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E: \. 8, Express as sum or difference, 2 sin 59 Ex 4. Iftan A= 4 and tan B= 4, then tan(2A + B) is sin 39, cal 2 3 Sol. 2 sin 50 sin 36 = c0s(50 — 36) ~ cos(sg %) (@) 1 (6) 2 3 @ 4 = cos 20 ~ cos 86 INCERT Fyemplar] Ex. 9, Express €08 31° ~ c0S 71° a a produce, Sol. (©), — _tan 2A + tan B 31+ 71° Te 31° | (©), as tan (2A + B) tan 2A: tan B Sol, 2 sin a ae sin Fy. 10. Find the value of cos 25° 35’ cos 34° 25' f Sol. c0s(25° 35" + 34° 25") = cos 60° 2 Ex. Il, Find the value of 2” 69° + tan 66° T— tan 69° tan 66°" Sol. tan(69° + 66°) = tan 135° = tan(180° ~ 45°) = tan 450 Ex. 12. Prove that, PA. S. The value of tan 132 Wis sin(n + 1)x sim(n + 2)x + eosin + 1)x cosy tm Sol (@), Consider, tan 122 = tan(s-+ 2) = an & = cos x INcEay emi ance is) Sol, LHS =cos(n + Ix cos(n+2)e+ sinin+ Isis, = tan 60°~tan 45° _ 3-1 eo) © T+ tan 60° tan 45° ~ 4, 7p = cos(nx + 2x ~ nx — x) = cos x= RHS = OE-DVF=1)_341-2Vy PSS. Write the value of, sin 78°. incr 2014, 21 (W34+N03-) 3-1 Sol. sin 75° = sin(30° + 45°) 2 2020) 1. in 30° cos 45° + cos 30° sin 45° Ex. = a x. 6. cli s)en( ~y)-sin(§ ~»)sin( 2 -2) (@) singe ~y) ©) cose +y) Ex M4. Write the value of, tan ©, (oa) (©) cos(x— yy (@) singx + y) Sol. (a), -e5(3-2) cos(—») -sin(% — sin = cos{F- e+ »} ix + y) Ex. 7. Find the value of sin 15°, Sol. sin 15 = sin(45° - 30°) ©s:1S. If tan (A+B) =m and tan (A-B) =, show tht = sin 45° cos 30° - cos 45° sin 30° tan 2B = =n fae oh 1+mn F272 Sol. tan 2B = tan((A +B) -(A-B)} _& Be — tan(A+B)-tan(A-B) 4 T+tan(A+B)tan(A-B) I+me Very Short (Objective Type) / Short Answer Type 245° Ex. 2. The value of 1='88 15° jg Ea. 1. I tan 6 = 2 and tan 6 = } then the value of 14 tans a Seon @ 1 Oo oF @2 i ~ OE (b) (0 @) ; {NCERT Exemplar] tan A B 1~tan?@ Sol. (d), we know tan(A + B) = 20 A+ tan B_ Sol. (c), we know cos 20 = ———— ‘ mA*B) = Tran A tan B 7 se tan'@ 1 = tan715° 5 tan 0 +tano So, ———— =cos 2 x 15' So tan(8 + 6) = ———_—__ 215° n® +o) = Te tang 1+ tan"l5 3 =cos 30° = zz = tan(@ + 4)= Ex. 3. The value of sin (45° + @) — cos (45° — 6) is (a) 2 cos® (6) 2 sin 8 @1 (@) 0 [NCERT Exemplar] Sol. (d), sin (45° + 8) — cos (45° - 0) = sin (45° + 0) — [sin (90° — (45° — @)}] = sin (45° + 6) — sin(45° + 8) = 0 PRACTICE QUESTIONS Very Short (Objective Type) / Short Answer Type : -15n 1. The value of tan 1° tan 2° tan 3°. tan 89° is 6. Find the value of cor( 15), fe ®1 7. Find the value of cos 210°. © z (d) not defined 8. Find the value of tan(-1125°). [DoE] INCERT Exemplar} 50 2. tan 9= 3 and 6 lies in the third quadrant, testy” Find the wae of in 5. value of sin @ is 10. Prove that tan 225° . cot 405° + tan 765° . cot 675° = 0. 1 (@) = 6) -—L vio ®—-— 11. Prove that 2 sin? 3 4.2 cos? + 2s0c* 5 =10 3 © a NCERT| Vio @ 7 a INCERT Exemplar] Long Answer | / Long Answer Il Type 3 , tan (= + 6) is equal to (a) -tan 0 (b) tan® = (c) cot @ (d) -cot® - Range of secant function is R - (-1, 1), State true or [2 Find x from the equation: cosec(90° + A) + x cos A om cot(90° + A) = sin(90° + A). tan(90° — @)sec(180° — 8)sin(- 8) 12. simplify ——-—_—_______——-. Simplify sin(180° + @) cot(360° — 0)cosec(90° — 0) + 5. Find the value of sin( =U ). 14. Prove that Si 225° — cos 120° _(3_ 9/2) sin 225° + cos 120° . Ex. 3, Perlod of cosecent funetion is Ex. 10. Prove cos 24° + c08 SS* + cO8 125° + cos 294 (@) 2x Or cos 300°= 3, i of @% Sol. LHS = c0s 24° + c0s 55° + cos (180° ~ 552) Sol. (a) 2x +608 (180° + 24°) + cos (360° — 6, tangent function is negative in 008 24° + cas 55° —¢08 55° — cos 24° + c04 4 (@) Ist and 2nd quadrant = RHS (6) 2nd and 4th quadrant (©) 3rd and 4th quadrant Ex. Il. Find the value of sin 64 x, (@ 4th and Ist quadrant Sol. sin 64 = sin (64 n + 0) = sin0=0 Sol. (b) Ex. 4, Long Ai 1/ Long Answer II Ty - Write sin(180° ~ 6) in terms of 8. oe oe Sol. Step 1: 180° = 2 x 90°, even multiple of 90°, x 12. Find the value of2 sin? 3E +3 os? 32 tag? 3n T-ratio remains same and we write age pga en atdl Step 2: sin(180° - 8) = (sign to be attached) sin @ Sol. Consider, 2 sin? + 3 cos? op 72 tan? = (i Now 180° - 0 € 2nd quadrant, ou sin 7. oe ee «sine is positive = sin 45° = *. from (i) 2 Step 3: a ae cos * cos 135° = cos(180° ~ 45°) Ex. 6. Write tan(270° + 6) in terms of 8. =~ cos 45° =~ + Sol. Step 1: 270° = 3 x 90°, odd multiple 2 tan changes to cot and we write tan 3% = tan 135° = tan(180° — 45°) Step 2: tan(270° + 0) = (sign to be attached) cot 8 * . A) tan 45° =-1 ‘Now270°+0 e 4th quadrantandtan is negative. (0, we get from () 2sin?3® + 3 cos? 3 — 2tan? 3% Step 3: tan(270° + 0) =~ cot 0 4 i) a , tan(270° + @) cot 6 Fx.7. Find the vatue of tan 29, [Dok} Sol. tan12F ~ tan( n+ = tan(3x2n4+2 = tan( 320+ a] tnt = V3 (+ tanQnn +x) = tan x) Ex. 8. Find the value of cosee( "). Sol. cosee(—I2®) = — cosee 98 sec?(90° + 6) tan(~ 0) sin(270° + 6) [+ cosec (- 6) = ~ cosee 8] Sor, _€8in 8) (Cos 8) (cot 8) ae cosee( 6x fl ) cosec” @ (— tan 6) (~ cos 8) Ex. 14. Find the value of sin @ cos? 6. — x2n+% cosec(3«2n+ 2) pn (F+A)eosax +a[ont( + cot (2+ 4] =~ cosec% = 2 3 8 Sol. cos(F +A) coscans afer 5 Prove cos 570° sin 510° + sin(-330°) cos(—390°) = 0. 2 2 cos 570° . sin 510° + sin(—-330°) . cos(-390°) = cos(360° + 210°) . sin(360° + 150°) : sina | cosA ~ sin(360® ~ 30°) cos(360° + 30°) =sinA. cos A [$2 5+ eA ‘cos 210° sin 150° + sin 30° cos 30° “ . 03(180° + 30*)..sin(180° -30°) + sin30°. cos 30° nA +0087 — cos 30° . sin 30° + sin 30°. cos 30° = 0 sin A cos A. =sin A. cos A [tan A + cot A] = sin cos

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