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Culled primarily from the lectures of Atty. Carla E. Santamaria-Seña

OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS value. If you lost a vehicle worth P1 million, P1

million din hingiin mo.
Q: How is an obligation defined under the Civil Code?
If there is no material value, what happens? For
A: An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do, or
example, may non-compete clause. And you
not to do.
violated such non-compete clause – you
worked for the competitor company. How
Q: What are the elements of a valid obligation?
much damages? Dito papasok yung stipulation
for liquidated damags. Thru this stipulation,
1. Active subject (creditor) – one who has the right to
you are assigning a pecuniary value to this
demand the fulfillment of an obligation.
breach of the prestation (non-compete).
2. Passive subject (debtor) – one who may be
demanded to fulfill the obligation.
Q: What if you do not have such a provision for
3. Object/Prestation – the determinate conduct that
liquidated damages? Or what was lost was a
has to be performed by the passive subject.
very old teddy bear na nasa iyo na mula
• Q: What are our choices when it comes to
A: Moral damages. This would be the basis of the
A: To give, to do, or not to do.
pecuniary value you would be assigning. If you
• Q: Which among these would be considered a
go by the material worth of a teddy bear you’ve
real obligation?
owned for years, baka negative na because of
A: The obligation to give. How come? Because
depreciation. So, you quantify the value via the
this is the only obligation that may be
sufferings you experienced.
compelled to be performed (by specific
performance). Ang obligation to do, you
So, ultimately, may na-assign pa rin na
cannot compel compliance otherwise, there
pecuniary value sa prestation for purposes of
would be a violation of the constitutional enforcing it against the property of the debtor.
prohibition against involuntary servitude. Kaya
if there is obligation to do and the debtor 4. Juridical tie/Efficient Cause – the vinculum juris
refuses to comply with the obligation to do, or the reason why the obligation exists.
your recourse will be limited to damages. You
• Q: What does this refer to?
do not get the obligation.
A: This is the source of the obligation (law,
• Q: What are the requisites for a valid
contract, quasi-contract, delict, and quasi-
a) Physically/legally possible of Q: Is the form of an obligation important?
performance; A: No, as a general rule, because form is required only in
b) Determinate or determinable; and contracts which is one of the sources of obligations. insofar
c) Capable of pecuniary estimation. as contracts are concerned, the law on contracts require
• Q: Why should the prestation be capable of certain forms in order for them to be valid, enforceable,
pecuniary estimation? etc.
A: There are instances when performance of
the very prestation due is no longer possible, Q: Should the obligation have an identified active/passive
kahit obligation to give pa yan. Maaaring na- subject?
dispose na to a buyer in good faith, in which A: No, they need not be named from the outset. So long as
case the only recourse left to the creditor is the active/passive subject are identifiable, it is sufficient.
damages – going after the property of the
debtor. You can only recover such damages as Atty. Seña’s examples: When you have a lottery ticket, the
you may be able to prove. So, you must prove: passive subject is already identified, i.e., the PCSO – the
(1) that you suffered damages; and (2) how one who pays out the money. But you do not have an
much damages you suffered. Kung hindi mo identified creditor yet – the basis for identifying it is the
na-prove si (2), baka nominal damages nalang winning number combination.
ibigay sayo ni court. If you’re speaking of
material objects, they normally have pecuniary Q: Is it possible to have an obligation with no clear passive
subject at the outset?
Daverick Pacumio
UST Faculty of Civil Law
Culled primarily from the lectures of Atty. Carla E. Santamaria-Seña

A: Yes. An example is in the case of theft, where the active A: Yes, if there was a contract between the in-
subject is the victim, but the perpetrator is not yet laws and the doctor, i.e., the in-laws agreed to
identified. Nevertheless, the perpetrator, who is the pay for the medical treatment of the daughter-
passive subject, is already obligated. Another example is an in-law. Here, the in-laws are obligated on
obligation arising from quasi-delict. In a multiple car account of the contractual agreement.
collision, we are certain that someone is responsible, but • Q: Can the parents be held liable for quasi-
we do not know as of yet who is responsible. contract?
A: No. Because under the provisions on quasi-
If what you have is a real right which is enforceable against contract, it is the injured person himself who is
the whole world, it may also happen that you may never liable to the person who has attended to him.
have a definite passive subject because your right may be Here, the roles were switched. The daughter-in-
enforced against everyone. law is the one liable under quasi-contract.

Q: Can you give me an example of a real right? b) Contract

A: Ownership. • Q: How is this a source of obligation?
A: Based on the autonomy of the will of the
Sources of Obligations parties. The obligations arising from contracts
shall have the force of law between the
Q: Under the law, we have 5 sources of obligations, and contracting parties and must be complied with
these are: in good faith. This embodies the principle of
A: autonomy of will. The parties may stipulate on
such provisions as they may agree upon,
a) Law – it is a source of obligation because the law provided they are not contrary to law, morals,
itself creates the obligation. etc. Once they have agreed upon them, this
• Q: What is the basis for the creation of this constitute the law between them.
obligation? • Q: Let us say that there is a contract and the
A: There must be an act or omission that would contract has no termination clause. There is no
come within the scope of the provision within indication up to when the contract is supposed
the law for us to say that an obligation created by to be in effect. What does that mean? Can you
law has come into existence. just change your mind and not comply with the
• Q: What is the rule when it comes to obligations contract?
arising from law? A: No. This would be contrary to the principle
A: Obligations arising from law are not that contracts serve as the law between the
presumed, but must be expressly provided so parties. You cannot just disregard the contract
that if the law is silent when it comes to such because the contract, once entered into,
obligation, the obligation cannot be insisted becomes the law between the parties.
• Example: Obligations between spouses for c) Quasi-contract – a quasi-contract is a juridical
support under the Family Code. relation arising from a lawful, unilateral, and
• Q: Can you give me an example where an voluntary act (LUV) to the end that no one shall be
obligation cannot be insisted upon because of unjustly enriched at the expense of another.
the absence of a law? • Q: Who is the one being obligated in a quasi-
A: For example, a doctor was summoned to attend contract?
to the medical treatment of the daughter-in-law. A: The beneficiary of the LUV. It is consistent
The in-laws have no obligation to give support to with the objective of not allowing unjust
the daughter-in-law. The obligation falls on the enrichment.
spouse (see Art. 194, FC). • Q: How is this a source of obligation?
• Q: If we are to concede that the law does not A: The law presumes that you (debtor) would not
obligate the in-laws, is it possible for that have wanted to be unjustly enriched at the
obligation to exist on the basis of some other expense of the actor (creditor) and that you
source? would want to reimburse or give back whatever
it is that was received by you on account of the

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UST Faculty of Civil Law
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Culled primarily from the lectures of Atty. Carla E. Santamaria-Seña

actions made by the other person. kaya sa solutio o Elements:

indebiti, the mistake in payment is the lawful, a. The business/property must be
unilateral, and voluntary act of the payor. Ikaw abandoned or neglected – kung hindi
naman as payee, since you do not have the right yan abandoned/neglected, you are
to receive the payment, there is a potential for trespassing;
you to be unjustly enriched if you keep the b. The officious manager must not have
money and the law presumes that you do not been authorized by the owner – if you
want to keep the money because you do not want have authority from the owner, it would
to be unjustly enriched that’s why the law gives be converted into a contract of agency. It
you the obligation to give it back. is no longer NG;
• Note: If the act does not fall within the c. The officious manager must be
definitions of the law, if it falls within the compelled to action not by the prospects
definition of a quasi-contract, it is still treated as of profit but by the beneficient idea of
such quasi-contract. averting losses and damages to the
• Kinds of quasi-contracts: Most popular: owner of the business/property; and
d. The officious manager must not be
Negotiorum gestio acting under the mistaken notion that
o Q: What is negotiorum gestio? the property belongs to him.
A: A juridical relation w/c takes place when o Q: What obligation is imposed on the
somebody takes charge of the agency or owner of the property for NG?
management of the business or property of A: The owner of the property or business
another w/o any power from the latter who enjoys the advantages of the same shall
o Officious manager: The one who took be liable for obligations incurred in his
over the abandoned property/business. interest, and shall reimburse the officious
o Q: Is the officious manager under the manager for the necessary and useful
obligation as well? expenses and for the damages which the
A: Yes – to continue the management and latter may have suffered in the performance
see it through. whoever voluntarily takes of his duties (Art. 2150).
charge of the agency or management of the o Q: Will the owner be obligated only to the
business or property of another, without officious manager?
any power from the latter, is obliged to A: No. The owner may be obligated to
continue the same until the termination of people other than the officious manager
the affair and its incidents, or to require the because while the latter is managing the
person concerned to substitute him, if the property, he is authorized under the law to
owner is in a position to do so (Art. 2144, contract obligations that may bind the
NCC). The officious manager should see it owner. The owner may find himself liable at
through to the logical conclusion of the the end of NG for obligations contracted in
business/property or until he is replaced by his name. with regard to the officious
the owner of the same. In the meantime, he manager himself, the owner is liable to
must take care of the property exercising reimburse him for useful and necessary
ordinary diligence. expenses as well as for damages that may
o Q: What is the source of this obligation on have been suffered by the officious manager
the part of the officious manager? in the performance of his obligations. Two-
A: Law – Art. 2144, NCC. Dito mo makikita pronged ang obligation ni owner: (1) other
na the source of the obligations of the people – with regard to obligations
parties are different. On the part of the contracted by the officious manager in the
owner of the abandoned property/business, owner’s name; and (2) with regard to the
his obligation to reimburse is based on the officious manager himself by way of
lawful, unilateral, voluntary act of the reimbursement of the useful and necessary
officious manager. But the obligation of the expenses and indemnification of damages
officious manager to see it through is based suffered by the officious manager in the
on the law on negotiorum gestio.

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Culled primarily from the lectures of Atty. Carla E. Santamaria-Seña

performance of the management of the A: In solutio indebiti, there must be

abandoned or neglected property. mistake. In Art. 22, mistake is not a
o Q: Would it follow that if no benefit requisite. In Art. 22, there must be no cause
accrued, the owner would no longer liable of action for quasi-contract such as solutio
to the officious manager? indebiti.
A: No. There will be reimbursement of
necessary expenses and indemnification of Art. 22 is broader because it is premised on
damages but subject to a condition that: unjust enrichment, with or without
(1) The officious manager has acted in good mistake. If there is mistake, you can still sue
faith, and under Art. 22.
(2) The property or business is intact, ready o Q: Given that premise, what will make you
to be returned to the owner (Art. 2151, NCC). sue under Art. 2154 and not Art. 22? What
will stop you from suing under Art. 22?
If there is ratification by the owner of the A: He cannot sue under Art. 22 because of
acts of the officious manager, it takes the the barring effect of his remedy under Art.
case out of NG and converts it to agency. If 2154. You can only sue under Art. 22 if there
there is no ratification and there is a benefit, is no other remedy under the law. Human
Art. 2151 applies. relations provisions like Art. 22 are based on
equity and you only resort to equity when
If there is no ratification and there is a there is no other relief under the law. In this
benefit, the owner is obligated to reimburse case, there is a relief – Art. 2154.
the necessary and useful expenses and o Requisites of SI:
indemnification of damages. a. Payment to the payor;
b. The payment must be by mistake.
If there is no ratification and no benefit as o Q: What kind of mistake are we referring to
well, There will still be reimbursement if the here?
management had for its purpose the A: Mistake in fact or difficult question of
prevention of an imminent and manifest law (Art. 2155).
loss (Art. 2150, 2nd par.). o Q: If the money paid by mistake belongs to
o Q: What if walang benefit, walang a third person, what happens?
imminent and manifest danger, will there A: The law says that the payee must advise
be a right to be reimbursed? the third person of the same and the third
A: Yes. There will be reimbursement of person has one (1) month to claim the same
necessary expenses and indemnification of from the payee (Art. 1984). If he does not do
damages but subject to a condition that: so, the payee is relieved of the obligation to
(1) The officious manager has acted in good return the same. Moreover, the payee may
faith, and return the same to the third person (4th
(2) The property or business is intact, ready par.)
to be returned to the owner (Art. 2151, NCC). o Q: What is the obligation of the payee in
case of solutio indebiti?
Solutio indebiti A: To give back what he has received,
o Juridical relation w/c takes place when regardless of his good faith or bad faith.
somebody received something from o Q: Do we factor his good faith or bad faith?
another w/o any right to demand for it, and A: Yes. If the payee is in bad faith, in
the thing was unduly delivered to him addition to returning what he has received,
through mistake. he must pay legal interest if what he has
o It has a related provision in human received is a sum of money, or the fruits that
relations, i.e., Art. 22 (accion in rem verso). may have been produced by the thing he
Art. 22 also operates on the premise of received, or the fruits which would have
unjust enrichment. been produced by the thing he received. In
o Q: How do we distinguish Art. 22 from Art. addition, he is liable for any loss or
2154? impairment of the thing for any cause,

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regardless of the cause for the loss or cause of action based on quasi-delict
impairment. He is also liable for damages to anymore?
the person entitled to the return of the A: No. There can still be a cause of action
thing until the thing has been recovered for quasi-delict if the breach of the
(Art. 2159). contract is tortious in nature (Air France
v. Carrascoso). So, it is possible for you to
If the payee is in good faith, the payee must have 2 causes of actions: one for
give back what he received and there is no contractual breach and another for quasi-
obligation to pay interest or return the delict. Parang yung pag an act gives rise to
fruits, except if he had been benefitted. And a cause of action for tort and is likewise a
when it comes to the loss or impairment of crime under the RPC.
the thing he received, he will only be liable • Proximate cause: Proximate cause is the
to the extent that the same has benefitted adequate and efficient cause which by the
him. natural order of events, unbroken by any
efficient intervening cause would produce
He who in good faith accepts an undue the injury and w/o w/c the result thereof
payment of a thing certain and determinate would not have occurred.
shall only be responsible for the • Q: What happens if there was some kind
impairment or loss of the same or its of negligence on the part of the plaintiff?
accessories and accessions insofar as he has A: If the plaintiff is the proximate cause of
thereby been benefited. If he has alienated his own negligence, then he has no cause
it, he shall return the price or assign the of action against the defendant. If the
action to collect the sum (Art. 2160). plaintiff’s negligence is simply
Whoever in bad faith accepts an undue contributory, it is simply mitigating.
payment, shall pay legal interest if a sum of • This was exemplified in a ruling by the SC
money is involved, or shall be liable for involving the deposit of checks. The
fruits received or which should have been corporation entrusted the depositing of
received if the thing produces fruits. He its checks to its employee, someone
shall furthermore be answerable for any loss named Irene. Irene went to the bank and
or impairment of the thing from any cause, filled up the deposit slips. Instead of
and for damages to the person who depositing the checks to the account of
delivered the thing, until it is recovered the corporation, she diverted it to her
(Art. 2159). husband’s account. She would even fil out
the original deposit slip in the name of her
d) Delict husband’s account but she would not
similarly fill up the duplicates. After
e) Quasi-delict leaving the bank, she would fill in the
• Requisites for quasi-delicts: name of the corporation. and the
1. There is fault or negligence on the part corporation, based on the deposit slip
of the defendant resulting to a filled up by Irene with its name, would be
wrongful act or omission, whether convinced that she, in fact, deposited the
voluntary or not, and whether criminal amount. The bank would send plaintiff
or not; corporation statements of account and it
2. There is damage and injury suffered by showed how much money was in the
another; account of the plaintiff corporation.
3. There is a direct causal relation bet. the however, the plaintiff corporation was not
fault or negligence and the resulting checking its SOA. Thus, Irene’s scheme
damage and injury (Proximate Cause). went unnoticed. Here, both the bank and
• Q: What happens if there is a pre-existing the plaintiff corporation committed some
contractual relation between the parties? kind of negligence. The bank – thru its
Would that mean that we do not have a employees in accepting the deposit slip
original and the duplicate not being

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properly filled up; the corporation – by the basis of such, the check will be processed
not checking its SOA. SC: Proximate differently and will not be lumped with the
cause – negligence of the bank thru its ordinary checks. The check was presented
EEs. The EEs should have been alerted before a branch of the drawee bank that was
that the duplicate of the deposit slips were not designated as a BIR-receiving agent. Don
not being filled up by Irene. Irene should palang, mali na. further, the proceeds were
have been required to fill up the diverted to a different account. These 2 things
duplicates. Because the teller did not do can only happen if the EEs of the presenting
so, the bank allowed the diversion of the bank were in cahoots with the depositor.
funds undetected. However, while the When the check was sent to the drawee bank,
plaintiff corp. was also negligent in failing Atty. S’ client failed to input the code to
to check its SOA, such negligence is only indicate that it is a government check. The
contributory – it was not the proximate presenting bank was the one who initiated the
cause of the loss of the plaintiff. Only a lawsuit. Their theory: the drawee bank had the
mitigation of liability was adjudged. last clear chance to prevent the fraud. They
• Q: Whenever there is a pre-existing should have been able to detect the fraudulent
contractual obligation and there is a tort scheme. Atty. S’ answer: The doctrine of last
which is a breach of contract, the plaintiff clear chance is inapplicable because this is not
has 2 causes of actions: culpa aquiliana a situation where both parties are negligent –
and culpa contractual. How are they only the presenting bank, committed fraud.
different? The worst that they can ascribe to Atty. S’
A: Negligence need not be proved in culpa client is negligence.
contractual. This is the main difference. • The action for damages will not always be
• Doctrine of Last Clear Chance: where limited to the actor or the one who committed
both parties are negligent but the the tortuous act – even those who are
negligent act of one is appreciably later in vicariously liable may be held liable (see Art.
point of time than that of the other, or 2180).
where it is impossible to determine whose • Note: For parents’ liability for the damages
fault or negligence brought about the caused by their minor children, note the
occurrence of the incident, the one who ruling in Tamargo v. CA where the SC held
had the last clear opportunity to avoid the that the decree of adoption should not be
impending harm but failed to do so, is retroacted to the application for adoption for
chargeable with the consequences arising purposes of making the adoptive parents
therefrom. liable for damages committed by the adoptive
• It presupposes the presence of negligence on child during the pendency of the adoption.
the part of the defendant. This must be The SC held that you only give retroactive
preceded by negligence on the part of the effect for purposes of benefitting the child –
Plaintiff. It cannot be invoked where the here, to retroact would punish the parents.
plaintiff is guilty of fraud and he is imputing • Proximate cause is not similar to the direct
negligence on the defendant and then cause. the direct cause is the one that caused
invoking this doctrine of last clear chance. the damage to you. Example: 3-way collision
• Atty. S: There was a case before involving a of vehicles. The vehicle behind you is the
drawee bank and a presenting bank. Atty. S. direct cause but it may not necessarily be the
was a lawyer for the drawee bank. The proximate cause because the vehicle behind
presenting bank, who received the check, had you may have been bumped by the vehicle
an internal problem with its employees who behind him. The proximate cause is the
were engaged in fraud. The employees negligence of the driver of the vehicle behind
diverted the proceeds of the check to a private the vehicle behind you. Nevertheless, you
account. In practice, if a check is payable to have to sue the second vehicle and the second
the government, there should be a specific vehicle, by way of third-party complaint, will
code meant to alert the drawee bank that this bring the third vehicle.
is supposed to go to the government and on

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UST Faculty of Civil Law
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Nature and Effect of Obligations acquires a personal right over the thing
and its fruits. However, no real rights are
Three (3) possible prestations: To give, to do, or not to do. acquired until the thing and its fruits are
To give
Q: What happens if there is delivery?
Generic/Indeterminate obligation A: The creditor acquires the real right
Specific/Determinate obligation over the thing, i.e., ownership. Upon
delivery, ownership is acquired over the
Q: Why should we distinguish? thing and its fruits. Thus, the rights of the
A: creditor are converted from personal
1. A determinate obligation has accessory rights to real rights which are enforceable
obligations which are not available in generic against the whole world.
obligations to give, viz:
a. Obligation to preserve the thing with the Personal right: There is a definite
diligence of a good father of a family; passive subject – a specific person against
whom you may enforce the obligation.
Q: What is diligence of a good father of a
family? Real right: There is no definite passive
A: That degree of diligence which a subject – you can enforce the obligation
reasonable person would exercise over his against anyone.
own belongings.
Delivery: Not limited to actual, but
Q: Can the debtor say that he has to take includes constructive delivery, i.e.,
care of the thing the way he takes care of symbolic delivery, traditio longa manu,
his own belongings? brevi manu, constitutum possessorium,
A: No. The debtor may be burara or and even execution of a public document.
messy. This is a subjective standard. The
standard should be objective. In fact, the Q: A sold B his horse. The horse is already
parties cannot stipulate on a lower degree pregnant with its young. The buyer,
of care because it would render the therefore, is also entitled to the young –
obligation nugatory. They can only the natural fruit is already manifest.
provide for a higher degree of care Should A sell the animal anew to C, and
because otherwise, you would be deliver the animal to C, what would be B’s
sanctioning negligence remedy? May B sue C and demand the
return of the horse to him?
In case of banks or common carriers, A: No. B cannot enforce his contract with
extraordinary diligence. A against C because that contract only
gives B a personal right which may only be
b. Creditor has the right to the fruits of the enforced against the other party to the
object; contract. B has no cause of action against
Q: What does the law say about this?
A: The creditor has a right to the fruits of However, if B was able to claim the horse,
the thing from the time the obligation to C can go after B and take back the horse
deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire even if they have no contractual relations
no real right over it until the same has with one another because C is the owner
been delivered to him (Art. 1164). If you of the horse by virtue of the delivery of the
would read this, you realize that the rule horse to him and his right over the horse
applicable to the fruits is applicable to the is a real right which is enforceable against
principal as well. At the time that the the whole world.
obligation is constituted, the creditor

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c. Obligation to deliver the accessions and In Obligation to Give

accessories • Q: Is specific performance only applicable in
specific obligation to give and not in generic
Q: What are accessions and accessories? obligation to give?
A: Those attached to the principal and A: No. Specific performance is also applicable
even though unattached, are necessary to to generic obligations to give. Both specific and
make the principal complete and substitute performance are available in generic
functioning. Example: Car, the key is an obligation to give. However, it may not be
accessory. You cannot use a car without a practical for you to insist on specific
key. performance. Example: Papagawa ka bahay.
You source your cement from the debtor. Ayaw
Q: Is it possible that a generic obligation i-deliver kahit bayad na. Would you want
to give becomes a specific obligation to advise your client to go to court to sue such
give? debtor for specific performance and litigate for
A: When the subject matter has been 5 years or more? You would not want that. In
received and accepted by the creditor. the 5 years na nililitigate yung kaso, naka-
This is because the acceptance of the binbin yung construction ng bahay mo. It is
creditor indicates that what is delivered to impractical. Substitute performance is more
him is already acceptable to him. Kaso, we practical. I-source nalang ni client mo yung
cannot appreciate this properly because cement sa iba and charge the cost to the
upon acceptance, the obligation is original debtor.
extinguished already. So, we do not even
need to apply the accessory obligations in 2. Rescission (Art. 1191) – setting aside the contract and
this case because the obligation was parties are reinstated to the status quo before the
already extinguished. obligation was contracted
• Q: Rescission under Art. 1191 should have been
2. A determinate obligation may be extinguished by referred to as “resolution” because it is different
the loss of the thing due if the same is on account from the rescission in Art. 1384. Why?
of a fortuitous event, which does not apply in A: Art. 1191 says that the power to rescind
generic obligation to give obligations is implied in reciprocal ones.
Reciprocal obligations are those where the
3. Substitute performance does not lie in parties are debtors and creditors of one
determinate obligation to give. another. Performance of one by his obligation
is dependent on the performance of the other.
Remedies in case of breach of obligations, two (2) I will pay if you deliver. Symbiotic relationship.
kinds: Now, rescission is inherent in reciprocal
obligation because should there be non-
Ordinary Remedies performance by one party, that serves as a
1. Performance negative resolutory condition which
• Specific Performance; and extinguishes the obligation. It brings about
• Substitute Performance resolution. In reciprocal obligations, demand is
not enough – the demand must be coupled
In Obligation to Do with a showing that the demanding party is
• While you cannot compel specific performance ready or willing to comply with his obligation.
in obligation to do, substitute performance • Q: How should we avail of rescission under Art.
may be availed of if the prestation is capable of 1191?
being done by a third person other than the A:
debtor. a. Judicial
• If the prestation can be done only by the b. Extrajudicial
debtor, substitute performance cannot be
availed of. The only remedy is damages. Pero, for the longest time, the default mode is
via judicial action. But this is not practical. Let’s

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say you’re renting a dorm. Marami defects sa just come up with a random period because
unit. Gusto mo lumayas. Kaso, malamang under Art. 1197, the period fixed should be the
nakapag-deposit ka na. Kahit lumipat ka, you period the parties had in mind.
are bound by your contract, and you should • Q: How do we know that the parties intended
pay. And malamang, hindi ka nakapag-provide to fix a period?
ng provision for extrajudicial rescission. So, A: Go by the nature and the circumstances of
you should have to go to court. Ikaw na the prestation (see Art. 1197). If the prestation
agrabyado, ikaw pa gagastos. Moreover, is of such kind that it requires a period of time
patuloy ka pa nagbabayad because your to complete. For example, Mr. Pacumio’s
contract is not yet rescinded. Is this fair? No. undertaking is to build Ms. Aspiras her dream
house. It requires a period of time for Mr.
In 2016, the SC changed the rule – the default Pacumio to perform. If Mr. Pacumio and Ms.
now is that you may ask for extrajudicial Aspiras cannot agree, the court steps in. In
rescission even in the absence of stipulation practice, a demand will be made by the creditor
allowing you to do so (Nissan Car Lease v. upon the debtor and the debtor would be
LMCI). The burden is shifted from the plaintiff unable to perform. The creditor goes to court.
to the defendant – the defendant is now the The debtor argues he is not in delay because he
one who goes to court to question the needs more time to fulfill his obligation. The
rescission. In the meantime, the aggrieved court goes by your submissions in the case.
party is free from the contract.
• Forms of rescission, when required: The beauty of having the period fixed by the
a. Contract of sale of real property – only by court is until the period is fixed and until the
judicial action or notarial act period lapses, you cannot be in delay.
b. Contract of sale covered by the Maceda • Note: If the breach of the obligation is
Law – only after the grace period was attended by fraud, the defendant, per
given by the buyer jurisprudence, will not be entitled to the fixing
• Q: Is rescission available to a contract to sell? of a period to perform the obligation (Sps.
A: No. Unlike a contract of sale which is Tiongson v. Emergency Pawnshop). Here, the
reciprocal, in a contract to sell – the non- buyer issued a check which was drawn against
payment of the purchase price operates as a insufficient funds. The SC held that the buyer
non-fulfillment of the suspensive condition cannot ask for additional period to perform the
which prevented the obligation to come into obligation because he was guilty of fraud.
existence. There is nothing to rescind.
3. Damages (Art. 1170) – obtainable when there is fraud,
• Prescriptive period for rescission under negligence, or delay in the performance of the
Art. 1191: 10 years. Since rescission is the obligation or performed it in contravention of the tenor
counterpart of specific performance, it is thereof.
logical to subject it to a 10-year prescriptive • Damages must be premised on:
period. a) Fraud (dolo incidente) – the deliberate and
• Q: Art. 1191 says that the court shall decree the intentional evasion of the normal
rescission claimed, unless there be just cause fulfillment of an obligation.
authorizing the fixing of a period. What does
this mean? Q: Can we equate fraud with bad faith?
A: It means that the court may give the debtor A: Not necessarily. Fraud in the context of
more time to comply with the obligation. It is Art. 1170 is dolo incidente, which is fraud in
not enough that you have suffered substantial the performance of the obligation. Dolo
breach and that it is the aggrieved party causante is the fraud in the intention to
seeking the rescission – you must show that the deceive or fraud in the constitution of the
party seeking rescission is able to effect obligation. This may be a ground to annul
restitution and the fixing of a period is not the contract for vitiation of consent.
warranted. When you say that the court will fix
the period, it does not mean that the court will Dolo Causante Dolo Incidente

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Deceit employed Presupposes the b) Negligence

to have the existence of an c) Delay
creditor consent obligation which d) Contravention of the tenor of the obligation
to the contract. It may also arise from
vitiates the contracts but not Q: How do you relate these remedies with one another?
consent of the necessarily from A: Performance and rescission cannot be availed of
creditor contracts alone, as simultaneously because they are contradictory. One is for
obligations may enforcement (performance) and one is for setting it aside
arise from law, as though the contract never existed. Thus, you cannot
contract, quasi- avail of them simultaneously. However, damages is
contract, etc. peculiar because you can avail of it: (a) independently; or
Renders the The contract is (b) in conjunction with either performance or rescission.
contract voidable valid but there is
– valid until fraud in the Extraordinary Remedies: You can only resort to this
annulled. performance of the when all else fails. This means that you tried to enforce a
obligation. writ of execution, which was returned unsatisfied. Thus,
you may only avail of this kind of remedy if you are a
Q: May the two concepts overlap? judgement creditor.
A: Yes. For example, you ordered bottles of 1. Accion subrogatoria – you need only prove that
wine. What was delivered to you were fake you have an unsatisfied writ of execution.
bottles of wine. This is dolo incidente. What 2. Accion pauliana – can only be availed of if accion
if, at the outset, you did not know that you subrogatoria is no longer available. You have to
were enticed with fake bottles of wine – show: (a) unsatisfied writ of execution; and (b)
pinakitaan ka ng bottles of wine at accion subrogatoria is unavailable. This is because
pinapaniwala ka na they are real, yun pala accion pauliana is so invasive – you may have a
fake. This is dolo causante. May fraud na sa contract between the judgement debtor and
umpisa palang. It was simply extended to another creditor set aside.
the performance of the obligation kasi
binigyan ka ng fake. Q: How will the good faith or bad faith of the debtor affect
his liability for damages in case of fraud?
Q: What would be your remedy? Damages A: Good faith: Debtor is liable for the natural and
for dolo incidente or annulment for dolo foreseeable consequences of his breach. Bad faith: Debtor
causante? is liable for all damages that may be reasonably attributed
A: It depends on what your client wants. on his act.
If he wants to clear out the contract
between him and the other party, In an old case, people did not have access to the movies
annulment is the way to go. However, in except in case of cinemas. The movie reel was not delivered
annulment, you must prove fraud at the in time for the town fiesta. The issue is whether the debtor
inception, which is tricky. Mahirap i-prove should be liable for the profits of the creditor which he
yung deceit. That goes to the motive or lost? The debtor is in good faith. Hindi naman niya alam
intent of the person. it is a state of mind. na yung purpose is to exhibit the movie during the town
Whereas if your client wishes to move on fiesta. Thus, he argued that he should be limited to the
and seek damages, damages under dolo damages he should have foreseen and should not be liable
incidente may be the way to go combined for extraordinary profits.
with rescission. You just have to show that
the contract was for the delivery of real wine Since fraud is the intentional evasion of an obligation,
and the wines delivered to you were fake. kawani siya ng fault. However, fault may be thru
Thus, there was fraud in the performance of negligence. It is the lesser evil. Nevertheless, fault can be
the obligation. It is simpler, more the basis of damages but the court may mitigate the
straightforward. You do not even establish damages adjudged against the defendant. If the fault is
intention. You just prove breach of contract. attended by bad faith, it amounts to fraud.

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Delay • Subject to the rule on reciprocal obligations, i.e.,

in reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in
2 concepts: delay if the other does not comply or is not ready
1. Ordinary delay: Failure of the obligor to comply to comply in a proper manner with what is
with the obligation in time. incumbent upon him. From the moment one of
2. Legal delay: When there has already been the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other
demand from the obligee for the obligor to comply begins (Art. 1169). Note: The parties in reciprocal
with his obligation. Here, there would be legal obligations must be debtors and creditors of each
consequences. In order for the debtor to be in legal other in the same transaction. Example: Contract
delay, there must be a demand which may either of sale – buyer must pay the seller and the seller
be judicial or extrajudicial. must deliver to the buyer.
a. Judicial demand: Demand made by the
oblige via a complaint with the court. Exceptions to the rule on demand (Art. 1169):
Under the Revised Rules on Civil 1. When the law or the obligation expressly so
Procedure, it is more tedious to go to provides;
court because you must attach all the
pieces of documentary and testimonial Law
evidence. Thus, extrajudicial demand is Q: Should the law spell it out that demand is not
more convenient because the sooner you required?
put your debtor in legal delay, the better. A: No.
For example, the thing due was destroyed
thru fortuitous event. Q: How can it do so?
b. Extrajudicial demand: Done orally or in A: Example, in taxes, the law provides that the
writing. failure to file and pay income taxes on April 15 shall
result in surcharges and penalties from April 15.
Q: Pwede ba thru email, Viber, text?
A: Yes. Under the E-Commerce Act, Q: You are obliged to give Mr. Teves a specific
electronic documents are the functional thing and you were supposed to give it yesterday
equivalents of a real document. but you failed. You lost it due to a fortuitous event.
Are you still liable?
Q: When can you make a demand? A: Generally, no. Except if you are in delay.
A: It depends on the kind of obligation. You can only However, the fact of delay must be proven. There
make a demand when an obligation falls due. In case of is nothing in the obligation which indicates that
conditional or obligations with a period, you must wait for demand has been dispensed with. The facts
the happening of the condition or the period to make a likewise do not disclose that the law dispensed
demand because it is only then that the obligation with the requirement of demand.
becomes due (suspensive condition/period). Exception: if
it is a resolutory condition/period, in which case, the Obligation
obligation is immediately demandable and is extinguished Q: Is it enough that parties specify the date of
by the happening of the condition/period. performance?
A: No. The parties must further expressly stipulate
If it is a pure obligation, demand can be made within a that the non-performance of the obligation on said
reasonable time after the obligation was constituted. date and time shall put the non-performing party
Reasonable time is not measured by the time that lapsed. in default. You have to so provide in the obligation
For example, nagpa-xerox si Ms. Ramirez at si Mr. Teves sa that demand is not required. “Without need of
Kooyah. Umutang muna si Ms. Ramirez kay Mr. Teves. demand.”
Hindi agad agad pwede bawiin ni Mr. Teves yung pera. Mr.
Teves should wait for a reasonable time for Ms. Ramirez to 2. When time is of the essence – when from the
achieve her purpose. nature and the circumstances of the obligation it
appears that the designation of the time when the
No demand, no delay. thing is to be delivered or the service is to be

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rendered was a controlling motive for the • Note: Money is generic, even if it may have been
establishment of the contract; and allocated for the payment of a specific obligation.
Example, ikaw si debtor and you withdrew money
Example: In a wedding, the creditor is the bride from the bank and sunod-sunod yung serial
and the debtor agreed to deliver a wedding gown numbers, which are specified, and habang
before the wedding. Time is of the essence – the papunta ka sa creditor, na-holdap ka. Your
debtor cannot deliver the gown after the wedding. obligation is not extinguished. The loss of the
There is no need for the creditor to demand the money even thru fortuitous event did not
debtor to deliver the wedding gown on or before extinguish your obligation.
the wedding day.
Exceptions to the barring rule of fortuitous event:
Atty. S: Delay as a basis for damages may amount 1. In those cases expressly specified by law;
to either: (a) delay amounting to late
performance or near delay (the obligation may 2. Declared by stipulation or contract;
still be performed) or delay amounting to non-
performance (nagawa man yung obligation, wala 3. Nature of the obligation requires the assumption
nang silbi). Kung delay in performance, mas maliit of risk;
yung damages. Example, wedding gown to be
delivered night before the wedding. It was Atty. S: During the onslaught of Ondoy, the
delivered 30 minutes before the wedding. This insurance companies denied liabilities on the basis
may be delay amounting to late performance or of the fortuitous event doctrine which was
near delay kasi naisuot pa naman ni bride. inserted in the insurance contracts.
However, in today’s times, na marami pang che
che bureche before the wedding itself (shoots, 4. If the debtor has promised to deliver the same
etc.), it may be delay amounting to non- thing two or more persons who do not have the
performance because the bride missed these same interest;
5. Possessor in bad faith;
3. When demand is useless, as the debtor has made
it beyond his capability to perform the obligation. 6. The debtor contributed the loss of the thing;

Example: The seller made a double sale. The seller 7. The obligor is guilty of fraud, negligence or delay
delivered the thing due to the second buyer in or if he contravened the tenor of the obligation;
good faith. However, the first buyer must prove and
that the seller delivered the thing to the second
buyer in order to prove this exception. 8. If the obligation arises from a criminal offense and
the loss of the thing due to fortuitous event takes
Fortuitous Event place, the obligation will not be extinguished
unless the loss occurs after the obligor has offered
Requisites: to deliver the thing to the obligee and the latter
1. The occurrence must be independent of the refused without any justifiable reason (mora
human will; accipiendi).
2. It must be impossible to foresee; o Example: In theft, the phone of B was stolen by
3. The occurrence must render the performance of A. A was about to return the phone to B, but B
the obligation to be impossible; and, did not want the phone because he did not
4. The debtor must be free from any participation in want to be contaminated by it.
the aggravation of the injury to the creditor.
Extreme Remedies (Art. 1177) – only judgement creditors
Effect: Extinguishes the obligation. However, it does not may avail of the same because Art. 1177 provides that these
apply to generic obligations to give because genus never may only be availed of if there is an unsatisfied writ of
perishes. execution. The unsatisfied writ of execution presupposes

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that you have gone to court and you have sought to enforce 3. There must be failure to satisfy and enforce the
the judgement in your favor to no avail. judgment;

Accion subrogatoria 4. There must be no other legal remedy available;

• Another way for the debtor to hide his assets is to and
not act on his credits. Kunwari si debtor, may
demandable sum from Y. ayaw kunin ni debtor 5. There must be intention to defraud on the part
para walang makuha sakanya si creditor. The of the debtor.
creditor may be subrogated to the rights of the
debtor for purposes of collecting Y to the extent of Q: Do we look into the good faith or bad faith
the obligation owed. of the third person with whom the defrauding
• The only limitation is the right or the right of debtor contracted with for purposes of saving
action should not be inherently personal to the the transaction from accion pauliana?
debtor. Thus, the right to revoke a donation for A:
ingratitude cannot be exercised by a creditor 1. Onerous transactions – if the third
because this is inherently personal to the debtor. person is in good faith, accion pauliana
does not lie.
Accion pauliana – can only be availed of if accion 2. Gratuitous transactions – accion
subrogatoria is not available. This is because accion pauliana lies regardless of the good
pauliana is the more invasive remedy as its effect is to set faith or bad faith of the third person.
aside an existing transaction between the debtor and a
third person. The third person here may be in good faith. Q: Why do we distinguish?
Why do we allow this? Because it is premised on fraud. A: According to Senator Tolentino, in
• Q: In what manner does the debtor try to defraud gratuitous transfers, the third person did
the creditor? What is the fraud the debtor is trying not give anything. For onerous transfers,
to commit against the creditor? the third person gave something in
A: The debtor is trying to hide his assets from the consideration of the thing due. Here, the
creditor by putting it beyond the reach of a writ of third person and the judgement creditor is
execution/attachment. This may be presumed if on the same footing. We have to protect
the debtor disposes of the properties by onerous the third person in good faith.
title after a judgement/writ of attachment has
been issued against him (Art. 1387). Q: How do you determine if there is an intention
to defraud?
If the debtor disposes of the properties by A: The obligation must be due and demandable.
gratuitous title, they are presumed to be in fraud
of creditors when the donor did not reserve Timeline:
sufficient property to pay all debts contracted 1. Creditor enters into a transaction with
before the donation (Id.). debtor – there is an obligation
• Also rescission but it is different from rescission (Transaction 1/Original Transaction).
under Art. 1191. Accion pauliana is premised on 2. Debtor wanted to defeat the rights of the
fraud. Rescission under Art. 1191 is premised on creditor and defraud him.
breach. 3. Debtor enters into another transaction
• Requisites: with this intention (Transaction
1. There must be a judgment and the creditor is a 2/Fraudulent Transaction).
judgment creditor – you must litigate first 4. Litigation between the creditor and
before you may have a transaction set aside for debtor.
being fraudulent. Mabigat siya; 5. Judgement which affirms the obligation
must take place after the fraudulent
2. There must be a writ of execution issued by the transaction.
trial for the satisfaction of judgment;
Will the fact that you have the final judgement
after the fraudulent transaction affect your right to

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accion pauliana on the theory that there is no Atty. S: Welcome development because you need
intention to defraud because the fraudulent not wait for a final judgement – you need only to
transaction came before the final judgement? SC: prove that the contract is absolutely simulated.
No. We only have to look at whether the original • Prescription: 4 years from the time the cause of
transaction took place before the fraudulent action arises.
transaction. It does not matter that the judgement • In Khe Hong Cheng v. CA, the donation and
comes after the fraudulent transaction. transfer of the properties were registered more
than 4 years before accion pauliana was brought.
It may also happen that the transaction intending Therefore, there was a hurdle – constructive
to defeat the rights of the creditor may be notice. So, more than 4 years ago, dapat alam na
simulated (parties do not intend to be bound). daw ni judgement creditor yung transfer and
Relative simulation – simulated contract is void prescribed na si judgement creditor. The
but the real contract is given effect provided it judgement creditor learned of it only when the
complies with formalities prescribed by law. writ of execution was returned unsatisfied. Within
Example: Peborit ka ng nanay mo. Binigyan ka a month, he brought accion pauliana. SC: The rule
properties pero para hindi halata, ginawang deed on constructive notice does not apply. we consider
of sale. Sale is simulated, but the donation is valid. when it became possible for the judgement
Absolute simulation – you dispose of a property in creditor filed the accion pauliana. It only became
paper but in reality, no such disposition took possible when the judgement creditor had the
place. It is null and void. It is subject to collateral unsatisfied writ of execution. Dun palang mag-run
attack by any interested person. because of this, yung 4-year period of prescription. Even if the
we have to qualify the rules on accion pauliana. If judgement creditor knew of the transfer more
the contract is absolutely simulated, it is a void than 4 years ago, he could not have acted or
contract in which case, the creditor or any pursued accion pauliana because back then, he
interested party may assail its validity and have it was not yet a judgement creditor.
set aside any time without need of complying with
the requisites of accion pauliana. Kinds of Obligations

This is what happened in Manila Banking Corp. v. 1. Pure and conditional

Silverio. Here, the bank attached a property of its 2. Obligations with a period
debtor. A writ of attachment is issued before 3. Alternative obligations
judgement. Thus, the bank is not yet a judgement 4. Joint and solidary obligations
creditor. In the course of the proceedings, the 5. Divisible and indivisible obligations
nephew of the debtor Silverio appeared. He was 6. Obligations with a penal clause
asking for the dissolution of the writ of attachment
on the ground that the property was sold to him Pure and conditional obligations
by Silverio. His claim, however, was not credible
because the nephew had no financial capacity to Pure obligation
make the purchase. The court denied the • If it is not subject to a period or a condition.
nephew’s motion to have the attachment set aside. • Period: Future and certain event
The nephew argued that to deny his motion would o Q: Are we saying that there is no room for
amount to a ruling that the transaction was uncertainty in periods?
fraudulent (kasi attachment issues only if there is A: No. We know that the period is going
fraud). So, he invoked the requisites of accion to happen, but we do not know when it is
pauliana. SC found the sale of the property to the going to happen, e.g. death. It is a
nephew as an absolutely simulated contract, different case if the event upon which the
which takes it out of accion pauliana as an extreme obligation is hinged is who between two
remedy. Thus, it may be assailed as a void contract people will die ahead. If this is the
for being absolutely simulated. incident, the thrust here is no longer the
fact of death taking place, but which of
them dies first. It becomes then a future
and uncertain event, a condition.

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o When the debtor says that “I will pay § Q: What happens if an obligation
when my means permit me to do so.” The is subjected to an impossible
law says that this is a period. condition?
• Condition: Future and uncertain event A: It nullifies the obligation.
Kinds of conditions: § Q: Does it matter when the
o Suspensive – affects the existence of the condition became impossible?
obligation. Since it affects the existence of A: Yes. It must be at the
the obligation, it necessarily affects its inception – at the time the
demandability. obligation was constituted.
o Resolutory – the obligation is § Q: What happens if the condition
immediately demandable. The resolutory became impossible after the
condition does not have any bearing on constitution of the obligation?
the existence of the obligation because it A: Qualify whether the condition
presupposes that the obligation is already is positive (something which
existing. It affects the extinguishment of should happen) or negative
the obligation because once the (something which should not
resolutory condition is fulfilled, the happen). If it is positive, the
obligation ceases. Same effect with obligation is extinguished or,
resolutory period. However, in resolutory more accurately, it puts an end to
period, we do not know for certain that the potential of the obligation to
the obligation will be extinguished. In a take effect. If it is negative, the
resolutory period, we are certain that the obligation is rendered effective.
period will arrive. § There is also a difference between
§ The creditor may immediately the effect of an impossible
make a demand upon the debtor. condition on an ordinary
o Potestative condition – subject to the will obligation and the effect of an
of either of the parties impossible condition on a
§ Potestative conditions which are gratuitous transfers like donation
subject solely to the will of the and testamentary disposition.
debtor and at the same time § In gratuitous transfers, the
suspensive in character is void. impossible condition is
This is because it renders the considered as not written
obligation illusory. If you are because we take into
going to create an obligation consideration only the liberality
which is subject to a potestative on the part of the donor/testator.
condition subject solely to the In ordinary obligations, we take
will of the debtor and is into consideration the condition.
suspensive in character, the It forms part of the consideration.
debtor may not want the o Conjunctive
obligation to exist. If the o Disjunctive
obligation is subject to the will of o Divisible
the creditor, the same result may o Indivisible
not happen because the creditor • Immediate demandability is the hallmark of a pure
is always interested in the obligation which is defined as one whose
creation of an obligation. performance does not depend upon a future or
o Casual condition – subject to chance or uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown to
the will of a third party the parties. However, immediate demandability is
o Mixed condition – subject to the will of also a characteristic of obligations subject to a
either parties, chance, or will of a third resolutory condition and those affected by a
party resolutory period.
o Possible conditions • In the case of obligations subject to suspensive
o Impossible conditions condition, both the existence and the

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demandability of the obligation depend on the interest, we apply the provisions on

happening of the future and uncertain event, or a solutio indebiti
past event unknown to the parties. • Fruits: For reciprocal obligations, they
• Thus, between an obligation subject to a are deemed mutually compensated. For
suspensive condition and an obligation subject to unilateral obligations, the fruits shall be
a suspensive period, an action to enforce the for the account of the debtor. For
former may be resisted using the stronger obligations to do or not to do, the court
argument that no obligation exists yet pending the determines the retroactive effect (see Art.
fulfillment of the condition. (Of course, it goes 1187).
without saying that an obligation yet to exist is not • The complication occurs when the
demandable.) In an obligation subject to a condition is fulfilled, in which case,
suspensive period, the obligation already exists as retroactive effect is given to the condition.
there is no uncertainty about the arrival of the If you have an obligation which is subject
period and only its demandability is in abeyance. to suspensive condition, it comes into
existence at the time the condition is
Conditional obligations fulfilled. If the obligation is constituted
last month, which is fulfilled today, pwede
Kinds of conditions natin sabihin na ngayon palang yan nag-
• There is no mutual exclusivity as among the eexist. However, the law gives retroactive
different kinds of conditions. Thus, a condition effect, so that it appears that the
may be positive, indivisible, potestative and obligation existed at the time of its
suspensive all at once. condition. Kaya tayo nagkakaroon ng
• A condition, however cannot be: complication because of the way we treat
a) Physically or legally impossible or against the fruits which were earned in the
public policy or good customs. Otherwise, meantime. That’s why the law qualified
the obligation is void. Exceptions: the effects of a suspensive condition with
a. Testamentary dispositions where regard to the fruits. This is thus an
the impossible condition is exception to the rule as regards the rule
considered as non-written; and on fruits laid out in Art. 1164.
b. In divisible obligations, the • Apply Article 1189 for the rules to be
portion not affected by the observed in case of loss, improvement or
condition remains valid deterioration pending fulfillment of the
b) Both suspensive and potestative suspensive condition, viz:
(dependent solely on the debtor’s will), as a) If the thing is lost without the fault of
this will render the obligation illusory. the debtor, the obligation shall be
Suspensive condition: b) If the thing is lost through the fault of
• Determines whether the obligation will come into the debtor, he shall be obliged to pay
existence or not. damages; it is understood that the
• Before fulfillment: thing is lost when it perishes, or goes
• The creditor cannot enforce the out of commerce, or disappears in such
obligation as his right is still a mere a way that its existence is unknown or
expectancy but he may bring the it cannot be recovered;
appropriate actions to preserve his right, c) When the thing deteriorates without
e.g., the reservatarios may have the the fault of the debtor, the impairment
reserva troncal annotated on the title to is to be borne by the creditor;
the reservable property. This is based on d) If it deteriorates through the fault of
Art. 1188. the debtor, the creditor may choose
• The debtor who pays can recover what he between the rescission of the
has paid but since Art. 1188, par. 2 is silent obligation and its fulfillment, with
regarding the debtor’s right to recover indemnity for damages in either case;

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e) If the thing is improved by its nature, § The parties shall return what they have received
or by time, the improvement shall under the obligation subject to the rules on loss,
inure to the benefit of the creditor; deterioration, and improvement of the thing as
f) If it is improved at the expense of the provided in Art. 1189, with the creditor now being
debtor, he shall have no other right treated as the new debtor
than that granted to the usufructuary, § For obligations to do or not to do, the effect of
viz: (a) limited right of removal; and the fulfillment of the resolutory condition will be
(b) right to set off the improvements determined by the courts
against the damages he may have
caused. Obligations with a period
§ Q: What kind of thing is covered by • A period or term is future and certain
Art. 1189? • A period is usually measured in terms of time (e.g.,
A: Specific thing because we do not a year or a specific date) but it may also be based
speak of loss, deterioration, or on an event that is certain to happen (e.g., death
improvement if the thing is generic but death under certain specific circumstance-
because genus never perishes. e.g., A dying before B is no longer certain and
§ Note: If what is involved is an thereby becomes a condition). Note that an
obligation subject to a resolutory obligation where the debtor undertakes to pay
condition, which extinguishes the when his means permit him to do so is treated as
obligation and one of the an obligation with a period because the
consequences therein would be undertaking must be treated as certain to happen
mutual restitution. In such case, we • The period has no effect on the creation of the
apply Art. 1189 again, but this time, the obligation but only on its demandability
parties will be changing roles – the • The period is presumed to be for the benefit of
creditor becomes the debtor, the both parties, unless the tenor of the obligation
debtor becomes the creditor. indicates that it is beneficial only to one of the
• Upon fulfillment: parties. This means that the creditor cannot insist
• The obligation becomes effective and on payment in the same way that the debtor
enforceable cannot compel the creditor to accept payment
• The effectivity retroacts to the date of the prior to the arrival of the period
constitution of the obligation • Fruits: Any payment made prior to the arrival of
• In obligations to give which impose the period the debtor being unaware of the period
reciprocal prestations upon the parties, or believing that the obligation has become due
the fruits and interests shall be deemed to and demandable may be recovered with fruits and
have been mutually compensated. interests. (Note that in this case, we do not take
• In unilateral obligations to give, the into account the good faith or bad faith of the
debtor shall appropriate the fruits and creditor unlike in the case of solutio indebiti as
interests, unless a different intention may applied to premature payment in suspensive
be inferred. conditional obligations).
• In obligations to do, the retroactive effect o Q: How do we treat payment made by a
will be determined by the courts (see Art. creditor pending fulfillment of a
1189, supra). suspensive condition?
A: Solutio indebiti, in which case, we
Resolutory condition factor in the good faith or bad faith of the
• Before fulfillment: payee.
§ The obligation is immediately effective, but o Q: However, do we just apply solutio
subject to extinguishment upon the happening indebiti automatically with regard to
of the condition premature payment of obligations subject
§ The performance of the obligation may be to a suspensive condition?
demanded by the creditor A: No. Solutio indebiti is payment by
• Upon fulfillment: mistake. Premature payment is not
necessarily payment by mistake. You

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apply solutio indebiti if there was mistake he gives a guaranty or security for the
on the part of the debtor. debt;
• Pending the arrival of the period, the loss, b) When he does not furnish to the creditor
deterioration or improvement of the thing due will the guaranties or securities which he has
be governed by Article 1189. promised;
• The courts may fix the duration of the period if c) When by his own acts he has impaired
(Art. 1197): (a) the obligation does not fix a period, said guaranties or securities after their
but from its nature and the circumstances it can establishment, and when through a
be inferred that a period was intended; (b) when it fortuitous event they disappear, unless he
depends upon the will of the debtor as for instance immediately gives new ones equally
when the law undertakes to pay when his means satisfactory;
permit him to do so; or (c) when rescission is not d) When the debtor violates any
proper under Article 1191. undertaking, in consideration of which
• The period must be based on what the parties the creditor agreed to the period;
intended. Once fixed by the court, the period e) When the debtor attempts to abscond.
cannot be changed by the parties. • If the debtor loses the right to make use of the
• In the foregoing, the demandability of the period, the obligation becomes a pure obligation
obligation is held in abeyance until the period is which is immediately demandable.
fixed. For this reason, no action to enforce • Note that if the debtor’s own fault damaged the
performance may be filed until the period fixed security, mere impairment is enough to cause the
lapses. Exception: When such procedure would be loss of the period but if the cause is a fortuitous
a mere technicality and formality and would serve event, the security must disappear before the
no purpose but to delay (CPU v. CA, 316 Phil. 616). period is lost. If it’s mere impairment caused by a
• Atty. S: This is prone to abuse. For example, they fortuitous event, the creditor may just ask for
had a contract wherein they contemplated a additional security or replacement. Once the
period kaso hindi nailagay. Si debtor, tuso, sinabi period is lost, the obligation becomes pure and
na walang period. So, hindi siya gumalaw in the immediately demandable. This rule also applies to
meantime. 2 years have passed, he did not do obligations where a period is intended by the
anything. Creditor demands the fulfillment of the parties but no period was specified. If the debtor
obligation. Debtor argues that the creditor has no loses the period under Article 1198, there will be no
right to make a demand and that he could not be need to fix the period anymore and the
considered in delay yet. Thus, he told the creditor demandability of the obligation will no longer be
to go to court to fix a period. held in abeyance.
• In CPU v. CA, the donee was obviously in bad faith. • The law is less tolerant if the damage is caused by
He received a parcel of land. The donation, the fault of the debtor.
however, was subject to a mode, i.e., that the • Example: A loaned P50,000 to B. The security for
parcel of land be the place of the medical arts such loan was a laptop. Because of a typhoon, the
building of a college. 50 years have passed, the laptop was washed away and was irrecoverably
donor asked kung bakit wala pa. the donee said, lost. A lost the right to make use of a period.
wala naman kasing period. How can you demand Alternatively, if because of A’s recklessness, the
me? SC: Donee is wrong. Art. 1197 is inapplicable if laptop was broken, then A likewise loses the right
such procedure is a mere technicality and to make use of the period.
formality and would serve no purpose but to delay.
50 years have passed. There was no more need to Alternative obligations
fix the duration of the obligation because the • An obligation can have several objects or
period, whatever was contemplated, had already prestations, in which case, it may either be
lapsed. conjunctive or alternative. If it is conjunctive, all
• Take note of the instances when the debtor loses the prestations must be performed. If it is
the right to make use of the period (Art. 1198): alternative, the performance of one of the
a) When after the obligation has been prestations due will extinguish the obligation. It is
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless facultative if only prestation is due but the debtor
has the right to substitute it with another.

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• The right of choice belongs to the debtor unless it § If all but one are lost, the obligations
has been expressly granted to the creditor. The subsists and the debtor must deliver what
choice made does not require the consent or remains
approval of the creditor but it will not produce any § Q: What if there are 3 prestations: the first
effect except from the time it is communicated. 2 became lost or became impossible of
• In a facultative obligation, the loss or deterioration performance due to the fault of the debtor,
of the thing intended as a substitute, through the and the remaining one became lost or
negligence of the obligor does not render him became impossible due to a fortuitous
liable. But once the substitution is made, the event. Will there be any liability?
obligor is liable for the loss on account of his delay, A: Yes, for some kind of damages. The
neglience or fraud. obligation is extinguished. Because by the
• In facultative obligation, you have one prestation loss of the 2 previous prestations, the
due, but the debtor may replace it with another obligation was converted to a pure
prestation. The debtor is not limited in his choice obligation. And no one should be liable for
of replacement to the said prestations under the a fortuitous event.
obligation. You can venture outside the obligation. § Atty. S: Since the debtor has the right of
Unlike in alternative obligations where the debtor choice, whatever he does with the other
is limited to the choices of prestations. prestations are his way of not choosing
• Limitations on the debtor’s right to choose: them. Making the others lost or impossible
Unlawful, impossible obligations cannot be due to his fault can also be taken as his act
chosen by the debtor. Moreover, the right to of not selecting these prestations for
choose is also indivisible – he cannot compel the performance, which is well within his right.
creditor to receive one part of a prestation and one If, after making them impossible, the last
part of another. remaining prestation becomes impossible
• Q: What happens if a debtor chooses unlawful or due to fortuitous event, this is no longer the
impossible obligations? debtor’s fault and it cannot be taken against
A: Basically, the debtor gets off scot-free. He need him. However, there should be liability for
not perform the obligation anymore. damages.
• Q: Is the giving of the notice intended for the o If the choice belongs to the creditor:
consent of the creditor? § If one of the things is lost through a
A: No. Consent to the choice made by the debtor fortuitous event, he shall perform the
in alternative obligations is not required. But if obligation by delivering that which the
notice has been given, the obligation is creditor should choose from among the
transformed to a pure obligation. remainder, or that which remains if only
• Effect of loss of the things due or impossibility one subsists;
of performance of the prestations before the § If the loss of one of the things occurs
choice is made known: through the fault of the debtor, the creditor
o If the choice belongs to the debtor: may claim any of those subsisting, or the
§ If all the choices are rendered impossible price of that which, through the fault of the
due to the fault of the debtor, the creditor former, has disappeared, with a right to
shall have the right to indemnity under Art. damages;
1204, i.e., amount of the last thing/service § If all the things are lost through the fault of
which disappeared or became impossible, the debtor, the choice by the creditor shall
plus other damages. fall upon the price of any one of them, also
§ If the creditor's fault prevents the debtor with indemnity for damages.
from making a choice, the latter may
rescind the contract with damages Joint and solidary obligations
§ If some are lost but several remain, the
obligation subsists regardless of the reason Joint obligation
for the loss and the debtor may choose from • Each debtor is liable only for a proportionate part
what remains of the debt and each one of the creditors is entitled

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to demand only a proportionate part of the credit

from each debtor Solidary obligation
• Presumption is in favor of joint obligations. thus, • Each one of the debtors is liable for the entire
when there are multiple subjects, we treat the obligation and each one of the creditors can
obligation as a joint obligation. demand performance of the entire obligation
• Can be joint active, joint passive, or completely • Solidarity exists only when the obligation
joint expressly so states, when the law provides, or
• There is no mutual agency and mutual guaranty. when the nature of the obligation so requires.
For example, A’s debtors are B,C,D, and E. A was • While anyone of the creditors may demand
able to collect from B but was unable to collect payment of the entire obligation from any one of
from C. A cannot compel D and E to shoulder the the debtors, demand made by one creditor
insolvency of C because the obligations of the restricts the option of the debtor to only making
debtors are separate and distinct from one payment to the demanding creditor.
another. • Once payment is made, the creditor receiving
• If no sharing is specified, liability will be divided payment becomes obligated to deliver the
equally. portions pertaining to his co-creditors. The
• Example of joint on both sides and there is equal solidary obligation is extinguished but a new
sharing: obligation arises on the part of the creditor who
A, B, C – joint creditors (A – 1/3, B – 1/3, C – 1/3) received payment in favor of his co-creditors.
D, E, F – joint debtors (D – 1/3, E – 1/3, F – 1/3) • Novation, compensation, confusion, or remission
of the debt made by any of the solidary creditors
Total obligation: 360 or with any of the solidary debtors, shall
360/3 = 120. Each of A, B, and C may only collect extinguish the obligation. The creditor who may
120 from D, E, and F. Specifically, A may collect the have executed any of these acts shall be liable to
following: the others for their shares.
From D: 40 • The solidary debtor effecting payment or any of
From E: 40 the modes of extinguishing obligations except
From F: 40 remission will be entitled to reimbursement from
Total of shares collected by A: 120. his co-debtors.
• In a solidary obligation, there is mutual agency on
Same goes with B and C. the part of the creditors. There is mutual guaranty
on the part of the debtors.
• Example of joint on both sides and there are • Remission extinguishes the obligation but the
different shares: debtor in whose favor the remission of the entire
A, B, C – joint creditors (A – ½, B- ¼, C – ¼) obligation was made cannot demand
D, E, F – joint debtors (D – ¾, E – 1/8, F – 1/8) reimbursement from his co-debtors. Same rule
applies if payment is made after prescription has
Total obligation: 64,000 set in or the obligation becomes illegal.
• The debtor whose share was remitted cannot
How much can A, creditor with ½ share, demand refuse to reimburse the paying debtor if remission
from D, E, and F? came after payment of the entire obligation.
Determine how much A is entitled to, i.e. ½ of • Solidary creditor cannot assign his rights without
64,000 = 32,000. Divide 32,000 among D, E, and F the consent of the others.
using the proportions of D, E, and F. Thus, A can • Solidary creditor may do whatever is useful to the
collect the following: others but not what may be harmful to them.
From D: 32,000 divided by ¾1 = 24,000 • The other co-debtors must reimburse the paying
From E: 32,000 divided by 1/82 = 4,000 solidary co-debtor with interest from the time of
From F: 32,000 divided by 1/83 = 4,000 payment except if payment is made before due
Total: 32,000. date.

1 3
Share ni D sa obligation. Share ni F sa obligation.
Share ni E sa obligation.
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• SOLIDARITY IS NOT LOST EVEN IF THE How much can A recover from D, E, and F? A may
DEBTORS ARE NOT UNIFORMLY FOUND. recover the entire 360 from D, E, and F. Same goes
• The debtor upon whom demand is made is with B and C.
allowed to invoke defenses, which are derived
from the nature of the obligation and of those Mixed:
which are personal to him, or pertain to his own
share. With respect to those which personally (Solidary active, joint passive)
belong to the others, he may avail himself thereof A, B, C – solidary creditors
only as regards that part of the debt for which the D, E, F – joint debtors (D – 1/3, E – 1/3, F – 1/3)
latter are responsible.
• In the table presented here, D, upon demand Anyone among A, B, or C may demand from D, E, and F.
made by A, may insist on only paying PHP120 However, if for instance A collects from D, he may only
corresponding to his portion which is not subject collect what D owes A, B, and C. If he wishes to collect the
to any condition. He can invoke E’s defense of entire obligation, he must go after D, E, and F all at once,
forgery as well as the non-arrival of the period for viz:
F to refuse to pay for their portions. Note,
however, once the period for F arrives, payment A may collect from D: 360/3 = 120.4 If A wishes to collect
may be demanded from either D or F. E is not the entire obligation (360), he must sue E and F as well.
included since he is disputing being bound by the
solidary obligation. Divisible and Indivisible Obligations
• Example (solidarity on both sides): • An obligation is indivisible if it is not susceptible
of partial performance.
Active Passive Total • The indivisibility of an obligation alone does not
subject subject obligation: 360 necessarily give rise to solidarity. The presumption
A D 120 in favor of joint obligations still applies. But to be
B E (forged None pending clear, it is possible to have an obligation that is
signature) fulfillment) indivisible and at the same time, solidary.
C F (with a 120 less B and • If an obligation is joint and at the same time,
period) F’s portions. indivisible, then the right of the creditors may be
prejudiced only by their collective acts, and the
• For mutual agency, the creditors act on behalf of debt can be enforced by proceeding against all of
their co-creditors and can collect the entire the debtors. If anyone of the latter should be
obligation on behalf of the others. Thus, a solidary insolvent, the others shall not be liable for their
creditor cannot assign his right in the obligation share.
in favor of just any other person without the • If there is non-performance, the debtors under the
consent of his co-creditors. joint indivisible obligation will be liable for
• For mutual guaranty, all the debtors guarantee the damages to the creditor but the debtors who may
solvency of their co-debtors, i.e., the insolvency of have been ready to fulfill their promises shall not
a co-debtor shall be borne by the others. Anyone contribute to the indemnity beyond the
of the debtors may be made to pay the entire corresponding portion of the price of the thing or
obligation, subject to the right of the paying of the value of the service in which the obligation
debtor to be reimbursed. consists.
• Example (solidarity on both sides):
A, B, C – solidary creditors Obligations with a penal clause
D, E, F – solidary debtors • A penal clause is an accessory undertaking of the
debtor to assume greater responsibility in case of
Total obligation: P360.00. breach.
• It has the dual function of: (a) providing for
liquidated damages and (b) strengthening the

D’s liability to A, B, and C because he is a joint debtor.
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coercive force of the obligation by the threat of

greater responsibility in case of breach. Validity of payment depends on the manner of payment,
• For liquidated damages, proof of actual damages is time of payment, who receives payment, who makes
dispensed with. payment, etc.
• The penalty takes the place of indemnity for
damages and the payment of interest. At the core of validity of payment would be the
o Exceptions where damages may still be determination of whether there is compliance with the
recovered on top of penalty: (a) when characteristics of payment, viz:
there is an express stipulation to that 1. Identity
effect; (b) when the obligor having failed 2. Integrity
to comply with the obligation also refuses 3. Indivisibility
to pay the penalty, in which case the
creditor is entitled to interest by way of Integrity
damages; and (c) when the obligor is
guilty of fraud in the fulfilment of the Q: What is integrity of payment?
obligation. A: Payment must be complete, in order to be valid.

Extinguishment of Obligations Q: When we say completeness of payment – what makes

payment complete?
Q: What are the modes of extinguishing obligations? A: It depends on the obligation. The obligation must be
A: complied with in accordance with its tenor.
1. Payment or performance
2. Loss of the thing due We cannot avoid but think that integrity = indivisibility. If
3. Condonation or remission of the debt you perform an obligation in part, you are necessarily not
4. Confusion/merger of the rights of the creditor and rendering complete performance.
5. Compensation Q: How is integrity different from indivisibility?
6. Novation A: In integrity, the law envisions that when you perform
and you do not intend to perform the obligation in one
These are not exclusive. Art. 1231 itself includes other instance and you do not deliver completely, the integrity
modes of extinguishment, including prescription. of payment is violated. However, if you intend to perform
However, prescription is not really a mode of extinguishing the obligation and you expect or insist for the creditor to
the obligation. accept partial performance, the indivisibility of payment is
violated. However, you have the intention to come back
Q: Why? some other day to deliver anew. Nevertheless, in both
A: Prescription extinguishes only the right of action to cases, hindi pwede.
enforce the obligation.
Exceptions to the integrity of payment:
If you don’t have the right of action anymore, it is like there 1. Substantial performance (Art. 1234)
is no obligation as well because the obligation becomes a
natural obligation. In natural obligations, you are at the Q: When is there substantial performance?
mercy of your debtor. A: If the obligation has been substantially
performed in good faith, the obligor may recover
Payment as though there had been a strict and complete
fulfillment, less damages suffered by the obligee.
Q: What is payment?
A: Payment is the payment of money and the performance Requisites:
of the obligation. Payment includes all manners of a. Attempt in good faith to perform – this is
performing an obligation. central in substantial performance.
b. Obligation must be performed but it was
For payment to bring about the extinguishment of an not performed in accordance with its
obligation, the payment must be valid. tenor – the deviation from the tenor of the

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obligation must be slight and there must only the right to dispose thereof and apply the
be recognition of damages that may have proceeds of the sale to the obligations owed to
been suffered by the creditor. them. Pero proportionate lang yung sharing
because hindi nga enough ang properties ni debtor
For example, in a store – may sale. Yung items na to cover all his obligations.
naka-sale, it’s not necessarily new na. siguro may
alikabok na. therefore, there is a deviation but it is b. Facultative obligations
still valid performance because it is substantial
performance. Indivisibility

2. Waiver/estoppel of the creditor (Art. 1235) Unless there is an express stipulation to that effect, the
creditor cannot be compelled partially to receive the
Identity prestations in which the obligation consists. Neither may
the debtor be required to make partial payments.
The debtor cannot compel the creditor to receive a
different one, although the latter may be of the same value However, when the debt is in part liquidated and in part
or more valuable than that which is due. unliquidated, the creditor may demand and the debtor
may effect the payment of the former without waiting for
Exceptions to identity: the liquidation of the latter (Art. 1248).
a. Dacion en pago
The default is complete and full performance in one
Q: Why is this an exception to identity? instance. Exception nalang yung by installment.
A: Because instead of paying money, the debtor is
allowed to perform his obligation by giving his Exceptions to indivisibility:
property instead. What is involved is a monetary a. Stipulation to the contrary
obligation which must be paid in money. b. Debt is in part liquidated and in part unliquidated
However, for dacion en pago, the debtor instead c. In solidary obligations where debtors are not
delivers property and the obligation is bound by the same terms and conditions
extinguished. d. In case of compensation of unequal amounts
e. In case there are several guarantors for the same
Q: To what extent? obligation and they or one of them demands the
A: The extent of the value of the property benefit of division – this is a situation of co-
delivered. This is because dacion en pago is guaranty. This is different from sub-guaranty
governed by the law on sales – you have to, where a guarantor guarantees another guarantor.
therefore, value the property accordingly. In co-guaranty, several guarantors guaranty a
However, it may result in the extinguishment of single guarantee. Parang obligations with multiple
obligation if the parties intended it to be. passive subjects lang and the co-guarantors are
presumed to be joint co-guarantors. Pagpunta
Q: Can we have dacion en pago even if the sakanila ni creditor, excussion muna shempre. Pag
obligation is monetary in character? wala makita sa properties ni debtor, saka lang
A: No. While dacion en pago is akin to novation, babalik sakanila. Pero they can still invoke the
the law specifies its application to monetary benefit of division, i.e., proportionate lang yung
obligations (Art. 1245). share nila sa debt.
f. When the work is to be done by parts
Q: How is dacion en pago different from payment g. When the debtor dies and he has several heirs and
by cession? the obligation is divisible – the obligation passes
A: In payment by cession, this happens when the to the heirs but only to the extent of what they
debtor owes several creditors and his properties inherited – they are not liable in their personal
are insufficient to cover all his obligations. This is capacities. When a person dies and he has several
called insolvency. Kasi sa payment by cession, the heirs, the properties he leaves behind shall be co-
properties of the debtor are ceded to the creditors owned. So, kung iniwan niya obligations, such
– they do not acquire title over the property, but obligations would make the heirs jointly liable. In

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joint liability, a debtor is liable only for his When a minor between eighteen and twenty-one
proportionate share in the obligation. years of age, who has entered into a contract
h. In joint obligations where each debtor is bound to without the consent of the parent or guardian,
pay only his proportionate share. voluntarily pays a sum of money or delivers a
fungible thing in fulfillment of the obligation,
Q: Kailan magiging relevant ang characteristic of there shall be no right to recover the same from
payment? the obligee who has spent or consumed it in good
A: Sa tender of payment – when the debtor makes his offer faith.
to pay. The manifestation of the debtor’s will to pay the o Atty. S: Under RA 6809, the age of
obligation. However, to compel the creditor to accept the majority is now 18. However, since we are
payment, the payment must comply with the correlating this with Art. 1239, it is
characteristics of a valid payment + other specific submitted that this is still applicable
provisions of law. when we are dealing with a minor. Ignore
the ages in Art. 1427.
Example: You make a tender to pay 1/2 of the obligation • For obligations to do and not to do: Not relevant.
lang. Your creditor may rightfully refuse. His refusal is After doing something, regardless of the capacity
justified – this does not place him in mora accipiendi. to act of the payor, the obligation is extinguished.

Example: Obligation to give specific thing pero di mo On the part of the payee: Payment to a person who is
sinama accessories. Pag tinanggihan ng creditor yan, he incapacitated to administer his property shall be valid if he
will be justified such that if the thing is lost due to has kept the thing delivered, or insofar as the payment has
fortuitous event, the obligation is not extinguished kasi been beneficial to him (Art. 1241).
walang accessory nung tinender mo. It was violative of the
characteristic of integrity. Identity of payor: The following can make payment
a. Debtor
Examples of specific provisions on payment: For monetary b. Heirs or assigns
obligations, you must pay using legal tender. c. Third person who has a material interest in the
Q: What if you pay using a check/manager’s
check/cashier’s check, which are guaranteed by a bank? Identity of payee: The following can accept payment:
A: The delivery of promissory notes payable to order, or a. Creditor
bills of exchange or other mercantile documents shall b. Successors in interest
produce the effect of payment only when they have been c. Assigns
cashed, or when through the fault of the creditor they have d. Any person authorized to receive payment by law
been impaired (Art. 1249). or by stipulation

So, when you tendered your payment via check, you Q: What is the significance of this list if the law also
cannot institute an action for consignation because it is not provides for a wide range of exceptions to the list?
a valid tender of payment. A: Because it depends on the creditor. Yung listahan sa
batas as to who can make payment – these are the people
Q: Would capacity to act be a factor on the part of the who can compel the creditor to accept payment. However,
payee and on the part of the payor? the creditor may accept payment from whomever.
A: Yes.
If payment is made by a third person with the consent of
On the part of the payor: the debtor, the third person acquires the following rights:
• For obligations to give: Payment may only be a. Right to be subrogated to the rights of the creditor
made by one who has the free disposal of the thing – for example, the obligation is secured, the third
due and the capacity to alienate it (Art. 1239). This person may be subrogated to these accessory
is because in obligations to give, there is transfer rights.
of title. This is subject to the exception in Art. 1427, b. Right to full reimbursement

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If payment is made by a third person without the consent Choice of designation: Debtor. However, if he
of the debtor, the third person only acquires the right to does not, the creditor may do so. If either party
reimbursement insofar as the debtor is benefited. does not designate, the most onerous shall be the
one where payment should first be applied (e.g.
Q: What happens if there was no intention on the part of the obligation secured by a mortgage – because
the third person to be reimbursed? when you give property as security, the value of
A: The same is treated as a donation which requires the property would tend to exceed the value of the
acceptance or consent of the debtor. obligation. This is most common in banks who
accept collaterals valued at at least 30% more than
Q: Are we changing the rule? the obligation).
A: No. When we say that there must be acceptance on the
part of the debtor, this is simply to make the donation 2. Cession
valid. It has nothing to do with the validity of payment
because the validity of payment is subject to the rules 3. Tender of Payment & Consignation – tender of
aforementioned. Ang effect lang ng lack of acceptance is payment, generally, precedes consignation.
there would be no valid donation and the debtor is still
liable to reimburse the third person who made the Dito papasok yung characteristics of payment
payment. because if the characteristics are present and the
creditor refuses acceptance, then consignation
Instances when payment, even if made to someone may be proper.
who is not the creditor, is valid:
1. Payment made to a third person if it redounded to Consignation: Supposing that there was a valid
the benefit of the creditor (Art. 1241) tender, or this is an instance contemplated by Art.
1256 where tender is not required, consignation
There are instances when benefit to the creditor is refers to the act of depositing to the court the
presumed, viz: object of the obligation and the court extinguishes
a. If, after payment, third persons acquired the obligation.
the creditor’s rights
b. Creditor ratifies such payment to the Q: Is it the act of depositing the thing due which
third person extinguishes the obligation?
c. If by the creditor's conduct, the debtor has A: No. It is the court who extinguishes the
been led to believe that the third person obligation, by declaring that consignation has
had authority to receive the payment. been properly made.

2. Payment made in good faith to any person in Atty. S: Usually, pag may eviction cases and you’re
possession of the credit (Art. 1242) – this is usually acting for the defendant, yung lessor, hindi na
exemplified by payment made to people in tatanggap ng renta para may cause of action siya
possession of promissory notes or checks. for ejectment against the defendant. So, anong
However, they must be payable to bearer or, at gagawin mo? Under a special law, you can deposit
least, validly indorsed to the possessor. Kung yung it in a bank in the name of the lessor. Pero this is
check is payable to the order of the original only for eviction cases. In all other cases, you must
creditor, and you obtained possession of such, this go to court.
is simply possession of the evidence of the credit.
When tender of payment is not necessary and
Special forms of payment consignation is sufficient (Art. 1256):
1. Application of payment – the designation of the 1. When the creditor is absent or unknown, or
debt to which should be applied the payment does not appear at the place of payment;
made by a debtor who owes several debts to the 2. When he is incapacitated to receive the
same creditor. The payment must not be enough payment at the time it is due;
to cover all of the obligations. Kasi kung enough, 3. When, without just cause, he refuses to give
the obligation should have been extinguished. a receipt;

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4. When two or more persons claim the same It is still possible to make the crops coming from a
right to collect; parcel of land delimited on top of specifying that
the crops should come from that land, you may
Q: What ought to be done by the debtor? also specify a specific time. “I promise to deliver
A: Interpleader, in addition to effecting the the crops I would harvest this June 2022 from my
consignation. The purpose of the land.” Kung nasira yung mga pananim by floods,
interpleader suit is to determine which while the land may still be there (the source of the
among the creditors has the superior right generic thing), extinguished na din yung
or is entitled to collect by making the two obligation.
conflicting claimants to litigate among
themselves. Art. 1265. Whenever the thing is lost in the possession
of the debtor, it shall be presumed that the loss was
5. When the title of the obligation has been due to his fault, unless there is proof to the contrary,
lost. and without prejudice to the provisions of article 1165.
This presumption does not apply in case of
Loss of the thing due earthquake, flood, storm, or other natural calamity.

Q: How is loss defined? For obligations to do – the obligation is extinguished

A: When it perishes, goes out of commerce, and disappears if the performance becomes impossible.
in such a manner that its existence cannot be found. • It is not correct to speak of loss in obligations to
do. We speak of impossibility, which may be legal
Q: How does it extinguish an obligation? or physical. A valid prestation is one that is
A: It depends on the type of obligation. possible. If what we have is an impossible
prestation, we have a void obligation. Now, we are
For obligations to give a specific thing – it extinguishes the still speaking of impossibility in relation to an
obligation provided the debtor was not at fault and before obligation to do.
he has incurred delay.5 Note: Saying that the debtor is “not • Q: When should impossibility take place in order
at fault” does not mean that the loss should be only thru a for us to still have a valid obligation but one which
fortuitous event. There could be loss due to a non- is extinguished, as opposed to a void obligation?
fortuitous event but by virtue of the fault of the third A: Obligation to do is extinguished if the
person. prestation becomes impossible at the time of the
• Exception: When by law or stipulation, the performance of the obligation. If the impossibility
obligor is liable even for fortuitous events, the loss of performance occurs during the constitution of
of the thing does not extinguish the obligation, the obligation, there is no valid obligation to speak
and he shall be responsible for damages. The same of – there is no obligation to extinguish.
rule applies when the nature of the obligation
requires the assumption of risk. Q: Do we look at the extent of the loss to extinguish the
For obligations to give a generic thing – it does not A: No. We only look at partial loss if the loss is so
extinguish the obligation because genus never perishes. important as to render the obligation useless. However,
• Q: How would the exception that the obligation to this is up to the court to decide. The general rule is still that
give a delimited generic thing be illustrated? the loss must be total.
A: When the loss includes those included in the
specific mass or source. Art. 1267. When the service has become so difficult as
• Here, the end product may be generic but the to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of the
source is what limits it. Take away the source, parties, the obligor may also be released therefrom, in
there is no obligation to speak of anymore. whole or in part.
• But hindi lang naman yung source yung pwede i- • Another means of extinguishing an obligation
limit. Pwedeng time. For example, parcel of land. pero dito, we do not have absolute impossibility –

This underscores the importance of demand. Demand puts the
debtor in delay.
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we have difficulty which is manifestly beyond the Art. 1270. Condonation or remission is essentially
contemplation of the parties. gratuitous, and requires the acceptance by the
• This is an application of the international law obligor. It may be made expressly or impliedly.
doctrine of rebus sic stantibus. But this is not
correct. Art. 1267 contemplates difficulty – One and the other kind shall be subject to the rules
difficulty is not always arising from the change in which govern inofficious donations. Express
circumstances. maaaring nabago yung condonation shall, furthermore, comply with the
circumstances from what the parties envisioned forms of donation.
during the constitution of the obligation, but a • This is a waiver executed by the creditor in favor
change in circumstances does not always make an of the debtor. This is treated as a form of donation
obligation difficult to perform. Art. 1267 should be • Another consequence of treating condonation as
understood to be an extreme exceptional excuse or donation is that it is subject to the rules on
justification to be excused from the performance inofficious donations.
of an obligation. You must show that the difficulty • Q: What is an inofficious donation?
was manifestly beyond the contemplation of the A: A donation where the donor does not leave
parties. sufficient property to accommodate the legitimes
• Moreover, Art. 1267 only applies to an obligation of his compulsory heirs. A donation which exceeds
to do because it speaks of service. the free portion. Anything that exceeds the free
• Ilo-ilo Jar Corp. v. COMGLASCO: The lessee here portion infringes on the legitime. Matic.
was hit by the Asian Financial Crisis. What he did • In implied condonations, the law provides for
was to remove all of its merchandise from the illustrations (see Arts. 1271-1273).
leased premises. Upon removal, ayaw niya na rin • Q: If you have an obligation secured by a pledge
magbayad ng rent because of the Asian Financial and the thing pledged is voluntarily given by the
Crisis. He was taking refuge in the provisions of pledgee, what happens to the obligation?
Art. 1267. However, Art. 1267 applies only to A: The accessory obligation of pledge is
obligations to do. A contract of lease, the extinguished. But the principal obligation is not.
prestation is an obligation to give/to pay. Even if An accessory obligation cannot exist without a
obligation to give yan, he cannot invoke the Asian principal but a principal can do without an
Financial Crisis as a fortuitous event because his accessory obligation such that the extinguishment
obligation is to pay money – a generic obligation of an accessory will not affect the principal
to give. Walang impact si Asian Financial Crisis • Should the heirs of the creditor dispute the
because money is generic and genus never implied condonation, the debtor and his heirs may
perishes. insist that the delivery to them was by way of
• Naga Telephone Company v. CA: Itong si electric payment and not by condonation. But there must
cooperative, nasa Naga. Mabagal service sa be proof that such was the case (see Art. 1271).
province. Lumapit sakanila si Naga Telephone Co. • Note: Under the Personal Property Security Act,
They proposed to use the cooperative’s electric we no longer have pledge or chattel mortgage.
posts para jan na ikakabit yung telephone lines. In
exchange, bibigyan daw sila ng 10 telephone lines. Confusion or Merger of Rights
Problem was, after they agreed, palaki ng palaki
yung subscription ng telephone company to the Q: What is the crucial element for confusion or merger to
point that they had to replace their electric posts take place?
ever so frequently. Yung electric posts, napuno na A: There must be a meeting in one person of the characters
ng cable ng phones – hindi lang within Naga, but of the debtor and the creditor.
even outside Naga. It became too taxing for Naga
Telephone Co. So, they wanted out of the contract. You cannot be the creditor and the debtor at the same
They invoked Art. 1267. SC sustained them. Hindi time.
naisip nila Naga Telephone Co. na magiging ganito
kahirap. Illustration in case of confusion in joint/solidary
Condonation or Remission of Debts

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Promissory note si A and B payable to C and D or bearer. C item. The idea is not to require the parties to
and D indorsed it back to B. since payable to bearer, there pay and to give back. Example: pera. May
is merger of creditor and debtor in the person of B. so what utang si A kay B. may utang si B kay A. need
happens? The promissory note is considered partly pa ba nila magbigayan ng pera ng buo? No.
extinguished insofar as the portion pertaining to B is One bill is as good as another. They can be
concerned. Pero it will still subsist insofar as the 50,000 substituted for each other. these objects are
liability of A is concerned. Magbabayad pa rin si A. known as fungible objects, not consumable
objects. Consumable objects are those which
If it is solidary, A,B,C are the ones who issued the PN. They cannot be used without being consumed.
delivered it to D (payee). The PN is payable to bearer. In This definition has no relation to
the course of negotiations, the same PN found its way back compensation.
to A. A is now both creditor and debtor. Since this is a
solidary obligation, the obligation is extinguished. But the 3. That the two debts be due;
story does not end there. What takes place is the need for
reimbursement. B and C must still have to pay A their share 4. That they be liquidated and demandable;
in the obligation.
Q: What is liquidated?
Compensation A: It means that the value of the obligation
has been established.
Art. 1278. Compensation shall take place when two
persons, in their own right, are creditors and debtors 5. That over neither of them there be any
of each other. retention or controversy, commenced by
• Occurs when the parties are the debtors and third persons and communicated in due time
creditors of each other. Here, we envision two (2) to the debtor.
different transactions. Hindi reciprocal
obligations like sale. There must be at least 2 This means that the payment should not be
transaction where the parties are debtors and made after the debtor has been ordered by
creditors of one another. Only those who are the court to retain the payment. Example:
principally bound are allowed to invoke Court issues a writ of garnishment.
compensation. Those who are not principally
bound cannot invoke compensation subject to the • Conventional: Takes place by agreement. if the
exception in case of guarantors – who may invoke parties need to come to an agreement, it means
against creditors any claim of compensation that legal compensation is not available and the
against the debtor. agreement cures any absent element in Art. 1269
• Legal: Takes place by operation of law once the for legal compensation to take place.
requisites under Art. 1269 are present. The beauty • Judicial: Decreed by court. This is in relation to
of this is that the parties need not even be aware the counterclaim the defendant may raise against
that compensation has taken place. the plaintiff. When someone sues you and you also
have a cause of action against the plaintiff, you
Requisites: may make a counterclaim (permissive and
1. That each one of the obligors be bound compulsory). A compulsory counterclaim is that
principally, and that he be at the same time a which arises out of the same transaction subject
principal creditor of the other; matter of the case. A permissive counterclaim is
that which does not arise out of the same
2. That both debts consist in a sum of money, or transaction subject matter of the case. Atty. S: If it
if the things due are consumable, they be of is compulsory, no need to pay filing fees. If it is
the same kind, and also of the same quality if permissive, you have to pay filing fees kasi distinct
the latter has been stated; complaint siya. Otherwise, ma-dismiss yung
permissive counterclaim.
Consumable – should be taken to mean • Once you make a counterclaim, the court rules
fungible. It must be capable of substitution. thereon and in the dispositive portion, there is a
One item is just as good as an equivalent ruling in favor of both the plaintiff and the

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defendant. The court offsets whatever the

defendant may have been entitled to and the In determining whether there is novation, we have to
difference is paid by the party liable for the bigger distinguish between an amendatory agreement and a
amount. new agreement. if it is expressly provided that the parties
• Compensation may be total or partial. Kung mas are intending to novate, walang problema. But sometimes,
malaki yung obligation nung isa kaysa dun sa the parties do not expressly say so.
obligation nung isa, the obligation is partially
extinguished. Q: How do we reconcile?
• Q: What happens if there has been an assignment A: The best we can do it to view Art. 1291 as being
of credit? applicable to the new obligation intended to extinguish the
A: If it is with his consent the debtor would no original obligation. The new obligation may consist in:
longer be able to invoke any compensation as changing the object/principal conditions; substitution of
against the new debtor unless he makes a the debtor; subrogation of the third person to the rights of
reservation to do the same at the time notice is the creditor.
given to him.
Requisites of novation:
If he did not give his consent. There was notice to 1. Valid original obligation
him but he did not consent to the assignment then 2. Agreement
he would still be allowed to invoke compensation 3. New valid obligation – Art. 1298 speaks of
as against the new creditor. But the compensation annulment and ratification. Thus, it speaks of a
can only pertain to those taking place prior to the voidable old obligation, which is valid until
assignment but not those taking place subsequent annulled.
to the sale. 4. New valid obligation must extinguish the old.
o Assignment is still valid and the debtor
may invoke compensation of debts taking Art. 1297. If the new obligation is void, the original one
place prior to the assignment but not shall subsist, unless the parties intended that the
those taking place subsequent to the former relation should be extinguished in any event.
assignment. • So, as long as the parties intended for the old
obligation to be extinguished, the validity of the
If there was no notice given the debtor may set up new obligation is irrelevant.
compensation of all credits prior to the sale and • Atty. S: Hindi na novation ito, it is mutual
also later ones until he has knowledge of the desistance – the intention of the parties effected
assignment. the extinguishment of the obligation.

This is what makes assignment of credit different Q: If the original obligation is subject to
from subrogation as a specie of novation. In suspensive/resolutory condition, must the new obligation
subrogation in novation, you need the consent of also take on the same nature?
all parties. In assignment of credit, there is no A: Yes, but the parties may stipulate otherwise. If the
requirement for the consent. original obligation was subject to a suspensive or
resolutory condition, the new obligation shall be under the
When compensation is improper: same condition, unless it is otherwise stipulated (Art.
1. When one of the debts arises from 1299).
deposit/commodatum • Hindi sinabi ng batas na the new obligation must
2. When one of the debts arises from a claim also be conditional. The law required it to be
for support under the same condition.
3. When one of the debts arises from civil • Q: Why did the law provide for this rule?
liability A: The new obligation must exist at the time the
old obligation is existing. Ang problem jan is if the
Novation new obligation is pure but it is meant to extinguish
an old obligation subject to a suspensive
The substitution or alteration of an obligation by a condition. You have to wait for the suspensive
subsequent one that cancels or modifies the preceding one. condition to be fulfilled to extinguish the old

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obligation. If we follow the default rule to subject extinguished and replaced by a new one. In assignment, it
the new obligation to the same condition as the does not have such effect.
old, then they come into existence at the same
time and the old obligation may now be validly Q: If you were a lawyer, what would you prefer or advise
extinguished. your client?
• Q: Bawal ba lumihis dito sa default rule? A: It depends on the intention of the parties. It’s easier to
A: No. However, it may be inconvenient, especially effect an assignment than to do subrogation. In
if subject to suspensive condition yung old subrogation, the consent of everyone is required. In
obligation. assignment, however, if your intention is to take the
original creditor out of the equation, it is not possible
Substitution of debtor because the new creditor may still run after the original
• In case of change in the parties, substitution of the creditor. In subrogation, the change in the personality of
debtor, if you bring in another person as debtor, the creditor is a means to novate the obligation, which is a
mangyayari jan is parang additional debtor lang. if means of extinguishment of the original obligation. In
the new debtor results in the release of the old subrogation, the old creditor is taken out of the picture.
debtor, there is novation.
• Must be with the consent of the creditor. Subrogation may be legal or conventional:
• Expromission – the debtor had no participation at Conventional – by agreement
all in the designation of the new debtor. It may Legal – not presumed. Art. 1302 provides for instances
even be against his will. where legal subrogation is presumed:
• Delegacion – the new debtor is volunteered or
offered by the old debtor. Art. 1302. It is presumed that there is legal subrogation:
• The distinction between Expromission and 1. When a creditor pays another creditor who is
delegacion is relevant in case of the insolvency of preferred, even without the debtor's knowledge;
the new debtor. 2. When a third person, not interested in the
o Expromission – no recourse to the old obligation, pays with the express or tacit approval
debtor. of the debtor;
o Delegacion – possible to have recourse • Ang sabi ng batas, the creditor cannot be
provided: (a) insolvency was already compelled to subrogate the paying third
existing; (b) publicly known; or (c) known person to his rights because there was no
to the old debtor. consent or knowledge on the part of the
Art. 1294. If the substitution is without the knowledge • Does this mean that the creditor can
or against the will of the debtor, the new debtor's choose? He may not be compelled, but he
insolvency or non- fulfillment of the obligations shall may agree. But with this provision, we can
not give rise to any liability on the part of the original now say that while there is no legal
debtor. subrogation because there is no approval
• If the debtor consents to the expromission, is he of the debtor, there is conventional
still liable? No. It would be unfair. Si creditor na subrogation because the creditor is
nga yung nag-replace at nag-add ng new debtor, willing to accept payment.
pero si old debtor pa rin gagawing liable. 3. When, even without the knowledge of the debtor,
a person interested in the fulfillment of the
Q: How do you understand subrogation? obligation pays, without prejudice to the effects of
A: The transfer to a third person of the rights of the confusion as to the latter's share.
creditor. • What does the law mean when it says that
a person interested in the obligation? It
Q: How is it different from assignment? means material/economic interest.
A: In subrogation, the consent of all parties is necessary. In Example: Guaranty/Surety, spouse of the
assignment, the debtor’s consent is not necessary – only debtor – spouse’s interest is material
notice is required. In subrogation, it cleanses the old because depending on the terms of the
obligation of whatever defects it may have because it is obligation incurred by the debtor-spouse,

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the property regime may be prejudiced

and proceeded against by the creditors. Exceptions to relativity:
• Other kinds of interest may be moral, 1. Stipulation pour autrui – If a contract should
familial, or reputational. These are not the contain some stipulation in favor of a third person,
ones contemplated by law. Example: Anak he may demand its fulfillment provided he
mo nalulong sa online sabong. Kung kani- communicated his acceptance to the obligor
kanino na umutang. Gusto mo bayaran. before its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or
May his creditors refuse your payment? interest of a person is not sufficient. The
Yes. They may be foolhardy for refusing, contracting parties must have clearly and
but they are justified for doing so under deliberately conferred a favor upon a third person
the law. (Art. 1311).
• A contract which contains a stipulation in
Contracts favor of a third person who may demand
fulfillment provided he communicated
Q: What is a contract? his acceptance to the obligor before its
A: A meeting of minds between two persons whereby one revocation.
binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something • Requisites:
or to render some service (Art. 1305). a. Contracting parties deliberately
• Criticized for being incomplete. conferred a favor upon the third
• A juridical convention manifested in legal form, by person;
virtue of which one or more persons bind b. No compensation for the
themselves in favor of another, or others, or stipulation in favor of the third
reciprocally to the fulfillment of a prestation to person;
give, to do, or not to do. c. Stipulation in favor of the 3rd
person should not be the entire
Characteristics of a valid contract contract but merely a part
Obligatory Force – the contract is the law between the d. Neither of the parties bear the
parties. Compliance is not optional. legal representation or
authorization of the third person
Mutuality – the determination of the existence and e. 3rd person communicated his
execution of the contract cannot be left to the uncontrolled acceptance to the obligor before
will of one of the parties. An example is if a lease contract its revocation – acceptance may
is allowed to be renewed or extended depending solely on be implied, i.e., when the 3rd
the willingness or ability of the lessee to continue paying person demands fulfillment of
the increased rentals. In this case, the lessor has been the obligation.
totally deprived of any say in the continuation of the lease • Example: Third-party liability insurance.
contract. Walang magagawa si lessor. He has to honor the The contract of insurance is between the
contract. Thus, when you craft a contract of lease, you insurer and the insured. But in the event
should say that the renewal shall be subject to the of the happening of the risk insured, the
agreement of the parties. insurance proceeds go to the beneficiary,
who may demand from the insurer the
Relativity – when you have a contract with another delivery of the insurance proceeds. A TPL
person, all rights and obligations under the contract may is a better example because the benefit is
be enforced only against the other contracting party, his merely incidental, i.e., it is only one of the
heirs or assigns, subject to certain qualifications: risks assumed. Kasi sa TPL, maraming
1. The rights and obligations must be transmissible risks, e.g., own damage. Among these risks
by law, nature, or stipulation. Otherwise, the is if you cause damage to another vehicle.
rights and obligations begin and end with the The insurer in a TPL binds himself to pay
parties. Example: Personal rights the owner of the damaged vehicle. Kaya
2. With regard to the heirs, they should not be liable incidental.
beyond the extent of their inheritance.

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• Note: When you get an insurance on your open marriage. This means that either party may
life, it is a requirement that there is a have sex with other people outside their marriage.
beneficiary. Otherwise, pointless. If it is a This is against law, morals.
life insurance, this is the entire contract.
2. Contracts creating real rights – example: Mortgage Pero paano mo i-argue on the basis of public
– a real estate mortgage constitutes a lien on the policy? Saan mo huhugutin yung public policy? Sa
property which follows the property wherever it definitions – like Art. 1 of the Family Code where
goes. However, this presupposes compliance with the policy is the marriage’s nature, consequences,
registration under the Torrens system when you’re and incidents is not subject to any stipulation and
dealing with registered property. If you are the is governed by law, except property relations.
transferee of a property mortgaged, and the debtor Moreover, marriage is an inviolable social
of the property mortgaged defaults, the property institution, etc.
may be foreclosed and you are helpless to stop the
foreclosure. You cannot invoke relativity or not • Both a curse and a blessing. You give the parties so
being privy to the contract between the debt0r- much freedom. Pero sometimes, the freedom is
transferor and the creditor. However, you may just not commensurate to their competence to draft
say that you should not be held liable for the the contract.
obligation. This is the only time you can invoke • Atty. S pro-tip: In drafting contracts, as lawyers,
relativity. you must have foresight. You must look at the
3. Accion pauliana – generally, only the parties to the possibilities that may happen to your client in
contract may seek remedies before the court with drafting the contract. Kung kunwari, hanggang 5
regard to the contract. It allows a third party years lang kaya ng client mo, gawin mong 5 years
(defaulted creditor) to set aside the contract lang yung contract, subject to renewal.
between his debtor and the third person. • “With so much [freedom] comes huge
4. Contractual interference – an exception because a responsibility.”
third person is made liable for the breach of a
contract. Generally, only the parties can be in Stages in the life of a contract:
breach of a contract and can be held liable for a. Preparation – parties negotiate as to the terms and
breach. But if there is contractual interference conditions of the contract
because a third person induced a contracting party b. Perfection – the meeting of the minds between the
to breach the contract, there could be liability for parties
damages. The basis for liability for damages is the c. Consummation – the performance of the
bad faith of the third person. Jurisprudence tells us prestations or obligations.
that there can be liability for contractual
interference if there is no legal justification. A contract is perfected by mere consent. Exceptions:
• Atty. S: So, pwede tayo mambuyo. We • Real contracts – perfected by delivery
cannot be held liable for damages if there • Formal contracts – required to be in a certain form
is a legal justification. The SC held that in order to be valid or enforceable.
advancement of economic interests is a
legal justification. Consent – a crucial element of any contract.
• Pero kung makulay yung buhay nung • There must be an offer and an acceptance of the
parties, for example, gusto lang gumanti. offer. The acceptance must be unqualified
The interference may not have legal • If the acceptance is qualified, it constitutes a
justification. Hindi na siya for economic counter-offer – a rejection of the offer.
gain. • Q: At what point is the offeror bound by the
Autonomy – the parties can make such stipulations as A: Upon knowledge by the offeror of the
they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary acceptance by the offeree (Cognition Theory). The
to law, customs, morals, and public policy. provision of the law presupposes that there is a lag
• Q: What is an example of against public policy? between the time of acceptance and the time of
A: Mag-asawa pumunta sayo. They wanted you to knowledge by the offeror of such acceptance.
draft their agreement whereby they agreed to an

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• Option: The option may always be withdrawn o Undue influence – an emotional

unless it is founded on substantial consideration blackmail. Exploiting whatever moral
in which case it ripens into an option contract. ascendancy one has over another.
• Must be intelligent and free – the person giving
consent must have capacity to consent to the Object – the prestation
contract. To have capacity, there must be capacity • Within the commerce of man
to act. So, minors and insane/demented persons, • Valid
and deaf-mutes who do not know how to read or • Possible
write are considered incapable of giving consent. • Determinable
• Absence of vices of consent
o Vices of consent: fraud, mistake, Cause/Consideration
intimidation, violence, or undue influence • Q: Is cause/consideration the same as motive?
o Mistake as a vice of consent – must A: No. We do not look into the motive.
pertain to the substance of the thing or • In a contract of sale, the seller’s cause is the price.
the conditions which move the parties to The buyer’s cause is the property to be delivered
enter into the contract. It must be a to him.
mistake of fact, not a mistake of law. • In a donation, the cause is the liberality of the
Exception: Mutual mistake as to a donor.
difficult question of law. • Q: Is it required for the contract to expressly state
o If mistake pertains to the cause?
qualification/identity, it does not vitiate A: No, but it must be determinable. But the law
consent. Unless the qualification/identity presumes consideration.
is an essential part of the contract. • Absence of cause/consideration renders the
o When it comes to violence or contract null and void for being absolutely
intimidation, it may be carried out by a simulated.
person not a party to the contract and it • A false cause/consideration renders the contract
results in the vitiation of consent of the null and void unless the true cause is established
parties. and it is shown to be valid (Example: A donation
o When it comes to fraud (dolo causante), disguised as a sale. The sale is void for being
the law requires that the simulated but the donation may be upheld
machination/insidious scheme must be provided it complied with all formalities
implemented by one of the contracting prescribed by law).
parties. Exception: when fraud is
employed by a third person whose Form of Contracts
misrepresentation creates a substantial
mistake on the part of the contracting General Rule: Contracts are valid in any form.
parties. This was applied in a case where a Exception: If the law prescribes a specific form for its
third person was able to deceive an old validity, enforceability, or manner of proof.
woman to execute an SPA in his favor in
order to obtain a loan from the bank. In Art. 1357. If the law requires a document or other special
relation to the bank, such third person form, as in the acts and contracts enumerated in the
was able to convince the bank that he was following article, the contracting parties may compel each
authorized to negotiate for a loan in the other to observe that form, once the contract has been
name of the woman and to mortgage the perfected. This right may be exercised simultaneously with
property belonging to such old woman. the action upon the contract.
Here, there was fraud committed by a • Q: Is this right of action under Art. 1357 available
third person against the parties to the in all instances where the right form has not been
contract (old woman and the bank). This observed?
was recognized by the SC as a ground to A: No. You cannot apply Art. 1357 if your purpose
set aside the contract. is to make the contract valid and enforceable or
provable. If your purpose is to have the contract
embodied in a proper form for convenience, this is
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the only time you may avail of Art. 1357. Instances: • Q: How is the debtor being disadvantaged?
Contracts enumerated in Art. 1358. A: Since the debtor is strapped for cash, if he
• Q: What is the status of an oral contract of sale of mortgages a property, it is usually way more than
real property? the amount he loaned. Usually, the amount loaned
A: Unenforceable because it does not comply is P10,000 only, but the property mortgaged would
with the Statute of Frauds. Since it is for instance be valued at P100,000.
unenforceable, you cannot compel the other party
to reduce it in writing. Instances when reformation is not allowed:
• Q: What is your remedy?
A: Still go to court. Hope that the opposing Art. 1366. There shall be no reformation in the
counsel did not graduate from UST and fail to following cases:
object to your presentation of oral evidence in (1) Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition
proving the existence of the contract of sale. This is imposed;
is because ratified na yung contract, and the (2) Wills;
failure of the other party to object to the (3) When the real agreement is void.
presentation of oral evidence removes the contract
from the Statute of Frauds. Thus, you may now Defective Contracts
bring an action to compel the other party to
reduce it into writing and make it a public Note: Just because a contract is defective does not mean it
document. is invalid.

Reformation of Instruments Classes of defective contracts

Requisites: a. Rescissible
a. Meeting of the minds b. Voidable
b. Instrument does not express the true intention of c. Unenforceable
the parties d. Void
c. Failure to express is due to fraud, mistake,
inequitable conduct, accident, or relative Among the one, only one is considered legally inexistent
simulation (void contracts). The other three are considered valid
contracts. Yun nga lang, they suffer from defects.
They signed an instrument which does not reflect what
they agreed upon. Pwedeng honest mistake. Pwede Q: What is the basis for the right of action for each of these
namang typographical error. Pero minsan, nasasamahan defective contracts?
ng fraud or inequitable conduct. For these two, usually one A:
sided. One party committed a mistake and the other did a. Rescission – the basis is the damage, lesion, or
not say anything kasi may advantage na siya e. fraud

Prescription: 10 years Ratification: Passive.

Exception: If the plaintiff is in possession, it is
imprescriptible. b. Voidable – vitiated consent/lack of capacity to give
consent of one of the parties
Classic situation or transaction which justifies reformation
is when a mortgage is made to appear as a contract of sale c. Unenforceable – non-compliance as to form; lack
with right of repurchase. of authority to contract or excess of authority to
• Why is contract of sale with right of repurchase contract on behalf of another; and incapacity of
preferred by the creditors-buyers? Because there is both parties to give consent
already a transfer of ownership in contract of sale
with right of repurchase. Moreover, the creditor- Atty. S: Comparing unenforceable to voidable,
buyer may transfer it to other persons who may be parang mas okay ang voidable contract.
in good faith. This lessens the chance of the debtor
to recover the property. In mortgage, the creditor Consequence of unenforceability: You cannot go
must undergo the process of foreclosure. to court to litigate or enforce it. But you can still

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try and go to court to enforce and unenforceable How to Direct Direct Object to Direct
contract. Pero subject to the defense of assail action action parole or
unenforceability available to the defendant. evidence collate
Voidable and unenforceable contract is subject to Who Injured Party Owner or By
ratification. The effect of ratification is to may party or who is guardian of anyon
terminate the right of action. assail creditor incapacit the e
defraud ated or incapacitat
One of the unenforceable contracts is one entered ed guardian ed
into in consideration of marriage. Under the NCC, or party
the requirement that the pre-nup be in writing is whose
imposed for making in enforceable. Thus, an oral consent
pre-nup under the NCC is valid but unenforceable. is
You ratify by performing the contract. In case they vitiated
agree on separation of property, in the settlement When to 4 years 4 years At the time Anyti
of estate, the wife may not claim ½ of the assail from from the party me
properties obtained during the marriage because regainin regainin seeks to
she benefitted by enjoying her separate properties g g enforce
as hers. capacity capacity
Contrast this with the FC, where an oral pre-nup cessation
is void because pre-nups must be in writing in of vice of
order to be valid. The wife this time may claim ½ consent
of the properties because the pre-nup is void and Suscepti Yes Yes Yes No
inexistent, not merely unenforceable, and no bility of
amount of ratification may make it valid. ratificati
d. Void – lack of essential elements of contract; Who Injured Party Owner or Canno
illegality may party incapacit guardian t be
ratify ated or ratifie
Resciss Voidabl Unenforc Void guardian d.
ible e eable or party
Nature Econom Incapacit Entered Art. whose
and ic y of one into 1409 consent
Defect prejudic or without is
e vitiation authority vitiated
of or in excess
consent of Statute of Frauds
Q: How do we reply with the statute of frauds?
Statute of A: The contract must be in a note, memorandum, or
Frauds writing. The law does not require that it be in a formal
contract. The law requires that there be some note or
Both are memorandum. It can be a series of writings, notes. The
incapacitat party to be bound by the terms written, however, should
ed have signed the note or memorandum.
Validity Valid Valid Valid but Void
until until cannot be or Q: Paano kung ang exchanges is thru email?
rescinde annulled enforced in inexist A: Sufficient as well because under the E-Commerce Act,
d court ent electronic documents are the functional equivalent of
written documents.

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Q: In co-ownership, when a co-owner sells without the Art. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and
consent of the others, the status of the sale of the entire void from the beginning:
property co-owned, insofar as jurisprudence is concerned, 1. Those whose cause, object or purpose is
is consistent that it is valid insofar as the share of the contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
selling co-owner is concerned. The remedy for the other order or public policy;
co-owners, according to jurisprudence, is partition. How 2. Those which are absolutely simulated or
would you characterize the sale of the other shares made fictitious;
by one of the co-owners without the consent of the others? • Relatively simulated: Where parties do
A: Under the first classification of the Statute of Frauds not intend to be bound. In terms of
(lack of or excess of authority). The sale of the shares of the contracts, the simulated contract is null
other non-consenting co-owners is unenforceable. and void (example: deed of sale when in
fact donation ang intention). But the true
However, you cannot just presume that he sold it with the contract is given effect provided the
representation that he is selling it on behalf of the others. formalities are complied with. This is
Kung ganun, Art. 1403 is applicable talaga. Pero may subject to the further qualification on
situations kasi na hindi dinidisclose nung selling co-owner inofficious donations.
na the property is co-owned. He may represent that he 3. Those whose cause or object did not exist at
owns the entire property. Thus, we can apply the prevalent the time of the transaction;
jurisprudence, i.e., that the sale is valid insofar as the sale 4. Those whose object is outside the commerce of
of the selling co-owner’s share is concerned, and the others men;
may just ask for partition. 5. Those which contemplate an impossible
Co-heir ka. You sell the co-owned property to a buyer. The 6. Those where the intention of the parties
buyer would not know of the co-ownership. When you sell relative to the principal object of the contract
the co-owned property and you represent yourself as the cannot be ascertained;
owner of the whole, apply the usual rule, i.e., sale is valid 7. Those expressly prohibited or declared void by
as to the selling co-owner’s share, and the other co-owners law.
are not bound by the same pursuant to the relativity of
contracts principle. However, once you represent yourself These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can the
as the agent of the other co-owners, dito papasok si Art. right to set up the defense of illegality be waived.
1403, i.e., the sale is unenforceable insofar as the share of
the other co-owners are concerned. In pari delicto rule: When the nullity proceeds from the
illegality of the cause or object of the contract, and the act
But this is subject to a further qualification, i.e., if the sale constitutes a criminal offense, both parties being in pari
is for real property, the law requires that the authority delicto, they shall have no action against each other, and
must be in writing (Art. 1874). If the authority is not in both shall be prosecuted. Moreover, the provisions of the
writing, the contract is null and void (Id.). Penal Code relative to the disposal of effects or instruments
of a crime shall be applicable to the things or the price of
Void or inexistent contracts the contract (Art. 1411).
• Imprescriptible • There is a deed of donation not compliant with the
• May be open to collateral attack formalities. The donor died. The donor’s wife went
• Given the foregoing, should you just wait until it is to court to set aside the deed of donation. Is the
enforced? No. Baka makamatayan na ng parties wife barred from going to court just because the
yan, and the heirs of the other party to the contract deed of donation is void? No. It is only when the
may enforce it. For example, your signature is nullity proceeds from illegality of the cause or
forged. Pero patay ka na by the time inenforce object of the contract and the act constitutes a
yung contract ng heirs nung kabila. How could criminal offense that the parties have no recourse
your heirs prove the fact of forgery in order to against each other.
prove that the contract is void? So, it is more • In pari delicto applies only to contracts which are
prudent to have it set aside. void for having an illegal cause or object.
• Example: sale of illegal drugs. Nagbayad ka na pero
di nag-deliver sayo. You cannot go to court. You

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can even be held criminally liable. Courts will not Two concepts:
come to your aid except if public policy calls for • Commodatum - one of the parties delivers to
court intervention (e.g. sale of land to foreigners – another, either something not consumable so
pinapayagan ng courts maka-recover even if it is that the latter may use the same for a certain time
illegal under the constitution). and return it.
• Q: Motive is different from cause or consideration. • Mutuum – a contract of loan whereby one of the
Will motive have bearing on the validity of the parties delivers to another, money or other
contract? consumable thing, upon the condition that the
A: None. The law looks at the cause or
same amount of the same kind and quality shall
consideration, not the motive. Exception: When
be given.
the motive is determinant of the purpose of the
• E. Razon, Inc. v. CA: Art. 1422 – a contract which is
Atty. S: The use of the word “consumable” is misplaced.
the result of a previous illegal contract is also null It must be fungible because we look to the intention of
and void. E. Razon is a stevedoring firm. The ports the parties, i.e., whether they intend the contract to be
are owned by the government. Back then, pre- susceptible of substitution.
EDSA, E. Razon sold 60% of its shares to Alfredo
Romualdez, brother of Imelda Marcos. According Commodatum v. Mutuum
to the SC, the management contract with the Commodatum Mutuum
government was set for renewal. Palakasan. So, Gratuitous – in fact, if May be gratuitous or
thinking that having the brother of the first lady you pay for the use of the onerous.
was a guarantee that they would get the thing, it ceases to be
management contract renewed, E. Razon sold the commodatum – it
shares to Alfredo Romualdez. True enough, the becomes a contract of
management contract was awarded to E. Razon. lease.
Post-EDSA, the award of the contract to E. Razon No transfer of ownership There is transfer of
was being questioned because it was not an arms-
– the bailee is not entitled ownership – since bailee
length deal. The management contract was being
to the right to the fruits, is the owner, he is
assailed and was sought to be struck down for
unless the same is given. entitled to the right to
being null and void. How do you strike it down?
However, if the rights to the fruits
SC: Applied Art. 1422 and held that the contract
was null and void because it was a result of a
the fruits is incidental, it
previous illegal contract. What is such previous may be treated as
illegal contract? There was a contention na E. commodatum. But if it is
Razon only sold the shares because the consent of a principal right, iba na
the seller was vitiated – pinilit at binraso daw sila. yung contract – it may
SC held that vitiated consent only renders the already be a right of
contract voidable. But the SC looked at the sale usufruct.
which was only made to ensure that the
management contract would be renewed. So, yung If bailee fails to return
shares of stock were used as a guaranty na the thing lent, he may be
mabibigyan ng favor si E. Razon. So, motive criminally liable for If bailee fails to pay, he
determined the purpose of the contract. Such sale estafa thru does not incur criminal
of shares gave birth to the present management. If misappropriation liability
the sale of shares would be deemed null and void, Personal in character – Not personal
the management contract resulting from such sale can only be used by the
is also null and void under Art. 1422. bailee or the members of
his household, except if
CREDIT TRANSACTIONS such use is prohibited or
the nature of the thing
LOAN prohibits its use.

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Real contract – there Real contract – there not disclosed to the

must be delivery must be delivery bailee.
Unilateral Unilateral
Bailor cannot exempt
Precarium – if the bailor himself from this
may demand the return obligation by
of the thing any time abandoning the thing
either because: (a) there with the bailee. This may
is no stipulation as to be related to the
length of time of use; or prohibition against
(b) use is tolerated by the compensation.
Ordinary expenses for Simple Loan/Mutuum
preservation – for the • Object: Money or fungible thing which is left by
account of the bailee. the bailor to the bailee with the obligation to
pay the same amount or same quantity, kind, or
Extraordinary expenses quality, as the things given.
for preservation – for the • Q: How may simple loan be onerous?
account of the bailor. In A: When there is stipulated payment of interest
order, however, to bind (conventional interest).
the bailor to pay the
extraordinary expenses, Interest
there must be notice and, • Monetary: Interest for use of money
if possible, wait for the o Accrued from the time the obligation is
reply of the bailor. It is constituted.
only when time is of the o There is a principal obligation and the
essence that you cannot monetary interest begins to run upon
afford to wait that bailee the delivery of the thing loaned.
can proceed to incur o Provided by the parties.
extraordinary expenses, o If parties fail to stipulate in writing,
provided there is still even if there be an oral agreement, the
notice. oral agreement is null and void.
o Parties may agree on the imposition of
If the need for the interest only. They can keep the rate of
extraordinary repairs is interest blank. If they do so, it is the
occasioned by the actual legal rate which is applicable.
use by the bailee, the o The parties may provide a specific rate
bailee has to participate of interest. If there was no stipulated
and contribute half of the rate, legal rate is applied (6% for
expenses. monetary and compensatory interest
Right of retention – right involving loans or forbearance of
to keep or withhold money).
possession of thing o Previously, there was a limit on the rate
loaned from the bailor of interest (Usury Law), but now, there
until bailee is reimbursed is none.
for the damages he o Before July 1, 2013, there must be a
incurred on account of a distinction between loan (12% PA) and
flaw in the thing loaned, non-loan obligation (6% PA).
known to the bailor, and

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But after July 1, 2013, 6% na all from six (6) months to one (1) year and subject to
throughout.6 interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per month,
o Courts have the power to strike down payable on or before the end of each month.
stipulated interest rate if it is Extrajudicial demand was made on November 16, 2006
unconscionable. while an action to collect was filed on July 24, 2007.
o Prevailing jurisprudence fixes the
ceiling at 3% per month or 36% PA. (a) Is the stipulated monetary interest of 10% per month
o Justice Leonen’s advocacy, however, is valid?
reasonableness in determining whether No. It is unconscionable because it goes beyond 3% per
a rate is unconscionable or not. month ceiling.
o If a court has struck down the rate of
interest as unconscionable, the effect is (b) if the stipulated monetary interest rate is struck
the obligation remains valid but the down, will it mean that no monetary interest may be
legal rate7 applies. If it is monetary recovered anymore?
interest – 12%/6%; if it is compensatory No. We would be applying the legal rate of 12% per
interest – we look at the nature of the annum which is applied from the time the loan is
obligation as to whether it is loan or contracted until the same is fully paid. This is not
non-loan. susceptible to shifts in rate.
o If the monetary interest is struck down
and the legal interest is adopted, the (c) what about compensatory interest, will this be due
legal rate of interest applied as as well?
conventional interest will not be subject Yes. It is due on both the principal and monetary
to shifts in rates. So, if 2010 yung interest. However, the accrual of compensatory interest
obligation, and naapply ang legal rate on the principal is from demand (judicial or
back then as monetary interest, the extrajudicial), while the accrual of compensatory
change brought by BSP Circular No. 799 interest on the monetary interest is from judicial
will not subject it to shifts in interests. demand.
• Compensatory: Interest by way of damages.
o Accrued from the time the debtor is in Rate: 12% PA until June 30, 2012; 6% PA from July 1, 2013.
o When obligation falls due, demand may (d) what will the debtors pay?
be made and from demand,
compensatory interest accrues. Debtors must pay the following:
o Provided in the law (Art. 2212) 1. Principal obligation
o If what is struck down by the court is the 2. Monetary interest on principal – 12% per annum
stipulated interest rate for accruing from December 6, 20048 until full
compensatory interest, the legal rate of payment of the loan. Even if the legal rate of
interest which is adopted as interest was reduced to 6%, the legal rate of
compensatory interest will be affected interest for monetary interest is 12% throughout
by shifts in rates prescribed by BSP the time the obligation remains unpaid.
Circular No. 799. 3. Compensatory interest on principal – from time
o Compensatory interest due for delay of extrajudicial demand because it is at that
taking place before July 1, 2013 – 12%. point that the debtor is in delay (November 16,
After July 1, 2013 – 6% nalang. 2006). Rate: Since it is a loan, 12% PA from 16

Example: On December 6, 2004, the Debtors obtained

a loan in the amount of P100,000.00 payable anytime

6 7
So, if asked to compute the rate of interest without a date, Again, kung walang date, qualify.
make a qualification as to the rates. When obli was constituted
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November 2006 until 30 June 2013. From 01 July

2013 until finality of the ruling,9 it is 6% PA. The spouse payees insist that the borrower agreed to pay
4. Compensatory interest on monetary interest – 2.5% interest per month on the loan. They point to the
rate of 12% PA from time of judicial demand checks issued to them by the borrower which
(July 24, 2007) to June 30, 2013, rate of 6% PA supposedly included payment of monthly interest at the
from July 01, 2013 until finality of ruling rate of 2.5%.
5. Legal interest of 6% imposed on the total of nos. • Is monetary interest due in this case and if
1-4 from finality until satisfaction of judgement. so, what rate?
Yes. Jurisprudence is clear about the applicable
How much must the debtors pay? interest rate if a written instrument fails to
specify a rate, i.e., the legal rate of interest is to
The debtors must pay the following: apply. at present, the legal rate of interest is 6%
a) P100,000.00 representing the principal loan per annum, but this is subject to Nacar’s ruling
obligation; on prospective application.
b) Monetary interest on the principal loan
obligation at the rate of 12% per annum from Applying this, the loan obtained by the
December 6, 2004 until full payment of the loan. borrower from the spouses is deemed subjected
Even though the legal interest for loans was to conventional interest at the rate of 12% per
reduced to 6% per annum, effective July 1, 2013, annum, the legal rate of interest at the time
the rate of interest here would still be 12% per the parties executed their agreement.
annum throughout; Moreover, should conventional interest still be
c) There should also be compensatory interest on due as of July 1, 2013, the rate of 12% per annum
the principal obligation from the time of conventional interest still be due as of July 1,
extrajudicial demand on November 16, 2006 at 2013, the rate of 12% interest shall persist as the
the rate of 12% until June 30, 2013 and at the rate rate of conventional interest. This is because the
of 6% per annum from July 1, 2013 until finality legal rate of interest, when applied as
of the ruling;10 conventional interest, shall always be the legal
d) Compensatory interest on the monetary interest rate at the time the agreement was executed and
as stated in letter (b) at the rate of 12% per shall not be susceptible to shifts in rate.
annum from judicial demand, i.e., July 24, 2007 • Will the monetary interest due also earn
to June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the rate of 6% interest and if so, at what rate?
per annum from July 1, 2013 until finality of the Yes. Apart from the respondents’ liability fo
ruling; and conventional interest at the rate of 12% per
e) Legal interest at the rate of 6% per annum annum, outstanding conventional interest – if
imposed on the sums due in letters (a), (b), and any is due from respondents – shall itself earn
(c) and (d) from the finality of the ruling until legal interest from the time judicial demand was
full payment (Isla v. Estorga). made by petitioners, i.e., on July 31, 2002, when
they filed their complaint. This is consistent
with Art. 2212.

Consistent with Nacar as well as Rivera v. Sps.

Chua, the interest due on the conventional
interest shall be at the rate of 12% per annum
from July 31, 2002 to June 30, 2013. Thereafter, or
starting on July 1, 2013, this shall be at the rate of
6% pr annum until finality of ruling.

9 10
Pursuant to Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA and Nacar v. Gallery Based on Eastern Shipping v. CA, as modified by Nacar v. Gallery
Frames. Frames.
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• Assuming that the checks may be admitted Atty. S: Apply Sps. Abella if the facts are on all
into evidence to prove that the parties fours with the said case. This case did not gain
agreed on 2.5% as rate of interest, should enough traction.
this rate be honored by the court
considering that it is less than the 3% per Joy, an OFW, was illegally dismissed by her
month ceiling that is considered employer abroad. She sued her agency here and
unconscionable under prevailing prevailed. The agency was ordered to return her
jurisprudence? placement fee and pay her salaries corresponding
No. Even if it can be shown that the parties have to the unexpired portion of her contract.
agreed to monthly interest at the rate of 2.5%,
this is unconscionable. In determining whether How much by way of interest should be imposed on
the rate of interest is unconscionable, the the placement fee and the unpaid salaries if the
mechanical application of pre-established floors judgement in her favor became final in 2014 or after
would be wanting. Reasonableness should be BSP Circular No. 799 has come into effect?
the new standard, i.e., the rate of interest should
not facilitate unjust enrichment at the expense The placement fee will earn interest at the rate of 12%
of another. In this case, the imposition of 2.5% per annum, notwithstanding the existence of Circular
monthly or 30% annual interest is not No. 799. This is because Sec. 10 of RA 8042 provides that
reasonable. unlawfully terminated overseas workers are entitled to
the reimbursement of his/her placement fee with an
Any deviation from the legal rate of interest interest of 12% per annum. Since BSP circulars cannot
must be reasonable and fair. In cases where the repeal RA 8042, the issuance of Circular No. 799 does
stipulated interest is more than twice the not have the effect of changing the interest on awards
prevailing legal rate of interest, it is for the for reimbursement of placement fees from 12% to 6%.
creditor to prove that this rate is required
by prevailing market conditions. Here, However, the same cannot be said for awards of salary
petitioners articulated no such justification for the unexpired portion of the unemployment
(Sps. Abella v. Sps. Abella) contract under RA 8042. These awards are covered by
Circular No. 799 because the law does not provide for a
This is how J. Leonen justified the finding that specific interest rate that should apply. (Sameer
the interest was unreasonable – petitioners here Overseas Placement Agency v. Cabiles).
insist upon the imposition of 2.5% monthly or
30% annual interest. Compounded at this rate, The guidelines on computation of interest laid
respondents’ obligation would have more than down in Eastetn Shipping, as modified by Nacar,
doubled – increased to 219.7% of the principal – provides in part:
by the end of the third year after which the loan
was contracted if the entire principal remained Accordingly, where the demand is established with
unpaid. By the end of the ninth year, it would reasonable certainty, the interest shall begin to run from
have multiplied more than tenfold (or increased the time the claim is made judicially or extrajudicially,
to 1,060.45%). In 2015, this would have but when such certainty cannot be so reasonably
multiplied by more than 66 times (or increased established at the time the demand is made, the interest
to 6,654.17%). Thus, from an initial loan of only shall begin to run only from the date the judgement of
P500,000.00, respondents would be obliged to the court is made (at which time the quantification of
pay more than P33 million. This is grossly unfair, damages may be deemed to have been reasonably
especially since up to the fourth year from when ascertained). The actual base for the computation of
the loan was obtained, respondents had been legal interest shall, in any case, be on the amount finally
assiduously delivering payment. This reduces adjudged.
their best efforts to satisfy their obligation to a • Trial court awarded P100 on June 19, 2020. The
protracted servicing of a rapacious loan. CA made it P500. Does it mean that you only
accrue interest from the time the CA rendered
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judgement? no. You begin from June 20, 2019. A: It is not really required. However, the incapacity of
However, your basis now is P500. If this is one of the parties would affect their respective
further appealed to the SC who awarded P1000, obligations as follows:
same rule applies. You accrue interest from June a) Incapacitated depositor: depositary who is
19, 2020. However, the basis is now P1000.11 capacitated shall be subject to the obligations of
depositary and may be compelled by the
Which court is referred to here? It should be the trial guardian or administrator to return the thing or
court but in Bernal v. Villaflor, the interest on actual even by the depositor himself should he have
damages was reckoned from the time of the CA Decision capacity (Art. 1970).
because according to the SC, it was at that point that the Q: May he return the same to the incapacitated
amount of damages was reasonably ascertained given depositor?
that the same was no longer questioned in petitioner’s A: No. It is not a valid performance.
motion for reconsideration with the CA, or in his
petition for review before the SC. b) Incapacitated depositary: depositor may only
• Basically, the SC reckoned the interest from the have an action to recover the thing deposited
time the CA rendered its decision. Bakit naiba? while it is still in the possession of the
Kasi kung nasa CA, it is presupposed that a depositary, or to compel the latter to pay him
judgement was rendered by the trial court. And the amount by which he may have enriched or
applying the Nacar guidelines, we should accrue benefited himself with the thing or its price.
interest from the date of judgement of the trial However, if a third person who acquired the
court. Pero dito, inaccrue niya at binase niya thing acted in bad faith, the depositor may bring
from the judgement of the CA. The SC departed an action against him for its recovery (Art. 1971).
from the guidelines.
• So, what is the effect of Bernal v. Villaflor? Atty. Wala din naman pinagkaiba sa rules on payment.
S: Nothing. This may be an oversight. This does Pero, there is a qualification that should this be
not reverse the En Banc rulings in Nacar. transferred to a third person in bad faith, the
However, if faced with a question which sounds depositor may bring an action against such third
like Bernal, then adhere to Nacar, but mention person.
the ruling in Bernal in passing.
Q: What are the kinds of deposit?
a) Extrajudicial deposits, viz:
Defined: A deposit is constituted from the moment a a. Voluntary – that wherein the delivery is
person receives a thing belonging to another, with the made by the will of the depositor. A
obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the same. deposit may also be made by two or
If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not the more persons each of whom believes
principal purpose of the contract, there is no deposit but himself entitled to the thing deposited
some other contract. with a third person, who shall deliver it
in a proper case to the one to whom it
Q: Who are the parties? belongs.
A: b. Necessary – provided by law or the
a) Depositor courts.
b) Depositary
Q: Should they be capacitated? Voluntary Necessary

Basis is the statement, “The actual base for the computation of
legal interest shall, in any case, be on the amount finally
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Made by will of Constituted by the If you owe banks, for example, you have loans with the
the parties circumstances bank, the bank may deduct the amount of your loan
provided under the from your deposits. This is compensation. Will the bank
law need your consent? No. creditors and debtors kasi kayo
Depositors have a Depositors have no of each other. However, in the loan contracts, there are
say on whether or say on whether or provisions which allow compensation.
not he may make a not he wants to
deposit deposit Another service offered by banks is the rental of safety
deposit boxes.
Q: What would be the consequence of
necessary deposit? Q: How should we treat the rental of safety deposit
A: Depositor in a necessary deposit does not boxes?
have a choice regarding his depositary. A: A special kind of deposit.
Deposit is based on trust kasi. Just like when
you’re entrusting someone with your things Q: Why is it a special kind of deposit?
in the library. A: Because it is governed by the General Banking Act.

Pag nasa SM kayo, may dala kayong gamit. CA-Agro Industrial Development Corp. v. CA
Pinapadeposit sa customer service. Nakita Facts
mo yung tao, daming tattoo. Ang lalim ng Petitioner purchased from spouses Ramon and Paula
eyebags. Nagdalawang isip ka na kung iiwan Pugao two parcels of land. The titles for the land was
mo gamit mo sakanya. However, it is a then deposited in a safety deposit bank rented by
necessary deposit. You have no choice on petitioner from private respondent Security Bank and
the matter. Trust Company (Bank). For this purpose, both signed a
contract of lease which contains a condition saying that
b) Judicial deposit – may involve both movable and (1) the bank is not a depositary of the contents of the
immovable property. safe, and has no control or possession of the same and
(2) has no interest in the contents thereby assuming no
Deposit in banks liability in connection with the same. Two renters keys
were then given to the renters, one to CA-Agro’s
Q: Is the term deposit, as used in banks, taken to mean president, and one to the Pugaos. A guard key remained
the same as depositum? in possession of the bank. The safe could only be opened
A: No. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in by the guard key and one of the renter’s keys.
banks and similar institutions shall be governed by the
provisions concerning simple loan (Art. 1980). By Thereafter, a certain Mrs Ramos offered to buy from
express provision of law, deposits of money in banks and petitioner the parcels of land which entailed the
similar institutions shall be governed by the provisions production of the titles. However, when the box was
concerning simple loans. opened, it yielded no certificates. RTC rendered a
decision in favor of the Bank which was affirmed by the
Q: So, what is your relationship with your bank? CA.
A: Debtor-creditor. The bank is the debtor, and you are
its creditor. Issue
Whether or not there existed a contract of deposit?
Q: When will the obligation of the bank to pay you Ruling
become due? No. The contract agreed upon by the parties is a special
A: It is a pure obligation – therefore, it is immediately kind of deposit not governed by the provisions of the
due and demandable. Exception: If time deposit, in Civil Code. However, there still exists in the intent of the
which case, hindi pwedeng anytime ang withdrawal. contract the primary elements of deposit which was the
safekeeping of the bank of the articles, and the eventual
return of the same. Thus, any stipulation exempting the
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depositary from any liability arising from the loss of the investment management/advisory/consultancy
thing deposited on account of fraud, negligence or delay accounts; and
would be void for being contrary to law and public
policy. Therefore, the stipulations made by the bank 53.5. Rent out safety deposit boxes.
exempting itself from liability are null and void.
The bank shall perform the services permitted
However, the bank could not be held liable, mainly under Subsections 53.1, 53.2,53.3 and 53.4 as
because there is no evidence showing its negligence. depositary or as an agent. xxx” (Emphasis supplied).
Note that the Pugaos and petitioner each hold a key
which when combined with the guard’s key could open Hindi sinali si 53.5. This is another way of saying that
the box. Without either of their keys, the box would not renting out SDBs under the new GBL will not be carried
be opened. out by the bank as depositary or agent. This was a way
for banks to circumvent the ruling in CA Agro.
Atty. S: The bank is insisting that the contract here is
really a lease contract kasi in lease, the possession of the Mall parkings
SDB is surrendered to the lessee. So, the bank has no
interest whatsoever in the contents therein and assumes Q: What if parking – how would you justify mall
absolutely no liability in connection therewith. Pero disclaimers disavowing liability for loss in parking
sabi ng SC, hindi pwede. The SC cited the old General areas?
Banking Law, which provides that the bank who rents A: The contract here is a contract of lease. The mall is
out SDB is considered a depositary. The disclaimer of giving or leasing out portions of its properties for use of
the bank negating its liability as depositary is negated its customers. Moreover, wala kasi sa malls yung susi.
by the General Banking Act itself. Moreover, this is not So, wala silang kahit na anong measure of possession
a contract of lease because the bank did not surrender over the vehicles. Simply having a vehicle without a key
the full possession of the SDB to the lessee. The bank does not amount to possession. On the other hand,
still had some measure of possession over the SDB occupying the parking slot means you have deprived the
because the bank has a key to the SDB. mall of its possession of a certain portion of its property.

However, Sec. 53 of the New General Banking Law Exception: Valet parkings
provides: In valet parking, the car owner gives the keys to the valet
attendant hence, it is a contract of deposit.
Section 53. Other Banking Services. - In addition to
the operations specifically authorized in this Act, a bank Obligations of depositary
may perform the following services:
General Rule: Deposit is gratuitous
53.1. Receive in custody funds, documents and valuable Exceptions:
objects; a) If it is so stipulated
b) If the depositary is in the business of storing
53.2. Act as financial agent and buy and sell, by order of goods – example: Warehouseman; Storage
and for the account of their customers, shares, spaces
evidences of indebtedness and all types of securities;
Q: Obligation not to transfer the deposit – what does
53.3. Make collections and payments for the account of this mean?
others and perform such other services for their A: The depositary cannot delegate his obligation to
customers as are not incompatible with banking someone else, unless he is allowed to do so.
Q: If he is allowed to do so, does this mean that the
53.4 Upon prior approval of the Monetary Board, act as depositary is not liable anymore?
managing agent, adviser, consultant or administrator of A: No. He is liable for loss if the depositary entrusted
the thing to a person who is manifestly unfit.
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their value and the rights corresponding to them

Q: Obligation not to change the way of the deposit – according to law.
what does this mean?
A: The depositary may change the way of the deposit if The above provision shall not apply to contracts for
under the circumstances he may reasonably presume the rent of safety deposit boxes.
that the depositor would consent to the change if he • Part of the obligation of the depositary to
knew of the facts of the situation. However, before the safekeep and preserve is to collect the interests
depositary may make such change, he shall notify the which accrue on the instruments contemplated
depositor thereof and wait for his decision, unless delay by this provision. However, if these instruments
would cause danger (Art. 1974). Example: Kotse ni Mr. are contained in SDBs, obviously, this
Manalo, dineposit kay Ms. Santos, who lives in E. obligation is inapplicable to the depositary.
Rodriguez. Si Ms. Santos, nilagay sa garahe niya yung
kotse ni Mr. Manalo. However, bahain ang ERod. So, si ARTICLE 1977. The depositary cannot make use of
Ms. Santos, nilipat yung kotse ni Mr. Manalo dun sa the thing deposited without the express permission
Puregold dun sa ERod, which was elevated. Mr. Manalo of the depositor.
had every right to rely on Ms. Santos’ representation
that his car would always be inside her garage. However, Otherwise, he shall be liable for damages.
when Ms. Santos changed the way of the deposit, she
was more than justified in doing so because Ms. Santos However, when the preservation of the thing
should only show that had the depositor known of the deposited requires its use, it must be used but only
circumstances, he would have changed the way of the for that purpose. (1767a)
deposit. Dito, walang dud ana kung alam lang ni Mr.
Manalo na babahain yung garahe ni Ms. Santos, papayag ARTICLE 1978. When the depositary has permission
siya na ilipat ng lugar. to use the thing deposited, the contract loses the
concept of a deposit and becomes a loan or
Q: Can we have more than one depositor? commodatum, except where safekeeping is still the
A: Yes. A deposit may also be made by two or more principal purpose of the contract.
persons each of whom believes himself entitled to the
thing deposited with a third person, who shall deliver it The permission shall not be presumed, and its
in a proper case to the one to whom it belongs (Art. existence must be proved. (1768a)
General Rule: Depositary cannot use the thing
Q: What if the thing deposited is an indivisible thing?
A: Demand must be made by both depositors. When Exception:
there are two or more depositors, if they are not a) Express permission
solidary, and the thing admits of division, each one b) If the preservation of the thing requires its use,
cannot demand more than his share. in which case, it must be used for the purpose of
preserving it.
When there is solidarity or the thing does not admit of
division, the provisions of articles 1212 and 1214 shall Q: Supposing there is permission, would this change the
govern. However, if there is a stipulation that the thing contract?
should be returned to one of the depositors, the A: Generally, yes. Exception is if the safekeeping is still
depositary shall return it only to the person designated the principal purpose of the contract (Irregular
(Art. 1985). Deposit). If deposit is not the principal purpose
anymore, the contract may be a commodatum already.
ARTICLE 1975. The depositary holding certificates,
bonds, securities or instruments which earn ARTICLE 1979. The depositary is liable for the loss of
interest shall be bound to collect the latter when it the thing through a fortuitous event:
becomes due, and to take such steps as may be 1) If it is so stipulated;
necessary in order that the securities may preserve
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2) If he uses the thing without the depositor's and one of the parties refuses to deliver? For example,
permission; Ms. Ramacola entered into a contract to loan with Mr.
3) If he delays its return; Santos but Mr. Santos, last minute, refused to deliver
4) If he allows others to use it, even though he the thing. What is the remedy of Ms. Ramacola?
himself may have been authorized to use the A: Only an action for damages.12 An action for specific
same. performance will not lie because if Ms. Ramacola asks
Mr. Santos to execute the contract of loan, this is
Since what is required in deposit is an obligation to equivalent to compulsion of an obligation to do. This is
deliver a specific thing (thing deposited), the accessory violative of the Constitutional prohibition against
obligations therein apply. involuntary servitude.

Q: If the deposit consists of money, the provisions Atty. S: Some students make the mistake of equating
relative to agents in Art. 1896 shall be applied to the the obligation under the contract of loan with the
depositary. What is Art. 1896? obligation under the contract to loan. This is not true.
A: The depositary owes interest from the moment he First, the obligation to deliver money is not an
made use of the money. obligation to do – it is an obligation to give. Here, in case
only a contract to loan was entered into, we do not even
Q: What kind of interest is being collected here? have an obligation under the contract of loan. Second,
A: Monetary interest – interest for use of money. It is for the action for specific performance will not lie because
the use of the money. Wala pang delay here. there is no contract of loan yet. However, there is the
consensual contract to loan. It just so happened that
Q: Can there be liability for compensatory interest? specific performance does not lie because you cannot
A: Yes. If there is demand by the depositor for the return compel the other party to enter into a contract of loan
of the money, and the depositary delayed in the delivery with you because this time, it involves an obligation to
of the same. Kung hinihingi mo ay compensatory do (to enter into a contract) which is violative of the
interest on monetary interest, there must be judicial constitutional prohibition against involuntary
demand. So, kung ikaw yung depositor, ginamit yung servitude.
pera mo, wag ka makuntento na the money will earn
interest under Art. 1896. You demand its return so, the ARTICLE 1992. If the deposit is gratuitous, the
depositary is liable for compensatory interest too. depositor is obliged to reimburse the depositary for
Thereafter, file a complaint so there would be the expenses he may have incurred for the
compensatory interest on the monetary interest. preservation of the thing deposited. (1779a)
• Q: Do we make a distinction as to ordinary and
Obligations of a Depositor necessary expenses?
A: No. The benefit here is not for the depositary
Note: Even if the depositor has obligations, the contract but only and solely for the depositor. We only
of deposit is still unilateral. These obligations on the make a distinction as to whether the deposit is
part of the depositor are simply incidental. gratuitous or not. if the deposit is gratuitous, the
depositor is obliged to reimburse the depositary
Moreover, even if a deposit is a real contract, it is for expenses for preservation. In case the
possible to have a consensual agreement to constitute a deposit is onerous, the expenses are deemed
deposit which is separate and distinct from the actual subsumed by the fees paid.
contract of deposit. It is a contract to deposit. This is like
a contract to loan, which is separate and distinct from ARTICLE 1993. The depositor shall reimburse the
the contract of loan, which is a real contract. depositary for any loss arising from the character of
the thing deposited, unless at the time of the
Q: What happens if there has been an agreement to constitution of the deposit the former was not
constitute a contract of loan, there is no delivery yet, aware of, or was not expected to know the

Applies even if the problem involves a contract to deposit.
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dangerous character of the thing, or unless he (2) When it takes place on the occasion of any
notified the depositary of the same, or the latter calamity, such as fire, storm, flood, pillage,
was aware of it without advice from the depositor. shipwreck, or other similar events. (1781a)
• Q: When does this obligation arise? Notes:
A: If the loss arose from the character of the
thing deposited. Exceptions: (1) depositor was Another form of extrajudicial deposit. In a necessary
not aware of the same; (2) depositor was not deposit, as opposed to voluntary deposit, the depositor
expected to know of the dangerous character of does not have the chance to choose his depositary. This
the thing; or (3) depositor notified the is because necessary deposits are created by law or by
depositary of the same; or (4) depositary was the circumstances.
aware of it without advice from the depositor.
Example: Deposit of a cute but rabid dog. A dog If the necessary deposit takes place on the occasion of
was deposited and the dog, unknown to the calamities, under Art. 2168, the safekeeping must be
depositary, was wild and aggressive. Pero without the knowledge of the owner in order for the
mukhang cute yung dog. right of reimbursement of just compensation to arise.

ARTICLE 1994. The depositary may retain the thing ARTICLE 1998. The deposit of effects made by
in pledge until the full payment of what may be due travellers in hotels or inns shall also be regarded as
him by reason of the deposit. (1780) necessary. The keepers of hotels or inns shall be
• The right of retention given to depositary is responsible for them as depositaries, provided that
slightly different from right of retention given to notice was given to them, or to their employees, of
the bailee. This is because the thing deposited is the effects brought by the guests and that, on the
considered to be in pledge, and the depositary part of the latter, they take the precautions which
may be proceeded against it to satisfy his said hotel-keepers or their substitutes advised
monetary claims against the depositor, i.e., to relative to the care and vigilance of their effects.
sell it at public auction and apply the proceeds (1783)
thereof to the liability of the depositor (Art. • Two conditions to make the hotel-keepers
2112). liable:
• Note: Depositary may not appropriate the 1) Notice was given to the hotel-keepers
thing deposited/pledged because this would by the guests of the presence of their
amount to pactum commissorium. valuables; and
• The provision of the law regarding right of 2) The guests must have taken precautions
retention in deposit is clearer than the provision which the hotel-keepers have advised
of the law regarding the right of retention in them.
commodatum. • Atty. S: If you inform the hotel-keepers that you
have valuables with you, they would probably
ARTICLE 1995. A deposit is extinguished: ask you to deposit it with the reception and have
(1) Upon the loss or destruction of the thing it kept in the hotel vault for safekeeping.
(2) In case of a gratuitous deposit, upon the death ARTICLE 1999. The hotel-keeper is liable for the
of either the depositor or the depositary. (n) vehicles, animals and articles which have been
introduced or placed in the annexes of the hotel. (n)
Necessary Deposits
ARTICLE 2000. The responsibility referred to in the
ARTICLE 1996. A deposit is necessary: two preceding articles shall include the loss of, or
(1) When it is made in compliance with a legal injury to the personal property of the guests caused
obligation; by the servants or employees of the keepers of hotels
or inns as well as by strangers; but not that which
may proceed from any force majeure. The fact that
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travellers are constrained to rely on the vigilance of Common carriers

the keeper of the hotel or inn shall be considered in • Checked-in baggage: Governed by contract of
determining the degree of care required of him. carriage. Thus, extraordinary diligence is
(1784a) required.
• Hand-carried baggage: Governed by the law
ARTICLE 2001. The act of a thief or robber, who has on necessary deposits. Only ordinary diligence
entered the hotel is not deemed force majeure, is required.
unless it is done with the use of arms or through an
irresistible force. (n) Guaranty

ARTICLE 2002. The hotel-keeper is not liable for ARTICLE 2047. By guaranty a person, called the
compensation if the loss is due to the acts of the guarantor, binds himself to the creditor to fulfill the
guest, his family, servants or visitors, or if the loss obligation of the principal debtor in case the latter
arises from the character of the things brought into should fail to do so.
the hotel. (n)
If a person binds himself solidarily with the
ARTICLE 2003. The hotel-keeper cannot free himself principal debtor, the provisions of Section 4,
from responsibility by posting notices to the effect Chapter 3, Title I of this Book shall be observed. In
that he is not liable for the articles brought by the such case the contract is called a suretyship. (1822a)
guest. Any stipulation between the hotel-keeper • Q: Can you give me an overview of the contract
and the guest whereby the responsibility of the of guaranty?
former as set forth in articles 1998 to 2001 is A: By guaranty, you are giving security for the
suppressed or diminished shall be void. (n) principal obligation (can be a loan or some
other contract). The purpose of a guaranty is to
ARTICLE 2004. The hotel-keeper has a right to ensure the creditor that in the event the debtor
retain the things brought into the hotel by the defaults, the creditor has recourse against the
guest, as a security for credits on account of guarantor.
lodging, and supplies usually furnished to hotel
guests. (n) The guarantor is no different from a third
• The hotel-keeper may retain the things you person who pay for the obligation of another.
have brought by way of security for for credits So, the rules regarding payment by third person
on account of lodging, and supplies usually also applies here, i.e., the consent of the debtor
furnished to hotel guests (e.g. room service, is not needed. In fact, the guaranty may be
laundry service). without the debtor’s knowledge or over the
• Atty. S: Hotels also operate as casinos. objection of the debtor. It is only the consent of
Sometimes, yung casino would be advancing the creditor which is needed.
money to the guests who are gambling. Should
the guests not be able to return what they The debtor, however, is not totally out of the
borrowed, would it be correct for the hotel to picture. Hindi pa siya efas. Hindi lang kailangan
retain their things as security for these consent ni debtor. Pero in real life, the
advances? Under Art. 2004, the answer is no. guarantor is usually someone (personal
this is because the right of retention may only guaranty – guaranty consists of the capacity or
be exercised under Art. 2004 for lodging personality of the guarantor) or something (real
purposes. Expenses in casinos in hotels are guaranty – the security is provided for by
outside the scope of Art. 2004. whatever property is given by way of mortgage,
• In certain hotels, may 24/7 pawnshops. What is antichresis, pledge, or chattel mortgage, or,
the purpose? To cater to those gambling inside. under the PPSA, by way of personal security)
Kasi para pag naubusan sila ng pera, isasangla who is offered by the debtor to the creditor.
nila properties nila para makalaro. • Once there is default on the part of the debtor
and the properties of the debtor have been
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exhausted, the guarantor may be made to pay guaranty of a natural obligation is at the
the creditor. But the story does not end with instance of the debtor, this is a recognition or
payment. This simply extinguishes the acknowledgement that he is obligated to the
obligation of the debtor to the creditor. creditor. This is a means of reconstituting the
However, the debtor must now indemnify the natural obligation into a civil obligation.
guarantor for whatever he has paid and then
some (see Art. 2066). For voidable obligations, walang problema. It is
valid until annulled. Come annulment, there
Guarantor Surety would be no obligation to speak of. If the
Subsidiarily liable Solidarily liable with the guaranty was at the instance of the debtor, it
debtor may be a ratification of the voidable obligation.
Insurer of the debtor’s Insurer of the debt But if the guaranty was at the instance of the
solvency. creditor without the consent or knowledge of
the debtor, and the creditor asks for annulment,
Q: If a surety is solidarily liable, what is stopping him then there is no longer any obligation to be
from becoming a co-solidary debtor? guaranteed. Without such principal obligation,
A: The co-solidary debtor is a party to the principal the guaranty is also extinguished.
contract; whereas a surety is not a party to the principal
contact. For unenforceable obligations, if the guaranty
was at the instance of the debtor, the debtor
Characteristics of Guaranty: may be held in estoppel. If the guaranty was at
1) Consensual – consent required is that of the the instance of the creditor and without the
creditor and the guarantor. Debtor’s consent, consent/knowledge of the debtor, the guarantor
while ideal, is not necessary. cannot invoke the benefit of excussion against
2) Nominate the creditor. Since the guarantor knew that the
3) Gratuitous – is this absolute? No. It may be obligation is unenforceable, he should have
onerous. For example, the guarantor requires expected the possibility na the creditor could
payment of fees for his guaranty; or surety not be able to go to the debtor. So, when the
bonds – companies who engage in the business creditor demands payment from him, the
of providing securities who charge premiums. guarantor is deemed to have waived the benefit
4) Accessory – this means that there must be a of excussion.
valid principal obligation (Art. 2052).
Q: What is a continuing guaranty?
Q: Does this preclude the guaranty of defective A: A guaranty may also be given as security for
or natural obligations? future debts, the amount of which is not yet
A: No. A guaranty may be constituted to known; there can be no claim against the
guarantee the performance of a voidable or an guarantor until the debt is liquidated. A
unenforceable contract. It may also guarantee a conditional obligation may also be secured.
natural obligation (Art. 2052, 2nd par.). (Art. 2053).

Q: What is the consequence of constituting a Q: How do we reconcile Art. 2053 (which

guaranty for these kinds of obligations provides that a guaranty may be made for future
(unenforceable, natural obligations)? debts) with Art. 2052 (which requires obligation
A: The guarantor may not be able to ask in order to have a guaranty)?
reimbursement from the debtor because he may A: The moment the amounts are liquidated,
not enforce the principal obligation against the they are deemed to retroact to the moment the
debtor. For natural obligations, if the guaranty guaranty is created. However, there must, at
is constituted over the objection of the debtor, least, be an agreement to loan. And once
the creditor cannot enforce the principal drawings have been made, there would be a
obligation against the debtor. But if the
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perfected contract of loan which is a fulfillment to the limits of the debtor’s liability, i.e., P10
of the condition for the guaranty to arise. million debt.
• Is this a third-party mortgage? No. The
This is the same principle we observe with mortgage here does not secure the principal
respect to guaranty of conditional obligation. obligation – it secures the guaranty. A third-
party mortgage should secure the principal
A continuing guaranty is meant to serve as a obligation. In this case, the mortgage of C’s
convenient way for the bank and borrower to land secures the obligation of the guarantor C to
continue their transactions without needing to debtor B.
go thru approvals, etc.
Example: Bank says, “I am loaning you the • A guarantor guaranteeing the guarantor.
amount of P10 million which may be withdrawn • Why is this sub-guaranty needed? Minsan kasi,
for a period of 10 years.” Hindi mo naman may duda pa rin si creditor dun sa guarantor.
wiwithdrawin yan ng isang bagsakan. However, Tingin niya, hindi kakayanin ni guarantor.
the continuing guaranty would also guaranty • A sub-guarantor is different from a co-
those future withdrawals that may be made. guarantor.

5) Unilateral Co-guaranty
6) Governed by the Statute of Frauds • In case of co-guaranty, there would be more
than one guarantor guaranteeing the principal
Q: If the husband guarantees a conditional obligation of obligation. In case of multiple guarantors, the
a co-worker, how should you treat such obligation of the default rule is joint liability amongst
husband? Community or personal obligation? themselves.
A: It is a personal obligation because no benefits • However, pwedeng co-guarantors may have
accrued to the family. A benefit is presumed if the made themselves solidarily liable with the
obligation is incurred in relation to the debtor. So, they will be sureties. However,
business/livelihood of the obligated spouse. Here, there amongst themselves, they are only jointly liable.
is no such presumption because the husband simply This means that the creditor may run after the
extended a guaranty for the purpose of “pakikisama.” co-sureties even without running after the
principal debtor first and without the benefit of
ARTICLE 2054. A guarantor may bind himself for excussion kasi solidary liability. since they are
less, but not for more than the principal debtor, solidarily liable with the principal debtor, would
both as regards the amount and the onerous nature the creditor be justified in just suing one of
of the conditions. them for the entire obligation? No. The default
rule is they are, among themselves, jointly
Should he have bound himself for more, his liable. So, if you wish to obtain complete relief,
obligations shall be reduced to the limits of that of you have to sue them all together. Ang nagkaiba
the debtor. (1826) lang, walang benefit of excussion. Pero they still
• Example: A borrowed P10 million from B and have to be sued as a whole pa rin in the absence
the obligation was not secured by any mortgage. of any proof that solidarity among themselves is
C guaranteed the payment of A’s debt and to provided.
ensure payment of his guaranty, C mortgaged
his land. If A cannot pay, may B foreclose C’s Q: Who may act a guarantor?
land? No. C, the guarantor, bound himself for A:
more by mortgaging his own property. Yung 1) One who has integrity;
obligation ni A was not secured by a mortgage. 2) Has capacity to bind himself; and
Only the guaranty of C. This is proscribed by 3) Sufficient property to answer for the obligation
Art. 2054. Thus, C’s liability should be reduced he guarantees.

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If the guarantor is convicted at the first instance of a 2) The conditions under Art. 2060 are
crime involving dishonesty or should become insolvent, complied with.
the creditor may demand another who has all the • Q: Why does the law require that the properties
qualifications required in the preceding article. The case to be pointed out by the guarantor be within the
is excepted where the creditor has required and PH?
stipulated that a specified person should be the A: Because if the properties are outside, it would
guarantor (Art. 2057). be more difficult for the creditor to exhaust the
properties and would essentially defeat the
Q: What happens if the guarantor loses one of the rights of the creditor. Moreover, the court must
characteristics or if the guarantor dies? Would this be able to exercise jurisdiction over these
extinguish the guaranty? properties pointed out. If they are outside the
A: If the guarantor does not die but loses one of the PH, our courts do not have jurisdiction over
characteristics under Art. 2057, the creditor may ask for them.
another guarantor.
Benefit of Excussion
It is a different matter if the guarantor dies.
Q: What is the benefit of excussion?
Q: Can it be argued that given the personal A: It provides that the guarantor cannot be compelled
qualifications given by Art. 2057, the death of the to pay the creditor unless the latter has exhausted all the
guarantor justifies the extinguishment of the guaranty? property of the debtor, and has resorted to all the legal
A: No. Guaranty is not personal in nature. In the end, remedies against the debtor (Art. 2058).
guaranty involves an obligation to pay in case the debtor
is incapable of doing so. In Estate of Hemady v. Rizal Q: If the benefit of excussion is raised, what is the
Insurance, the SC held that the death of the guarantor creditor prevented from doing as against the guarantor?
does not extinguish the guaranty because: (1) it is not A: The creditor is prevented from collecting from the
one of the modes of extinguishing a guaranty; and (2) guarantor the principal obligation unless he has proven
guaranty is not personal in nature – it simply involves he has exhausted the properties of the guarantor.
an obligation to pay. It does not matter where the
money comes from. Q: If the guarantor is sued with the debtor and the
guarantor participated in the action, does the guarantor
ARTICLE 2058. The guarantor cannot be compelled waive the benefit of excussion?
to pay the creditor unless the latter has exhausted A: No. The benefit of excussion shall not be impaired
all the property of the debtor, and has resorted to even if judgement should be rendered against the
all the legal remedies against the debtor. (1830a) debtor and the guarantor in case of appearance by the
• Embodies the benefit of excussion. latter (Art. 2062).
• Q: How does the guarantor invoke this benefit
of excussion? The ideal set up under the law is for the creditor to first
A: sue the debtor because the liability of the guarantor is
(1) the guarantor must set it up as a defense subsidiary in character. However, the law requires that
against the principal creditor upon the notice be given to the guarantor about the filing of the
latter’s demand for payment; and action against the debtor (see Art. 2062).
(2) point out to the creditor available property
of the debtor within PH territory sufficient Q: What is the purpose of this notice? Is this to acquire
to cover the amount of the debt (Art. 2060). jurisdiction over the guarantor?
• The benefit of excussion is a defense because it A: No. It is simply to notify the guarantor that the action
is used to resist collection or demand. against the debtor was commenced. However, the
• Conditions to avail of the benefit of guarantor is not prohibited from participating. He may
excussion: voluntarily appear before the court if he chooses to do
1) None of the circumstances under Art. so. The guarantor may wish to participate because there
2059 are present; and may be defenses that he may set up which put an end to
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the guaranty, example: guaranty is not in writing, or not For the guarantor to invoke excussion, he has to show
expressly made. that none of the instances in Art. 2059 are applicable. In
addition, he must comply with Art. 2060, i.e., he must
Q: What if he receives notice and he sought legal advice set it up against the creditor upon the latter's demand
and his lawyer advised him that it is simply a notice and for payment from him, and point out to the creditor
it does not constitute summons, therefore, he may available property of the debtor within Philippine
choose to ignore it? Will there be a downside? territory, sufficient to cover the amount of the debt.
A: Wala naman. Mangyayari lang is the case will
progress against the debtor alone. In the end, the court Q: Why should the properties be in the PH?
may simply adjudge the debtor liable for the debt. If the A: Because PH courts cannot acquire jurisdiction over
writ is issued and returned unsatisfied, ngayon palang properties abroad. Moreover, it imposes additional cost
pupunta si creditor kay guarantor. Guarantor may still against the creditor which is contrary to the purpose of
resist by requiring the creditor to prove the guaranty in a guaranty, i.e. for the benefit of the creditor in securing
which case, the creditor has to relitigate to prove the the indebtedness.
existence of the guaranty. So, ang downside is really
multiplicity of suits on the part of the creditor. Q: Does a sub-guarantor also enjoy the benefit of
Purpose of excussion: To direct the creditor to the A: Yes. The guarantor of a guarantor shall enjoy the
properties of the debtor he may run after. benefit of excussion, both with respect to the guarantor
and to the principal debtor (Art. 2064).
Instances when benefit of excussion is
inapplicable: Q: How is a sub-guarantor supposed to enjoy the benefit
1. If the guarantor has expressly renounced it; of excussion?
2. If he has bound himself solidarily with the A: The sub-guarantor may point out the properties of
debtor; the guarantor should the creditor go to the sub-
3. In case of insolvency of the debtor; guarantor directly without having collected or
4. When [the guarantor] has absconded, or cannot attempted to collect from the guarantor.
be sued within the Philippines unless he has left
a manager or representative; Benefit of Division

Q: Why is this an exception? Q: When do we have benefit of division?

A: Because in case the guarantor left a A: When we have co-guaranty.
representative, there would be someone against
whom the creditor may run to in order to Q: When do you have co-guaranty?
enforce the guaranty. A: When there are two or more guarantors of the same
debtor and for the same debt (Art. 2073). This specific
5. If it may be presumed that an execution on the definition is important because the debtor may have
property of the principal debtor would not multiple debts. Moreover, the debt may be divisible and
result in the satisfaction of the obligation (Art. the co-guarantors secure only specific portions thereof,
2059). i.e., obligation of 1 million, guarantor A guarantees
350,000 and guarantor B guarantees 650,000. There are
Note: In case of judicial bondsman, he is not 2 guarantees here but they are not co-guarantors
entitled to excussion. Moreover, if the subject of the because they guaranty specific portions of the
guaranty is unenforceable or a natural obligation obligation.
and the debtor had no participation in securing the
guaranty, the guarantor who knowingly extended The benefit of division reiterates the rule that the
such guaranty can be considered in estoppel – he default liability of co-guarantors is joint.
may not invoke excussion because the principal
obligation is unenforceable or is natural. Q: What does the benefit of division indicate?

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A: The guarantor is liable only for the portion of his Q: Is there any condition before the guarantor may ask
guaranty. Should there be several guarantors of only one for reimbursement?
debtor and for the same debt, the obligation to answer A: The guarantor must notify the debtor first before
for the same is divided among all. The creditor cannot making payment.
claim from the guarantors except the shares which they
are respectively bound to pay, unless solidarity has been Q: Should he fail to give notice, does this defeat the
expressly stipulated. right of the guarantor to be reimbursed?
A: Not necessarily. However, it gives rise to the
The benefit of division against the co-guarantors ceases following consequences: First, if the guarantor should
in the same cases and for the same reasons as the benefit pay without notifying the debtor, the latter may enforce
of excussion against the principal debtor (Art. 2065). against him all the defenses which he could have set up
against the creditor at the time the payment was made
But nothing prevents co-guarantors from being (Art. 2068). Second, if the guarantor has paid without
solidarily liable among themselves. Note: If they are notifying the debtor, and the latter not being aware of
solidary with the debtor, they are co-sureties. But co- the payment, repeats the payment, the former has no
suretyship does not mean they are solidarily liable remedy whatever against the debtor, but only against
amongst themselves. They are only solidarily liable with the creditor.14 Nevertheless, in case of a gratuitous
the debtor. guaranty, if the guarantor was prevented by a fortuitous
event from advising the debtor of the payment, and the
Q: When is the benefit of division inapplicable?13 creditor becomes insolvent, the debtor shall reimburse
A: the guarantor for the amount paid (Art. 2070).
1. When the co-guarantors expressly renounce it;
2. When the co-guarantors bound themselves Q: Apart from notice, is there any other condition
solidarily; before the guarantor may ask for reimbursement?
3. In case of insolvency of the debtor; A: If the debt was for a period and the guarantor paid it
4. When the co-guarantor has absconded, or before it became due, he cannot demand
cannot be sued within the Philippines unless he reimbursement of the debtor until the expiration of the
has left a manager or representative; and period unless the payment has been ratified by the
5. If it may be presumed that an execution on the debtor (Art. 2069).
property of the principal debtor would not
result in the satisfaction of the obligation. Q: Can we ask for the return of the money from the
Q: Supposing the guarantor has paid the creditor. What A: Yes because it is solutio indebiti.
A: The guarantor who pays for a debtor must be Q: Aside from return, what other matter may be asked
indemnified by the latter. by the guarantor from the creditor?
A: Fruits or interest.
The indemnity comprises:
1) The total amount of the debt; Q: What constitutes the amount for reimbursement?
2) The legal interests thereon from the time the A: The indemnity comprises:
payment was made known to the debtor, even 1) The total amount of the debt;
though it did not earn interest for the creditor; 2) The legal interests thereon from the time the
3) The expenses incurred by the guarantor after payment was made known to the debtor, even
having notified the debtor that payment had though it did not earn interest for the creditor;
been demanded of him; 3) The expenses incurred by the guarantor after
4) Damages, if they are due (Art. 2066). having notified the debtor that payment had
been demanded of him;

13 14
This is just a rewording of Art. 2059 made applicable in case of A case for solution indebiti because the guarantor is mistaken
co-guaranty. in making payment.
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4) Damages, if they are due (Art. 2066). it cannot be extinguished except within a
period longer than ten years;
Q: May these provisions be modified by the parties? 6) If there are reasonable grounds to fear that
A: Yes. In fact, parties usually do. This agreement is the principal debtor intends to abscond;
called an indemnity agreement. They may want to 7) If the principal debtor is in imminent danger
provide for other stipulations to govern the right of the of becoming insolvent.
guarantor to recover from the debtor. In case of In all these cases, the action of the guarantor is to
indemnity agreement, the guarantor can ask for the obtain release from the guaranty, or to demand a
debtor to post a collateral. security that shall protect him from any
proceedings by the creditor and from the danger of
Atty. S: Why would parties resort to this? Kasi, there insolvency of the debtor.
may be an instance where the collateral the debtor may • Q: What reliefs are given to the guarantor in
be able to secure is unsatisfactory to the creditor but Art. 2071?
satisfactory to the guarantor. Example: debtor’s A:
supposed collateral is a land in Bukidnon. Pero si a) Obtain release from the guaranty; or
creditor taga-Luzon. Sakto si guarantor taga-Bukidnon b) Demand a security that shall protect
din. him from any proceedings by the
creditor and from the danger of
Total amount for the debt insolvency of the debtor.

Q: Is there a qualification to this? Effects of Guaranty as between Co-Guarantors

A: Yes. If the guarantor has compromised with the
creditor, he cannot demand of the debtor more than When we have co-guarantors, their liability is joint and
what he has really paid (Art. 2067, 2nd par.). not solidary. If this is the case, there is no right of
reimbursement from other co-guarantors kasi
Q: Any other qualification? consistent with joint liability, the paying co-guarantor
A: If the guaranty is constituted without the debtor’s pays only his portion.
consent or knowledge, the guarantor may only recover
insofar as the debtor has been benefitted. ARTICLE 2073. When there are two or more
guarantors of the same debtor and for the same
Legal interests debt, the one among them who has paid may
demand of each of the others the share which is
Q: What kind of interest does the law refer to here? proportionally owing from him.
Atty. S: The law is not clear. But from “even though it
did not earn interest for the creditor,” it may be If any of the guarantors should be insolvent, his
presumed that it is compensatory. share shall be borne by the others, including the
payer, in the same proportion.
ARTICLE 2071. The guarantor, even before having
paid, may proceed against the principal debtor: The provisions of this article shall not be applicable,
1) When he is sued for the payment; unless the payment has been made in virtue of a
2) In case of insolvency of the principal debtor; judicial demand or unless the principal debtor is
3) When the debtor has bound himself to insolvent.
relieve him from the guaranty within a • Art. 2073 provides for the right of the co-
specified period, and this period has expired; guarantor who pays the whole amount to
4) When the debt has become demandable, by demand reimbursement from the others. You
reason of the expiration of the period for apply this if solidarity is stipulated upon.
payment; • However, even if solidarity is not stipulated
5) After the lapse of ten years, when the upon: (a) if payment by one of co-guarantors
principal obligation has no fixed period for of the entire obligation is made on account
its maturity, unless it be of such nature that of a judicial demand; or (b) on account of
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the fact that the principal debtor is • The PPSA’s full implementation is conditioned
insolvent. upon the issuance of its implementing rules and
• Moreover, in case of the default rule (joint regulations and the establishment of a new
liability), there is no mutual guaranty. registry (wherein security interests created under
However, under Art. 2073, there is mutual the PPSA may be registered).
guaranty, i.e., other co-guarantors are liable for • The implementing rules and regulations of the
the share of the insolvent co-guarantor. This is PPSA (“IRR”) were published last November 18,
another exception and applies only if we have 2019 and came into effect on December 3, 2019.
joint co-guarantors and one of them pays by However, the registry has not yet been established.
The Land Registration Authority was required to
virtue of judicial demand or because of the
establish the registry within six months from the
insolvency of the principal debtor.
publication of the PPSA Rules.
• The period from February 9, 2019 until the
Atty. S: Kung nagbayad yung co-guarantors under Art.
establishment of the registry by the LRA is deemed
2073, bakit sa co-guarantors sila mag-ask ng to be the Transition Period.
reimbursement? Hindi sa debtor? Does this mean the • Atty. S: The PPSA was enacted in order for loans
debtor is exemptd from reimbursing? The obligation to be more accessible for small and medium
here arises primarily on the part of the co-guarantors. business organizations and enterprises.
Kasi nga, may mutual guaranty. Second reason, • The PPSA creates a uniform set of rules for using
practicality kasi it is more likely that you could collect personal property as security.
from the co-guarantors rather than the principal debtor. • Perfection: Comes after the creation of the
One of the conditions for the applicability of Art. 2073 security agreement. This differs from the
is that the debtor be insolvent. traditional mode of perfection of contracts.
• The law also expanded what may be given as
ARTICLE 2074. In the case of the preceding article, collaterals.
the co-guarantors may set up against the one who o Even future property may be given by way
paid, the same defenses which would have pertained of collateral provided: the security
to the principal debtor against the creditor, and interest is not created unless the borrower
which are not purely personal to the debtor. acquires rights in it or the power to
encumber it.
Extinguishment of Guaranty • The PPSA allows pactum commissorium. The
creditor can simply retain the collateral as
ARTICLE 2079. An extension granted to the debtor payment for the secured obligation.
• Security Interest: Includes the right of a buyer of
by the creditor without the consent of the
accounts receivable, and the lessee of the goods for
guarantor extinguishes the guaranty. The mere
a period of less than one (1) year.
failure on the part of the creditor to demand
payment after the debt has become due does not of
Repealed under PPSA As clarified under the
itself constitute any extension of time referred to
herein. Arts. 2085-2123 (provisions Arts. 2085-2092 are
• Q: Why is this a mode of extinguishing the common to pledge and repealed but only insofar
guaranty? provisions on pledge as they are applicable to
A: Because it extends the guaranty – it becomes including prohibition movable property. (Atty.
more onerous for the guarantor. against pactum S: Pactum commissorium
commisorium) still exists insofar as real
The PPSA Arts. 2127 (provision under Arts. 2127 is amended
• The Personal Property Security Act (“PPSA”) was REM on accession, insofar as it may be
enacted on August 17, 2018 and it took effect on improvements and fruits) inconsistent with the
February 9, 2019. PPSA

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Arts. 2140-2141 (Provision Repealed of credit with regard to pursuant to the PPSA and
on chattel mortgage) movables) their Rules.
Arts. 2241 (special Articles 2241, 2243, and Chattel Mortgage Law PD Repealed.
preferred credits with 2246 – 2247 of Civil Code 1529 (specifically, Sections
respect to movables) of the Philippines, insofar 114-116) on the registration
Arts. 2243 (recognition of as the preferences created of chattel mortgages.
credits under 2241 and by these provisions are
2243 as liens) inconsistent with the
Arts. 2246-2247 priority rights of the
(provisions on preference secured creditor perfected

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Pledge v. Chattel Mortgage v. Security Agreement under the PPSA

Atty. S: Before we move on to the PPSA, let’s first go back to the security agreement we will be saying goodbye to, i.e., pledge
and chattel mortgage.

Pledge Chattel Mortgage Security Agreement under

the PPSA
Subject matter Movables susceptible of All forms of tangible or
possession include intangible asset or personal
Personal property
incorporeal rights evidenced property except ships and
by documents. aircrafts.
Ownership over the Pledgor must be the owner Mortgagor must be the The grantor must have legal
subject matter owner right over the asset given as
Extent of security Pledge extends to interests Mortgage only extends to Security interest extends to
and earnings of things the property described in the proceeds, commingled
pledged in the absence of instrument assets, replacements,
contrary stipulation products
Form of validity Perfected by delivery; no No need for delivery but Security must be in writing.
need for registration registration is required for Registration is required for
validity perfection.
Binding effect on third Binding if the description of Registration also binds third Binding if perfected. (Atty.
person the thing pledged and the persons. S: Perfection is not only by
date of the pledge are in a way of registration under
public instrument. PPSA)
Security for future A pledge may stand as A chattel mortgage cannot Security Agreement may
obligations security for future secure future obligations secure future obligations
Future property as Not allowed given the need Not allowed Allowed
collateral for delivery
Prohibitions against Applies except under Arts Applies Does not apply / Secured
pactum commissorium 2112, 2118 Creditor is allowed to retain
the collateral
Manner of disposition of Public sale only Public sale – private sale by Public or private sale
the security agreement of the parties
Right to recover None even if the contrary is The creditor may recover The creditor may recover
deficiency stipulated Exception: Recto Law unless otherwise agreed
Right to the surplus None unless it is otherwise Mortgagor is entitled The grantor is entitled
Right of redemption None None There is right of redemption

Daverick Pacumio
UST Faculty of Civil Law
Culled primarily from the lectures of Atty. Carla E. Santamaria-Seña

In this case, the priority of his prior interest as against the

Transition period rights of a competing claimant that likewise arose before
the effectivity of the PPSA will be determined under the
So, what happens to the pledges and chattel prior law.
mortgages that were created and had not been
terminated prior to the effectivity of the PPSA? How can the secured creditor with prior interest do
They may be considered as prior interest which remain This should not be a problem because a written agreement
effective between the parties even if its creation did not between a grantor and a secured creditor creating a prior
comply with the creation requirements of the PPSA and its interest is sufficient to constitute authorization by the
IRR. However, a security interest that is renewed or grantor of the registration of a notice covering assets
extended by a security agreement or other described in that agreement under the IRR.
transaction made or entered into on or after the
effectivity of the PPSA is not deemed a prior interest. Priority Among Prior Interest and Conflicting
Security Interest
General Rule: The priority of conflicting security interests
A prior interest that was perfected under prior law will be determined during the Transitional Period in
continues to be deemed perfected under the PPSA until accordance with the provision of the PPSA.
the earlier of: (a) the time the prior interest ceases to be
perfected under the prior law (for instance, if the thing Except that the priority of a prior interest as against
pledged is returned by the pledgee to the pledger) or (b) the rights of a competing claimant is determined by
the beginning of the full implementation of the PPSA. the prior law if:
(Section 8.03, IRR) So, if the PPSA is fully implemented (i) The security interest and the rights of all competing
with the establishment of the Registry, the perfection claimant arose before the effectivity of the PPSA; and
of the prior interest ceases unless the perfection (ii) The priority status of these rights has not changed
under the prior law satisfies the perfection since the effectivity of the PPSA.
requirements of the PPSA.
The priority status of a prior interest has changed only if:
What is the option of the secured creditor with a prior (i) It was perfected when the PPSA took effect, but ceased
interest? to be perfected; or
He should comply with the Registration requirements of (ii) It was not perfected under prior law when the PPSA
the IRR before the perfection of his prior interest ceases took effect and was only perfected under the PPSA.
under Section 8.03. This way, the prior interest continues
to be perfected under the IRR from the time it was Enforcement of Prior Interest
perfected under the prior law. Furthermore, he can also (a) If any step or action has been taken to enforce a prior
claim priority on the basis of the registration, if any, of the interest before the effectivity of the PPSA and these Rules,
prior interest under the prior law. So, if a chattel mortgage and such prior interest falls within Section 8.02(b) (i.e.,
was registered prior to the effectivity of the PPSA its perfected not in accordance with the IRR), enforcements
perfection is deemed to continue from the time of its may continue under the prior law or may proceed under
registration under the CML and its priority will be based the PPSA and these Rules.
on the date of its registration under the CML. (In this case, (b) Subject to subsection (a) of this Rule, prior law shall
there may even be no need to register the Chattel Mortgage apply to a matter that is the subject of proceedings
anew during the transition Period considering that the before a court before the effectivity of the PPSA.
registration will also be in accordance with the CML
pending the establishment of the Registry.) [Section 8.08 What law governs security interests created during
in relation to Section 8.08(b)] the TP?

What good does it serve the secured creditor if its Creation of Security Interest. – All security interest
prior interest is deemed to have never ceased to be created during the Transitional Period are governed by the
perfected from the time of its perfection under the PPSA.
prior law?

Daverick Pacumio
UST Faculty of Civil Law
How do we perfect security interests during the sufficient, whether it is specific or general, if
Transition Period? it reasonably identifies the collateral. A
The perfection of all existing security interest created description such as “all personal property,”
during the Transitional Period shall be governed by the “all equipment,” “all inventory,” or “all
PPSA. Provided, however, that during the Transitional personal property within a generic category”
Period, registration of the security agreement with the LRA of the grantor shall be sufficient.
shall be in accordance with Section 4 of Act No. 1508, 4. The security agreement shall likewise provide
otherwise known as “The Chattel Mortgage Law”. The LRA for the language to be used in agreements and
shall also determine a system of provisional registration of notices. The grantor shall be given the option
such agreements during such Transitional Period. to have the agreement and notices in Filipino.
The Department of Finance (DOF) shall
Security Interest: A security interest is property right in prepare model agreements in plain English
collateral that secured payment or other performance of an and Filipino.
obligation, regardless of: whether the parties have 5. Where applicable, the security agreement or
denominated it as a security interest, and regardless of: control agreement must be under oath and
the type of asset, the status of the grantor or secured shall include the date and time of its
creditor, or the nature of the secured obligation. execution for purposes of determining the
date of perfection of the security interest.
By definition in the law, a security interest includes the • Note: Control agreement is not the same
right of a buyer of accounts receivable and a lessor of goods as security agreement. You apply this in
under an operation lease for not less than one (1) year for relation to deposit accounts,
purposes of registration and priority only. (Secs. 3i and 3j, intermediated securities. It is supposed to
PPSA) give instructions to the banking
institution with whom the deposits are
How is a security interest created? kept. Example: Si Mr. Dulay may deposits
sa Pacumio Bank. Binigay niya as
A security interest is created by: collateral kay Ms. Ramirez yung deposits
niya by way of control agreement. In the
(a) A security agreement or control agreement, Pacumio Bank is
bound to comply with Ms. Ramirez’
The security agreement may provide for the creation of a instructions in the event Mr. Dulay
security interest in a future property, but the security defaults in his payment.
interest in that property is created only when the grantor • Requirement of date: Kasi there may be
acquires rights in it or the power to encumber it. several security interests for one asset. We
determine priority on the basis of the
(b) The lease of [goods] under an operating lease for date.
not less than one (1) year, or • Exception: In the aforementioned
example, let’s say wala si Ms. Ramirez. If
(c) The sale of an account receivable, unless otherwise Mr. Dulay has an outstanding obligation
stipulated by all the parties in the document of sale. with Pacumio Bank and he gives his
account as collateral, there is no need
Form of security agreement for a control agreement. it is enough
that there is a security agreement.
1. A security agreement must be contained in a
written contract signed by the parties. Who are the parties to a security agreement?
“Writing” includes electronic records – it only
has to be in writing and signed by the parties. Secured creditor – a person that has a security interest.
Moreover, the agreement need not be contained in For purposes of registration and priority only, it
a single document – it may be contained in a series includes a buyer of an account receivable and a lessor to
of writings. goods under an operating lease for not less than one (1)
2. It may consist of one or more writings that, year.
when taken together, establish the intent of
the parties to create a security interest. Grantor –
3. The security agreement must identify the 1. The person who grants a security interest in
secured obligation and the collateral. A collateral to secure its own obligation or that of
description of collateral shall be considered

Page 59 of 90
another person – note: there may be a third 3. Lease of goods including financial leases and operating
person who may act as a grantor; leases for a period of not less than one (1) year
2. A buyer or other transferee of a collateral that (b) Equipment
acquires its right subject to a security interest – the (c) Inventory
security interest becomes a lien which follows the (d) Deposit accounts
property wherever it goes. It is akin to a third (e) Negotiable instruments
person buying a mortgaged property. Exception: (f) Negotiable documents of title
A buyer in good faith who acquires the collateral (g) Consumer goods
in the ordinary course of business would acquire it (h) Intellectual property
free of the security interest if he did not know (i) Livestock
about it. Exception to the exception: If the (j) Receivables
security agreement is registered, in which case, (k) Fixtures, accessions, and commingled goods, or
there would no longer be good faith on the part of (l) Future property or after-acquired assets.
the buyer.
3. A transferor in an outright transfer of an ANY TANGIBLE MOVABLE ASSET EXCLUDING SHIPS
accounts receivable; or AND AIRCRAFTS
4. A lessee of goods.
A security interest in an account receivable shall be
What may serve as collateral under the PPSA? effective notwithstanding any agreement between the
grantor and the account debtor or any secured creditor
A security interest may be created over all forms of tangible limiting in any way the grantor’s right to create a security
or intangible asset or personal property except ships and interest: Provided, Nothing in this section affects the right
aircrafts. of a buyer to create a security interest over the account
receivable. Provided, further: that any release of
Tangible asset — means any tangible movable asset. information is subject to agreements on confidentiality.15
Except in Rules 3.07, 3.08, 4.09, and 6.05, this term
includes money, negotiable instruments, negotiable A security interest must be perfected by taking any
documents and certificated non-intermediated securities one of the steps described below to make it effective
but only if the mere possession of such instruments results against third persons
in the ownership of the underlying rights or property
embodied by them in accordance with the laws governing REGISTRATION
such instruments. (For all kinds of assets)
• As a general rule, money negotiable instruments,
• Certificated non-intermediated securities: shares (For tangible assets)
of stock covered by a stock certificate without an
intermediary. Example: Pacumio Corp., EXCEPT debtor or grantor cannot take possession for the
stockholder si Mr. Dulay, issues a stock cert. in creditor for purposes of perfecting or maintaining the
favor of the latter. This stock cert. is an example collateral
of a certificated non-intermediated security.
If you’re going to effect perfection thru possession, the
Intangible asset — means any movable property other debtor cannot take possession on your behalf.
than a tangible asset including, but not limited to,
investment property, deposit accounts, commodity EXECUTION OF CONTROL AGREEMENT
contracts, and receivables. (For intangible assets)
• Commodity contracts: Shares of stock in the PSE
Tangible and Intangible Assets under the PPSA (No further acts required for deposit-taking institution
(DTI) or intermediary with security interest in deposit
(a) Rights arising from contracts, including but not limited account maintained with them)
2. Commodity contracts (For non-intermediated electronic securities)

Rule 3.08, Implementing Rules of the PPSA.
Page 60 of 90
Parang non-intermediated certificated securities but in faith. No good faith if the security interest was
this case, electronic securities lang. registered prior to acquiring the property.
Example: Nabili mo sa tindahan yung collateral.
Modes of perfection applicable to each specific You have no way of knowing if there is a security
collateral interest created. Your good faith will save you
from the application of the general rule above.
Registr Posses Contr Creati Cont Exception: if the security interest was registered.
aton sion ol on of rol
agree Securit thro Extensions of Security Interest
ment y ugh 1. Product – a security interest may be extended over raw
Agree notat materials but the security interest’s value is limited to the
ment ion value of the raw materials prior to its conversion into a
(In product. Example: security interest was created over raw
favor materials valued at P50,000. It was converted into a
of DTI product, naging P200,000. The security interest is only for
or P50,000 lang.
INT) 2. Proceeds
Tangible YES YES NO NO NO 3. Commingled Funds
Assets 4. Commingled Mass
(GR) 5. Accession
Intangibl YES NO YES NO NO 6. Replacement – not automatic. There must be a
e Assets stipulation extending the security interest to the
(GR) replacement.
diated Summary of Rules on Extension of Security Interest
Account The security interest shall extend to its identifiable or
s traceable proceeds and will be continuously perfected in
Non- YES NO YES NO YES the collateral act without need of any further act if the
intermed proceeds are in the form of money, accounts
iated receivable, negotiable instruments or deposit
electroni accounts. Otherwise, the security interest in the
c proceeds must be perfected as may be appropriate
securitie within 15 days from the time the grantor receives them
s (Example: if the proceeds are in the form of tangible
Interme YES NO YES NO NO property, you effect perfection thru possession. Example:
diated Collateral disposed of thru barter. The proceeds is tangible
Electroni asset. Thus, the security interest is perfected thru
c possession.)
If the proceeds are commingled with other funds or
Extent of security interest money, the security interest shall extend to the
commingled money or funds to the extent that the
GR: Security Interest continues notwithstanding sale, proceeds are traceable. The security interest in the
lease, or disposition of the collateral. Kaya the grantor in a commingled funds or money shall be limited to the
security agreement includes even the buyer or transferee amount of the proceeds immediately before they were
of the collateral. commingled.
1. As otherwise agreed upon by the parties; and ACCESSION:
2. Any party who obtains, in the ordinary course A perfected security interest in a movable property which
of business, any movable property containing has become a fixture, or has undergone accession or
a security interest shall take the same free of commingling shall continue provided the movable
such security interest provided he was in good property involved can still be reasonably traced.

Page 61 of 90
secured creditor is 2. SI perfected obtaining
COMMINGLED MASS: the DTI or by the food or
A security interest in a tangible asset that is commingled Intermediary conclusion of a medicine for
in a mass extends to the mass but will be limited to the (Note: you cannot control the livestock
same proportion of the mass as the quantity of the compel DTI to agreement shall have
encumbered asset bore to the quantity of the entire mass execute a control 3. SI priority over
immediately after the commingling. Note: The tangible agreement because perfected by any other
asset here excludes money, negotiable instruments and it, in effect, would registration security
certificated non-intermediated securities. Bakit excluded make such DTI a interest in the
si money? Because it may happen na ma-devalue yung common creditor) Intermediated livestock,
money. For example, a P1,000 was commingled with P20 3. SI perfected in a Securities except for a
bills. Devalued yung P1,000 bill. deposit account or perfected
investment 1. SI perfected purchase
TANGIBLE ASSETS WITH RESPECT TO WHICH property by a by the money SI in
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IS USED. control agreement. conclusion of a the livestock if
A security interest in a tangible asset with respect to which Priority among control notice is given
intellectual property is used does not extend to the control agreement to the holder of
intellectual property and a security interest in the agreements is (Why is control the conflicting
intellectual property does not extend to the tangible asset. determined by agreement perfected SI in
their dates. needed in the same
Summary of Rules for Determining Priority 4. SI perfected by intrmediated livestock
registration. securities? before the
General Rule: Priority is determined based on the time Because it grantor
of registration of a notice or perfection by other would allow the receives
means, without regard to the order of creation of the creditor to possession of
security interests and liens, or to the mode of perfection manage your the food or
except as provided in Sections 6.02 to 6.05 of these portfolio or medicine.
Rules. securities).
• In PPSA, we have two (2) stages: (a) Creation; and 2. SI perfected
(b) Perfection, which includes registration. For by registration
example, a security interest is created in favor of
Mr. Pacumio prior to it being created in favor of By Operation of Law Purchase Money
Mr. Dulay. However, it was Mr. Dulay who was Security Interest16
first able to register the same. Priority is given to Priority and Right of A purchase money
Mr. Dulay. Retention. — A person security interest in
who provides services or equipment and its
Investment Electronic Tangible materials with respect to proceeds/consumer
Property/Deposit Securities Assets the goods, in the ordinary goods shall have priority
Accounts Embodied in course of business, and over a conflicting security
Instruments retains possession of the interest, if a notice
1. Right to set- off Non- 1. SI in a goods shall have priority relating to the purchase
in favor of DTI intermediated security over a perfected security money security interest
against Securities certificate/ interest in the goods until is registered within/not
grantor’s right to instrument or payment thereof. later than three (3)
funds in a deposit 1. SI perfected negotiable business days after the
account is by a notation of document Effect of Grantor's grantor receives
preferred over a the security perfected by Insolvency. — Subject to possession of the
security interest interests in the possession the applicable insolvency equipment/consumer
therein. books 2. SI perfected law, a security interest goods.
2. SI in a deposit maintained for by perfected prior to the
account with the purpose by registration commencement of A purchase money
regard to which or behalf of the 3. SI in insolvency proceedings security interest in
the issuer livestock for in respect of the grantor inventory, intellectual

Mukhang hindi naman daw itatanong sa Bar, per Atty.
Page 62 of 90
shall remain perfected property or livestock 6. The secured creditor must give notice of the
and retain the priority it shall have priority over a intended disposition not later than ten (10) days
had before the conflicting perfected before the disposition. The requirement to send a
commencement of the security interest in the notification under this section shall not apply if
insolvency proceedings. same inventory, the collateral is perishable or threaten to decline
intellectual property or speedily in value or is of a type customarily sold on
During insolvency livestock if: a recognized market.
proceedings, the (i) The purchase money 7. The proceeds of disposition shall be applied in the
perfected security security interest is following order:
interest shall constitute perfected by possession of (i) The reasonable expenses of taking, holding,
a lien over the the inventory/livestock, or preparing for disposition, and disposing of the
collateral. acquisition of rights to collateral, including reasonable attorney’s fee and
intellectual property; and legal expenses incurred by the secured creditor;
(ii) Before the grantor (ii) The satisfaction of the obligation secured by
receives possession of the the security interest of the enforcing secured
inventory or livestock, or creditor; and
acquires rights in (iii) The satisfaction of obligations secured by any
intellectual property, the subordinate security interest or lien in the
purchase money secured collateral if a written demand and proof of the
creditor gives written interest are received before distribution of the
notification to the holder proceeds is completed.
of the conflicting 8. The secured creditor shall account to the grantor17
perfected security interest for any surplus, and, unless otherwise agreed, the
in the same types of debtor is liable for any deficiency.
inventory, livestock, or
intellectual Enforcement of the security interest in special cases
As previously mentioned, after default, a secured creditor
Steps in the enforcement of the security interest may sell or otherwise dispose of the collateral, publicly or
1. The debtor incurs in default. privately, in its present condition or following any
2. The secured creditor effects repossession of the commercially reasonable preparation or processing.
collateral unless the security interest was perfected
through possession in which case, your creditor XPNs:
would already be in possession of the collateral.
3. The repossession may be done without judicial 1. Recovery in special cases which applies in the following:
process if: (a) so stipulated in the security a. Security interest in an account receivable;
agreement AND (b) the possession can be taken b. Security interest in a negotiable document
without a breach of the peace. perfected by possession;
4. If the collateral is a fixture, the secured creditor, if c. Security interest in a deposit account maintained
it has priority over all owners and mortgagees, by the secured creditor (e.g., a secured interest in
may remove the fixture from the real property to a deposit account in favor of the deposit taking
which it is affixed without judicial process. The institution);
secured creditor shall exercise due care in d. Other cases of a security interest in a deposit
removing the fixture. account perfected by a control agreement.
5. If, upon default, the secured creditor cannot take
possession of the collateral without breach of the Atty. S: Why no need to foreclose? Because these security
peace, he must apply with the courts for an order interests have for their subject money. Alangan naman i-
granting him possession of the collateral. The foreclose mo yung money.
secured creditor must prove that a default has
occurred under the security agreement and that 2. Retention by the Secured Creditor of the Collateral in
the secured creditor has a right to take possession full or partial extinguishment of the obligation. After
of the collateral. default, the secured creditor may propose to the debtor
and grantor to take all or part of the collateral in total or

Law used the word “grantor” because the grantor is the
owner of the collateral.
Page 63 of 90
partial satisfaction of the secured obligation – this is Upon default, the secured creditor may without judicial
basically pactum commissorium. The PPSA basically process:
allowed pactum commissorium for personal property
securities. For ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES, instruct the account
debtor of an accounts receivable to make payment to the
Disposition of the Collateral18 secured creditor, and apply such payment to the
satisfaction of the obligation secured by the security
1. In disposing of collateral, the secured creditor interest after deducting the secured creditor's reasonable
shall act in a commercially reasonable collection expenses. On request of the account debtor, the
manner,19 i.e., in conformity with commercial secured creditor shall provide evidence of its security
practices among dealers in that type of property. interest to the account debtor when it delivers the
Commercial reasonableness is not negated merely instruction to the account debtor.
because a better price could have been obtained
by disposition at a different time or by a different For NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT PERFECTED BY
method from the time and method selected by the POSSESSION, proceed as to the negotiable document or
secured creditor. goods covered by the negotiable document;
2. Unless otherwise provided, notice must be given
not later than ten (10) days before disposition of For DEPOSIT ACCOUNT MAINTAINED BY THE
the collateral to the people given the right to SECURED CREDITOR (DTI), apply the balance of the
redeem. The notice must identify the grantor and deposit account to the obligation secured by the deposit
the secured creditor; describe the collateral; state account;
the method of intended disposition; and state the
time and place of a public disposition or the time For OTHER CASES OF A SECURITY INTEREST IN A
after which other disposition is to be made. Notice DEPOSIT ACCOUNT PERFECTED BY A CONTROL
shall be by registered mail, private courier, AGREEMENT, instruct the deposit-taking institution to
electronically, or through any means where pay the balance of the deposit account to the secured
receipt of the notice can be established by a creditor's account by providing:
disinterested third party. i. a copy of the security agreement that creates or provides
3. The collateral may be disposed of by public sale or for a security interest; and
by extrajudicial means. If it is extrajudicial, the ii. the secured party's affidavit stating that a default has
secured creditor may select the method, manner, occurred, and that the secured party is entitled to enforce
time, place and other aspects of the sale or other the security interest non-judicially.
disposition, lease or license, including whether to
sell or otherwise dispose of, lease or license Retention of the collateral (Pactum Commissorium)
encumbered assets individually, in groups or
altogether. The disposition must be in good faith (a) After default, the secured creditor may propose to the
and must satisfy the commercial reasonableness debtor and grantor to take all or part of the collateral in
requirement. Judicial dispositions shall be total or partial satisfaction of the secured obligation,
governed by rules promulgated by the Supreme and shall send a proposal to:
Court. 1. The debtor and the grantor;
4. The winning bidder must fully pay the bid price at 2. Any other secured creditor or lien holder who, five
the conclusion of the auction. Otherwise, the (5) days before the proposal is sent to the debtor and the
collateral may be awarded to the next highest grantor, perfected its security interest or lien by
bidder. registration; and
5. The secured creditor may buy the collateral at any 3. Any other person with an interest in the collateral
public disposition, or at a private disposition but who has given a written notification to the secured creditor
only if the collateral is of a kind that is customarily before the proposal is sent to the debtor and the grantor.
sold on a recognized market or the subject of (b) The secured creditor may retain the collateral in
widely distributed standard price quotations. the case of:
1. A proposal for the acquisition of the collateral
Recovery in special cases in full satisfaction of the secured obligation,
unless the secured creditor receives an
objection in writing from any person entitled

18 19
Mukhang hindi naman daw itatanong or magfofocus sa The standard observed in the disposition of collateral.
Bar dito, per Atty. S.
Page 64 of 90
to receive such a proposal within twenty (20) secured creditor for that purpose – the moment
days after the proposal is sent to that person – the collateral is sold, disposed of, there can be no
in case of proposal for full satisfaction, the redemption anymore. This means that this is not
objection must be in writing in order for the really a right of redemption, but rather, an equity
secured creditor to be barred from retaining the of redemption; and
collateral; or 3. The secured creditor has retained the collateral.
2. A proposal for the acquisition of the collateral
in partial satisfaction of the secured WHEN SHOULD THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION BE
obligation, only if the secured creditor EXERCISED?
receives the affirmative consent of each
addressee of the proposal in writing within Under the PPSA, the right of redemption will be
twenty (20) days after the proposal is sent to unavailable if:
that person – in case of proposal for partial
satisfaction, there must be affirmative consent in The collateral is sold or otherwise disposed of, acquired or
order for the secured creditor to effect retention in collected by the secured creditor or until the conclusion of
partial satisfaction. an agreement by the secured creditor for that purpose.
(c) A proposal for the retention of the collateral is
sufficient if it includes: Taking this in conjunction with –
1. A statement of the amount required at the time
the proposal is given to satisfy the secured SECTION 7.12. Right of Buyers and Other Third
obligation, including interest and the reasonable Parties. —
cost of enforcement, and the amount of the 1. If a secured creditor sells the collateral under
secured obligation that is proposed to be satisfied; this Chapter, the buyer shall acquire the
2. A statement that the secured creditor proposes to grantor's right in the asset free of the rights of
acquire the encumbered asset described in the any secured creditor or lien holder.
proposal in total or partial satisfaction of the 2. If a secured creditor leases or licenses the
secured obligation; collateral under this Chapter, the lessee or licensee
3. A statement of the date after which the secured shall be entitled to the benefit of the lease or
creditor will acquire the encumbered asset. license during its term.
3. If a secured creditor sells, leases or licenses the
Right of Redemption collateral not in compliance with this Chapter, the
buyer, lessee or licensee of the collateral shall
WHO MAY REDEEM? acquire the rights or benefits described in
Any one of the following is entitled to redeem the collateral subsections (a) and (b) of this section: Provided,
by paying or otherwise performing the secured that it had no knowledge of a violation of this
obligation in full, including the reasonable cost of Chapter that materially prejudiced the rights of
enforcement. the grantor or another person.

(1) The grantor; Real Estate Mortgage

(2) Any other secured creditor or lien holder who, five
(5) days before the date notification is sent to the Be mindful of the effects of the PPSA. The PPSA
grantor, held a security interest or lien in the repealed, probably unwittingly, provisions pertaining to
collateral that was perfected by registration; and REM. However, this ‘oversight’ was tried to be rectified
(3) Any other person from whom the secured creditor in the IRR, by providing for qualifications in the repeal.
received notification of a claim of an interest in the
collateral if the notification was received
Q: What is a real estate mortgage?
before the secured creditor gave notification
A: It is a contract in which the debtor guarantees to the
of the proposed disposition to the grantor.
creditor the fulfillment of a principal obligation,
subjecting for the faithful compliance therewith a real
The right of redemption may be exercised, unless: property in case of non-fulfillment of said obligation at
1. The person entitled to redeem has, after the the time stipulated.
default, waived in writing the right to redeem;
2. The collateral is sold or otherwise disposed of, Q: What may be the subject of a REM?
acquired or collected by the secured creditor A:
or until the conclusion of an agreement by the 1) Immovable properties; and

Page 65 of 90
2) Alienable rights over immovables. property as an immovable. If the contract of REM is
being assailed as invalid by a third person, you should
These real rights over real properties are also classified abide by the general rule, i.e., that REM over personal
as immovable properties. property is invalid.

Example of immovable property: Parcel of land; Q: What are the characteristics of mortgage?
Building over the parcel of land. A:
• The mortgage of the land also includes the 1) Real right
building, on the principle that the accessory 2) Accessory contract
(building) follows the principal (land). 3) Indivisible – a partial satisfaction of the
Exception: If there is a stipulation exempting obligation does not entitle the mortgagor to
the accessory/accession from being covered by have the mortgage dissolved in part as well
the mortgage. unless several properties are given by way of
• Q: What if you wish to mortgage the building mortgage and each one secures only a
only, on the assumption that the ownership of determinate portion of the obligation.
the building is different from the ownership of 4) Real property
the land? 5) Limitation on ownership
A: It is valid because a building, on its own, is likewise o Q: How is it a limitation on ownership?
an immovable property under the Civil Code, which A: Because the mortgage creates a lien on the property,
may be mortgaged. which follows such property despite the change in
• Therefore, in determining whether REM is ownership thereof. The lien follows the ownership of
proper, you have to determine whether the the property. The transferee of a property mortgaged
object of the mortgage is properly an stands the risk of losing the property once it is
immovable under the provisions of the law. foreclosed.
o Q: Can there be a prohibition against a
Example of real right over immovable property: Right of subsequent mortgage?
usufruct over real property. A: Yes, provided there is a stipulation. In fact, this is
• Q: What about easements? May easements be usual for banks. If you give registered lands as collateral,
mortgaged? the banks get the owners’ duplicate copies of title.
A: No. Easements are inseparable from the property on o What is the significance of a subsequent
which they are attached. It has no separate existence mortgage? The rights of the original
from the dominant estate. mortgagee is preferred over the rights of
• Q: Are there conditions under which easements the second/subsequent mortgagee
may be mortgaged? because the subsequent mortgagee/s
A: Yes, but the mortgage on the easement is only in acquire only the right of redemption.
relation to the mortgage of the dominant estate because 6) There can be no prohibition on the disposition
the easement attaches on the dominant estate. of the mortgaged property by the mortgagor –
this extends even beyond foreclosure, provided
Q: What would be the consequence if REM is it is still within the period of redemption. You
constituted over personal property? might ask, why would you even buy a foreclosed
A: Generally, it renders the REM invalid. Nevertheless, property? Because desperado na si mortgagor.
it is binding upon the parties because of estoppel, but it Usually, the property mortgaged would be sold
cannot prejudice the interest of third persons. How is by the mortgagor for a lower price. Example: P10
this possible? Because the definition of immovable million yung property, but it was foreclosed and
under the Civil Code includes those which are generally sold for P3 million. The mortgagor may look for
movable, but are immobilized by incorporation, i.e., a third-person buyer to buy his property for P5
paintings, sculptures, etc. million.

Q: When do we invoke estoppel? And when do we insist Requisites for a valid mortgage:
on the invalidity of the REM? 1) Constituted to secure a principal obligation;
Atty. S: Look who is assailing the contract. If the 2) The mortgagor is the absolute owner of the
contract of REM is being assailed by either of the parties, thing mortgaged;
you may properly use estoppel to uphold the validity of 3) The person constituting the mortgage has free
the REM as between them because they both treat the disposal of the thing mortgaged, or in the
Page 66 of 90
absence thereof, that he be legally authorized to encumbrance or charge on the properties of
make the mortgage; the debtor whose obligation is secured by it
4) The mortgage must be recorded in the Registry or the mortgage already constituted, but
of Property; and solely the right to compel another to
o This requirement means that the execute the same.”
mortgage be embodied in a public
document because it cannot be 3) Equitable mortgage – sale with a right of
registered if it is not embodied in a repurchase.20
public document.
o Q: What is the purpose of registration? Extent of mortgage: The mortgage extends to the
A: To notify third persons that a lien in the form of a natural accessions, to the improvements, growing fruits,
mortgage exists over the real property subject of the and the rents or income not yet received when the
mortgage. obligation becomes due, and to the amount of the
o While the law says that registration is a indemnity granted or owing to the proprietor from the
requirement for validity, an insurers of the property mortgaged, or in virtue of
unregistered mortgage is still binding as expropriation for public use, with the declarations,
between the parties. amplifications and limitations established by law,
o Q: What would be the extent of this whether the estate remains in the possession of the
validity? Would this be enough to mortgagor, or it passes into the hands of a third person.21
include the validity of the right of the • Sometimes, banks would even ask their debtors
mortgagee to foreclose on the to insure the property mortgaged and constitute
mortgage? themselves (the banks) as the beneficiary.
A: Yes. Otherwise, it would render this rule invalid.
Remedies available to the mortgagee:
5) The mortgage must be constituted over real 1) Collection; or
property but a real estate mortgage over 2) Foreclosure
personal property may be considered as valid
between the parties, unless it will be prejudicial Note: These remedies are mutually exclusive in that
to the interest of third persons. bringing an action to collect precludes the mortgagee
from foreclosing the mortgage.
Kinds of Mortgage:
1) Conventional mortgage – the parties came to an Atty. S: Therefore, once the obligation becomes due,
agreement to constitute a mortgage. you may want to opt to make an extrajudicial demand.
Because a judicial demand would preclude you from
2) Legal mortgage – that which the law requires to foreclosing.
be constituted.
o Example: the credits enumerated under In relation to BP 22: Pero, in real life, minsan they
Art. 2242 create legal mortgages. require their debtors to issue postdated checks. The
o Q: How do we reconcile the creation of creditors are then provided with leverage, i.e., the threat
legal mortgages under Art. 2242 with of bringing a criminal action for BP 22 against the
the provisions of Art. 2125? debtors. However, under the Rules on Criminal
A: Art. 2242 creates a legal mortgage Procedure, civil actions for BP 22 are instituted on the
over properties. And persons usually criminal actions and cannot be prosecuted separately
wouldn’t know that this lien would be from the latter. In cases for BP 22, the civil action is
existing. To address this situation, Art. 2125 always instituted in the criminal action.
commands that if a legal mortgage is • Q: Would this have an impact on the rights of
established by law in favor of the the creditor on the mortgage?
mortgagee, the latter acquires no right Atty. S: Yes because of the implied institution
other than the right to demand the of the civil action with the criminal action, once
execution and formalization of a document. the creditor files a criminal action for BP 22, it
According to Senator Tolentino, “to have a precludes him from foreclosing on the
legal mortgage is to have, not the real mortgage.

20 21
See Art. 1603, NCC. Art. 2127, NCC.
Page 67 of 90
property and would entitle the purchaser to the
Foreclosure issuance of a writ of possession, as well as consolidation
of title to the property.
Judicial Foreclosure: Governed by Rule 68 of the Rules
of Court. Redemption price: Purchase price + 1% interest per
• Benefits: In case of deficiency, the mortgagee- month + assessments and taxes paid + 1% interest per
creditor may collect by simply filing a motion. month on the latter. Note: In case the mortgagee is a
bank, the redemption price is not limited to the
Extrajudicial Foreclosure: Can only be availed of only purchase price, but would be based on the mortgage
if there is a stipulation allowing for the same. contract, which is usually drafted by the bank.
• Atty. S: Ginagawa in practice, the mortgagors
Redemption file an action for judicial redemption and ask for
the fixing of the redemption price. An action for
Equity of Redemption v. Right of Redemption judicial redemption is deemed equivalent to a
tender of the redemption price. This tolls the
Equity of Redemption Right of Redemption running of the redemption period if it is
A right exercised prior to A right exercised after exercised in good faith.
the sale to do away with the option sale.
the need to sell the Growing crops, even though attached to the soil, are
properties. It is exercised personal property for purposes of the Chattel Mortgage
after the mortgagor Law. However, the latter has been repealed by the PPSA.
defaults but before the So, how do you treat growing crops? If you are to give
sale or the confirmation them as a collateral, what vehicle to do you use? PPSA
of the sale by the court. or REM?
It can only be exercised in It can only be exercised in Author’s submission: It is submitted that growing
judicial foreclosure extrajudicial foreclosure. crops are real properties under Art. 415 (2), NCC.
Except: If the mortgagee Therefore, if given as collaterals, they would have to be
is a bank or a lending made the subject of a contract of REM.
institution, in which
case, there is the right of Antichresis
redemption regardless of
whether the foreclosure By the contract of antichresis the creditor acquires the
is judicial/extrajudicial. right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his debtor,
Period of redemption: Period of redemption: with the obligation to apply them to the payment of the
90-120 days from service One (1) year from the interest, if owing, and thereafter to the principal of his
of court judgement, or registration of the credit.
even beyond, provided: certificate of sale. Until
it is before the the certificate of sale is Formal Contract: It is a formal instrument. The
confirmation of sale by registered, the one (1) amount of the principal and the interest must be
the court. year period does not specified in writing. Otherwise, the contract of
begin to run. Exception: antichresis is void. It is interesting kung ibabangga natin
If the mortgagee is a bank ‘to sa provisions of the law on interest because under the
or a lending institution Civil Code, it is enough that the parties specified that
and the mortgagor is a interest should be due, even without specifically
juridical person, the stipulating on the rate thereof.
period of redemption is
only three (3) months. Real Contract: Since the antichretic creditor is entitled
to receive the fruits, he has to acquire possession over
Q: If a mortgagor exercises his right of redemption, does the property. This makes antichresis different from REM
he recover his ownership over the mortgaged property? because in the former, there is transfer of possession.
A: No. The mortgagor did not lose ownership in the first
place. However, his failure to redeem puts an end to the Obligation of the Antichretic Creditor: In return, the
mortgagor’s ownership rights over the mortgaged antichretic creditor is obligated to preserve the property

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and pay the taxes and the necessary repairs for the themselves. Since sufficient naman, bayad buo.
preservation of the property. There is an excess of P5 million. This P5 million
• Q: If the antichretic creditor gives up would be applied to ordinary preferred credits
possession, will this extinguish the antichresis? under Art. 2244. Kung may matitira pa, saka
A: No. It only extinguishes his obligation to pay the palang mababayaran si Aling Toyang. Pag wala
taxes and the necessary repairs for the preservation of nang natira, wala na makukuhang bayad si Aling
the property. The essence of the antichresis is the right Toyang.
to receive the fruits and to apply it to the interest and
Similarly, if property A is insufficient to pay all
thereafter to the principal of the loan. The antichretic
special preferred credits, the deficiency will be re-
creditor need not have possession of the property in
classified as ordinary preferred credits, if it would
order to do this.
fall under any of the instances under Art. 2244.
However, if it would not fall under the same, they
Remedies of the Antichretic Creditor in case of are re-classified as common credits.
insufficiency of the fruits: If the fruits are insufficient
to pay off the entire obligation, the creditor does not 2) Ordinary Preferred Credits
acquire ownership over the property, but acquires the 3) Common Credits
right to: (a) ask for the payment of the debt; or (b) ask
for the sale of the property. CLASSIFICATION OF CREDITS:

CONCURRENCE AND PREFERENCE OF CREDITS NB: The repeal of Arts. 2241 (special preferred credits with
respect to movables), 2243, and 2246-2247 was tempered by
the IRR of PPSA to be only to the extent that these provisions
When do we apply these rules?
are inconsistent with the priority rights of the secured
• If you have a debtor with two (2) or more creditors
creditor perfected pursuant to the PPSA.
and he cannot pay in full. Because if he can, we do
1. Special Preferred Credits under Articles 2241 and
not need to bother ourselves with these rules on
concurrence and preference of credits.
2. Ordinary Preferred Credits under Article 2244;
• There must be some kind of proceeding, where all
creditors are gathered to determine their rights
3. Common Credits under Article 2245.
and obligations in a binding manner, like
Settlement of Estate Proceedings, Insolvency
Article 2241. With reference to specific movable
Proceedings, and Liquidation of Property Regimes
property of the debtor, the following claims or liens
under the Marriage. In all of these, creditors are
shall be preferred:
required to be notified.
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the State or
Ano yung pinaghahati-hatian? It can be patrimony
any subdivision thereof – enjoy absolute preference over
(totality of the rights, obligations, and properties of the
all special preferred credits. After satisfying, all other
debtor when alive), or estate (patrimony less the rights
credits are satisfied.
extinguished by death).
(2) Claims arising from misappropriation, breach of
Classification of Credits:
trust, or malfeasance by public officials committed in
1) Special preferred credits – special because the
the performance of their duties, on the movables,
property is somehow “reserved” for certain
money or securities obtained by them;
obligations. this is because the property should be
• For Arts. 2241, 2242, 2244, take note of the
applied first to these special preferred credits, to
quaifications in the provisions.
the exclusion of all others.
• Here, there is no requirement that the movables,
money, or securities be obtained by
Example: Pedro owns property A (worth P15
misappropriation, malfeasance, or nonfeasance.
million). May utang si Pedro kay Aling Toyang na
P500,000. Subject din si property A sa unpaid
(3) Claims for the unpaid price of movables sold, on
purchase price (P5 million), real estate mortgage
said movables, so long as they are in the possession of
(P3 million), at unpaid taxes (P2 million). Yung
the debtor, up to the value of the same; and if the
utang kay Aling Toyang, excluded pa. property A
movable has been resold by the debtor and the price is
should be applied first to the unpaid taxes. Next,
still unpaid, the lien may be enforced on the price; this
babayaran yung unpaid purchase price and the
right is not lost by the immobilization of the thing by
real estate mortgage. Walang preference among
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destination, provided it has not lost its form, • In the PPSA, the term ‘secured creditor’ includes
substance and identity; neither is the right lost by the contracts of lease for not less than one (1) year.
sale of the thing together with other property for a
lump sum, when the price thereof can be determined (13) Claims in favor of the depositor if the depositary
proportionally; has wrongfully sold the thing deposited, upon the
• PPSA has a similar provision. price of the sale.
• This speaks of traceability or identifiability.
In the foregoing cases, if the movables to which the
(4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so long as the lien or preference attaches have been wrongfully
things pledged are in the hands of the creditor, or taken, the creditor may demand them from any
those guaranteed by a chattel mortgage, upon the possessor, within thirty days from the unlawful
things pledged or mortgaged, up to the value thereof; seizure. (1922a)
• Under the PPSA, we no longer have pledge or • This last paragraph which gives the creditor the
chattel mortgage. However, since the rules for power to demand the return of the movables is not
creating a security agreement is in any form, you applicable if the debtor has already disposed of the
may have a security agreement which movable in favor of a third person. stated
approximates a pledge or chattel mortgage. Only, otherwise, for this provision to apply, the movable
these transactions are treated as ordinary security must still be in the possession of the debtor.
agreements governed by the PPSA.
Article 2242. With reference to specific immovable
(5) Credits for the making, repair, safekeeping or property and real rights of the debtor, the following
preservation of personal property, on the movable claims, mortgages and liens shall be preferred, and
thus made, repaired, kept or possessed; shall constitute an encumbrance on the immovable or
real right:
(6) Claims for laborers' wages, on the goods
manufactured or the work done; (1) Taxes due upon the land or building;
• Relevant in relation to RA 6715 – law which • Also enjoy absolute preference.
provides for absolute preference of laborers’
wages. (2) For the unpaid price of real property sold, upon the
immovable sold;
(7) For expenses of salvage, upon the goods salvaged;
• ‘Salvage’ means goods recovered from loss at sea. (3) Claims of laborers, masons, mechanics and other
workmen, as well as of architects, engineers and
(8) Credits between the landlord and the tenant, contractors, engaged in the construction,
arising from the contract of tenancy on shares, on the reconstruction or repair of buildings, canals or other
share of each in the fruits or harvest; works, upon said buildings, canals or other works;

(9) Credits for transportation, upon the goods carried, (4) Claims of furnishers of materials used in the
for the price of the contract and incidental expenses, construction, reconstruction, or repair of buildings,
until their delivery and for thirty days thereafter; canals or other works, upon said buildings, canals or
other works;
(10) Credits for lodging and supplies usually furnished
to travelers by hotel keepers, on the movables Pars. 3 and 4: Whenever there is construction, the claims
belonging to the guest as long as such movables are in of laborers and suppliers of materials enjoy preference or
the hotel, but not for money loaned to the guests; lien on the construction itself. If the unpaid wages or
• Tied up with necessary deposits. monetary claims do not fall under Art. 2241 (6), and 2242
(3 and 4), they enjoy absolute preference under RA 6715.
(11) Credits for seeds and expenses for cultivation and
harvest advanced to the debtor, upon the fruits (5) Mortgage credits recorded in the Registry of
harvested; Property, upon the real estate mortgaged;

(12) Credits for rent for one year, upon the personal (6) Expenses for the preservation or improvement of
property of the lessee existing on the immovable real property when the law authorizes
leased and on the fruits of the same, but not on money reimbursement, upon the immovable preserved or
or instruments of credit; improved;

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(7) Credits annotated in the Registry of Property, in (7) Fines and civil indemnification arising from a
virtue of a judicial order, by attachments or criminal offense;
executions, upon the property affected, and only as to
later credits; (8) Legal expenses, and expenses incurred in the
• Therefore, there is a hierarchy as to credits administration of the insolvent's estate for the
annotated in the Registry, based on their dates. common interest of the creditors, when properly
authorized and approved by the court;
(8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in the partition of
an immovable among them, upon the real property (9) Taxes and assessments due the national
thus divided; government, other than those mentioned in articles
2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
(9) Claims of donors or real property for pecuniary
charges or other conditions imposed upon the donee, (10) Taxes and assessments due any province, other
upon the immovable donated; than those referred to in articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242,
No. 1;
(10) Credits of insurers, upon the property insured, for
the insurance premium for two years. (1923a) (11) Taxes and assessments due any city or
municipality, other than those indicated in articles
Article 2244. With reference to other property, real and 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
personal, of the debtor, the following claims or credits
shall be preferred in the order named: (12) Damages for death or personal injuries caused by
a quasi-delict;
Note: The workers’ money claims do not subject the
property of the employer to a lien. Ang nag-create lang ng (13) Gifts due to public and private institutions of
lien would be those falling under Ar. 2241 (6) and Art. 2242 charity or beneficence;
(3). What is the effect of RA 6715? It is to place these money
claims to the top of the hierarchy. Kahit man walang (14) Credits which, without special privilege, appear in
property upon which it is considered a lien, it is put on top (a) a public instrument; or (b) in a final judgment, if
of Art. 2244. they have been the subject of litigation. These credits
shall have preference among themselves in the order
(1) Proper funeral expenses for the debtor, or children of priority of the dates of the instruments and of the
under his or her parental authority who have no judgments, respectively. (1924a)
property of their own, when approved by the court;
(2) Credits for services rendered the insolvent by
employees, laborers, or household helpers for one year Mortgage credit, claims of furnishers of materials were not
preceding the commencement of the proceedings in fully satisfied. If we are to re-classify them, we have to
insolvency; examine Art. 2244 to see if either of them would fall under
ordinary preferred credits.
(3) Expenses during the last illness of the debtor or of
his or her spouse and children under his or her Par. 14 refers to credits which appear in a public
parental authority, if they have no property of their instrument. A mortgage must be registered, and thus, must
own; be in a public instrument. Therefore, the unpaid mortgage
credit may be classified as an ordinary preferred credit
(4) Compensation due the laborers or their dependents under Art. 2244 (14) because it appears in a public
under laws providing for indemnity for damages in instrument.
cases of labor accident, or illness resulting from the
nature of the employment; How about the furnishers of the materials’ claims? They do
not. therefore, their claims would be treated as common
(5) Credits and advancements made to the debtor for credits. So, between the mortgage credit and the claims,
support of himself or herself, and family, during the mas mauuna bayaran ang mortgage credit before the
last year preceding the insolvency; claims of the furnishers of the materials.

(6) Support during the insolvency proceedings, and for IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER:
three months thereafter; • Preferred credits enjoy preference with respect to
specific movables or immovables EXCLUDE all

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others to the extent of the value of the property to • In contrast with Articles 2241 and 2242, Article
which the preference refers. 2244 creates no liens on determinate property,
• If there are two or more credits with respect to the which follows such property. What Article 2244
same specific property, they shall be satisfied pro creates are simply rights in favor of certain
rata after the payment of the taxes and creditors to have the cash and other assets of the
assessments upon the property. insolvent applied in certain sequence or order of
• The excess, if any, after the payment of preferred priority.
credits shall be added to the free property which
the debtor may have for the payment of other SALES
• Ordinary preferred credits must be satisfied ahead
Almost everyone may enter into a contract of sale.
of common credits and as among themselves, in
accordance with the hierarchy set in Art. 2244.
Among those prohibited from selling to each other would
• The obligation of one bank to another arising from
be husband and wife.
electronic transactions made through networking
among banks, or linkages thereof with other
Q: What is the exception to the rule that they cannot sell?
entities of networks and vice versa shall be
considered absolute and shall not be subjected to
1. When a separation of property was agreed upon in
the process of preference of credits [Sec. 16(2), E-
the marriage settlements; or
Commerce Act].
2. When there has been a judicial separation or
• Securities Market Participants (brokers, etc.) – for
property under Article 191.
purposes of investor protection, trade-related
claims are deemed to have absolute priority over
Therefore, husband and wife cannot sell to one another if
all other claims of whatever nature or kind, insofar
they are governed by ACP or CPG.
as trade-related assets are concerned. Trade-
related assets – assets used by SMPs in the
Q: Why not?
ordinary course of business.
A: To prevent the circumvention of the prohibition on
• Articles 2241 and 2242 do not give the order of donation; and to prevent the spouses from defrauding the
preference or order of payment. They merely creditors of the ACP/CPG.
enumerate the credits which enjoy preference
with respect to specific movable or immovable Q: How will the prohibition protect these creditors?
properties. With respect to the same specific A: In both ACP/CPG, there is a presumption that anything
movable or immovable, creditors, with the acquired during the marriage is presumed to be ACP/CPG.
exception of the State, merely concur. There is no These properties answer for the charges against the
preference among them. ACP/CPG. In CPG, it has to be shown that in addition to
• The last paragraph of Art. 2241 applies only when absence or insufficiency, all the other obligations have
the right of ownership in such property continues been satisfied already. So, mahihirapan ang creditors to
in the debtor, and therefore, it is not applicable to obtain payment because the properties are transformed.
cases where the debtor has parted with his These properties are cut off from the properties of the
ownership therein, as where e has sold the debtor-spouse.
• Articles 2241 and 2242 only find application when The prohibition extends to sales in legal redemption,
there is concurrence of credits, i.e., when the same compromises, and renunciations. It also extends to
specific property of the debtor is subjected to the common-law spouses (Cruz v. CA).
claims of several creditors and the value of such
property is insufficient to pay in full all the Q: Who are the other people prohibited from selling to one
creditors. another?
• Here, the question of preference would arise. A:
There will be a need to determine which of the 1. The guardian, the property of the person or
creditors will be paid ahead of others. persons who may be under his guardianship;
Fundamental tenets of due process will dictate
that this statutory lien should then only be 2. Agents, the property whose administration or sale
enforced in the context of some kind of may have been entrusted to them, unless the
proceeding where the claims of all preferred consent of the principal has been given;
creditors may be bindingly adjudicated, such as
insolvency proceedings.
Page 72 of 90
3. Executors and administrators, the property of A: Yes, provided that the ownership is acquired during the
the estate under administration; delivery.

4. Public officers and employees, the property of Emptio rei speratae: Sale of thing which is capable of
the State or of any subdivision thereof, or of any future existence.
government-owned or controlled corporation, or
institution, the administration of which has been Emptio spei: Sale of hope or expectancy. Example: Lotto
entrusted to them; this provision shall apply to ticket.
judges and government experts who, in any
manner whatsoever, take part in the sale; Emptio rei: Sale of vain hope. This is void. Example: Sale
of a lotto ticket which is already drawn; Jueteng – pre-
5. Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks determined na yung mananalo. Walang chance yung mga
of superior and inferior courts, and other officers tumataya.
and employees connected with the
administration of justice, the property and Q: How do we distinguish a contract involving things to be
rights in litigation or levied upon an execution manufactured from a contract for a piece of work?
before the court within whose jurisdiction or A: In a contract involving things to be manufactured, the
territory they exercise their respective functions; seller is engaged in the manufacture of the same in the
this prohibition includes the act of acquiring by ordinary course of business. In a contract for a piece of
assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with work, the seller is not ordinarily engaged in the
respect to the property and rights which may be manufacture of the same.
the object of any litigation in which they may take
part by virtue of their profession. Reason for distinction: Remedy. In contract for piece of
work, it is an obligation to do, which cannot be enforced
6. Any others specially disqualified by law.22 thru specific performance. If it is a contract of sale, it may
be enforced thru specific performance.
For the first three (3), they may be “ratified” through the
execution of new contracts once the prohibition ceases to Q: What kind of contract is a contract of sale?
be applicable. The prohibition extends to both in-person A: A consensual contract. It is perfected upon the meeting
transactions and those conducted through a conduit. of the minds between the parties.

The SC has ruled that the scope of the prohibition does not Q: What should they agree on?
extend to the son of a lawyer who falls under the A:
prohibition, unless there is a showing that the son acts as 1. Subject matter; and
a conduit of the father. Therefore, relationship of father 2. Price
and son will not make either a conduit of the other.
Q: What about the manner of payment? Must this be
Subject Matter of Sale agreed upon?
A: Not necessarily. Because for as long as the
Q: What may be the subject matter of a contract of sale? characteristics of identity, integrity, and indivisibility of
A: payment is complied with, the payment is valid. It is only
1. Existing or has possibility to come into existence; when the parties agreed to depart from these
2. Licit; characteristics and did not provide for the manner of
3. Determinate or determinable. partial payments where we can say that there is no
perfected contract of sale.
Q: May a generic thing be subject matter of a sale?
A: Yes, once the subject matter is delivered and accepted Stages in a Contract of Sale
by the creditor or the buyer. Once the creditor accepts it, 1. Negotiation
the thing which was previously a generic thing is now 2. Perfection
segregated from others of the same kind kasi it has been 3. Performance or Consummation
accepted. They came to an agreement that the thing is the
subject matter of the sale. Negotiation

Q: May I sell something which I do not own yet?

Art. 1491, NCC.
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• There may be transactions that exist which would A: If what you have is an option without a separate
not readily mean that the parties would eventually consideration, breach of such promise would make you
enter into a contract of sale. liable for damages under the provisions of the law on
• There is offer, counter-offer, and acceptance. human relations, i.e., Art. 19, NCC – the abuse of rights
principle, in conjunction with Art. 20 or 21. Note: In this
Q: What is an offer? stage, the remedy for asking for damages presupposes that
A: An invitation to enter into a contract of sale. there is abuse of right. This means hindi porket inalok niya
sa iba, there would automatically be liability under Art. 19.
Q: What should be set forth in the offer? It must come within the context of abuse of rights, i.e., it is
A: Anything. for the sole purpose of causing damage. The abuse of rights
in this case may be by making the offeree believe that the
Q: If an offer is made to you, what can you do? property intended to be sold is his for the taking, and
A: Accept absolutely – there is a perfected contract. Make which caused the latter to take up loans in order to buy the
a counter-offer – there is a rejection of the offer. property, and the offeror withdrew his promise just to
inconvenience or humiliate him.
Q: Should the acceptance be express?
A: No. It may be implied (see Art. 1320). For example: Q: Why are we limited to the provisions on human
Paying the purchase price. relations?
A: Because there is no contract yet. There is no contract to
Q: Is there an expiration date attaching to the offer? enforce by way of damages. We are forced to sue under the
A: An offer becomes ineffective upon the death, civil provisions on human relations because there is no contract
interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either party before between the parties yet.
acceptance is conveyed (Art. 1324).
Q: What should happen in order for there to be a contract
Perfection of a contract starts with offer. The acceptance of between them?
the offer must be unqualified. If qualified, it constitutes a A: There must be a separate consideration for the grant of
counter-offer. the option, in which case, it ripens into an option
The offer may be comprised of a promise.
Q: Would the presence of such consideration prevent the
Option offeror from breaking his promise?
A: No. But such breaking of the promise will make him
Q: If a promise to sell is made, what kind of option does liable for damages, this time for breach of contract. Instead
this result into? of suing under the provisions of human relations, he will
A: Option to sell. You are also giving an option to buy. bring his suit under the provisions of a contract.

Q: If a promise to buy is made, what kind of option does If you have an option contract, you do not have to go thru
this result into? the problem of making it under the provisions of abuse of
A: Option to buy. rights. You only have to prove: (a) a contract; and (b) a
breach of such contract.
If the promise is accepted, we have an option. This gives
the offeree the right to buy or sell. Q: What if it is a mutual promise to buy and to sell? Would
this amount to a contract of sale?
Q: If you made an promise to sell. Will this limit your rights A: No.
as an offeror?
A: Yes. You grant the right to the offeree to buy. The Example of promise to buy and sell: A promises to buy a
consequence on your part will be limiting your right to dog for P5,000 on 24 June 2022 and B promises to sell the
make an offer which consists of offering to sell only to the dog on 24 June 2022 for such amount.
Q: What prevents it from becoming a contract of sale?
Q: How long does the option last? A: Because what was agreed upon was only a promise. They
A: It depends on the agreement. the offeree must, however, did not agree to buy and sell. They only promised to sell
wait until the period lapses. and to buy. This promise, however, may be mutually
enforced. The parties may be compelled to perform their
Q: What will be the consequence of breach of this promise undertakings in this contract, but not by judicial action.
to sell?

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Note: It is enough for a contract of sale to come into sell in a right of first refusal. In right of first refusal, what
existence if there is a meeting of the minds on the subject we have is only the identity of the subject matter and the
matter and the price. promise to sell in the future. Mas may potential to come
into existence si option contract.
Q: If an option contract is breached because the offeror has
sold the subject matter of the option to someone else, is If the right of first refusal is breached, however, you can
specific performance available? only ask for damages under the provisions of human
A: No. To enforce a promise to sell or to buy would be relations. Parang option lang yan.
enforcing an obligation to do, because you are basically
asking the parties to make good on their promise to sell or Equatorial v. Mayfair: The right of first refusal was made a
to buy. You are compelling the other party to enter into a basis not only for specific performance or damages, but
contract of sale with you, which is violative of the also for accion pauliana to rescind the contract between
Constitutional prohibition against involuntary servitude. the lessor who granted the right of first refusal and the
third party-buyer, to whom the lessor sold the property.
The consideration supporting the option contract should
not amount to earnest money. Facts:

Q: Why? Mayfair Theater, Inc. was a lessee of portions of a building

A: Because in case the consideration is an earnest money, owned by Carmelo & Bauermann, Inc. Their lease contracts
it would indicate that there is a perfected contract of sale contained a provision granting Mayfair a right of first
and specific performance may lie. Not just perfected, but refusal to purchase the subject properties. However, before
also a partially performed contract of sale because there the contracts ended, the subject properties were sold by
has already been partial payment. Carmelo to Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. which
prompted Mayfair to file a case for the annulment of the
Earnest Money v. Option Money Deed of Absolute Sale between Carmelo and Equatorial,
specific performance, and damages.
Earnest Money Option Money
Forms part of the purchase Money given which is a Issue: W/N rescission is available?
price distinct consideration for
an option contract Ruling: YES. In the instant case, the right of first
Given when there is a Applies to a sale which is refusal is an integral part of the contracts of lease. The
perfected contract of sale not yet perfected consideration is built into the reciprocal obligations
Payor must pay the Optionee need not pay any of the parties. To rule that a contractual stipulation such
balance of the purchase balance. He merely forfeits as that found in paragraph 8 of the contracts is governed
price the option money, except by Article 1324 on withdrawal of the offer or Article 1479 on
if there is a stipulation promise to buy and sell would render ineffectual or
allowing him to recover, "inutile" the provisions on right of first refusal so
wholly or partially, the commonly inserted in leases of real estate nowadays. The
option money. Court of Appeals is correct in stating that Paragraph 8
was incorporated into the contracts of lease for the
Right of First Refusal: A promise to sell at some future benefit of Mayfair which wanted to be assured that it
time, conditioned on the eventual decision of the promisor shall be given the first crack or the first option to buy
to, in fact, sell. However, at present, there is no intention the property at the price which Carmelo is willing to
to sell yet. accept. It is not also correct to say that there is no
consideration in an agreement of right of first refusal.
Example: In a contract of lease, there was a provision The stipulation is part and parcel of the entire
stating that in case the lessor decides to sell the property contract of lease. The consideration for the lease
leased, the lessee shall have the right to first buy it. includes the consideration for the right of first
refusal. Thus, Mayfair is in effect stating that it consents
Q: If you would compare the right of first refusal to an to lease the premises and to pay the price agreed upon
option contract, which of the two would be more provided the lessor also consents that, should it sell the
‘enforceable’? leased property, then, Mayfair shall be given the right to
A: The option contract. This is because damages may be match the offered purchase price and to buy the property
recovered in case of breach of an option contract. However, at that price.
the right of first refusal is enforceable only if embodied in
a contract. This is because there is not even an intent to

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Atty. S: We have a contract of lease with a right of first
refusal, which is part of the provisions of the contract. For contract of sale, if the purchase price is not paid,
Therefore, there is a contract between the parties and there rescission is available because the parties are the reciprocal
is a consideration given for this right of first refusal, i.e., the debtors and creditors of one another. The non-payment of
same consideration for the principal contract. The lease the purchase price is a negative resolutory condition which
contract was violated and under it, the lessee has this right. brings about the extinguishment of the contract of sale. By
Such violation is enough to justify the rescission of the extinguishment, it is presupposed that a contract of sale
contract between the lessor and the third person. really existed.
• So, what do you do when confronted with this
issue? You only apply Equatorial if the facts are on Atty. S: Be careful in appreciating the conditions in a
all fours with the facts of the case. otherwise, apply contract.
the general rule, i.e., that only damages under
human relations may be available for breach of a Contract to Sell: The condition affects the perfection of
right of first refusal, not rescission. the contract.

Contract of Sale vs. Contract to Sell Conditional Contract of Sale: The condition affects the
performance of the contract.
Contract to Sell: A preparatory contract where the • Example of conditional contract of sale: There is a
ownership of the subject matter remains with the seller contract of sale. The property is a prime lot, but it
pending the fulfillment of the suspensive condition, is occupied by squatters. If you are the one
usually the full payment of the purchase price. negotiating the sale, the condition may be for the
seller to eject the squatters. The buyer undertakes
Q: If there is non-payment of the purchase price, what to pay only if the seller gets rid of the squatters in
should the seller do to get out of the contract? his property. The seller is obligated that upon his
A: Nothing. The non-payment of the purchase price is a delivery of the property, the same is already free of
non-fulfillment of the suspensive condition which would squatters.
have perfected the contract of sale. • Q: What if the seller breached this obligation?
A: Where the obligation of either party to a
Contract of Sale contract of sale is subject to any condition which
is not performed, such party may refuse to proceed
Q: What is the effect of non-payment of purchase price in with the contract or he may waive performance of
a contract of sale? the condition (Art. 1545).
A: It entitles the seller to enforce the contract of sale, i.e.,
rescission, specific performance, damages. Moreover, the Forms of Contract of Sale
seller becomes an unpaid seller.
There is no requirement for the observation of certain
Q: Is rescission available in a contract to sell? forms for its validity, subject to the Statute of Frauds, viz:
A: No. The non-fulfillment of the suspensive condition 1) Sale that by its terms cannot be performed within
prevents a contract from arising. There is, therefore, no one (1) year from the making thereof;
contract to rescind. 2) Sale of goods, chattels, or things in action for a
price not less than P500;
Example of a contract to sell: I am selling you this parcel of 3) Sale of real property or of an interest therein.
land for P1 million payable in installments for 12 months,
and upon full payment of the purchase price, I would be Q: Oral contract of sale of a parcel of land. Status?
compelled to execute a deed of absolute sale. A: Valid but unenforceable. Thus, you cannot avail of Art.
1357 to compel the other party to observe the proper form.
Jurisprudence settles it that if there is a contract and the
seller executes a deed of sale once the purchase price has However, if you the sale of a parcel of land is in a private
been made, it is a contract to sell. document, you have a valid and enforceable contract of
sale which allows you to compel the other party to have it
However, in contract to sell, if the purchase price is not in a public document under Art. 1357.
paid, the remedy is not rescission – it is simply to consider
the contract (the contract of sale) as never having arisen at Note: In case of sale of parcel of land by an agent, the
all. This is because in a contract to sell, the full payment of authority of the latter must be in writing. Otherwise, the
the purchase price is the positive suspensive condition sale is void.
which gives rise to a contract of sale.

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Performance or Consummation Stage o Q: When do we consider the items as
actually delivered to the buyer?
Obligations of the Seller A: Generally, delivery to the courier is
1) Delivering the thing sold delivery to the buyer because the courier
2) Extend warranties to the sale is deemed the bailee of the buyer for
purposes of transportation. Exception:
Q: What is the purpose of delivery? There is an indication of intention to the
A: To transfer possession and ownership of the thing sold contrary. Sa Shopee, parang ganon kasi
to the buyer. pagka-deliver, the courier is required to
take a picture of you with the item/parcel.
Q: How is delivery effected? It ma b intention to the contrary because
A: the seller is acknowledging its potential
1. Actual – physically transferring possession of the liability for damages.
property to the buyer.
2. Constructive Note: If there is a bill of lading covering the goods
a. Tradition through public instrument; which states that it is deliverable to the
o You have to be mindful of the seller/agent or to the order of the seller/agent, the
execution of the contract of sale. title remains in the seller.
If one of them is embodied in a
public instrument, there is Article 1477. The ownership of the thing sold shall be
already delivery of property to the transferred to the vendee upon the actual or
other party, whose contract is in constructive delivery thereof.
a public instrument. • Ownership is required only during delivery
o Q: When will it not ripen to because it is at that point that he is obliged to
delivery? transfer ownership and one cannot transfer
A: When the contrary is ownership of something which he does not have.
stipulated; or when the seller is • Exceptions:
not in possession of the property. 1. When the owner is, by his conduct, precluded
from denying the seller's authority to sell
b. Tradition symbolica – when, in lieu of (estoppel);
transferring physically the items subject 2. When the contrary is provided for in
matter of the sale, the buyer is provided recording laws;
the key to where the subject matter is o Example: Mr. Depano has property
deposited. Example: Kaban kaban na sako registered in his name through a
ng bigas, it will be more practical to give forged deed of sale. Mr. Depano forged
the buyer the key to the warehouse; Ms. Duran’s signature and was able to
c. Tradition brevi manu; convince the RD that there was
d. Tradition longa manu; transfer in Mr. Depano’s name. Under
e. Tradition constitutum possessorium; the Torrens System, persons relying on
f. Quasi-tradition. Mr. Depano’s title would be protected.
A buyer in good faith and for value can
Delivery which does not vest ownership: rely on what is written/not written in
1. Delivery on sale or return – ownership transfers to the Torrens title. If Mr. Depano sells
the buyer but not to use the property sold, but to the property to a buyer in good faith
sell it to the public. Example: Consignment in and for value, the Torrens System
department stores. For you not to pay, you agree protects that person when ordinarily,
to pay only those which you are able to sell. Yung the third person should not acquire
mga hindi mo naibenta, pwede mo ibalik. any rights to the property as Mr.
2. Delivery on sale or approval – ownership transfers Depano, in fact, did not acquire any
only upon approval or the lapse of the period of right over the property.
approval. 3. When the sale is made under the statutory
3. Delivery where seller reserves title or ownership – power of sale or under the order of a court of
Example: You paid via credit card. The seller competent jurisdiction – Because it is a forced
reserves ownership until payment has actually sale. This usually takes place in execution
been effected. sales. We are, therefore, relying on the court’s
4. Delivery to courier – Example: Lazada or Shopee. authority.

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4. When the sale is made in a merchant's store 1. The person who first registered in good
in accordance with the code of commerce and faith;
special laws – to protect the economy;23 2. The person who first acquires possession
o Q: How does this protect our in good faith; or
economy? 3. The person who has oldest title.
A: Because to hold otherwise would
essentially compel the buyers in 1. The person who first registered it in good faith
merchants stores or markets, or
instance, to check the ownership of the Q: When should good faith exist in order to allow the
properties the seller is selling. They rights of the first buyer to be defeated by the rights of the
would constantly be put on guard. This second buyer?
would not be conducive in a free A: At the time of registration, under the law. But
market. These merchant stores are according to Atty. S: Good faith must exist both at the
informal establishments. You would time of acquisition and at the time of registration.
not really have an assurance where This is because if there is bad faith at the time of
they got their wares. It is possible that acquisition, which may be before the registration, then the
these merchants would not have title registration is automatically in bad faith. However, there
over what they are selling. But you may be an instance when even if you are in good faith at
would not want to stop people from the time of the perfection of the contract, you become in
buying kasi kahit maliit silang bad faith before registration, i.e., nalaman ni second buyer
establishments, they complete the na may first buyer pala. This also tells us that the first buyer
framework of our economy. has the power to end the good faith of the second buyer by
Tumatakbo yung pera dun. letting the second buyer know of the first sale before
o Atty. S: The defense of relativity of registration. Kung ikaw si first buyer at nalaman mong may
contracts or lack of privity to the second sale, you may opt to register, but you may just
contract between the buyer and the check kung registered na yung second sale, at kung hindi
seller is a weak defense because the pa, ipakita mo lang kay second buyer na may deed of sale
rightful owner has a real right over his in your favor as first buyer. This is sufficient to put the
property, which is enforceable against second buyer in bad faith.
you. So, you have to consider and raise,
as a defense, this exception. The rule is still first in time, first in right. Art. 1544
5. Under Art. 1506, the sale by a seller who at the simply provides for exceptions. The first buyer, being the
time of delivery had voidable title to the thing first in time, has stronger title over the second buyer. It is
delivered. the second buyer who has to comply strictly with the
o Because the title of the seller is valid provisions of Art. 1544.
until it is set aside. Moreover, if the
buyer is in good faith, for value, and Elements of Double Sale:
without notice of the seller's defect of 1. The two (or more) sales transactions must
title, he acquires title over such goods constitute valid sales
without the defect. 2. The two (or more) sales transactions must pertain
o Q: What if the three (3) requisites are to exactly the same subject matter
not complied with or knew that the 3. The two (or more) buyers at odds over the rightful
seller’s title is defective? ownership of the subject matter must each
A: The buyer ‘inherits’ the defect of represent conflicting interests
the seller’s title. 4. The two (or more) buyers at odds over the rightful
ownership of the subject matter must each have
Double Sales bought from the very same seller

Rules on double sales Res perit domino: The owner bears the risk.
• Movable property: The person who first took
possession in good faith has title. In movable ARTICLE 1504. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods
properties, possession in the concept of an owner remain at the seller's risk until the ownership therein
is equivalent to title. is transferred to the buyer, but when the ownership
• Immovable property: therein is transferred to the buyer the goods are at the

Art. 1505, NCC.
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buyer's risk whether actual delivery has been made or Article 1262. An obligation which consists in the
not, except that: delivery of a determinate thing shall be extinguished
1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to if it should be lost or destroyed without the fault of the
the buyer or to a bailee for the buyer, in debtor, and before he has incurred in delay.
pursuance of the contract and the ownership
in the goods has been retained by the seller When by law or stipulation, the obligor is liable even
merely to secure performance by the buyer of for fortuitous events, the loss of the thing does not
his obligations under the contract, the goods extinguish the obligation, and he shall be responsible
are at the buyer's risk from the time of such for damages. The same rule applies when the nature of
delivery; the obligation requires the assumption of risk.
2) Where actual delivery has been delayed • Applies to obligations to deliver determinate
through the fault of either the buyer or seller things.
the goods are at the risk of the party in fault. • Art. 1262 only speaks of the obligation to deliver as
being extinguished. It did not say that the entire
Q: What principle is embodied in Art. 1504? obligation is extinguished.
A: Res perit domino. The basis for the assumption of risk • Q: If the thing is lost without the fault of the seller,
of loss is ownership. would the buyer still be obligated to pay?
A: No. A contract of sale involves a reciprocal
Exceptions to res perit domino: obligation, where the performance by one is
1. If the delivery is made to the buyer for the purpose of dependent on the readiness of the other to comply
transferring the risk even though the title still remains with with what is due him. If the seller is no longer
the seller – the purpose of retention of the title is to secure ready to comply with his obligation, the buyer
performance of the obligation. should not be compelled to comply with his. This
is Senator Tolentino’s view.
2. Where actual delivery has been delayed through the fault
of either the buyer or the seller, in which case, the risk will However, Justice Paras is of a contrary view and
be placed upon the party at fault, and there’s no justification submits that the obligation of the seller to deliver
for such delay is extinguished, but the obligation [of the buyer]
to pay is not extinguished” as the necessary
Art. 1504 used the term goods, which refer to chattels. We consequence even when the underlying contract is
associate these with documents of title, or items which are reciprocal because “this happens only when the
transacted using bills and documents. seller is able to deliver but does not. In such a case,
the buyer is not required to pay, for lack of
However, we have Art. 1480, viz: reciprocity. It is different if the law excuses the
seller, but not the buyer.” Buyer should pay even if
ARTICLE 1480. Any injury to or benefit from the thing he does not receive the object lost through a
sold, after the contract has been perfected, from the fortuitous event, since “there was a cause or
moment of the perfection of the contract to the time consideration, at the time the contract was
of delivery, shall be governed by articles 1163 to 1165, perfected, the thing purchased still existed.”
and 1262.
This rule shall apply to the sale of fungible things,
made independently and for a single price, or without Express warranty: any affirmation of fact or any promise
consideration of their weight, number, or measure. by the seller relating to the thing is an express warranty if
the natural tendency of such affirmation or promise is to
Should fungible things be sold for a price fixed induce the buyer to purchase the same, and if the buyer
according to weight, number, or measure, the risk purchases the thing relying thereon.
shall not be imputed to the vendee until they have
been weighed, counted, or measured and delivered, Implied warranty: an affirmation inherent in the contract
unless the latter has incurred in delay. of sale, and provided by law.
• Speaks of fungible things.
• Art. 1262 refers to loss of determinate thing. Q: May we have a contract of sale without certain implied
• In the last paragraph, we go back to res perit warranties?
domino because the last par. of Art. 1480 speaks of A: Yes. Example: Sale of a second-hand car; Sale in an “as
delivery. is/where is” basis; Sale of products at a lower price. In these

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instances, the buyer should know that there are ‘defects’ in A: When there is a final judgement.
the thing.
Q: The vendee was ran off the premises by a person
Kinds of Implied Warranties claiming to be the owner. May he sue for breach of
warranty against eviction?
1) Warranty Against Eviction A: No. It is not by final judgement. it is not a judicial
eviction. It is just physical eviction.
It is two (2)-tiered: (1) warranty that the seller had title
at the time when ownership is to pass; and (2) the buyer Q: When do we have a final judgement?
is guaranteed to enjoy the legal and peaceful possession A: When there is a disposition of the case on the merits.
from the time the thing is delivered. The vendee need not appeal from the decision in order
that the vendor may become liable for eviction.24
(1) warranty as to title – the seller only has to have title
at the time he has to make delivery because this is the Q: What if the handling of the case was simply bad and
moment he has to pass title. One cannot pass what one the matter could have been overturned had it been
does not have. appealed, would this be taken against the buyer?
A: No. The vendee is not required to appeal from the
(2) warranty to let the buyer enjoy legal and peaceful decision in order to hold the vendor liable for eviction.25
possession – the seller warrants that the buyer will not However, the vendee should implead the vendor as his
be evicted. co-defendant. Otherwise, this warranty is waived.26

Requisites for the Warranty Against Eviction: Q: What happens once the seller is impleaded?
(DFPC) A: The seller defends his title over the property so as to
1. Purchaser has been Deprived of the whole or prevent eviction from even taking place.
part of the thing sold;
2. Eviction is by Final judgement; Instances When Vendor is not liable for the
3. Basis is a right Prior to the sale, or an act Warranty Against Eviction:
imputable to the seller; and 1. Adverse possession that was commenced
before the sale but was completed after the sale
Example: Art. 1551 – if the property is sold for (Art. 1550);
non-payment of taxes due, and not made 2. Express waiver on the part of the buyer (At.
known to the buyer before the sale, there is 1554) – Note: the vendor must be in good faith.
warranty for breach of warranty against And even in case the seller is in good faith, the
eviction. Pasok naman sa requisites of eviction. effect is dependent upon the knowledge of the
buyer of the risks of waiving this warranty, viz:
4. Seller has been summoned and made a Co-
defendant in the suit for eviction at the Kinds of Waivers:
instance of the buyer. a. Consciente – if the waiver is made
without knowledge of the risk of
Note: Eviction does not have to be total. It may be eviction and the assumption of the
partial. consequences. It has been said that
consciente is not really a waiver. Why?
Warranty against eviction may be enforced against a Because a waiver is a voluntary
judgement debtor. Let’s say a mortgage was foreclosed, relinquishment of a known right.
the purchaser at the auction sale will also be enjoying Here, the vendee has no knowledge
this warranty against eviction. and cannot be said to have assumed
the risk of eviction. Therefore, if there
Q: Does warranty against eviction apply to judicial is consciente and eviction takes place,
sales? the vendee shall pay the value the
A: Yes, unless the order of the court states that the thing sold had at the time of eviction.
vendor is exempt from warranty against eviction. b. Intencionada – if the waiver is made
with the knowledge of the risk of
Q: When does eviction take place?

24 26
Art. 1549, NCC. Art. 1558, NCC.
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eviction and the assumption of the one without the other. The remedies of the buyer
consequences. are:
o Rescission
3. The property is sold for nonpayment of taxes o Indemnity (Art. 1555).
due and the buyer knew of the risk attached to
the property with regard to the potential Even in partial eviction, there must be a final
foreclosure for nonpayment of taxes (Art. 1551); judgement.
4. If the judgement decreeing judicial sale Q: If there is no final judgement evicting the
exempts the vendor from warranty against buyer, what remedy does the buyer have? Let’s say
eviction (Art. 1552). the purchase price is payable by installments.
A: ARTICLE 1590. Should the vendee be disturbed
Rights of the vendee in case of eviction in the possession or ownership of the thing
• Total eviction: Only indemnity as provided for acquired, or should he have reasonable grounds to
under Art. 1555 fear such disturbance, by a vindicatory action or a
foreclosure of mortgage, he may suspend the
Art. 1555. When the warranty has been agreed payment of the price until the vendor has caused
upon or nothing has been stipulated on this point, the disturbance or danger to cease, unless the
in case eviction occurs, the vendee shall have the latter gives security for the return of the price in a
right to demand of the vendor: proper case, or it has been stipulated that,
1. The return of the value which the thing notwithstanding any such contingency, the
sold had at the time of the eviction, be it vendee shall be bound to make the payment. A
greater or less than the price of the sale; mere act of trespass shall not authorize the
2. The income or fruits, if he has been suspension of the payment of the price.
ordered to deliver them to the party who
won the suit against him; Therefore, the option to suspend payment is
3. The costs of the suit which caused the available. If the disturbance, however, does not
eviction, and, in a proper case, those of amount to a court action, as in mere trespass, Art.
the suit brought against the vendor for the 1590 is inapplicable.
4. The expenses of the contract, if the Q: Why not?
vendee has paid them; A: Because warranty against eviction does not
5. The damages and interests, and apply in case of mere trespass. Therefore, Art. 1590
ornamental expenses, if the sale was made contemplates a threat of court or judicial action,
in bad faith. e.g., threat of foreclosure of mortgage. Moreover,
as owner, you have to defend your title in case of
Q: How come for item no. 5, the law only made trespass under the Doctrine of Self-Help.
mention of ornamental expenses?
A: Because in this instance, we would apply the Q: There is an accion reivindicatoria vs. the
law on accession (builder in good faith). The vendee, the latter filed a MTD after including the
recovery of ornamental expenses is an exception vendor as co-defendant. The MTD was denied.
to the rule in builder in good faith because Such denial became final. Is this sufficient
ornamental expenses are not recoverable as a compliance for the warranty against eviction to
matter of right – the law only gives a limited right attach?
of removal. And it is only when the owner defeats A: No. Denial of the MTD is simply an
the right of removal of the builder in good faith, interlocutory order. It is not the final judgement
would the law provide for reimbursement. contemplated by law. There is still something
more to be done.
There can be no rescission because the buyer
evicted cannot retain what he has bought. 2) Warranty Against Hidden Defects
• Partial eviction: (a) If a part of the thing sold, but
the part lost is of such importance in relation to Requisites of Hidden Defects
the whole, that the vendee would not have bought 1. Defect must be hidden
the property without said lost part; or (b) if two (2) 2. Defect must exist at the time the sale was made
or more things are sold for a lump sum, and it 3. Defect must ordinarily have been excluded
appears that the vendee would not have purchased from the contract

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4. Defect, must be important (render the thing Merchantable quality: There is fitness for a general
unfit for the use for which it was intended or purpose.
considerably decreases fitness)
5. Action must be instituted within the statute of ARTICLE 1565. In the case of a contract of sale by
limitations sample, if the seller is a dealer in goods of that kind,
6. Reasonable notice to the seller there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free
from any defect rendering them unmerchantable which
3) Warranty Against Non-Apparent Servitudes - If the would not be apparent on reasonable examination of
immovable sold should be encumbered with any non- the sample
apparent burden or servitude, not mentioned in the • Another instance of warranty of merchantability.
agreement, of such a nature that it must be presumed
that the vendee would not have acquired it had he been Remedies in breach of warranty of fitness and
aware thereof, he may ask for the rescission of the merchantability:
contract, unless he should prefer the appropriate 1. Withdraw from the contract; and
indemnity. 2. Demand a proportionate reduction of the
Exception: If the servitude is registered, because Note: With damages in either case.
registration is constructive notice.
Prescription: 6 months from delivery of the thing sold.
Exception to the exception: If there is an express
warranty that the thing is free from all burdens and Note: A stipulation waiving this liability is valid if the
encumbrances. vendor is in good faith, i.e., that he did not know of
the hidden defects.
Example of non-apparent servitude: Easement of lateral
and subjacent support; Right of way which is Q: What if the thing suffering from hidden defects is
intermittent, i.e., walang visible path, kapag lost? (see Arts. 1568 and 1569)
natatabunan na ng talahib yung supposed right of way. A:
• If the loss is by reason of the hidden defect:
Remedies in breach of warranty against non- o And the vendor was aware: the vendor
apparent servitude: bears the loss and shall return the price
1. Rescission – within one (1) year from execution and refund the expenses of the contract.
of contract of sale o And the vendor was not aware: the
2. Indemnity – within one (1) year from execution vendor must return the price with interest
of contract of sale and reimburse the expenses.
o Difference, per Atty. S: The ‘loss’ is more
Note: (1) and (2) may be enforced within one (1) broad. It may be more than the price.
year from the execution of the deed of sale. • Loss of thing with hidden defects in case of
However, after one (1) year, only damages may be fortuitous event:
asked for. o Seller is in good faith: Price paid less the
value of the thing when lost.
3. Damages – after one (1) year from the execution o Seller is in bad faith: Same + damages.
of the contract of sale; one (1) year from the
discovery of the servitude or burden. Animals

Q: Would it be possible to bring an action for The warranty against hidden defect is inapplicable in
damages on this warranty after four (4) years case of sale of animals which are condemned.
from execution of the deed of sale? • Example: The animal is dying, but his sickness
A: Yes, if the servitude was discovered on the is not contagious.
third year after the sale.
The sale of animals suffering from contagious diseases
4) Warranty of Fitness and Merchantability (Art. 1562) is void.

Fitness: There is a particular purpose for which the Redhibitory defect: A defect which cannot be
thing is to be used detected, even through professional inspection.

Art. 1560, NCC.
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buyer fails to give notice to the seller of the breach
Remedy: Rescission and proportionate reduction, in any promise of warranty within a reasonable
which must be exercised within 40 days form delivery. time after the buyer knows, or ought to know of
However, if the veterinarian relied upon was unable to such breach, the seller shall not be liable therefor.
detect the defect thru negligence or incompetence, the
veterinarian is likewise liable. Art. 1587. Unless otherwise agreed, where goods are
delivered to the buyer, and he refuses to accept
Q: Are there persons who are not liable under these them, having the right so to do, he is not bound to
warranties? return them to the seller, but it is sufficient if he
A: Yes. These article shall render liable a sheriff, notifies the seller that he refuses to accept them. If
auctioneer, mortgagee, pledgee, or other person professing he voluntarily constitutes himself a depositary
to sell by virtue of authority in fact or law, for the sale of a thereof, he shall be liable as such.
thing in which a third person has a legal or equitable
interest. Q: What if the buyer has cause to reject the goods, e.g.,
hidden defects? Should the buyer return it?
Obligations of the buyer: A: No. It is enough for the buyer to notify the seller that
1) Payment - at the time, place and manner he is refusing acceptance. It is incumbent, then, on the
stipulated in the contract. seller to retrieve the goods from the buyer.
Q: When is interest on the purchase price
required? Q: What if the buyer constitutes himself as depositary,
A: Art. 1589. The vendee shall owe interest for the would this be wise?
period between the delivery of the thing and the A: No. He takes it upon himself to be subjected to the
payment of the price, in the following three cases: obligations of a depositary, e.g., the obligation to
1) Should it have been so stipulated; preserve the thing and return it intact.
2) Should the thing sold and delivered
produce fruits or income; Remedies of a Seller in case of Fear that the Purchase
3) Should he be in default, from the time of Price is Not Paid or in case such Purchase Price is Not
judicial or extrajudicial demand for the Paid
payment of the price.
ARTICLE 1591. Should the vendor have reasonable
2) Acceptance – the buyer must be afforded time to grounds to fear the loss of immovable property sold
examine the thing delivered to him. It is only after and its price, he may immediately sue for the
examination, that there can be acceptance. rescission of the sale.

If the vendee makes it necessary for the vendor to Should such ground not exist, the provisions of article
deliver via courier, and the terms of the delivery is via 1191 shall be observed. (1503)
COD, the right to examine may not be exercised until
the purchase price has been paid. Q: When will this happen?
A: Example, si seller nadeliver niya na kay buyer, na-
Q: When is the buyer deemed to have accepted the rehistro na ni buyer and the seller has reasonable grounds
goods? to belief that he might be defrauded by the buyer who may
A: ARTICLE 1585. The buyer is deemed to have accepted sell the property to a buyer in good faith. The seller stands
the goods when he intimates to the seller that he has to lose both the property and the purchase price.
accepted them, or when the goods have been delivered
to him, and he does any act in relation to them which Q: What if the reasonable belief pertains only to non-
is inconsistent with the ownership of the seller, or payment of purchase price?
when, after the lapse of a reasonable time, he retains A: The seller may rescind under Art. 1191.
the goods without intimating to the seller that he has
rejected them. ARTICLE 1592. In the sale of immovable property, even
though it may have been stipulated that upon failure
Art. 1586. In the absence of express or implied to pay the price at the time agreed upon the rescission
agreement of the parties, acceptance of the goods of the contract shall of right take place, the vendee
by the buyer shall not discharge the seller from may pay, even after the expiration of the period, as
liability in damages or other legal remedy for long as no demand for rescission of the contract has
breach of any promise or warranty in the contract been made upon him either judicially or by a notarial
of sale. But, if, after acceptance of the goods, the

Page 83 of 90
act. After the demand, the court may not grant him a Where the buyer is entitled to rescind the sale and
new term. (1504a) elects to do so, he shall cease to be liable for the price
upon returning or offering to return the goods. If the
Important points for Art. 1592: First. Under Art. 1592, in price or any part thereof has already been paid, the
case of rescission of sale of immovables, it must be thru (1) seller shall be liable to repay so much thereof as has
judicial; or (2) notarial act. Second, until rescission is been paid, concurrently with the return of the goods,
effected in such manner, the buyer may continue to pay or immediately after an offer to return the goods in
until after the expiration of the period. This is a shortcut to exchange for repayment of the price.
Art. 1191 because in Art. 1191, pwede ma-deny pa yung
action ni seller for rescission. Dito sa Art. 1592, so long as Where the buyer is entitled to rescind the sale and
the contract of sale involves immovable property, the elects to do so, if the seller refuses to accept an offer of
vendee may continue paying even after the expiration of the buyer to return the goods, the buyer shall
the period for him to pay. thereafter be deemed to hold the goods as bailee for
the seller, but subject to a lien to secure the payment
Remedies in case of Breach of Contract of Sale of any portion of the price which has been paid, and
with the remedies for the enforcement of such lien
ARTICLE 1599. Where there is a breach of warranty by allowed to an unpaid seller by article 1526.
the seller, the buyer may, at his election:
(5) In the case of breach of warranty of quality, such
(1) Accept or keep the goods and set up against the loss, in the absence of special circumstances showing
seller, the breach of warranty by way of recoupment in proximate damage of a greater amount, is the
diminution or extinction of the price; difference between the value of the goods at the time
of delivery to the buyer and the value they would have
(2) Accept or keep the goods and maintain an action had if they had answered to the warranty.
against the seller for damages for the breach of
warranty; Q: Why would the buyer want to keep the goods?
A: Because the seller would want to save himself from
(3) Refuse to accept the goods, and maintain an action expenses.
against the seller for damages for the breach of
warranty; With regard to no. (4), we are talking about partial
rescission or breach of warranty against hidden defects.
(4) Rescind the contract of sale and refuse to receive
the goods or if the goods have already been received, Q: What is the consequence of the buyer opting to rescind?
return them or offer to return them to the seller and A:
recover the price or any part thereof which has been • If he has not paid the purchase price: the buyer is
paid. no longer liable for the purchase price. He may
return or offer to return the thing.
When the buyer has claimed and been granted a • If he has paid the purchase price: the seller must
remedy in anyone of these ways, no other remedy can repay the purchase price concurrently with the
thereafter be granted, without prejudice to the return of the thing or immediately after the offer
provisions of the second paragraph of article 1911. to return the goods have been made.
• If the seller refuses to accept the goods: the buyer
Where the goods have been delivered to the buyer, he may retain the goods as a bailee for the seller.
cannot rescind the sale if he knew of the breach of Since the buyer is asking for repayment, he has the
warranty when he accepted the goods without protest, rights of an unpaid seller.
or if he fails to notify the seller within a reasonable
time of the election to rescind, or if he fails to return With regard to no. (5), the seller may ask for damages.
or to offer to return the goods to the seller in • Measure of damages: the difference between the
substantially as good condition as they were in at the value of the goods at the time of delivery to the
time the ownership was transferred to the buyer. But buyer and the value they would have had if they
if deterioration or injury of the goods is due to the had answered to the warranty. This means the
breach or warranty, such deterioration or injury shall difference between the value of the goods at the
not prevent the buyer from returning or offering to time of delivery and the value of the goods had
return the goods to the seller and rescinding the sale. there been no breach of warranty as to quality.

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Example: You bought a TV which is defective. The
purchase price is P60,000 but because of the breach of Q: What is the consequence of cancelling the sale?
warranty as to quality, it is worth only P5,000. The A: Mutual restitution.
damages recoverable = P55,000.
Q: Will there be an exception to this rule?
Recto Law A: Yes. In case there is a stipulation that the installments
or rents paid shall not be returned to the vendee or lessee
ARTICLE 1484. In a contract of sale of personal shall be valid insofar as the same may not be
property the price of which is payable in installments, unconscionable under the circumstances (Art. 1486).
the vendor may exercise any of the following remedies:
Q: What could be the rationale for forfeiture?
(1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the A: The installments received by the vendor are considered
vendee fail to pay; as reasonable rentals for the use by the vendee of the goods
(2) Cancel the sale, should the vendee's failure to pay
cover two or more installments; Q: Why is deficiency not recoverable in case of foreclosure
of chattel mortgage under the Recto Law?
(3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing sold, if A: Because normally, a property sold during an auction sale
one has been constituted, should the vendee's failure is usually sold for a low price. It would be unfair for the
to pay cover two or more installments. In this case, he buyer na nawalan na nga siya ng property, tapos
shall have no further action against the purchaser to magbabayad pa sila ng utang. This is to prevent this
recover any unpaid balance of the price. Any situation.
agreement to the contrary shall be void.
Q: What remedy is most favorable under the Recto Law?
Q: To what contracts does the Recto Law apply? A: Specific performance. This is because it allows the
A: unpaid seller to recover the entire unpaid purchase price
a) Sale of movable property on installments; without any limitation. As opposed to cancellation,
b) Contracts purporting to be leases of personal mawawalan pa si seller – ibabalik na niya yung binayad
property with option to buy (Art. 1485) – ratio: sakanya and then baka nag-depreciate pa yung personal
because contract of lease with option to buy property in the hands of the buyer. Personal property
approximates a contract of sale of movables on depreciates easily, as opposed to real property which
installments. appreciates. More so in foreclosure, where the seller is not
allowed to recover deficiency.
Q: What is a sale by installments?
A: A sale which involves at least three (3) or more Q: When do we say that the other remedies have been let
payments, per jurisprudence. go?
A: Judicial demand – when you file an action in court for
Remedies under the Recto Law: specific performance, you are foregoing the foreclosure of
a) Exact fulfillment the mortgage.
b) Cancellation of the sale – if there are 2 or more
installments unpaid Q: If the sale by installment is covered by a check, and the
c) Foreclosure of chattel mortgage – if there are 2 or check bounced, what is the effect of the filing of a criminal
more installments unpaid and a chattel mortgage case for a bouncing checks law on the other remedies?
is one has been constituted. Note: This departs A: The seller is deemed to have elected specific
from the rule on mortgages because here, the performance because the civil action arising from a
secured creditor may not recover deficiency. criminal action under BP 22 cannot be instituted
Q: What if after one failed installment, you filed a
complaint na for specific performance and then there are Maceda Law
subsequent installments unpaid?
A: Amend your complaint. Republic Act 6552, entitled the “Realty Installment Buyer
Protection Act” (also the “Maceda Law”), provides for
Q: What if the buyer manifested his inability to make certain protection to particular buyers of real estate
subsequent payments? payable on installments. The law declares as “public policy
A: You may now enforce the payment of the entire to protect buyers of real estate on installment payments
obligation. against onerous and oppressive conditions.

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which may have been agreed upon.28 It is also called a
Q: What kind of immovable properties are subject of the pacto de retro sale.
Maceda Law? • In case of exercise of a right of repurchase, mere
A: Residential properties. tender is sufficient. There is no need to effect
Purpose: To protect the buyer who cannot afford to
purchase real property on cash and installment basis. Equitable Mortgage: A transaction which, although it
lacks the formality/denomination of a contract of
a. If buyer has paid at least 2 years of installments mortgage, the manifest intention of the parties is to have
then defaults: the property secure an existing obligation
• Buyer has right to a grace period of 1 month per
year of installment payment made BUT the buyer ARTICLE 1602. The contract shall be presumed to be an
may only avail of the grace period once every 5 equitable mortgage, in any of the following cases:
• Buyer has right to the refund of Cash Surrender (1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is
Value (CSV): 50% of total amount paid + 5% for unusually inadequate;
every year after the first 5 years of installments
BUT total CSV should not be greater than 90% of (2) When the vendor remains in possession as lessee or
total amount paid. otherwise;
• After the lapse of the grace period, buyer is given (3) When upon or after the expiration of the right to
a notice of cancellation or demand for rescission
repurchase another instrument extending the period
by notarial act, effective 30 days from the buyer’s
of redemption or granting a new period is executed;
receipt thereof AND only upon full payment of
(3) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of the
purchase price;
b. If buyer has paid less than 2 years of installments:
• Grace period of at least 60 days
(4) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes on
• After the lapse of the grace period, buyer is given the thing sold;
a notice of cancellation or demand for rescission
by notarial act, effective 30 days upon receipt (6) In any other case where it may be fairly inferred
thereof that the real intention of the parties is that the
transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or the
c. During the grace period, the buyer shall also have performance of any other obligation.
the right:
• To sell or assign his rights, evidenced in a notarial In any of the foregoing cases, any money, fruits, or
instrument other benefit to be received by the vendee as rent or
• To update his account otherwise shall be considered as interest which shall
• To pay in advance any installment, or the full be subject to the usury laws.
unpaid balance of the price, without any interest,
and to have such full payment of the purchase (1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is
price annotated in the certificate of title covering unusually inadequate
the property.
If the price is too low for the property being sold, and there
Extinguishment of Sale is a loan obligation, perhaps the transaction is an equitable
a) Same causes for extinguishment of ordinary mortgage.
b) Conventional redemption (2) When the vendor remains in possession as lessee or
c) Legal redemption otherwise

Conventional Redemption: Conventional redemption Hindi kasi madalas mangyari na the vendor remains in
shall take place when the vendor reserves the right to possession of the property sold.
repurchase the thing sold, with the obligation to comply
with the provisions of article 1616 and other stipulations (3) Extension of the period of redemption

Art. 1601, NCC.
Page 86 of 90
can be liable for damages under the Abuse of Rights
(4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of the Principle.
purchase price
Kinds of damages:
Bakit niya i-retain yung part of the purchase price? Because 1. Mental
if we look at it from the perspective that the buyer is the 2. exemplary
creditor, the retention by the creditor of the purchase price 3. nominal
is basically the equivalent of the interest on the loan of the 4. temperate
debtor. 5. actual
6. liquidated
(5) Payment of taxes due by the vendor
Actual Damages
(6) Any other case
Article 2199. Except as provided by law or by
Atty. S: Creditors prefer pacto de retro sale in order to stipulation, one is entitled to an adequate
circumvent the prohibition on pactum commissorium. compensation only for such pecuniary loss suffered by
him as he has duly proved. Such compensation is
Remedy in case of existence of equitable mortgage: referred to as actual or compensatory damages.
Reformation of instrument.

Legal Redemption Compensation or damages for an injury that will put the
injured party in the position in which he had been before
Three kinds of legal redemption: he was injured. They pertain to such injuries or losses that
a) Legal redemption by a co-owner (Art. 1620); are actually sustained and susceptible of measurement.
b) Legal redemption by a co-heir (Art. 1088); and
c) Legal redemption by owners of adjoining rural Exception to requirement of proof:
lands/urban lands (Arts. 1621-1623). 1. Law
2. Stipulation – Example: parties executed a MOA.
Difference between Art. 1620 and 1088: The parties stipulated that a statement of account
detailing the damages for the claims to be
Art. 1620 Art. 1088 recovered is enough for recovery of actual
The sale consists of an The sale is the hereditary damages.
interest in some particular right itself, fully or in part,
property or properties of and in the abstract sense, Article 2216. No proof of pecuniary loss is necessary in
the inheritance without specifying any order that moral, nominal, temperate, liquidated or
particular object. exemplary damages, may be adjudicated. The
If the price is excessive, This option is not given to assessment of such damages, except liquidated ones,
redeeming co-owners may redeeming co-heirs Art. is left to the discretion of the court, according to the
only pay reasonable price. 1088. circumstances of each case.

DAMAGES Bakit singled out ang liquidated damages dito? Because in

case of liquidated damages, you only have to prove: (a) the
contract; and (b) the breach thereof.
Damages: Damages is the sum of money which the law
awards or imposes as a pecuniary compensation, a What does the law mean when it says that no proof of
recompense or satisfaction for an injury done or wrong pecuniary loss is required? Does this dispense with the
sustained as a consequence either of a breach of a requirement to adduce proof absolutely? No. It means that
contractual obligation or a tortious act. there must at least be some basis for the award of damages.
For instance, when it comes to moral damages, the
The injury or wrong must arise from a violation of some claimant is presented on the stand about what he
right. If it does not, there can be no recovery of damages experienced, e.g., moral anguish, wounded feelings,
under the principle of damnum absque injuria. sleepless nights, etc.

If the exercise of a right is in good faith, there can be no 2 factors comprising actual damages:
liability for damages. However, if you are exercising your 1. Actual loss (damnum emergens); and
right for no other reason than to injure another person, you 2. Lost profits (lucrum cessans)

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Formula: Net earning Capacity = Life Expectancy
Note: According to the SC, damnum emergens is no x [Gross Annual Income – Living Expenses (50%
different from lucrum cessans. of gross annual income, if Living Expenses cannot
be determined)]
Actual loss is easy because all you have to prove is the
market value of the thing lost. There is no room for Life Expectancy = 2/3 (80 – age of the deceased)
Final formula: 2/3 (80 – age of the deceased) x
How do you prove lost profits? [Gross Annual Income – Living Expenses (50% of
In one case, the SC said that lost profits should not be gross annual income, if Living Expenses cannot be
granted on the basis of speculation. It is enough that there determined)]
is reference to some reasonably definite standard such as
established experience or direct inference from known Gross annual income is proven through payslips,
circumstances. to justify actual or compensatory damages, income tax returns, among others.
it is necessary to prove the same with competent proof and
on the best evidence available by the injured party the GR: The rule, however, is there must be
amount of loss. Example: A is claiming for lost profits. He documentary evidence.
can use the earnings of his business in the recent months Exception: (1) deceased was self-employed and
as basis. earning less than the minimum wage; or (2)
deceased was employed as a daily-wage earner
What does the law require of the injured party? earning less than the minimum wage.
Exercise the diligence of a good father of a family.
Example: Kung nakagat ka ng aso, linisin mo yung sugat In case of death, the following can be recovered:
mo. Magpa-turok ka ng anti-rabies.
Article 2206. The amount of damages for death
Extent of damages: caused by a crime or quasi-delict shall be at
least three thousand pesos, even though there
For contracts and quasi-contracts may have been mitigating circumstances. In
• Good faith – natural and probable consequences addition:
of the breach of the obligation and which the
parties have foreseen or could have reasonably (1) The defendant shall be liable for the loss of
foreseen at the time the obligation was the earning capacity of the deceased, and the
constituted. The underscored portion provides for indemnity shall be paid to the heirs of the
a limitation, i.e., that the damages should have latter; such indemnity shall in every case be
been foreseeable. assessed and awarded by the court, unless the
• Bad faith – all damages which may be reasonably deceased on account of permanent physical
attributed to the non-performance of the disability not caused by the defendant, had no
obligation. It does not matter whether the same earning capacity at the time of his death;
were foreseeable or not.
(2) If the deceased was obliged to give support
For crimes and quasi-delicts: Same rule as in breach of according to the provisions of article 291, the
contract/quasi-contract in bad faith. This is because Art. recipient who is not an heir called to the
2202 provides that in crimes and quasi-delicts, the decedent's inheritance by the law of testate or
defendant shall be liable for all damages which are the intestate succession, may demand support
natural and probable consequences of the act or omission from the person causing the death, for a period
complained of. It is not necessary that such damages have not exceeding five years, the exact duration to
been foreseen or could have reasonably been foreseen by be fixed by the court;
the defendant. Note: In crimes, the damages may be
increased or decreased depending on aggravating or (3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate
mitigating circumstances. descendants and ascendants of the deceased
may demand moral damages for mental
What comprises lost profits: anguish by reason of the death of the deceased.
1. Loss or impairment of earning capacity – it may be
temporary or permanent (in which case the person 2. Injury to plaintiff’s business standing or
must have died). commercial standing – Example: May business ka,
then may nag-Tiktok nirereklamo yung pagkain

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mo. Hindi naman totoo. You therefore have a (11) In any other case where the court deems it just and
cause of action for damages. Your basis would be equitable that attorney's fees and expenses of
the injury suffered by your business reputation. litigation should be recovered.
Before, yung sa Jollibee, twalya yung naging In all cases, the attorney's fees and expenses of
chicken. litigation must be reasonable.

Article 2207. If the plaintiff's property has been Moral Damages

insured, and he has received indemnity from the
insurance company for the injury or loss arising out of Article 2217. Moral damages include physical suffering,
the wrong or breach of contract complained of, the mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
insurance company shall be subrogated to the rights reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social
of the insured against the wrongdoer or the person humiliation, and similar injury. Though incapable of
who has violated the contract. If the amount paid by pecuniary computation, moral damages may be
the insurance company does not fully cover the injury recovered if they are the proximate result of the
or loss, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover defendant's wrongful act for omission.
the deficiency from the person causing the loss or
injury. Only a human being may experience these.

This provides for the right of subrogation. This is common However, may a juridical person recover moral damages?
in cases of motor vehicle mishaps. Normally, sinasabi na GR: No.
mag-claim nalang sa insurer. Pero hindi nagtatapos kapag
binayaran ng insurer. The insurer will be subrogated to the XPN: Chevron Philippines v. Mendoza (June 2020): A
rights of the insured and may claim from the negligent corporation may recover damages if its reputation is
party causing the loss. However, the insurer may raise the debased resulting in social humiliation.
premiums paid depending on you, e.g., kung ikaw lagi ka
nababangga, the insurer may increase the premiums you Can moral damages be recovered for breach of contract?
are paying because you are not a good driver. No. If you would look at Art. 2219, which enumerates the
instances when moral damages are recoverable, it does not
Atty. S: There is also a rule here that provides for co- include breach of contract.
participation. For example: In case 20,000 ang proceeds, XPNS:
8,000 ang babayaran mo. 1. Breach of contract of carriage in case death results;
Article 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's 2. The breach of contract was attended by bad faith.
fees and expenses of litigation, other than judicial
costs, cannot be recovered, except: Nominal Damages
(1) When exemplary damages are awarded;
(2) When the defendant's act or omission has Nominal damages are adjudged in order that a right of the
compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded by the
to incur expenses to protect his interest; defendant, may be vindicated or recognized, and not for
(3) In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss
the plaintiff; suffered by him (Art. 2221).
(4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or
proceeding against the plaintiff; Cannot co-exist with compensatory damages, or with
(5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad temperate damages.
faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid,
just and demandable claim; Example: Breach of non-compete clause which does not
(6) In actions for legal support; provide for liquidated damages; Failure to follow
(7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household procedural due process in termination of employment.
helpers, laborers and skilled workers;
(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's Temperate Damages
compensation and employer's liability laws;
(9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability Temperate or moderate damages, which are more than
arising from a crime; nominal but less than compensatory damages, may be
(10) When at least double judicial costs are awarded; recovered when the court finds that some pecuniary loss
has been suffered but its amount cannot, from the nature
of the case, be provided with certainty (Art. 2224)

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Provided when the court finds that some pecuniary loss
has been suffered but its amount cannot be proved with

Liquidated Damages

Already discussed.

Exemplary or Corrective Damages

Exemplary damages or corrective damages are imposed, by

way of example or correction for the public good, in
addition to the moral, temperate, liquidated or
compensatory damages (Art. 2229)

Article 2234. While the amount of the exemplary

damages need not be proved, the plaintiff must show
that he is entitled to moral, temperate or
compensatory damages before the court may consider
the question of whether or not exemplary damages
should be awarded. In case liquidated damages have
been agreed upon, although no proof of loss is
necessary in order that such liquidated damages may
be recovered, nevertheless, before the court may
consider the question of granting exemplary in
addition to the liquidated damages, the plaintiff must
show that he would be entitled to moral, temperate or
compensatory damages were it not for the stipulation
for liquidated damages.

Pointers for demand letter:

• Put all of your facts in the letter. Para kapag
tinanggap ng kalaban at hindi niya sinagot or
hindi niya dineny yung pertinent facts favorable to
you, you may use it as an admission;
• Do not make it too detailed because baka magamit
pa laban sayo.

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