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rN [otal No, of Pages: 3 Total No. of Questions : 81 P5334 [5337]-201 B.A. LLB.(Semester -ID Year of Five Year Law Course ENGLISH FOR LAW (2017 Pattern) (Revised) (Theory) First Time : 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. rocess of the word formation and mention the category of word QI) Analyse the p formation of the following words. (Any Ten) 119) i) Lost ii) Misrepresentation ili) Makeup iy) Telly vy RAW vi) Captain vii) Mocumentary viii) Transport ix) Reference x) Beat xi) Hockey pockey xii) Self-employed 02) Give at least one example of the following as per the instructions in brackets.(Any Ten) {10 i) Loss (Antonym) i) Bird (Hyponym) iil) Mouth (Polysemy- give any two senses) iv) Rude (Synonym) vy) Right (Homophone) vi) Bear (Homograph- use it in sentences) vii) Flower (Hyponym) yo viii) Examination (Synonym) ix) Patriotism (Antonym) x) Red (Homophone) xi) Life (Antony) xii) Fix (Polysemy- give any two senses) PTO. Q3) Discuss the following legal and foreign terms,(Any Five) (to, Amendment Claimant Homicide Nudim packin ortion Prima facie Mala tide Overrule Q4) Explain the following legal maxims.(Any Four) im i) Auditteram partem ’xpressio uninus est exclusion alterius ondeat superior Nocitur a soviis Ubi jus ibi remedium Volenti non it injuria QS) Discuss the significance of English in the Indian legal context. {10 OR Define Inw and discuss the classification of laws, 26) Write 4 report on 9 worksho P held in a college on creating awareness about women's rights {10 OR Write a précis of the following passage Philosophy ought to uppeat to all of us because it comes from ove ses wonder about the univ erse und out place in it. As a species, we are naturil Curious about everything, and we desire to know and understand things: 4S Pls went Co be wise miter I plain ignore te ‘philosophy’ means “love of wisdom’ in Greek, It of fale saved d vr cal Puts Everyone camel seeking hovel enon et Hs ciliat ‘philosopher, Whenever we think deeply al con ty aba! doing pesonh ee eS theories, morals, or ways of living. We! ie 0 ky What We kitow? What i it to be ne “real OF imaginary object? Is wll (8337-201 fantasy or reality? These are all philosophical questions, and in considering, them, we are philosophers of some type or other. Every human activity has its ‘philosophy’. We can have a philosophy of how to run a business, of playing golf, shopping, eating carefully, or whatever. Our thinking about an activity becomes a philosophy when we think seriously about it and have our reasons for doing what we do.’We philosophise about it when we examine what it involves and how it relates to other activities similar to or different from it. Philosophy is therefore the ultimate thinking activity. It reflects what is most distinctive about us as a species, namely, our ability to think abstractly about things. Once we.fiumans'give up thinking and questioning everything, we are indeed a doomed species. Any attempt to narrow its scope threatens our freedom to think about things from new, different and unaccustomed perspectives. But that is the general view of philosophy. There is also the academic study of philosophy which has developed in western culture as a distinct subject. Q7) Write @ notice on the cultural programmes that are to be held in your college. 4 [10] or Translate the following passage either in Marathi or in Hindi. Itis often truly said that many of oui-best lawyers | am speaking now especially of New York City are withdrawing from-court practice because the nature of the litigation is changing, To such an extent is this change taking place in some localities that the more important coniiinercial cases rarely reach a court decision, Our merchants prefer to, comtiproinise their difficulties, or to write off their losses, rather than enter into litigations that must remain dormant in the courts for upward of three years awaiting their turn for a hearing on the overcrowded court calendars. And yet fully six thousand cases of one kind or another are tried or disposed of yearly in the Borough of Manhattan alone 28) Write an essay on one of the following. " [10] a) Rightto privacy 6) Human rights and their implementation c) Honesty is the best policy * [5337]-201 3 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT Ne.; P5335 [Total No, of Pages = 1 [5337]-202 B.A. LL.B, (Semester - TI) First Year of Five Year Law Course POLITICAL THEORY (2017-Pattern) Time: 3 Hours} [Max, Marks : 30 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Follow all the instructions given below for each question. 2) AN questions i.e, 1,2 and 3 are compulsory. Q1) Answer any two of the following questions in detail. [2*20=40] a) Discuss the contemporary approaches to the study of Political Theory. b) What do you understand by concept of Socialism. Discuss its various facets. c) Explain M.K. Gandhi as an Anarchist. 2) Answer any two of the following questions. [2x15=30] a) Discuss the fundamentals of Utilitarian Philosophy. b) "I found the Hegelian dialectics standing on its head. I put it down on its, feet" (Karl Marx)- Comment. c) Define Political Power and differentiate it from Political Authority. 23) Give short notes on any two [2x5=10] a) Social Justice Theory of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. b) Sex and Gender. ©) Fascism. d) Green Politics. 0090 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No.: P5336 [Total No. of Pages : 1 [(5337]-203 B.A. LLB. (Semester - II) First Year of Five Year Law Course BA 0203 : ECONOMICS Macro Economics, Policies and Practice (2017 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours} Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2) Give diagrams wherever necessary. Q1) Answer the following Questions (Essay Type) (Any two) 140} Define & explain the methods of measuring National income along with the difficulties in measuring it? b) Explain the Phases of business cycle? c) Explain the Keynesian theory of employment? 4) Define & explain the causes of poverty & the problems faced due 10 i? a) 02) Answer the following Questions (Short Essay Type) (Any two) {30 a) Explain the advantageous and disedvantageous of international trade? b) Explain the Indicators of economic growth. c) Explain the Interdependence between Micro economics and Macro economics? d) Explain the foreign trade policy? Q3) Answer the following Questions (Short Notes) (Any two) [10] ap Demand Pull Inflation, _b) Gross Domestic Product & Gross National Product. Vo Investment Multiplier. d) Green Accounting, vvvVv ‘Total No. of Questtons : 3] SEAT No.: P5337 {Total No. of Pages : 1 [5337]-204 B.A. LLB. (Semester - 11) First Year of Five Year law Course SOCIOLOGY Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology (2017 Pattern) {Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours} Instructions to the candidates: i) 2) Qi) Answer the following questions in detail. (Any two) ‘All questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicate marks. {40} Discuss any two Indian Movements and their comribution for the a , development of Sociology in India. b) Explain the contribution of MAN, Srinivas on social stratification. ¢) Elaborate on Marx's contribution with reference to : }) Theory of class struggle. ii) Historical materialism. 4) Discuss the importance of conflict school and functionalism. Q2) Answer the following questions (Any two) {30 a) Explain the psychology of dominance, b) Discuss August Comte's views on positivism. c) Explain the importance of theory. 4) Explain Emile Durkheim's theory of social solidarity. Q3) Write short notes on the following : (Any two) 110} a) Enlightenment b) Social action perspectives ©) Power d) Inequality vvvyv atal No. of Questions : 8 Total No. of Qi is : 8] SEAT No. .P527 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [5444]-2001 B.S.L./B.A. LE.B. (Semester - I) First Year of Five Years Law Course ENGLISH FOR LAW (2017 Pattern) (Theory) 8) [Max Marks : 80 Instructions to, the Sandldates: I) All questions are compulsory. 2)'the right indicate full marks. ion the category of Q1) Analyse.fité process of the word formation and m word formation of the following words. (Any Ten) {10} a) Picturesque b) Wye” ©) Law-abiding ay>Fluoy e) cD “ye Lack g) Televangelist a. Simulation i) Agricultural DS Tip k) GST f ? Pitter-patter 02) Give at least one example of the following as per the instructions in brackets. (Any Ten) ae lo] a) Obey(Antonym) ~Y b) Tree (Hyponym) c) Save (Polysemy- Give any two senses) 4) Dissatisfaction (Synonym) e) Flew (Homophone) f) Tear (Homograph- Use it in sentences) g) Animal (Hyponym) h) Practice (Synonym) i) Powerful (Antonym) aan) j) Hail (Homophone) 7 k) Horizontal (Antonym) NS 1) Milk (Polysemy- give any two senses) PTO. 24) Diseuss the following legal and foreign terms. (Any Five) a) Justice b) Detention t ¢) Lis pendens d) Proviso ©) Liability Ula vires g) Amicus curine Wy’ Defendant & s s. (Any Four) Q4) Explain the following legal maxim: sitrea a) Actus non facitreum, nisi mens b) Nemodat quod non habet ©) Res ipsa loquitut d) Delgatus non potest delegare e) Audialteram partem f) Actus curiaeneminem gravabit 0 Q5) Discuss denotative and connotative meanings’With examples, [1 oR Ss” &) Explain the concept of semanti argbiguity with some examples, wo 26) Write a report on the SwachataAbhiyan (campaign) held in your ar a” i ~OR Write a précis of the following passage. Ryeeliness frequently play «vital role in uncovering the truth abouta cx The evidence they provide can be critical in identifying, charging, and ultima convicting suspected criminals, That is why it is absolutely essential i eyewitness evidence be accurate and reliable. One way of. ensurind We: investigators obtain the most accurate and reliable evidence: froin eyewitness is to follow sound protocols in our investigations. §= > S\ : . . ve ~ Recent et in which DNA evidence has been used to, ¢xonetate individw convicted primarily on the basis of eyewitness testimany have shown usth eyewiness evidence is not infallible. Even the most honest arid objective pee? can mal : mistakes in recalling, and interpreting’a witnessed event; it ist sive of ues sma This issue bas been at the heart of a growing bh of research nthe fl of eyeitessidentiiation over te past decade. 1 st ll itute of Justice convened a technital working group of e Snlonmartetl practitioners, together with these researchers, texPE ¢ development of improved procedures for t -_ ie deve : res for fi i of eyewitness evidence within the criminal intone a pea m1. [5444]-2001 , | ; 1 Q7) Draft a notice on the sports week to be held in your college, lio} a OR j Translate the following passage cither in Marathi or in Hindi, The legal system always has relied,on the testimony of eyewitnesses, now- | here more than in criminal cases-Although the evidence eyewitnesses provide can be tremendously (epful i@\developing leads, identifying criminals, and exonerating the insiocent, this evidence is not infallible. Even honest and well-meaning witnesses ca make errors, such as identifying the wrong person or failing to identify the perpetrator of a crime, Numerous courts and rule making bodies have, at Various times, designed and instituted special procedures to guard against eyewitness mistakes. Most State and local law enforcement agencies haye established their own policies, practices, and training protocols with regard to:the collection and handling of eyewitness evidence, many of which aré quite good. a 98) Write anvessay on one of the following. =o} a) Environment protection AS a b) The role of police in investigation QPerimngs and law and order c) The significance of communigatiort skills in a successful career (10) £5444)-2001 Total No. of Questions : 3} SEAT No. : / P528 [Total No. of Pages : 1 [5444]-2002 BSL/B.A. LL.B. (Semester - II) (First Year of Five Years Law Course) POLITICAL THEORY (2017 Pattern) YS Time:3 Hours] SS Mas. Marks + 80 Instructions to the candidates: Dy ‘the instructions given below for each question. 2) All’ Guestions i.e. 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Q = Q1) Answer any two of the following questions in detail: [2 * 20 = 40) a) Explain the nature and scope of Political Theory. Discuss the ‘Decline of Political Theory Debate’? b) Critically evaluate Social Justice”Fhegry of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. c) Enumerate the philosophy ¢1 of, {Ssivodaya RS a S Q2) Answer any two of the following questions: [2 x 15 = 30] 2) Define Nationalism anddiscus? how aggressive Nationalism has impacted world politics with referenGe to the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism. b) Give a briefaccount of the political ideas of Jeremy Bentham. ©) Discuss the Gender Peispective on Power (Feminist Theory). Q3) Give short notes on any two: [2 «5=10) a) Genesis of Human Rights : b) Liberalism ©) Syndicalism 4) Robert Dahl’s views on Influence Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. P529 [Total No. of Pages : 1 [5444]+2003 BSL/B.A. LL.B. (Semester - II) (First Year of Five Years Law Course) <3 ECONOMICS Macro-Economies, Policies & Practice SS ~ [Max. Marks : 80 < Time : 3 Hours], SS Instructions tothe candidates: D ures torthe right indicate full marks. 2) diggrams wherever necessary. yy QJ) Answer thé following questions ( Essay Type )(Any2): [40] a) Define & explain the causes of unemployment & problems faced due to it. ~ oS b) Explain the Causes & Effects of Inflation, c) Explain the advantageous and disadvantageous of international trades 4) Explain the role of monetarycand fiscal policy for controlling business cycle. Sy y' = = 02) Answer the following questions ( Short Essay Type ) (Any 2) 30] a) Explain the differénée between Economic Growth and Economic Development. Vv 2 b) Define & explain the’Stope and Importance of Macro Economics, c) Explain about Deficit Finance of Union Budget. } 4) Define & explain the methods of measuring National income along with the difficulties in measuring it. 03) Answer the following questions ( Short Notes ) (Any 2 ).< 10) a) Deficit Financing. Ss ~ b) Personal Income & Disposable Income. > SS ©) Cost Push inflation. cn 4) Micro Economics & Macro Economics. <>” +4445 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. : P530 [Total No, of P; [5444]-2004 B.S.L./B.A. LL.B. (Semester - ID First Year of, Five Years Law Course oS SOCIOLOGY Theoretical>Perspectives of Sociology oS (2017 Pattern) RO Time : 3 Hoursf~~~ Instructions 10 the candidates: 1) All-questions are compulsory. 2) Figures:to the right indicate full marks. ages | N (Max. Marks : 80 9 5 Q1) Answer the following questions in detail (ANY TWO) [40] a) Discuss Andre Beteille’s views on,caste andhclass b) Examine Herbert Spencer’s theoi ©) Elaborate the French revolution inthe f/ OF social darwinism lopment of sociological thought ay 4) Discuss the importance of s6Bo0 a | of-functionalist eine 2 S 92) Answer the following questi ns (ANY TWO) 9) Explain the contributio of Gail movement in India, b) Discuss the relationshi ©) Explain Weber’s vi bureaucracy 4) Explain social domin, in Indian society, [30] en's Omvedt with reference to wom Se ip’between theory and law ieWs on power and authority with reference to an aoc lance thedty with reference to dominancéinequality %? a Y 93) Write short notes on the foll a) Class conflict 5) Environmental movement ©) Oppression w 4) Organic evolution tHe lowing: (ANY TWO) a> ing: (. re (10) SS t (any one)

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