn’t there.
How did it disappear?

7. I’ve been working on a new picture. What do you think of it?


5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I can’t remember all of the song, but it’s got a good chorus / lyrics.

2. The composer Vaughan Williams got a lot of his ideas from centuries-old English rap / folk

3. Did you have your hair cut / cleaned in town yesterday?

4. All of the lines in the poem / novel are exactly six words long, and the harmony is beautiful.

5. I want to have my hair painted / dyed green, but my mum and dad hate the idea.

6. There are no words in a mime / opera, but you understand everything because the actors are
6. Complete the sentences with the words below.

apathetic branch era open-air patterned quick fix straight

1. Sylvia’s dress wasn’t ________________ or striped. It was just one colour.

2. The performance was in an ________________ theatre, so they cancelled it because of the


3. Do you understand what the teacher said? I’m not sure I’ve got everything
________________ at all.

4. I haven’t really repaired your car because I’m not a mechanic. This is just a
________________ so you can drive to the next town.

5. One day, scientists will cure all the world’s diseases, but it won’t happen in our
________________ .

6. When lightening hit the tree, it burned this ________________ completely.

7. Dad suggested going out for a walk, but everyone was really ________________ about it so
we stayed at home.

7. Complete the email using reported speech and the words in brackets.

Hi Beth,
Gary phoned me yesterday. He said 1____________________ (I had a great time) in London.
He asked me 2____________________ (are you and Beth going to Chloe’s party) on
Saturday, and I said yes. He said 3____________________ (I’ll definitely come), and he
asked 4____________________ (where is she having it)? I told him she was having the party
at a new pizza place in town, and I said 5____________________ (I’ll send you) a map. Gary
also asked 6____________________ (what time does it start). I said 7____________________
(I don’t know), but I told him 8____________________ (I can ask Chloe) at school.
Anyway, I thought I’d tell you all this because I know you like Gary a lot. So don’t worry −
he’s going to be there!
See you there!

8. Rewrite the sentences and questions. Pay attention to the pronouns and time expressions.
1. I’ll call you back this evening.
Mr Harris told Lucy ....................................................................................................
1. Did you buy your T-shirt at the concert yesterday?
I asked Simon ..............................................................................................................
2. We went to the cinema last Friday.
Macey and Dan said ....................................................................................................
4. Are you going to watch the match tomorrow?
Jason asked us .............................................................................................................
5. We’re really enjoying our holiday here.
The tourists told us ......................................................................................................
6. I’m watching a documentary on TV now.
Dad told me .................................................................................................................
9. Read the mini-dialogues and choose the correct words.
Sinead You said you’d phone John and apologise. Did you 1run out of / get through to him?
Dan Well, I tried to phone him. But I 2got cut off / broke up.
Sinead Why was that? Did he 3hang up / speak up on you?
Dan No, it was nothing like that. My phone just 4got through / ran out of credit.

Suzie The neighbours complained because Helen played loud music when my parents were
out. So now we’re both in trouble.
Callum I 5advise / blame you to tell your parents that it wasn’t you.
Suzie No, I can’t do that. But I’m really angry with Helen. I 6warned / suggested her against
playing it loud.
Callum And she 7insisted on / agreed to doing it?
Suzie That’s right. I 8proposed / begged her to turn it down, but she didn’t. She’s really silly
10. Match the quotes with the words below. There is one extra word or phrase.

biography comedy musical novel social networking sites war film zine

1. It was three hundred pages long, but I didn’t get bored because it was an amazing story.
2. Do you follow many people on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?
3. It tells the story of some brave people who fought the Nazis, and the acting is great.
4. You can’t buy this magazine in the shops − it’s only on the internet.
5. My favourite song in the show was ‘Think of Me.’
6. Ben Stiller is a really funny actor, and the plot was crazy − we laughed a lot!
6. Complete the sentences with the words below.
action encourage mention propose routes save

1. Did I ________________ getting the concert tickets? I can’t remember if I told you before.

2. What do you ________________ to do about the problem?

3. Can you ________________ John to come to the picnic? He’ll doesn’t want to go, but it’ll be

4. The Strait of Florida, in the USA, is one of the world’s busiest shipping ________________ .
Many ships and boats use it every day.

5. It’s a good ________________ film, if you like films with lots of guns and fast cars.

6. ________________ my phone number in your contacts list, so you can call me again.

11. Rewrite and combine the sentences to form third conditional sentences (C), or sentences
with participle clauses (P).
1. Dad didn’t drive us to school. He didn’t have time. (C)


2. A new train line will open in time for the Olympics. It will take people from the airport to the
Olympic area. (P)


3. We went on a balloon flight last month. We did it because we thought it was safe. (C)


4. The number 3 green bus goes to the city centre from here. It leaves every half an hour. (P)


5. We had a great time on holiday. There was a lot of entertainment on the cruise ship. (C)


6. Mandy fell off her scooter. She injured herself. (P)


7. We took the underground. It didn’t take us a long time to go across town. (C)

12. Choose the word which cannot be used to complete the sentence.
1. Hurry up! People are boarding the ___ !
A cab B aircraft C coach
2. At its highest point, the bridge is 120 ___ above the river below.
A metres B millimetres C feet
3. It was 9.30 when we finally reached our
A destination. B hotel. C luggage.
4. Excuse me. Can I see your ___ tickets, please?
A plane B train C scooter
5. When Sally’s family were on holiday in the Mediterranean, they hired a ___ for a week.
A tram B car C yacht
6. This ___ car looks old because it was built in the 1930s.
A cable B tram C buffet
Writing 1

Doing part-time work can give students useful experience, but it may stop some people
from concentrating on their studies. Write a for and against essay discussing the pros and
cons of working part time as a student.
Writing 2

Write a story about a time that someone was late. Follow the instructions below and write
your story.
 Set the scene.
 Describe the lead up to the main event.
 Talk about the main event.
 Say what happened in the end.
Writing 3

You’ve been asked to write a review of a book you didn’t like for your school website. Follow
the instructions below and write your review.
 Give the title and make sure you attract the reader’s attention.
 Describe the main events in the story and talk about the characters.
 Mention two reasons why you didn’t enjoy the book.
 Explain why you wouldn’t recommend this book.

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