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- Thank you (the earlier presenter)

- My name is Kieu Cong Tan, the COO of CoffeeOut company.

- Now I am going to show you the process of making decaf coffee.
- Like all the coffee Brand. The process of growing and roasting coffee at CoffeeOut is similar to other the
- But the thing that make us unique is the method of making the decaf coffee, which we call Swiss water.
- This method is divided into 2 phases. First. We make an organic liquid, which we call GCE. Green coffee
Extract. To make this leaker, we soak green coffee bean into hot water. And then we wait for 10 hours for
the coffee bean to release all the caffeine into the water. And at that time, we have the liquid GCE. Then we
take out all the coffee beans and use them for other purposes
- Now. Let's come to phase two. This face we have four steps.
o First, as you can see on the screen, we have the GCE we already made at phase 1.
o In step two, we put this compound through a carbon filter to remove all the caffeine, but the other
substances and the coffee flavor are still preserved.
o And then step three we have caffeine lean GCE, it is mean the GCE without caffeine.
o In step four, we put a new batch of unroasted coffee beans in this caffeine-free compound and soak
them for ten hours so that the beans release all the caffeine into the GCE compound. After that, we
take these beans to dry and pack
o This process keeps repeating. For each such cycle, we have to add 15% more GCE to step 1

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