HW Thesis Analysis

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M.Ed. Irma Ruth Mendoza Rosales II-08-07-2019

FPM2402.14 Qualitative Investigation Methodology Value 10%

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Due date: Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Name: Ivonne Alessandra Motiño Cáceres Reg. No. 1806-1997-02459

Appraise a qualitative research through answering a questionnaire individually.
Instructions: Answer the questions, providing specific information grounded on
the thesis of phenomenological approach, which it if found in the platform.
I. Introduction

1. What does this study seek?

Seeks to explore how students experience and understand the university
presidency at two small, public, Midwestern universities.

2. What are the two stakeholders that were chosen by the researcher as part of
the study sample?
Students and university presidents.

3. List the six shared predicaments that the global community has inherited?
Warring conflicts
Human rights violations
Environmental degradation
Implications with public health and economic instability.

4. Briefly state what is the purpose of the students and the university
presidents in higher education.
Students are the direct consumers of this educational effort and university
presidents are charged with leading the success

5. What is the approach or type of design utilized in this study?

A phenomenological approach

6. What is the platform for the emergence of this study?

The lived experiences of students who interact with the presidency.
7. According to (Fisher & Kock, 1996) what is the role of the presidents?
To facilitate organizational decisions and are, by position of authority, held
ultimately accountable for their ability to manage relationships with their
constituent groups.

II. Statement of the Problem

8. What are the two questions of the statement of problem?

How do students experience and understand the university presidency?
How does interaction with a president shape student meaning of the college

9. Read through the statement of problem and state whether or not, the
researcher states as a problematic situation the existence of previous
studies on the university presidency.

Students think about their professors and their schools, research relating
specifically to how they make meaning of the university presidency does not

III. Purpose of the Study

10. What is the foundation of the study?

Investigating how students perceive the presidency

11. What is the purpose of the research?

To explore how students involved with extracurricular activities at two small,
public, Midwestern universities experience and understand the university

12. What does Bassey (2002) suggest about the purpose of research?
He suggests “the purpose of research is trying to make a claim to
knowledge, or wisdom, based on systematic, creative and critical enquiry”

IV. Research Questions

13. What are the factors that drive organizational success?

Enrollment, academic performance, and student perception.

14. Establish the two requirements that (Creswell 2007) states about the
research questions.
- Central study questions are presented within the parameter of a chosen
research tradition followed by a minimal number of subsequent queries
designed to further align the focus of the study.
- The phrasing of questions is purposefully open-ended utilizing
exploratory verbs and beginning with words such as “what” or “how”.

15. What are the two questions that drive the investigation of this dissertation?
- How do students experience and understand the university
- How does this experience and understanding of the university
presidency inform or shape the college experience for students?

V. Conceptual Framework

1. What does phenomenological research seek?

Phenomenological research seeks to discover how individuals
construct meaning of the human experience

2. What does this diagram represent?

The diagram highlights scholarly studies involving student trends
such as the social networking, and continued parental
involvement throughout the college years. Student expectations
are represented through a descriptive report of research relating
to both academic and personal needs in addition to studies
linking student evaluation of their faculty.

3. What is university according to (Padilla, 2005, p. 247)

“The university is one of the more enduring and complex
enterprises in the long history of human organizations; it thus
provides a useful vehicle through which to study the phenomenon
of leadership in all of its human expressions”

4. The conceptual framework of this research is concentrated on

two types of theoretical pillars and one important aspect. Circle
the pillar and /or aspect that were not part of the framework.

a. Administrative leadership theory

b. Student development theory and leadership theory.
c. Organizational leadership frames
d. Leadership theory is expressed through personality

VI. Rationale and Significance

5. Read the theoretical support that the researcher presents in this

section about the university presidents and students. At the
button of that section, in page 14, is the researcher´s rationale
and significance in his/her own words, specifically what she/he

“Based on this interactivity, I was interested in investigating how

students experience and understand the university presidency. This
perspective may contribute broadly to higher education by further
broadcasting an important view emanating directly from the student
voice. This phenomenon encouraged my further investigation. “

VII. Overview of the Methodology

6. What is qualitative research according to Creswell (1998 p.99)?

Qualitative research is “an inquiry process of understanding based on
distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or
human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture,
analyzes words, reports detailed views of informants, and conducts the
study in a natural setting”

7. Circle the design, type or approach utilized in this qualitative study:

a. Ethnography
b. Case Study
c. Narrative
d. Ground Theory
e. Phenomenological

8. The primary focus of the researcher´s study is:

a. On the way the professors narrate their experience with the university
b. On the way the students uprise (riot) when their rights are violated by
the trustees
c. On the way students experience and understand the university

9. Checklist the series of steps that are prescribed on the

phenomenological reduction presented by Creswell (1998) using letters
to separate them.
a. Describe the lived experience of interest
b. Working then to dissolve preconceived judgments
c. Acknowledging the realities of this consciousness
d. Lastly refusing subject-object dichotomy and accepting reality through
an individual’s experience.

10. In page 16, the researcher explains the process she followed to analyze
the data, utilizing Moustakas (1994) method. Write the process in a
checklist form, the first two are done for you.
a. Bracketing or focusing the researchable interest, ensured my study
design remained methodically connected to the empirical questions.
b. I compiled the stories associated with the lived personal experience
of the participants.
c. Assign equal value to each developing segment of meaning.
d. These ideas defined the essence of the phenomenon by leading me
to focus on my participant’s described experiences through the
consciousness rooted in their self-awareness.
e. Continued analysis of the data rich material occurred through coding
where issue related cluster developments transformed into
experiential themes.

11. What was the subject population criteria or requirements?

Involve up to 16 university students, participants chosen from two
comparably small sized, public, four years, and primarily undergraduate
teaching universities in the Midwest.

12. What are intramural sports? Include the website

Intramural Sports are organized in a way for people of the same
community to be involved in athletic competition with and against each
other, and is separate from the intercollegiate athletic teams that exist at


13. How was the data collected?

Through in-depth face to face interviews designed to explore how
students experience and understand the university presidency.

14. Write the process she utilized to organize the data collected. The first
one is done for you.
a. Field notes and memoing assisted with organization and helped
navigate developing themes.
b. Bracketing and phenomenological reduction ensured my
preconceived judgments were suspended to focus in on the
experiences of the student respondents
c. Two separate phases of coding helped me negotiate data analysis.
d. Delineating the units of meaning first enabled me to begin to
condense verbal and nonverbal communications as I strove to
discover the essence of meaning in the data.
e. Began to extract general and unique ideas from the interviews which
were later condensed into themes.

VIII. The Researcher

1. Read the researcher´s prior experience with the topic of investigation and
then write the most recent position she has held.
As an assistant to the president

2. What´s her dedication as a phenomenological researcher?

To authentically representing the lived experiences of students in
relationship to how they experience and understand the university

3. Checklist the six categorical considerations for the researcher´s self-

disclosure posited by Lutrell (2010)
-Research relationships
-Research questions
-Knowledge frameworks
-Inquiry frameworks and methods
-Validity, and

4. All studies, qualitative or quantitative must fulfill with the evaluation criteria
set by the investigation community, such as validity, credibility,
accountability, reliability, etc. In this section the researcher proves the
authenticity of her dissertation through the support of several entities,
checklist them orderly.
-Discussions and resulting commentary from my advisor
- Dissertation committee members
-Fellow PhD. Students and colleagues in higher education were noted and
compiled for further reflection.

5. In page 19, the researcher states that to strive toward critical thinking and
manage the influence of bias, she embraced regular dialogues with:

a. My dissertation chair (a university president)

b. My direct supervisor
c. Three former colleagues in student services leadership positions
representing a diverse cross-section of institutions

6. What is the goal of the study and state the reasons of the design?
The goal is to provide a rich description of how students experience and
understand the university presidency.

IX. Data analysis process and procedures

7. Skim and scan through the document until you get to page 86, then read
carefully this section and then list the seven steps that guided the
researcher for the data analysis:
1. The researcher thoroughly reads and rereads the transcribed
interviews to identify with the data and to acquire a sense of each
individual and his or her background and experiences.
2. From the transcripts the researcher identifies significant statements
which pertain directly to the proposed phenomenon.
3. The researcher develops interpretive meanings of each of the
significant statements. The researcher rereads the research protocols
to ensure the original description is evident in the interpretive
4. The interpretive meanings are arranged into clusters, which allow
themes to emerge. The researcher seeks validation, avoids repetitive
themes, and notes any discrepancies during this process.
5. The themes are then integrated into an exhaustive description. The
researcher also refers the theme clusters back to the protocols to
substantiate them.
6. The researcher produces a concise statement of the exhaustive
description and provides a fundamental statement of identification also
referred to as the overall essence of the experience.
7. The reduced statement of the exhaustive description is presented to
the study’s participants to verify the conclusions and the development
of the essence statement.

8. Organize the data analysis process the researcher followed grounded on

Hycner (1999), thus:

a. Chronologically bracket the commentary and begin phenomenological

b. The data reduction process began with open coding and interpretive
memoing where I suggested identifying words that best represented
emerging topics that might serve to form categories of meaning.
c. Identified the salient points that developed within the data to further
shape the evolution of core topics.
d. The following phase again required coding and memoing but was more
focused as I justified my evolving analysis through connecting directly to
the data for confirming and revising emerging topics and redirecting
those ideas to meaning units.
e. The final stage required me to think deeply about the evolving categories
and search for alternative understanding prior to converting the emergent
categories into thematic units and using the themes to compose my
descriptive report.

9. Observe carefully Figure 2 in page 94 and then list the variables the
researcher considered in the participants demographics.
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Ratial/ Ethnic Category
d. Academic Class Status
e. Campus Activity/Organization Combined Involvement

X. Participants Narrative

10. Qualitative studies yield the opportunity to interact perfectly closer

with the participants and/or informants of the investigations. The
researcher displays the transcriptions of the in-depth interviews
she held with the interviewees. Your job is to list their names and
then select one to analyze it and then write a summary on how
the information he/she provided is related with the two questions
of the research.

XI. Emerging themes:

11. Transfer Figure 4: Demonstrations of Themes and then briefly

write their importance in the study. She explains them in chapter
V for you to learn more about them.

Value experiencing informal presidential encounters speaks to the

way students experience the university presidency.
Understanding presidential leadership through compassion and
vision, centered on how students understand the presidency.

Meaningful impact from presidential interaction captured the essence

behind how experiencing the university presidency informed or shaped the
college experience for the students.

XII. Recommendations for further research (pages 142-145

12. Fill in the spaces with the information required in each subtitle:
a. Limitation No. 1: As the interactivity between students and presidents
impacts the ever-evolving relationship, not having the presidents’

b. Limitation No. 2: Participants in my study were involved students with,

at minimum, occasional interaction with their university president.

c. Limitation No. 3: The lack of represented diversity in both setting and

sample are limiting factors.

d. Limitation No. 4: My study contributes to learning how students

experience and understand the presidency.

A. List the four areas the researcher suggests for further research
(a) The interactivity between students and presidents through social
(b) Expanding the target population to include a more diverse student
demographic and differing types of organizations
(c) Studying how involved students influence the general student
population and serve as a key communication conduit for presidents to
reach a larger population
(d) Conversely, investigating how university presidents experience and
understand their students.

- Future studies explore the interactivity between students and
presidents through social media.
- Further research expand the target population to include the
noninvolved student perspective, more diverse student
demographics, and differing types of universities.

- Research explore, conversely, how university presidents experience

and understand their students.

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