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1. (a) Find the charge on 1 gm ion of N3- ion. [Ans. 2.891 x 105 coulombs]
(b) Calculate total no. of electrons in 1.6 gm of methane. [Ans. 6.02 x 1023 electrons]
(c) Calculate total no. of electrons in 1.8 gm of water. [Ans. 6.02 x 1023 electrons]
(d) Find, (i) the total number of neutrons and (ii) the total mass of netutrons in 7 mg of C14 (Assume that
mass of a neutron = 1.675 x 10-27 kg). [Ans. (i) 24.092 x 1020 neutrons, (ii) 4.03541 x 107 kg]
2. The density of mercury is 13.6 gm/cc. Calculate approximately the diameter of an atom of mercury assuming
that each atom is occupying a cube of edge length equal to the diameter of mercury atom.
[Ans. 2.9 x 10 cm]
3. Calculate the frequency of the light ray emitted, when an electron drops from a higher to a lower level of an
atom. The difference between the energies of which is 35.64 x 10-13 erg. (h = 6.624 x l0-27 erg/sec).
[Ans. 5.38 x 10M sec-1]
4. An electron is moving with a kinetic energy of 4.55 x 10 J. Calculate de Broglie wavelength for it.

[Ans. 7.28 x l0-7m]

5. What is the energy in joules of a single photon of wavelength 250 x 10-9 m. [Ans. 7.944 X 10-19 joule]
6. Calculate the frequency of the spectral line emitted when the electron in (n = 3) in hydrogen atom de-excites
to ground state (RH = 109737 cm-1). [Ans. 2.92 x 1015 sec-1]
7. (a) Calculate the velocity (cm sec ) of an electron placed in the third orbit of the hydrogen atom. Also

calculate the number of revolutions per second that this electron makes around the nucleus. [Ans. 2.42 x l014]
(b) Calculate the energy of hydrogen atom in the first excitation state. [Ans. 328.04 kj/mole]
8. In a hydrogen atom, an electron jumps from a third orbit to the first orbit. Find out the frequency and
wavelength of the spectral line. [Ans. 1025.4 Å, 2.925 x 1015 sec-1]
9. The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. What will be the ionization energy of He+
and Li2+ ions.. [Ans. 54.4 eV, 122.4 eV]
10. Calculate the wavelength and energy of radiation emitted for the electronic transition from infinity to
stationary state of one of the hydrogen atom. Given C = 2.9979 x 108 m/sec, R = 1.09678 x 107 m-1,
h = 6.6256 x 10-34 J sec [Ans. 217.9 x 10-23 kj, 9.11 x 10-8 m]
11. The energy of the electron in the second and third Bohr orbits of hydrogen atom is -5.42 x 10-12 erg and -
2.41 x 10-12 erg respectively. Calculate the wavelength of the emitted radiation when the electron drops from
third to second orbit. [Ans. 6603.0 A]
12. The ionization energy of He+ is 19.6 x 10-18Jatom-1. Calculate the energy of the first stationary state of Li2+.
[Ans. 44.1 x 1018 J atom-1]
13. Calculate the wavelength in angstroms of the photon that is emitted when an electron in Bohr orbit n = 2
returns to the orbit n = 1 in the hydrogen atom. The ionization potential of the ground state of the hydrogen
atom is 2.17 x 10-11 ergs per atom. [Ans. 1221 x 10-10 m, 1221 Å]
14. The electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by E = -21.7 x 10-l2/n2 ergs. Calculate the energy required to
remove an electron completely from n = 2 orbit. What is the longest wavelength in cm of light that can be
used to cause this transition? [Ans. 3667 Å]
15. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 242 nm is just sufficient to ionise the sodium atom. Calculate
ionization energy of sodium in kJ mole-1. [Ans. 494 kj/mole]
16. Show that the wavelength of 150 gm rubber ball travelling at a velocity of 50 m/sec is short enough to be
observed. [Ans. 8.834 x 10-30 m]
17. The photoelectric effect consists of the emission of electron from the surface of the metal; when the metal is
irradiated with light. A photone with a minimum energy of 3.97 x 10-19 J is necessary to eject an electron
from barium.
(a) What is frequency of the radiation corresponding to this value?
(b) Will the blue light with wavelength 450 nm be able to eject the electron?
[Ans. (a) 5.98 x 1014 S-1, (b) Yes]
18. According to Bohr's theory, the electronic energy of hydrogen atom in the nth Bohr's orbit
is given by 21.76 xl0-19 J/n2. Calculate the longest wavelength of light that will be needed to remove an
electron from third Bohr orbit of He+ ion. [Ans. 2055 Å]

19. Calculate the energy in kilo calories per mole of the photons of an electromagnetic radiation of wavelength
3800 Å. [Ans. 75.26 Kcal/mole]
20. A photon of light with wavelength 6000 A has energy E. Calculate the wavelength of photons of a light
which corresponds to an energy equal to 4E. [Ans. 1500 Å]
21. (a) Calculate the radius of Bohr's first orbit for hydrogen atom and the energy and velocity of electron in
this orbit. (b) Calculate the Bohr's radius for 5th orbit of hydrogen atom.
[Ans. (a) 0.53 Å, -2.178 x 10-18 J, 2.188 x 106 m/sec, (b) 13.225 Å]
22. Calculate the frequency and wavelength of the light emitted when the electron drops from higher to lower
energy states. The difference between two electronic states is 200 kJ mole-1 and Nh = 39.70 x 10-14 kJ/mole
where N is Avogadro number and h is planck's constant. [Ans. v = 5.038 x 1014 sec-1, λ = 5955 Å]
23. Calculate the frequency, energy and wavelength of the radiation corresponding to the spectral line of lowest
frequency in Lymen series in the spectra of hydrogen atom. Also calculate the energy for the corresponding line
in the spectra of Li2+ (RH = 1.09678 x 107 m-1, c = 2 x 108 rns-1, h = 6.625 x 10-34 J sec)
[Ans. 1215 A, 2.469 x 1015 Hz, 10.22 eV, 91.98 eV]
24. Find the wavelength in A of the line in Balmer series that is associated with the drop of the electron from
fourth orbit. The value of Rydberg constant is 109676 cm-1. [Ans. 4862.8 Å]
25. The remove an electron from 1s orbital of hydrogen, I is the ionization potential. Calculate energy required
(a) Remove an electron from 3d orbital.
(b) To promote an electron from 1s to 3d orbital. [Ans. (a) 1/9 I, (b) 8/9I]
26. Calculate the kinetic energy of photo electron emitted from the surface of potassium, in ergs, when exposed
to a radiation of wavelength of 4000 Å. The work function of potassium is 2.26 eV. What is velocity of the
photons emitted? [Ans. 1.34 x 10-12 ergs, 5.442 x 107 cm/sec]
27. Energy of 118.5 kcal/mole is required to ionise sodium atom. Calculate the lowest frequency of light that can
ionise a sodium atom and the corresponding wavelength. One kcal/mole corresponds to 6.95 x 10-14
ergs/atom. [Ans. 1.243 x 1015 sec-1, 2413.5 Å]
28. Given the speed of light as 3.0 x 10 m/sec and the electron mass as 9.1 x 10-28gm. Calculate the de Broglie

wavelength for an electron travelling at 1 per cent the speed of light. [Ans. 2.4xl0-10m]
29. Assuming Monsieur de Broglie weighed 70 kg. What was his wavelength when he was jogging at 15km/h?
[Ans. 2.72 x 10-36 metre]
30. What is the de Broglie wavelength for an electron in the innermost orbit of the hydrogen atom?
[Ans. 3.34xl0-8cm]
31. For photons of wavelength λ = 4500 Å calculate, (a) wave number (b) frequency, (c) erg/photon
(d) joules per mole of photons.
[Ans. (a) 2.22x106m-1, 6.667x1014 sec-1, 44.176 x 10-13 erg, (d) 266 kj mole-1]
32. The dissociation I2 2I ; utilises one photon per iodine molecule dissociated. The maximum
wavelength λ for this is 4995 Å. Calculate num-ber of moles of iodine dissociated per kilo joule of photon energy.
[Ans. 4.175 x 10-3 moles of I2]
33. Absorption of energy by an atom of hydrogen in the ground state results in the ejection of electron with de
Broglie wavelength λ = 4.7 x 10-10 m. Given that the ionization energy is 13.6 eV. Calculate the energy of
photon which caused the ejection of electron. [Ans. 3.27 x 10-18 joule]
34. The velocity of electron in a certain Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom bears the ratio 1 : 275 to the velocity of
light. What is the quantum number V of the orbit and the wave number of the radiation emitted for the
transition from the quantum state (n +l ) to the ground state? [Ans. n = 2, υ = 9.751 x 104]
35. Photo electric emission requires a threshold frequency υ0 For a certain metal λ1 = 2200 Å and λ2 = 1900 Å
produce electrons with maximum kinetic energy values KE1 and KE2. If KE2 = 2KE1 calculate υ0 and
corresponding wavelength λ0. [Ans. υ0 = 1.1483 x 1015 s-1 λ0 = 2612.5 Å]
36. Photo chemical dissociation of oxygen results in the production of two oxygen atoms, one in the ground
state and one in the excited state:
O2 O + O*

The maximum wavelength X needed for this is 174 nm. If the excitation energy O O* is
3.15 x l0-19 J. How much energy in kJ/mole is needed for the dissociation of one mole of oxygen into normal
atoms in ground state? [Ans. 498kJ/mole]
37. What is the maximum wavelength of the X-ray photon which will eject by ionization the 3s electron of
Argon with ionization potential 29.24 eV? [Ans. 423 Å]
38. A certain laser transition emits 6.37 x 1015 quanta per second per square metre. Calculate the power out put
in joule per square metre per second. [ λ = 632.8 nm]. [Ans. 2 x 10-3 J m-2 s-1]
39. The radius of first Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom is 0.529 Å. Calculate the radii of (a) the third orbit of
the He+ ion and (b) the second orbit of the Li2+ ion. [Ans. (a) 2.38 Å, (b) 0.705 Å]
40. A photon having a wavelength 845 Å causes the ionization of nitrogen atom. Given the ionization energy per
mole of nitrogen in kilo joules. [Ans. 1401 kj/mole]
41. The reaction between H2 and Br2 to form HBr in presence of light is initiated by the photodecomposition of
Br2 into bromine free radicals by absorption of light. The bond dissociation energy of Br2 is 192 kJ/mole.
What is the longest wavelength of the photon that would initiate the reaction?
[Ans. 6232 Å]
42. The series limit for the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum occurs at 3664 Å. Calculate (a) ionization
energy of hydrogen atom (b) wavelength of the photon that would remove the electron in the ground state of the
hydrogen atom. [Ans. (a) 21.792 x 10-12 ergs, (b) 916 Å]
43. Calculate the wavelength of the light radiation that would be emitted when an electron in the 4th Bohr orbit
of He+ ion falls to the 2nd Bohr orbit. To what transition does this light radiation would correspond in the
hydrogen atom. The electron energy in the Bohr orbit of hydrogen like ions is given by
E n = 21.7 x l0 -19 Z 2 /n 2 joule where Z is the atomic number of the hydrogen like ions, n is number of Bohr
orbit. Planck constant h = 6.624 x 10-34 joule sec and velocity of light is 3 x 108 m/sec.
[Ans. 1216 Å, n = 2 to n = 1]
44. Given that the Rydberg constant RH= 109670 cm . Calculate the value of the longest wavelength line in the

lymen series of hydrogen spectrum. [Ans. 1216 Å]

45. Calculate the frequency and wavelength of the radiation for which the photon energy 5 eV. What will be the energy in
joules per mole of the photons?
[Ans. υ = 1.209 x 1015 S-1, λ = 24813 Å, E = 4.826 x 105 joule/mole]
46. The Rydberg constants for the Hydrogen and Helium are respectively in the ratio;
[1+ m/mp]-1, [1+ m/mHe]-1 Where m is mass of electron, Mp is mass of proton and MHe is mass of helium.
Calculate the value of Rydberg constant RHe. Given RH= 109670 cm-1. Assume standard values of m, Mp
and MHe. [Ans. 109714.7 cm-1]
47 The ionization energy of He+ is 19.6 x 10-12 J/atom calculate the energy of the first stationary state of Li2+
[Ans. 44.1 x 10-12 J/atom]
48. (a) Write down the electronic configuration of Cr2+ and Mn4+, give number of unpaired electrons present in
each case.
(b) Write down the electronic configuration of Cu+ ion.
49. (a) Write down quantum number of all electrons present in outermost orbit of Ar.
(b) A neutral atom of an element has two K, eight L, nine M and two N electrons. Write down the
electronic configuration of the element and find: (i) Total no. of s- electrons, (ii) Total no. of d-
50. (a) With the help of ground state electronic configuration of the elements 24Cr, 21Sc, 7N. Deduce the
possible values of all the four quantum numbers for the 19th electron of Cr, 21st electron of Sc and p
electron of N.
(b) Give the electronic configuration of elements with atomic number 12, 26, 30. In each case give the
oxidation state.
51. (a) Give the electronic configuration of the elements with atomic number 24 and 31 and on the baisic of
electronic configuration indicate the group of periodic table to which each element belongs.
(b) Assume that the nucleus of the fluorine atom is a sphere with a radius of 5x10-18cm. Calculate the
density of matter in the fluorine nucleus (P = 19). [Ans. 5.7 x 1028 g/cc]

52. A base ball of mass 200 gm moving with velocity of 3 x 103 cm sec-1. If we can locate the base ball with an
error equal to magnitude to the wavelength of the light used (5000 Å), how will the uncertainty in
momentum be compared with the total momentum of the baseball? [Ans. Δp / p = 1.758 x 10 -29]
53. Allowing 0.1% error in measurement of velocity of a dust particle having mass equal to 10-11 g, diameter
equal to l0-4cm and moving with a velocity of 10-4 cm/sec, calculate uncertainty in its position. Comment on
the result. [Ans. 5.275x10-10 cm]
54. Wavelength of the Ka characteristic X-ray of iron and potassium are 1.931 x 10-8 and 3.737 x 10-8 cm
respectively. What is the atomic number and name of the element for which characteristic ka wavelength
is 2.289 x 10-8 cm? At. no. of K = 19, and Fe = 26; Velocity of light = 3 x 1010 cm/sec.
[Ans. 24, Chromium] ,
55. Energy in Bohr's orbit is given to be equal to –A/n2. Where A = 2.179 x 10-18 J. Calculate the n
frequency of the radiation and also find out the wave number when the electron moves from the
3rd orbit to the second orbit. [Ans. 4.57 x 1014 Hz, 1.52 x 106 m-1]
56. Calculate de Broglie wavelength associated with an alpha-particle having an energy of 7.7 x 10-13 J and a
mass of 6.6 x 10-24 gm. [h = 6.6xl0-34js]. [Ans. 6.56 x 10-13 cm]
57. An electron has mass (9.1 x 10-28 g) and is moving with velocity of 105 cm/sec. Calculate its kinetic energy
and wavelength when (h = 6.625 x 10-27 erg sec) [Ans. 4.55 x 10-18 ergs; λ = 7.28 x 10-5 cm]
58. Calculate the uncertainty in the velocity of an electron if uncertainty in its position is 1Å (10-10m). Mass
of an electron is 9.1 x 10-31 kg and h = 6-6 x 10-34 kg m2-sec-1 [Ans. 5.76 x 105 m/sec]
59. Calculate the velocity of the electron ejected from platinum surface when radiation of wavelength
200 nm falls on it. The work function or threshold energy of Pt is 5 eV; mass of electron is 9.1 x 10-31 kg, h
= 6.626 x l0-34Js and 1 eV= 1.602 x l0-19 joule. [Ans. 6.5 x 105 m/sec] '
60. Voltage required to stop the ejection of electrons from Cu plate is 0.24 eV; when radiation of wavelength
253.7 nm strikes the plate. Calculate the work function when 1J = 6.24 x l018eV. [Ans. 4.65 eV]
61. Bond energies of F2 and Cl2 are 150.6 and 238.91 KJ per mole respectively. Calculate the frequencies of the
photons required to break the bonds of the above molecules. [Ans. 3.776 x 1014; 5.99 x 1014]
62. The dissociation energy of H2 is 430.53 kJ/mole. If H2 is dissociated by illumination with radiation of
wavelength 253.7 nm. What percentage of radiant energy will be converted into kinetic energy?
[Ans. 8.7%]
63. Using the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle; calculate the uncertainty in velocity of an electron if
uncertainty in position Δx is 10-11 m. Given h = 6.6 x 10-34 kg m2s-1 and mass m of electron is 9.1 x 10-31 kg.
[Ans. 5.79xl06 m/sec]
64. Calculate the maximum velocity of electron emitted from the surface of sodium metal if the protons of
wavelength 200 nm strike it. The work function for the metal is 6.95 x 10-12 ergs. Mass of electron is
9.11 x 10-31 kg. [Ans. 8.105 x 105 m/sec]
65. What is energy in ergs required to shift the electron of the H-atom from the first Bohr orbit to 5th Bohr
orbit. Ground state energy of electron is - 2.17 x 10-11 ergs. [Ans. 2.08 x 10-11 ergs]
66. Calculate the energy emitted when electrons of 1.0 gm atom of hydrogen undergoes transition giving the
spectral line of lowest energy in the visible region of its atomic spectrum. RH = l.l x l07m-1, c = 3 x l08 ms-1
h = 6.62 x 10-34js. [Ans. 182.656 kj/mole]
67. What transition in the hydrogen spectrum would have the same wavelength as the Balmer transition, n = 4
to n = 2 of He+ spectrum? [Ans. n = 2 to n = l]
68. Estimate the difference in energy between 1st and 2nd Bohr orbit for hydrogen atom. At what minimum
atomic number, a transition from n = 2 to n = 1 energy level would result in the emission of X-ray with
λ = 3 x 10-8 m? Which hydrogen atom like species does this atomic number corresponds to?
[Ans. 1.63 x 10-11 ergs, Z = 2, He]
69. An electron is moving with wavelength 590 nm; calculate potential with which electron is accelerated.
[Ans. 2.11 volt]
70. A proton is accelerated with potential of 35 volt, calculate its wavelength. Calculate wavelength of electron
when accelerated with same potential. [Ans. 4.959 x 10-2 Å; 2.075 Å]
71. Dissociation energy of X2 is 103.2 kcal/mole. If the sample is exposed to a radiation of wavelength 2537 Å
then calculate the kinetic energy of dissociation species. [Ans. 6.645 x 10-13 ergs]

72. An proton has wavelength 1Å. Calculate the potential with which the electron is accelerated.
[Ans. 0.0826 volt]
73. How many chlorine atoms can you ionize in the process Cl Cl+ + e, by the energy liberated from
the following process: Cl + e Cl for 6 x 10 atoms. Given electron affinity of chlorine is 3.61
- 23

eV and ionization energy of chlorine is 17.422 eV. [Ans. 1.24 x 1023 atoms]
74. Calculate the number of waves in third Bohr orbital of hydrogen. [Ans. 3]
75. You are given a sample consists of florine and chlorine atom. Removal of an electron from each atom of
the assembly requires 284 kJ energy and addition of an electron to each of the sample release a total of
68.8 kJ. How many atoms of each kind are there in original sample? Given IE (Cl) = 12.967 eV,
IE (F) = 17.422 eV EA (F) = 3.45 eV, EA (Cl) = 3.61 eV [Ans. 4.58 x 1022 F, 7.5 x 1022 Cl ]
76. Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted, producing a line in Lyman series when an electron falls from
fourth stationory state in hydrogen atom. [Ans. RH = 1.1 x 107 m-1]
77. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of the atom is equal to 24.6 eV. Find the energy
required to remove both electrons from the atom. [Ans. 79 eV]
78. What hydrogen like ions the wavelength difference between the first lines of the Lyman and Balmer series
equal to 59.3 nm? [Ans. Z = 3, Li+2]
79. What lines of atomic hydrogen absorption spectrum fall within the wavelength ranges from 94.5 to 130.0
nm? [Ans. 97.3, 102.6, 121.6 nm]
80. What element has a hydrogen like spectrum whose lines have wavelengths four times shorter than those of
atomic hydrogen? [Ans. He+]
81. A certain line of the Lyman series of Hydrogen and a certain line of Balmer series of He+ ion have nearly
same wavelength. To what transition they belong? Small differences between their Rydberg constants may be
82. You are given Avogadro number (N0) of Cl atoms. If half of the atoms of (Cl) transfer one electron to the
other half of (Cl) atoms, 409 kJ must be added. If all the Cl- ions are subsequently converted to Cl+ ions, an
additional 733 kJ must be added. Find out ionization potential and electron affinity of (Cl).
[Ans. IP = 11.87 eV, EA = 3.38 eV]
83. He atom can be excited to 1s1 2p1 configuration by the light of 58.44 nm. The lowest excited state 1s1, 2s1
lies4857 cm-1 below 2s1 2p1 state. What would be He−H bond energy have to be in order that He H2 could be
formed non endothermically (ΔH = 0) from the lowest excited single state of He.
Take ΔH, (H) = 218 kJ/mole [Ans. 1212.8 kj]
84. Hydrogen atoms are excited from ground state. Its spectrum contains wave length 486 nm. Find what
transition does the line correspond to also find from this information what other wavelengths will be present
in the spectrum? [Ans. 4 2; 2084 Å]
85. Find the wavelength of the first line of He+ ion spectral series whose interval between extreme
lines is [1/λ1- 1/λ2 = 2.7451 x 104 cm-1 ].
86. A hydrogen like atom is excited from ground state of a higher excited state, after excitation, source is
removed. The species is found to emit radiation of several wavelengths. The lower wavelength recorded is
243Å and other recorded includes 304Å and 1642Å.
(a) Find atomic species.
(b)How many total spectral lines were observed? Also find all the other wavelengths.
87. Calculate the wave number for the shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen.
Photoelectric effect problems:
88. When a certain metal was irradiated with a light of frequency of 3.2x1016 Hz, the photoelectrons emitted
had twice the K.E. as did photoelectrons emitted when the same metal was irradiated with light of
frequency 2.0 x1016Hz. Calculate threshold frequency.
89. The energy required to remove an electron from a metal x is 3.31x10–20 j, calculate the maximum
wavelength of light that can eject an electron from the metal x.
90. The minimum amount of energy necessary to overcome the attractive forces between the electron and the
surface of silver metal is 7.52x10–19J. What will be the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected from
silver metal which is being irradiated with UV light having a wavelength of 360Å.

91. Calculate the kinetic energy of an e emitted from a surface of potassium metal by light of wavelength
5.5x10–8cm if work function for potassium is 3.62x10–12 erg.
92. For silver metal threshold frequency is .13x1017.what is the maximum K.E. of photoelectrons produced by
UV light of wavelength 15.0 Å.
93. In a photoelectric effect experiment, irradiation of a metal with light of frequency 2.0x1016Hz yield
electrons with a maximum K.E. of 7.5x10–18J. Calculate υ0 of the metal.
94. Calculate the kinetic energy of an e emitted from a surface of metal by light of frequency 3.0x1015Hz if
threshold frequency of metal surface is 1.0x1015 Hz.
95. When light with a wavelength of 400nm falls on the surface of sodium, electrons with a kinetic energy of
1.05x105J/mol are emitted.
A) What is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from sodium?
B) What is the maximum wavelength of light that will cause a photoelectrons to be emitted?
96. The critical wavelength υ0 producing the photoelectric effect in tungsten is 2600 Å
A) What is the energy of a quantum at this wavelength in J & in eV.
B) What wavelength would be necessary to produce photoelectrons from tungsten having twice the K.E.
of those produced at 2200 Å .
97. For calcium Work function is equal to 4.34x10–19J what is the minimum frequency of light for the
photoelectric effect in calcium.
98. For Mg Work function is equal to 5.90x10–19J what is the minimum frequency of light for the
photoelectric effect in Mg.
99. Calculate the kinetic energy of an e emitted from a surface of Calcium metal by light of wavelength 345
Å if threshold energy of metal surface is 4.34x10–19 J.

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