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Nam Nguyen - Y9B


Hitler is an Austrian-born German Politician. He

was a dictator from 1933-1945 (his death). He
was known as the Fuhrer, he was the leader of
Nazi Party and helped it rose into power

Nazis (Nazimus) 1919-1945:
Hitler Idea of Ideology was to annihilate all enimies and
reject all basic human rights. He also believed a person
personality, role are determined by her, his make up
race. No one can overpass this, it is passed from
generation to generation and it is rooted in biological
inheritance. This lead to stereotypes. He also believed
that superior races have the right and the obligation to
exterminate inferior ones. This lead to him genocide of
the Jews. BUT, in 23th August 1939, right before WW2.
Nazis made a deal with Soviets Union, Signing the
German-Soviets Nonaggression Pact. As to not fight,
make war between the two country for the next 10 years.
This pact broke in 1941 when Nazi attacked Soviets. This
action has broke Nazis own Ideology

Nazis Germany emphasized individual
dedication and loyalty to the all-powerful
leader. Hitler was known as the Fuhrer. He
was the leader of Nazism which is a
movement containing 3000 members. They
recognize its dictator (Hitler) as the one and
only inspiration sources which explain why
they follow Hitler Cult of personality


Hitler expressed his power through many things
including fear, repression, terror. Through his ideology, He
has put many things into action. What I meant is that, he
has genocide of Jews. Saying they are the inferior races
and killed them and all the other racial threats. Hitler also
suspended individual rights and taking them away
During that time, Nazis also had control over the police.
They helped him to arrest the political opponents.
Making people fear him. Another thing he did to make
Germany and the World afraid of Nazis was the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia showing the world he has many
soldiers/police in his command doing what ever he


Hitler changed his position to become a political worker
in May 1919. He was in charge of making Propaganda
and the Media. He has created many propaganda about
Antisemitism, Anti Jewish, Euthanasia, Ideal Motherhood,
and much more. This is to express his opinion about stuff
and making his people to believe in the propaganda.
About Censorship, as Nazis came into power in 1933.
They took away freedom of speech and freedom of
press. Nazis destroyed the German Democracy and its
civil right. Then, in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the Nazi
Government or even telling a joke about Hitler. Those
things were considered treachery. Citizens in Germany
could not say or write their opinion freely.

Nazis has done many things to control the economy.
They created many economic policies. They banned
trade unions and freezes worker wages rates making life
difficult for citizen. This helped their business and
economy back up into their feet since they lost a lot
during the WW1. Another thing was Weimar Republic's
policies of state investment. They spend government
money to invest in companies and business to expand
income and demand for goods, lifting Germany out of
economic crisis. After that, Nazi slowly take control of the

Germany under Hitler was an Totalitarian state since the
exploitation of fear, the use of propaganda and ideology of
Nazism. It was a very successful and strong state (I could barely
found any evidence against this ideology and all of this
features. It took Soviets and USA to take down this state
meaning it is very strong. Hitler wanted to annihilate all enemies
and some part, he actually did. An example was the Genocide
of Jews, making propaganda about anti-Jews and even more.
Nazism has support from other country not only Germany
meaning it influenced many part of the world. After you have
read this infographic. I hope you have understand more about
Germany under Hitler.


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