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Have you ever thought of a world without using plastic?

Can you live throughout the day

without using it? Have you ever really thought about recycling plastic? Your initial
thought would be “no”, right? Well you’re not the only one. I too find it convenient to use
plastic all the time but have you ever wondered where do these go after you dump it in
the trash? I never thought about it hardly before, but as I watched the film, a change of
perspective urged me to reassess these choices I make in my everyday life.
Plastics are made from oil, synthetic polymers and various chemicals to form its
structure efficient for use. Plastic pollution is often caused by the improper garbage
disposal thus, carrying plastics in our oceans through wind, flood and rain. 8 million tons
of plastic get into our ocean and as have mentioned earlier, it is made up of several
chemicals. Other than the fact that it accumulates in the ocean that creates an
inappropriate habitat for marine life, it could also be harmful to us as we consume fishes
in our food.
What struck me the most was how painful it is to see fishes with our garbage inside
them. This was one of the scenes in the film that affected me the most because the sea
creatures have not harmed us in any way. However, we humans, often forget or
disregard the other beings that live among us. Our ecosystem correlates with one
another, and instead of uniting to form a better environment, we are only distorting the
image that was suitable for all living creatures. Hence, I believe that we must take action
to prevent worse case scenarios that may happen in our world someday.
For the business and industry, it is advisable to use substitute materials in replace of
plastic as packaging for foods, clothes, and other goods. A lot of researchers are
developing bioplastics to replace the plastic we use now and I think that this may be one
of the ways that will save our environment from further damage caused by plastic
The government would be able to play an important role in preventing plastic pollution.
Since the government controls the community, it would greatly affect the progress of
this advocacy. Some ways I could suggest for the government is the use of drainage
nets in canals and creeks to avoid garbage from entering the ocean. This had been
used in western Australia and I had been thinking that this could also be a way for us to
prevent more litter in our oceans.
In relation to the suggestions mention, I think it is also our responsibility to think of the
consequences of using plastic and not disposing them properly. As much as possible,
we must refrain from using it. We can use eco bags when we grocery shop, bring our
own water bottle instead of buying water in plastic, and encourage people for them to
become aware in what’s happening in our environment. In these little ways, we are able
to make a change and participate in the betterment of our environment.

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