General English and Legal Language

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g6 General English and Legal Language

5 Demo-Demonstration
6. Exam-Examination
7 Fax-Fascimile
8 Gas-Gasoline
9 Grad-Graduation
10 Gym-Gymnasium
11 Hyper- Hypersensitive
12. ID-ldentity
13. Intercom- Inter Communication System
14. Jourmos= Journalists
15. Kilo=Kilogram
16. Lab=Laboratory
17. Lunch=Luncheon
18. Maths=Mathematics
19. Medic Medical Student

20. Memo- Memorandum

21. Mike= Microphone
22. Movie= Moving Picture
23. Para=Paragraph
24. Photo=Photograph
25. Prof Professor

26. Pub= Public House

27. Rail=Railway
28. Specs= Spectacles
29. Taxi=Taxicab
30. Tube=Tube light
31. Veg=Vegetarian
32. Vet=Veteran
33. Viva= Viva Voce
34. Zoo=Zoological Garden
Front and Back
ClippingHt may occur at both ends of the
E.g. word
1. Fridge= Refrigerator
2 Flu- Influenza Co
3. Tec-Detective
In this process, words are formed from the initial letters
of words. or some parts
Word Formation 6o15
ACB-Anti Corruption Bureau
ATM-Automated Teller Machine
ATS-Anti-Terorist Squad
BPL-Below Poverty Line
CRY=Child Relief and You
ICU-Intensive Care Unit
IC.J= Intemational Court of Justice
FIR=First Intormation Report

9 JMFC-Judicial Magistrate First Class

INNURM=Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
11. INU=Jawaharlal Nehru University
12. LL.D-Doctor of Laws
13 LL.B.= Bachelor of Laws (Legum baccalaureous)
4 LIM.- Masler of Laws (Legum Magister)
15. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Law Col
16. NIC-National Informatics Centre
17. NITI National Institute for Transforming India 101
18. PAN=Permanent Account Number
19. PNR= Passenger Name Record Pinp
20. POTA=Prevention of Organized Terrorist Activities
21. RTI= Right to Education
22. RT Right to Information
23. SCC- Supreme Court Cases
21 SMS-Short Messaging Service
25. TADA- Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act
26, TRAl= Telephone Regulatory Authority of India
27. UNESCO= United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
28. UNO=United Nations Organizations
29. VIP= Very Important Person
WHO=World Health Organization
The same word can be used as different parts of speech.
Noun as well
1 Account
as a verb
4. Attack
Act 5. Attempt
Anount 6. Bell
Down fall 93
+Noun Downfall
Head line New Word
Political Leader Head line
Short story Political Leader
Long life Shortstory
Verb +Noun Long life
1 New Word
Care taker
Kick boxer Caretaker
Pick pocket Kick boxer
Play ground Pickpocket
Rain drops Playground
Run way Raindrops
Stop watch Runway
Tread mill Stopwatch
Watch man
Work load Watchman
Verb Workload
+Adverb New Word
Break up
Lock Breakup
Send off
Send off
Draw back
9 +Verb New Word
Cross examine Cross examine
Sleep walk Sleep walk
Cross claim Cross claim
10. Adverb +Verb New Word
Down fall Downfall
Back bite Back-bite
Out set Outset

Sometimes two bases are combined in a word as in compound but the
Word retains its only a part of one or both the words. Such words are called
as blends. E.g.:

Advertainment= Advertising +Entertainment

2. Advertorial = Advertising + Editorial
94 General English and Legal Language

3. Biopic Biography+Picture
4. Bit- Binary +Digit
5. Blog- Web + Log
6. Brunch- Breakfast+ Lunch
7 Bollywood Bombay + Hollywood
8. Camcorder- Camera+ Recorder
9. Cineplex= Cinema +Complex
10. Compaq = Computer + Pack
11. Cosmeceutical = Cosmetic + Pharmaceutical
12. Docudrama = Documentary + Drama
13. Edutainment = Education + Entertainment
14. Electrocute= Electricity + Execute
15. Email = Electronic+ mail
16. Faction- Fact + Fiction
17: Fantabulous= Fantastic+ Fabulous
18. Forex= Foreign+ Exchange
19. Ginormous = Gigantic + Enormous
20. Globish= Global + English
21. Guesstimate = Guess + estimate
22. Heliport= Helicopter +airport
23. Helipad= Helicopter +pad
24. Hi-tech- High + Technology
25. Infotainment= Information + Entertainmer
26. Infotech- Information+ Technology
27. Intel= Integrated + Electronics
28. Intercom- Internal + Communication
29. Internet = Inter + network
30. Interpol= International +Police
31. Laundromat= Laundry + Automat
32. Marcos= Marine + Commandos
33. Medicare= Medical+ Care
34. Mediclaim= Medical+Claim
35. Microsoft= Microcomputer + Software
36. Mobike= Motor + Bike
37. Mocktail- Mock+ Cocktail
38. Modem= Modular + Demodulator
39. Moped= Motor + Pedal
40. Multiplex= Multiple + Cineplex
Word Formation
41. Netiquette =

Internet +Etiquette 95
42. Netizen =
Intermet +
43. Newscast= News +
44. Oxbridge Oxford+ =

45. Sensex= Sensible+ Index

46. Skylab=Sky+ Laboratory
47. Slanguage= Slang + Language
48. Smog Smoke + Fog

49. Soundescape =
50. Spork= Spoon + Fork +Landscape
51. Sportscast= Sports + Telecast
52. Stagflation= Stagnation + Inflation Co
53. Telecast= Television + broadcast

54. Telegenic Television +


55. Televangelist "Television +
56. Telex=Teleprinter+ Exchange

Evangelist Pimpn n e . 4

57. Transistor= Transfer+ Resistor

58. Travelogue= Travel+
59. Wikipedia= Wiki +
60. Workaholic Work + Alcoholic =

It denotes subtraction of one or more syllables from a word.
Fore Clipping-The shortening may occur in the beginning of the
word. E.g.:
. Groom=Bridegroom
2 Net-Internet
3. Paper Newspaper

4 Pen=Fountain Pen
5. Phone= Telephone
6. Plane=Aero plane
1. Quake Earthquake
ck Clipping-lt may occur at the end of the word. E.g.:

Ad- Advertisement
2. Bike- Bicycle
3. Cable= Cablegram
Chapter 24
Foreign Words
language abounds with many words
languages particularly from Latin, which have been
from othe
foreign words are still part and
se Greek, French etc..
parcel of legal language.
Theant to
import to use
use these words
correctly and Hence, it is
ideas clearly. appropriately to express one's
1. a fortiori-With strong reason
2 a posteriory-An argument based
experiment, inductively
observation or

3 ab ante-Before, In advance
ab initio-From the beginning
abintestato-In the civil law
6 actusreus-Wrongful act
7. ad hoc-Established for a
particular purpose
8. ad idem-Tallying in the essential
9 ad infinitum-Without limit
10. ad interim-n the meantime
11. ad libitum-At pleasure
12. ad remTo the point, relevant
13 ad valorem-According to value
14 aequitas-equally
15. alibi-Elsewhere
16. alma mater-Mother institution
17. alter ego-The other self
18 alumni-Ex-student
19 amicus curiae-An impartial Advisor
20. animus-An intention
21 animus deserendi-Intention to desert
22 animus possidendi-Intention of Possessing
23 au
revoir-Till meet again

General English and Legal Language
bona fide Genuine
24 bona vacantia-Ownerless property
25. freedom to do somethina
carte blanche -Complete
26 immediate cause
causa proxima-1The
27. beware
28. caveat emptor-Let the buyer
caveat venditor-Let
the seller beware
culpa lata-Gross negligence
31 culpa levis-Slight negligence

32 de facto-In actual fact

33 de jure-In law, By legal right

34 de luxe-Of high quality, luxurious
de novo-A new
36 divide it impera--Divide and rule
37 en mass-In a mass

38. en route-On the way

et cetera-Things of the same class as those which are
contained in the list
40. ex gratia-As a matter of favour or grace
41. ex-officio-By virtue of an office
42 ex-parte-One side only

43 fait accompli-Not reversible

44 faux pas-Blunder
45. haeres factus-Heir appointed by will
46. ibid; ibidem; id-In the same place or volume
47. id est(i.e.)-That is to say
48. impasse-Deadlock
49 impedimenta-Baggage
50 in esse-Actually existing
51 in limineAt the outset, In the beginning
52. in loco parentis-In place of parent
53 in memorium-In memory of
54 in pais-Done without legal formalities
55. in pari delicto-When both parties are equally at fault
56. in rem-Against the world; An act or proceeding done or
directed with reference to no specific person or with reference to
whom it may concern.
Foreign Words
in situ -n its own place 159
in toto Completely
59 inter alia-Among other things
60. inter se-Among themselves
61 ipso facto-By the very fact
62. lis pendens-During the pendency in any court
63 locus in quo-The place where it is
done or happened alleged a thing has been
64 locus standi-Right to speak or intervene in a matter
65. mala fide-In bad faith
66. mala prohibita-Acts prohibited by human laws
67 mandamus-An order issued from the
High Court directed to
any person or corporation
68. mens rea-Criminal intention or guilty mind
69 mesne profit-Intermediate profits
70 modus operendi-Mode or Method of working
71 modus vivendi-Manner of living
72 mutatis mutandis-With necessary changes . Patil

Law Col
73 nexus-Bond; Link
74 non compos mentis-Not of sound mind LIBRARY

75. nota bene Take notice

76. nudum pactum -A bare promis Aune

77 null and void-Of no legal effect

78 nun curatives will-An oral statement

79 obiter dictum-Incidental opinion

80 onus probandi-Burden of proof
81 par excellence-Without comparison
82 pari passu-Along with; proportionately
83 pater families-Head of the family
84 per diem-By the day
85. per se-By itself
86 prima facie-At first sight
87 pro rata--In proportion
88 pro tempore-For the time being
89. quid pro quo-Exchange or substitution for goods
160 General English and Legal Language
90 res derelicta-An abandoned thing
91 res integra-A matter not yet decided
92 sine dieTo a date not at the moment fixed
93 status quo-The former state or decision
94 sub judice-Under judicial consideration
95 sub rosa-Secretly, Confidentially
96. suo motu-By itself

97 ultra vires-Beyond one's powers

98 volte face-A reversal policy
as in
99 vox populi-The voice of the people
Chapter 25
Legal Terms
1. Abandonment-The act of giving up or
relinquishing a legal
right with the intention of never
reclaiming it.
2. Abduct-An act of taking away person by fraud or force.

3. Abet-To encourage, incite, aid or assist someone

commit the crime. The act is called especiallý to
abetment or abetting and a
person who instigates is called an abettor.
4. Abscond-To depart or run
away or suddenly especially
to avoid service of process; to conceal
5. Abstain-To refrain from doing something such
intention not to vote in as one's
an election.
6. Accomplice-A person who participates in the planning or
carrying out of a crime or in advising and
commission of a criminal act. encouraging
7. Accused-A person against whom
that he has
an allegation has been made
committed an offence or who is charged with an
Acquittal-The legal certification usually by jury; verdict that an
accused person is not guilty of the
charged offence.
Act of God-An event due to natural causes (storms,
earthquakes, floods etc.) so exceptionally severe that no one
reasonably be expected to anticipate or guard against it.
Adjourn-To put off or defer proceeding to any other day, to
deter or put off.
Administrator-A person who manages or heads a
public office or agency.
12 Admission-Any statement or assertion made by a party to a
case and offered against that party; an
facts are true. acknowledgement that
Adoption-The process byunmarried
e s in respect of an
which a parent's legal rights and the
minor are transferred too
another person or
14 persons.
Hdverse Witness-A witness who
gives evidence unfavourable to

General English and Legal Language
called him.
the party who
person exercising
a right of audience a
as a
Advocate A
15. of or on behalt of any party to legal proceedina
written statement
which someone makes after th..
16 Affidavit A ney
officially to tell the truth and which might be used as
have sworn

person whose personal,
pecurniary or properh
17 Aggrieved-A
affected by another person's actions
rights have been adversely
court's decree or judgment.
or by a
that a person was in other
18. Alibi-Formal statement or evidence
place at the time of a crime.
a court to a person to
19. Alimony-Amount of money ordered by
pay to his wife after divorce.
20. Amendment-To change or modify for better.
court tribunal
Appeal-An application to a person, body,
which has decided an issue or reconsider that
superior to one
decision and if thought fit to alter it. The result of an appeal may
court below.
be to modify or reverse the decision of the
Appellant-One who makes an appeal.
22 who confesses offence and who turns
23 Approver-A person
state's evidence.
statements intended to
24 Argument-A connected series of
specific statement
establish or subvert a proposition or any
Article-A separate and distinct part of an instrument or writing;
25 a whole.
one of several things presented as connected or forming
26. Bail-Temporary release from imprisonment on furnishing
Bankrupt-A person who cannot meet current financial
obligations; an insolvent person.
in a
28 Bench-A group of Judges or Magistrates sitting together
court or all judges collectively.
29. Bequeath-To give property (usually personal property) by
30. Bond-A written acknowledgment to pay money or do some
if certain circumstances occur or a certain time elapses.
as a
31. Capital Punishment-Death (Usually by hanging) imposed
punishment for crime.
32. Cause of action-A claim sufficient to demand judicial
Legal Terms 163

Caveat-A warning or proviso.

33 the names of each
Charge sheet-A police record showing
34. person brought
into custody, the nature of the accusations and
the accusers.

Codicil-An amendment or addition to a will.

35 Coercion-Compulsion or constraint. Or to persuade forcefully
to do something which unwiling to do.
they are

37. Cognizable-Capable of being tried or examined before a

designated tribunal; within the jurisdiction of court or power

given to court to adjudicate controversy.

accusations in court
38. Complainant-One who makes a formal a

of law.
Confession-Confession is a statement made by defendant
39 and
disclosing his guilt of crime with which he is charged
excluding possibility of a reasonable inference to the contrary.
Consent-Agreement, approval or permission as to some act
purpose especially given voluntarily by
a competent person;
legally effective assent.
Conveyance-The voluntary transfer of a right or of property.
Convict-A person who has been found guilty of a crime and is
42 crime.
serving a sentence of confinement for that
43 Copyright-The right to copy; specifically, a property right in
an original work of authorship (including literary, musical,
pictorial, graphic, sculptural and
dramatic, choreographic,
architectural works; motion pictures and other audio-visual works
fixed in any tangible medium of
and sound recordings)
exclusive right to reproduce,
expression, giving the holder the
the work.
adapt, distribute, pertorm and display
44. Covenant-A legal writteen agreement under seal whether
expressed or implied.
CovetTo desire eagerly specially something belonging to
another person.
Culpable-Blameworthy; Involving in the breach of a legal duty,
47. Custody-The detaining of a person by virtue of lawful process
or authority.
48. Damages-Of or relating to monetary compensation for loss or
injury to a person or Property
49 Debar-To preclude someone from having or doing something;
General English and Legal Language
exclusion or hindrance.
Decree-Traditionally, a judicial decision in a court of equity
admiralty, divorce or probate.
Deed-An instrument in writing to eftect some legal disposition
Defamation-Denoting willftul injury to the reputation and
standing of another person.
Defendant-A person in a law case who is accused of havina
done something illegal.
Deponent-One witness who gives written testimony for later
use in court.
55. Deportation-The act or an instance of removing a person to
another country specially the expulsion or transter of an alien
from a country.
56. Detention-The act of keeping back or withholding either
accidently or by design a person or a thing
57 Discharge-1. The release of a prisoner from coninement. 2.
Any method by which a legal duty is extinguished; especially the
payment of a debt or satisfaction of some other obligation.
58 Encumbrance-A claim or liability that is attached to property
r some other right and that may lessen its value such as a lien or
mortgage; any property right that is not an ownership interest.
59 Endowment-A gift of money or property to an institution
(such as a university).
60. Euthanasia-The act or practice of killing or bringing about the
death of a person who suffers from an incurable disease or
condition especially a painful one for reasons of mercy.
61 Eviction-The actor process of legally dispossessing a person or
land or rental property, usually by legal process.
62 Evidence-That which the court of Justice is permitted by lawto
take into consideration for making clear or ascertain the truth of
the fact as a point in issue.
63 Execution-The process by which judgments are enforced.
64 Exonerate-To free from a burden, charge, responsibility or duty.
65 Extortion -The offense committed by a public official wh0
illegally obtains property under the color of office especially an
official's collection of an unlawful fee.
The act or practice of obtaining something or compelling some
action by illegal means as by force or coercion.
Legal Terms
O0. Extradition-The official surrender of an
alleged criminal by
one state or nation to another
having jurisdiction over the crime
67 Federalism-The legal relationship and distribution of power
between the national and regional governments within a federal
system ot government.

68 Felony-A serious crime usually punishable by imprisonment for

more than one
by death.
year or

69. Fraud-Misrepresenting the fact in order undue to have

70. Goodwill-A business's reputation,
intangible assets that are considered patronage
and other
when appraising the
business, especially for purchase; the
excess of the income that would be ability
to earn income in
viewed as a mere
expected from the business
collection of assets.
71. Habeas Corpus-A writ employed to
bring a person before the
court, most frequently to ensure that the
or detention is not
person's imprisonment
72 Heir-The person who on intestacy would succeed to the
realty of
the deceased person.
73 Homicide-The killing of one person by another.
74 Identification-The action or process of identifying someone or
75 Immovable Property-Property that cannot be moved.
76. Incite-To induce a person to commita crime, or to work on his
emotions so that he may commit a crime.
77. Incompetent-Unqualified to testify.
78. Infringement-The action of breaking the tems of a law,
agreement, etc.; violation.
79 Injunction-A court order commanding or preventing an action.
80. Intellectual Property-A commercially valuable product of the
human intellect, in a concrete or abstract form such as
Copyrightable work, a protectable trademark, a patentable
invention or a trade secret.
81. Intestate-A person who dies without leaving a last will and
82 Judgment-The determination by a court of competent
jurisdiction of a controversy between two or more persons which
is brought before the court by proper procedure.
166 General English and Legal Language

83 Judicature The action of judging or of administering justie

through duly constituted courts. tice
84 Jurisdiction-A government's general power to exercise
authority over all persons and things within its territory. exercise
85 Juvenile-A person who has not reached the age
(usually 18)at
which one should be treated as an adult by the criminal justice
86. Lapse-The termination of a right or privilege because of a
failure exercise it within some time limit
to or because a
contingency has occurred or not occurred.
87 Laundering Money-The act of transterring illegally obtained
money through legitimate people or accounts so that its
source cannot be traced. original
88. Legacy-A gift by will especially of personal property and often
89 LesseeThe person to whom property is leased.
90 Libel-To defame someone in a
permanent medium especially in
91 Lien-A right by which a person in possession of
property holdsand retains it against the other in
demand due to the party retaining it. satisfaction of a

92 Litigation-The process of carrying on a lawsuit.

93 Mandamus-A prerogative writ issued by
directed to
Higher Court
some official to do
94. Merchandise-In general, a movable object involved in trade or
traffic; that which is passed from one
purchase and sale. person to another by
95. Misappropriation-The application of another's property or
money dishonestly to one's own use.
96. Mortgage-The transfer of property in
property: the form of specific immovable
property security for a debt or other
obligation in which the debtor retains
possession of the
but agrees to hold it property
security for the debt.
97. Motive-Willful desire that leads one to act.
98. Naturalization-The granting of citizenship
person urnder statutory
to a foreign-borm
99 authority.
Negligence-The failure to use the needed care which a
responsible person would use.
100 Oath-A solemn
declaration, accompanied by a swearing to
or a
revered person or thing that one's statement O
is true or that
Legal Terms 167

one will be bound to promise.

Obligation-A moral or legal duty, however created, the
violation of which may become the basis of an action.
102. Overrule-To overturn or set aside a precedent by expressly
deciding that it should no longer be controlling law.
103. Ownership-The group of rights to property which in law is
considered paramount to any rights over the same property held
by those not called owners.
104. Parole-The conditional release of a prisoner from
imprisonment before the full sentence has been served.
105. Partition-Something that separates one part of a space from
106. Perjury-The act or an instance of a person's deliberately making
material false or misleading statements while under oath.
107. Perpetrator-A person who commits a crime or offence.
108. Plaintiff -The party who brings a civil suit in a court of law.
109 Plea-An accused person's formal response of guilty, not guilty,
or no contest tocriminal charge.

110. Pleadings-A formal document in which a party to a legal

proceeding sets forth or responds to allegations, claims, denials
or defenses.
111. Possession-Physical control over tangible objects
112 Pre-emption-The right to buy before others.
113. Prejudice-A state of mind in which a person entertains a
judgment about an event, the character of a person or the validity
of a proposition without examining the facts or hearing evidence.
114. Probation-The practice of releasing first offenders who have
been convicted of a crime with special regulations of reporting
and investigation so as to ensure their good behaviour.
115. Promissory Note-An unconditional written promise signed by
the maker to pay absolutely and in any event a certain sum of
money either to, or to the order of the bearer or a designated
116. Proprietor-An owner, especially one who runs a business.
117. Prosecute-To commence and carry out of any legal action
Provocation-The act of inciting another to do something
especially to commit a crimne.
119 ublic InterestThe general welfare of the public that warrants
168 General English and Legal Language

recognition and protection

120 Quash-To annul or make void; to terminate; To suppress or
121 Recidivism-The repeating of or returning to criminal behavior
by the same of offender or type of offender.
122 Recital-An account or description of some fact or thing. OrA
preliminary statement in a contract or deed explaining the
background of the transaction or showing the existence of
particular facts.
123 -The act or instance of reclaiming or
Redemption an
possession by paying a specitic price.
124 Remission-A cancellation or extinguishment of all or part of a
financial obligation, a release of a debt or claim.
125 Residue Something that is left over after a part is removed or
disposed of; a remainder.
126 Restitution-The act of returning something lost or stolern to it
owner: or payment for damage or loss.
127. Revocation-An annulment, cancellation or reversal usually of
an act or power.
Invalidation of a will by the testator either by destroying the will
or by executing a new one.
128 Sabotage-The willful and malicious destructioon of an
employer's property or interference with an employer's normal
operations, especially during a labour dispute.
The destruction, damage or knowingly defective production
materials, premises or utilities used for national defence or for

129 Sedition-Behaviour that is intended to persuade other people
tending towards treason.
130 Self defence-The use of force to protect oneself, one's family,
or one's property from a real or threatened attack.
expressed in a transitory
131 Slander A defamatory statemernt

form, especially speech.

Summons-An official demand to appear in a court of law.
person who has made will; especially a person
133 Testator -A a

who dies leaving a will.

134 Testatrix-A woman who makes a will; A female testator
Legal Terms 169

135. Testatum-A writ issued in a country where a defendant or

defendant's property is located when venue lies in another
Testimony-The evidence given by a witness under oath or
affirmation in a legal proceeding.
137 Traitor-A person who commits treason against his or her

138 Transfer-To convey property from one person to another.
Transgress-To go beyond the limit of what is morally or
legally acceptable.
140. Treason-The offence of attempting to overthrow the
government of the state to which one owes allegiance either by
making war against the state or by materially supporting
141 Treaty-A compact made between two or more independent
nations with a view to the public weltare.

142. Trespass-An unlawful act committed against the person or

property of another; especially wrongtul entry on another's real
Tribunal-A court other adjudicatory body. Or The seat, bench
143. or

or place where a judge sits.

Trustee-One who stands in a fiduciary or confidential relation
to another; especially one who having legal title to property,
holds it in trust for the benetit of another rand owes a fiduciary

duty to that beneficiary.

145. Usurpation-The unlawful seizure and assumption of another's
position, office or authority.
or decision on the factual issues of a
146. Verdict-A jury's finding
147. Void-Of no legal effect; nul.
VoluntarilyUnconstrained by interterence;
not impelled by
outside influence; without
149. Vulnerable-Someone exposed to the possibility of being
attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
services, usually based on timne
150. Wage-Payment for labour or
worked or quantity produced.
deed promises
the grantor in a
151. Warranty-A covenant by which
estate conveyed in the deed and
to secure to the grantee the
if the grantee is evicted by
pledges to compernsate the grantee
170 General English and Legal Language

someone having better title.

152. Whip-A strip of leather or length or cord fastened to a handlc
used for flogging or beating a person.
153. Will-Directions about the disposal of property to take effect
after death.
154. Writ-Written order issued in the name of the authority to an
official to do or not to do something. It is issued only by High
Court and Supreme Court.

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