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I thank God Almighty for the wisdom, inspiration and courage to write this book.

Also want to thank my supporters mummy Chris Okoroafor Iwely). And my best
friend who aduiseme most time (Mr. Adevuale Noah my elder brother (Mofe Iwelu) for
giving me a hand in this and for their encouragement.

Finally, my kid brother, with his tiny rejoices victor okoroafor. Thank you for your
support and last is Bolaji oh my God he is one in a million he is just like a brother to

Bolaji and my mum made me believe that “I am the best” and others too many to

It is over that was all I could hera it kneel ringing in my ear then I got myself one
asked Kate Alex I don’t understand.

Alex-what don’t you understand Kate I don’t want this relationship again am not
interested what don’t you understand ehehhh

Kate-Alex why why why now why I need you badly Alex I gave you my virginity I
gave you everything I gave you what I had I gave you all my heart. Alex if you leave me
what will happen to me. Where will I go where do you want me to start you finally know
that I don’t have a family talk more of a house.

Alex-you wil l stay in y house but will leave the house for you.

Kate you will leave remembered all the promise you made. Alex if you leave when my
babay grows one start asking of papa what will I tell him.

Alex you get rid of thafting in your stomach

Kate I do no such thing, kate walkes out on Alex when he was telling her what to do
about the babs in her womb.

Kate packed her things out of Alex house and was walking to an unknown

Kate walked more than three street before she saw a place where there need a
house help. Kate knock the gate then the gate man open

Gateman- Good afternoon

Kate- young lady what do you want

Kate-is are the past outside sir please I want to apply for the Job.

Gateman- Okay but boss is not around, will you be able to wait

Kate-Sir I will wait outside

Gateman-no for can wait here

Kate-I later got to know that this guy that call himself a gateman his name is Daniel one
he said his boss Name is Anderson Pedro Daniel and talked for hours before I fell asked
later that day Daniel woke me up saying his boss is back then I talked to him and
entered the house.

Kate-I sat down on the cushion waiting for the boss then my mind dift back to the
memory of Alex why must I be pregnant for him that oh God don’t let me insult you
because I love you.

Pedro- I saw the lass Daniel to told me about her. She has along very black hair. I heard
her sobbing touched her and then body looks so soft that I was lost in it.

Kate- Oh my God who the fuck is that

Pedro- am sorry for that please am sorry
Kate- No problem.
Pedro- So can you cook, sweep, wash
Kate- Yes Sir I can do everything.
Pedro- Okay am going to show for now you cant do anything now cause it late so go and
freshing up.
Kate- Sir you have not show me my now.
Pedro- clime the stires as your left you walk straight and turn to your night then count
four rooms the fifth one yours.
Kate- Okay Sir thank you very much sir.

8: 30PM
Pedro- Miss Miss
Kate- (still sleeping)
Pedro- wake up pretty.
Kate- Someone said I should wake up why
Pedro- Are you not hungry
Kate- (crying) he left me he broke my heart he said I should get rid of our baby Alex why
Pedro- Who
Kate- What is his full name
Kate- why the question well I will fell you are Anderson Alex
Pedro- Oh
Kate- What
Pedro- He is my brother
Kate- I hate all of you
Pedro- She walked out I know she is angry but why could Alex do such, is he dating
casandra again
Pedro- I went out and I saw her in t he kitchen everywhere as sparkling neat and I
decide to leave her
Pedro- Kate I don’t know what is wrong with you
Kate- sir I have told
Pedro- Katerina have told you to stop calling me sir
Kate- Ped nothing is wrong with me
Pedro- Nothing is wrong with you and you have been vomiting
Kate- ped listen to me am fine (ran out)
Pedro- she once told me she was pregnant foer my brother is it true. God please don’t let
it be oo, because am already growing feeling for her.
Pedro- went to the backyard one saw kate vomiting one he felt pity for her, Kate has not
notice his present. Kate started crying and pedro said
Pedro- Please Kate let me take you to the hospital
Kate- Ped I mean sir sorry ped ped (Faint)
Pedro- No no no. not now Angel you can’t just faint like this
Pedro called family Doctor and he arrived so fast, Pedro already carried her inside house
before the doctor arrive , Pedro does not know what to do. He was busy pacing up and
Doctor- Where is she
Pedro- up there
Pedro took the doctor to his room where he kept her kate, he know keeping kate in room
is going to be hell when she wakes up.

Doctor- Pedro can I see you for a moment

Pedro- Sure
Doctor- She is Pregnant
She is in drip in so please don’t stress her
Pedro- Doc are you trying to me that my girl is pregnant and she is on drip
Doctor- yes and please she is lacking food and the baby also
Pedro- Okay
Doctor- I will get going now
Pedro- please how many weeks
Doctor- Not just a weeks bu t month
Pedro- How many month
Doctor – 6 months and it may be a boy/ girl
Pedro- Thank you so much sir
Doctor- You are welcome
The Doctor left and entered my roo and saw (Kate). My sleeping beauty. God I cant
believe it that Alex left such a beauty one and ba ck to that biter of a girl called
Cassandra. If I get a hold on Sandra she will regret ever coming into my brother life.

Alex- It been six month s he left I was under the control of Cassandra that was why I
told her t o get rid of the pregnancy, I was so foolish then, I love her I love Kate so much
I hope my baby is suffering. How I wish I could turn the hands of the clock. I hope
anywhere you are you can forgive me Kate.
As he was still talking Sandra came inside and was busing smoking and drinking
Sandra- Her baby who is forgiving you
Alex- Your site alone disgust me
Sandra- I now know you are thinking your sult of a girl. How I wish I meet her her before
I came back. I should have beating the living that out of her she still want to drink
before receive two heavy slap on her face.
Alex- In your next lifeIf you ever open that your gutter mouth to insult my wife you will
regret ever meeting me.
Sandra- You call that thing your wife. She is not even pregnant don’t worry after we have
sex to night I will be your wife.
Alex- You are such an idiot Kate is probably in the hospital giving birth to my child.
They kept arguing till he got pissed off that he have to call the security t o pack all
Sandra things , he made it clear to them that he don’t went to ever see her again. Alex
gave Cassandra’s three bound of money before they throw her outside

Pedro- It been 12 hours seen, she has not woke up she is on drip am afraid. So I had no
choice than to call my brother
Pedro- Princess I know before. I finish talking to my brother to are going to wake up and
one more thing baby we are living indial to my home town in loving is Cassandra.

Pedro called his brother (Alex) to come to his house that he have something to show him.
Alex on his on part was surprise that his brother can call him answer and left and went
to meet his brother.

Kate- what they back I asked myself what is a drip doing on my hand I remove it and
blood started. Coming out.
As I was about to say something I heard Pedro talking to someone that where both
exchanging word, I was in pain blood was coming out of my hand so I decided to go
down stairs and see what is happening
Alex- so what are you trying to tell me brother
Pedro- am trying to tell you that why will you leave Kate, Kate of all people and you went
back to that useless Sandra ohhh
Alex- I know I made a mistake but do you know where she is
Pedro- (Hissing) Nonsense
Alex give Pedro a Punch on his face. Kate saw it and then she ran to David.
Kate- baby are you okay
Pedro- (surprised) hmmm yea
Kate- are you sure
Kate- Alex
Alex- Spare me these words, who is your baby
Alex- you are
Kate- is it the one in my womb or in Cassandra womb which one tell me
Alex- (Angry) don’t call her name
Kate- (Slap him) so you still love her well now, I love your brother so what will you do
Alex- well I will
Pedro Kate you where on drip and you removed it now take a look at your hand blood is
gashing out of your hand,
Kate- Don’t worry baby
Alex- Baby
Kate- Get out of here
Alex- I can explain just listen to me kate
Kate- I have nothing to that and less you forget you don’t have a child oh
Alex- don’t tell me you did what I told you to do
Kate- of course yes I got rid of the baby.
Alex- you are such a big lier if you actually got rid of the baby then why is your stomach
Kate- are you that dump, you heard me calling (Pedro) baby and your common sense did
not tell you that your brother is the owner of this baby growing in my womb we are going
to name him little Pedro.
Alex- No No No Is not Possible.

Alex ran out of the house when he had what Kate told him. It came as a bomb to him. I
never thought that is going to come I will hear such a thing from the girl I love . I love
her (Kate) so much, Kate is having Pedro child, God I shouted as I was driving my own
brother betrayed me and he knew I loved Kate so much. Pedro you are such a disgrace.
You disgust me as I was still thinking I stopped at a bar shop, I got down from my car
and entered the shop.
Alex- I have drunk to stupor.
I entered my cqar to start going home because I believed that I have forgotten about Kate
but hell. As Alex was driving he was calling Kate on the phone, he was asking her name
to sing, Alex never same a truck coming infront him then all of a sudden he felt. Himself
flying high till he hit himself down. Alex was still struggling to come out when everything
became blank.

Unknown- take his phone and call the last number you see oh his phone.
Lady one- because you are the one that ran into his car. They kept on ar arguing till the
lady collected the phone and covered Kate.
Unknown- it ringing
Kate- who is calling me
Unknown- refuse to pick
Kate- (ringing)
This time she picked the call and said
Kate- Alex why are you calling me by this time of the night
Unknown- Actually it not Alex well I believe you are her 10m (Love of my life the owner of
this phone have been involved insome kind of accident.
Kate- No no no no no it not possible please which hospital
Lady- Jurgejer macon. Private hospital.
Kate- Okay Okay thankyou am on my way
Kate dropped the call and to her love change her clothe and added cotton wool to her
hand that was bleeding she told Pedro and he said he is going to follow her. Pedro went
to his room to change while Kate prepare Alex Favorite (Fried plantain with fried egg and
chicken) Kate prepared everything fast and she packed it in flash. Pedro took her to the
hospital it took an hour before they got to the hospital. Kate did not wait for Pedro to
come out she carried the and ran into the hospital.
Kate- sir am looking for Alex Anders on
Doctor- you mean the owner of this hospital
Kate- Yes your boss
Doctor- Well he got into an accident soon hours back
Kate – Can I speak with the Doctor in charge of him
Doctor- well am the one that is treating him
Doctor- as we where treating him he kept on saying. Kate don’t push me away
Kate- Well am his close friend, can I go in now
Doctor- Yea
Kate- Which ward and number
Doctor- Special ward number 107 third floor
Kate- Thank you
I left the Doctor and went in search of the ward after what seem like years I later saw it.
Kate- I entered the ward and I saw him in a blue clothe they wore for him a machine was
beeping beside him
Kate- I walked slows towards him then I took a chair and sat down oh God my word why
me I was crying

I was still sleeping but something is making noise that is why I cant continue my
peafully sleep.
Alex- opened my eyes and I was bearing a machine beeping then I saw her the lady that
is carrying my brother baby the lady I hate (Kate) I hate her with passion, she is even
holding my hand then I looked at her she was crying say word that once God know the
onishing I picked out from what she was saying was, I pushed him away
Alex am sorry
Baby an still carrying is your child.
Alex please wake up for our baby sake
Alex I brought your favourite food

Alex- I moved my hand so she will sto talking now I believed she said those words to
make me jealous
I was busy talking thinking Alex is going to wake up.
Kate- it been 2 hours and Alex is not yet awake (I left the wad)
Alex she never knew I had woke up.
Alex she never knew I had woke up, she removed her hand from my hand and left me.
She went out, I wanted to shout because I know she won’t come back again well I gave
up that she won’t come again.

Kate- Sir please come
Doctor- for what
Kate- I said come and check your patience
Doctor- Okay
Doctor- I know when she came into my office and said come and check on your patience.
I already know that is my boss she is talking about so no need of asking with her.

Doctor- he is okay, he is asleep for now

Kate- Okay thank you
Kate- Alex since the Doctor said you are okay then let me self told on the table she went
to Alex to wake him up.
Kate- Baby wake up. I know you can hear me he is 6 months old
Kate- Baby please wake up lying so hand hole her tears
Alex- I heard her but something her my nose I passive the aroma of fried plantain, egg
and chicken. Oh my God.
Kate- I went to his bed and pecked him on his chick and he opened his eye.
Alex- Where am I
Kate- Which hospital what name when did I come here who brought me here
Kate- No question please
Alex- Water
Kate- have it. Are you hungry
Alex- Yea very hungry
Kate- Okay then let me dish your food
Alex- As she turn, I saw her hand blood way coming out of it then I asked her
Alex- What happened to your hand
Kate- I collected the food from her and I saw it and I smiled because it is my favorite.
Alex- I tried calling her but there was no response
Alex- Kate Kate Kate Kate Kateriana
Alex- I looked at the floor then I saw her gasping for air
I quickly took the landline and called the emergency number and told them what
Doctor- Everybody in position there is an emergency in ward 107
Nurse- Again
Doctor- No question just run along

Alex- They said they are coming after the call they came very fast and my surprise I saw
Doctor Kingsley, nurse vanes away
Alex- why standing still
Doctor- where is the person you said there is an emergency.
Alex- on the floor
Doctor- oh my God (OMG) bring the stretch
Nurse 1- Okay sir
Nurse 2- Which ward should we put her
Doctor- Ward 306
Nurse 3- Ward what
Doctor- Answer me she is gasping for air and you know once she stop it death
Nurses- Bring her very fast
(They all went out except the Doctor)
Alex- she carrying my baby in her womb so Kingsley be careful
Doctor- Yes sir
Kingsley- am thinking whether that my child her mother left her outside when she was
two years old telling her that her parent are dead because she just look like her mum.
Doctor- at last
Nurse- but the machine we use in putting her is not too hot
Nurse 3- She may fall into coma
Doctor- you don’t tell me what to do.
Alex- Am back to my normal self but the Doctor said I have to stay one more day. I later
found out that this is my hospital but I did not bother to tell Kate that remind me I have
not seen Kate since yesterday. I left my ward and stared looking for Kate, I remembered
the Doctor said ward 306 something like that.
Pedro- the day Kate gave birth she asked me to do her a favour then I asked her what it
is she then said please Ped can you give me 60 dollars
Kate- when can I collect the money
Pedro- after you have been discharge
Kate- Okay thanks
Kate after I asked him of the money he said he is going to give me after I get
discharge, I want to use the money to both the next available flight for Florida so that me
and my twin will be free from the xandra people. I gave birth to a set of twins who look
so beautiful.
Kate- Am presents in Florida now.

Pedro House
Pedro it been six weeks Kate took her Kids and flew off to God knows where she went. I
told Alex about what happened and he was so furious, I told him am sory that I never
knew he went out of the house. It painful.

Kate- am now working at xandre empire, I don’t know who is the owner but I don’t care
as long as am collecting my money. Me and my kids are happy.


2019 TO EARLY 2023



2019 TO EARLY 2023

Lucas- have you heard the latest song lia
Lia- is it not pack no go by Kiss Daniel
Lucas- No it skeleton by Tecno if you hear it oh my God the song is trilling
Lia- No it is megatron by cardi B
Mum- Watsup Guys
Lia- Mum Gud Afternoon
Mum- How are you
Lucas- Mum am not fine
Mum- Why what is the matter
Lucas- Mum you know the latest song of dig Africa
Mum- Yea
Lia- Mum don’t mind Lucas he don’t know of it
Mum- Not again let go home
Lucas- Lia have you heard Zlantan new song Balanle
Lia- No it is loyal by Kiss Daniel
Mum- will you get into the car
Lia- have you heard agege by Techno
Lucas- Yes I have heard it
Lia- me too
Lucas- have you heard own it by burna boy ft sheran
Lia- oh my God (shouting) I love that song it is so so sweet
Mum- (shout) Lucas Lia
Lucas & Lia- (Looking at each other) 4 years old mum why this old question
Mum- The way you guys know this Africa song ehh, me your mother don’t even nothem
Lia- Mum should we sing one for you
Mum- if I hear any song from your lip you wont go to silver house again
Lucas- Oh my God we are going to anuts silver place oh my God am so happy.
Mum- yea you are going.
9:30 AM
Mum- are you kid not going to school
Lia- No mum (turning on the bed)
Lucas- Mum Good morning
Mum- (kissing their forehead) our get old we are going for shopping today
Lia- Mum why it is two early
Mum- not now by 12
Lucas- you can sleep am not holding you
Lia- (dragging the bed sheet) wake up from sleep head you gat a work to do (singing)
Lucas- if I can get a hold on you Lia you are gonna hate it
Lia- I bet you can’t do it
Lucas- Okay okay am up I aren’t sleeping
Lia- Okay good boy came let go have our bath we are going for shopping
Lucas- (excited) Mama I need new for my hair and
Mum- go take your bath
They went out same minute later they came out all naked each of them holding their
Lia- Mama we are through
Lucas- Lia
Lucas- Big Mirror
Lia- Oh yes let go get it. They entered there mummy room and brought
Mum- Lucas Lia
Lucas & Lia- Yes Mum
Mum- be last
Lucas- Mum please can you wear my clothes for me- I finished dress for kids one. Now
reads to leave am in my car now talking my kids for shopping.
Lucas- Mum do you know why we are whites
Lucas- yes mu we all have American hair, while you have an African hair why.
Lucas- yea mum where is daddy
Lia- yes mama on Monday miss Grace said we should come with our Father and Mum
why are we bearing Lia Anderson and Lucas Aderson and you are bearing Okoroafor
Kate- Tears rolling down her cheek)
Father died in an accident.
Lucas- Mum oh Mother song Okay take bear
Lia- Mum don’t wrong again Okay, don’t tell us anything
Mum- Okay
I Packed at the shopping mall and before I could open the car they rushed out and
I don’t know what happened next I saw my kids on the floor
Mum- Lucas & Lia
Lucas- I …………………………………. I love ………………………………………
(Coughing, blooding out of his mouth)…………………………………………….
Lia- Mum ………………………………………….be ……………………… happy
Mum- No no who did this, I took my phone and called all ambulance, I wnted to follow
them but they said I should come back in the next one hour.

Alex- it was a mistake I loosed break and I mistakenly hit a set of twins and then a lady
came out shouting then she stopped she was listening to what the kids where saying
and then she call an ambulance she wanted to follow but they stopped her I felt guilty,
and then I came out of my careless you forget am not a small boy am a big guy I use the
age test car model. I went towards her
Mum- lucas Lia please don’t die not now Alex
Alex- Hey am so sorry for hitting your kid’s
Mum- (immediately he said that I got more anger) now bear your hit my kid’s.
Alex- It was a mistake
Mum- (phone ringing) you are so careless Kate left where she was going she never knew
that Alex was following her. Kate called sliver and told her what happened.
Mum- hey Doctor Doctor
Doctor- please ma you need t o calm down
Mum- Okay Okay
Doctor- Good what are does children name
Mum- Lucas Arderson and Lia Arderson
Doctor- Okay I will be right back
Mum (yturned to take a sit and I saw the same guys at the mall) what are you diong here
what is your problem
Alex- I just want to help
Mum- Oh oh I understand you just want to help me.
Alex- yes
Mum- I see by kidnapping my kids or by killing than who sent you no don’t answer, I
know who it is already, I know it is Alex he se nt you go back and tell him you did not
see us
Doctor- Ma please the kids need blood right now, if you don’t transfer the blood for them
you may lose them
Mum- Am their mother please take my blood it will match my kids own (the both leave to
the inner ward
Alex- I can’t believe if am here again, I hit my child wait did she just say kids , Jesus I
can’t believe it.
(Minutes later)
(this both came out of the ward)
Doctor don’t they have a father
Mum- eh(unhappy) (tears coming out of her faces) he died three years afo in a car
Alex- herded
Kate- be quiet you this stranger Doctor mami am giving four hours to look for the
relative of your husband un less they are going to die.
Doctor left.

Sliver came inside the hospital while Alex was still there.
Sliver- Alex sorry brother
Kate- he is your brother
Sliver- yes brother when did you arrive and what are you doing here are you okay, what
Kate- Sliver what did I do
Kate- you so called brother hit my kids with his useless car and now they are in between
life and death
Sliver- What please tell me
Kate- this need blood one blood did not matter with there own one
Sliver- What of their father
Kate- he died some years ago so painful
Alex- why don’t I try my blood
Kate- God forbid who knows whether you have an aids running in your blood I told you
that if they send to tell them you did not see me.
Sliver- Kate talk with my brother with respect. Unless you want to loose your job
Kate- are you threatening me
Sliver- No am not but am telling you what I can do
Kate- Then so be it. You are just like your brother so heartless especially Alex, he said I
should get rid of my kid but I refuse wso you see sliver he came back just to kill his own
child so be it I have saved enough money once my kids are on there feet you won’t see
me again I swear to the Almighty am saving
Alex- Please Kate don’t do this to us
Kate- who is he to me or Cassandra
Doctor your kids life are about to leave their body.
Kate- let them die
Doctor you say what
Kate- tell them that mummy lve them so much
Doctor- you are wicked
Kate- No am not, you don’t know what I passed through that is why I love them so
Alex Kate you can’t do this to our baby
Kate- You said I should get rid of them those years so that is what am doing
Alex- Kate you can’t do this why
Kate- Their life is in your hand

(Kate Walked out)

Alex- Doctor please take my blood
Doctor- you are my boss
Alex- I know but they are my kids
Doctor- then let get to work


Alex- I just pray my kids get well


Lucas- mum my head why is there embraim on it
Lia- is not band it called plastic
Kate (Mum)- it nothing you guys fell down that day do you remember
Lia- em humhm what is that
Lucas- you can’t remember me, remember one man.
Kate- Which man
Lucas- him kiss me and Lia head and him say he love all of us
Lia- Mum Lucas is lying. Nobody came here
Kate- hey kids
Lucas- yes mum
Kate- Lia and Lucas go change you are following me to my place at work
Lia- yea thank you mum
Lucas- mum am I going to see aunty sliver
Kate- I don’t know baby

Officer 1- Mama you are not allowed to enter
Kate- I work here am not one of your sult that your second officer. Bing here unless you
are ready to lose your job
Officer 2- let her in
Officer 1- I thought you said
Officer 2- It is not her
Kate enter her officer, she order tea for herself and the kids
Kate- thank you for the
Guy- it is nothing ma
Kate- where is everybody
Guy- the manager of the company came today and a he called for a meeting, it is be
ening held in hell 10
Kate- please can you watch my kid while I attend a meeting
Guy- Okay ma
Kate kissed her kids then ran out of her office she banged into the meeting and all eyes
where on her
Kate- em am sorry for coming late
Second in Command- you are fired
Kate- seriously, is not you that will tell me that am fired unless the manager says so
Sliver- Okay here comes the manager
Kate so what next
Sliver- Kate I told you in the hospital that you are fired
Kate- so be it let me sign
Alex- No she is not
Sliver- don’t you interfere
Workers- (whispering)
Kate- (before any argument was made she was interrupted by her kids)
Lucas- Mum me I want to go and meet aunt sliver
Lia- yes lucas look at her over there (they both ran & Sliver and was a boss talking when
Kate shoulted at them.
Kate- em am so happy to work with the xander empire and organization and others am
so greatful I have signed the paper once again am so grateful Sliver thank you. Lucas
and Lia lets go
Lia- ohh, aunty sliver what is happening
Kate- Lia I will slap you
Lucas- Mum you want to slap my sister
Lia- mum you will actually do it
Kate- I won’t repeat myself kids (walk out)
Lucas- Lia let go mum is angry
Lia- yes she is angry
Lucas- so shut up and let go home with mum
Lia- Okay angry Sliver
Sliver- yea
Lucas & Lia- we love you

Kate left Alex office
It been weeks since Alex last saw his wife he have been feeling guilt’s for what he had
done to Kate. He asked his elder sister (Sliver) whether she know Kate home address
Kate- the kids are off to school I think I should take a break
Kate fell asleep as she was thinking, Kate never knew that she did not close door.
Kate was fast asleep that she did not know that someone came in. That faithfully day on
Friday Alex declared to go to Kate house to make things right, he knocked on the door
but no answer then he turn they handle of the door.
Alex- I hope Kate is living here
Alex- ( I saw Kate wearing only bum short and crop top she was sleeping on the long
sitter in her sitting room), so I decided to carry her to her bedroom (Alex carried Kate)
Kate- Kate (sleeping tone) Alex I miss you, Alex I need you badly, why did you treat me
like this
Alex- am here with you
(Alex dropped her in her bedroom and came out). As Alex was waiting for her (Kate fell
asleep. Lucas and Lia come back from school and meet Alex at their house.
Lia- Lucas don’t shout see em em that boy at mum my office
Lucas- he ……………….. is……………… sleeping
Lia- let do make up for him
Lucas- see let me go and bring that pad that aunt Linda bought for us and snap him
Lia- after the make up

Lucas and lia made make up for oth
Alex and Kate
Lucas climb on Alex body and fell asleep while Lia went to her mum now sleep

6: 30 PM
Alex- seriously I slept here
Lucas: hey what is your name
Alex- My name
Lucas- yes your name
Alex- my name is Alexandra Anderson
Lucas- oh my God
Alex- yea that is my name, what is yours
Lucas- mummy said I should not tell anybody that my name is Lucas Anderson
Alex- Your name is Lucas Anderson
Lucas- Who told you my name
Alex- Nobody
Lucas- Who tell you na
Alex- Okay am your father
Lucas- you mean you are my papa but mum said that daddy is dead
Alex- em……….. you see mama lied to you
Kate- Lucas go to your room
Lucas- no mum
Kate- Anderson you are being stubborn
Lucas- No am not mum but on one condition
Kate- what is it
Lucas- will you tell me
Kate- tell you what
Lucas- mama will you tell me
Lucas- is that man my papa
Kate- who em em which man
Lia- yes mum answer Lucas question
Kate- em I don’t know what
Lia- see mum Lucas and this man look alike, mum if you don’t tell us where papa is, we
will follow this stranger
Kate: Nobody don’t leave mummy yes know I lied to you about your father death but
baby no papa is not dead.
Kate- he is your papa and his name is
Lucas- Alex Anderson.

It been a month since Kate have accepted me back into her. Life and my lips, kate have
been the perfect wife I have ever meet.

Alex- Baby
Kate- Yea ans p
Alex- oh less I long for
Kate- what
Alex- what of the kids
Alex- gone to school
Kate- Okay thanks
Alex- Bye Love you
Kate- love you too

Alex- today is Kate birthday what song can I sing to please her I think her best song is
(lady gaga) Bab romance.
Kate- wooo wooo what all this
Alex, Lucas, Lia- Happy birthday love
Kate- seriously today date is what
Alex- may 16
Kate- OMG am 29 years
Alex- yea baby
Kate- baby
Alex- kiddo granny is coming to take us out today
Lucas & Lia- yes we have always meet granny. Papa when are they coming

Granny- where are my grand children
Lia- Mama
Granny- waw photocopy of Kate
Lucas- Mam
Granny- let go kiddo love a lot of place to go
Granny have taken the kids out

Alex- Playing song

Oh-oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Caught in a bad romance
Oh oh oh – oh oh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Caught in a bad romance
Rahrah an- an- an
Romah romah – mah
Gaga oh oh la la
Want your bad romance

I want your ugly

I want your please
I want your everything
As long as its free
I want your love
Love-love love
I want your love

You know that I want you

And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Your romance

I want your love and

I want you in everything
You and me could write a bad romance oh now
I want your love and
All your lovers revenge
Kate- it ookay love
Alex- hey Happy birthday
Kate- (hugging)
Alex- I love you
Kate- I love you too.


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