Life and Works of Rizal Midterm Reviewer

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Life and Works of Jose Rizal Narcisa recalled: I was nine years of age

when my mother gave birth to Jose. I recall it

RIZAL’S BIRTH AND FAMILY vividly because my mother suffered great
Rizal’s Birth pain. She labored for a long time. Her pain
Jose Rizal - Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso was later attributed to the fact that Jose’s
Realonda head was bigger than normal” (as cited in
- born at about midnight on Wednesday, June 19, “Lola Lolay: 2013, para. 8)
1861 in Calamba, Laguna
- seventh of the eleven children of Don Francisco MERCADO’S CHILDREN
Mercado and Doña Teodora Alonso Saturnina - eldest of the Mercado’s siblings
- after three days, on June 22, 1861 he was baptized - fondly called as Neneng
in a Catholic Church and was named Jose in honor of - studied in La Concordia College in Sta. Ana,
San Jise (St. Joseph) Manila
- Fr. Rufino Collantes, parish priest who baptized - married to Manuel T. Hidalgo, a native of
Rizal and noticed the unusual size of Rizal’s head. He Tanawan, Batangas
told his parents to take care of him because someday
he will become a great man. Paciano - older brother whom Rizal called “uto”
and his second father
Rizal’s Parents - accompanied Rizal when he enrolled in schools
Don Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado - born in - after the revolution, he had lived in his farm in
Biñan, Laguna on April 18, 1818 and died in Manila Los, Baños
- youngest of the 13 offspring’s of Juan and Cirila - died an old bachelor at the age of 79
Mercado - survived by his mistress, Severina Decena, a
- he moved to Calamba and became a tenant-farmer boy and a girl
of Hacienda de Calamba, a land owned by the Note: Enraged by the death of GomBurZa and
Dominicans the sentiments of his younger brother, Jose, he
- characterized as a hard-working, strong-willed and joined the Philippine Revolution and became a
independent-minded man who talked less but worked combat general
- a man who could not easily be deceived nor Narcisa - second girl in the family and nickname
influenced was Sisa
- a “valiant in spirit” which Rizal had inherited, strong - a school teacher of Morong, Bataan
character and well-educated having studied Latin and - married Antonio Lopez, a nephew of Father
Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila Leoncio Lopez
- “model of fathers” according to Rizal
Olimpia - third girl among the children and was
Doña Teodora Alonso Realonda - born in Santa called as Ypia
Cruz, Manila on November 14, 1827 and died in 1913 - married to Silvestre Ubaldo, telegraph operator
in Manila from Manila
- second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de
Quintos Lucia - fifth child
- grew up and studied at the College of Sta. Rosa, - married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba,
Laguna Laguna
- business-minded woman, courteous, religious, - her husband died of cholera and was denied a
hard-working and well-read Christian burial because he was a brother-in-law
- described as a woman possessing a refine culture of Jose Rizal
and a very good character, strong spirit, literary and
mathematical intelligence Maria - nickname wa Biang
- knew literature well and spoke Spanish fluently - married Daniel Faustino Cruz from Biñan,
- truly a “remarkable woman” Laguna
- suffered the greatest pain during the delivery of her - she was who Jose told that he was marrying
seventh child, Jose Josephine Bracken
Jose - greatest Filipino hero and genius to Father Burgos (of GomBurZa), he
- called Pepe suggested that Jose use the surname Rizal
- lived with Josephine Bracken, an Irish girl from for Jose’s own safety
Hong Kong Note: Commenting on using the name “Rizal at
- had a son by her who died a few hours after he Ateneo, Jose once wrote: “My family never paid
was born much attention [to our second surname Rizal, but
- named his son Francisco, after his father’s name now I had to use it, thus giving me the
appearance of an illegitimate child!” (as cited in
Concepcion - nickname was Concha Arriza, 2012, para. 8)
- died when she was only three years old, was The name Paciano to be used by his brother had
Jose’s first sorrow become so well known by 1891, the year Jose
finished his El Filibusterismo. As Jose wrote to a
Josefa - nickname was Panggoy friend. “All my family now carry the name Rizal
- died an old maid at the age of 80 instead of Mercado because the name Rizal
means persecution! Good! I too want to join them
Trinidad - nickname was Trining and be worthy of this family name… (as cited in
- died an old maid at the age of 83 Arriza, 2012, para. 8)

Soledad - youngest of the Mercado’s siblings and “Rizal” - originally “Ricial”, means “the green of
nickname was Choleng young growth or ‘green fields’
- married to Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba - Jose’s father, Francisco who eventually became
primarily a farmer, adopted the surname
- suggested by a provincial governor who was a
friend of the family
- the name caused confusion in the commercial
affairs of the family.
- Don Francisco settled on the name “Rizal
Mercado” as a compromise, and often just used
his more known surname “Mercado”

Rizal’s Birth
1848 - his parents decided to build a home in this
town in Laguna, southern Luzon.
Calamba - derived from kalan banga, which
means “clay stove” (kalan) and “water jag”
Jose’s adoration of its scenic beauty -
punctuated by the sights of the Laguna de Bay,
Mount Makiling palm-covered mountains, curvy
hills, and green fields was recorded in the poem
he would later write at Ateneo de Manila in 1876.
The Surname Rizal - Un Reccuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My
- had their forefathers not adopted other names, Town)
Jose and Paciano could have been known as Note: If Rizal’s poem were written today he might
“Lamco” and not Rizal and or Mercado brothers mention the three-floor SM mall, shopping centers
and the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX)
“Mercado” - Chinese merchant Domingo Lamco, terminus in the place.
paternal great-great grandfather adopted the A city since 2001, Calamba is said to have earned
surname the nickname “Resort Capital of the Philippines”
- means “market” for its more than 600 resorts in the place today.
- Paciano was a student at the College of San First massive stone house (or bahay na bato) -
Jose, he used Mercado as his last name. in Calamba was the birthplace of our national
Because he had gained notoriety with his links hero
- rectangular two-storey building, built of adobe used to visit him and listen to his inspiring
stones and solid wood, with sliding Capiz opinions on current events and thorough life views
windows, ground floor was made of lime and - Also at the age of five. Pepe started to make
stone, second floor of hardwood, except for the pencil sketches and mold in clay and wax objects.
roof made of red tiles which attracted his fancy. When he was about six
- an azotea and a water reservoir at the back years old, his sisters once laughed at him for
- its architectural style and proximity to the church spending much time making clay and wax
implied Rizal’s family wealth and political influence images.
Initially keeping silent, he then prophetically told
Childhood of a Phenom them "All right laugh at me now! Someday when I
Phenom - someone who is exceptionally talented die, people will make monuments and images of
or admired, especially an up-and-corner me.”
- Rizal especially during his childhood, was none - When Jose was seven years old, his father
less than a phenom provided him the exciting experience of riding a
"casco" (a flat-bottomed boat with a roof) on their
Rizal’s Memory way to a pilgrimage in Antipolo. The pilgrimage
- in his infancy, his happy days in their family was to fulfill the vow made by Jose's mother to
garden when he was 3 years old. Their courtyard take him to the Shrine of the Virgin of Antipolo
contained tropical fruit trees. poultry yard. a should she and her child survive the ordeal
carriage house, and a stable for the ponies. of delivery. which nearly caused her life. From
Because the young Pepe was weak, sickly, and Antipolo, Jose and his father proceeded to Manila
undersized, he was given the fondest care by to visit his sister Saturnina who was at the time
his parents, so his father built a nipa cottage for studying at the La Concordia College in Sta. Ana.
Pepe to play in the daytime. Memory of his - As a gift, the child Jose received a pony named
infancy included the nocturnal walk in the town. “Alipato" from his father (Bantug & Ventura. 1997,
Especially when there was a moon. Jose also p. 23). As a child, he loved to ride this pony or
recalled the aya (nursemaid) relating to the take long walks in the meadows and lakeshore
Rizal children have some fabulous stories, like with his black dog named Usman.
those about the fairies, tales of buried treasure. - The mother also induced Jose to love the arts,
and trees blooming with diamonds. Another literature, and the classics. Before he was
childhood memory was the daily Angelus prayer eight years old, he had written a drama (some
in their home. Rizal recorded in his memoir that sources say "a Tagalog comedy) which was
by nightfall, his mother would gather all the performed at a local festival and for which the
children in their home to pray the Angelus. At the municipal captain rewarded him with two pesos.
early age of three, he started to take a part in the (Some references specify that it was staged in a
family prayers. Calamba festival and that it was a gobernadorcillo
- When Concha died of sickness in 1865, Jose from Paete who purchased the manuscript for two
mournfully wept at losing her. He later wrote in his pesos.)
memoir, "When I was four years old. I lost my little - Contrary to the "former" common knowledge
sister Concha and then for the first time I shed however. Rizal did not write the Filipino poem "Sa
tears caused by love and grief" (Memoirs of a Aking Mga Kababata/Kabata" (To My Fellow
Student in Manila, nd). Children). The poem was previously believed to
- At the age of five. the young Pepe learned to be Rizal's first written poem at the age of eight
read the Spanish family Bible which he would and was said to have been published
refer to later in his writings. Rizal himself posthumously many years after Rizal's death.
remarked that perhaps the education he received However, Jose had a preserved correspondence
since his earliest infancy was what had shaped (letters) with his brother Paciano admitting that he
his habits (Memoirs of a Student' and. para. 3). (Jose) had only encountered the word kalayaan"
- As a child, Rizal loved to go to the chapel. pray when he was already 21 years old.
participate in novenas and join religious - The young Rizal was also interested in magic.
processions. In Calamba, one of the men he He read many books on magic. He learned
esteemed and respected was the scholarly different tricks. such as making a coin disappear
Catholic priest Leoncio Lopez, the town priest. He and making a handkerchief vanish in thin air.
Some other influences of Rizal's childhood - showed how she was such a loving mother, and
involved his three uncles: his Tio Jose Alberto that she even sacrificed her life for Rizal.
who inspired him to cultivate his artistic ability: his - Rizal expressed how he was grateful to have
Tio Manuel who encouraged him to fortify his frail her, "My mom taught me how to read and
body through physical exercises: and his Tio say haltingly the humble prayers which I raised
Gregorio who intensified Riza’s avidness to read fervently to God."
good books.
In Rizal's time, occasionally we see an
The Story of the Moth exceptionally highly educated woman of fine
- To impart essential life lessons, Lolay held culture, similar to Doña Teodora who had the
regular storytelling sessions with the young Rizal. ability to teach Spanish, reading, poetry, and
Doña Teodora loved to read to Pepe stories from values through uncommon story books. Lolay,
the book Amigo de los Niños (The Children's undoubtedly, was the first teacher of our hero -
Friend). One day, she scolded his son for making teaching him Spanish, writing and correcting his
drawings on the pages of the story book. To teach poems, and training him in rhetoric. On her lap,
the value of obedience to one's parents, she Jose learned first the alphabet and reciting
afterward read him a story in it. catholic prayers at three years old, and learning to
- Lolay chose the story about a daughter moth read and write at five years old.
who was warned by her mother against going too
near a lamp flame. Though the young moth Beside his mother, Jose's sister Saturnina and
promised to comply. She later succumbed to the three maternal uncles also tutored him. His
pull of the light's mysterious charm. believing that uncle Jose Alberto encouraged him painting,
nothing bad would happen if she approached it sketching, and modeling/ sculpture. Uncle
with caution. The moth then flew close to the Gregorio impacted him to love reading. Uncle
flame. Feeling comforting warmth at first, she Manuel, as far as concerns him, built up Jose's
drew closer and closer bit by bit, until she flew too physical skills in combative techniques, such as
close enough to the flame and perished. wrestling.
- Pepe was watching a similar incident while he
was listening to the storytelling. Like a live To additional upgrade what he had learned,
enactment, a moth was fluttering too near to the private tutors were hired. In this manner,
flame of the oil lamp on their table. Not merely Maestro Celestino and maestro Lucas Padua,
acting out, it did fall dead as a consequence. Both tutored him. Afterward, a previous colleague of
moths in the two tales paid the price of getting Don Francisco, Maestro Leon Monroy, became
near the fatal light. Many years later, Rizal himself his private tutor. He lived in the Mercado's home
felt that the moths' tale could serve as an allegory to teach the kids, particularly Jose, assisted them
of his own destiny. (A good summary of Rizal's life in Spanish and Latin. Unfortunately, Monroy died
is presented in Appendix E: Jose Rizal: A after five months.
Biographical Outline) About himself, he wrote:
Years have passed since then. The child has EDUCATION IN BIÑAN
become a man. Steamships have taken him - Rizal was subsequently sent to a private school
across seas and oceans. He has received bitter in Biñan. In June 1869, his sibling Paciano
lessons from experience, much more bitter than carried him to the school of Maestro Justiniano
the sweet lessons that his mother gave him. Aquino Cruz. The school was in the teacher's
Nevertheless, he has preserved the heart of a home, a little nipa house close to the home of
child. He still thinks that light is the most beautiful Jose's auntie where he stayed. In Rizal's own
thing in creation. and that it is worthwhile for a words, his teacher "knew by the heart the
man to sacrifice his life for it (as cited in "My First grammars by Nebrija and Gainza."
Reminiscence: n.d. para. 9) - In their first meeting, he was asked by Maetro
Cruz: “Do you know Spanish?”
RIZAL’S EARLY STUDIES He replied, “A little, sir.”
Education in Calamba “Do you know Latin?”
Doña Teodora - Rizal’s first teacher “A little, sir.”
- Along these lines, his schoolmates, particularly - Don Francisco decided to send Jose to study in
the teacher's son Pedro, giggled at the newcomer. Manila. In June 1872, Jose accompanied
So later in that day, Jose tested the domineering by Paciano found a boarding house in Intramuros.
jerk Pedro to a battle. Having taken in wrestling Later, Jose transferred to a house on Calle
from his Uncle Manuel, the more youthful and Carballo in Santa Cruz. After a year, again, he
littler Jose crushed his victimizer. transferred to a house in No. 6 Calle Magallanes.
- After the class, he had an arm-wrestling match After two years, he was already an intern at
with his schoolmate Andres Salandanan. In that Ateneo and stayed there until he finished his
match, nonetheless, Jose lost and even nearly Bachelor in Artes.
broke his head on the walkway. - In the next days,
Jose said to have different battles with Biñan Education at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila
boys. For his fights, he in any case got numerous - There is a claim that from Biñan school, Rizal
whippings and blows on the open palm from his studied at Colegio de San Juan de Letran.
stickler teacher. The alleged story expressed that subsequent to
- Rizal probably won't have won every one of his going to his classes for right around a quarter of a
fights however he, by the by, beat all Biñan boys year in Letran, Jose was asked by the Dominican
scholastically in Spanish, Latin, and numerous friars to took another school in light of his
different subjects. After at some point, Jose told extremist and bold questions.
his father that he had just taken in all the subjects - In any case, standard life stories concur that
taught in Biñan. Don Francisco reproved Jose and Rizal just took the entrance examination in
hustled him back to the school. Maestro Cruz, that institution, however Don Francisco sent him
Jose's instructor in Biñan, later affirmed, that Jose to enlist rather in Ateneo Municipal de Manila
had completed effectively all the required in June 1872. Run by the Jesuits (Society of
curricular works. Notwithstanding his wife’s Jesus), Ateneo maintained strict guidance,
hesitance, Don Francisco at that point chose to progressed instruction, inflexible control, physical
send Jose to a school in Manila. culture, and development of human expressions,
- Jose Rizal’s first teacher was his mother, Doña similar to music, drawing, and painting.
Teodora, who taught him Spanish and literature. - Paciano found a boarding house in Intramuros
He was also aided by his eldest sibling, Saturnina, yet Jose later moved to the place of an old
his Uncles Jose Alberto, Gregorio and Manuel. maid arranged on Calle Caraballo in the Santa
The Mercado’s hired him tutors in the persons of Cruz area. There he got familiar with different
Maestro Celestino, Maestro Padua, and Maestro mestizos who were supposed to be generated by
Monroy. In 1869, he was sent to Biñan to further ministers.
his studies. He was accepted by Maestro Cruz, - To support sound rivalries, classes at the Ateneo
who taught him Spanish, Latin and other subjects. were partitioned into two groups, which
continually contended with one another. One
Rizal’s Teachers group, named the Roman Empire, involved the
- Doña Teodora (how to read and say haltingly the interns (boarders) while the other one, the
humble prayers which I raised fervently to God) Carthaginian Empire, comprised of the externs
Spanish, reading, poetry and values (non-boarders). Inside a realm, individuals were
- learned the first alphabet, recited the Catholic likewise in constant rivalry as they competed for
prayers, and learned to read and write the highest levels called dignitaries – Emperor,
- Saturnina (basics of education) being the most noteworthy position, trailed by
- His uncles: Jose Alberto, Manuel, Gregorio Tribune, Decurion, Centurion, and
- Maestros Celestino, Padua & Monroy Standard-Bearer, separately. At first positioned at
- Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz (Latin and Spanish) the tail of the class as a newcomer, Jose was
soon constantly advanced – that soon after a
month, he had become an Emperor, accepting a
religious picture as a cost.
RIZAL’S HIGHER EDUCATION AND LIFE - At the point when the term finished, he achieved
ABROAD the mark of "excellent" in all subjects and in
Education in Manila examinations. The subsequent year, Jose moved
to No. 6 Calle Magallanes. He acquired an award
toward the finish of that scholarly term. In the third - On May 3, 1882, Rizal left for Spain and
year, he won prizes in the quarterly examinations. selected Medicine and Philosophy and Letters at
The next year, his parents put him as an intern the Universidad Central de Madrid on November
(boarding understudy) in the school and remained 3. On some days of November 1884, Rizal was
there until his graduation. Toward the finish of the engaged with the tumultuous students’
school year, he accumulated five awards, with demonstrations by the Central University students
which he said he could to some degree in which many were injured, captured, and
compensate his dad for his penances. On March detained. The dissent rallies began after Dr.
23, 1877, he got the Bachelor en Artes degree, Miguel Morayta had been banned by bishops for
graduating as one of the nine students proclaimed conveying a liberal discourse, broadcasting the
"sobresaliente" or outstanding. opportunity of science and the teachers, at the
- A portion of his cleric educators at the Ateneo opening ceremony of the academic year.
were Jose Bech, a man with temperament swings - In June of 1884, Rizal got the Licentiate in
and fairly a crazy person and of a lopsided humor; Medicine at 23 years old. His rating however
Francisco de Paula Sanchez, an upstanding, was simply "fair" for it was influenced by the "low"
sincere, and caring instructor whom Rizal thought grades he got from UST. In the following school
about his best teacher; Jose Vilaclara; and a year (1884-1885), he took and finished three
specific Mineves. At the Ateneo, Rizal developed additional subjects prompting the Doctor of
his ability in verse, put forth a concentrated effort Medicine degree. He was not granted the Doctor’s
normally to gymnastics, and gave time to painting diploma however for neglecting to pay the
and sculptor. Don Augustin Saez, another expense and the necessary thesis. Precisely at
teacher, altogether guided him in drawing and his 24th birthday celebration, the Madrid
painting, and the Filipino Romauldo de Jesus University granted him the level of Licentiate in
affectionately trained him in design. Philosophy and Letters with the grade of
"excellent" (sobresaliente).
Education at the Universidad de Santo Tomas - Needing to fix his mother's propelling blindness,
- In 1877, Rizal joined up with the University of Rizal went to Paris. He was said to have gone to
Santo Tomas, taking up Philosophy and Letters. the talks of Dr. Otto Becker and Professor
Simultaneously, be that as it may, he took at the Wilhelm Kuehne at the University of Heidelberg.
Ateneo a land surveyor’s degree (expert He likewise worked at the University Eye Hospital
surveyor), a vocational course. He completed his under the direction of Dr. Becker. Under the
surveyor's course in 1877, finished the licensing course of this prestigious German
examination in May 1878 however the license ophthalmologist, Rizal had figured out how to
was given to him just in 1881 when he arrived at utilize then the recently developed
the majority age. ophthalmoscope (designed by Hermann von
- Following a year at UST, Jose changed course Helmholtz), which he later used to work on his
and tried out Medicine to have the option to cure mother's eye. In Heidelberg, the 25-year-old Rizal
his mother’s growing blindness because of finished his eye specialization.
cataract. Being burnt out on separation by the - A while later, Rizal spent three months in the
Dominican educators against Filipino students, he adjacent town, Wilhemsfeld, where he wrote
in any case quit going to classes at UST in 1882. the last few chapters of Noli Me Tangere. He
It is advantageous to take note of that one more remained at the peaceful place of a sort
explanation behind Rizal's not finishing medicine Protestant minister, Dr. Karl Ulmer, the entire
at UST was that the strategy for education was family of whom turned into Rizal's old buddies.
old and repressive. In August 1886, he went to lectures on history
- In the event that records were precise, Rizal had and psychology at the University of Leipzig. In
taken of 19 subjects in UST and completed November 1886, he arrived at Berlin, the
them with varied grades, running from excellent to popular city where he worked as a right hand
fair. Prominently, he got excellent marks in all in Dr. Schweigger's clinic and gone to lectures
subjects in the Philosophy and Letters course. at the University of Berlin.
- In Berlin, he was enlisted as a member of the
Education in Europe Berlin's "Ethnological Society," "Anthropological
Society," "Geographical Society." In April 1887, he
was invited to deliver a speech in German before Its virgin mind to the glorious goal.
the "Ethnographic Culture" of Berlin on the Descend to the arena
orthography and structure of Tagalog language. With the pleasant light of arts and sciences,
- In Germany, Rizal met and become a close And unbind, Youth,
acquaintance with the renowned academicians The heavy chain
and researchers at that time. Among them were That fetters your poetic genius.
Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a German historian; Dr. See that in the bright zone
Hanz Meyer, a German anthropologist; Dr. Feodor With pious and learned hand,
Jagor, the writer of “The Travels in the Offers the son of this native land
Philippines,” which Rizal had read as a student in Resplendent crown.
Manila; Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German You who ascend
anthropologist; and Rudolf's child, Dr. Hans On wings of your rich fantasy,
Virchow, Descriptive Anatomy Professor. Seeking from Olympus in the clouds
- Particularly after the hero's martyrdom, these Tenderest poetry,
people who were prestigious personalities in the Sweeter than nectar and ambrosia;
academe in Germany as well as in Europe were You of the celestial accent,
glad to such an extent that once in their lives, they Melodious rival of the nightingale,
had known the great Filipino named Jose Rizal. Who with varied melodies
Dissipate the mortal’s bitter pain
A La Juventud Filipina (To The Filipino Youth) In the night serene;
- He submitted this poem for a poetry contest You who animate the hand rock
which had been organized by the Manila Lyceum With the impulse of your mind,
of Art and Literature in 1879 And with prepotent hand makes eternal
- Rizal’s poetry stunned the Spanish-speaking The pure memory
Board of Judges, who gave him first place and the Of the refulgent genius;
following prizes And you, who with magic brushes
❖ A silver pen (feather-shaped and decorated Are wont to transfer to simple canvas
with gold) The varied enchantment of Phoebus, beloved of
❖ A diploma Apollo divine,
- It was considered classic Philippine literature And the mantle of nature.
because it was the first Spanish poem written by a Run! For the sacred flame
Filipino and was approved by a Spanish literary Of the genius awaits to be crowned with laurels,
authority Spreading fame
- It states that the Filipinos, not the Spaniards, With trumpet proclaiming
were the “fair hope of the Fatherland” O’er the wide sphere the mortal’s name.
- It is a poem that affirms the greatness of the Day, oh happy day,
Filipino people. It exhorts the young of the Philippines genteel, for your soil!
Philippines to realize their potential by using their Bless the Almighty,
skills and talents for the benefit of their fellow Who with loving desire
citizens. It inspires young people to seek freedom Sends you fortune and consolation.
and human dignity and to liberate Filipinos from

To the Filipino Youth

Raise your unruffled brow
On this day, Filipino youth!
Resplendent shines
Your courage rich,
Handsome hope of my motherland!
Fly, grand genius
And infuse them with noble sentiment
That vigorously rushes,
More rapid than the wind,

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