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Value of Philosophy  The value of philosophy is in the

uncertainty of truth, as everyone

Problems in Philosophy
philosophizes and seeks answers, it
opens a person to a wider
perspective of the possible answers
that are free of dogmatism and are
 What is Real? results of deliberate activity involving
 How will you know if that is real? reason.
 What we perceived is Partial

Knowledge - "I'm right! You're wrong!"
 When you know something, it is
expected that you can verify it.
 Verification is always connected to  Philosophizing will motivate you to
what is real and is suggested to be dig deeper into what you believe and
true. seek whether what you conceived
 Is knowledge always true? about who you are or what the world
is are based on something more
substantial than simply passed on by
 Engaging in philosophy means
 Another problem in Philosophy is engaging in contemplation (religious
about ethical truths. meditation). This reflective activity is
 Can there be an objectivity in the suspending who you are, what you
rightness or wrongness of actions believe and what you value.
that are considered under the lens of - Remaining in the belief that
morality? you hold what is certain and
 Can saying the truth sometimes be definite means closing
the unethical to do? yourself to other possibilities
that may broaden your
Value of Philosophy
 Contributes to the quality of
knowledge acquired by people and
how such knowledge enhances the
mind’s ability to reason.
- Knowledge is on high quality if
it’s presented clear, consistent
and no contradictions.
 As Socrates once claimed, “The  Diminish the dogmatic assurance
Unexamined Life is not Worth which closes the mind from
Living”. Philosophical inquiry is the speculation.
venue for pursuing unexamined life  Philosophy demands an open mind
by reflecting upon issues and because there are views which are
problems in life, which are different from yours.
philosophical in nature.
- This way you will gain a
deeper and broader
perspective in life about how
you live, what you live for and The Philosophical Methods of Inquiry
why you live not because of
the definitive answers but
through the process of Methods of Inquiry
reflecting and contemplation  Each method is integral in arriving at
and inquiry holistic perspective in any subject of
philosophical inquiry.
 In this method we will be using our
 Philosophy has to be studied not for senses and mind to be able to grasp
the sake of definite answer to each the act of philosophizing itself.
question since no definite answers - Speculation
can, as a rule, be known to be true, - Critical Thinking
but rather for the sake of the - Reflective Thinking
questions themselves.
 Enlarge our conceptions of what is
possible. Finding answers to these Speculation
question gives us the opportunity to
explore endlessly in everything, all  Specula - Watch Tower
methodologies, ways and means to  Vision above that of an ordinary
satisfy our inquiries. person
 Enrich our intellectual imagination –  Allows you to expand your
is utilized when considering and perspective as well as your way of
developing hypotheses from different thinking by encouraging you to see
pieces of information or pondering the bigger picture.
over various issues of meaning say
in the areas of philosophy,
management, or politics, etc. o Detached activity best done alone
and in isolation. It is often a result
of contemplation which you can
do on your own.
o What helps you to take the
broadest possible perspective on
a subject of inquiry
o To speculate also means to Reflective Thinking
participate in the world and use
 Meaning-Making
the experience as basis or
 Moves a learner from one
resource of ideas.
experience into the next with a
deeper understanding.
 Value the personal growth of oneself
Critical Thinking
and others.
 To criticize means to judge and/or to  A thinking process through which
analyze. individuals examine their
 Any and all of knowledge and experiences to better understand the
principles that may be gained assumptions and implications of
through speculation. events and actions in their lives
 If the insight is clearly stated, if it is (Wallace, 1996)
consistent with itself, and in the o The process of reflective inquiry
world. entails asking penetrating
questions, challenging
assumptions, and carefully
Modes of Critical Thinking: examining the implications of
their actions and choices.

- Meaning of words are analyzed
(clarity and consistency) Intellectual Exercise - Whole being of a
- Clear definition of words (to avoid person
ambiguity or vagueness)
 Speculation Criticism Reflective
- Creativity and attitudes
- Careful analysis Additional Methods:
- Statement is reduced to its simplest
form (elementary sentence)
Systematic Doubt
- Skeptical attitude in looking at ideas,
Philosophical Inquiry:
events, or things
 Speculation - Each aspect of the topic in questions
 Insights are formed is analyzed to determine its validity
 Critical thinking or truthfulness.
 Insights are clearer
Argument Quiz [Pascal (40/46)]:
- Philosophers engage in discussion
and debate on their idea
False - The value of philosophy is in the
- Various perspective on a topic is
certainty of truth, as everyone
taken into consideration and
philosophizes and seeks answers, it
opens a person to a wider perspective.
- Varied and differing ideas and
perspective are analyzed Ethics - seeks to formulate sets of
- Information gathered standards and norms of acceptable,
- New ideas and views are formulated correct, and good behavior which are
applied in the daily life.
Inquiry - we will be using our mind and
False - Speculation is derived from
Greek word speculare which means
watch tower.
False - In Philosophy, Critical Thinking
is a method that allows you to expand
your perspective as well as your way of
thinking by encouraging you to see a
bigger picture.
False - In Philosophy, we need to have
a limited perspective so we can be free
from dogmatism.
True - In Philosophy, we need to have a
limited perspective so we can be free
from dogmatism.
Certainty - The question "Are the things
we know are true" falls on question of?
Philosophical Reflection - Is the
process by which a person undergoes a
reflective state or evaluates his or her
experiences first before making any
related action.
True - Speculation is what helps you to Reality - refers to the state of existence
take the broadest possible perspective of things independent of human
on a subject of inquiry. Thus, it will help consciousness.
you explore and take in a variety of
True - The process of reflective inquiry
perspective about human person.
entails asking penetrating questions,
Metaphysics - addresses questions challenging assumptions, and carefully
regarding reality. examining the implications of their
actions and choices.
Inquiry - is a close examination of the
matter for information or truth (Webster Logical - Of critical thinking that
Collegiate Dictionary) provides careful analysis.
True - One of the modes of critical True - Speculation is a detached activity
analysis is logical analysis, where best done alone and in isolation. It is
philosophical problems are solved often a result of contemplation which
through a careful analysis of the logical you can do on your own.
structure of the philosophical assertion.
False - Speculation involves interaction
Critical Analysis – Through this, with others in the process of thinking
insights are formed. and learning.
Reflection - Is a thinking process Causality - Refers to causes of events
through which individuals examine their and phenomena.
experiences to better understand the
Origin - Closely related to the concept
assumptions and implications of events
of causality are questions regarding the
and actions in their lives.
_____ of things.
Skeptical Attitude – Philosophers
True - Philosophy as critical thinking or
employ this in looking at ideas, events,
analysis, questions, judges and evaluate
or things. Each aspect of the topic in
any and all of knowledge and principles
questions is analyzed to determine its
that may be gained through speculation.
validity or truthfulness.
True - Verification is always connected
Speculation - as a philosophical
to what is real and is suggested to be
method allows you to expand your
perspective as well as your way of
thinking by encouraging you to see the True - Philosophy contributes to the
bigger picture. quantity of knowledge.
False - If white lies help to manage Linguistics - Requires a clear definition
healthy relationships and nurture others of words to ensure clarity.
then lying could be the unethical thing to
do after all
False - Knowledge is on high quality if it
is inconsistent.
Major Questions of The Philosophers
- Causality
- Reality
- Ethics
- Certainty

Types of Philosophical Reflection

- Secondary Reflection
- Primary Reflection

Philosophical Methods of Inquiry

- Speculation
- Reflective Thinking
- Critical Analysis

Metaphysics - Is Life Meaningful?

Epistemology - This research work is
not valid.
Metaphysics - God Exist but why there
are evils?
Ethics - Is it right to eat without using
your hands?
Epistemology - Cheating is wrong.
Metaphysics - Does water has color?

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